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Full text of "American pomology. Apples"

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Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1867, by 

At the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States forthe Southern 
District of New York. 


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LovEsoy & Son, 
Electrotypers and Stereotypers, 
15 Vandewater St., N.Y. 

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All patriots may realize a sense of pride, when they 
consider the capabilities of the glorious country in which 
we are favored to live; and while fostering no sectional 
feelings, nor pleading any local interests, yet, as Americans 
and as men, we may be allowed to love our own homes, 
our own neighborhoods, our States and regions; and we 
may be permitted to think them the brightest and best 
portions of the great Republic to which we all belong. 
Therefore the writer asks to be excused for expressing a 
preference for his own favored Worthwest, and while claim- 
ing all praise for this noble expanse, he wishes still to be 
acknowledged as most devotedly an AMERICAN CITIZEN, 
who feels the deepest interest in the prosperity of the 
whole country. 

His fellow-laborers in the extensive field of Horticul- 
ture, who are scattered over the great Northwest, having - 
called upon him for a work on fruits which should be , 
adapted to their wants, the author has for several years 
devoted himself to the task of collecting materials from 
which he is preparing a work upon AmErRican Pomoroey, 
of which this is to be the first volume. | 

The title has been adopted as the most appropriate, be- 
cause the book is intended to be truly American in its 
eharacter, and, though it may be especially adapted to the 
wants of the Western States, great pains have been taken 


to make it a useful companion to the orchardists of all 
portions of our country. 

When examining this volume, his friends are asked to 
look gently upon the many faults they may find, and they 
are requested also to observe the peculiarities by which 
this fruit book is characterized. Much to his regret, the 
author found that. it was considered necessary to the com- 
pleteness of the volume, that the general subject of fruit- 
growing should be treated in detail, and, therefore, intro- 
ductory chapters were prepared; whereas, he had set out 
simply to describe the fruits of our country. To this 
necessity, as it was considered by his friends, the author 
yielded reluctantly, because he felt that this labor had al- 
ready been thoroughly done by his predecessors, whose 
volumes were to be seen in the houses of all intelligent 
fruit-growers. From them he did not wish to borrow 
other men’s ideas and language, and therefore undertook 
to write the whole anew, without any reference to printed 
books. But, of course, it is impossible to be original in 
treating such familiar and hackneyed topics as those which 
are discussed at every meeting of horticulturists all over 
the country, and which form the subject of the familiar 
discourse of the green-house and nursery, the potting-shed 
and the grafting-room, the garden and the orchard. 

After the introductory chapters upon the general or 
leading topics connected with frvit-culture and orcharding, 
the reader will find that especial attention has been paid 
to the classification of the fruits under consideration in 
this volume. Classification is the great need of our po- 
mology, and, indeed, it is almost a new idea to many 
American readers. The author has fully realized the dif: 


ficulties attendant upon the undertaking, but its impor- 
tance, and its growing necessity, were considered sufficient 
to warrant the attempted innovation. It is hoped that 
American students of pomology will appreciate the efforts 
which have been made in their behalf. The formulze which 
have been adopted may not prove to be the best, but it is 
believed that they will render great assistance to those 
who desire to identify fruits; and that, at least, they may 
lead to a more perfect classification in the future. 

On the contrary, with these simple formule, under 
which the fruits are arranged, the student has only to de- 
cide as to which of the sub-divisions his specimen must 
be referred, and then seek among a limited number for the 
description that shall correspond to his fruit, and the iden- 
tification is made out. 

In the systematic descriptions of fruits, the alphabetical 
succession of the names is used in each sub-division. An 
earnest endeavor has been made to be minute in the de- 
tails without becoming prolix. A regular order is adopt- 
ed for considering the several parts, and some new or un- 
usual characters are brought into requisition to aid in the 
identification. Some of these characters appear to have 
been strangely overlooked by previous pomologists, 
though they are believed to be permanent and of consid- 
erable -value in the diagnosis. : 

In deciding upon the selection of the names of fruits, the 
generally recéived rules of our Pomological Societies have 
been departed from in a few instances, where good reasons 
were thought to justify differing from the authorities. 
Thus, when a given name has been generally adopted over 
a large extent of country, though different from that used 


by a previous writer, it has been selected as the title of 
the fruit in this work. 

To avoid incumbering the pages, authorities for the 
nomenclature have not been cited, except in a few in- 
stances, nor have numerous synonyms been introduced. 
Such only as are in common use have been given, and 
those of foreign origin have been dropped. 

The attention of the reader is particularly directed to 
the catalogue of fruits near the close of the volume, which 
also answers as the index to those which are described in 
detail. This portion of the work has cost an immense 
amount of labor and time, and, though making little dis- 
play, will, it is hoped, prove very useful to the orchardist. 
In it the names of fruits are presented in their alphabeti- 
cal order, followed by information as to the average size, 
the origin of the variety, its classification, from which are 
deduced its shape, flavor and modes of coloring; next is 
noted its season, and then its quality. This last character 
is, of course, but the result of private judgment, and the 
estimate may differ widely from that of others; the qual- 
ity, too, it should be remembered, is here intended to be 
the result of a consideration of many properties besides 
that of mere flavor. 

This catalogue will furnish a great deal of information 
respecting the fruits it embraces. Unfortunately, it is not 
so full nor so complete as it should be, but it is offered as 
the result of many years’ observations, and is submitted 
for what it is worth. 

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.—It is but an act of common jus- 
tice for an author to acknowledge his indebtedness to those 
who have aided him in his labors, especially where, from 



the nature of the investigations, so much material has to 
be drawn from extrinsic sources. Upon the present occa- 
sion, instead of an extended parade of references to the 
productions of other writers, which might be looked upon 
as rather pedantic, it is preferred to make a general 
acknowledgment of the important assistance derived from 
many pomological authors of our own country and of 
Europe. Quotations are credited on the pages where they 

But the writer is also under great obligations to a host 
of co-laborers for the assistance they have kindly rendered 
him in the collecting, and in the examination and identifi- 
cation of fruits. Such friends he has happily found wher- 
ever he has turned in the pursuit of these investigations, 
and there are others whom it has never been his good for- . 
tune to meet face to face. To name them all would be 
impossible. The contemplation of their favors sadly re- 
calls memories of the departed, but it also revives pleasant 
associations of the bright spirits that are still usefully en- 
gaged in the numerous pomological and horticultural asso- 
ciations of our country, which have become important 
agencies in the diffusion of valuable information in this 
branch of study. 

To all of his kind friends the author returns his sincere 

With a feeling of hesitation in coming before the pub- 
lic, but satisfied that he has made a contribution to the 
fund of human knowledge, this volume is presented to the 
Horticulturists of our country, for whom it was prepared 
by their friend and fellow-laborer, 

Aston, January 1, 1867. JNO. A. WARDER. 

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Few persons have any idea of the great value and im- 
portance of the products of our orchards and fruit-gardens. 
These are generally considered the small things of agri- 
culture, and are overlooked by all but the statist, whose 
business it is to deal with these minutiz, to hunt them up, 
to collocate them, and when he combines these various de- 
tails and produces the sum total, we are all astonished at 

the result. 


Ovr government wisely provides for the gathering of 
statistics at intervals of ten years, and some of the States 
also take an account of stock and production at interme- 
diate periods, some of them, like Ohio, have a permanent 
statician who reports annually to the Governor of the 

Our Boards of Trade publish the amounts of the lead- 
ing articles that arrive at and depart from the principal 
cities, and thus they furnish us much additional informa- 
tion of value. Besides this, the county assessors are 
sometimes directed to collect statistics upon certain points 
of interest, and now that we all contribute toward the ex- 
tinction of the national debt, the United States Assessors 
in the several districts are put in possession of data, which 
should be very correct, in regard to certain productions 
that are specified by act of Congress as liable to taxation. 
By these several means we may have an opportunity of 
learning from time to time what are the productions of 
the country, and their aggregate amounts are surprising 
to most of us. When they relate to our special interests, 
they are often very encouraging. This is particularly the 
case with those persons who have yielded to the popular 
prejudice that cotton was the main agricultural production 
of the United States; to such it will be satisfactory to 
learn that the crop of corn, as reported in the last census, 
is of nearly equal value, at the usual market prices of each 
article. Fruit-growers will be encouraged to find that the 
value of orchard products, according to the same returns, 
was nearly twenty millions, that of Ohio being nearly one 
million; of New York, nearly three and three-quarters 
millions; that the wine crop of the United States, an in- 


terest that is still in its infancy, amounted to nearly three 
and one-quarter‘millions; and that the valuation of mar- 
ket-garden products sums up to more than sixteen millions 
of dollars’ worth. It is to be regretted that for our present 
purpose, the data are not sufficiently distinct to enable us 
to ascertain the relative value of the productions of our 
orchards of apples, pears, peaches, quinces, and the amount 
and value of the small fruits, as they are termed, since 
these are variously grouped in the returns of the census 
takers, and cannot now be separated. Of their great 
value, however, we may draw our conclusions from sep- 
arate records that have been kept and reported by indi- 
viduals, who assert the products of vineyards in some 
cases to have been as high as three thousand dollars per 
acre; of strawberries, at one thousand dollars; of pears, 
at one hundred dollars per tree, which would be four 
thousand dollars per acre; of apples, at twenty-five bush- 
els per tree, or one thousand bushels per acre, which, at 
fifty cents per bushel, would produce five hundred dollars. 

But, leaving this matter of dollars and cents, who will 
portray for us the delights incident to fruit-culture ? They 
are of a quiet nature, though solid and enduring. They 
carry us back to the early days of the history of our race, 
when “the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden 
.+.... and out of the ground made the Lord God to grow 
every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for 
food. 2% . and the Lord God took the man and put him 
into the garden of Eden, to dress it and to keep it.” We 
are left to infer that this dressing and keeping of the gar- 
den was but a light and pleasant occupation, unattended 
with toil and trouble, and that in their natural condition 


the trees and plants, unaided by culture, yielded food for 
man. ‘Those were paradisean times, the days of early in- 
nocence, when man, created in the image of his Maker, 
was still obedient to the divine commands; but, after the 
great transgression, everything was altered, the very 
ground was cursed, “thorns and thistles shall it bring 
forth to thee, and thou shalt eat of the herb of the field. 
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread.” 
that day to the present hour it has been the lot of man to 


struggle with difficulties in the cultivation of the soil, and 
he has been driven to the necessity of constant watchful- 
ness and care to preserve and to improve the various 
fruits of the earth upon which he subsists. In the tropics, 
it is true, there are many vegetable productions which 
are adapted for human food, even in a state of nature, and 
there we find less necessity for the effort of ingenuity and 
the application of thought and labor to produce a subsist- 
ence. Amid these productive plants of nature, the na- 
tives of such regions lead an idle life, and seldom rise 
above a low scale of advancement ; but in the temperate 
regions of the globe, where the unceasing effort of the 
inhabitants is required to procure their daily food, we find 
the greatest development of human energies and ingenui- 
ty—there man thinks, and works; there, indeed, he is 
forced to improve the natural productions of the earth— 
and there we shall find him progressing. As with every- 
thing else, so it is with fruits, some of which were natur- 
ally indifferent or even inedible, until subjected to the 
meliorating influences of high culture, of selection, and 
of improvement. Here we find our plants of culture, 
which so well repay the labor and skill bestowed upon them. 


In the early periods of the history of our race, while 
men were nomadic and wandered from place to place, 
little attention was paid to any department of agricultural 
improvement, and still less care was bestowed upon hor- 
ticulture. Indeed, it can searcely be supposed that, un- 
der such conditions, either branch of the art could have 
existed, any more than they are now found among the 
wandering hordes of Tartars on the steppes of Asia. So 
soon, however, as men began to take possession of the 
soil by a more permanent tenure, agriculture and horticul- 
ture also, attracted their chief attention, and were soon 
developed into arts of life. With advancing civilization, 
this has been successively more and more the case; the 
producing art being obliged to keep pace with the in- 
creased number of consumers, greater ingenuity was re- 
quired and was applied to the production of food for the 
teeming millions of human beings that covered the earth, 
and, as we find, in China, at the present time, the greatest 
pains were taken to make the earth yield her increase. 

High civilization demands high culture of the soil, and 
agriculture becomes an honored pursuit, with every de- 
partment of art and science coming to its assistance. At 
the same time, and impelled by the same necessities, sup- 
ported and aided by the same co-adjutors, horticulture 
also advances in a similar ratio, and, from its very nature, 
assumes the rank of a fine art, being less essential than 
pure agriculture, and in some of its branches being rather 
an ornamental than simply a useful art. It is not admit- 
ted, however, that any department of horticulture is to be 
considered useless, and many of its applications are emi- 
nently practical, and result in the production of vast quan- 


tities of human food of the most valuable kind. This 
pursuit always marks the advancement of a community. 
—As our western pioneers progress in their improvements 
from the primitive log cabins to the more elegant and sub- 
stantial dwelling houses, we ever find the garden and the 
orchard, the vine-arbor and the berry-patch taking their 
places beside the other evidences of progress. These 
constitute to them the poetry of common life, of the 
farmer’s life. 

The culture of fruits, and gardens also, contributes in 
no small degree to the improvement of a people by the 
excellent moral influence it exercises upon them. Every- 
thing that makes home attractive must contribute to this 
desirable end. Beyond the sacred confines of the happy 
hearthstone, with its dear familiar circle, there can be no 
more pleasant associations than those of the garden, 
where, in our tender years, we have aided loved parents, 
from them taking the first lessons in plant-culture, gather- 
ing the luscious fruits of their planting or of our own; 
nor of the rustic arbor, in whose refreshing shade we have 
reclined to rest and meditate amid its sheltering canopy 
of verdure, and where we have gathered the purple ber- 
ries of the noble vine at a later period of the rolling year; 
nor of the orchard, with its bounteous supplies of golden 
and ruddy apples, blushing peaches, and melting pears. 
With such attractions about our homes, with such ties to 
be sundered, it is wonderful, and scarcely credible, that 
youth should ever be induced to wander from them, and to 
stray into paths of evil. Such happy influences must have 
a good moral effect upon the young. If it be argued that 
such luxuries will tend to degrade our morals by making 


us effeminate and sybaritic, or that such enjoyments may 
become causes of envy and consequent crime on the part of 
those who are less highly favored, it may be safely assert- 
ed that there is no better cure for fruit-stealing, than to 
give presents of fruit, and especially of fruit-trees, to your 
neighbors, particularly to the boys—encourage each to 
plant and to cherish his own tree, and he will soon learn 
the meaning of meum and tuum, and will appreciate the 
beauties of the moral code, which he will be all the more 
likely to respect in every other particular, 

Some of the legislation of our country is a very curious 
relic of barbarism. According to common law, that 
which is attached to the soil, may be removed without a 
breach of propriety, by one who is not an owner of the 
fee simple; thus, such removal of a vegetable product 
does not constitute theft or larceny, but simply amounts 
to a trespass: whereas the taking of fruit from the ground 
beneath the tree, even though it be defective or decaying, ° 
is considered a theft. An unwelcome intruder, or an un- 
bidden guest, may enter our orchard, garden, or vineyard, 
and help himself at his pleasure to any of our fruits, 
which we have been most carefully watching and nursing 
tor months upon trees, for the fruitage of which we may 
have been laboring and waiting for years, and, forsooth, 
our only recourse is to sue him at the law, and our only 
satisfaction, after all the attendant annoyance and expense, 
is a paltry fine for trespass upon our freehold, which, of 
course, is not commensurate with our estimate of the value 
of the articles taken: fruits often possess, in the eyes of 
the devoted orchardist, a real value much beyond their 
market price. 


Were I asked to describe the location of the fabled 
fountain of Hygeia, I should decide that it was certainly 
situated in an orchard; it must have come bubbling from 
earth that sustained the roots of tree and vine; it must 
have been shaded by the umbrageous branches of the 
wide-spreading apple and pear, and it was doubtless ap- 
proached by alleys that were lined by peach trees laden 
with their downy fruit, and over-arched by vines bearing 
rich clusters of the luscious grape, and they were gar- 
nished at their sides by the crimson strawberry. Such at 
least would have been an appropriate setting for so valued 
a jewel as the fountain of health, and it is certain that the 
pursuit of fruit-growing is itself conducive to the posses- 
sion of that priceless blessing. The physical as well as 
the moral qualities of our nature are wonderfully pro- 
moted by these cares. The vigorous exercise they afford 
us in the open air, the pleasant excitement, the expecta- 
tion of the results of the first fruits of our plants, tend- 
ing, training and cultivating them the while, are all se 
many elements conducive to the highest enjoyment of 
full health. ) 

The very character of the food furnished by our or- 
chards should be taken into the account, in making up our 
estimate of their contributions to the health of a commp- 
nity. From them we procure aliment of the most refined 
character, and it has been urged that the elements of 
which they are composed are perfected or refined to 
the highest degree of organization that is possible to occur 
in vegetable tissues. Such pabulum is not only gratefully 
refreshing, but it is satisfying—without being gross, it is 
nutritious. The antiscorbutic effects of ripe fruits, espe- 


cially those that are acid, are proverbial, and every fever 
patient has appreciated the relief derived from those that 
are acidulous. Then as a preventive of the febrile affec- 
tions peculiar to a miasmatic region, the free use of acid 
fruits, or even of good sound vinegar made from grapes 
or apples, is an established fact in medical practice—of 
which, by the by, prevention is always the better part. 

Apples were esteemed an important and valuable ar- 
ticle of food in the days of the Romans, for all school 
boys have read in the ore rotundo of his own flowing 
measures, what Virgil has said, so much better than his 
tame translator : 

** New cheese and chestnuts are our country fare, 
With mellow apples for your welcome cheer.” 

But in more modern times, beside their wonted use as des- 
sert fruit, or evening feast, or cooked in various modes, a 
French economist “has invented and practiced with great 
success a method of making bread with common apples, 
which is said to be very far superior to potato-bread. 
After having boiled one-third part of peeled apples, he 
bruised them while quite warm into two-thirds parts of 
flour, including the proper quantity of yeast, and kneaded 
the whole without water, the juice of the fruit being quite 
sufficient ; he put the mass into a vessel in which he al- 
lowed it to rise for about twelve hours. By this process 
he obtained a very excellent bread, full of eyes, and ex- 
tremely light and palatable.” * 

Nor is this class of food desirable for man alone. 
Fruits of all kinds, but particularly what may be called 

* Companion for the Orchard. —Phillips. 


the large fruits, such as are grown in our orchards, may 
be profitably cultivated for feeding our domestic animals. 
Sweet apples have been especially recommended for fat- 
tening swine, and when fed to cows they increase the flow 
of milk, or produce fat according to the condition of these 
animals. Think of the luxury of eating apple-fed pork! 
Why, even the strict Rabbi might overcome his preju- 
dices against such swine flesh! And then dream of enjoy- 
ing the luxury of fresh rich milk, yellow cream, and golden 
butter, from your winter dairy, instead of the sky-blue 
fluid, and the pallid, or anotto-tinted, but insipid butter, 
resulting from the meager supplies of nutriment contained 
in dry hay and fibrous, woody cornstalks. Now this is 
not unreasonable nor ridiculous. Orchards have been 
planted with a succession of sweet apples that will sus- 
tain swine in a state of most perfect health, growing and 
fattening simultaneously from June to November; and 
the later varieties may be cheaply preserved for feeding 
stock of all kinds during the winter, when they will be 
best prepared by steaming, and may be fed with the great- 
est advantage. Our farmers do not appreciate the benefits 
of having green food for their animals during the winter 
season. Being blessed with that royal grain, the Indian 
corn, they do not realize the importance of the provision 
of roots which is so great a feature in British husbandry ; 
but they have yet to learn, and they will learn, that for us, 
and under our conditious of labor and climate, they can 
do still better, and produce still greater results with a 
combination of hay or straw, corn meal and apples, all 
properly prepared by means of steam or hot water. Be- 
sides, such orchards may be advantageously planted in 


many places where the soil is not adapted to the produc- 
tion of grain.—The reader is referred to the chapter on 
select lists in another part of this volume, in which an at- 
tempt will be made to present the reader with the opinions 
of the best pomologists of various parts of the country. 

It were an interesting and not unprofitable study to 
trace the various sources and routes by which fruits have 
been introduced into different parts of our extended coun- 
try. In some cases we should find that we were indebted 
for these luxuries to the efforts of very humble individu- 
als, while in other regions the high character of the or- 
chards is owing to the forethought, knowledge, enterprise, 
and liberality of some prominent citizen of the infant com- 
munity, who has freely spent his means and bestowed his 
cares in providing for others as well as for his own neces- 
sities or pleasures. But it is to the intelligent nurserymen 
of our country that we are especially indebted for the uni- 
versal diffusion of fruits, and for the selection of the best 
varieties in each different section. While acting separate- 
ly, these men were laboring under great disadvantages, 
and frequently cultivated certain varieties under a diver- 
sity of names, as they had received them from various 
sources. This was a difficulty incident to their isolation, 
but the organization of Pomological Societies in various 
parts of the country, has enabled them in a great measure 
to unravel the confusion of an extended synonymy, and 
also by comparison and consultation with the most intel- 
ligent fruit-growers, they have been prepared to advise 
the planter as to the best and most profitable varieties to 
be set out in different soils and situations. 

Most of our first orchards were planted with imported 


trees. The colonists brought plants and seeds. Even 
now, in many parts of the country, we hear many good 
fruits designated as English, to indicate that they are con- 
sidered superior to the native; and we are still importing 
choice varieties from Europe and other quarters of the 

The roving tribes of Indians who inhabited this coun- 
try when discovered and settled by the whites, had no or- 
chards—they lived by the chase, and only gathered such 
fruits as were native to the soil. Among the earliest at- 
tempts to civilize them, however, those that exerted the 
greatest influence, were efforts to make them an agricul- 
tural people, and of these the planting of fruit-trees was 
one of the most successful. In many parts of the coun- 
try we find relics of these old Indian orchards still remain- 
ing, and it is probable that from the apple seeds sent by 
the general government for distribution among the Cher- 
okees in Georgia, we are now reaping some of the most 
valuable fruits of this species. The early French settlers 
were famous tree-planters, and we find their traces across 
the continent, from the St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mex- 
ico. These consist in noble pear and apple trees, grown 
from seeds planted by them, at their early and scattered 
posts or settlements. These were made far in advance of 
the pioneers, who have, at a later period, formed the van 
of civilization, that soon spread into a solid phalanx in its 
march throughout the great interior valley of the continent. 

On the borders of civilization we sometimes meet with 
a singular being, more savage than polished, and yet use- 
ful in his way. Such an one in the early settlement of 
the northwestern territory was Johnny Apple-seed—a sim- 


ple-hearted being, who loved to roam through the forests 
in advance of his fellows, consorting, now with the red 
man, now with the white, a sort of connecting link—by 
his white brethren he was, no doubt, considered rather a 
vagabond, for we do not learn that-he had the industry to 
open farms in the wilderness, the energy to be a great 
hunter, nor the knowledge and devotion to have made 
him a useful missionary among the red men. But Johnny 
had his use in the world. It was his universal custom, 
when among the whites, to save the seeds of all the best 
apples he met with. These he carefully preserved and 
carried with him, and when far away from his white 
friends, he would select an open spot of ground, prepare 
the soil, and plant these seeds, upon the principle of the 
old Spanish custom, that he owed so much to posterity, 
so that some day, the future traveler or inhabitant of 
those fertile valleys, might enjoy the fruits of his early 
efforts. Such was Johnny Apple-seed—did he not erect 
for himself monuments more worthy, if not more endur- 
ing, than piles of marble or statues of brass ? 

In tracing the progress of fruits through different por- 
tions of our country, we should very naturally expect to 
find the law that governs the movements of men, apply- 
ing with equal force to the fruits they carry with them. 
The former have been observed to migrate very nearly on 
parallels of latitude, so have, in a great degree, the latter; 
and whenever we find a departure from this order, we 
may expect to discover a change, and sometimes a deteri- 
oration in the characters of the fruits thus removed to a 
new locality. It is true, much of this alteration, whether im- 
provement or otherwise, may be owing to the difference of 


soil. Western New York received her early fruits from 
Connecticut, and Massachusetts; Michigan, Northern Tlli- 
nois, and later, Wisconsin and Jowa received theirs in a 
great degree from New York. Ohio and Indiana received 
their fruits mainly from New Jersy, and Pennsylvania, and 
we may yet trace this in the prevalence of certain leading 
varieties that are scarcely known, and very little grown on 
different parallels. The early settlement at the mouth of 
the Muskingum river, was made by New England-men, 
and into the “ Ohio-purchase,” they introduced the lead? 
ing varieties of the apples of Massachusetts. Among 
these, the Boston or Roxbury Russet was a prominent 
favorite, but it was so changed in its appearance as 
scarcely to be recognized by its old admirers, and it was 
christened with a new name, the Putnam Russet, under 
the impression that it was a different variety. Most of 
the original Putnam varieties have disappeared from the 
orchards. Kentucky received her fruits in great measure 
from Virginia; Tennessee from the same source androm 
North Carolina, and these younger States sent them for- 
ward on the great western march with their hardy sons 
to southern Indiana, southern Illinois, to Missouri, and to 
Arkansas, in all which regions we find evident traces in 
the orchards, of the origin of the people who planted them. 

Of course, we shall find many deflections from the pre- 
cise parellel of latitude, some inclining to the south, and 
many turning to the northward. To the latter we of the 
West are looking with the greatest interest, since we so 
often find that the northern fruits do not maintain their 
high characters in their southern or southwestern migra- 
tions, and all winter kinds are apt to become autumnal in 


their period of ripening, which makes them less valuable; 
and because, among those from a southern origin, we 
have discovered many of high merit as to beauty, flavor, 
and productiveness—and, especially where they are able 
to mature sufficiently, they prove to be long keepers, thus 
supplying a want which was not filled by fruits of a north- 
ern origin. There may ‘be limits beyond which we can- 
not transport some sorts to advantage in either direction, 
but this too will depend very much upon the adaptability 
of our soils to particular varieties. 

In every region where fruit has been cultivated we find 
local varieties grown from seed, many of these are of suf: 
ficient merit to warrant their propagation, and it behooves 
us to be constantly on the look out for them; for though 
our lists are already sufficiently large to puzzle the young 
orchardist in making his selections, we may well reduce 
the number by weeding out more of the indifferent fruit, 
at the same time that we are introducing those of a supe- 
rior character. It has been estimated that there may be 
as many as one in ten of our seedling orchard trees that 
would be ranked as “good,” but not one in a hundred 
that could be styled “ best.”* Certain individuals have 
devoted themselves to the troublesome though thankless 
office of collecting these scattered varieties of- decided 
merit, and from their collections our pomological societies 
will, from time to time, select and recommend the best 
for more extended cultivation. Such devoted men as 
H. N. Gillett, Lewis Jones, Reuben Ragan, A. H. Ernst, 
who have been industriously engaged in this good work 
for a quarter of a century, are entitled to the highest com- 

* Elliott—Western Fruits, 


mendation; but there are many others who have con- 
tributed their full share of benefits by their labors in the 
same field, to whom also we owe a debt of gratitude. Two 
of the chief foci in the Ohio valley from which valuable 
fruits have been distributed most largely, were the settle- 
ment at the mouth of the Muskingum, with its Putnam 
list given below; and a later, but very important intro- 
duction of choice fruits, brought into the Miami country 
by Silas Wharton, a nurseryman from Pennsylvania, who 
settled among a large body of the religious Society of 
Friends, in Warren Co., Ohio. The impress of this im- 
portation is very manifest in all the country, within a 
radius of one hundred miles, and some of his fruits are 
found doing well in the northwestern part of the State of 
Ohio, in northern Indiana, and in an extended region 

There are, no doubt, many other local foci, whence 
good fruits have radiated to bless regions more or less ex- 
tensive, and in every neighborhood we find the name of 
some early pomologist attached to the good fruits that he 
had introduced, thus adding another synonym to the nu- 
merous list of those belonging to so many of our good 

A. W. Putnam commenced an apple nursery in 1794, a 
few years after the first white settlement at Marietta, Ohio, 
the first grafts were set in the spring of 1796; they were 
obtained from Connecticut by Israel Putnam, and were the 
first set in the State, and grafted by W. Rufus Putnam. 
Most of the early orchards of the region were planted 
from this nursery. These grafts were taken from the or- 


chard of Israel Putnam (of wolf-killing memory) in Pom- 
fret, Connecticut. In the Ohio Cultivator for August Ist, 
1846, may be found the following authentic list of the va- 

rieties propagated : — 

“4, Putnam Russet, (Roxbury). 12. Striped Sweeting. 
2. Seek-no-further, (WVestfield.) 18, Honey Greening. 
3. Early Chandler. 14, Kent Pippin. 
4, Gilliflower. 15. Cooper. 
5. Pound Royal, (Lowell). 16. Striped Gilliflower. 
6. Natural, (a seedling). 17. Black, do. 
7%. Rhode Island Greening. 18. Prolific Beauty. 
8. Yellow Greening. 19. Queening, (Summer Queen?) 
9. Golden Pippin. 20. English Pearmain. 
16. Long Island Pippin. 21. Green Pippin. 
11. Tallman Sweeting. 22. Spitzenberg, (Esopus ?) 

Many of these have disappeared from the orchards and 
from the nurserymen’s catalogues.” 


CE Mra Eyelid, 



Iv attempting to trace out the history of any plant that 
has long been subjected to the dominion of man, we are 
beset with difficulties growing out of the uncertainty of 
language, and arising also from the absence of precise terms 

of science in the descriptions or allusions which we meet 


respecting them. As he who would investigate the history 
of our great national grain crop, the noble Indian maize, 
which, in our language, claims the generic term corn, will 
at once meet with terms apt to mislead him in the English 
translation of the Bible, and in the writings of Europeans, 
who use the word corn in a generic sense, as applying to 
all the edible grains, and especially to wheat—so in this 
investigation we may easily be misled by meeting the 
word apple in the Bible and in the translations of Latin 
and Greek authors, and we-may be permitted to question 
whether the original words translated apple may not have 
been applied to quite different fruits, or perhaps we may 
ask whether our word may not originally have had a more 
general sense, meaning as it does, according to its deriva- 
tion, any round body. 

The etymology of the word apple is referred by the 
léxicographers to abhall, Celtic; avall, Welch; afall or 
avall, Armoric; aval or avel, Cornish; and these are all 
traceable to the Celtic word ball, meaning simply a round 

Worcester traces the origin of apple directly to the 
German apfel, which he derives from cpl, apel, or appel. 

Webster cites the Saxon appl or appel ; Dutch, appel ; 
German, apfel; Danish, eble; Swedish, aple ; Welsh, 
aval; Irish, abhal or ubhal; Armoric, aval; Russian, 

Its meaning being fruit in general, with around form. 
Thus the Persian word wbhud means Juniper berries, and 
in Welsh the word used means other fruits, and needs a 
qualifying term to specify the variety or kind. 


Hoge, in his British Pomology, quoting Owen, says, 
the ancient Glastonbury was called by the Britons Ynys 
avallac or avallon, meaning an apple orchard, and from 
this came the Roman word avallonia, from this he infers 
that the apple was known to the Britons before the ad- 
vent of the Romans. We are told, that in 973, King 
Edgar, when fatigued with thg labors of the chase, laid 
himself down under a wild apple tree, so that it becomes 
a question whether this plant was not a native of England 
as of other parts of Europe, where in many places it is 
found growing wild and apparently indigenous. Thorn- 
ton informs us in his history of Turkey, that apples are 
common in Wallachia, and he cites among the varieties 
one, the domniasca, “which is perhaps the finest in Eu- 


rope, both for its size, color, and flavor.” It were hard 

to say what variety this is, and whether it be known to us. 

The introduction of this word apple in the Bible is at- 
tributable to the translators, and some commentators sug- 
gest that they have used it in its general sense, and that 
in the following passages where it occurs, it refers to the 
citron, orange, or some other subtropical fruit. 

“Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples.” — 
Songs of Solomon ij, 5. 

“As the apple-tree (citron) among the trees of the 
wood, * * * I sat me down under his shadow with great 
delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.”—Sol. 11, 2. 

* * * “T raised thee up under the apple-tree.”—Solo- 
mon viil, 5. 

“A word fitly spoken, is like apples of gold in pictures 
of silver.’—Prov. xxv, 11. 


The botanical position of the cultivated apple may be 
stated as follows :— Order, Rosacee ; sub-order, Pomee ; 
or the apple family and genus, Pyrus. The species under 
our consideration is the Pyrus Malus, or apple. It has 
been introduced into this country from Europe, and is 
now found in a half-wild state, springing up in old fields, 
hedge-rows, and roadsides; but, even in such situations, 
by their eatable fruit and broad foliage, and by the ab- 
sence of spiny or thorny twigs, the trees generally give 
evidence of a civilized origin. It is not that the plant 
has changed any of its true specific characters, but that 
it has been affected by the meliorating influences of cul- 
ture, which it has not béen able entirely to shake off in its 
‘neglected condition. Sometimes, indeed, trees are found 
in these neglected and out-of-the-way situations, which 
produce fruits of supérior quality—and the sorts have 
been gladly introduced into our nurseries and orchards. 

Very early in the history of horticulture the apple at- 
tracted attention by its improvability, showing that it 
belonged to the class of culture-plants. Indeed it is a 
very remarkable fact in the study of botany, and the pivot 
upon which the science and art of horticulture turns, that 
while there are plants which show no tendency to change 
from their normal type, even when brought under the high- 
est culture, and subjected to every treatment which human 
ingenuity can suggest, there are others which are prone 
to variations or sports, even in their natural condition, 
but more so when they are carefully nursed by the prudent 
farmer or gardener. These may be called respectively the 
plants of nature and the plants of culture. Some of the 
former furnish human food, and are otherwise useful to 


man; but the latter class embraces by far the larger num- 
ber of food-plants, and we are indebted to this pliancy, 
aided by human skill, for our varieties of fruits, our escu- 
lent vegetables, and the floral ornaments of our gardens. 

The native country of the apple, though not definitively 
settled, is generally conceded to be Europe, particularly 
its southern portions, and perhaps Western Asia: that is, 
the plant known and designated by botanists as Pyrus 
Malus, for there are other and distinct species in America 
and Asia which have no claims to having been the source 
of our favorite orchard fruits. Our own native crab is 

the Pyrus coronaria, which, though showing some slight 
| tendency to variation, has never departed from the 
strongly marked normal type. The P. baccata, or Siberi- 
an crab, is so distinctly marked as to be admitted as a 
species. It has wonderfully improved under culture, and 
has produced some quite distinct varieties; it has even 
been hybridized by Mr. Knight, with the cultivated sorts 
of the common Wilding or Crab of Europe, the P. Malus. 
Pallas, who found it wild near Lake Baikal and in Daouria, 
says, It grows only 3 or 4 feet high, with a trunk of as 
many inches diameter, and yields pear-shaped berries as 
large as peas. 

The P. rivularis, according to Nuttall, is common in 
the maritime portions of Oregon, in alluvial forests. The 
tree attains a height of 15 to 25 feet. It resembles the 
Siberian Crab, to which it has a close affinity. The fruit - 
grows in clusters, is purple, scarcely the size of a cherry, 
and of an agreeable flavor; sweetish and sub-acid when 
ripe, not at all acid and acerb as the P. coronaria.* 

* North American Sylva, Nuttall II, p. 25. 


Among the early writers upon the subject of pomology, 
we find some very crude notions, particularly in regard 
to the wonderful powers of the grafter, for this art of im- 
proving the Wilding by inserting buds or scions of better 
sorts, and thus multiplying trees of good kinds, was a 
very ancient invention. Pliny, the naturalist, certainly 
deserves our praise for his wonderful and comprehensive 
industry in all branches of natural history. In regard to 
grafting, which seems to have been well understood in his 
day, he says, that he had seen near Thuliz a tree bearing 
all manner of fruits, nuts and berries, figs and grapes, 
pears and pomegranates ; no kind of apple or other fruit 
that was not to be found on this tree. It is quaintly noted, 
however, that “this tree did not live long,’—is it to 
be wondered that such should have been the case? Now 
some persons may object to the testimony of this remark- 
able map, and feel disposed to discredit the statement of 
what appears so incredible to those who are at all ac- 
quainted with the well-known necessity for a congenial 
stock into which the graft should be inserted. But a 
more extended knowledge of the subject, would explain 
what Pliny has recorded as a marvel of the art. The 
same thing has been done in our own times, it is a trick, 
and one which would very soon be detected now-a-days 
by the merest tyro in horticulture, though it may have 
escaped the scrutiny of Pliny, whose business it was to 
note and record the results of his observations, rather 
than to examine the modus of the experiment. By the 
French, the method is called Charlatan grafting, and is 
done by taking a stock of suitable size, hollowing it out, 
and introducing through its cavity several stocks of dif- 


ferent kinds, upon each of which may be produced a dif- 
ferent sort of fruit, as reported by Pliny. The needed 
affinity of the scion and stock, and the possible range that 
may be successfully taken in this mode of propagation, with 
the whole consideration of the influence of the stock upon 
the graft, will be more fully discussed in another chapter. 

Though it be claimed and even admitted that the wild 
apple or crab was originally a native of Britain, and 
though it bé well known that many varieties have origi- 
nated from seed in that country, still it appears from their 

‘own historians that the people introduced valuable vari- 
eties from abroad. Thus we find in Fuller’s account, that 
in the 16th year of the reign of Henry VIII, Pippins 
were introduced into England by Lord Maschal, who 
planted them at Plumstead, in Sussex. 

After this, the celebrated Golden Pippin was originated 
at Perham Park, in Sussex, and this variety hag attained 
a high meed of praise in that country and in Europe, 
though it has never been considered so fine in this coun- 
try as some of our own seedlings. Evelyn says, in 1685, at 
Lord Clarendon’s seat, at Swallowfield, Berks, there is an 
orchard of one thousand golden and other cider Pippins.* 
The Ribston Pippin, which every Englishman will tell 
you is the best apple in the world, was a native of Rib- 
ston Park, Yorkshire. Hargrave says: “This place is re- 
markable for the produce of a delicious apple, called the 
Ribston Park Pippin. The original tree was raised from 
a Pippin brought from France.t This apple is well-known 
in this country, but not a favorite. | 

* Diary. 
+ History of Knaresborough, p. 216.—Companion of the Orchard, p. 34. 


At a later period, 1597, John Gerard issued in an ex- 
tensive folio his History of Plants, in which he mentions 
seven kinds of Pippins. The following is given as a sam- 
ple of the pomology of that day :— 

“The fruit of apples do differ in greatnesse, forme, 
colour, and taste, some covered with red skin, others yel- 
low or greene, varying infinitely according to soil and 
climate; some very greate, some very little, and many of 
middle sort; some are sweet of taste, or something soure, 
most be of middle taste between sweet and soure; the 
which to distinguish, I think it impossible, notwithstand- 
ing I heare of one who intendeth to write a peculiar vol- 
ume of apples and the use of them.” He further says: 
“The tame and grafted apple trees are planted and set in 
gardens and orchards made for that purpose; they delight 
to growe in good fertile grounds. Kent doth abounde 
with apples of most sortes; but I have seen pastures and 
hedge-rows about the grounds of a worshipful gentleman 
dwelling two miles from Hereford, so many trees of all 
sortes, that the seruantes drinke for the moste parte no 
other drinke but that which is made of apples. * * * 
Like as there be divers manured apples, so is there sundry 
wilde apples or crabs, not husbanded, that is, not graft- 
ed.” He also speaks of the Paradise, which is prebenly 
the same we now use as a dwarfing stock. 

Dr. Gerard fully appreciated the value of fruits, and 
thus vehemently urges his countrymen to plant orchards: 
“ Gentlemen, that have land and living, put forward, * * 
* * * graft, set, plant, and nourish up trees in every cor- 
ner of your grounds; the labor is small, the cost is noth- 

ing, the commoditie is great, yourselves shall have plentie, 


the poor shall have somewhat in time of want to relieve 
their necessitie, and God shall reward your good minde 
and diligence.” The same author gives us a peculiar use 
of the apple which may be interesting to some who never 
before associated pomatum with the products of the or- 
chard. He recommends apples as a cosmetic. ‘There is 
made an ointment with the pulp of apples, and swine’s 
grease and rose water, which is used to beautify the face 
and to take away the roughness of the skin; it is called 
in shops pomatum, of the apples whereof it is made.” * 
When speaking of the importance of grafting to increase 
the number of trees of any good variety, Virgil advises to 

‘* Graft the tender shoot, 
Thy children’s children shall enjoy the fruit.” 

So high an estimate did Pliny have of this fruit, that he 
asserted that “there are apples that have ennobled the 
countries from whence they came, and many apples have 
immortalized their first founders and inventors. Our best 
apples will immortalize their first grafters forever; such 
as took their names from Manlius, Cestius, Matius, and 
Claudius.”——-Of the Quince apple, he says, that came of a 
quince being grafted upon the apple stock, which “ smell 
like the quince, and were called Appiana, after Appius, 
who was the first that practiced this mode of grafting. 
Some are so red that they resemble blood, which is caused 
by their being grafted upon the mulberry stock. Of all 
the apples, the one which took its name from Petisius, 
was the most excellent for eating, both on account of its 

* Our lexicographers give it a similar origin, but refer it to the shape in which 
it was put up. Others derive it from poma, Spanish, a box of perfume. 


sweetness and its agreeable flavor.” Pliny mentions 
twenty-nine kinds of apples cultivated in Italy, about the 
commencement of the Chistian Era. * | 

Alas! for human vanity and apple glory! Where are 
now these boasted sorts, upon whose merits the immortal- 
ity of their inventors and first grafters was to depend? 
They have disappeared from our lists to give place to new 
favorites, to some of which, perhaps, we are disposed to 
award an equally high meed of praise, that will again be 
ignored in a few fleeting years, when higher skill and 
more scientific applications of knowledge shall have pro- 
duced superior fruit to any of those we now prize so high- 
ly; and this is a consummation to which we may all look 
forward with pleasure. 

In this country the large majority of our favorite fruits, 
of whatever species or kind, seem td have originated by 
accident, that is, they have been discovered in seedling or- 
chards, or even in hedge-rows. These have no doubt, 
however, been produced by accidental crosses of good 
kinds, and this may occur through the intervention of in- 
sects in any orchard of good fruit, where there may 
chance to be some varieties that have the tendency to 
progress. The discoveries of Linnzus, and his doctrine 
of the sexual characters of plants, created quite a revolu- 
tion in botany, and no doubt attracted the attention of 
Lord Bacon, who was a close observer of nature, for he 
ventured to guess that there might be such a thing as 
crossing the breeds of plants, when he says: —“‘ The com- 
pounding or mixture of kinds in plants is not found out. 

* Phillips’ Companion, p. 32. 


which, nevertheless, if it be possible, is more at command 
than that of living creatures; wherefore it were one of 
the most. noteable experiments touching plants to find it 
out, for so you may have great variety of new fruits and 
flowers yet unknown. Grafting does it not, that mendeth 
the fruit or doubleth the flowers, ete., but hath not the 
power to make a new kind, for the scion ever overruleth 
the stock.” In which last observation he shows more 
knowledge and a deeper insight into the hidden mysteries 
of plant-life than many aman in our day, whose special 
business it is to watch, nurse, and care for these humble 
forms of existence. 

Bradley, about a century later, in 1718, is believed to 
have been the first author who speaks of the accomplish- 
ment of cross-breeding, which he describes as having been 
effected by bringing’ together the branches of different 
trees when in blossom. But the gardeners of Holland 
and the Netherlands were the first to put it into practice.* 

The following extract is given to explain the manner in 
which Mr. Knight conducted his celebrated experiments 
on fruits, which rewarded him with some varieties that 
were highly esteemed :— “Many varieties of the apple 
were collected which had been proved to afford, in 
mixtures with each other, the finest cider. A tree of each 
was then obtained by grafting upon a Paradise stock, 
and these trees were trained to a south wall, or if grafted 
on Siberian crab, to a west wall, till they afforded 
blossoms, and the soil in which they were planted was 
made of the most rich and favorable kind. Each blos- 

* Phillips’ Companion, p. 41. 


som of this species of fruit contains about twenty chives 
or males (stamens,) and generally five pointals or fe- 
males (pistils,) which spring from the center of the cup or 
cavity of the blossom. The males stand in a circle just 
within the bases of the petals, and are formed of slender 
threads, each of which terminates in an anther. It is 
_ necessary in these experiments that both the fruit and seed 
should attain as large a size and as much perfection as pos- 
sible, and therefore a few blossoms only were suffered to 
remain on each tree. As soon as the blossoms were nearly 
full-grown, every male in each was carefully extracted, 
proper care being taken not to injure the pointals; and 
the blossoms, thus prepared, were closed again, and suf- 
fered to remain till they opened spontaneously. The 
blossoms of the tree which it was proposed to make the 
male parent of the future variety, were accelerated by be- 
ing brought into contact with the wall, or retarded by be- 
ing detached from it, so that they were made to unfold at 
the required period; and a portion of their pollen, when 
ready to fall from the mature anthers, was during three or 
four successive mornings deposited upon the pointals of 
the blossoms, which consequently afforded seeds. It is 
necessary in this experiment that one variety of apple 
only should bear unmutilated blossoms; for, where other 
varieties are in flower at the same time, the pollen of these 
will often be conveyed by bees to the prepared blossoms, 
and the result of the experiment will in consequence be 

uncertain and unsatisfactory.” * * * 

In his Pomona Herefordiensis, he says: — “It is neces- 
sary to contrive that the two trees from which you intend 
to raise the new kind, shall blossom at the same time; 


therefore, if one is an earlier sort than the other, it must 
be retarded by shading or brought into a cooler situation, 
and the latest forwarded by a warm wall or a sunny posi- 
tion, so as to procure the desired result.” 

We must distinguish between hybrids proper and crosses, 
as it were between races or between what may have been 
erroneously designated species, for there has been a great 
deal of looseness in the manner of using these terms by 
some writers. <A true hydrid* is produced only when the 
pollen of one species has been used to fertilize the ovules 
of another, and’ as a general rule these can only be pro- 
duced between plants which are very nearly allied, as be- 
tween species of the same genus. Even such as these, 
however, cannot always be hybridized, for we have never 
found a mule or hybrid between the apple and pear, the 
currant and gooseberry, nor between the raspberry and 
blackberry, though each of these, respectively, appear to 
be very nearly related, and they are all of the order. 

In hybrids there appears to be a mixture of the ele- 
ments of each, and the characters of the mule or cross 
will depend upon one or the other, which it will more 
nearly resemble. True hybrids are mules or infertile, and 
cannot be continued by seed, but must be propagated by 
cuttings, or layers, or grafting. If not absolutely sterile 
at first, they become so in the course of the second or 
third generation. This is proved by several of our flow- 
ering plants that have been wonderfully varied by ingeni- 
ous crossing of different species. But it has been found 

* Balfour’s Manual. 


that the hybrid may be fertilized by pollen taken from 
one of its parents, and that then the offspring assumes 
the characters of that parent.* 

Natural hybrids do not often occur, though in dicecious 
plants, this seems to have been the case with willows 
that present such an intricate puzzle to botanists in their 
classification, so that it has become almost impossible to 
say what are the limits and bounds of some of the species. 
Hybrids are, however, very frequently produced by art, 
and particularly among our flowering plants, under the 
hands of ingenious gardeners. Herbert thinks, from his 
observations, “that the flowers and organs of reproduc- 
tion partake of the characters of the female parent, while 
the foliage and habit, or the organs of vegetation, re- 
semble the male.” 

Simply crossing different members of the same species, 
like the crossing of races in animal life, is not always 
easily accomplished ; but we here find much less difficulty, 
and we do not produce a mule progeny. In these experi- 
ments the same precautions must be taken to avoid the 
interference of natural agents in the transportation of 
pollen from flower to flower; but this process is now so 
familiar to horticulturists, that it scarcely needs a mention. 
In our efforts with the strawberry, some very curious re- 
sults have occurred, and we have learned that some of the 
recognized species appear under this severe test to be 
well founded, as the results have been infertile. Where 
the perfection of the fruit depends upon the development 
of the seed, this is a very important matter to the fruit- 
grower; but fortunately this is not always the case, for 

* Balfour’s Manual. 


certain fruits swell and ripen perfectly, though containing 
not a single well developed seed. It would be an interest- 
ing study to trace out those plants which do furnish a well 
developed fleshy substance or sarcocarp, without the true 
seeds. Such may be found oceasionally in the native per- 
simmon, in certain grapes, and in many apples; but in the 
strawberry, blackberry, and raspberry, the berry which 
constitutes our desirable fruit, never swel!s unless the 
germs have been impregnated and the seeds perfect. In 
the stone-fruits the stone or pit is always developed, but 
the enclosed seed is often imperfect from want of impreg- 
nation or other cause—and yet the fleshy covering will 
sometimes swell and ripen. 

One of the most successful experimenters in this coun- 
try is Doctor J. P. Kirtland, near Cleveland, Ohio, whose 
efforts at crossing certain favorite cherries, were crowned 
with the most happy results, and all are familiar with the 
fruits that have been derived from his crosses. The details 
of his applying the pollen of one flower to the pistils of 
another are familiar to all intelligent readers, and have 
been so often set forth, that they need not be repeated 
in this case—ereat care is necessary to secure the desired 
object, and to guard against interference from causes that 
would endanger or impair the value of the results. 

Van Mons’ theory was based upon certain assumptions 
and observations, some of which are well founded, others 
are not so firmly established. He claimed correctly that 
all our best fruits were artificial products, because the 
essential elements for the preservation of the species in 
their natural condition, are vigor of the plant and perfect 
seeds for the perpetuation of the race. It has been the 


object of culture to diminish the extreme vigor of the 
tree so as to produce early fruitage, and at the same time 
to enlarge and to refine the pulpy portion of the fruit. 
He-claimed, as a principle, that our plants of culture had 
always a tendency to run back toward the original or wild 
type, when they were grown from seeds. This tendency 
is admitted to exist in many cases, but it is also claimed, 
that when a break is once made from the normal type, 
the tendency to improve may be established. Van Mons 
asserted that the seeds from old trees would be still more 
apt to run back toward the original type, and that “the 
older the tree, the nearer will the seedlings raised from 
it approach the wild state,” though he says they will not 
quite reach it. But the seeds from a young tree, having 
itself the tendency to melioration, are more likely to pro- 
duce improved sorts. 

He thinks there is a limit to perfection, and that, when 
-this is reached, the next generation will more probably 
produce bad fruit than those grown from an inferior sort, 
which is on the upward road of progression. He claims 
that the seeds of the oldest varieties of good fruit yield 
inferior kinds, whereas those taken from new varieties of 
bad fruit, and reproduced for several generations, will cer- 
tainly give satisfactory results in good fruit. 

He began with seeds from a young seedling tree, not 
grafted upon another stock; he cared nothing for the 
quality of the fruit, but preferred that the variety was 
showing a tendency to improvement or variation. These 
were sowed, and from the plants produced, he selected 
such as appeared to him to have evidence of improvement, 
(it is supposed by their less wild appearance), and trans- 


planted them to stations where they could develop them- 
selves. When they fruited, even if indifferent, if they 
continued to give evidence of variation, the first seeds were 
saved and planted and treated in the same way. These 
came earlier into fruit than the first, and showed a greater 
promise. Successive generations were thus produced to 
the fourth and fifth, each came into bearing earlier than 
its predecessor, and produced a greater number of good 
varieties, and he says that in the fifth generation they 
were nearly all of great excellence. He found pears re- 
quired the longest time, five generations; while the apple 
was perfected in four, and stone fruits In three. 

Starting upon the theory that we must subdue the vigor 
of the wilding to produce the best fruits, he cut off the 
tap roots when transplanting and shortened the leaders, 
and crowded the plants in the orchard or fruiting grounds, 
so as to stand but a few feet apart. He urged the ‘“ regen- 
erating ina direct line of descent as rapidly as possible 
an improving variety, taking care that there be no in- 
terval between the generations. To sow, re-sow, to sow 
again, to sow perpetually, in short to do nothing but sow, 
is the practice to be pursued, and which cannot be de- 
parted from; and, in short, this is the whole secret of the 
art I have employed.” (Arbres Fruitiers.) 

Who else would have the needed patience and persever- 
ance to pursue such a course? Very few, indeed—es- 
pecially if they were not very fully convinced of the cor- 
rectness of the premises upon which this theory is found- 
ed. Mr. Downing thinks that the great numbers of fine 
varieties of apples that have been produced in this coun- 
try, go to sustain the Van Mons doctrine, because, as he 


assumes, the first apples that were produced from seeds 
brought over by the early emigrants, yielded inferior 
fruit, which had run back toward the wild state, and the 
people were forced to begin again with them, and that 
they most naturally pursued this very plan, taking seeds 
from the improving varieties for the next generations and 
soon. This may have been so, but it is mere assumption 
—we have no proof, and, on the contrary, our choice va- 
rieties have so generally been conceded to have been 
chance seedlings, that there appears little evidence to 
support it—on the contrary, some very fine varieties have 
been produced by selecting the seeds of good sorts pro- 
miscuously, and without regarding the age of the trees 
from which the fruit was taken. Mr. Downing himself, 
after telling us that we have much encouragement to ex- 
periment upon this plan of perfecting fruits, by taking 
seeds from such as are not quite ripe, gathered from a 
seedling of promising quality, from a healthy young tree 
(quite young,) on its own root, not grafted, and that we 
“must avoid Ist, the seeds of old trees; 2d, those of 
grafted trees; 3d, that we must have the best grounds for 
good results ”—still admits what we all know, that “in 
this country, new varieties of rare excellence are some- 
times obtained at once by planting the seeds of old grafted 
varieties; thus the Lawrence Favorite and the Columbia 
Plums were raised from seeds of the Green Gage, one of 
the oldest European varieties.” 

Let us now look at an absolute experiment conducted 
avowedly upon the Van Mons plan in our own country, 
upon the fertile soil of the State of Lllinois, and see to 
what results it led : -- 


The following facts have been elicited from correspond- 
ence with H. P. Brayshaw, of Du Quoin, Illinois. The 
experiments were instituted by his father many years ago, 
to test the truth of the Van Mons’ theory of the improve- 
ment of fruits by using only the first seeds. 

Thirty-five years ago, in 1827, his father procured twen- 
ty-five seedling trees from a nursery, which may be sup- 
posed to have been an average lot, grown from promiscu- 
ous seed. These were planted, and when they came into 
bearing, six of them furnished fruit that might be called 
“good,” and of these, “ four were considered fine.” One 
of the six is still in cultivation, and known as the Iilinois 
Greening. Of the remainder of the trees, some of the 
fruits were fair, and the rest were worthless, and have 

Second Generation. — The first fruits of these trees 
were selected, and the seeds were sown. Of the resulting 
crop, some furnished fruit that was “good,” but they do 
not appear to have merited much attention. 

Third Generation.—From first seeds of the above, one 
hundred trees were produced, some of which were good 
fruit, and some “even fine,” while some were very poor, 
“four or five only merited attention.” So that we sce a 
retrogression from the random seedlings, furnishing twen- 
ty-five per cent. of good fruit, to only four or five per cent. 
in the third generation, that were worthy of note. 

Fourth Generation.—A crop of the first seed was again 
sown, producing a fourth generation; of these many were 
“good culinary fruits,” none, or very few being of the 
“ poorest class of seedlings,” none of them, however, were 
fine enough “for the dessert.” 


Fifth Generation.— This crop of seedlings was de- 
stroyed by the eut-worms, so that only one tree now re- 
mains, but has not yet fruited. But Mr. Brayshaw ap- 
pears to feel hopeful. of the results, and promises to 
continue the experiment. 

Crops have also been sown from some of these trees, 
but a smaller proportion of the seedlings thus produced 
were good fruits, than when the first seeds were used— 
this Mr. Brayshaw considers confirmatory evidence of the 
theory, though he appears to feel confidence in the va- 
rieties already in use, most of which had almost an ac- 
cidental origin. 

He thinks the result would have been more successful 
had the blossoms been protected from impregnation 
by other trees, and recommends that those to be expert 
mented with should be planted at a distance from orchards, 
so as to avoid this cross-breeding, and to allow of what 
is called breeding in-and-in. If this were done, he feels 
confident that “ the seedlings would more nearly resemble 
the parent, and to a certain extent would manifest the ten- 
dency to improventent, and that from the earliest ripened 
fruits, some earlier varieties would be produced, from 
those latest ripening, later varieties, from those that 
were inferior and insipid, poor sorts would spring, and 
that from the very best and most perfect fruits we might 
expect one in one thousand, or one-tenth of one per cent., 
to be better than the parent. This diminishes the chance 
for improvement to a beatifully fine point upon which to 
hang our hopes of the result of many generations of seed- 
lings occupying more than a lifetime of experiments. 

Mr. Brayshaw, citing some of the generally adopted 


axioms of breeders of animals, assumes that crosses, as of 
distinet races, will not be so likely to produce good results, 
as a system of breeding in-and-in, persistently carried out. 
This plan he recommends, and alludes to the quince and 
mulberry as suitable species to operate upon, because in 
them there are fewer varieties, and therefore less liability 
to cross-breeding, and a better opportunity for breeding 
in-and-in. He also reminds us of the happy results which 
follow the careful selection of the best specimens in gar- 
den flowers and vegetables, combined with the rejection 
of all inferior plants, when we desire to improve the char- 
acter of our garden products, and he adopts the views of 
certain physiologists, which, however, are questioned by 
other authorities, to the effect that violent or decided 
crosses are always followed by depreciation and deteriora- 
tion of the offspring. 

The whole communication referring to these experiments, 
which are almost the only ones, so far as I know, which 
have been conducted in this country to any extent, to 
verify or controvert the Van Mons’ theory, is very inter- 
esting, but it is easy to perceive that*the experimenter, 
though apparently very fair, and entirely honest, has been 
fully imbued with the truth and correctness of the propo- 
sition of Van Mons, that the first ripened seed of a nat- 
ural plant was more likely to produce an improved va- 
riety, and that this tendency to improvement would ever 
increase, and be most prominent in the first ripened seeds 
of successive generations grown from it. 

The theory of Van Mons I shall not attempt in this 
place to controvert, but will simply say that nothing 
which has yet come under my observation has had a ten- 


dency to make me a convert to the avowed views of that 
great Belgian Pomologist, while, on the contrary, the 
rumors of his opponents, that he was really attempting to 
produce crosses from some of the best fruits, as our gar- 
deners have most successfully done in numerous instances, 
in the beautiful flowers and delicious vegetables of modern 
horticulture, have always impressed me with a color of 
probability, and if he were not actually and intentionally 
impregnating the blossoms with pollen of the better vari- 
eties, natural causes, such as the moving currents ef air, 
and the ever active insects, whose special function in many 
instances appears to be the conveyance of pollen, would 
necessarily cause an admixture, which, in a promiscuous 
and crowded collection, like the “school of Van Mons,” 
would at least have an equal chance of producing an im- 
provement in some of the resulting seeds. 

The whole subject of variation in species, the existence 
of varieties, and also of those partial sports, which may 
perhaps be considered as still more temporary variations 

*from the originals, than those which come through the 
seeds, is one of deep interest, well worthy of our study, 
but concerning which we must confess ourselves as yet 
quite ignorant, and our best botanists do not agree even 
as to the specific distinctions that have been set up as 
characters of some of our familiar plants, for the most 
eminent differ with regard to the species of some of our 
common trees and plants. 


It has been a very generally received opinion among in- 
telligent fruit-growers, that any given variety of fruit can 


have but a limited period of existence, be that longer or 
shorter. Reasoning from the analogies of animal life this 
would appear very probable, for it is well known that in- 
dividuals of different species all have a definite period of 
life, some quite brief, others quite extended, beyond which 
they do not survive. But with our modern views of vege- 
tation, though we know that all perennial plants do even- 
tually die and molder away to the dust from whence they 
were created, and that many trees of our own planting 
come to an untimely end, while we yet survive to observe 
their decay, still, we can see no reason why a tree or parts 
of a tree taken from it, and placed under circumstances 
favorable to its growth from time to time, may not be sem- 
piternal. Harvey has placed this matter in a correct 
light, by showing that the true life and history of a tree 
is in the buds, which are annual, while the tree itself 1s 
the connecting link between them and the ground. Any 
portion of such a compound existence, grafted upon an- 
other stock, or planted immediately in the ground itself 
and established upon its own roots, will produce a new 
tree like the first, being furnished with supplies of nour- 
ishment it may grow indefinitely while retaining all the 
qualities of the parent stock—if that be healthy and vig- 
orous so will this—indeed new life and vigor often seem to 
be imparted by a congenial thrifty stock, and a fertile soil, 
‘so that there does not appear to be any reason why the 
variety should ever run out and disappear. 

The distinguished Thomas Andrew Knight, President 
of the London Horticultural Society, was one of the lead- 
ing advocates of the theory that varieties would neces- 
sarily run out and disappear as it were by exhaustion. 


In his Pomona Herefordiensis, he tells us that ‘‘ those ap- 
ples, which have been long in cultivation, are on the de- 
cay. The Redstreak and Golden Pippin can no longer 
be propagated with advantage. The fruit, like the parent 
tree, is affected by the debilitated old age of the variety.” 
And in his treatise on the culture of the apple and pear, 
he says: ‘The Moil and its successful rival, the Red- 
streak, with the Must and Golden Pippin, are in the last 
stage of decay, and the Stire and Foxwhelp are hasten- 
ing rapidly after them.” In noticing the decay of apple 
trees, Pliny probably refers to particular trees, rather than 
the whole of any variety, when he says that ‘apples be- , 
come old sooner than any other tree, and the fruit be- 
comes smaller and is subject to be cankered and worm- 
eaten, even while on the trees.”—Lib. XVI, Chap. 27. 

Speechly combated the views of Mr. Knight, and says : 
“Tt is much to be regretted that this apparently visionary 
notion of the extinction of certain kinds of apples should 
have been promulgated by authors of respectability, since 
the mistake will, for a time at least, be productive of sev- 
eral ill consequences.” 

Some of the old English varieties that were supposed 
to be worn out or exhausted, appear to have taken a new 
lease of life in this country, but we have not yet hada 
long enough experience to decide this question. Many of 
the earlier native favorites of the orchard have, for some 
reason, disappeared from cultivation—whether they have 
run out, were originally deficient in vigor, or have merely 
been superseded by more acceptable varieties, does not 

Mr. Phillips, in his Companion, states “that in 1819, he 



observed a great quantity of the Golden Pippin in Covent 
Garden Market, which were in perfect condition, and was 
induced to make inquiries respecting the health of the 
variety, which resulted in satisfactory replies from all 
quarters, that the trees were recovering from disease, 
which he thought had been induced by a succession of un- 
- propitious seasons. He cites Mr. Ronald’s opinion, that 
there was then no fear of losing this variety ; and Mr. 
Lee, who thought that the apparent decay of some trees 
was owing to unfavorable seasons. Mr. Harrison in- 
formed him that this variety was very successfully grown 
on the mountains of the island of Madeira, at an elevation 
of 3000 feet, and produced abundantly. Also that the va- 
riety was quite satisfactory in many parts of England, and 
concludes that the Golden Pippin only requires the most 
genial situation, to render it as prolific as formerly.” 

It is quite probable, as Phillips suggests, that Mr. 
Knight had watched the trees during unfavorable seasons 
which prevailed at that period, and as he found the disease 
increase, he referred it to the old age of the variety, and 
based his theory to that effect upon partial data. 

Mr. Knight’s views, though they have taken a strong 
hold upon the popular mind, have not been confirmed by 
physiologists. For though the seed would appear to be 
the proper source whence to derive our new plants, and 
certainly our new varieties of fruits, many plants have, for 
an indefinite period, been propagated by layers, shoots or 
scions, buds, tubers, etc., and that the variety has thus 
been extended much beyond the period of the life of the 
parent or original seedling. Strawberries are propagated 
and multiplied by the runners, potatoes by tubers, the 


Tiger Lily by bulblets, some onions by proliferous bulbs, 
sugar cane by planting pieces of the stalk, many grapes by 
horizontal stems, and many plants by cuttings, for a very 
great length of time. The grape vine has been continued 
in this way from the days of the Romans. A slip taken 
from a willow in Mr. Knight’s garden pronounced by him 
to be dying from old age, was planted in the Edinburgh 
Botanic Garden many years ago, and is now a vigorous 
tree, though the griginal stock has long since gone to de- 

* Balfour’s Manual, p, 284. 

CHAP Pans oli: 



All propagation of plants must depend upon the devel- 
opment of seeds or of buds, and all will arise from the 
growth and extension of cells. The seed and the bud are 
much more nearly related than a casual observer would at 


first sight suppose. The early phylologists thought they 
discovered that in the seed was enwrapped the image of 
the future tree—a dissection of the seed would appear to 
demonstrate this. It is composed of separate parts which 
are capable of being developed into the root, stem, and 
appendages, but they have yet to be so developed; the 
several parts that we find in the seed are merely the repre- 
sentative parts. But the seed has the future of the tree 
within itself, it has certain qualities of the future tree im- 
pressed upon it in its primary organization, within the cap- 
sule of the fruit of the parent plant, so that in a higher 
sense the image of the future tree does exist within the 
seed. Within the bud, still more plainly and more dis- 
tinctly visible, is the future tree manifest, and we may pro- 
duce a tree from a bud as certainly as we do from a seed. 
Subjected to circumstances favorable for growth, the bud, 
as well as the seed, will emit roots, will form its stem, 
_ branches and appendages, and will become a tree ; differing 
from the product of the seed only in this, that in the lat- 
ter the resulting organism constitutes a new. individual 
which may vary somewhat from its parent, in the former 
it is only a new development of a part of a previously ex- 
isting organization. The similarity existing between the 
two is exceedingly close, and is a matter of great impor- 
tance in horticultural operations. Dr. Lindley, in the 
Gardener’s Chronicle, says very truly, that “every bud 
of a tree is an individual vegetable, and a tree, therefore, 
is a family or swarm of individual plants, like the polype 
with its young growing out of its sides, or like the branch- 
ing cells of the coral insect.’ Similar opinions, more or 
less modified, have been expressed by subsequent physiol- 


ogists, and are familiar to men of science in every country, 
and, we may add, are also universally accepted as true by 
all who clain: a right to express’an opinion upon the sub- 
ject.—Men of science recognize the individuality of buds. 
—Nobody donbts the individuality of buds.—In a garden- 
ing aspect, the individuality of buds is the cardinal point 
upon which some of our most important operations turn 5 
such, for example, as all modes of propagation whatever, 
except by seed. If this be not fully understood, there is 
no possible explanation of the reasons why certain results 
are sure to follow the attachment of a bud, or the insertion 
of a graft, or the planting of a cutting, or the bending of 
a layer, or the approach of a scion, or the setting of an 
eye—our six great forms of artificial multiplication.” In 
his Elements of Botany, the same writer says: “ An em- 
bryo is a young plaft produced by the agency of the sex- 
es, and developed within a seed—a leaf bud is a young 
plant, produced without the agency of the sexes, enclosed 
within the rudimentary leaves called scales, and devel- 
oped on a stem.” “An embryo propagates the species, 
leaf-buds propagate the individual.” He shows each to 
be ‘a young plant developing itself upwards, downwards 
and horizontally, into stem, root, and medullary system.” 

Dr. Schleiden thus beautifully expresses his views of their 
individuality: ‘“‘ Now the bud essentially is nothing more 
than a repetition of the plant on which it is formed. The 
foundation of a new plant consists equally of a stem and 
leaves, and the sole distinction is that the stem becomes 
intimately blended at its base with the mother plant in its 
growth, and has no free radical extremity like that exhib- 
ited by a plant developed from a seed. However, this 


distinction is not so great as at the first glance it appears. 
Every plant of high organization possesses the power of 
shooting out adventitious roots from its stem, under the 
favoring influences of moisture; and very frequently, even 
plants that have been raised from seed, are forced to con- 
tent themselves with such adventitious roots, since it is 
the nature of many plants, for instance the grasses, never to 
develop their proper root, although the radicle is actually 
present. We are, it is true, accustomed to look upon the 
matter as though the buds must always be developed into 
twigs and branches, on and in connection with the plant 
itself; and thus in common life, we regard them as parts 
of a plant, and not as independent individuals, which they 
are in fact, although they, like children who remain in 
their paternal home, retain the closest connection with the 
plant on which they were produced. That they are at 
least capable of becoming independent plants, is shown 
by an experiment frequently successful when the neces- 
sary care is taken, namely the breaking off and sowing of 
the buds of our forest trees. The well-known garden 
operations of grafting and budding are also examples of 
this, and layering only differs from the sowing of the 
buds, in that the buds on the layers are allowed to acquire 
a certain degree of maturity before they are separated from 
the parent plant. All here depends upon the facility with 
which these bud plants root as it is called, that is develop 
adventitious roots, when they are brought in contact with 
moist earth, * * * Nature herself very often makes 
use of this method to multiply certain plants in incalculable 
numbers. Ina few cases, the process resembles the arti- 
ficial sowing of buds, as when the plant spontaneously 


throws off the perfect buds at a certain period; an in- 
stance of this is afforded by some of our garden Lilies, 
which throw off the little bulb-like buds which appear in 
the axils of the lower leaves. The more common mode 
of proceeding is as follows: Those buds which have been 
formed near the surface of the scil, grow up into shoots 
provided with leaves; but the shoots are long, slender 
and delicate, the leaves too are stunted into little scales ; 
in their axils, however, they develop strong buds, which 
either in the same or in the following year take root, and 
the slender shoot connecting them with the parent plant, 
dying and decaying, they become free independent plants. 
In this manner the strawberry soon covers a neglected 
garden.” * ; 

Upon the development of a cell in any living tissue, and 
its power of reproducing other cells, and upon its function 
of communicating by endosmosis and exosmosis with other 
like cells, depend all our success in propagating vegeta- 
bles, whether from seeds or buds, and parts containing 
these. We must study the circumstances that favor the 
development of cells, if we would be successful in prop- 
agating plants. Each bud being considered an individu- 
al, and capable, under favorable circumstances, of taking 
on a separate existence, we can multiply any individual 
variety indefinitely, and be sure of having the same quali- 
ties of foliage and fruit that we admire in the original, 
and that we may desire to propagate. This applies 
equally to a group of buds, as in cuttings, grafts and 
layers, etc.; but, more wonderful still, there are cells 
capable of developing buds where none existed before, and 

* The Plant, a Biography; M. J. Schleiden, p. 68. 


even in tissues or parts of a plant where we do not usually 
find buds—hence we have a mode of propagation of many 
woody plants, by root cuttings, and by leaves, and even 
parts of leaves. 

PRopaGATION By Currines.— Many fruits are multi- 
plied by this means. Healthy shoots of the previous 
year’s growth are usually selected and taken when the 
parent is in a dormant state, or still better, when it is ap- 
proaching this condition. Sometimes a small portion of 
the previous year’s growth is left with the cutting, making 
a sort of heel; when this is not to be had, or not prefer- 
red; the slip is to be prepared for planting by cutting it 
smoothly just below a bud, as this seems to be the most 
favorable point in many plants for the emission of roots. 
Some plants will throw out radicles at any point indif- 
ferently along the internodes or merithalls. The prefer- 
ence tor heel-cuttings depends upon the fact, that near 
the base of the annual shoot there are always a great num- 
ber of buds, many of which, however, being imperfectly 
developed, are inconspicuous, but though dormant, they 
seem to favor the emission of rootlets. Cuttings may be 
made to grow if taken at any period of their develop- 
ment, but when green and soft, they require particular 
conditions of heat and moisture in the soil, and atmosphere, 
that are only under the control of the professional gardener. 
They are usually taken in the dormant state, because they 
are then susceptible of being made to grow under the or- 
dinary conditions of out-door gardening. If cut early in 
the season, on the approach of autumn, after the wood- 
growth has been perfected, they may be planted at once 

with good prospect of success, or they may be put into the 


soil, out of doors, in the cellar, or in a cold frame or pit, 
and a very important step in the progress of their growth 
will commence at once. The leafless sticks are not dead, 
and whenever the temperature will admit of the quiet in- 
terchange of fluids among their cells, this curious function 
will go on, and will be accompanied by the development 
or generation of new cells that soon cover the cut surfaces, 
constituting what the gardeners call the callus. This is 
the first step toward growth, and it most readily occurs 
when the earth is warmer than the air; hence the value of 
fall planting, whether of trees or of cuttings, if done be- 
fore the earth has been chilled, and hence also, the impor- 
tance of bottom heat in artificial propagation. If on the 
contrary the air be warm and the ground cold, the buds are 
often stimulated to burst forth, before the rootlets can 
have started. The expanding foliage which so delights 
the tyro in propagation, offers an extended surface for 
evaporation, the contained juices of the cutting itself are 
soon exhausted, no adequate supply is furnished, and the 
hopeful plant soon withers, or damps off, and dies.* The 
cutting, like the seed, must have “first the root, then the 
blade.” The length of time that is allowed for cuttings to 
prepare for rooting, if they are designed for spring plant- 
ing, should be as great as possible, and the circumstances 
under which they are kept should be such as to favor the 
development of the cells, so that roots may form freely 
with the breaking of the buds, if not before. 
Root-cuttings should be made in the spring, just before 
the usual period of the bursting of the buds in the plant 
to be propagated. The tendency to develop buds appears 

* Because it had no root, it withered away. Mat. 13, 6. 


to be then most active. Gentle bottom heat, though not . 
essential, is still very desirable, and will conduce to the 
success of the operation. Some plants are best prop- 
agated by this means, and those too, which never natur- 
ally produce suckers, may often be successfully grown by 
sections of the roots. All plants do not equally admit 
of propagation by division as cuttings, some woody 
tissues refusing to emit roots under almost any cireym- 
stances. | 

Nobody thinks of propagating the stone fruits, such as 
the cherry, plum, peach, or apricot, by attempting to plant 
cuttings, and yet some of these will emit roots very free- 
ly, as we may often observe when the shoots or trimmings 
are used as supports for plants in the green-house. The 
plum tree is exceedingly apt to form new roots when 
planted too deeply, and upon this fact depends the success 
or failure of the finer varieties when worked upon certain 
varieties of the wild stock. If the young trees are earthed 
up in the nursery, and set rather deeply in the orehard, 
they will soon establish a good set of roots of their own, 
emitted above the junction of the scion and stock, which 
is very preferable to the imperfect union and consequent 
enlargement that often results from using uncongenial 
stocks. The raspberry and blackberry do not grow so. 
well from cuttings of the wood, which is always biennial 
in this genus, as they do from root-cuttings. 

In some parts of the country, peaches are mainly pro- 
duced, or the favorite varieties are multiplied, by planting 
the sprouts that come from the base of the trunk of the 
trees; these have little or no roots when taken off with 
the mattock, but they soon establish themselves and make 


good trees, bearing fruit like their parents, in soils and 
climate that are well adapted to this fruit. 

Refined and scientific horticulture has been extensively 
applied to the multiplication of the grape, which is now 
produced in immense numbers, from single eyes, or buds. 
Formerly our vineyards were formed by planting long 
cuttings at once in the field in the stations to be occupied 
by.the vines, or by setting them first in a nursery, whence 
they were transplanted to the vineyard, when one or two 
years old. Only the most refractory kinds, which would 
not grow readily in the field, or such as were yet rare, were 
propagated from cuttings, by using the single eye and 
artificial bottom heat. Now, however, the appliances of 
our propagators are called upon for the production of 
grape-vines by the million, and they find it advisable to 
multiply all the varieties in this manner. The propagation 
of the grape by using single eyes affords the most beauti- 
ful illustration of the subject of the individuality of buds, 
and though denounced by some as an unnatural, steam- 
forcing process, it is really an evidence of the advance of 
horticulture, since every step is supported by a philosoph- 
ical reason, and the whole process, to be successful, is de- 
pendent upon the application to practice of well established 
scientific truths. 

It has already been stated that the first effect of cell- 
growth upon a cutting, is the production of a callus. 
This callus may form upon any cut surface, or even where 
the bark has been abraded. It is the first effort of nature 
to repair an injury by the reproduction of new parts; it 
is most generally found at the base of the cutting, but un- 
der favorable circumstances, it will be seen also at the up- 


per end of the shoot if this has been placed in contact 
with the earth. Cuttings will sometimes be set up-side 
down, when we find the callus upon the smaller end, and 
roots will be emitted from that portion whence we should 
have expected to see the branches issue. Upon this fact, 
and to multiply the chances of living, has been based the 
French method, as it is called, or that of inserting both 
ends of the cuttings. The common mode, (fig. 1), is to 



set. the cuttings in a slanting direction in the ground, so 
placed that the upper eye or bud only shall reach the sur- 
face. Formerly there was a preference for long cuttings, 
and these were often made eighteen inches or more in 
length. The practice with most of our cultivators has 
been modified in this particular, and they have reduced 
the length of the slips to six and eight inches, so as to 
have in grape wood about three or four eyes. Some have 
gone still further, and use but two, even for out-door 
planting of the grape, and some have been very success- 
ful when using but a single joint. The Germans have ad- 
vocated longer cuttings, upon the theory that there was a 
retroaction in the pith of the internodes and in all the 
buds of the cutting, upon the lower point, enabling it to 
push roots more strongly from a long than from a short 


cutting. This theory has for its support the fact, that 
there is in such a cutting a larger amount of organizable 
matter to be developed into the new parts to be produced, 
and certainly, if neglected, short cuttings will be very apt 
to suffer from drought, but in practice, it is found that 
the short cutting plants have better roots, which are near 
the surface, and even those plants, grown from single eyes, 
are better furnished than long cuttings produced upon the 
old plan, which placed the roots deep in the soil. 


There are various methods of preparing the single-eye 
cuttings, some of which are represented in fig. 2. 

Among our cultivated fruits there is but a limited num- 
ber that need to be propagated by cuttings, though, where 
it becomes necessary, many of them may be grown in this 
manner, to which procedure there are no serious objec- 
tions, though there are some of a theoretical nature. The 
currant and the gooseberry are increased almost exclusively 


from cuttings, they strike root very readily, and are multi- 
plied to any extent ; their seeds are sown only to produce 
new varieties. The grape is propagated very extensively 
by cuttings; the slips are often planted in the field and 
in the stations where the vines are wanted for the vine- 
yard; but some varieties are so unsatisfactory in their re- 
sults, that other more elaborate and scientific means must 
be taken for their propagation. Among the larger fruits, 
those constituting our trees, we do not depend upon cut- 
tings, except in the quince, which is not only grown for | 
its fruit, but is also largely produced as a stock for the 
dwarfed pear, and is extensively propagated from cuttings. 
The Paradise apple, a dwarf stock, is multiplied in the 
same way. Pears and apples may be grown from cuttings, 
but this plan is not pursued with them to any extent. 
Those that are root-grafted, or budded very low, especi- 
ally the pear on quince stocks, will often produce roots if 
favorably situated, but there is a great difference in va- 
rieties, some rarely produce a root, while others are very 
prone to do it; from observations of this fact, a new 
phase of dwarf:pear culture has been inaugurated. 
SuckEers.—One of the simplest methods of multiplying 
varieties consists of increasing and encouraging the suck- 
ers thrown up by the roots; these are separated and set 
out for trees. We have been told by some physiologists 
that there was an absolute difference in structure between 
the root and the stem, that they could not be substituted 
the one for the other; and yet the oft quoted marvel of the 
tree which was planted upside down, and which produced 
flowers and leaves from its roots, while its branches emit- 
ted fibres, and became true roots, is familiar to every one. 


Here, as in other cases, our teachers have led us into er- 
ror by attempting to trace analogy with animal anatomy 
and physiology, and by directing our attention to the cir- 
culation of plants, as though they, like the higher animals, 
possessed true arterial and venous currents of circulating 
fluids. The cell circulation is quite a different affair, and 
can be conducted in either direction, as every gardener 
knows who has ever layered a plant, or set a cutting upside 
down. So with the roots—they are but downward ex- 
tensions of the stem; under ordinary circumstances they 
have no need for buds, but these may be, and often are 
developed, when the necessity for their presence arises. 
Buds do exist on roots, especially upon those that are 
horizontal and near the surface, and from. them freely 
spring suckers, which are as much parts of the parent tree 
as its branches, and may be planted with entire certainty 
of obtaining the same fruit, just as the twigs when used 
as cuttings, or scions, when grafted, will produce similar 

Whole orchards are planted, in some sections of the 
country, with the suckers from old trees; apples, pears, 
plums, and even peaches, as well as raspberries and black- 
berries, are multiplied in this primitive way. There are 
some varieties of apples that have been so propagated for 
half a century, and extended for hundreds of miles in this 
way by the pioneer emigrants, without ever having been 
grafted, until their merits have at length accidentally be- 
come known to the Pomological Societies and nurserymen, 
when the propagation of them by grafting soon super- 
cedes the more primitive method. Sucker trees are ob- 
jected to upon the grounds that they are not healthy and 


thrifty, that they do not have good roots. Inherent dis- 
ease of the parent tree will of course be transmitted with 
its other peculiarities, but I cannot imagine that this would 
be any more likely to occur in a sucker than in a layer, or 
cutting, or graft. As to the roots, they may be more de- 
veloped upon one side than another in the young tree, and 
this state of things may continue in the adult; we often 
observe the same condition in the stumps of the monarchs 
of our forests, which were never suspected in the day of 
their glory and pride of having such a fault. But such a 
condition of roots is not essential to the sucker, which 
may be made to have as fine a system of lateral roots, and 
as evenly and regularly distributed as those of a seedling 
tree. Another objection to this mode of propagation has 
much truth and some force; that is, that suckers are very 
apt to produce suckers again. This is particularly 
the case with the Morello cherry, which is a favorite 
stock, upon which to work many of the choice va- 
rieties. As an offset to this it may be urged, that the 
small fibrous roots, which are supposed to conduce to 
early fruitfulness, abound in trees propagated by this 
means, and this may be’the reason why the fruit trees 
that have been thus multiplied, are very generally re- 
markable for their precocious fruiting. Some of the 
apples that have been long increased in this manner, bear 
so eafly, and so bountifully, as to prevent them from ever 
forming very large trees; they often have a stunted ap- 
pearance, and not infrequently present a peculiar inequal- 
ity upon the bark, portions being swollen or enlarged 
like warts—from which, in some cases, it is easy to force 
out shoots or sprouts; they are indeed true gemmules like 


those of the old olive trees, and like them might be used 
for the propagation of the variety; a similar condition, 
no doubt, exists in the roots, whence the tendency to 
sucker. The common Morello cherry; the Damson; the 
Chickasas, and other varieties of plum; the blackberry, 
and many raspberries, are multiplied almost exclusively in 

a similar manner. 

Layers are portions of the branches of a plant that 
have been induced to throw out roots, and which can thus 
set up an independent existence if removed from the parent 
tree. This mode of propagation is a very natural one, 
and was probably an accidental discovery. In its traits, 
it is the reverse of the mode we have just been consider- 
ing. Here the branch emits roots, instead of the root 
emitting branches, gs in the case of the sucker, Layering 
is frequently resorted to as a mode of propagation, it is 
very simple, easily performed, and, with some species, very 
certain in its results. Some plants will root readily if 
merely placed in contact with the ground, or very slightly 
covered with soil; others require some artificial interfer- 
ence, such as ringing, or twisting, or slitting. The rasp- 
berry, known as the Rubus occidentalis, or Black-cap, be- 
longs to the first class, and it even places itself in contact 
with the soil by recurving its branches so as to bring the 
tips to the earth, where they strike root, and make new 
plants. The grape comes ‘under the second category, 
needing only a little assistance, and it is multiplied to a 
considerable extent in this manner. In the spring, the 
vines are laid out in a little shallow trench, and pegged 
down closely; as the buds burst, they: throw up shoots 
which are trained vertically by tying them to sticks, and 


as soon as these shoots have acquired a certain degree 
of maturity and firmness, the mellow earth is drawn up 
to them and they emit a beautiful system of roots, and by 
the fall they form very fine plants, (fig. 3). The layered 

* e 


branch is then taken up and the several plants are separat- 
ed, when it will be found that the best roots are chiefly 
from the lower joints of the new wood, rather than from 
the old canes that were laid down in the spring. 


Quinces are considerably increased by a sort of layer- 
ing, as the twigs emit roots very freely ; they are often bent 
down, slightly twisted, or not, as the case may be, and 
covered with mellow soil, when they readily emit roots, 


become firmly established, and may be set out by them-. 
selves, (fig. 4). There is, however, another method of lay- 
ering, much practiced in the multiplication of the quince; 
that called propagation by stools. The plants are set in 
open rows, four feet wide, and three or four feet apart ,in 
the rows; they should be 
so planted as to stand be- 
low the general surface, 
that is in trenches. When 
cut off at the ground in 

Za INN\\ INN \ 2 

LON ye yy the spring, they throw up 
a great number of shoots, 

and the earth is gradually 

QUINCE. courage their rooting, (see 

worked up to these to en- 

figure 5), which is often sufficient for removal the first 
season; if, on inspection, the roots are not found to be 
sufficiently large or abundant, the earthing is continued 
until the autumn of the next year, when they are remoy- 
ed, the stools trimmed of their lower roots, and reset in 
new trenches. The plants, thus raised from stools, are cut 
back severely, and are then ready to set out in nursery 
rows for budding. With the quince, cultivated in this 
manner, nothing is required but to accumulate the mel- 
low earth about the shoots; but in many plants it is 
necessary to notch the wood by splitting, or cutting it for 
an inch or two, (as in fig. 6), making a tongue that sepa- 
rates from the lower portion of the shoot, and from which 
the roots are emitted. This slit should be commenced just 
below a bud, and the knife is drawn upward, cutting half 
way through the wood. If commenced at one side instead 


of at the depending portion, the tongue is more sure to be 
separated from the stock, to which it might otherwise 
reunite. To insure rooting, some persons insert a little 
stick or chip between the separated portions, to prevent a 
re-union of the parts. The shoot, after being notched, 
is fastened down, and fine soil or compost is brought 
about it to encourage the development of roots. Few of 
the hard wooded fruit trees have been extensively prop- 


SY 2 
\ ~ WS 

agated by means of layers; they might be so produced, 
but it has not been found profitable nor necessary. 

A very common opinion prevails that layering exhausts 
the mother plant, or vine, which is used in this mode of 
propagating. If properly conducted, there is no reason 
why this should be; but if the whole top of any plant is 
bent down and made to take root, and to form independent 
roots, there can be little or no return from the branches to 
the original stock to strengthen it. A certain amount of 
healthy growing wood should always be left in its natural 
position, and no danger to the plant need be apprehended. 
~The wood growth of the strawberry, when allowed to 


take its natural bent, is directed into the stolons or run- 
ners, which form natural layers. Their production de- 
tracts from the central wood-growth of the plant, and 
exhausts its strength to such a degree, that it often dies, 
whereas, by a constant removal of the runners, as fast as 
they appear, we practice a sort of summer pruning or 
pinching, which results in the production of a large branch- 
ing stool, with many points or centers for the production 
of foliage and flowers, and thus insure the greatest abun- 
dance of fruit. The strawberry, like one species of the 
raspberry, and many other of our native plants, offers il- 
lustrations of natural layering. 

SEEpDs.—The most common as well as the most natural 
mode of multiplying the individual plants of most of our 
fruit trees, is by sowing the seed; from this source we 
procure stocks upon which are worked, by budding or 
grafting, the several varieties we may desire to propagate. 
As an illustration of this process, I propose to speak of 
apple seedlings. 

The almost universal means of increasing the number 
of apple trees, is by sowing the seed. This is generally 
selected and separated from the fresh pomace left on the 
press in cider-making. The old and slow process of hand- 
washing has given way, in this age of labor-saving ma- 
chinery, to more economical methods. The most approved 
apparatus is constructed upon the principle of separating 
the seeds from the pulp by means of their greater specific 
gravity; it is, deed, much like a gold washer, being a 
series of boxes or troughs through which a current of wa- 
ter is made to flow; this carries the lighter portions away 
from the seeds, the contents of the boxes being agitated 


from time to time. At the close of the process, the clean 
seed is found in the bottoms of the boxes, whence it is re- 
moved and carefully dried, by putting it in an airy place, 
and stirring it frequently to prevent mildew and fermen- 
tation. Well prepared seed is plump and bright, and 
should feel cold to the hand. When the pips are broken, 
they should be white and clear within; but the best test of 
their quality, is to sprout a portion, and count the plants 
produced by a given number of seeds. 

Sowrnc.—The seeds may be put into the ground, either 
in the fall, or spring. The soil having been well prepared, 
and deeply pulverized, is thrown up in beds a few feet 
wide, and the seed sown in close drills across; or without 
the beds, it may be sown in broad drills, by hand, or with 
a machine, the rows at such a distance as to allow of cul- 
ture by horse-power. It is desirable, in either case, to get 
an early start and a good stand; the weeds must be 
kept under from the very first, and not allowed to have the 
mastery for a single day. Thorough culture during the 
season, upon a deeply tilled soil, of such a character as 
to retain moisture, will be found highly advantageous 
in the production of this crop, and will insure immunity 
from leaf-blight and other adversities. Some recommend 
sprouting the seed a little before planting. If it have 
been kept during the winter mixed with its bulk of sand, 
which is a good plan, the whole may be subjected to a 
gentle heat as ina hot-bed, for a few days, just before 
planting. During this time the mass must be stirred and 
turned every day, to prevent fermentation and to secure 
an even start. Whenever the germ makes its appearance 
at the points of the seeds, which is called pipping, the 


sowing must begin, and should be done as quickly as pos- 
sible; the covering is to be slight, and the earth should 
be friable and not disposed to bake. The depth at which 
the apple seed is to be covered will depend upon the pres- 
ent and prospective state of the weather, lighter if moist, 
heavier if dry, for a continued drouth might be fatal to 
sprouted seed, if it were planted too near the surface; but 
when the weather is not dry, it is advised that the 
shallower the seed is sown, the better. The objection has 
been made to sprouting, that if the process have advanced 
too far, the seedlings will be apt to have a crook at or 
near the collar, instead of the straight fusiform appear- 

ance they should possess when presented to the grafter. 
These seedlings furnish the stocks upon which to work 
the finer varieties of the apple. They are taken up in the 
autumn with their long clean roots, which are often longer 
than their tops, the leaves are stripped off, and they are 
assorted; the larger are packed away in earth or saw-dust 
in the grafting department, or heeled-in out of doors, and 
covered in such a way as to be accessible at any time they 
“may be needed during the winter. The smaller stocks 
are heeled-in for spring planting in nursery rows for bud- 
ding, or they may be left in the original rows for another 
year’s growth as seedlings. If the plants have been well 
grown and not too thick, so that the majority are of sufli- 
‘cient size, it will be better to take them all up at once and 
assort them as just indicated, otherwise the largest only 
may be drawn separately when the ground is soft with 
autumnal rains, leaving the smaller seedlings for another 
year’s growth. In assorting and selling the stocks, nurs- 
erymen make about three classes. The very largest, as 


thick as a lead-pencil, are called extra, or two-year old, 
and command a higher price. The next size, called 1st 
class stocks, are large enough for co-aptation to the aver- 
age scions, and long enough to make two cuts each for 
erafting ; and those that fall below this requisition are 
considered second class, and are either thrown aside or set 
out for budding, and for stock or collar-grafting in the 

rows. 4 



GRAFTING is but a modification of propagation by cut- 
tings. The scion is a cutting of the variety we wish to 
propagate, which, instead of being committed to the 
ground to emit its own roots, is placed in contact with 
tissues of a nature similar to its own, through which it is 
to form a connection with the roots and the soil. The 
success of the operation depends upon the formative cell 
in this instance also, as in the cutting; new cells are 



formed upon the cut surface, and the intercommunication 
takes place through them. Hence we have anatomical 
limits to grafting; there are physiological bounds beyond 
which we cannot pass, in our combinations of scion and 
stock. Our success is in the direct ratio of the affinity 
that exists between them ; thus apple grows best on apple, 
and even among these we find the closest wnion and the 
best results, where there is a similiarity between the style 
of growth, and probably in the character of the cells. 

We say, as a general rule, that stone fruits must be 
grafted upon stone fruits, those bearing seeds, upon seed 
fruit ; but there are limits even here which confine us up- 
on one hand, and give us more latitude upon the other. 
Thus the cherry may be worked upon the wild cherry 
(Prunus Virginiana,) but it forms a very poor union; the 
pear will grow upon the thorn, which has a very different 
seed, but the union is very imperfect and the tree is short- 
lived; the apple would appear to be much nearer of kin, 
since it belongs to the same genus, but though the pear 
will grow vigorously upon this stock, it 1s no more per- 
manent than upon the thorn: either of them will answer 
when grafted low, or in the root, to start the cutting, as 
the scion may then be considered, and to sustain it until 
it shall have supplied itself with roots. In top-grafting 
the pear upon a tree of either species, it is found essential 
to success, and it conduces to the greater durability of the 
tree, for some branches of the original stock to be left in- 
tact to secure the circulation of the trunk, as the union of 
the dissimilar cells is so imperfect that it does not furnish 
sufficient vent for the sap. In the case of the cherry we 
find that the varieties appear to have a greater affinity 


for those of their own race; thus the Dukes and Morellos 
do well when grafted upon the Morello stocks, whereas 
the Hearts and Biggarreau sorts do not make a good union 
upon these stocks, but prefer the Mazzard, which has a 
freer growth more like their own. Most varieties will do 
well upon the Mahaleb stock, which is used as a means of 
dwarfing this fruit, though not a dwarf. Upon the wild 
_ cherry, which belongs to quite a different section of the 
genus, the cultivated varieties will grow, but they form 
a very imperfect union. 

The peach may be worked upon the plum stock, 
and. is claimed to be somewhat dwarfed by it, and to 
produce superior fruit. This stock 1s more congenial 
to the apricot, which is frequently propagated upon it. 
Both plums and apricots may be worked upon the peach 
stock, and they will grow very vigorously, as they will 
upon the wild plum, but they soon over-grow, and are 
very apt to break off. When either of these species is 
used as a stock for the plum or apricot, they should be 
considered merely as a nursing mother, like the apple or 
thorn to the pear, which may be wanted to help the cut- 
ting until it shall be prepared to stand alone, and feed it- 
self from its own roots. In other words, they should be 
erafted, not budded, into these uncongenial stocks, and 
the operation should be performed in the collar or below 
it, in the root, so that the growing scion may be earthed 
up, and encouraged to furnish itself with a good system 
of rogts of its own. The success will then depend upon 
the ability of the scion to emit roots freely. 

We must never forget that in grafting, we are confined 
to very narrow limits. Our scion must be of a similar 


nature with the stock, each must have cells of ayilar 
character, capable of transmitting their nutritious flu. 
from one to the other. We must recollect likewise, that 
the parts must be so co-apted that the cells of wood 
growth shall be brought into as close connection as pos- 
sible, in both scion and stock; these cells are found in the 
layer, called the cambium, which is between the wood and 
the bark. The crude sap from below will often pass from 
cell to cell, when the elaborated sap of the cells in the 
scion is wholly unfitted for the formation of wood cells in 
the stock below it; of course the union in such a case 
must be very imperfect, and the product of such a graft- 
ing will be subject to accident, and will be short-lived, 
though the result in fruit, while the union continues, may 
be very precocious, abundant, and of superior flavor. 

Natural grafting may often be observed by the student 
of nature when wandering among his favorites of the 
sylvan shades. There can be no doubt that the first hint 
was thus communicated to the early gardeners. In nature 
we always find the grafting to be inarching, or grafting 
by approach; two limbs or even two trees approximating 
closely, have abraded one another, and have afterward 
united their tissues most firmly together. This is gener- 
ally a union of two trees of the same variety or species ; 
but such is not always the case; sometimes trees of very 
dissimilar natures unite in this manner, but when we ex- 
amine them we find only a dove-tailing, only a mechanical 
union, but no vital action subsists between them. The 
ancients give us some fancy sketches of the unions by 
grafting of very dissimilar trees, and some moderns who 
have no higher claim to poetry than their romancing, tell 


pee r 




us that~e may graft the peach upon the Willow and But- 
tor-0od, and form other equally impossible unions. 
“The different methods of performing the operation of 
“ grafting vary with the character and size, and 
condition of the stocks to be worked; thus we 
have splice grafting, whip, cleft, saddle, and side 
grafting with modifications, and also grafting 
by approach, which is generally called inarching 
—though sometimes also practiced where we 

desire to renew the roots of a tree that are un- 

healthy, or to restore those 

| that have been removed by 



aii; accident or by the erosion 

of some rodent animals. 

Splice GRAFTING is the 

Fase ey 
—— = 

simplest process, and is appli- 

| cable only where the size of 

) the stock and of the scion cor- 

respond pretty nearly; the 

two are cut with a sloping curve, each 
of which being made at the same angle, 

will coincide with the other when they 

are applied together, as represented 

é oe 4 
in the engraving, fig. 7. 
Wuir GRAFTING is 2 modification of 

Fig. 8. —wHIP GRAFT- the above. Each portion is cut in aslop- 

eee ing manner as in the splice grafting, but 
each is also split with a thin-bladed knife, as represented 
in fig. 8. The object in this is to give a firmer union 
to the two portions, and also to present a more extended 

surface for the effusion of the new cell tissue that is to 


form the bond of union in cementing them together. In 
both these methods, but especially in the first, the parts 
must be held' together in co-aptation by some kind of 
bandage; this is generally composed of grafting wax, 
spread upon cloth or paper, or even, as now extensively 
practiced, upon fine thread. Cotton yarn No. 3 is drawn 
through melted grafting wax, and as it cools, it is wound 

A. B. | Cc. D: 


upon a reel at the other side of the room, whence it is 
drawn as wanted by the grafter or tyer. Tying or wrap- 
ping is always a good precaution, and. when the splice or 
cleft graft is not very close, it becomes necessary; but 
thousands of grafts will unite equally well where the 
parts are covered with earth, without any such appliance. 

CLeFT GRAFTING is generally done when the stock is 
larger than the scion, and also where the operation is per- 


formed at a point above the ground. The stock is split 
downward, after having been cut off at the point where 
the grafting is to be done. The knife should be sharp, 
and the bark should be cut through first, to avoid its being 
torn, and so that the sides of the cleft shall be smooth. 
A wedge is inserted to keep the cleft open for the inser- 

tion of the scion, which is cut on each 
side like a fine wedge; but the two 
planes not being parallel, the bark will 
be left on one side to the very point of 
the wedge, while on the other it will be 
removed a part of the way, making a 
feather edge, A, fig. 9. The object of 
this is to have the pressure of the cleft 
greatest upon the outer side, where the 
union is to be effected. It is well to have 
a bud on the strip of bark left between 

the two cuts used in forming the graft, 

this should be near the top of the cleft. 

One or two grafts may be inserted into 

a cleft, or more clefts may be made, in 
Fig. 10.—cLEFT 

BOTH Scions an. Ulmbsvof lam old ‘tree,- but zusuallyvomeme 

large stocks, or in re-grafting the large 

CLINED INWARD. sufficient to leave growing; and in the 
young tree, only one should ever be allowed to remain. 
When the scion is nicely set into the cleft, so that the in- 
ner bark of the stock and graft shall coincide, or rather 
cross a very little, (see fig. 10,) the wedge, whether of 
hard wood, or of iron, should be gently withdrawn, and 
then the elasticity of the stock will hold the scion firmly 
to its place; this pressure should not be too severe. In 


this kind of grafting, if the pressure be sufficiently firm, 
and if the operation have been performed below the sur- 
face of the ground, it may not be nec- 
essary to make any other application 
than to press the moist earth about the 
parts, and cover all but the top of the 
graft with soil, and’place a stick to in- 
dicate the plant and protect it from in- 
jury. If, on the contrary, the pressure 
of the cleft be not sufficient to hold the 
scion firmly, as in small stocks, the 
graft must be tied. For this a piece of 

bass matting, or cotton twine, may be 

used; and if the operation has been 

performed above ground, the whole 

must be covered 

with grafting 
Fig. 11.—sIDE GRAFT- =i a 

ING. wax, applied, ei- 
ther hot with a brush, or cold, after 

having been worked with the hands, 

or by wrapping with strips of mus- 
lin or paper previously spread with 

the wax. In old times grafting 
clay was used,and applied with the 

hands as a lump around the junc- 

tion; but this disagreeable and 

clumsy appliance has given way 

to more elegant and convenient 

arrancements Fig. 12,—sIDE GRAFTING— 

Sipe GRAFTING is performed in two ways. In one it is 

a modification of cleft grafting in which there is no cleft, 


but the bark is started from the wood, and the scion, cut 
as shown in figure 11, is pressed down between the wood 
and bark. This can only be done late in the spring, after 
the sap has begun to flow in the stock, so that the bark 
will run; it is indeed more like budding than grafting. 
The other modification is done without cutting off the 
stock. The knife is applied to the side of a stock of me- 
dium size, and a cut is made downward and extending to 


one-third the diameter, fig. 12; the scion is cut as for 
cleft grafting, and inserted so as to have the parts well 
co-apted, and then secured as usual. This plan is useful 
where there is danger of too free a flow of sap from the 
roots. Two other kinds of side graft are shown in fig. 18 
The left-hand figures show the Richard side graft, in which 


an arched branch, A, is used. This is inserted under the 
bark of the stock, B, above the graft an incision is made 
in the stock down to the ivood, to arrest the flow of sap. 
After the insertion, the wound is covered with grafting 
wax. The Girardin side graft is illustrated at the three 
right-hand figures. A fruit bud, Z, or a graft with a 
terminal fruit bud, D, is inserted under the bark of the 
stock, C, in August, or whenever 
suitable buds can be obtained and 
the bark will run. The wound is 


tied and covered with wax, as be- 

fore. The object of this grafting 


is to secure immediate fruitage. 

Another kind of side grafting con- 

sists in plunging a dirk-shaped 

knife directly through the tree, in- 

clining the point downward, into 

“di «this opening the graft is inserted ; 
hy the object being to establish a limb 
if} on a naked portion of the trunk. 

SADDLE GRAFTING is used only 

fie: sania CO with stocks of small size; it is per- 
ING. formed by making a double slope 
upon the stock, and by opening a corresponding space in 
the graft, by cutting two slopes in the scion, from below 
upwards, so that they shall meet in the centre, as seen 
in fig. 14. Some merely split the scion. 
GRAFTING BY APPROACH, or as it is generally termed, 
marching, is often practiced where there is difficulty in 
making the scion unite with the stock; it is not often 

needed in the culture of our orchard fruits, but may be 


here described. The stock upon.which we wish to graft 
the scion, must be planted near the variety or species to 
be increased. A small twig of the latter, which can be 
brought close to the stock, is selected for the operation ; 
a slice of bark and wood is then removed from the twig, 
and another of equal size from the stock, so managed, that 
these cut surfaces can be brought together and secured 
in that position until they have united, after which the 
twig, that has been used as a scion, is cut from its parent 
tree, and the top of the stock is carefully reduced until 
the scion has sufficiently developed itself to act as the top 
of the ingrafted tree, which may afterward be transplanted 
to its proper station. 

A modification of this grafting by approach, is, howev- 
er, sometimes of great service, where we have a valuable 
tree that has suffered from disease in the roots, or from in- 
jury to them. It consists in planting some thrifty young 
stocks, with good roots, about the base of the tree, after 
having prepared the ground by thorough digging, and by 
the addition of good soil if necessary. These stocks are 
then inserted upwards into the healthy portion of the 
trunk; by the process of side grafting reversed or invert- 
ed, or by the usual method of inarching. 

Rine GRarrine orn Bark GRAFTING is not much used, 
and in small stocks it is rather a kind of budding, for then 
aring of bark is removed at the proper season of year, 
generally about midsummer, and it is replaced by a similar 
ring of bark from a shoot of the same size, taken from a 
tree of the variety to be propagated; this ring of bark 
must be furnished with a healthy bud. This method has 
little to recommend it, and can only be applied when both 


the stock and the scion are in a growing condition, so that 
the bark will run freely; care also must be exercised to 
avoid injuring the eye of the bud, in peeling off the ring. 
A modification of bark grafting may be applied with great 
advantage, however, to an old tree, that has met with 
an injury to a portion of its bark. The injured part 
should be pared smoothly to the sound bark and wood. 
This may be done with a sloping cut, or 
the edge may be made abrupt and 
square with a chisel and mallet; a piece 
of fresh wood and bark is then to be 
cut from a healthy tree and fitted pre- 
cisely to the fresh wound, and secured 

in its place with bandages, and graft- 
ing clay or wax is then applied, thus 
making what the surgeons would call a 

sort of taliacotian operation. Instead 

of a single piece of wood and bark, a 

number of young shoots may be used 
to make the communication complete ; 
Ge a these are set close together and secured 
wan wv? ~~ in the usual manner; see fig. 15. 

Pies 15, as — Re-GRAFTING OLp OrcHarps. — Old 
ING, TO REPAIR AN orchards of inferior fruit may be entire- 

INJURED TREE. J]y re-made and re-formed by gratt- 
ing the limbs with such varieties as we may desire. A 
new life is by this process often infused into the trees, 
which is due to the very severe pruning which the trees 
then receive; they are consequently soon covered with a 
vigorous growth of young healthy wood, which replaces 
the decrepid and often decaying spray that accumulates 

in an old orchard, and the fruit produced for several 


years by the new growth is not only more valuable in 
kind, according to the judgment used in the selection of 
grafts, but it is more fair, smooth and healthy, and of bet- 
ter size than that which was previously furnished by the 
trees. Certain varieties are brought at once into bearing 
when thus top-grafted, which would have been long in de- 
veloping their fruitful condition if planted as nursery 
trees. Others are always better and finer when so worked, 
than on young trees. Some of the finest specimens of the 
Northern Spy apple, exhibited at the fairs, have been pro- 
duced by grafts inserted into the terminal branches of old 
bearing trees. There is a theory held by some orchard- 
ists, that the further the junction of the graft with the 
stock is removed from the root, the better will be the 
fruit. This, however, is not well supported, and the cir- 
cumstance, when observed, is probably dependent upon 
other causes. 

In renewing an old orchard by grafting its head, it will 
not be a good plan to attempt the whole tree at once; the 
pruning would be too severe, and would be followed by a 
profusion of succulent shoots breaking out from the large 
branches, such as are called water-sprouts. Those who 
have practiced most, prefer at first, to remove about one- 
third of the limbs for grafting, and those should be 
selected at the top of the tree. The new growth thus has 
an open field for its development, and the lower limbs 
will be invigorated, while they tend also to preserve the 
equilibrium of the tree in a double sense, physically and 
physiologically. The next year another third of the limbs 
may be grafted, and the remainder the year following, as 
practiced by Mr. Geo. Olmstead, of Connecticut, who, on 


the sixth year from the first grafting, harvested 283 bush- 
els of choice apples from a single tree that was 75 years 
old, and which before only produced inferior fruit. J. J. 
Thomas recommends, “to give a well-shaped head to such 
newly formed trees, and to prevent the branches from 
shooting upward in a close body near the centre of the 
tree; that the old horizontal boughs should be allowed to 

extend to a distance in each direction, while the upright 


ones should be lopped ;”’ see fig. 16. The same writer also 
advises, “instead of cutting off large branches and graft- 
ing them at once, it is better to prune the top in part, 
which will cause an emission of vigorous shoots. These 
are then budded, or grafted. * * * And as the grafts 
gradually extend by growth, the remainder of the top 

may, by successive excisions, be entirely removed.” 

GRAFTING IN THE NursERY is either done at or near the 
collar of the stock, or it is performed in-doors upon the 


roots or sections of roots of young stocks. The latter 
may be first described, as it constitutes the most extensive 
means of multiplying fruit trees. It is a sort of ma- 
chinery, with division of labor, and appliances, that enable 
the operators to turn out immense numbers. Machinery 
has indeed been applied to the business; we have grafting 
apparatus to facilitate the work. The Minkler machine 
consists of a frame or guage which regulates the angle of 
the slope, which is cut with a broad chisel that reduces 
the roots and scions to a condition for putting them to- 
gether; by its use an immense number of grafts can be 
cut, and another hand binds them together with the waxed 
thread, without any tie. Mr. Robey’s machine consists 
of a complicated shears to cut the slope and tongue at one 
operation, preparing the pieces for whip grafting. Mr. 8. 
S. Jackson, of Cincinnati, has also invented an apparatus 
for this purpose, which proves to be very useful. 

Roor Grarrine.—The methods of performing the opera- 
tion vary somewhat, but all agree in the object to be attain- 
ed: the co-aptation of the scion with a piece of root. Some 
grafters use only the upper portion of the root, thinking 
the original collar of the seedling stock the only point at 
which the most perfect and successful union between the 
aérial and terrestrial portions of trees should or can be 
effected — theoretically this may be very well, but the 
practice constantly pursued, in myriads of cases, abun- 
dantly proves that the grafting need not be restricted to 
this part, and that a perfect union may be effected at any 
point of the root, and that this may even be inverted. 
The very common practice has been to take two or more 
cuts from the root, when it is of sufficient size and length ; 


and though some of our best propagators restrict them- 
selves to two cuts from each, others, who have experi- 
mented carefully, insist that the third section will average 
as well as the others. <A lot of trees, worked especially 
for a test in this matter, gave the following results. 

In 1859 an average lot of roots and scions, about fifty 
in each lot, were treated as follows, White Pippin and 
Willow-leaf being used as scions :— 

White Pippn—No. 1, being on the first cut of the root, 
had made a fair growth. 

No. 2, being on the second cut, were quite as good or 

No. 5, being on the third cut, were not quite so good as 
the others, the ground being partially shaded by a large tree. 

Another, of Willow-leaf—No. 1, on the 3d cut of root, 
very good growth. 

No. 2, on very slender roots, nearly as good. 

No. 3, only 1 inch of root to 1 inch of scion; not so 
good growth nor so good a strike, but shaded by a tree. 

No. 4, on 2d cut of root, not so good as the third. 

No. 5, on average lot, not waxed, as good as any. 

No. 6, roots worked upside-down, mostly failed. 

D. O. Reeder exhibited some 2-year old apple trees, 
worked on the root inverted, they were of very good 

For root grafting, thrifty stocks are wanted of one or 
two years’ growth, the smoother and straighter the roots, 
the better. These should be taken up from the seed-bed 
in the fall, selected, tied in bundles, and stored in the cel- 
lar or cave, or buried in the soil where they shall be acces- 
sible at any time, and where they will be kept fresh and 


plump. The roots and scions having been prepared and 
under shelter, the work of grafting may proceed at any 
time during the winter. The stocks, if not clean, should 
be washed, and one hand trims off the side rootlets. The 
grafter cuts a hundred scions of the appropriate length, 
which he puts into a shallow box on the table; he takes up 
a stock, cuts the slope near the collar, and a dextrous 
hand will at the same time make the sloping cut to re 
ceive the first graft and also the tongue, if that style of 
erafting is to be done, as is usually practised. He then 
picks up a scion, from a lot which himself or another hand 
has already prepared with a slope and tongue, and adapts 
it to the root, the tongue keeping the two together; a por- 
tion of the root is then cut off with the graft, and the 
process is repeated upon the next section. Two or three 
or more grafts, are thus made from one seedling root; the 
length of the sections vary from two to four inches, ac- 
cording to the fancy of the operator, or of his employer. 
Some persons recommend a long scion with a short root, 
and others prefer to reverse those terms. The whole root 
graft should not be more than six or seven inches long. 

When any given number of scions are fitted to the 
roots, a boy completes the process of grafting, by applying 
melted wax with a brush, in which case they are dropped 
into water to harden the wax, or they are wrapped with 
waxed strips of muslin or paper, or, better still, they are 
tied with waxed thread. No. 3 cotton yarn is drawn 
through a pan of melted wax, and wound upon a reel 
placed at the other side of the room, so that the wax 
may harden. This waxed thread is a very convenient 
tie; the graft being held in the left hand, the thread is 


wound about it two or three turns; as the wax causes the 
bandage to adhere to itself where it crosses, no knot is 
needed, and the thread is broken off with a quick jerk. 

In splice grafting, whether performed with any of the 
machines, or if the slopes of root and scion be cut with 
the thin grafting knife, the tying must be done by the 
same hand that selects and places the scion upon the root. 
This.does not admit of the same division of labor, and the 
fingers, becoming sticky from the wax, cannot be so nim- 
ble, and are unfit for cutting. When the lot is tied, they 
are set into the box, which should be inclined at an angle, 
and interspersed with earth or saw-dust; for transporta- 
tion. Saw-dust, just as it comes from the mill, neither 
wet nor dry, is preferred by some as a packing material, 
and it has been found very efficacious, excluding and ad- 
mitting the air just in the right proportions to prevent 
desiccation, and to promote the union, which very soon 
takes place between the graft and the root, if the boxes 
be stored in the cellar. In an ice-house root grafts have 
been kept in saw-dust more than a year, and then planted 
and grown successfully. The boxes should be deep 
enough to receive the whole graft—say from 10 to 12 
inches—and then they can be packed upon one another 
without injuring the scions; these should be distinctly 
marked with the name and number, so as to be ready for 
planting out in the spring. 

Much discussion has been had, upon the merits and de- 
merits, or disadvantages of root grafting, and much the- 
oretical argument has been brought against the practice ; 
but beautiful trees are thus made in immense numbers in 
the extensive nurseries of our country, and until better 


arguments can be produced against the practice, nursery- 
men will continue to graft on sections of root, such va- 
rieties, as are suitable for this procedure—especially ap- 
ples, in a large proportion of the varieties cultivated, some 
pears, some peaches, grapes, and other fruits. 

Root grafting is now of almost universal application 
with the apple. It has many advantages, which may be 
summed up as follows: Two or more plants may be pro- 
duced from the root of one stock; these may be made with 
great rapidity; the work may all be performed in-doors 
and during the whole winter season, when nothing can be 
done outside; they are of small bulk, and great numbers 
may be stowed away in little space, they may be trans- 
ported to any distance in this condition, and are ready for 
planting with the opening of spring, when they may be 
set in the nursery rows at once; or, they may be bedded 
out in a small space and mulched, to protect them from 
drouth, and the weeds can easily be kept under. Another 
advantage of bedding out the root-grafts is, that they may 
be assorted according to their size the next season, when 
transplanted into the nursery rows. This very transplant- 
ing too is a great advantage, for the roots will be much 
improved by the process. 

The theoretical objections to root grafts have yielded 
to sound philosophy, based on and supported by practical 
observation. The very many advantages of this more 
economical and convenient and agreeable process, will 
necessarily sustain root-grafting in this fast age, when so 
many millions of trees are needed for the rapidly extend- 
ing wants of this nation of tree planters. We may, how- 
ever, consider some of the practical objections which have 


been brought forward against this plan of multiplying the 
apple. In our very changeable climate, and particularly 
in the North-west, upon the prairies, the cold of winter 
often supervenes with great suddenness, after the young 
trees have made a prolonged and vigorous growth in the 
fertile soil, and produces terrible devastation among those 
that are there exposed, without protection of any kind, to 
the rude blasts of the storm-king: in a less degree, injury 
is very frequent with many such late-growing kinds, at the 
first access of a severe frost ; this is manifested in the burst- 
ing of the bark near the base of the stem. The same thing 
is not so often seen in the same varieties, when they have 
been budded or stock grafted a foot or more from the 
ground upon hardy seedling stocks, hence judicious prop- 
agators have selected the “tender” varieties for this kind 
of working, and confine their root-grafting to those less 
liable to the injury. There are other varieties which do 
not readily and promptly form a strong upright growth, 
so as to be profitable trees to the nurseryman if root 
erafted; these are selected for stock working, either on 
strong seedlings, or upon hardy upright sorts that have 
been root grafted for the purpose of being thus double- 
worked. This plan has been pursued to a limited extent 
only, but its advantages in the production of good trees 
of the slender growing varieties, begin to be appreciated, 
and as the demand increases, our intelligent nurserymen 
will very soon furnish the requisite supply. 
Planting—When the weather is fine, and the soil in 
good condition, the root-grafts are to be set out with a 
dibble, by the line; they should be planted rather deeply, 
one bud projecting above the surface of the ground. The 

94 AMERICAN gp oLoey. 

culture must be thorough, the plants should be kept per- 
fectly clean, but it is questionable whether the growth 
should be pushed late in the season; indeed, it is prefer- 
able to check the vegetation at mid-summer. For this 
purpose it has been recommended to cease cultivating the 
soil, or even to sow the ground with a heavy seeding of 
oats, so as to check the growth before winter. In good 
soils, with good culture, the average hight in the rows 
will be two feet, but there is a great difference in the 
kinds; some will considerably exceed this hight. In- 
telligent nurserymen no longer endeavor to have an exces- 
sive growth in the first year, and many prefer the bedding 
plan above alluded to. 

Trimming, Pinching, or Heading.—TYhe growth dur- 
ing the first year is generally a single shoot, sometimes 
two. If there be a second, it should be subordinated by 
pinching off its extremity, never by trimming it off; in- 
deed, laterals should always be encouraged, and this will be 
more and more the case, since the demand for low-headed 
trees is increasing, as the laws of physiology are better 
understood. A young tree, well furnished with laterals, 
is always more stocky, and every way better, though not 
so tall as that which has been drawn up to a single stem. 
To encourage this condition, some advise the pinching out 
the terminal bud in the midst of the growing season, 
which will cause the swelling and subsequent breaking of 
the lower buds, so as to furnish plenty of laterals. If 
done later in the season, especially with strong-crowing 
varieties, a branching head may be formed higher up, dur- 
ing the first season, making very pretty trees. This is, 
however, seldom attempted with root-grafts the first sea- 


son, though it is very common for collar-grafted trees, and 
for buds on strong stocks to make a fine branching growth 
the first year. The second season the trees should all be 
headed-in, and the laterals spurred-in early in the spring, 
or in mild weather during the winter, if the scions are 
wanted. This method of making stocky plants cannot be 
too highly commended, nor ean the opposite plan, of trim- 
ming off all the side branches, and even of stripping the 
leaves from the lower part. of the shoots, during the first 
summer, be too severely condemned. 

Stock Grartine has many advocates, and for some va- 
rieties this plan is preferable. The union may be effected 
at any point from the collar upward. Formerly, the 
place was selected to suit the convenience of the grafter, 
and many old orchards show very plainly where they were 
worked, the stock or the scion having overgrown, and it 
is very curious that some varieties may be indicated as 
good feeders of the stock below them, and the contrary. 
At present, tree planters are more fastidious, and object 
to these irregularities in the stems of their trees, They 
will purchase nothing that shows the point of union above 
ground, hence the more common use of collar grafting, as 
it has been called, or the insertion of the scion at or near 
the surface of the ground. Stocks that have been.culti- 
vated one or two years in the nursery row, are selected 
for this purpose; the earth is removed from them, they are 
cut off and grafted as they stand, and with their fine 
strong roots undisturbed, the result of one summer’s 
growth is very satisfactory, making beautiful trees fit for 
the orchard. Older trees, especially those with straight 
clean stems, are often grafted standard high, so as to pro- 



duce a fine salable tree at once, or in one season, This 
is a very good plan with some of the slender and strag- 
eling varieties, such as are called poor growers, and which 
are unprofitable to the nurseryman when propagated in the 
usual manner. Grafting or budding upon such stocks is 
also resorted to very often, when it is desirable at once to 
furnish large, or salable trees of new varieties. 

In grafting upon a large stock, or upon the tops of an 
old tree, the process called cleft grafting is generally 
used. Here, as in all forms of this process, the object to 
be attained, is the co-aptation of the inner bark of both 
stock and scion. The latter is held in its place by the 
clasping of the former, and is also covered by some mate- 
rial that is pliant, and which will exclude the air and 

The advantages of stock-grafting are the changing of an 
old tree from bad to good fruit, which is produced in a few 
years; itis also applicable to large stocks, and produces an 
immediate result, making salable trees in one year. It is 
also desirable for some poor-growing varieties, which are 
slow in making a tree from the ground; but it has its dis- 
advantages also. The nurseryman must wait until his 
stocks have been grown one or more years in the nursery, 
his trees will sometimes be larger than he desires, they 
will be apt to have the mark of the grafting as a blemish 
vpon the stalk sometimes during the life of the tree; 
and worse than all, he 1s restricted toa brief period in the 
spring, when he is obliged to perform the operation 
out of doors, and often in very unpleasant weather. 

As a result of all the discussions upon this subject, it is 
found that stock-grafting, whether at the collar or at some 


distance above the eround, is still practiced, and has many 
warm advocates, as a better means of makin g the best trees. 
The only objections are the greater expense of culture of 
the stocks, and greater labor in grafting ; the limited pe- 
riod at which the work can be performed, and the exposure 
of the workman during its performance, which is often at 
a stormy season, and always during a busy portion of the 
year. The trees too, in the orchard, are often somewhat 
deformed by an irregularity of growth, and have an en- 
largement either above or below the union, which is un- 

The kind of grafting will depend upon the size of the 
stocks; splice and whip-grafting on the smaller, and cleft- 
grafting on the larger ones, must be practiced. The wax- 
ing may be done by any of the methods indicated, accord- 
ing to the fancy; but it must always be more thoroughly 
done in aerial, than in underground grafting, whether 
this be in the collar or upon sections of the root; in the 
former the whole of the cut surfaces must be covered, 
to prevent desiccation by the winds, or the inroads of 
insects, or of wet from rains, 

Wax.—Various combinations of the materials used in 
the preparation of grafting-wax, have been recommended 
by different operators. The desideratum being to have a 
material that shall be sufficiently pliant, and at the same 
time firm enough to withstand the elevated temper- 
atures to which it may be exposed. A mean is preferred, 
neither too hard nor too soft, and the proportions of the 
ingredients are varied according as it is proposed to use ~ 
it out of doors, or in the house, in cold weather or 
warm. Ps 


A favorite recipe, with a practical nurseryman of great 
experience, is: 

Rosin, six parts, 
Bees-wax, one part, melted together. 
Tallow, one part, 

This is to be used warm, when grafting in the house. 
For out-door work he used the following: 

Rosin, four or five parts. 
Bees-wax, one and one-half to two parts. 
Linseed oil, one to one and one-half. 

This is made into a mass to be applied by hand. A very 
pleasant and neat mode of using the wax is to pour it 
when melted, upon thin muslin or strong paper, and spread 
it thin with a spatula. The tissue is then cut into strips 
of convenient size. The application to cotton yarn for 
root-grafting, has already been mentioned. 

The French use the preparation given below, sufficiently 
warm to be liquid, but not so hot as to injure the tissues 
of the tree, and apply it with a brush: 

Black piteh. 20.205 Haan Boe he cteeae eens 28 parts. 
Bure wed y Ate hy nt aoe spe one Beers [uo eoe pie 
IBCGB=WAK, oir ain cis Sila’ wince Oe ss ein tile hs 1G: ee 
Grease sy aeeta rate pc Scars ticen ene 1 ay 
VellowsOchre scx eaeusseaen mae 1 aod 
Malin Gens. a cycle os oe wie see aie 100 parts.* 

Mr. Du Breuil also refers to Leport’s liquid mastic in 
terms of commendation, but speaks of it as a secret 

Downing recommends melting together: 
BOCs WAKA see ee ee heen te ere ee «a 3 parts. 
ROSLI hse wee etentce bc aa stesso Spey 
Dallowiik. Chk. Stektaktenittesteyebe. teats s G os 

* Du Breuil, Culture of Fruit Trees; English Translation. 


He says, the common wax of the French is 

PMN ih. catia dant. x hoe aero one-half pound. 
Became. se setae os “2 
Cow=diba 25 csscbs beaten. oaee one pound. 

To be boiled together, and laid on with a brush, and for 
using cold or on strips of muslin, equal parts of tallow, 
bees-wax, and rosin, some preferring a little more tallow. 

J. J. Thomas, whose practical knowledge is proverbial, 
recommends for its cheapness 

hinged Ou. capes ee ee one pint. 
OSIM hase 3d Sits hose epee dee Six pounds. 
BOS Wax se 45 5 Sache edema ane ee one pound. 

Melted together, to be applied warm with a brush, or to 
be put on paper or muslin, or worked with wet hands in- 
to a mass and drawn out into ribbons. 

The season for grafting is quite a prolonged one, if we in- 
clude the period during which it may be done in the house, 
and the ability we have of retarding the scions by cold, 
using ice. It should be done while the grafts are dor- 
mant, which is at any time from the fall of the leaf until 
the swelling of the buds. As the grafts would be likely 
to suffer from prolonged exposure, out-door grafting is 
done just before vegetation commences in the spring, but 
may be prolonged until the stocks are in full leaf, by 
keeping back the scions, in which case, however, there is 
more danger to the stock unless a portion of its foliage is 
allowed to remain to keep up the circulation; under these 
circumstances, too, side-grafting is sometimes used with 
the same view. 

The stone fruits are worked first ; cherries, plums, and 
peaches, then pears and apples. With regard to grafting 


grapes, there is a diversity of opinion. Some operators 
prefer very early in the season, as in February, and others 
wait until the leaves have appeared upon the vine to be 

Sctons or Grarts are to be selected from healthy plants 
of the variety we wish to propagate. They should be 
the growth of the previous year, of average size, well de- 
veloped, and with good buds, those having flower buds 
are rejected. If the shoots be too strong, they are often 
furnished with poor buds, and are more pithy, and there- 
fore they are more difficult to work and are less likely to 
grow. Grafts, cut from young bearing orchards, are the 
best, and being cut from fruiting trees, this enables 
us to be certain as to correctness of the varieties to 
be propagated; but they are generally and most rapidly 
collected from young nursery trees, and as an orchardist 
or nurseryman should be able to judge of all the varieties 
he cultivates by the appearance of their growth, foliage, 
bark, dots, ete., there is little danger in taking the scions 
from such untested trees. 

Time for cutting Scions.—The scions may be cut at any 
time after the cessation of growth in the autumn, even be- 
fore the leaves have fallen, until the buds burst in the 
spring, always avoiding severely cold or frosty weather, 
because of the injury to the tree that results from cutting 
at such a time, though the frost may not have injured the 
scion. The best nurserymen prefer to cut them in the au- 
tumn, before they can have been injured by cold. They 
should be carefully packed in fine earth, sand, or saw- 
dust, and placed in the cellar or cave. The leaves strip- 
ped from them, make a very good packing material; moss 


is often used, where it can be obtained, but the best ma- 
terial is saw-dust. This latter is clean, whereas the sand 
and soil will dull the knife. If the scions should have be- 
come dry and shriveled, they may still be- revived by 
placing them in soil that is moderately moist, not wet— 
they should not, by any means, be placed in water, but 
should be so situated that they may slowly imbibe mois- 
ture. When they have been plumped, they should be ex- 
‘amined by cutting into their tissues; if these be brown, 
they are useless, but if alive, the fresh cut will look clear 
and white, and the knife will pass as freely through them 
as when cutting a fresh twig. : 

The after-treatment of the grafts consists in removing 
the sprouts that appear upon the stock below the scion, 
often in great numbers. These are called robbers, as they 
take the sap which should go into the scion. It is some- 
times well to leave a portion of these as an outlet for ex- 
cess. When the graft is tardy in its vegetation, and in 
late grafting, it is always safest to leave some of these 
shoots to direct the circulation to the part, and thus insure 
a supply to the newly introduced scion; all should even- 
tually be removed, so as to leave the graft supreme. 

It may sometimes be necessary to tie up the young 
shoot which pushes with vigor, and may fall and break 
with its own weight before the supporting woody fibre 
has been deposited; but a much better policy is to pinch 
in the tip when but a few inches long, and thus encourage 
the swelling and breaking of the lateral buds, and produce 
a more sturdy result. This is particularly the case in 
stock-grafts and in renewing an orchard by top-grafting. 



Buppine, or inoculating, is the insertion of eyes or 
buds. This is a favorite method of propagation, which is 
practiced in the multiplication of a great variety of fruits. 
The advantages of budding consist in the rapidity and 

facility with which it is performed, and the certainty of 


success which attends it. Budding may be done during 
a long period of the growing season, upon the different 
kinds of trees we have to propagate. Using but a single 
eye, it is also economical of the scions, which is a matter 
of some importance, when we desire to multiply a new 
and scarce variety. 

It has been claimed on behalf of the process of budding, 
that trees, which have been worked in this method, are 
more hardy and better able to resist the severity of win- 
ter than others of the same varieties, which have been 
grafted in the root or collar, and also that budded trees 
come sooner into bearing. Their general hardiness will 
probably not be at all effected by their manner of prop- 
agation; except perhaps, where there may happen to be 
a marked difference in the habit of the stock, such for in- 
stance as maturity early in the season, which would have 
a tendency to check the late growth of the scion placed 
upon it—the supplies of sap being diminished, instead of 
continuing to flow into the graft, as it would do from the 
roots of the cutting or root-graft of a variety which was 
inclined to make alate autumnal growth. Practically, how- 
ever, this does not have much weight, nor can we know, 
in a lot of seedling stocks, which will be the late feeders, 
and which will go into an early summer rest. 

Certain varieties of our cultivated fruits are found to 
have aremarkable tendency to make an extended and very 
thrifty growth, which, continuing late into the autumn, 
would appear to expose the young trees to a very severe 
trial upon the aceess of the first cold weather, and we 
often find them very seriously injured under such circum- 
stances; the bark is frequently split and ruptured for sev- 


eral inches near the ground. The twigs, still covered 
with abundant foliage, are so affected by the frost, that 
their whole outer surface is shriveled, and the inner bark 
and wood are browned; the latter often becomes perma- 
nently blackened, and remains as dead matter in the centre 
of the tree, for death does not necessarily ensue. Now in- 
telligent nurserymen have endeavored to avoid losses 
from these causes, by budding such varieties upon strong 
well-established stocks, though they are aware that these 
are not more hardy than some of the cultivated varieties: 
a given number of seedling stocks has been found to suffer 
as much from the severity of winter, as do a similar amount 
of the grafted varieties taken at random.* That the se- 
rious difficulty of bark-bursting occurs near the surface of 
the ground, does seem to be an argument of some weight in 
favor of budding or stock-grafting at a higher point. The 
earlier fruiting of budded trees than those which have 
been root-grafted, does not appear to be a well established 
fact, and therefore need not detain us; except to observe 
that the stocks, upon which the buds were inserted, might 
have been older by some years than the slip of root upon 
which the graft was set, so that the fruiting of the former 
tree should count two or three or more years further back 
than from the period of the budding. There are so many 
causes which might have contributed toward this result 
of earlier bearing, that we should not be too hasty in 
drawing conclusions in this matter. 

The philosophy of budding is very similar to that of 
grafting. The latter process is performed when the plant- 
life is almost dormant, and the co-apted parts are ready to 

* A, R. Whitney, Franklin Grove Nurseries, Lee Co., Ill. 


take the initiative steps of vegetation, and to effect their 
union by means of new adventitious cells, before the free 
flow of sap in the growing season. Budding, on the con- 
trary, is done in the hight of that season, and toward its 
close, when the plants are full of well matured and highly 
organized sap, when the cell circulation is most active, and 
the union between the parts is much more immediate than 
in the graft; were it nt so, indeed, the little shield, with 
its actively evaporating surface of young bark, must cer- 
tainly perish from exposure to a hot dry atmosphere. The 
cambium, or gelatinous matter, which is discovered be- 
tween the bark and the wood when they are separated, is 
a mass of organizable cells. Mr. Paxton, using the gar- 
dener’s expression, calls it the “ pulp.” Budding is most 
successfully performed when this matter is abundant, for 
then the vitality of the tree is in greatest degree of ex- 

The individuality of the bud was sufficiently argued in 
the first section of this chapter, it need not now be again 
introduced, except as appropriately to remind us of the 
fact where the propagation depends upon this circum- 
stance—the future tree must spring from the single bud 
which is inserted. Mr. A. T. Thomson, in his Lectures on 
the Elements of Botany, page 396, says: — “The individ- 
uality of buds must have been suspected as early as the 
discovery of the art of budding, and it is fully proved by 
the dissection of plants. * * Budding is founded on 
the fact, that the bud, which is a branch in embryo, is a 
distinct individual. It is essential that both the bud and 
the tree into which it is inserted should not only be anal- 

ogous in their character, as in grafting with the scion, but 
Ox* 2 


both must be in a state of growth at the time the opera- 
tion is performed. The union, however, depends much 
more upon the bud than upon the stock—the bud may be 
considered a centre of vitality—vegetative action com- 
mences in the bud, and extends to the stock, connecting 
them together.” —‘ The vital energy, however, which com- 
mences the process of organization in the bud, is not nec- 
essarily confined to the germ, nor distinct from that 
which maintains the growth of the entire plant; but it is 
so connected with organization, that when this has pro- 
ceeded a certain length, the bud may be removed from 
the parent and attached to another, where it will become 
a branch the same as if it had not been removed.” 

The season for budding has already been indicated in 
general terms, it is usually done in mid-summer and the 
early part of autumn, reference being had to the condition 
of the plants to be worked; these should be in a thrifty 
growing state, the woody fibre should be pretty well ad- 
vanced, but growth by extension must still be active, or 
the needful conditions will not be found. The “pulp” 
must be present between the bark and the wood of the 
stock, so that the former can be easily separated from the 
latter; in the language of the art, the bark must “run ;” 
this state of things will soon cease in most stocks, after the 
formation of terminal buds on the shoots. The success 
of spring budding, however, would appear to indicate 
that the cambium layer is formed earlier in the season 
than is usually supposed; for whenever the young leaves 
begin to be developed on the stock, “the bark will run,” 
and the buds may be inserted with a good prospect of 
success. In this case we are obliged to use dormant buds 
that were formed the previous year, and we have to exer- 


cise care in the preservation of the scions, to keep them 
back by the application of cold, until the time of their in- 

The condition of the bud is also important to the suc- 
cess of the operation. The tree from which we cut the 
scions should be in a growing state, though this is not so 
essential as in the case of the stock, as has been seen in 
spring budding—still, a degree of activity is desirable. 
The young shoot should have perfected its growth to 
such an extent as to have deposited its woody fibre, it 
should not be too succulent; but the essential condition 
is, that it should have its buds well developed. These, as 
every one knows, are formed in the axils of the leaves, 
and, to insure success, they should be plump and well 
grown. In those fruits which blossom on wood shoots of 
the previous year’s growth, as the peach and apricot, the 
blossom buds should be avoided; they are easily recog- 
nized by their greater size and plumpness. In cutting 
scions, or bud-sticks, the most vigorous shoots should be 
avoided, they are too soft and pithy; the close jointed 
firm shoots, of medium size, are much to be preferred, as 
they have well developed buds, which appear to have 
more vitality. Such scions are found at the ends of the 
lateral branches. These need immediate attention, or 
they will be lost. The evaporation of their juices through 
the leaves would soon cause them to wither and wilt, and 
become useless. These appendages are therefore immedi- 
ately removed by cutting the petioles from a quarter to 
half an inch from the scion ; a portion of the stem is thus 
left as a convenient handle when inserting the shield, and 
this also serves afterward as an index to the condition of 
the bud. So soon as trimmed of their leaves, the scions 


are tied up, and enveloped loosely in a damp cloth, or in 
moss, or fresh grass, to exclude them from the air. If 
they should become wilted, they must not be put into 
water, as this injures them; it is better to sprinkle the 
cloth and tie them up tightly, or they may be restored by 
burying them in moderately moist earth. 

The early gardeners were very particular as to the kind 
of weather upon which to do their budding. They re- 
commended a cloudy or a showery day, or the evening, in 
order to avoid the effects of the hot sunshine. This might 
do in a small garden, where the operator could select his 
opportunity to bud a few dozen stocks; but even there, 
wet weather should be avoided, rather than courted. But 
in the large commercial nurseries, where tens of thousands 
of buds are to be inserted, there can be no choice of 
weather; indeed, many nurserymen prefer bright sun- 
shine and the hottest weather, as they find no inconveni- 
ence arising to the trees from this source. Some even 
aver that their success is better under such circumstances, 
and argue that the “ pulp is richer,” 

Most trees in their mature state make all their growth 
by extension or elongation very early in the season, by 
one push, as it were; with the first unfolding of the leaves, 
comes also the elongation of the twig that bears them. 
In most adult trees in a state of nature, there is no further 
growth in this way, but the internal changes of the sap 
continue to be effected among the cells during the whole 
period of their remaining in leaf, during which there is a 
continual flow of crude sap absorbed by the roots, and 
taken up into the organism of the tree to aid in the per- 
fection of all the various parts, and in the preparation of 


the proper juice and the several products peculiar to the 
tree, as well as its wood and fruits. When all this is 
transpiring within its economy, the tree is said to be in 
its full flow of sap; at this stage the young tree is in the 
best condition for budding, but it continues also, if well 
cultivated, to grow. by extension for a greater or shorter 
portion of the season, and this is essential to the success 
of the operation as already stated. After the perfecting 
of the crop of fruit, the main work of the tree seems to 
have been done for the year, and we often observe, par- 
ticularly with the summer fruits, that the trees appear to 
go to rest after this period, and begin to cast their foliage. 
Now, to a certain extent, this is true of the young trees. 
The varieties that ripen their fruit early, make their 
growth in the nursery in the earlier portion of the sum- 
mer, they stop growing, and their terminal bud is formed 
and is conspicuous at the top of the shoots. Very soon 
the supply of sap appears to be diminished, there is no 
longer so much activity in the circulation, the bark cleaves 
to the wood, it will no longer run, and the season of bud- 
ding for those stocks has reached its terminus; hence the 
nurseryman must be upon the look-out. for the condition 
of his trees. Fortunately, those*species which have the 
shortest season, are also the first to be ready, the first to 
mature their buds, and they must be budded first. We 
may commence with the cherry, though the Mahaleb stock, 
when it is used, continues in condition longer than other 
varieties, and may be worked late. The plum and pear 
stocks also complete their growth at an early period in the 
season; the apple continues longer in good condition, and 
may be worked quite late. Grapes, if worked in this 


way, should be attended to about mid-season, while they 
are still growing; but quinces and peaches may be kept 
in a growing state much later than most other stocks, and 
can be budded last of all. 

How to vo rr.—The stocks being in a suitable condition 
as above described, they should be trimmed of their lateral 
shoots fora few inches from the ground. This may be 
done immediately in advance of the budder, or it may 
have been done a few days before the budding. The 
stock may be one year old, or two years; after this period 
they do not work so well, The usual method is to make 
a T incision through the bark of the stock, as low down as 
possible, but in asmooth 
piece of the stem; some 
prefer to- insert the 
shield just below the 
natural site of a bud. 
The knife should be thin 

and sharp, and if the 

stock be in good condi- 

| tion, it will pass through 

MOVED. 0, THE INSIDE OF THE SHIELD the bark with very 
SHOWING THE BASE OF THE BUD. little resistance; but if 

the stock be too dry, the experienced budder will detect 
it by the different feeling communicated through his knife, 
by the increased resistance to be overcome in making the 
cut. The custom has been to raise the bark by inserting 
the haft of the budding knife gently, so as to start the 
corners of the incision, preparatory to inserting the bud ; 
but our best budders depend upon the shield separating 
the bark as it is introduced. The bnd is cut from the 


scion by the same knife, which is entered half an inch 
above the bud, and drawn downward about one-third the 
diameter of the scion, and brought out an equal distance 
below the bud; this makes the shield, or bud. The 
authorities direct that the wood should be removed from 
the shield before it is inserted; this is a nice operation, 
requiring some dexterity to avoid 
I, injuring the base of the bud, 

which constitutes its connection 

ail i with the medulla or pith within 
7 the stick. The base of the bud 
is represented by 0, figure 17. 

Various appliances have been in- 
vented to aid in this separation, 
some use a piece of quill, others 

a kind of gouge; but if the bark 
run freely on the scion, there will 

be little difficulty in separating 
the wood from the shield with the 
x! fingers alone. All this may be 
Fig. 18.— AMERICAN BUD- avoided by adopting what is eall- 

THE WoOD REMAINING,  e@d the American method of bud- 

ding, which consists in leaving the wood in the shield, 
(fig. 18, 6) that should be cut thinner, and is then inserted 
beneath the bark without any difficulty, and may be made 
to fit closely enough for all practical purposes. Like ey- 
erything else American, this is a time-saving and labor- 
saving plan, and therefore readily adopted by the prac- 
tical nurseryman, who will insert two thousand in a 

A division of labor is had generally, so far as the 


tying is concerned; for this is done by a boy who fol- 
lows immediately after the budder, and some of these 
require two smart boys. S.S. Jackson has carried this 
principle of division of labor still further, and, as appears, 
with advantage; one hand cuts the shields for another who 
inserts them. He never uses the haft of his knife to raise 
the bark, but, after having made the longitudinal cut 
through the bark, he places the knife in position to make 

iz 4 
i ti 
til ie i 


————— == 

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La =——— 

TNR Wf) rr 


the transverse incision, and as he cuts the bark, the edge 
of the blade being inclined downward, the shield is placed 
on the stock close above the knife, which is then still 
further inclined toward the stock, resting upon the shield 
as a fulcrum; thus started, the bark will readily yield to 

the shield, which is then pressed down home into its place. 

J. W. Tenbrook, of Indiana, has invented a little instru- 
ment with which he makes the longitudinal and transverse 
incisions, and raises the bark, all at one operation, and in- 


serts the bud with the other hand. On these plans, two 
persons may work together, one cut- 
ting, the other inserting the buds; 
these may change work occasionally 
for rest. In all cases it is best to have 
other hands to tie-in the buds, two or 
three boys will generally find full occu- 
pation behind a smart budder. It will 
be apparent that the above processes can 
only be performed when the stock is 
in the most perfect condition of growth, 
so that the bark can be pressed away 
before the bud; a good workman will 
not desire to bud under any other 

In budding, it is found that the upper 
end of the shield is the last to adhere 
to the stock; it needs to be closely ap- 
plied and pressed by the bandage, and 
if too long, so as to project above the 
tranverse incision, it should be cut off. 

Another expedient for facilitating the 
operation of ‘budding is made use of by 
some of the nurserymen who grow 

peach trees extensively. It consists in 

preparing the stick of buds, as shown 
in the engraving, figure 20. <A cut is 
made, with a sharp knife, through the 
bark, around each bud, as in the figure. 
The budder then removes the buds as 
they are wanted, with a slight side- 
Fig. 20.-sTICK OF BUDS. wise pull, and has the shield in the right 

condition to insert, without the trouble of removing the 


wood. When working in this manner, the stick of buds 
must not be allowed to dry, and the work must be done 

at a time when the bark parts with the greatest ease. 

Among the modifications of the process of budding, 
that, called ring-budding, fig. 21, may 
be mentioned, rather as a curiosity how- 
ever, though preferred by some, especi- 
ally for the grape, which is said to be 
very easily budded, though we seldom 

see the operation practiced. 

Those who are anxious to commence 

budding early in the season, prepare the 

Fig. 21.—rive sup- Scions they expect to use, by pinching 

ee the ends and cutting off a portion of 
the leaves; the effect of this check to the wood growth 
is to hasten the ripening or development of the buds, 
which rapidly swell, preparatory to breaking, in their at- 
tempt to reproduce the foliage that had been removed. 
Tyrve should be done as soon as convenient after the 
buds have been inserted; though under very favorable 
circumstances the bud may adhere and do well without 
any bandaging, no one thinks of leaving the work with- 
out carefully tying in the buds, and most budders lay a 
great deal of stress upon the necessity for covering the 
whole shield and cut with a continuons bandaging, that 
shall exclude the light, and air, and moisture. The ma- 
terial most used is bass matting, brought from Russia, as 
a covering to the packages of sheet iron for which that 
country is famous. This is the inner bark of the Tila 
Europea, but our own Bass-wood, Z. Americana, furnishes 
an excellent bass, and is procured by our nurserymen di- 


rectly from the trees, by stripping the bark in June, and 
after it has lain a few days in water, the inner portion sep- 
arates easily, is dried, and put away for future use. Those 
who have not provided the bass, are content to apply 
woolen yarn to tie in the buds; its elasticity adapts it well 
to the purpose. The ingenious budder, without bass, 
often finds a substitute for it, and a very good tie, in the 
soft husks of corn ears, the inner husks are torn in- 
to strips and used a little damp, when they are pliant and 
easily tied, answering a very good 
purpose. Many nurserymen, who have 
tried the corn-husk, prefer it to all other 
material, because it saves them the 
trouble of removing the bandages, as 
it decays rapidly, and yielding to the 
growth of the stock, it falls off before 
it cuts the bark, which a firmer bandage 
is apt to do. 

8. 8. Jackson, whose improvements 
in budding have already been mention- 
ed, also adopts another in tying. He 

holds that it is not at all necessary to 

jo fe i 5 spars 1 1 
Fig. MR. JACKSON Pdc the bud with the tie, the only re- 

BUD. quisite being to retain the parts in con- 

tact. He uses No. 3 cotton yarn, cut in lengths of a few 
inches, more or less, according to the size of the stocks; a 
couple of strands are pulled out from the cut bundles; the 
first turn around the stock secures the end of the string 
by its own pressure, one turn more is taken below the 
bud and one or two above it, when the free end is passed 
into a cleft made through the bark above the point where 
the bud is inserted. This is found to secure the string 


sufficiently, and is easily loosened when necessary to re- 
lieve the tension caused by the continued growth, (fig. 22). 

All ties should be loosened in the course of a couple of 
weeks, if the stocks be growing freely; otherwise they 
will injure the tree by strangulation. Sometimes it will 
be necessary to replace the bandage to prevent the effects 
of desiccation upon the bud, this is particularly the case 
with the cherry, and other fruits, that are budded early ; 
but the tie is often left on the stock all winter, as a sort. 
of protection to the bud. When loosening the ties, the 
buds are inspected and their condition ascertained ; if they 
have failed, they may be replaced, if the stocks continue 
in a suitable condition. It is very easy to tell the suc- 
cess of the budding; the portion of the petiole left upon 
the shield is a very good index; if the bud has withered, 
this will also be brown and will adhere firmly to the shield ; 
but, on the contrary, the bud and its shield having formed 
-aunion with the stock, the leaf-stalk remains plump, but 
changes color. Like a leaf-stem in the autumn, it assumes 
the tint of ripeness, and it will separate with a touch, and 
soon falls off. Pulte 

The common method of removing the ties is to cut 
them with a single stroke of a sharp knife, when the band- 
age is left to fall off. Mr. Knight recommended two dis- 
tinct ligatures, and left the one above the bud for a longer 
time uneut. When the buds have not been very fully 
developed, and when the stocks are very thrifty, it some- 
times happens that the excessive growth about the in- 
cisions made for the insertion of the bud, completely 
cover up this little germ of a future tree, which is then 
said to be “drowned.” Judicious pinching and shortening 


of the stock will prevent this effect, but care is needed not 
to pursue such treatment too far. 

The stocks are generally headed back to within an inch 
or more of the bud, just as vegetation starts the next 
spring; but early set buds may be headed back so soon as 
they have taken, and will often make a nice growth the 
same season. This, however, is not generally preferred, 
and a late start in the growing weather of our autumns is 
particularly to be avoided, as the young shoot will not be- 
come matured before winter, and may be lost. 

The advantages of propagating by budding may be 
summed up in the following remarks, which are presented 
even at the risk of some repetition. 

This favorite method of multiplying varieties has some 
advantages over grafting, and is by many preferred on 
account of the facility with which it can be performed, 
and because it affords a means of increasing sorts in the 
nursery that have not been grafted, and of filling up gaps 
in the rows where grafts have missed; and it has been re- 
ported, that budded trees of certain varieties were more 
hardy than those which had been root-grafted. The ob- 
jections, if such they can be called, are, that the period 
of performing the operation is limited, and that the young 
shoots from the buds generally have a curve that makes a 
crook or blemish in the tree when it goes from the nur- 
sery—neither of these objections constitute any real diffi- 
culty; on the contrary, the advantages quite over-balance 
them: as already suggested, it is a good plan for double- 
working certain varieties. The season for budding is at the 
period when the longitudinal growth of the stock is nearly 
completed, and when the wood-forming process is most 


active, so that the bark will part most freely from the 
wood—in. other words, while the stock is still quite active 
in its circulation, but has, in a measure, made its growth. 
The scions used must have so far completed their growth 
for the season as to have filled their buds handsomely, 
but yet be so young as to allow the wood to part freely 
from the bark of the shields when they are cut. ‘Those 
who desire to bud early, may accelerate the development 
of the buds by nipping off the points of the shoots to be 
used, this, in a few days, causes the buds to swell. The 
season of budding will thus depend upon the high culture 
of the nursery, and upon the condition of the trees from 
which the scions of buds are to be cut. Budding should 
never be done unless the stock is in perfectly good condi- 
tion, if otherwise, it is labor lost. The old writers recom- 
mended damp, cloudy, or even showery weather; but un- 
der our bright summer skies our large establishments would 
never be able to dispose of their work, were they to wait 
for such suitable weather. Fortunately it is not found 
necessary to select such a season, but the greatest success 
attends the budding that is done in fine bright and even 
hot weather. The scions should be kept wrapped in a 
damp cloth, excluded from the rapid evaporation to which 
they would be subjected if exposed—this is better than to 
keep them in water, which exhausts them by dilution of 
the sap they contain. The scions should have their leaves 
removed, so soon as they are cut from the tree; this 1s 
done with a knife or the thumb nail, leaving a short piece 
of the leaf-stalk for convenience when inserting the buds. 

Spring budding is sometimes desirable, either to fill up 
gaps in the nursery-rows, or to secure varieties, the scions 


of which may have been received too late for grafting, or 
when it is desirable to multiply them as much as possible, 
by making every bud grow. When the operation is to 
be performed in the spring, the scions must be kept back, 
by placing them in the ice-house until the stocks are in 
full leaf, when the bark will peel readily, and the buds 
may be inserted with a pretty fair prospect of success; of 
course, the American method must be used in this case, 
as the wood and bark of the dormant scion will not sep- 

The stocks should be cut down as early in the spring as 
the buds begin to swell, with a sharp knife, applied just 
above the bud, and on the same side; the whole upper 
portion of the stock must be removed by aclean cut; this 
is better than to leave a stump of three or four inches, as 
is often recommended, as a support to which to tie up 
the buds in their tender growth. All shoots from the 
stock should be rubbed out while young; this may need 
repeating a second time. 

If the stocks were strong, the buds will make handsome 
sturdy trees the first season; the branched form may be 
assisted by pinching the points when a few inches high, as 
recommended with the grafts. Two year old stocks 
should make pretty trees, at one year old from the bud. 




Tue Nursery.—Be not alarmed, brother nurseryman, 
think not that all the arcana of your craft are to be ex- 

posed to the public; one small chapter cannot injure you, 



even were it wise and proper to retain knowledge exclu- 
sively in the hands of the guild ; on the other hand, ye need 
not be afraid that one who owes you so much would turn 
tell-tale, and expose all your weaknesses to the gaze of the 
multitude. From my friends in the craft, the many intel- 
ligent men and keen observers, who have ever been fore- 
most in the ranks of our country’s pomologists, no cen- 
sure 1s apprehended for attempting to dash off a few brief 
directions for the amateur, or even the nurseryman, who 
is just beginning to pursue as a business the pleasant occu- 
pation of growing trees. Any censure from others, if 
such there be, who would feel afraid to trust their knowl- 
edge to the world, and who might think in this enlight- 
ened age that such a thing as secrets of the trade could 
be long retained in their own hands,—any censure, from 
such a source, would fall harmless—it is not dreaded. In- 
deed, though not of the trade, it would be easy to expose 
the ignorance that is sure to be found among those who 
might claim to be the exclusive conservators of knowl- 
edge, such however is not the object in view, it is rather 
to extend useful knowledge, to popularize it and to bring 
it within the reach of those who may need it, that this 
chapter is undertaken; and the labor is the more willingly 
entered upon, in the firm conviction that the more the 
knowledge of plants and the love for them is diffused 
among the masses of our population, the greater will be 
the success of those who are engaged as professional nur- 
serymen and gardeners, who need not fear the competition 
of amateurs, but should rather encourage it, upon the 
score of such persons being and continuing to be their 

best customers—if not from any higher and more noble 
6 . 


sentiments of affiliation with men of congenial tastes and 

SITE AND Som FoR THE Nursery.—A somewhat ele- 
vated position should be selected for the ground that is to 
be appropriated for the production of trees; the surface 
water should be able to escape rapidly, instead of standing 
in the paths, and furrows, and trenches. The fresh air 
should be able to blow freely over the young trees, sway- 
ing them about, trying their fibres, and at the same 
time giving them new strength and vigor: not that 
they should be too much exposed to the rude blasts, 
as they might be upon the vast savannas of the West, 
where a protecting belt of deciduous and evergreen 
trees, to a moderate extent, will be found of service, and 
conducive to the healthy development of young trees in 
the nursery. But even the naked prairie, exposed for 
miles in every direction, would offer a better location for 
the nursery, than a few acres cleared out among the heavy 
timber. Here the little trees, if crowded together, must 
be drawn up to meet the light, and will be poorly furnished 
with lateral branches, and unprepared to meet the rude 
battle with the elements that awaits them in their future 
orchard homes, which, indeed, too often become rather 
their graves, into which they are thrust, buried, not plant- 
ed, and whence they rise no more, but after a fruitless 
struggle, dwindle and die. 

A somewhat elevated situation is also valuable, on ac- 
count of its greater probable immunity from frost, than a 
lower level; and this is often a matter of great importance 
in the successful cultivation of fruit trees. 

The soil should be a good strong sandy loam, one that 


contains the needful elements for the growth of trees, and 
at the same time has a composition that will freely permit 
the passage of water through it, and be easily worked by 
the cultivator. Heavy soils, abounding in clay, are strong ; 
but they are more retentive of water, they require more 
labor to keep them in a friable condition, and they are 
sometimes objectionable on account of the character of the 
roots produced in them. These are less abundantly fur- 
nished with fibres, as a general rule, when the tree has 
been grown in a stiff clay, than when it has been produced 
in a lighter and more porous soil. Mucky soils are too 
light, and should not be used for permanent nurseries, 
though valuable for seedlings, cuttings, and newly trans- 
planted forest evergreens for a short period; unless the 
muck be underlaid by clay, and that it is near enough to 
the surface to be reached in the preparation of the soil, 
and to become mixed with its staple in cultivating it. 
Trees, for the orchard, should never be grown upon a 
mucky or peaty soil. 

The different character of the roots formed by trees grow- 
ing in particular soils, should not be overlooked by the prop- 
agator, Since much of his reputation as a nurseryman, and 
the success attendant upon the labors of his customers, 
will depend upon the healthy development of these impor- 
tant organs, which have been called the mouths of plants. 
As elsewhere observed, peaty and mucky soils do not pro- 
duce roots of a character well adapted to transplanting 
into upland soil. Very stiff clays furnish trees with long 
straggling roots that have feeble and scattered fibres ; 
such roots do not present themselves in a good condition, 
nor are they easily separated from the soil, the tenacity 


of which often injures the slender fibrous portions, which 
it is desirable to preserve in transplanting. Sandy soils 
and sandy loams produce the very best roots, most evenly 
distributed, and also most easily preserved and removed 
when the trees are dug from the earth. 

Much may be done by the intelligent cultivator, in any 
kind of land, to make good roots by proper treatment of 
his soil and trees. A thorough preparation of the ground, 
and disintegration of the soil, will conduce to this result ; 
and thorough culture will maintain the good condition 
thus produced. Frequent transplanting will encourage 
the production of new roots from the cut ends of those 
that were ruptured in digging, and these will be within 
reach at the next removal. When taking up young trees, 
or when setting out seedlings in the nursery rows, the tap 
roots, and indeed all long straggling roots, should be cut 
back, with a view to producing the same result. When 
trees have remained for three or four years in the nursery 
rows, the fibres will have extended so far in search of 
food and moisture, that in digging them, the best portions 
of the roots will be left in the ground, and the young 
trees will suffer upon being transplanted in this mutilated 
condition, Such should be root pruned the season pre- 
vious to their removal. This process is performed by re- 
moving the earth on either side of the row, until the 
roots are exposed, when they are cut off at from ten inches 
to a foot, from the tree, and the earth replaced upon them, 
the object being the formation of new fibres that shall be 
within the reach of the spade when they come to be dug 
for the orchard. Another plan for root pruning is, to use 
a very sharp spade, which is set down and pressed deeply 


into the ground, a few inches from the tree, so as to cut 
all roots that pass that limit. This, though a ruder meth- 
od, is followed by good results. 

DiccGinc THE TREES, is a process that should be con- 
ducted upon very different principles from those exercised 
in grubbing a thicket. The nurseryman wishes to clear 
his block, but the purchaser hopes to save his trees, and 
to have them live, he wants a good share of their roots 
with them. No one need expect, however, to have any- 
thing like a large proportion of the roots of a tree re- 
moved from the ground; that is out of the question, un- 
less they have been grown in walled stations, confining the 
roots, like those of green-house plants in their flower- 
pots. In open culture, they will have spread through the 
soil in every direction, and cannot be preserved and re- 
moved. Repeated root pruning will be of the greatest 
service in furnishing a great many fine roots within reach ; 
but at the best, a great deal of damage is necessarily in- 
flicted upon the roots by digging, and the older and larger 
the tree, the greater will be the injury, and the smaller the 
proportion of roots to the branches. 

In digging trees, it is important to remove the soil very 
carefully on each side of the row to expose the roots, al- 
ways holding the spade in such a position that its side and 
edge shall be in the direction of a radius, from the stem 
of the tree as acentre. Never stand facing the tree to be 
dug, but keep it next the elbow, at one side. On finding 
a root, withdraw the spade, and try again; and, having 
ascertained its direction, endeavor to loosen the outer ex- 
tremities first. Proceed all around in this manner, and by 
gently swaying the trunk, the points of resistance will be 


indicated ; these should be loosened and freed until all ap- 
pear to be free, when, by grasping the collar as low down 
as possible, the tree is to be lifted gently and freed from 
the soil; no force should be used beyond that which is ab- 
solutely necessary, to lift the plant from its bed. 

In the great commercial nurseries, all this care cannot 
be exercised ; everything must be done in the large way, 
and labor-saving appliances, the valuable results of 


human thought, but still not thinking nor observing intel- 
ligences, must be used. One of this class is the tree-dig- 
ger, which, in the prairie soils, is used with very good 
success. It consists of a very large deep plow, without 
any mold-board, but with a wide sharp steel share, which 
is turned up at the edges, so as to cut the lateral roots at 
some distance from the trees. It is drawn on each side 
of the row, by four horses, hitched ad tandem. 'The trees 
may then easily be lifted from the loose prairie soil. The 
accompanying engraving shows the tree digger of Mr. E. 
Harkness, which is much used in the nurseries of [linois 
and other Western States. The figure is sufticiently clear, 


without much explanation. The broad steel blade runs 
under the rows and is drawn by four horses, two working 
one before the other, or tandem, each side of the row. 
Some of our Western nurserymen find great advantage 
from the use of this digger in their free soils, and also for 
root pruning trees that are to remain in the rows, 

In the sandy loams of New J ersey, a similar tool is used 
for digging peach trees, which is drawn by a span of 
heavy horses that are attached to the two Separate beams, 
one being on each side of the trees, This implement. is 
found to be entirely satisfactory in its operations. 

High manuring in the nursery has been objected to by 
some orchard planters, who say that trees, which have 
been forced into a too luxuriant growth in their infancy, 
receive so severe a shock upon being transplanted to the 
open field, that they never recover. With the neglect 
which is so commoily accorded to young trees in the orch- 
ard, it is really wonderful how they ever survive at all, 
whether they had been stimulated in their culture or not. 
The large majority of purchasers at the nursery always 
select those trees which are most vigorous, notwithstand- 
ing the prejudice against stimulating the trees, and then 
with mutilated roots, they probably omit cutting back the 
limbs sufficiently, and when their neglected orchard fails, 
they complain of the forced trees. The change from the 
good cultivation of the nursery to the careless culture and 
even neglect of the farm, is certainly hard for the poor 
things to bear. Late growth, encouraged by high manur- 
ing, is injurious. There is a much more serious fault of 
the nursery than stimulating with manure and high culti- 
vation, and that is the too common error of crowding the 


trees; but even this has its origin partly with the pur- 
ee who too often wishes to have his trees drawn up 
as high as possible; instead of demanding low heads he 
asks for high ones, and will sometimes offer a premium 
for trees that have grown in one season, the second from 
the root graft, eight or ten feet in a single shoot, so that 
he may at once calculate upon forming the head where he 
wants it, out of the reach of his horse; a calculation, how- 
ever, which he will not realize. 

THe PREPARATION OF THE Sor for a nursery should 
be as deep and as thorough as possible, for some things it 
is best even to trench the ground; but generally, the 
thorough plowing, with a deep-tiller, or a trench-plow, 
will be sufficient, and if followed by the subsoil lifter, so 
much the better. One of the most intelligent horticultur- 
ists, and most successful nurserymen in the country, finds 
that he can produce a better result in depth and fineness 
of tilth, by using the Double Michigan plow, than he can 
with the spade. <A piece of clover-sod thus plowed in the 
fall, and subsoiled at the same time, will be in fine order 
for nursery purposes, after a thorough cross-plowing and 
harrowing in the following spring. If the land has been 
under-drained, so much the better. There is little good 
land that would not be much improved for nursery pur- 
poses by tile draining. 

If manure is to be applied, it may ie spread upon the 
clover-sod before plowing, or it may be thrown upon the 
plowed ground at once or at any time during the winter, 
to be worked into the soil by the spring plowing; if com- 
posted, it may be spread just before the spring stirring. 

Layne Ovr.—In laying out the nursery, some taste 


may be exercised by the planter; the sections and blocks 
should be distinct, and alleys should be located at conve- 
nient distances, so that all parts may be easily accessible 
with the wagon. The rows should be laid out straight, and 
they ought to be far enough apart—four feet might be 
a good average for nursery trees; cuttings and seedlings 
may, of course, be nearer. The trees should not be set 
too closely in the rows, one foot apart is plenty close 
enough for most kinds, and that is little enough room for 
the development of good lateral branches, or for those 
which have to remain three or four years before transplant- 
ing. For peaches, for dwarf pears, and indeed for any of 
the varieties that are to be taken from the nursery as 
maiden trees, a less space may be allowed-—say eight inches 
apart. Apple stocks for budding, or for collar grafting, 
may be set ten inches apart, and they will have room to 
make very good plants, even should they remain until two 
years old. 

Most nurserymen set out their apple grafts in the rows 
where they are to be grown to full size, and cultivate them 
from two to three years; while this saves the trouble of 
transplanting, the trees will not be as well assorted for 
size, nor will they have the benefit of the transplanting, 
(which will enhance their value much more than it costs, 
in the improved character of their roots), as have those 
that have been treated on the bedding plan, practiced by 
some nurserymen. ‘This consists in setting the root grafts 
closely together, in a bed of very well prepared ground ; 
they are covered at once with a good mulching of saw- 
dust, which keeps the ground moist, and insures the 
growth of almost all the plants, while for the first season 


they occupy very little space, and are readily kept clean, 
as the mulching prevents the growth of weeds. In the 
fall, or in the following spring, they are taken up, assorted 
for size, and re-planted in the nursery-rows where they are 
to stand. This transplanting improves the character of 
their roots, which are more fibrous and shorter than in 
those trees which have stood three or four years without 
being disturbed. Purchasers, now-a-days, begin to look 
at the roots of their trees, as well as the tops; and it may 
become necessary for the nurserymen to gratify this fancy 
for low-headed, stocky-trees, that have abundant fibres to 
insure their growth, and their early fruitfulness. 

CuttureE of the nursery should be thorough; the soil 
should be frequently stirred, and kept mellow and loose, 
to insure cleanliness and thriftiness, and to make handsome 
trees. The mellow soil upon the surface, is, by some per- 
sons, considered equal to a good mulching, and indeed it 
answers the indications of one. Cultivation, to kill the 
weeds as fast as they appear, will admit both air and mois- 
ture; a share of both of these is retained by the mellow 
earth, which, thus treated, is indeed a very good mulch. 
The cultivation may be done with the small turning plow, 
with the double shovel, or with any of the many approved 
cultivators in use everywhere throughout the country. The 
surface should be kept as level and even as possible. In 
some soils the roller, made short enough to pass between 
the rows, is highly esteemed, and is considered a most 
valuable implement in the nursery. As a general rule, 
cultivation should not be continued too late in the season, 
but should be suspended about mid-summer, so as to pre- 
vent a late growth and to encourage the plants to finish 


their summer’s work in time to ripen their wood thor- 
oughly before the advent of winter. This is particularly 
necessary where the climate is severe, especially on new 
lands, where the trees are very vigorous. Upon the ap- 
proach of winter, it is a good practice to plow a light fur- 
row against the trees on each side; this protects the collar 
‘from cold, prevents heaving by the frost, and gives a 
good surface drainage to excess of water. 

For deeply loosening the ground between the rows, the 
one-horse subsoil lifting plow is a very valuable instru- 
ment; this can be used in very narrow spaces. This 
plow prepares the ground admirably for the pronged 
hoe, and it may be used between rows of cuttings and 

THE Proncep Hoxr,—One of the most valuable imple- 
ments in the nursery to clean out the weeds from between 
the trees, and also to work among cuttings, and other 
plants, that are set too closely for the use of the horse, is 
the pronged hoe; it makes 
the best shallow culture, 
prevents the soil from be- 
coming hard, and it is the 

best destroyer of small 

weeds that can be used. 
The flat hoe is never sharp enough to cut all of the 
weeds effectually, it produces little tilth, and the result of 
its use is too often a disappointment, but half killing the 
weeds, in some places, and dragging them out by the roots 
in others, and often leaving the ground hard and in miser- 
able condition. 

Prantine Currmves.—Some of the small fruits, as cur- 


rants, gooseberries, as well as the quince, are propagated, 
to a great extent, by cuttings. The ground for growing 
them, should be very well prepared by trenching or 
trench-plowing; the difference in the growth between cut- 
tings set on well or on poorly prepared ground is aston- 
ishing, and the advantage in favor of trenched land is 
sufficient to pay for the extra expense bestowed upon the 
preparation. The soil should be rather sandy, decidedly 
loose and mellow, and rather moist than dry. 

In setting the cuttings, the rows may be quite close, as 
horse labor is seldom employed among them; but they are 
tended by hand, or the ground is mulched. They may 
also be set quift thickly in the row, as they are to remain 
but a short time in the cutting bed, from which they are | 
transplanted at one year old, though sometimes alternate 
rows may be left over another season. When the trench is 
opened for them, the cuttings are set, three or four inches 
apart, next the line, so that only the top bud shall reach 
the surface; a little mellow soil is thrown upon them, and 
they are tramped firmly at the base, when the remainder 
of the earth is thrown in and the next trench is opened 
for another row. If they be planted in the autumn, it is 
well to cover them with a mulch, and for this leaves from 
the forest are an excellent material. Some propagators 
insist very strongly upon the necessity for removing all 
the buds from the lower portion of. the cutting, particu- 
larly in the currant and gooseberry, so as to prevent suck- 
ering and to grow the bush as a miniature tree, with a 
single stem. This is not desirable when the bushes are 
liable to have the stems destroyed by the currant borer. 
Indeed, the nature of the currant appears to require a re- 


newal of the wood by these shoots, which come to replace 
the old exhausted branches. 

The grape is grown in immense quantities from cuttings, 
which are either planted in a nursery, or set at once in the 
vineyard. In the former they are planted closely in 
rows, that are about twenty inches apart. Sometimes the 
ground is trenched, and the cuttings set at the same opera- 
tion. When the first trench is opened in a rich mellow 
loam, which may be sod or clover lea, the edge of the 
dug soil is dressed to the line with the spade, then the 
cuttings are placed so as to have one eye at or above the 
surface, and soil is thrown in and tramped closely to the 
base of the cuttings. Then the next trench is made with 
the spade, digging the ground as you proceed. 

Grape cuttings are generally made eighteen or twenty 
inches long; and those which have a heel of old wood are 
preferred, and command a higher price. The earlier these 
are taken from the vines, after the fall of the leaves, the 
better success will attend the plantation; provided they 
are not too long exposed to the air. Fall planting is very 
desirable, but if not then planted, the cuttings should be 
put into the ground and covered as soon 4s convenient, 
and they will be better prepared for spring planting. A 
deep trench is opened, into which the bundles are set in a 
vertical position, and loose earth filled in about them and 
slightly covered over them; they will then be ready for 
planting by the spring. The length of the cuttings has 
latterly been much reduced, with advantage; some of the 
most successful planters make them from six to eight 
inches long: these are much more easily dug than the 
longer slips, and are better provided with roots. 



TRimMMING should be practiced in the nursery with a de- 
finite object in view, and not at random; much less with 
any expectation of increasing the hight of the trees by 
trimming them up. The object in pruning nursery trees, 
should be to develop them in every part, to produce a 
stout stocky sturdy little tree, one that may be turned out 
upon the bleak prairie, and be able to withstand the 
blasts. ‘To produce this result, the leaves should never be 
stripped from the shoots to make them extend their 
growth, for the sake of making more leaves; the nursery- 
man should know the value of leaves, as constituting the 
great evaporating surface that plays a most important 
part in causing the ascent of the crude sap, and also in its 
elaboration after it has been taken up into the organiza- 
tion of the plant. Leaves should be carefully preserved, 
and in the trimming, which is necessary, this should be 
borne in mind. To make vigorous, stocky trees, the side 
branches should be encouraged rather than pruned off. 
The tops may sometimes need to be pinched, to force out 
the laterals, and to encourage their growth; if two shoots 
start together as rivals, one of them should be topped or 
cut back, or twisted and broken, but not cut off at its 
origin, unless there be plenty of lateral branches or twigs 
to furnish the tree. When these become too long, they 
may be spurred-in, either in the fall and winter when cut- 

ting grafts, or in the summer, during the growing season. | 

Whenever it becomes necessary to trim off any of these 
laterals, it is best to do it at mid-summer, as the healing 
of the wounds made at this period is very rapid. Head- 
ing off the nursery trees is done to force them to branch 
out uniformly the second year, to form their heads at the 


Pts Seis Fy 


right place; this is to be done toward spring, and is ap- 
plicable especially to those varieties that are prone to make 
a single shoot the first year without branching, and which 
have not been pinched-in or headed during the previous 
summer to force out side branches. Cherries, plums, and 
pears, and some apples, are very apt to make this kind of 
growth. It should have been premised that all nursery 
trees ought to be grown to one main stem, or leader, from 
which all the branches arise, and to which they should all 
be made to contribute their quota of woody fibre. It has 
been asserted that the wood of a tree, instead of being a 
cone, as its stem appears to be and is, it should be a column 
of nearly equal size from the bottom to the top; that is, 
the mass of all the branches taken together, should equal 
the diameter of the trunk at any point below. A well- 
grown stocky nursery tree, with its abundance of lateral 
branches approximates this idea; but the main stem of 
such an one is very perceptibly a cone, rapidly diminishing 
in diameter from the collar upwards. 

AcE oF Tress For Prantine.—This depends so much 
upon the views of planters, that the nurseryman cannot 
always control the period at which he shall clear a block 
of trees. Peaches should always be removed at one year 
from the bud. Plums and dwarf pears will be ready to 
go off at two years from the bud or graft; so with apples 
and cherries. But many persons, purchasers and sellers, 
prefer larger trees, and they recommend that the trees 
should remain one, two, or even three years longer in the 
nursery. Others, a new school of planters, prefer to set 
out the maiden tree, in most of the species above named, 
except some very feebly growing varieties, that will 


scarcely have attained sufficient size to risk in the orchard. 
The nurseryman should beware of keeping his trees too 
long on his hands; they may become unprofitable stock, 
and are sure to require much more labor in the digging 
and handling. The purchaser is his own master, and his 
tastes and wishes must be consulted; if he wants large 
trees, by all means, let him be indulged; he will have to 
pay in proportion, he will have more wood for his money, 
more weight to carry, or more transportation to pay for, 
more labor in planting, and vastly increased risk of the 
life of his trees; but, let him be indulged with his five 
year old trees, while his neighbor, for a smaller sum in- 
vested, with less freight, less wood, less labor, and infi- 
nitely less risk, will plant his maiden trees, and five years 
hence will market more fruit. 

The risk of transplanting large or old trees from the 
nursery, may be greatly diminished, and their value will 
be vastly enhanced, by judicious root pruning in the nur- 
sery-row. This may be done by digging, on either side, 
on alternate years, and cutting off the straggling roots, 
and particularly those that run deeply; this will be fol- 
lowed by the production of a multitude of fibrous roots 
that put the tree into a good condition for transplanting. 
In the great nurseries of the West, there is a peculiar 
plow, which is used for root pruning the nursery rows. 

THe Home Nursery has been recommended by Mr. 
Field in his Pear Culture, as a means of enabling the 
orchardist to amuse himself, and to grow his trees in such 
style as he may prefer. He advises to select trees “ of 


two or three years’ growth, and prepare a piece of ground 

for the home nursery. For this a rich, deep, dry soil 


should be spaded and thoroughly pulverized to the depth 
of two feet, (trenched). Init plant the trees in rows four 
feet distant, and three feet apart in the rows. Two hun- 
dred trees would thus occupy a space fifty feet square. 
The roots having been carefully examined, and, as before 
mentioned, the laterals pruned to six or eight inches, are 
spread out horizontally, and gently covered with earth. 
It will be seen that the labor of pinching, pruning, and 
cultivating, will be much less on so small a’ spot, than 
when the cultivator is obliged to travel over three or four 
acres upon which they are ultimately to be planted. 

“Tf at the end of two years it is still desirable to allow 
them to remain, a sharp spade should be thrust down 
around them, at a distance of fifteen or eighteen inches, in 
order to cut the long straggling roots, and thus induce 
the formation of fibres nearer home. This will fit them 
for transplanting at an advanced stage of growth. In 
this case, if at the end of two or three years, they are re- 
moved at the proper season, and with care, they will suf- 
fer scarcely any check. By pursuing this plan, they re- 
ceive better care, grow faster, and are not liable to dam- 
age; and as only the good trees will, in this case, be set 
in the fruit grounds, none of those unseemly breaks in the 
rows, caused by the injury or death of a tree, need occur. 
Where, however, older trees, at least once transplanted, 
cannot be obtained, and it is desirable to set out the orch- 
ard at once, stout two-year old trees are decidedly prefer- 
able. Such trees have not stood sufficiently long to send 
their roots beyond a limit whence they can be removed ; 
and -with careful digging, removal and planting, the pur- 
chaser need not fear a loss of more than twe per cent.” 


Tur Nursery Orcnarp, as practiced by A. R. Whit- 
ney, of Lee Co., Ill., now one of the largest orchard- 
ists of the country, is well worthy of imitation by all 
those nurserymen, who desire also to become fruit-grow- 
ers. In laying off the blocks of nursery stock, the va- 
rieties that are wanted for the orchard, should be planted 
in Such a manner, that they shall be in every fourth row, 
so that the orchard trees will stand in rows sixteen to 
twenty feet apart, according as the nursery-rows are four 
or jive feet wide. In,cultivating and trimming these rows 
in the nursery, a plant is selected, every twelve or sixteen 
feet, which is to remain as the orchard tree when the block 
shall be cleared. A good tree is selected, and special care 
in the pruning is bestowed upon it to secure the desired 
form, and low branches; if necessary, the tree on either 
side of it. is removed, to give it room. By the time the 
block is cleared, these orchard trees are often in bearing, 
and while his customers are struggling to save their trees, 
and nursing them after their transplanting, the nurseryman 
will have become an orchardist, and is enjoying his fruits. 
The nursery will have become an orchard—one rather 
closely planted to be sure—but the trees can be dwarfed 
by root pruning with the plow, they shelter one another 
from the prairie blasts, and when too thick, alternate trees 
may be removed to the wood-pile, and thus cheer the 
owner on a winter’s day. 

WINTER-KILLING is a serious evil in the nursery, as by 
it whole rows and blocks of certain varieties are some- 
times destroyed, or very seriously injured. It has been 
observed to be most marked in its effects upon those sorts 
of trees that make the most vigorous and sappy growth, 


and those which continue to grow late in the season. 
Such varieties have very naturally acquired the epithet of 
tender, especially as orchard trees of the same kinds, even 
in a bearing state, have been similarly affected; in some 
sections of the country, these kinds have been thrown out 
of cultivation, The bark looks shriveled and withered, 
the twigs seem dry when cut, and resist the knife; when 
thawed by the fire, or on the return of spring weather, 
the bark seems loose, and the inner bark, instead of being 
greenish-white, becomes brown, and the whole tree looks 
as though it was dead. In old trees, large portions of the 
bark start from the stem and large limbs, and hang loosely 
for awhile and then fall off. The buds alone retain their 
vitality, and upon the return of spring they sometimes 
succeed in establishing the necessary connection with the 
soil, and restore the circulation of the sap; the results are 
the deposit of the usual annular layer of woody matter, 
which encases the dead portions within, that become like 
a sequestrum of dead bone in an animal. The best treat- 
ment for the trees that have been winter-killed, is to cut 
them back very severely, in the hope of producing a vig- 
orous wood-growth the next season, to repair the injury. 

A partial winter-killing often affects small nursery trees, 
especially on low and wet, undrained soils; the plants re- 
cover, but for years they have a black point in the heart 
which embraces all of the wood-growth that was affected— 
all their wood at the period of the disaster. This is en- 
closed and surrounded by clear, healthy wood; but such 
trees are not desirable, they are so fragile, as to be easily 

The best preventive for winter-killing in the nursery, is 


to encourage early ripening of the wood, and to drain the 
land, is one of the best means of producing this effect ; an- 
other is the cessation of culture at mid-summer, and the 
sowing of oats very thick at the last cultivation, has been 
practiced, and, it is thought, with excellent effects. The 
rank growth absorbs the superfluous moisture, robbing 
the trees, and afterwards forms a good protective mulch 
during the winter. The objections to it are, that it en- 
courages the mice, which, by girdling the trees, effectually 
winter-kills them. 

Many nursery and orchard trees often present a black 
discoloration of the bark, which is quite unsightly, and ex- 
cites alarm for the health of the tree. This is often caused 
by trimming at unfavorable periods; in the spring pruning 
of bearing trees, the large stumps sometimes bleed, but in 
the nursery trees it arises from cutting them, and especi- 
ally in the barbarous trimming up, during severely cold 
weather, when they are frozen. 

Insurious Animats anp Insrects.— The nurseryman 
Sometimes suffers from the depredations of some of the 
smaller animals, which cause him great annoyance. The 
mole, though highly recommended by the naturalists as a 
harmless beast, who is an aid to horticulture by his insec- 
tivorous habits, is nevertheless injurious in his ways ; for 
he often makes his run ih the seed bed, or along a row of 
‘root grafts, and raising them from their stations break 
their tender rootlets, when the sun and air soon destroy 
them. Mice, of different kinds, are still more destructive, 
particularly in the winter, when they will often girdle 
young trees near the collar, and do much mischief. They 
also devour many seeds after they have been ¢ommitted 


to the ground, particularly those sown in the autumn. 
For both of these animals, the best preventive is to catch 
them, which may be done with traps. They may also be 
poisoned. The young trees may be protected from the 
mice by keeping them clear of rubbish, that would shelter 
these animals, and when snow falls, it should be trodden 
down closely about the trees. Owls and cats will do their 
share in the destruction also, but they will also take the 
friendly little birds. 

Rabbits are also very apt to bite off young shoots, and 
to bark trees of larger growth in the nursery, as well as 
those that have been set out in the orchard. Various 
methods have been suggested to prevent their injuries. 
Wrapping the stems with strips of rags or with ropes of 
hay, was formerly the method practiced by those who 
wished to save their young trees; the process is tedious 
and troublesome. A few pieces of corn-stalk have been 
placed by the stem of the tree and tied to it; this, too, 1S 
a troublesome procedure, though, like the others, it is ef- 
ficacious. A still better plan in this class of preventives, 
is a half sheet of common brown wrapping paper, made 
to encircle the stem, like an inverted funnel; this need be 
fastened only at the top, by a little thin grafting wax ap- 
plied with a brush at the instant, or the paper may be 
tied with some common white cotton string. This en- 
velope keeps off the rabbits, and lasts through the winter ; 
the string will decay before the growing season returns, 
so there is no danger of strangulation. All the other 
wrappings must be removed, or they will injure the trees 
and afford harbor for insects. It will be observed that all 
applications of this class, are adapted only to trees that 


have a clean bole without branches, but are not suited for 
those which are made to branch at or near the ground. 
Besides, in countries where snow abounds, these little ma- 
rauders are elevated above the wrappings, and have fair 
play at the unprotected parts of the tree—on this account 
another class of preventives has been adopted. 

These consist in ‘applications that are obnoxious to 
rabbits, which, being nice feeders, are easily disgusted. 
White-wash, and white-wash made with tobacco water, 
soap, whale-oil soap, grease, blood, and especially the dead 
rabbit itself, freshly killed, have all been used with happy 
results, in that they have driven these animals to seek 
their food elsewhere. A very good application, and one 
that may be used upon a low-branched “tree as well as to 
the smooth clear stem of one that is higher, is blood. This 
is put on with a swab; a few corn husks tied to a stick, 
answers very well. Dipping this into the vessel of blood, 
the swab is struck gently against the stem or the branch- 
es, as the case may be, and the fluid is spattered over it. 
A very little will answer to keep the rabbits away, and 
the effect will continue all winter, notwithstanding the 

Certain insects also prove injurious in the nursery, 
among these the most numerous are the aphides, which are 
found upon the roots of some fruit trees, especially the 
apple. Others of this disagreeable insect appear upon the 
foliage, among these one of the most disgusting is the 
ene which causes the black curl, on young cherry trees. 
The pear tree slug, (Selandria cerasi), destroys the foli- 
age of many young trees in the nursery; caterpillars also 
do their share of mischief. A serious trouble in old nur- 


sery grounds, especially where manure is used, is the grub 
of the May beetles, of which there are several species. 
These grubs are whitish, nearly as thick as the little 
finger, with a brownish head. They cut off the young 
nursery trees at three or four inches below the surface. 
We have seen two-year old stocks cut in this manner, and 
the work of destruction was so complete, that the proprie- 
tor of the nursery was a long time in attributing it to 
such am apparently inadequate cause as this sluggish, 
soft-bodied grub. All of these, with other insects injurious 
to fruit, will be considered in their appropriate place, 




DWARFING consists in so controlling the growth of 
plants as to reduce the natural size of any of our fruit 
trees, and bring them within comparatively narrow 
bounds. The objects of dwarfing are to enable us to plant 


a large number of specimen trees, or of varieties upon a 
small piece of ground, or to have small trees beside the 
alleys of our gardens. Such plants are also well adapted 
for growing in pots, or in the borders of an orchard-house. 
It is claimed for dwarfed trees, that they are more prolific 
than those which are worked on free stocks, which are 
often erroneously called standards, and it is also asserted 
that these dwarfed trees will bear sooner and produce 
finer and larger fruit. 

The terms used may as well be explained at once. 
When we speak of dwarfing stocks, we mean such as are 
so uncongenial as to check the wood-growth; and thus, 
while producing smaller trees, they have a tendency to 
early fruitfulness if properly managed. But this condition 
may be superinduced by other means than these. Hence 
in speaking of dwarf pear trees, it does not follow that 
they have been worked on the quince or other unconge- 
nial stock. A dwarf tree, of whatever kind, is simply one 
that has been caused to assume diminutive proportions. 
Dwarfing stocks are contrasted with free stocks, or those 
which would have attained the fuil size of the species, and 
which, when grafted, produce large trees. .These are 
often mis-called standards, when contrasted with those 
that have been worked on the quince, or other dwarfing 
stock. Whereas, the trees propagated on free stocks, 
may also be dwarfed, by means that will be presently de- 
tailed; and the term standard refers really to the mode in 
which the training of the specimens has been performed. 
Those which are trimmed up as orchard trees are usually 
treated as standards, and are said to be trimmed to stand- 

ard hight. Those branching at a lower point are called 
» | 


half standards. Those which are branched so low as to 
conceal the stem of the tree, and in which the limbs are 
so well mannged that the lower ones are always the long- 
est, and those above them gradually contracted to the 
point at the top, are called pyramids, or more properly 
conical trees. Whether dwarfed or not, trees may be 
trained in a variety of forms, such as the columnar, some- 
times culled the guenowille ; the vase or goblet form may 
be given them, or the parasol shape, and they may be 
made to assume the form of a fan or other mode of ex- 
tension laterally, when trained upon a wall or espalier 
frame, as may be seen in the illustrations given by Du 
Breuil; but it is seldom that our gardeners are willing to 
bestow the care and attention necessary to produce these 

The vertical and oblique cordons represented and re- 
commended by Du Breuil are very attractive, and admir- 
able methods of training and dwarfing fruit trees, and of 
crowding a great many into a-small space. His method 
of making an edging to the fruit-border with dwarf ap- 
ples, inarched together so as to form a connected tree for 
its whole length, is a capital illustration of the control we 
may exercise upon vegetation. 

Standards and pyramids are often trained as weeping 
trees, for the sake of gratifying the fancy of the cultiva- 
tor, and with a view of bringing on that early productive- 
ness which results from tne check of the upward current 
of sap that is incident to such a mode of treatment. This 
is really a kind of dwarfing so far as it goes, and if com- 
menced early in the life of the tree, it may become very 
effective, especially when combined with other means of 


reducing the growth. These are formed by arching the 
branches, tying their tips to a ring of wire or hoop secured 
near the ground, or simply by fastening weights to them 
sufficient to keep them in the desired position, and by ty- 
ing the upper limbs to the lower ones. As is well known, 
the sap flows most readily toward the shoots that occupy 
a vertical line; it will be seen that its ascent will be seri- 
ously retarded in those that are bent, and their vigor will 
be diminished, and fruit-bearing will be promoted. This 
process must not be continued too perseveringly, lest the 
tree become exhausted by over-production. 

Du Breuil recommends laying bare the principal roots 
of the tree in the spring of the year, so as to expose them 
for the most of their length, and leaving them in this con- 
dition during the summer. ~ This exposure of roots to the 
sun and air diminishes the vigor of the tree, and hence it 
tends to the production of fruit. “He also recommends 
the removal of a part of the roots in the spring, and re- 
placing the earth; considering this a more energetic 
operation than the preceding, he advises caution, lest we 
injure the tree. This is simply root-pruning, a plan that 
has been pretty thoroughly tested in this country, where, 
‘perhaps, its beneficial effects are more needed than in any 
other, and where we shall even find it advantageous to 
have recourse to mechanical means for its performance in 
large orchards by horse-power, as will be set forth in an- 
other place. 

A very successful method of obtaining the desired effect 
of dwarfing, which is early and abundant fruiting, con- 
sists in transplanting the trees in the autumn; this sbould 
be done very carefully, so as to preserve the roots from 


mutilation as much as possible.’ The effect of this will be 

to check the wood-growth the ensuing summer, and fruit- 
buds will be formed, for it is well known that these two 
opposite conditions of plant life are complementary the 
one to the other, and while we always desire to see them 
both proceeding together in a healthy tree, the wood- 
growth must have been moderated before we can expect 
to receive any fruit. ; 

The French and English excel us in training upon walls 
and espaliers, and we may willingly yield them the palm; 
since, in this country, it is rarely necessary go incur so 
great expense for the production of good fruits, and as a 
means of dwarfing our trees, it is more expensive and re- 
quires more skill, care, and watchfulness, than other meth- 
ods of producing this effect. Espalier training, how- 
ever, affords the most beautiful opportunity for the illus- 
tration of many of the important principles of vegetable 
physiology, but it should never be undertaken by any one 
who is not familiar with these, and at the same time wil- 
ling to exercise great patience and perseverance in their 
application to the subjects under his control. No blind 
pursuance of the abstract rules of the art can enable the 
mere routine gardener to become a successful grower of 
espalier trees. The modes of training are various, to suit 
the whims and necessities of the artist. Trees are fastened 
directly to the walls, or to trellises of wood or of iron, 
that are placed at a little distance from the masonty, or 
they may be entirely independent of any such structures, 
and exposed to the air and light freely on both sides. 
The trellises may be either vertical, or inclined. The 
limbs may be made to issue nearly opposite to one anoth- 


er, and be trained horizontally in two directions, with 
successive stages to the top of the wall or trellis, or they 
may be trained in a fan shape, with various modifications 
of what M. Du Breuil calls the palmette form. And a 
simple modification of this method of dwarfing may be 
made with some varieties of fruit, by training a single 
stem horizontally within a foot of the ground, as a border 
or edging between the path-ways and the cultivated 

The favorite method of training in France, at the present 
day, appears to be that called the cordon. This may be 
either the vertical or inclined. In this kind of espalier, 
the trees are dwarfed by crowding them closely together, 
and by successive pinching and other mutilation, such as 
bending and even breaking the shoots, which results in 
early productiveness. The trees are planted sixteen inches 
apart, and are trained to single stems, and so treated as 
to be furnished with the requisite number of fruit-spurs on 
their whole extent. This is quite a new application of 
principles, and one which is rudely imitated by Mr. Field’s 
pear hedges, which, however, bear but little resemblance 
to the elegant cordons of Du Breuil beyond that of dwarf- 
ing by crowding and pinching. We are told that among 
the many advantages of this method, are the diminished 
time required to cover a wall or trellis with fruit, and the 
greater facility of replacing a dead or defective . tree, 
which, in the usual espalier methods, is a very serious 
-matter, requiring several years for its restoration and the 
production of a crop. 

We are so blessed, in most parts of this country, with 
soil and climate that are well adapted to the production 


of fruit in the open field, upon sturdy orchard trees, that 
there is less necessity for introducing these elegant meth- 
ods of pursuing the fine art of horticulture; and yet there 
are reasons in the uncertain climate of our winters, why 
these plans of training and dwarfing should be pursued 
by those who have the talent and the means for doing it. 
Until within a few years, there were not many dwarfed 
pear or apple trees in this country, and they were confined 
chiefly to French gardens and to the establishments of the 
wealthy. But since their more general introduction, im- 
mense numbers have been propagated and planted, and 
extensive orchards, particularly of dwarfed pears, have 
been set out with a view to profit. Some of these have 
been eminently successful, others are failures; the results 
will very much depend upon the amount of care which 
may be bestowed upon them. 

The French have long practiced the dwarfing of certain 
varieties of fruits, and have been very successful in their 
results; but that wonderful people, the Chinese, excel all 
others in this branch of horticulture, for which they dis- 
play a remarkable talent. , 

DwarFinae By UNcONGENIAL Srocks. — The usual 
mode, which is literally a partial starvation of the tree 
by limiting the supplies of crude sap, consists in the 
use of uncongenial and dwarf-growing stocks, upon which 
the desired varieties are budded or grafted. These are, 
for the dwarfed pear, either Quinces, Thorns, the Mountain 
Ash, or the Amelanchiers; for the apple, the Paradise and 
the Doucin varieties of apple stocks; for the peach and 
plum, the Chickasas, or other dwarf plum stock may be 
used. The free-growing cherries are worked on the Ma- 


haleb or the Morello varieties; but it must be confessed, 
that some of these do not produce a perfect dwarf with- 
out other treatment. 

To produce a dwarf by grafting on an uncongenial 
stock, this should be so uncongenial as to form an imper- 
fect union, which checks the downward circulation; the 
sap that has been elaborated by the organs of the scion is 
thus kept above the junction of the two woods, and, being 
so checked, the result is the early formation of fruit-buds, 
and a premature fruitage of the trees results in a direct 
proportion to the incompleteness of the union of scion 
and stock. This is often so very imperfect as to be very 
easily ruptured, the grafts are often broken out by a very 
small force being applied to them, sometimes even the 
weight of the fruit is sufficient to effect a separation, and 
an examination of the rupture will show how very slight 
or imperfect the union between the parts has been; in 
other cases, however, it is difficult to trace the fibres of 
wood-growth that belong respectively to the stock and 
to the scion, even when these have been so different as 
pear and quince, or plum and peach. 

It is also considered desirable that the roots of the stock 
should be small and fibrous, and not long, naked, and 
straggling; the former will furnish the crude sap in more 
limited amounts, and are less likely to produce an exces- 
sively rampant or luxurious growth in the scion. 

Many persons have been disappointed in the Mahaleb 
cherry, which has been reputed to be a dwarfing stock. 
It is found, that without the application of other means, 
the so-called dwarfed cherries grow as freely, at least in 
their early years, as those worked on the free stock, known 


as the Mazzard cherry. They will never make such large 
trees, however, and those who would enjoy dwarf cherry 
trees, should combine the different methods of producing 
the result. 

By Prycuine.—There are other means of producing the 
desired effects of dwarfing and early fruiting, which should 
be mentioned. These consist in systematic efforts to cur- 
tail the development of the wood-growth, by judicious 
pinching, of the tips or points of the branches, and to pre- 
vent the rambling of the roots by root-pruning. These it 
is designed now to examine. Pinching is practiced in the 
green-house with the happiest effects, and it results in the 
production of the most perfect form of the plants, and 
most abundant display of flowers. The constant check 
which is thus given to the wood system, causes the sap to 
seek new outlets, and instead of the one limb into which 
it had been flowing, and causing it to be developed ; its 
flow is now directed to the other buds along its course, 
which presently burst out into late al growths, none of 
which are so strong as the first, and these are induced to 
change the character of the buds so as to result in the 
production of flowers and fruit. 

This system applied to fruit-trees has been most thor- 
oughly carried out by the French, and is admirably de- 
scribed and illustrated by Du Breuil, in a work called 
Scientific Culture of Fruit Trees, and reproduced in our 
own language by Wm. Wardle, an English gardener and 
orchardist of high reputation. | 

It is not to be expected that in this country, where fruits 
are so easily produced, we shall soon reach such a point 
of horticultural practice as to lead us to the adoption of 


the European system of walls and espalier training, but 
we shall do well to watch the application of the very im- 
portant principles involved in their practice, since these 
may be applied to our orchards with manifest advantage. 
In reference to the form and management of trained trees, 
it ts established as an axiom that their permanency is de- 
pendent upon an equal diffusion of the sap being kept up 
throughout the whole extent of their branqhes. This oc- 
curs naturally in all trees, because they develope them- 
selves in the forms natural to them, but in our gardens 
and orchards we make our trees assume unnatural forms. 
The sap flows to the highest parts by a law which is well 
known, though not so well understood ; as a consequence, 
the lower branches do not receive their needed supplies, 
and being smothered by those above them, they eventu- 
ally die and decay, leaving a naked stem supporting a top, 
or the common form of the natural tree. To maintain the 
shape we desire—be this the pyramid, the vase, or the es- 
palier of whatever kind—certain operations must be per- 
formed from time to time, as the conditions of the tree 
may indicate. 

Among these, Du Breuil advises to prune the strong 
branches short and allow the weaker ones to grow long, 
and thus to restore the balance: This may be done at the 
spring pruning, and also at any time during the growing 
season, when it may be necessary to check excessive 
growth at any one point: and upon this principle depends: 
some of the most important practice of the summer prun- 
ing of our vineyards. The sap flows towards the leaves, 
and by removing them from one part, and leaving a pre- 

ponderance upon another, we change the direction of its 


flow. As the strongest flow is toward those parts that are 
in a vertical direction, we may also check this tendency, 
or encourage it, by altering the position of the branch, as 
is done in the vineyard by tying up the canes we wish to 
have developed, and depressing the laterals with their 
fruit; so ina tiec, we may depress the shoots which are 
too strong, and elevate those that are weak, to produce 
the desired effect. We may also greatly diminish the flow 
of sap to astrong branch by removing early all its useless 
buds; this is a sort of premature pinching to be sure, but 
when we consider the powerful influence exerted by these 
organs as centers of vitality, we can realize their attrac- 
tive force in drawing the sap towards them. After the 
production of the full number of shoots upon the weaker 
branch, if the foliage continue to predominate upon the 
stronger shoot, it may be partially removed by early 
pinching, or cutting through the petioles, not by tearing 
them off; and as late as possible, remove the surplus and 
useless shoots from the weaker branches, which were at 
first needed to encourage the flow of sap in that direction. 

The true pinching of the young laterals, or new shoots, 
should also be done as early as possible to keep them in 
check on the strong branches, while the same operation 
may be delayed on the weaker, from which we should re- 
move only those that will be supernumeraries. M. Du 
Breuil also recommends the stimulation of the weaker 
limbs, by bathing all the green portions with a solution 
of sulphate of iron, made by dissolving twenty-four grains 
in a pint of water. This should be applied in the even- 
ing, when it is absorbed by the leaves, and acts as a pow- 
erful stimulant. 


It is a well established principle, that the chief growth 
by extension will be made by the terminal bud, and this 
should either be removed by cutting back, or left upon the 
limb, according as we desire to grow our wood; if exten- 
sion of the shoot be our leading object, all the lateral buds 
must be subordinated. So also, it is well known, that all 
circumstances, which retard the circulation, are followed 
by a diminution of th§ wood-growth, and by the develop- 
ment of flower-buds. 

The culture of the strawberry affords one of the best 
illustrations of the benefits and effects of pinching. The 
runners of this plant may be viewed in the light of wood- 

“growth, or the increase of the plant by extension; even 
though these slender threads are not permanent, and they 
only serve to convey a bud to a distance from the parent 
plant, and place it under favorable circumstances for the 
formation of a natural layer. They are but annual pro- 
ductions, and hence there is no considerable deposit of 
woody matter, as in the limbs of trees, but they are thrown 
out from the parent plant just like woody branches, and 
are so much substance withdrawn from it, which, if re- 
tained or thrown back upon the plant, would have resulted 
in an enlargement of the main stem of the strawberry 
plant, and in the development of buds upon the crown, 
which become stored with the proper juices that result in 
the production of more abundant blossom buds. The 
result, however, is so admirable an illustration of this 
important element in the management of permanent and 
woody fruit-trees, that we may well look at an herbaceous 
plant, be it even so humble an individual as the prostrate 
earth-berry, as our ancestors called the delicious Fragaria. 


Apples are generally dwarfed by working them upon 
the French Paradise stock, which is a very diminutive tree 
or bush, seldom rising more than a few feet high. This 
is the true stock for those who wish to indulge in the lux- 
ury of dwarf apple trees. Such are very appropriate for 
the small garden, or for the specimen grounds of a nur- 
sery establishment, and they sometifies make beautiful ob- 
jects in the lawn or among the shrubbery, but they are 
wholly unsuited for orchard planting, as many a poor de- 
luded purchaser has found out to his sorrow, a few years 
after having been beguiled by the smooth-spoken tree ped- 
dlers, who have sold many thousands through the country * 
to farmers to plant as orchard trees. 

There is a more vigorous stock which has been used for 
the same purpose, but it possesses much less dwarfing 
power. It iscalled the Doucin, or English dwarfing stock. 
This, however, exerts so little of the dwarfing influence, 
that at the end of eight or ten years the trees are gener- 
ally about as large as those worked upon free stocks; but 
it happens unfortunately that early fruitage, the great ob- 
ject of dwarfing, is not attained by their use, for they will 
not have produced any more fruit than the common trees 
similarly treated. 

By Root Pruyrye.—Among the many valuable hints 
which horticulturists have received, with the beautiful flow- 
ering and other plants, from our antipodes in the “ Flow 
ery Land,” none has been of greater value than the practice 
of root-pruning. In this art of dwarfing even the large 
forest trees by mutilations of the roots and by other 
means, this curious people excel all others, as has fre- 


quently been stated. In Europe, and in this country also, 
root-pruning has been extensively practiced with the effect 
of partially dwarfing the trees, but more especially with 
the object of inducing prematurely the fruitfulness we so 
much desire, and which is a natural result of the diminished 
supplies of crude sap furnished by the contracted roots of 
a tree that has been treated in this manner. The balance 
between the wood-growth by extension, and that which 
results in fruitful spurs is sooner established, and the sap 
is directed to the formation and support of the fruit. 

We should not commence the application of this severe 
treatment until our trees have been allowed to establish 
themselves firmly in their stations, unless we desire at the 
same time to produce decided dwarfs by means of root- 
pruning. In this case the treatment may be commenced 
in the nursery itself; the stocks should be transplanted 
once or oftener before being worked, and the young trees 
should be moved annually, which will so shorten the roots 
as to make them a mass of fibres, occupying the whole soil 
close about their main divisions, and the subsequent re- 
movals can then be easily effected, with but a shght check 
to the tree, which becomes furnished with fruit spurs at a 
very early period of its existence; instead of its requiring 
years to reach its natural period of fruitfulness, as is the 
case with some varieties, particularly of the pear. 

As generally practiced, however, root-pruning is post- 
poned until the trees have made a free and vigorous 
growth, and have become well established in their sta- 
tions. Then if the growth be too vigorous, and there do 
not appear any indications of the formation of fruit spurs, 
as is often the case in the fertile soils of the West, our im- 


patient orchardists complain of the barrenness of their 
trees, and seek a remedy in root-pruning. This is gener- 
ally performed with a sharp spade, with,which a trench is 
dug in a circle around the tree. The excavation should be 
deep enough to reach all of the lateral roots; these are 
generally’ within a foot of the surface. The ditch need 
not be much wider than the spade, and the soil can be 
thrown back at once, but all the roots should be severed, 
if we desire to produce the effect of checking the wood- 
growth. The diameter of this circle will depend upon the 
size and vigor of the tree to be operated upon. As a 
general rule, it may be made in the proportion of one foot 
to each inch of the tree’s diameter. The work may be done 
at any time after the spring growth has begun to harden, 
or during the autumn and winter, and until the buds are 
about to break in the spring. The operation is wonder- 
fully conducive to the end we have in view, and we often 
see a vigorously growing but barren subject, transformed 
in a single season into a fruitful tree, covered with blos- 
som-bearing spurs that are full of promise of delicious 
fruits. In some varieties, however, these fruit spurs re- 
quire more than a single season for their perfection. 
Now it may be objected that this labor will be expen- 
sive, and so it is, as all hard work with the spade must be; 
but what of that, when we consider the happy results that 
ensue in golden harvests. But it has been suggested that 
this labor may be performed by farm machinery, using a 
strong plow, or rather a sharp cutter attached to a plow 
beam, and drawn by a powerful team at the requisite dis- 
tance on either side of the rows of trees, and in directions 
crossing each other at right angles. This, of course, like 


all mere mechanical applications, must be uniform, whether 
the necessities of the trees be equal or not; whereas, by 
hand-labor, we may vary the distance at which the roots 
are to be cut, according to the vigor and size of the trees 
demanding the treatment. 

This topic will be again referred to in the chapter on 
Pruning, where also it will be necessary to recur to the 
subject of Training, which was incidentally alluded to in 
connection with Dwarfing. 

Glebe gale legen ie 



In opening a discussion upon the nosology of vegetation, 
it may be expected that one who had spent many years 
of his life in the investigation of the diseases of the human 


family, and at the same time was something of a student of 
comparative anatomy and physiology, tracing analogies be- 
tween the animal and vegetable kingdoms, should be famil- 
iar also with the diseases of plants. Such an anticipation, it 
is feared, will not, in the present instance, be realized. In- 
deed, the writer feels very much at a loss how to proceed 
in discussing this branch of the subject, and hardly knows 
what departures from undoubted health and vigor should 
be considered worthy of the title of disease. Nor is it 
easy to trace the causes of the conditions that are gener- 
ally viewed in the light of maladies. We find the mani- 
festations both in the tree or plant, and in its several parts, 
and also in the products which chiefly interest us; the fruits 
themselves, are often deteriorated by what is called dis- 
eased action of different kinds. The analogy to diseases 
of animals is certainly not very distinct. We do not find 
anything like fevers, or gout, or rheumatism,’in plants, but 
we may consider some of the conditions somewhat in the 
light of dropsies, and plethora or hypertrophy on the 
one hand, and of angzemia or atrophy upon the other; we 
‘may consider canker and the death of some parts of a 
plant analogous to gangrene, and mortification in the ani- 
mal subject. Then again we find congenital defects in in- 
dividuals among plants, just as we do among animals. 
Some are always less vigorous than others, and thus cer- 
tain varieties seem possessed of a degree of inherent dis- 
ease that perpetually prevents them from displaying the 
requisite strength and vigor which we so much desire in 
our plantations. Certain varieties that, from the size and 
excellence of their fruits, have attracted the attention of 
pomologists, are so deficient in health and vigor as to be 


considered diseased, and are therefore very properly con- 
demned as unworthy a place in our orchards and gardens ; 
others appear simply deficient in the production of some 
one part, as is illustrated by the inferior strength of the 
woody fibres of some trees, which break easily under the 
weight of their own fruit, and thus destroy the symmetry 
of the tree and diminish its productiveness. Others have 
defective foliage, which is attended by the imperfect per- 
formance of the functions of growth, both in the fruit and 
in the sustaining woody fibres; others again produce de- 
fective blossoms with either a redundancy or deficiency of 
the parts that are necessary for the production of the 
seeds needed for the perpetuation of the species. When 
the parts are deficient, the flowers are called barren or in- 
fertile. A redundancy or multiplication of parts is seen in 
double flowers of our gardens, where they are much prized 
for their beauty, though considered monstrosities by the 
botanist, and perhaps propew#y referred to diseased action 
by the nosologist. 

It is evident, that very often the conditions of a plant 
and its products, which we most highly prize, and towards 
which all our efforts in its culture are directed, are really 
departures from the natural and healthful status; in other 
words, what we covet, is really a state of diseased and 
abnormal action. With the other secondary objects of 
occupying and ornamenting the barren wastes of the earth 
with plants, and thus supplying food to hosts of insects, 
and to the higher animals, nature also has primarily in 
view, the production of perfect seeds for the perpetuation 
of their species, by the plants that are profusely scattered 
over the globe. Man, on the contrary, often rejects the 


true seeds as worthless when compared to their juicy 
fleshy envelopes that constitute his favorite fruits, or the 
enlarged and succulent roots, tubers, stalks, and leaves, 
that characterize his garden vegetables and field crops; 
while in the grains proper he seeks sustenance in the true 
seeds, which become the object of his greatest care and 
ingenuity to enlarge, to increase, and to develope, parti- 
cularly in regard to their nutritive qualities. 

Most writers upon the diseases of plants have given us 
very indistinct notions upon the subject, and have done 
very little to enlighten their readers; while they have 
written voluminously upon the unhealthy and unsatisfac- 
tory condition of certain vegetables, and have given us 
most extensive accounts of the treatment by which they 
propose to remedy the evils complained of, we gather lit- 
tle of the information needed to enable us to understand 
the true state of the case, or of the causes of the disease, 
if it is to be considered such. The reader need not expect 
that he will be more enlightened by this chapter than he 
has been by the essays to which reference is here made, 
but he will be led to a consideration of some of the causes 
of those departures from health and vigor which are con- 
sidered diseased action, and in this way he may possibly 
be put upon the track which will lead him to the avoid- 
ance of disastrous results. More than this will not be at- 

Perhaps the most satisfactory account of diseases of 
plants is that given by Lankester, in which he divides 
them according to their causes, as follows: 

lst—Those produced by changes in the external condi- 
tions of life, such as redundancy or deficiency of the in- 


gredients of soil, of light, of heat, air, and moisture. 
2d—Those produced by poisonous agencies, as by in- 
jurious gases, miasmata in the air, or by poisons in the 
3d—Those arising from the growth of parasitic plants, 
such as the various Fungi, Dodder, Mistletoe, ete. 
4th—Such as are caused by mechanical injuries or 
wounds, and by the attacks of insects. 

These may be considered separately: Ist—It may be 
assumed, and has been already well established by botan- 
ists, that every plant has its own peculiar constitution, 
adapting it to certain atmospheric conditions, and that for 
its healthful and successful culture, these must be under- 
stood and adhered to, within comparatively narrow limits. 
Tropical plants, as is well known, cannot be cultivated 
beyond their natural limits, except under circumstances 
where their natural conditions are nearly imitated by the 
gardener; and even in our stoves and hot-houses, these 
plants do not compare in vigor with their fellows that lux- 
uriate in the hot and steaming atmosphere of the tropics, 
under the stronger light of such a clime as is natural to 
them. On the contrary, the plants of northern latitudes 
will not grow and produce seeds where temperature is too 
elevated. Those from a humid atmosphere suffer in an 
arid clime, and those which thrive in dry sandy regions 
suffer equally when introduced into a humid atmosphere. 

Thus we find, that where there is too much moisture for 
some of our cultivated plants, they are inclined to be too 
succulent, and this very excess may produce a dropsical 
condition that is really a state of disease. Thus we suf- 
fer in a loss of fruit, which will fall badly hefore its pe- 


riod of maturity, and that which remains its full time is 
found to be thin and watery, deficient in the high spicy 
aromatic flavor which is so highly appreciated by the con- 
noisseur of these choice products. When, on the other 
hand, the arid character of the soil and climate prevail to 
an extent that is uncongenial to any particular fruit, we 
shall find that its growth is arrested, and that its highest 
qualities are not adequately developed: this is frequently 
observed in an unusually dry season — and in California, 
where irrigation is required to enable the orchardist to 
produce some of the succulent fruits, the most remarkable 
size and beauty have been attained, but we are told that 
it was often at the expense of the desired flavor that the 
same varieties acquire, under circumstances more advan- 
tageous to the development of their superior qualities. 

So in many of our fruits, the successful results depend 
upon the hygrometric condition of the atmosphere, and 
Liebig suggests that a very prolific source of diseased ac- 
tion in plants, arises from the suppressed evaporation and 
transpiration consequent upon such atmospheric condi- 

Too much moisture prevailing at the time of the blos- 
soming of our fruits, especially moisture precipitated in the 
form of rain during this period, is sometimes disastrous 
to our crops, both of cereals and of orchard fruits. Con- 
tinuous showers prevent the development of the pollen- 
grains, and their transfer to the stigmas of the blossoms, 
so that the fruit does not set well. Fortunately this does 
not often occur in our glorious climate, which is so highly 
favored by an abundance of light and sunshine, which are 
the great and essential stimuli of the higher orders of 


plants. The loss of our fruit crops in some parts of the 
Ohio Valley in the years 1862, 1865, and 1866, was fairly 
attributed to this cause. 

We must not overlook the unhealthy influences produced 
by an excess of moisture in the earth. Many plants that 
naturally delight in a dry porous soil, become weak, un- 
fruitful, or even seriously diseased when they are planted 
in low wet grounds, or upon such as are underlaid by a 
very tenacious sub-soil, while an opposite condition is 
equally unfavorably to those that are naturally more 
aquatic in their tastes and habits. In the former case we 
learn to avoid such soils and situations, unless we are 
able to change their character in this respect by thorough 
under-draining, which will completely remove the evil, and 
the remedy becomes merely a question of expense. 

A certain amount -of temperature may be assumed as 
requisite to every plant, or rather it may be affirmed that 
some plants cannot exist and thrive except within a certain 
range, and it has been asserted that each class of plants 
requires a mean temperature for the year that shall not 
vary many degrees: the range of this variation has per- 
haps never been satisfactorily ascertained. But it is well 
known, that both heat and frost act injuriously upon vege- 
tation. Mr. Lindley tells us that ‘the extreme limits of 
temperature which vegetables are capable of bearing, 
without destruction of their vitality, have not been deter- 
mined with precision.” When the temperature is main- 
tained at a higher point than is natural, the plant is ex- 
cited to undue activity of growth; but this is attended 
with an enfeebled condition, often seen in badly managed 
green-houses. Mr. Knight found that certain plants were 


rendered abortive by the production of male flowers only, 
when exposed to too great heat, and by an opposite treat- 
ment, when subjected to a low temperature for a long 
time, others produced only female flowers. In some 
plants a high degree of heat, with moisture, results in the 
production of leaves only, and Humboldt found that 
wheat was grown about Xalapa, Mexico, as a fodder 
plant, because it produced an abundance of grass, but did 
not form ears nor grain. 

A diminished temperature, on the contrary, removes 
the stimulus of growth, and leads to the suspension of all 
vital action in proportion to its reduction. At the freez- 
ing point it is probable that all such action ceases, though 
in this regard there is great difference among plants; the 
mosses'and lichens will flourish, and the Chickweed will 
vegetate and blossom at a temperature very little above 
freezing. The access of frost, after vegetation has some- 
what advanced, often proves very disastrous, and we not 
unfrequently lose our crops of fruit by such an occurrence 
during the period of blossoming, or even afterward. 

Some plants in a dormant condition, will endure unin- 
jured a great depression of temperature, while others will 
be destroyed by the slightest approach of frost. Accord- 
ing to De Candolle, this may depend upon the greater or 
less amount of water they contain, upon the greater or 
less viscidity of their fluids, or the rapidity with which 
these fluids circulate. Those with larger cells he thinks 
most easily injured by frost, and those which contain a 
great deal of air are able to resist it best. The freezing 
point will vary according to the quality of the sap, for we 
know that different vegetable juices congeal at different 


temperatures, The manner in which cold acts upon plants 
depends upon their physical structure. Lindley says, 
freezing is attended with the following effects: —The 
fluids contained within the cells of tissue are congealed 
and expanded—this produces a laceration of the cell-walls, 
and impairs excitability by the unnatural extension to 
which the cells are subjected; the air is expelled from the 
air-vessels and introduced into parts naturally intended to 
contain only fluid; the green coloring matter and other 
secretions are decomposed, and the vital fluid or latex is 
destroyed, and the action of its vessels is paralyzed. The 
interior of the tubes, in which fluid is conveyed, is ob- 
structed by a thickening of their sides. So we have as a 

result, both mechanical, chemical, and vital changes.* 

Our hardy fruit trees are woody perennials that hyber- 
nate during the winter. Yet we find that even these suf- 
fer upon some occasions from a great depression of tem- 
perature; it has been asserted that a certain degree of 
cold would inevitably destroy the blossom buds at least, 
and we often find that the bark is burst off from the wood, 
and in some instances the wood itself is so injured as to 
suffer from a kind of decomposition, and to become affect- 
ed with a change generally known as the dry rot, losing 
its elasticity and hardness, and acquiring a whitish color, 
which is supposed may arise from the introduction of the 
mycelia of fungous growths. Now it is believed thet 
these injuries do not arise so directly from the degree of 
cold to which the tree has been exposed, as to the condi- 
tion of its circulation at the time of the exposure. If the 

* Trans. Horticultural Society, London, Vol. II, p. 308; and Am. Journal of 
Science and Arts, March, 1840. 



sap have been excited by mild or warm weather, as is so 
apt to be the case in our changeable climate, the sudden 
depression of temperature will produce disastrous effects, 
even when the cold has not been very severe. This is 
manifested by the bursting of the bark in young trees in 
the early part of winter, while they are yet holding their 
leaves, and of course having a circulation somewhat active. 
Hence the importance, now very well understood by our 
nurserymen, of checking the growth of young trees in 
time to have their terminal buds thoroughly ripened be- 
fore the approach of frost. This, to a certain extent, is 
subject to our control; but we cannot foresee the charac- 
ter of the seasons upon which the safety of our orchard 
trees will, in a great measure, depend, and they are less 
easily managed. When the autumn is dry, and continued 
late into winter, as sometimes happens, we see a per- 
fect ripening of the wood, with a great development of 
blossom buds, and then we may confidently calculate up- 
on the safety of our fruits, provided they be not exposed 
to a warm period at mid-winter, that shall excite some ac- 
tivity in their circulation, which would suffer terribly from 
any sudden and great depression of temperature such as 
frequently occurs, carrying the mercury from summer 
heat to a point below zero, ina few hours. Such a change 
has amounted to 68 degrees in nine hours.* 

The influence exerted by the soil upon the healthiness 
or unhealthiness of our trees has already been alluded to 
incidentally, but it is an important subject of inquiry 
whether this may arise from a redundancy or a paucity of 
some particular ingredients necessary to sustain the plants 

* Trans. Cincinnati Horticultural Society, 1806S. 


ee Y ¢ a] 

we desire to cultivate. Liebig has pointed out how chem- 
istry may be brought to our assistance in solving such a 
question. As all the inorganic elements found in a tree 
and its fruits, must have been derived from the soil in 
which it grew, he suggested that the ashes of the plant 
would show us exactly what it needed, and then an exami- 
nation of the soils would inform us whether they contained 
all the necessary elements, and in the right proportion. 
Hence arose the doctrine and the practice of applying 
special manures, which has been so fashionable in our day. 
Though there be many doubters as to the efficacy of such 
investigations and practices, most sensible and enlightened 
agriculturists admit the truths which Liebig has pro- 

Light is the great stimulus of vegetation, an essential 
element to its existence: its withdrawal is followed by an 
arrest of some of the most important functions of vitality, 
and yet we find that there is a great difference among dif- 
ferent species, as to their requirements of this element, 
and also that various parts and several products of vege- 
tation require very different degrees of light for their per- 
fection. It is also found that a sudden exposure of parts 
from which it had been withheld, is often attended with 
disastrous consequences. Its withdrawal does not so im- 
mediately destroy the plant, being attended with the etio- 
lation of the parts that are usually colored, but a sudden 
re-exposure to the sun’s rays will now destroy the plant. So 
the removal of a portion of the foliage from a tree, or the 
exposure of the bare stem of one that had been previously 
sheltered, is often attended with severe effects, known as 
sun-seald—for which there is no remedy, but very easy 


modes of prevention. The best of these is to provide 
against the evil by reserving the lower branches to shade 
the stem. There are other excellent reasons for this prac- 
tice, which will be brought forward in the chapter on 

Frequently, however, the nurseryman, or perhaps the 
injudicious efforts of the planter himself, may have re- 
moved all the side branches of the young tree, and as 
these cannot be replaced, we may substitute for them a 
shelter from the scorching sun to which the newly planted 
tree is exposed. This may be done by tacking two nar- 
row boards together at their edges, like a gutter spout, 
and setting them upright on the south side of the tree to 
shade it. A wisp of straw, tied loosely to the stem, will 
answer a very good purpose; but both of these appli- 
ances are objectionable, because they furnish a shelter for 
insects, and thus they fall short of the natural shading 
of the stem by the foliage of its‘own branches. 

It is not only the scorching suns of summer that damage 
our young trees that are thus exposed by injudicious trim- 
ming. Even the bright rays of a mid-winter sun, falling 
upon the frozen stem, will often effect the most serious 
damage, and should be guarded against with equal care ; 
but here the natural protection will answer, for the shade 
of the naked spray of the laterals is found all-sufficient in 
the well-trained tree. 

2d—To resume the consideration of Lankester’s causes 
of disease, it must be admitted that some diseased condi- 
tions may be produced by poisonous gases, but the usual 
result will be the death of plants confined in such an at- 
mosphere. The natural power of diffusion of all gases 


among one another in the open air, prevents the danger 
that would ensue in a confined situation. The accidental 
production of sulphurous and other poisonous gas, or the 
escape of smoke from the flues or from the tobacco-pan 
in the green-house, sometimes produces the most disas- 
trous effects upon the plants subjected to their action, 
So, in crowded cities, it often happens that the effects of 
coal smoke and other gases, generated in the furnaces and 
manufactories, are very injurious to vegetation. The coal 
soot falls in flakes like lamp-black, which covers the sur- 
face and obstructs the transpiration of the stomata, and 
thus seriously affects the health of plants in such situations. 

The action of miasmata, suggested by Lankester, is as 
obscure in the effects produced upon plants as in those up- 
on animals. The presence of these atmospheric conditions 
cannot be detected by any of our tests, nor can their ef- 
fects be prevented by any means in our power; we know 
little or nothing about their characters, yet we cannot de- 
ny their existence: finally, they serve as a very convenient 
explanation, though a very unsatisfactory one, for the in- 
cursions of maladies that are of an obscure or unknown 
character. Whether of a miasmatic nature or not, no one 
can deny the existence of certain atmospheric conditions, 
which appear to produce disastrous effects upon some of 
our vegetable productions whether these be inherent to 
the air itself, or are only conveyed by it from one place to 
another. The inexplicable potato disease may owe its 
origin and diffusion to such a cause, and the grape malady, 
which appears to be dependent upon atmospheric causes, 
may at least be carried from one vine to another upon 
this medium, in the form of the minute spores or seeds 

DISEASES. 1 ics 

of the fungi that are believed to be the cause of the 

Poisons in the soil are frequently very deleterious to 
vegetation, and we often find extensive injuries to our 
plants produced by this class of agents. When these are 
of a chemical nature, as is usually the case, they may be 
satisfactorily treated by applications that will neutralize 
their effects. In cities the escape of the illuminating gas, 
that is carried in subterranean pipes, has often so poisoned 
the soil as to destroy the shade trees by the side of the 

An excess of certain saline and alkaline ingredients 
often produces barrenness in the soil, by a sort of poison- 
ing, even with those articles that in smaller quantities are 
used as manures with the happiest effects. 

3d—The influence exerted upon vegetation by the 
growth of parasitic plants, cannot be observed without 
forcing us to the conclusion that they are prejudicial to 
the health of the plants they infest—since they either cover 
and smother the foliage by twining upon it, as is the case 
with the Dodder; or fasten themselves upon a limb, ap- 
propriating the sap that was intended for its support, and 
thus starve it, as does the Mistletoe; or attaching them- 
selves to the bark, they interfere with its functions, as is 
done by the lichens and mosses; or, following the descend- 
ing scale, in the size of these parasites, but meeting in 
them foes of much greater importance, we find the minute 
but innumerable fungi attacking the wood, the bark, the 
foliage, and the fruits, of our gardens and orchards, and 
committing incalculable damage—thus entailing serious 

* Cincinnati Hort. Soc. Report. 


disease. A very important question has arisen, however, 
as to whether the inroads of fungi were the cause or the 
consequence only of disease. A question which it will be 
necessary to leave to wiser heads, only observing that 
these epiphytes do appear, under certain atmospheric con- 
ditions, to invade some plants that had previously seemed 
to be in perfect health. That they are transported upon 
the air, in the form of very minute sporules, is unquestion- 
ed, and that their growth is dependent upon certain at- 
mospheric conditions, is equally admitted, but whether 
they induce disease, or are only able to take possession of 
a plant that is not in a perfectly healthy condition, does not 
yet appear so clear. The very eminent Mr. Solly is of 
the opinion, that in the potato at least, the existence of 
parasitic fungi is a secondary result of previous disease. 
So it may be with our fruits, and there is considerable tes- 
timony to favor such a belief in many cases, where we 
find, with the appearance of these fungi, other causes of 

The leaves of the apple trees in some seasons become 
coated with a black efflorescence, that gives the tree a very 
sombre appearance, and seems to affect its health. Iam 
not aware that any one has yet made any microscopical 
investigations of this condition of the foliage, which looks 
as though it were dusted with coal-smoke. It has been 
supposed, however, to be the result of a fungous growth. 

Pear Buieur.—This is a subject upon which so much 
has been said and written, that any one may well shrink 
from its discussion, The condition in which the invasion 
of the malady finds the tree has been pretty thoroughly 
ascertained, and the sad state in which it is left after the 


attack, is too well known to need any learned description. 
It is well called the blight, for nothing short of scorching 
_ by fire can more effectually destroy the life of the tree and 
blight our hopes of its usefulness. The varied theories 
and suggestions that have been advanced in attempted ex- 
planation of this state of things are altogether unsatisfac- 
torn, so that it may be said we know nothing about the 
disease, nor whether it be oceasioned by frozen sap, by 
fungous invasion, or by insect attacks, all of which have 
been set forward as causes of the difficulty. None of 
these explanations have been clearly proved, and they 
seem rather guesses than established facts in the history 
of the disease, which breaks out in the midst of the season 
of growth, and attacks those trees that are in the midst 
of the most vigorous production of succulent shoots; but 
it is not confined to the young wood; on the contrary, it 
appears first in the hard bark of limbs, that are two or 
more years old. This turns brown, becomes desiccated, and 
thus the circulation is arrested, and the foliage as well as the 
bark is affected. The outer extremities of the leaves wilt, 
die, and turn suddenly brown and then black, and often re- 
main adhering by their petioles for months—sad testimoni- 
als of the destruction caused by the blight. The disease 
appears to extend in some instances, but it is not proved that 
there is any poisonous matter generated by a blighted 
limb that could have entered the circulation, and then have 
been transmitted to other parts of the tree. The apparent 
extension of the disease is rather believed to have been 
the successive development of the trouble from different 
foci, which had successively invaded so much of the bark 
as to have more or less completely arrested the flow of 


the sap. In some limbs of small size, a patch of dead tis- 
sue of moderate dimensions would entirely arrest healthy 
action early in the season, and destroy the portion of the 
branch beyond it; in other branches of greater size, quite 
a large patch of the dead bark might exist for a long time 
without entirely surrounding them, and arresting the cir- 
culation, which would thus be kept up until a later period, 
. When at length this occurred, the symptoms of blight 
would appear. 

The treatment of this malady is quite unsatisfactory, 
and gives us no clue to the cause of the trouble. Various 
plans have been suggested, the most satisfactory is the re- 
moval of the affected limbs—not that it cures the disease, 
but because it takes from us the sad mementos of our loss. 
We have been advised to pare away the diseased portion 
of old bark with a spoke-shave, or some similar instrument ; 
but it is apprehended that few persons would ever find 
this patch of dead bark until they have the fatal evidence 
of the blighted foliage, and no possible good can result 
from its removal at that time. 

. This trouble is connected, in many instances, with an ex- 
cessively vigorous growth of shoots; indeed, some of 
those varieties which are most thrifty, suffer the most, 
while those which make firm and moderately short shoots, 
seldom blight. Hence it has been inferred by some, that 
if we can check this excessive vigor, and reduce the wood 
growth to a moderate amount, not exceeding ten or 
twelve inches, annual extension, we shall be able to pre- 
vent the occurrence of blight. This object is easily at- 
tained by root-pruning the trees severely in the spring of 
the year. So far, we can only say that trees so treated, 


have not blighted; but it does not follow that they would 
have suffered if let alone. 

Another form of blight may often be seen in the peach 
and in the apple; it consists in a loss of vitality of small 
twigs and their foliage in several parts of the tree, espe- 
cially in the inner portions that are not freely exposed to 
the air and light. In the peach, this disease is accompanied 
with the decay of the fruit upon these twigs, which rots 
and becomes moldy. This trouble is usually attributed 
to mildew, and it is probably owing to some form of fun- 
gus invasion. 

Quite a different affection of the twigs is that known as 
the “blight” in apples and quinces. This attacks only 
the young shoots of the current season’s growth, which 
suddenly wither and become brown at mid-summer. The 
same condition occurs also in the shoots of the Italian 
mulberry. The cause of this malady is not very apparent ; 
by some persons it is attributed to the punctures of mi- 
nute insects, but they have escaped the scrutiny of other 
observers, who attribute this blight to atmospheric causes. 

The true apple blight is a malady of very serious char- 
acter, that invades many orchards in the Western States. 
In its nature, and in the mode of its invasion, it very much 
resembles the dreaded fire-blight of the pear, with which 
most orchardists have unfortunately become already but 
too familiar. Like it too, all the guesses which Solons have 
offered for the explanation of its cause, appear equally un- 
satisfactory. ) 

A whole branch or limb of the tree becomes simultane- 
ously affected ;. sometimes one quarter or even one half of 

the top is destroyed by the disease, and the removal of 


the dead portions is not followed by the reproduction of 
healthy branches. Certain varieties are more subject to 
this blight than others, and they seem to poison the grafts 
that are inserted into them, to produce a new top to the 
tree with a more healthy variety. 

Brrrer Ror.—Our excellent and observing friend, H. 
N. Gillett, of Lawrence Co., Ohio, furnishes the following 
description of this disease to the Ohio Cultivator : 

“The disease generally presents itself on the skin 
of the apple in very minute brown spots, from one to 
a dozen or more in number, generally after the fruit is 
pretty well grown. These gradually spread and penetrate 
the flesh of the apple, producing a black rot, almost as 
bitter as aloes, but this taste is confined to the discolored 
portion. The fruit ceases growing, and falls prematurely. 
The rot occasionally begins at the center, and extends out- 
ward, so that the fruit appears perfectly sound for some 
time,” on which account he advises against too early 
gathering of the fruit. 

The late Dr. Barker, of McConnellsville, Ohio, who was 
one of our most observing pomologists, referring to this 
disease as peculiar to certain varieties, concludes in an 
article in the paper above quoted, vide Vol. VL, p. 283, 
that this malady is different from what is called Bitter 
Rot in other places, and which affects other varieties with 
a discoloration of the flesh and a bitter taste. He thinks 
this malady is different from that described by Mr. Gillett, 
and that it, the true Bitter Rot, is caused by a fungous 
growth, the spores of which are carried on the air from 
tree to tree, like a similar fungus producing mold in the 
cherry, plum, and peach. He also traces a resemblance 


of this disease to the vaccination in the human subject, 
except that the scab does not separate and fall off. Hence 
he suggested the name of pock, instead of Bitter Rot. 
High culture, manure, lime, trimming, and pasturing hogs 
in the orchard, have all been recommended as remedies. 

CrackeD Fruir—Miprw.—Certain fruits become par- 
tially covered with what appears to be a fungous growth, 
which occupies the skin in such a manner as to prevent the 
development of the succulent tissues beneath it. This may 
result in a deformity consequent upon the irregular growth, 
and the fruit is called scabby, or it may strike deeper into 
the tissues, which become dry and corky and crack open, 
being thus utterly worthless. Some varieties, which former- 
ly produced the most beautiful fruits, have been so severely 
affected by this malady as to yield absolutely nothing in 
certain localities, and are only rendered profitable by top 
grafting with other sorts that are not affected with the 
cracking. That this is not caused by the wearing out of 
the variety, as has been suggested, it may be added that 
the same fruit ripens perfectly and is quite fair in other re- 
gions of the country. The trouble, however, is extend- 
ing, and it is hardly safe to plant largely of those varieties 
that have proved subject to the malady. No explanation 
_ has been satisfactory as to the cause, nor has any treat- 
ment been successful. 

Dr. Kirtland addressed the Ohio Pomological Society 
upon this subject, and an abstract of his remarks is here 
given : — 

“The disease known as the blight or the fire-blight, is at 
this day proving’ the most serious obstacle to the success- 
ful cultivation of the pear, in many sections of the coun- 


try. arly in the present century it prevailed extensively 
in New England, coincidently with the spotted fever, and 
other disorders of a low grade of action, which at that 
period swept epidemically over that region of the country. 
It was a popular opinion that all these diseases, both of the 
human family and vegetable kingdom, arose from one 
cause ;—an opinion not, however, tolerated by medical 
men and men of science in that day. 

“ Various theories have been advanced to account for 
the origin of this blight. Insects, frozen sap, electricity, 
excessive evaporation, and exhaustion of the soil, have, at 
different times, been assigned as the cause. Investigation 
of each fails to meet and explain the phenomena attendant 
on the rise, progress, and results of that disease. It is 
time they all should be abandoned, and that researches for 
a cause be extended in some other direction. 

‘“‘ As a starting point in this undertaking, I will suggest 
another hypothesis, which may perhaps explain the pa- 
thology of the blight, and call into use an effectual reme- 
dy or preventive. Pathology, Dr. Webster defines to 
be ‘the doctrine of the causes and nature of diseases.’ 

“1, The Pear-tree blight is produced by the poisonous 
impression of the seeds (sporules) of a microscopic fungus. 

“¢2. Several combinations of iron, especially the sul- 
phate (copperas), will, to some extent, counteract that 

“Tt will be understood that these two propositions are 
merely hypothetical. If sustained by analogies, subse- 
quent observations, and experience, they will be accepted 
as truths; if not thus sustained, they will of course be 


“The extensive prevalence of the cholera, over large 
portions of the globe, commencing in the year 1818, led 
medical men to seek for its cause. Dr. Cowdell, of Lon- 
don, in 1848, published cA Disquisition on Pestilential 
Cholera, being an attempt to explain its phenomena, na- 
ture, cause, prevention and treatment, by reference to an 
extrinsic fungous origin.’ 

“In 1849, Prof. J. K. Mitchell, of Philadelphia, issued 
a more elaborate work, ‘On the Cryptogamous Origin of 
Malarious and Epidemic Fevers.’ It abounds in numerous 
facts and correct reasoning, and should be consulted by 
every investigator of disease, animal and vegetable. 

“These publications attracted the attention of the med- 
ical profession, both in America and Europe, so long as 
that epidemic continued its ravages, and the theories they 
advanced gained extensive credence during that time. 
They were, however, lost sight of when that epidemic 
subsided. Recently they have been substantiated as plain 
matters of fact, so far as malarious diseases are concerned, 
by the labors and investigations of Prof. J. H. Salisbury, 
of Cleveland. 

“It is well established, then, that a number of diseases 
of the animal system are produced by fungi. ‘ Under this 
name botanists comprehend not only the various races of 
mushrooms, toadstools, and similar productions, but a 
large number of microscopic plants, forming the appear- 
ances called mouldiness, mildew, smvt, rust, brand, dry 
rot, etc.” They are universally diffused in nature. It is 
difficult to conceive of a place where they do not exist: 
They are among the most numerous of all plants, in re- 
gard to genera and species, and with very few exceptions 


are deleterious in their impressions on the animal system. 
Even the palatable mushroom is always poisonous to some | 
persons, and may become so to all under certain circum- 
stances. It is equally evident that fungi frequently oc- 
casion diseases in the vegetable kingdom. The smut of 
wheat and maize, the rust of wheat, ergot of rye and 
grass-seeds, and specks, cracks, and discoloration of the 
skin of the apple and pear are of this nature. 

“The microscopical! examinations of Prof. Salisbury and 
others have detected the presence of certain species, in- 
festing extensively pear trees about the period of attack 
by the blight. They have made similar discoveries that 
lead to the conclusion that the curl of the peach leaf, 
the potato disease, and the blight of pear trees, all have 
their origin from the cause assigned in my second prop- 

“Under this head still another disease of our fruit 
should be noticed. I have watched carefully the sudden 
and premature decay of our plum crop, at the period of 
its ripening, for the last fifteen years. From hints afford- 
ed by the work of Prof. Mitchell, and several microscopic 
observations of my own, I was induced to publish an ar- 
tivle in ‘The Florist,’ of Philadelphia, in the year 1855, in 
which I imputed the origin of the disease to the Torula 
or some analagous species of parasitic fungi. The disease 
still prevails among us, and it is sure to destroy all the 
plums which escape puncture by the curculio. It is, how- 
ever, generally overlooked by pomologists, and its effects 
are charged to the depredations of that insect. Similar 
disease occasionally impairs our peach and apple crops, to 
a less extent. Whenever it occurs on either of these va- 


rieties of fruit, the spurs and young wood blight or cank- 
er, and cease to be fruitful for several years 

“If these discoveries and analogies establish, with any 
degree of certainty, the hypothesis of the eryptogamous 
origin of the pear tree blight, we have made important 
progress in laying down true indications for its cure or 
prevention. Among the means suggested for effecting 
that end, certain combinations of iron have already been 
named, The authority for such practice is founded on the 
following facts: 

“1. It is a popular belief that iron exerts a favorable 
influence over the health of fruit trees. Hence arises the 
practice of driving nails into the body of such trees, and 
loading their limbs with scraps of iron. Both the be- 
lief and the practice may be visionary, yet in such in- 
stances of popular belief, investigation usually discovers 
them to be founded on some shadow of truth. 

“2. An intelligent and observing gentleman of Cleve- 
land informs me that he prevents the curl of the peach leaf 
by depositing in the earth, about the bodies of the trees, 
fragments of rusty stove pipe and worthless pieces of iron. 

‘3. Twenty-four years since I called the attention of 
the public to the isolated fact, without reference to any 
theory, that a large pear tree in Columbiana county, Ohio, 
with its body surrounded with many wagon loads of boul- 
ders, scoria, scales of iron and accumulations from a black- 
smith shop, retained its health, vigor, and fruitfulness, 
while all other pear trees in that region of country had 
either died, or were suffering from blight. Vide New 
England Farmer, December 3, 1840, page 153. At this 
late day this tree still continues healthy. 


“4. I recollect reading in that reliable journal, Hovey’s 
Magazine of Horticulture, some years since, a statement 
that the finest prize pears seen in the Parisian market, 
were produced by investing the growing fruits with folds 
of cotton or linen cloth, and daily, or oftener, moistening 
them with a solution of sulphate of iron. This treatment 
was said to result in developing the size, beauty, and quali- 
ty of the fruits to a high degree, and especially to free 
them from parasitic blotches. 

“5. Four years since, Mrs. Weller Dean, of Rockport, 
Ohio, informed me that blight might not only be prevented 
in healthy pear trees, but might be successfully arrested, 
in many trees, after it had made considerable progress, by 
means of repeatedly washing the bodies of the trees with 
a saturated solution of sulphate of iron (copperas), at a 
time when the sap is in active circulation. 

“This was a confidential communication, with the condi- 
tion annexed that I should thoroughly test the plan, and if 
it should prove successful, I was to publish it; and further- 
more, if any merit or more substantial reward should be 
deemed due to any one by the public, she was to be the 

“This plan has yet been only imperfectly tried. Age 
and infirmities will probably prevent its completion by 
me. I will therefore report that I have tested it ona 
number of my partially blighted pear trees, while a greater 
numbers has been left to die unmedicated. Of the former, 
not one has yet perished, while of the latter very few sur- 
vive. It has appeared, in every instance, to arrest the 
progress of the disease, and to impart a healthy condition 
to the bark wherever applied. The apparent results may 


have been coincidences and not the effect of the remedy, 
There is much false experience in horticulture and agri- 
culture, as well as in medicine. 

“These views suggest the expediency of extensively 
applying a solution of the sulphate of iron by means of a 
green-house syringe or garden engine to the tops and foli- 
age of trees, laboring under any of the diseases suspected 
of a cryptogamous origin. It also becomes a query whether 
the same agent may not be successfully employed at some 
period to counteract the potato disease, either by water- 
ing with it the growing plant, or washing the tubers in it 
in autumn, after they are dug. No injury has ever arisen 
to pear trees by a free use of & saturated soiution of cop- 
peras. | 

“Tn conclusion, I would observe that the discovery of 
the cryptogamous origin of the many disorders of the 
human system is effecting important changes in their 
treatment. May we not hope that an extension of these 
discoveries to the vegetable kingdom, may result as 
favorably in shaping the practice in diseases of fruits and 
fruit trees ?” 

-4th—Wounds, and the attacks of insects, may be con- 
sidered more in the light of mechanical injuries by a loss 
of substance, hence they belong rather to the department 
of surgery, and can scarcely be considered as disease. 
The breaking of a branch, or the removal of a portion of 
the bark, may inflict a serious injury, but it is one which, 
under ordinary circumstances, will be recovered from, 
without any impairment of the health of the tree—unless 
where the wound is so large that the new growth will not 
soon cover it over, in which case exposure to the moisture 


of the atmosphere may result in decay of the woody tis- 
sues, or, if the sap exudes, at certain seasons, it may pro- 
duce canker and fungous growths. In some varieties of 
our cultivated fruits, wounds of this character are often 
attended by an effusion of gummy matter; this is particu- 
larly the case with those that are known as stone-fruits, 
and in these the excision of a large limb is seldom fol- 
lowed by a deposit of woody matter in the way of healing 
over the wound, which is always desirable; hence in such 
cases particularly, it is well to cover the exposed surface 
with something to exclude atmospheric moisture, whether 
this be paint, varnish of shellac, or common grafting wax. 

Insects, by eating the foliage extensively, very materi- 
ally injure the healthy condition of a tree —even the 
minute aphides that suck the sap from the leaves and ten- 
der bark, will seriously impair the health of our plants; 
but the borers that mine under the bark, extensively con- 
suming the vital cambium, and even burrow into the solid 
wood, reducing it to a honeycomb, cannot fail to affect 
the healthy condition of the tree materially, and often 
cause its premature death. Some knowledge of the habits 
of these little creatures is considered of so great import- 
ance, that_the subject will be brought before the reader’s 
notice more at length in another part of this volume. 

There is no doubt, however, that many unhealthy con- 
ditions of our trees, that might be traced to other causes, 
but which are not manifestly dependent upon a want of 
care on the part of the orchardist, nor upon a deficiency 
in the constitution of the soil, are often attributable to the 
inroads of these minute foes, which, in some cases at least, 
are made the scape-goats upon which is laid the blame 


that should be applied to our own neglect, or want of 
forethought and care, 

After having reviewed the whole subject, it may be safe 
for us to conclude that what is called disease in our culti- 
vated vegetables of whatever kind, is a departure from 
full health and productiveness of sound fruits, And 
further that this may arise from a lack of the necessary 
ingredients in the soil, from a want of proper conditions 
as to its quality and constitution, particularly with regard 
to the important elements of moisture, heat, and light; 
and especially, that this condition of unhealthiness and 
unproductiveness, when not an inherent failing of the va- 
riety, may in many instances be attributable to want of 
proper care on our part, and to our allowing the trees to 
injure themselves by overbearing, while we neglect to keep 
up the proper supply of nourishment. 

In making selections of trees for planting, it is import- 
ant that all weak or unhealthy varieties should be avoided. 
Secure healthy and vigorous stocks, that appear to be pos- 
sessed of a sound constitution, even though the fruit 
should not be quite so fine and beautiful as that produced 
by some of the sickly and less vigorous varieties. There 
is more difference apparent, in this respect, among pears 
than among apples; but of the latter there are varieties 
that should be avoided on account of their deficient vigor. 
There are others that might be considered as coming un- 
der the ban, because the trees are not long-lived; and yet 
some of these appear to be perfectly healthy in every 
other respect, and seem literally to wear themselves out 
by excessive bearing, producing annual crops of large and 


handsome fruit, until, utterly exhausted, they reach a pre- 
mature end. 

Some varieties, that for many years yielded very fine 
crops of the most beautiful fruit, and of the highest char- 
acter for flavor, have afterward ceased to furnish any per- 
fect specimens—the whole crop being covered and de- 
formed with the black scab or fungus, that prevents their 
development, or else ruined by the disagreeable bitter-rot 
which entirely spoils them for any use. Various remedies 
have been suggested for these maladies, all of which are 
more or less unsatisfactory, because from our ignorance of 
the causes of the troubles; these applications are wholly 

The Black-knot, which has become very common in 
some parts of the country, is well discussed by Benjamin 
D. Walsh, in the Practical Entomologist, for March, 1866, 
page 48. 

This essay is the more valuable because of the absence 
of the empiricism just complained of: — 

“Jt is a black, puffy, irregular swelling on the twigs and 
smaller limbs of plum and cherry trees, and, in one in- 
stance that came under my personal observation of peach 
trees, making its first appearance in the latitude of New 
York early in June, and attaining its full growth by the 
end of July. Usually a tree, that is attacked in this man- 
ner, is affected worse and worse every year, until it is 
finally killed; and wherever one tree of a group is affect- 
ed, the malady usually spreads to them all in process of 
time. In 1865 whole cherry orchards were destroyed in 
Western New York by this disease, and I have myself seen 
many groups of wild plum trees in Illinois that were gradu- 


ally perishing by it; but in Southern Ohio, as I am told, 
the Black-knot is never met with. In the Eastern States 
it has been observed from time immemorial, and various 
contradictory opinions have been broached as to its real 
nature and origin. 

“In 1865 I watched the Black-knot carefully through 
all its stages, from its earliest commencement to its com- 
plete maturity, experimenting at the same time on numer- 
ous specimens collected week after week, so as to ascertain 
what insects bred in it. The practical conclusion I have 
arrived at, is simply this:—Jf the diseased twigs are all 
cut off and destroyed early in July in the latitude of New 
York, or a little earlier or later according to the latitude, 
taking care to cut a few inches below the affected part, the 
Black-knot can be checked and probably entirely eradicat- 
ed ; but if this operation is delayed till August, it will be 
of no benefit whatever. Hence we can easily account for 
a circumstance which has puzzled many men wonderfully, 
viz.: That cutting off and burning the diseased twigs is 
pronounced by some to be a sovereign remedy, and by 
others to be a delusive humbug. Those that do this 
early enough, find it effectual; those that delay it till too 
late, find it of no use. 

“This perhaps will be sufficient for some few impatient 
souls, who take everything upon trust that they see in 
print, and care nothing about the rationale of a mode of 
treatment, so long as it be practically available. But for 
the benefit of that large class of intelligent agriculturists, 
who have been deluded by too many quack prescriptions 
to place much faith in any man’s ¢pse dixtt, and who in any 
case like to understand the principle of a remedy before 


they apply it, I subjoin a full account of all that is at 
present known on this subject, and of the different theo- 
ries respecting it entertained by different writers. 

“Three radically different theories have been broached 
as to the nature and origin of Black-knot: Ist, that it is 
a mere disease of the tree, like the cancer or the gout in 
the human race, which is the view maintained by Dr. 
Fitch, the State Entomologist of New York; 2d, that it 
is what naturalists term a “gall,” produced by some un- 
known insect depositing its eggs in the twig —just as the 
well-known “oak-apples” are produced by a Gall-fly, 
(Cynips), depositing its egg in the bud of the oak — 
which is the opinion that I myself formerly held and main- 
tained, before I had fully examined into the subject ; (Pro- 
ceedings Eint. Soc., Phil., UI, p.p. 613-618 ;) and 3d, that 
it is what botanists term an epiphytous fungus, growing 
on the tree as a mushroom or toad-stool grows on the 
ground, which is the opinion of the botanist Schweinitz, 
and which has recently been re-asserted by Mr. Glover, 
the Entomologist of the Bureau of Agriculture at Wash- 
ington, (Ag’l Rep., 1863, p. 572.) This last is the opinion 
which, upon full inquiry, I have now adopted. 

“‘ Before discussing these theories, the facts arrived at 
by myself in the summer of 1865, must first be briefly 
noticed. It should be premised that the old, dry Black- 
knot remains on the tree for many years, and that the 
place to look for the new Black-knot is on such trees as 
have been already attacked and are loaded with old Black- 
knot, without being as yet completely killed by it. 

“Ist. By the middle of June the new Black-knot is 
pretty well developed, and may then be readily distin- 


guished from the old by its dull, opaque, brown-black 
color, while the old is coal-black and more or less glossy. 
When cut into, it is found to be fleshy inside, like an ap- 
ple, but not juicy, and of a pale greenish-yellow color, 
with fibres radiating from the axis of the twig, while the 
old Black-knot is internally hard and woody, and of a 
reddish-brown or rust-red color. The brown-black color 
of the external surface is retained till the last week in Ju- 
ly, when the surface of the new Black-knot becomes gradu- 
ally covered all over with little, coal-black, hemispherical 
plates, appearing when viewed through a pocket. glass, 
about the size of the head of a pin, each of these is a dis- 
tinct fungus, named long ago by Schweinitz ‘ Spheria 
morbosa.’ Even on the old Black-knot this fungus may 
be readily seen, at any time of the year, covering its en- 
tire surface. So far I have added little to the information 
already published on this subject, except by the specifica- 
tion of dates. But in addition to these facts, I discovered 
that about the last of July or the first week in August, 
there grows from each fungus on the surface of the Black- 
knot alittle cylindrical filament about one-eighth of an inch 
long, which no doubt bears the seed or “spores,” as they 
are technically termed, of the fungus, and that these fila- 
ments very shortly afterwards fall off and disappear, 
leaving behind them the hemispherical plates, which alone 
had been hitherto noticed by the botanists. In another 
Epiphytous fungus, which grows commonly and abund- 
antly in Illinois on the Red Cedar, but which differs from 
the Black-knot in being attached to the twig by a very 
short stalk or peduncle, and in being roundish and exter- 
nally of a reddish-brown color instead of elongate and 


black, there is a precisely similar phenomenon; except 
that the plates and filaments are very much larger, and 
that each filament, when it falls off, leaves a ragged scar 
behind it. In a single specimen of Black-knot noticed 
August 6th, I discovered that the filaments not only coy- 
ered the entire surface of the Black-knot itself, except 
where a few of them had already fallen off, but that they 
were thinly studded over the twig for an inch or two 
above and below the swollen black part; thus proving 
that the fungus sometimes extends rather further than on 
a cursory view it would appear to do. Towards the mid- 
dle of August, the new Black-knot, having perfected its 
seed, gradually dries up and becomes internally of a red- 
dish-brown color. In other words, like so many other an- 
nual plants, it dies shortly after it has perfected its seed, 
just as a stalk of wheat or of corn dies shortly after the 
grain is ripe. 

“28d. During the months of June and July I collected 
from time to time very numerous specimens of Black- 
knot, some of which I cut into to see what larvee they con- 
tained, and some I preserved to see what perfect insects 
could be bred from them. Besides seven specimens of 
the common “ Curculio,” which many persons had previ- 
ously bred from Black-knot, I bred for the first time there- 
from no less than five distinct species of insects, none of 
which can be considered as gall-makers, but not a single 
true gall-maker; and I can confirm Dr. Fitch’s assertion, 
that some specimens are wholly free from larve of any 
kind when cut into. 

‘We will now take up in order the three different theo- 
ries respecting the nature and origin of Black-knot, which, 


as already stated, have been maintained by different 

“Ist. That Black-knot is a mere disease like the can- 
cer.—Dr. Fitch, who maintains this opinion, allows that 
the black granules found on the Black-knot are a true fun- 
gus, ‘that the surface of these excrescences, when mature, 
is always covered with this plant,’ and that ‘this plant 
never grows, or at least has never been found, in any 
other situation. (Address N. Y. State Ag’ Soc., 1860, 
Deca te US 

“2d. That Black-knot is a gall.—As already stated, 
there is no true gall-making insect that inhabits the Black- 
knot, so far as I can discover on the fullest and most ex- 
tensive investigation that I have been able to give to the 
subject. The minute holes commonly found in the old 
dry Black-knot, which are too large either for the ‘ Cur- 
culio’ or for the small moths bred by myself from Black- 
knot, are of a suitable size for either of the two dipterous 
insects which I have enumerated in a note as bred by my- 
self from Black-knot. Consequently the argument which 
I based upon the existence of these minute holes (Proce. 
Eint. Soc. Phil. UII, p. 614) falls to the ground; and al- 
though I found on one occasion the larva of a Gall-gnat 
embedded in a cell in a Black-knot, yet this was most 
probably that of the Guest Gall-gnat which I actually 
bred from Black-knot, as stated in the note, and not of a 
true gall-making Gall-gnat. 

“3d. That Black-knot is a fungus.—J ust as Dr. Fitch, 
having proved to his own satisfaction that Black-knot is 
neither a gall nor a fungus, infers by the method of ex- 

haustion that it must be a disease; so, having proved that 


_ it is neither a disease nor a gall, we may infer by the 
method of exhaustion that it must be a fungus, or rather 
an assemblage of funguses. In confirmation of this theory 
may be adduced the very remarkable analogies between 
the structure of the Black-knot and that of the fungus, 
described above as occurrmg on Red Cedar. That this 
last is really and truly a fungus and not a gall, is shown 
by the fact, that it is scarcely ever inhabited by insects; for 
out of hundreds of specimens that I have cut into, both 
green and dry, not more than two or three contained the 
larve of the moths, but one contained what was probably 
the larva of an Ichneumon-fly, and all the rest were per- 
fectly solid and unbored. On the other hand, Black-knot 
is so infested by insects, that it is almost impossible to 
find a mature specimen that is not all bored up by them. 
The cause of this remarkable difference may be attributed 
to the well-known repugnanee of almost all kinds of in- 
sects for Red Cedar. 

“Tf, then, Black-knot is a fungus, and if, as I think I 
have shown, it is an annual plant propagating itself by 
seed or the so-called ‘spores,’ and the ‘ spores’ make their 
appearance about the end of July in latitude 41° 30’, then 
it must be obvious that if all the Black-knot on a parti- 
cular tree is cut off and destroyed in the fore-part of July, 
or a little earlier or later as you go further south or further 
north, an effectual stop will be put to its further propaga- 
tion. It istrue that the ‘spores’ are in the form of an im- 
palpable powder, so that they may be carried some con- 
siderable distance from other infected trees by the wind; 
and it may possibly be further true, that certain ‘spores’ 
may lie dormant in the bark for over a year, as the seeds 


of weeds will often lie dormant in the ground. Still, with 
all these possible drawbacks, I have little doubt that the 
above remedy will, as a general rule, if applied according 
to directions, be found effectual.” 

The foregoing is interesting as giving the conclusions 
of an entomologist who had investigated the subject, and 
arrived at the same result that had been reached by a 
botanist many years before. Schweinitz, in 1832, published 
the correct history of the Black-kifot in the Transactions 
of the American Philosophical Society. In the American 
Agriculturist, April, 1863, p. 113, Mr. C. F. Austin con- 
firmed Schweinitz’s observations, and gave.a popular ac- 
count of the botany of this fungus, with figures. It may 
be considered as fully established that the knot is of vege- 
table origin; and whenever insects or larve are found in 
it, it is only because they find a diseased portion of the 
tree suited to their necessities. 

Rot and Muprw upon the grape both destroy our 
crops, and render the vines unhealthy. Would that I 
were able to give the reader some encouragement as to its 
cause and prevention, or cure; but some of our oldest and 
most experienced vine-planters have come to the con- 
clusion, as to treatment, that “the more they find out, 
the more they don’t know.” -It is now generally conceded 
that it is caused by a fungus growth. That on the leaves 
is probably the Oidium Tuckeri, and it is generally sup- 
posed that the mildew and rot of the berries is owing to 
the same cause. The microscope clearly indicates its fun- 
goid character. As to the causes, it must be admitted 
that the weather favors or prevents its access, and that 
so far it is a proximate cause, but that the spores are the 


true origin of the trouble. The Cincinnati Horticultural 
Society, whose members have long had opportunities of 
studying this malady, have come to the following con- 
clusions, which, it will be seen, are not very satisfactory. 

To the Cincinnati Horticultural Society :— We have 
been appointed by you to discharge a certain function. 
Having examined the premises and considered the subject, 
we do now report: That, notwithstanding the discourage- 
ments attendant upon the experience of most vine-dressers 
during the past season, we are determined to persevere in 
viticulture, for the following among other reasons: 

We have our capital invested in a way which has been 
profitable, and we believe will be so again. 

Our lands are occupied with a growth that has required 
time and labor to produce, and which we are unwilling to 

We do not believe that the diseases to which the vines 
and fruit have been subjected, are dependent upon long 
pruning or short pruning, upon deep culture or shallow, 
nor any of the causes to which it has been attributed, 
that are under the immediate control of man, but that the 
cause 18 CLIMATIC. 

We do not believe that the rot and mildew can be 
warded off by leaving the wood upon the vines, nor that 
the usual vineyard method called short pruning, will ren- 
der our vineyards more subject to this disease. 

We do believe, however, that we have yet much to 
learn in regard to the philosophy of pruning which it 
were well for us to study, and that by so doing we may 
gather some useful hints in relation to this very important 
part of a vine-grower’s duties. 


We do believe, as a result of our observations, that 
some varieties of grapes are more healthy and vigorous 
than others; and, on the other hand, that some are pecu- 
liarly subject to the inroads of these maladies which have 
so terribly affected the fruit, the foliage, and the green 
wood of our vines. We do firmly believe, that our so- 
cicties should avoid recommending the extensive planting 
of any trees or vines that have not proved themselves 
general healthy, and free from the maladies in question, 
for 1 number of years, after trial in different situations. 

We do believe that systematic efforts should be made 
with different remedial and preventive agents, to avert the 
disasters that have overtaken our vine-crops of late years, 
and, with this view, as we have reason to believe that the 
difficulty depends upon the existence of some epiphytic 
plant, and as we are informed that sulphur and sulphate 
of iron exert an obnoxious influence upon the whole class 
of fungi, we recommend our brother vine-dressers to take 
courage, and to make vigorous and systematic efforts to 
ward off the difficulty the coming season, by the regular 
and persevering applications of these substances to their 
grape vines. 

For your encouragement, we will also refer you to the 
history of the vineyards of Europe, which have suffered 
in like manner, and which have at length recuperated their 
energies and become productive. Why may not the same 
good fortune await us? 

Very respectfully submitted, by 
R. Bucuanan, Chairman. 

OAT ii aeydk 



Sirr.—The selection of a suitable site for an orchard is 
a matter of no small moment to him who would be a suc- 
cessful grower of fine fruits. Without, at this time, paus- 
ing to inquire into the characters of the soil, let us ex- 

amine more particularly the aspect of the field to be ap- 


propriated to this important crop; for the orchard is a 
permanent investment, and’so much depends upon the site, 
that we should make some sacrifice of our convenience, 
rather than commit any error in this particular. In the 
first place, then, let it be understood that the orchard 
should be well exposed to the sun and air. The least de- 
sirable positions for orchard planting are narrow valleys, 
particularly limestone valleys in a mountainous country, 
traversed by a small brook, or where the surface is spouty 
from springs or sudjacent water. Even if such depres- 
sions are considerably elevated, but surrounded by higher 
and abrupt elevations, they will be found obnoxious to 
late and early frosts in spring and fall, especially the for- 
mer, which are often disastrous in such situations, after 
the fruit-buds have expanded in these sheltered nooks. Ev- 
ery one at all conversant with meteorological observations 
made in a broken country, is aware of the different range 
of temperature that will be indicated by instruments sus- 
pended at different elevations.* When the cooling influ- 
ence of radiation has lowered the temperature of the sur- 
face of the earth and of objects near it, the stratum of 
air in immediate contact will be chilled, and growing 
heavier, will flow down into the most depressed situations, 
and, accumulating there, will cause a difference of several 
degrees of temperature. This, when near the freezing 
point, will be of the greatest consequence to tender vege- 
tation, which may be preserved in perfect safety at forty 
degrees, but will be destroyed at thirty degrees, or even 
at a higher point, in some cases. 

aa Lawrence Young’s Experiments, in Western Horticultural Review, Vol. 

I, page 190, in Report of Kentucky State Fruit Committee to American Pomolo- 
gical Congress, for 1850. 


The frost line becomes a very important subject of in- 
quiry in the selection of an orchard site, and in some 
countries we find that its position may be definitely settled 
within a limited range of elevation; not that a certain 
level can be indicated, above which there will always be 
an immunity from frost, while all below will suffer, but 
we may approximate, in certain situations, so nearly as to 
indicate that certain sites are safe or unsafe. 

Nor is it the absolute elevation alone that is to be taken 
into the account; in any given locality, we may assume 
that the higher the orchard is situated above the water 
levels, the safer it will be, and that the lowest depressions 
are the most unsafe or frosty. It is not always the mere 
elevation, but rather the relative elevation of the site, that 
renders it more desirable than another in the same region. 
There are many orchards that are situated upon a moder- 
ate bluff, with a rapid descent of only a few feet or yards, 
into a swale or valley of moderate extent; these we find 
to be uninjured, when another at a greater elevation, but 
ina depresssd basin surrounded by higher lands, will be 
found to have suffered from the influence of frost. In the 
one case, the cold air could flow off rapidly into the ad- 
joining depression, while in the other, the cold air from 
adjoining slopes would collect, and accumulate in the situa- 
tions described. 

In the great plateaus of the world, we often find im- 
mense tracts of land so nearly of the same level as scarce- 
ly to afford sufficient drainage for the surplus water; of 
course, we should expect to find, in such places, little va- 
riation of temperature arising from difference in elevation. 
But even in such situations, whether we examine the ta- 


ble-lands of our timbered regions, or the extended areas 
of the prairie country, we shall find that the drift forma- 
tion which covers these vast tracts, has not been distrib- 
uted evenly, but that there are successive rolls or swells 
frequently recurring, which give, in some instances, con- 
siderable variations of level. A bold ridge, of fifty feet 
or more in hight, rises abruptly from the level prairie, 
stretching along for miles, and affording admirable expos- 
ures for orchard sites. Such places are observed to be 
free from late and early frosts. In other places, there is 
an abrupt depression of the surface, answering the same 
purpose — drawing off the cold air. These may be very 
moderate in their extent, as the prairie sloughs, or they 
may be small vales, the courses of the minor streams, or 
of larger extent, the valleys of rivers, or the depressions 
of lakes. In these latter cases, the modifying influences 
of considerable bodies of water enter into the frost prob- 
lem as an element of no mean value. 

It may be asked: How do these masses of water affect 
the frost? Science answers: By their evaporated mois- 
. ture influencing the atmosphere. This may save us from the 
blighting influence of frost, by enveloping the frozen vege- 
tation in a wet blanket of fog; enabling it to be thawed 
in the dark, as it weref by which we avoid the influence 
of a bright sunshine, that would have destroyed the tissues 
had they been suddenly exposed to it when frozen, An 
equally important result is derived from the direct influ- 
ence of the humidity of the atmosphere, which modifies 
the temperature remarkably, as in the immediate vicinity 
of large bodies of water. Insular situations especially, even 

when low, are known to have a inore genial climate in 


consequence of this condition of the atmosphere, which 
depends upon the large amount of caloric that is present 
in the latent form, in the vapor, and which becomes sensi- 
ble heat as fast as the moisture is condensed; as well as 
by the sensible caloric, the absolute warmth of the water, 
affecting the temperature of the atmosphere. 

We thus see that very opposite situations, in regard to 
mere elevation, may both be recommended for orchards ; 
but the latter are the exceptions rather than the rule, for 
we can not always count upon the saving influence of a 
fog, nor are the modifying effects of a moderate sheet of 
water always to be depended upon at the time when most 
needed. Still, we may find a few favored spots, where an 
insular position, in a lacustrine situation, receives a double 
influence — acting at both extremities of the season of 
vegetation, in quite an opposite way, but in both acting 
favorably. In such places we shall discover that the spring 
opens late, being retarded by the cold atmosphere flowing 
over the chilled waters, that may be even icy, when inland 
places in the same latitude are rejoicing in a mild and ge- 
nial temperature, tempting the expansion of the flower- 
buds. Vegetation on an island thus situated is retarded 
until all danger of frost has passed, and the air has re- 
ceived the full benefit of warmth from the water. 
Then, again, in the autumn, when we are in danger from 
the access of an early frost, such as sometimes, north of 
latitude forty degrees, destroys the whole crop of corn, 
almost universally, over hundreds of miles, these favored 
spots have really a warmer atmosphere, from the influence 
of a great extent of water, that has enjoyed a summer’s 
sunshine, and which warms the air by giving off its heat 


very steadily, but slowly; and besides, as the surface of 
the land cools by radiation and condenses the watery va- 
por, it receives accessions of temperature that had been 
locked up, or was insensible in the vapor. Hence we find 
that in these places, though the opening of spring was re- 
tarded a month, the approach of winter and autumnal 
frosts is warded off for two months, making the season 
really one month longer than in the same latitude inland. 

It must be confessed, however, that the subject of me- 
teorology is not fully understood. We have but a glim- 
mering of the light that we hope is to be shed upon the 
subject when the deductions from millions of observations, 
long continued and systematically conducted, shall have 
been wrought out for the benefit of the orchardist and the 
general agriculturist. 

We also have storms accompanied by a low temperature, 
passing across the country, in which, at times, the great- 
est intensity of cold is at the southern border. Such a 
one passed from the west to the east in January, 1852, in 
which the mercury, near Marietta, O., sank to thirty de- 
grees below zero; at Zanesville, O., on the same river, it 
was twenty-seven degrees; at Lancaster, O., thirty-two 
degrees; while at Cleveland, O., it was only fifteen de- 
grees below, and at Aurora, on Cayuga Lake, N. Y., 
influenced by the unfrozen water, its greatest depression 
was only four degrees below zero.* 

Asprct.—When considering the orchard site, the best 
aspect of the ground becomes a matter of interesting in- 
quiry. To all vegetation, the morning sun is a welcome 
visitant after the night’s repose; for plants, as well as ani- 

* Western Horticultural Review ; also, Statistics of Storm, Jan. 1, 1864. 


mals, rest from their functions at night, and all nature re- 
joices in the return of day; hence an eastern or a south- 
eastern exposure is generally preferred, but we find that 
practically there is little difference in the different parts of 
an orchard that can be fairly referred to this cause. Some 
planters prefer a southern slope, thinking that the fullest 
exposure to the sun is essential; others select a northern 
aspect, in the hope that they may there avoid a too early 
excitation of vegetable life, and also that the heats of 
summer may be thus moderated. In my own opinion, the 
aspect is a matter of little consequence to the success of 
an orchard, though my predilections are in favor of an eas- 
terly exposure. The danger of a southern aspect in sum- 
mer, and the advantages of the northern slope, may, in a 
great degree, be obtained or obviated by judicious plant- 
ing and pruning, as will be set forth in another place. 

A theory has been started by those who are opposed to 
a northerly slope, that vegetation continues later in the 
season in such situations, especially with young trees, and 
that hence they are not in so good a condition to resist the 
access of very severe weather at the sudden setting in of 
winter. The hypothesis is not sustained by long-continued 
observation, although many facts noted in the autumn and 
winter of 1859 induced persons to embrace the theory ; 
these were particularly the killing of the peach-buds, up- 
on northern slopes, by the December frosts. There is no 
evidence that there was any want of perfect ripening of 
the wood in these situations; on the contrary, it 1s well 
known that, long before December, the growth of these 
very trees had been checked, the wood had been well rip- 
ened, and the foliage had been cast to the ground. 


The warmer exposure of a southern slope may, and often 
does, favor the premature swelling of the buds and starting 
of the sap during mild, pleasant, and bright weather in the 
winter, and vegetation is often seriously injured from this 

In many parts of the country, it is much more im- 
portant to consider the exposure to the prevailing winds 
of the region, and to select the site and aspect that shall 
enjoy the benefit of protection. This, I am aware, is a 
proposition that has had opponents, as well as adv ocates, in 
the broad savannas of the West, where, especially, it be- 
comes a question of the greatest importance. There are 
benefits as well as evils attendant upon the motions of the 
atmosphere. The swaying of the limbs, when agitated ~ 
by the breeze, gives them tone and strength, and may as- 
sist in the circulation of the sap within their cells; and 
the constant agitation of the atmosphere, commingling the 
warmer with the colder portions, will often modify the 
temperature to such an extent as to give an immunity from 
the frost in the open prairie, at the same moment that the 
more tranquil air, within a limited clearing of forest lands, 
has been cooled down, by radiation, to the frost point. On 
every account, therefore, the moderate and reasonable ex- 
posure to the influences of a mobile atmosphere is rather 
to be courted than shunned. 

The views that have been advanced by the advocates 
of protection for orchards on the prairies, have been some- 
what modified since they were first promulgated. Weare 
now told, by those who have opposed “ protection,” that. 
narrow timber-belts of evergreens and deciduous trees, 
should be planted on the windward sides of orchards, to 


moderate, not to cut off, the aerial currents; in this all 
will agree, and those who have any sympathy for a tree 
. will surely prefer to have the blasts, that sweep over miles 
of open country, somewhat checked and tempered before 
reaching either themselves or their orchards. The testi- 
mony as to the effects of cold in sheltered and in exposed 
situations, it must be confessed, appears somewhat contra- 
dictory; but this is because we have not all the elements 
of a complex problem. 

WINTER-KILLING.—A most serious evil, both to the nur- 
seryman and orchardist, is the severe injury sometimes 
done to the trees by frost. This is commonly known by 
the term “ winter-killing,” which has, at times, destroyed 
millions of trees, and thus blighted the hopes of long-con- 
tinued labor and large investments of capital. Some or- 
chardists have been disheartened, and have given up in 
despair. The investigation of the causes of this disaster, 
and the conditions under which it occurs, will be of great 
value to future planters; and though, perhaps, we have 
not yet at command sufficient data for the full explanation 
of the phenomenon, it may be well to look into the attend- 
ant circumstances that have been observed; and as some 
of the most important considerations depend upon the soil 
and exposure, they may be well introduced in this place. 

I have already alluded to the theory, that the north hill- 
sides maintain a later growth than other situations, and 
have stated that the facts do not sustain the position. 
The warm exposures on southern slopes and sheltered 
nooks, are apt to favor the premature starting of the sap 
in the mild weather that often occurs during the winter, 
in our changeable climate. On the prairies, and on flat 


lands elsewhere, an excess of humidity in the soil will 
contribute to this disaster; and in such situations we may 
often observe the most. terrible destruction following a 
great and sudden change of temperature. Exposure to 
long-continued cold, with severe winds, seems to dry up 
the juices of the plants, in some instances, and thus effect 
their destruction. This, in the far North, is believed to 
bea frequent cause of the evil. The condition of the tree 
upon the access of severe cold is too important a subject 
to be lost sight of, and has already been alluded to. 

Of any given variety, the more perfectly dormant the 
plant, and the more complete its condition of hybernation, 
the greater will be its immunity from thts evil. The at- 
mospheric changes and conditions we can not control, and 
we can modify them only in a very limited degree, by 
hedges, by timber-belts, and by evergreen screens, the 
value of which begins to be appreciated. The state of the 
soil, as to its moisture, is under our control, and by thor- 
ough and surface-drainage, we may obviate one very im- 
portant condition that conduces largely to the injury under 
consideration — the excess of moisture in and upon the 

The more perfect ripening of the wood, is likewise a 
matter of great moment, and this is also subject to our 
control, particularly in young trees in the nursery and 

Certain varieties are much more subject to injury from 
cold than others. Among these are some of the most 
thrifty and free growing sorts. There appears to be an 
inherent quality of hardiness in others, that enables them 
to resist the most trying alternations of temperature. 


Why some should be thus hardy, and others tender, we 
do not know, but it is not their Northern or Southern ori- 
gin; some having the former are most tender. Sad experi- 
ence has taught us the fact, and since the dreadful win- 
ters of the past decade, in some parts of the West, the 
first question asked, respecting a new variety of fruit, is 
that regarding its hardiness. Pomological societies have 
endeavored to collate the names of the hardy and tender 
kinds, and have thus, by their united experience, been en- 
abled to present lists of a few of the known hardy apples, 
for the guidance of planters. 

Soits.—It will be proper, in this place, to say something 
about the soils best adapted to orcharding. The apple isa 
gross feeder, but a good-natured one, and, like a good citi- 
zen and a cosmopolite, it submits to surrounding circum- 
stances. In our own country, it flourishes alike on the gran- 
ite hills of New England, or the mountain ranges stretch- 
ing thence to the southwest, in the limestone valleys amid 
these ridges, on the sandstones and shales that form the 
southeastern rim of the great valley of the West, upon 
the vast drift formations that overlie the rocks from the 
tide-waters of the St. Lawrence to the sources of the Mis- 
souri, upon the rich diluvial and alluvial deposits of our 
river bottoms, and our vast prairies. I have said that the 
apple flourishes al¢ke upon these various soils and under 
these so different circumstances; perhaps this expression 
should be somewhat modified; there are varieties that ap- 
pear peculiarly adapted by their nature for all of these 
different situations; there are, perhaps, none that will 
thrive equally well in all. 

The orchardists of each section of the country must as- 


certain for themselves what varieties are best adapted to 
the peculiarities of their soil and climate; hence, no one 
region can furnish lists of varieties to be taken as a guide 
for the planting of others differently situated. Hence, 
too, the importance of local organizations for pomological 
study, and the great value of the labors of those who are 
engaged in the prosecution of these investigations in the 
American Pomological Society, which will, it is fondly 
hoped, ultimately give us corrected lists of fruits that are 
adapted to all the varying circumstances of soil and 
climate, in each of the great geological regions of our 
country. This has already been proposed by the excellent 
general chairman of Fruit Committees, as an important 
work for the National Society ; and so soon as the subject 
receives a fair consideration, its merits will be appreciat- 
ed, and a union of the best minds, and the best experience 
of the pomologists of each district, will be concentrated 
upon this labor. 

Let me not be misapprehended in the statement, just 
made, with regard to the wide distribution of which the 
apple appears to be capable. There are soils and situa- 
tions, in all of the widely-separated regions alluded to, 
that are wholly unfitted to orchard culture, upon which it 
were folly to plant an apple-tree; and yet, many of those 
may be rendered entirely suitable, if subjected to treat- 
ment, suggested by science, and executed by human inge- 
nuity and industry; the missing element may be supplied, 
the compactness of the soil may be overcome by mechani- 
cal comminution, and by that effected by aeration ; the ex- 
cessive moisture may be removed by surface and thorough 
drainage; other disqualifications, such as those of situa- 


tion and climate, may not be so readily overcome; they 
have already been alluded to; and even in them we may 
hope for improvement with the advance of science. 

Different soils may be designated as porous and compact. 
Leaving out of view for the present, their chemical com- 
position, let us look to their mechanical structure. Porous 
soils are composed of materials that always allow of the 
escape of superabundant moisture; they are generally un- 
derlaid by beds of diluvial gravels, or by rocks of a po- 
rous character. Such lands are peculiarly adapted to or- 
chard planting. The compact soil, on the contrary, is 
made up of the finest materials, among which alumina 
largely predominates. Such are called clayey soils or 
clays, and are among the most valuable upon the surface 
of the earth, not because alumina is a component of vege- 
tation, but. because the elements associated with it, are all 
of them in a state of extreme comminution. 

Clays‘are compact soils, not only by reason of the fine- 
ness of their particles, but because the predominating 
alumina swells and becomes pasty when it is wet, and 
thus prevents the passage of water through them. On 
this account, soils that are too compact, especially if they 
be underlaid by stiff clay subsoils, are not so well adapted 
to orcharding as those that are more porous. This is es- 
pecially true of level lands, upon which water accumulates, 
to the great injury of the fruit-trees planted upon them ; 
but even in hilly situations, with good natural surface 
drainage, the excess of clay is indicated by a “‘spouty ” con- 
dition of the surface. So many varieties succeed in clayey 
lands, however, and some are so superior in their products 
when planted upon clays, that we need not be discouraged 


by this apparent difficulty ; it may be overcome by the inge- 
nuity of the skillful farmer. Thorough or under-drainage 
will remedy all the evils of clay soils, and bring out their 
superior advantages. This will be more fully explained in 
another place. Much may be done toward removing the 
redundant moisture, even in the flat clay lands of the 
prairies and other extended plateaus, by the simple means 
of ridging up the lands with the plow. What is familiar- 
ly called “ back-furrowing ” enables the plowman to raise 
a ridge upon which to plant his trees, and at the same 
time he opens a furrow for the escape of surface water. 
While a portion of the redundant moisture is thus remov- 
ed, another great object of drainage is not attained: I al- 
lude to the aeration of the soil. 

From what has been said upon a previous page, it might 
be inferred, that as the apple may be cultivated upon soils 
of such great diversity as those that occur over the range 
of territory indicated, as well as upon the western coast 
of this continent, and in the temperate regions of the Old 
World, the peculiar soils that are characterized by their 
underlying rocks would be equally acceptable, whether 
these were granites, shales, sandstones, or limestones. 
Such is not the fact, however, and we have found, in this 
utilitarian age, that geology has much to do with the 
planting of an orchard. There are varieties that succeed 
better upon one rock than upon another, and there are 
those that fail to be remunerative when transplanted to a 
rock, which to them is obnoxious, though it may be a very 
paradise to other varieties. 

These observations are becoming a matter of great im- 


portance to orchardists, and we may hope that the study 
of this subject will be developed into some certain data, 
and that the future discussions of our pomological soci- 
eties will furnish reliable information to orchard planters. 




The more thoroughly the preparation of the soil, the 
greater will be the success of the orchardist. Good re- 
sults, fair crops amply remunerating all outlay, often fol- 
low the most careless or almost accidental orchard plant- 
ing; but trees that are properly set, in well-prepared land, 



upon a judiciously selected orchard site, and for a few 
years subjected to proper culture, are infinitely more satis- 
factory in their results, and much mote profitable to their 

The importance of drainage can not be too often reiter- 
ated, not merely for the sake of leading away the excess 
of water that at some seasons prevails in much of our 
best lands, but on account of the more thorough admission 
of the beneficial air to the soil and the roots; this, of 
course, can only be had by thorough under-draining of the 
land. Spouty or springy land is not to be selected for an 
orchard, and yet we often find spots of this character in 
fields that we wish to appropriate to orcharding; these 
should certainly be drained, 

Mere surface drainage may be cheaply effected by the 
plow, and should always be done in level lands, especially 
where the subsoil is compact and tenacious. The expense 
of thorough drainage is so great, and the success of our 
orchards, as commonly planted, even on_ ill-prepared 
ground, is so generally good, that we can not expect the 
majority of farmers to use drain tile at present. Still, the 
importance of draining can not be doubted: the best re- 
sults follow its use, and he who would reap the best har- 
vests, and attain the highest success, will underdrain his 
land. For the most of us, surface drainage alone, is all 
that we can do; this should never be neglected, for no 
crop can be successful in land that is subject to an occa- 
sional drenching with a surplus of water that stands for 
days, filling it to the surface, causing the fermentation and 
souring of the organic matter it contains. The fruit tree, 
certainly, will not thrive in such a situation, and is as sure 


to fall into a decline, or consumption, if condemned to 
wet feet, as would a delicate girl under similar exposure. 

The expense of under-draining is the only objection that 
can possibly be urged against it; even this is no real ob- 
jection, for it has been repeatedly proved that the outlay, 
whatever it be, insures such increase of crops as to pay a 
good interest upon the investment, except where the nat- 
ural under-drainage of the soil, by a porous stratum of 
rock or gravel, already provides a ready discharge of the 
superabundant water. It is thus only a question of the 
cash capital to be invested in the business, for most of our 
orchard sites are of such a character of soil as to be im- 
mensely benefited by the process. With many of us, in 
this country, the capital is not to be had, or can not be 
spared, to put underground; our means are limited, and 
we do not drain our farms, as we should. 

Surface drainage may be more cheaply effected, and, on 
land at all flat and retentive of moisture, it should never 
be neglected. It may be done while preparing the soil 
for planting — done with the plow. It has already been 
premised that the orchard site should be elevated; such 
land is generally somewhat undulating ; indeed, the flat- 
test field that should ever be planted, will always present 
some inequalities of surface. Let these be noted before 
laying off the lands for the plow; calculate to have the 
furrows cross these inequalities of surface, and gather the 
furrows in narrow lands, lapping them together just where 
the row of trees is to be placed. This process may be re- 
peated, and thus quite a ridge will be thrown up for the 
trees, and a corresponding depression will be left in the 
middle of the space between the rows, which will serve 


as a gutter to carry off an exeess of surface water; thus, 
a cheap method of superficial drainage may be effected 
by the mere plowing of the land judiciously ; and this 
_ will be found of great advantage in level lands with a stiff 
subsoil. When such fields are selected for the orchard, 
this plan should always be pursued; nor does it preclude 
the subsequent use of tile, which is the best draining ma- 
terial, at any period afterward. These gutters being at a 
distance from the tree rows, can be deepened, and the tile 
laid, without disturbing the roots; or the mole drain plow 
may be drawn through these furrows, if the subsoil be of 
a suitably tenacious character to admit of the use of this 

Very satisfactory preparation of the soil is done with the 
plow and a good team; indeed, except for the limited sur- 
face of a small fruit garden, no other and no better imple- 
ment need be desired. With it we can produce a very thor- 
ough disintegration and perfect subversion of the soil; these 
are the objects we have in view. But here we have a choice 
of instruments, in which we must be guided by the char- 
acter of the,soil to be dealt with. If this be shallow, or 
thin, and underlaid by a sterile subsoil that would be un- 
fit for the surface, we must plow more shallow, but there 
are few sites, in the Western country, where we do not find 
a sufficient depth of soil to satisfy the most thorough 
plowman, and beneath it a subsoil that will be benefited 
by aeration, and which will become good surface soil if 
subjected to the influences of the atmosphere. 

We have few soils that may not be trenched with the 
plow or spade to any depth that is attainable. And here 
Jet me explain what is meant by trenching : it is the trans- 


position of two layers of the soil more thoroughly, and to 
a greater depth, than is done by simply digging or plow- 
ing, in which a limited amount, only a thin layer of the 
soil, is inverted. In trenching with the spade, a narrow 
strip of land is excavated across one end of the piece to 
be trenched, eighteen or twenty inches wide, and as deep 
as the spade can take it out at two diggings. The earth 
thus removed is thrown aside, to be used at the end of the 
work, The trench being now open, a similar space is laid 
off, and the surface soil, to the depth of the spade, is dug 
and thrown into the bottom of the first trench, after which 
the subsoil is dug to tha same depth, the length of the 

_space, and thrown on top of the surface soil that was put 

into the bottom of the first trench. A second trench is 
thus opened, and a third strip being then marked off, the 
same processes are continued, until the whole piece is 
trenched, when the pile of earth first excavated is brought — 
into requisition to complete the work, by filling up the last 
trench. This is common trenching, which reverses the 
two layers of soil, and stirs the whole to the depth of 
eighteen or twenty inches. It is an expensive operation, 
but very desirable in a small fruit-garden—not at all ap- 
plicable for extensive orchard planting, though often ap- 

plied to the preparation of extensive vineyards, 

Trench plowing is conducted upon the same principle, 
and is done by using two plows in the same furrow, the 
first taking off the surface soil and throwing it into the 
deep furrow of the second plow, which is so constructed 
as to lift the lower soil and throw it high up over the fur- 
row slice laid’ by the first, and at the same time, leaving 

a deep furrow open behind it to receive the next cut of 


surface soil. The two layers are thus inverted and reversed 
at the same time, and with a proper plow, the whole soil 
is finely comminuted and reduced to a perfect seed-bed, 
suitable for a garden. To perform this work, the Double 
Michigan plow is the favorite implement. It should be 
properly constructed, for much depends upon having the 
plow well made; the mold-boards should be formed upon 
the best models for their respective offices of reversing 
the surface soil, and of upheaving and comminuting that 
which lies below it; and these mold-boards should be 
made of steel. Such plows are manufactured at several 
points, but all the Double Machigan patterns are not 
equally good, and some are quite unsatisfactory. 

The Deep Tiller plows will do very good work in cer- 
tain soils, and may often be used to advantage in the pre- 
paration of the orchard grounds, either alone, or to follow 
another plow when trench plowing is desired, and the 
trench plow is not at hand. These plows, as made at 
Moline, Illinois, are much used, and give great satisfaction 
in that State. 

Subsoiling is a very useful addendum to deep plowing ; 
its object is to stir the deep layers of the soil without 
bringing the earth to the surface. This aerates and loosens 
the subsoil, and thus effects the combined objects of in- 
creasing the fertility of the land, of retaining moisture 
for the crops, and, to a certain extent, of allowing any 
excéss of moisture to percolate away. Subsoiling is most 
efficacious when combined with draining, but it is of great 
use without, unless where permanent water is found near 
the surface. There is a great improvement in the subsoil 
plows. Those first made were provided with a share on 


one side, and this wing, as it was called, was tilted up 
several inches, thus increasing the draft unnecessarily. 
We now use a sharp steel share, of diamond shape, cut- 
ting on both edges, right and left, and very slightly ele- 
vated in the centre, only two inches, or two and a half at 
the most. If the soil is stirred with this implement, the 
hard earth at the bottom of the furrow, made by the turn- 
ing plow, is thoroughly broken up, and it does not fall 
directly back into its place, but the crumbled portions 
Support one another, and the furrow appears to be filled 
with loose earth. The result is astonishing, when we con- 
sider the flat, diamond-shaped plow sole that has done 
the work. 

The depth to which this implement may be made to dis- 
integrate the soil, depends upon its strength, the power 
of the team, and the character of the subsoil. I have | 
seen it tear up several inches of the shales and other 
rocks, and aid in making a good soil of them. I have 
seen it sink to the beam in the alluvium of our river bot- 
toms, and I have seen it almost refuse to do its office in 
some of the hard white clay subsoils, when drawn by a 
heavy team, while in more yielding but tenacious clays I 
have seen it trembling under the strain of three yoke of 
good cattle, that were scarcely able to pull it through the 
adhesive soil. 

Manurinc.—The importance of the application of ma- 
nures to the orchard, as a part of the preparation of the 
soil, will depend entirely upon its strength and condition. 
Trees are great feeders; they need a reasonably fertile 
soil, for though their roots run wide and deep, in search 
of nourishment, if the necessary food be not in the soil, 


they will certainly fail to thrive as they should. The anal- 
ysis of the ashes of our fruit trees, which contain the ele- 
ments they have derived from the soils on which they 
grew, enables us to ascertain what kinds of plant-food 
should be present in the soil we are about to use, or what 
materials we may safely and judiciously add to it as ma- 
nures. Lime, and the alkalies, are generally safe and use- 
ful additions, in connection with clover as a green manure ; 
these may be applied to almost any worn soils with great 
advantage. Clover is an invaluable assistant. Its long 
roots pierce deeply into the soil, bringing up from below 
hidden treasures, which are left in the upper layers, modi- 
fied by the digestion of the plant, and by new chemical 
changes and combinations, rendered fit food for succeed- 
ing crops. The mere disintegration of the soil produced 
by the roots of clover, is, in itself, a valuable mechanical 
preparation, quietly performed, without plow or team. 
The clover lea may be limed with great advantage; an 
application of twenty-five to fifty bushels of slacked lime 
to the acre will improve the growth of clover, and will 
exert its appropriate influence upon the soil, with very 
happy results for the succeeding crop of orchard trees. 
Alkalies may be applied, in the form of wood ashes, either 
at the preparation of the soil, or at any subsequent period, 
as may be found most convenient. Stable manure, and 
composts, will seldom be required in lands that have not 
been nearly exhausted, and therefore unfit for an orchard. 
In case it becomes necessary to use such a field, the ma- 
nuring should be done all over the surface, and a crop of 
clover should be grown and plowed in before planting the 
trees; upon no account should fresh stable manure be 


brought into immediate contact or close proximity with 
the roots of the young tree. If the necessity for planting 
on such a piece of land impel immediate action, very thor- 
oughly decomposed composts may be applied, mixed with 
the soil about the tree, but successive applications of ma- 
nures will be needed over the entire surface, for the roots 
are destined to occupy the whole extent of soil between 
the trees. | 

The next step in the preparation is the digging of the 
holes for planting the trees. Some persons lay great stress 
upon the importance of having these made large and deep, 
which may be very well in a grass lawn with a few trees, 
but it is a very expensive matter for the orchard of thous- 
ands or even of hundreds. The holes should be prepared 
as wide as the field, and as deep as the plow can stir it, as 
already directed; that is the kind of holes that should be 
dug; if the land have been prepared in this manner, the 
opening of the holes and planting the orchard, either deep 
or shallow, becomes a very simple matter. 

Having determined the distance at which the trees shall 
stand from one another, and the order or plan of planting, 
flag poles are to be set in the line to be occupied by the 
first row of trees, and a deep furrow is then opened with 
a large plow, drawn by a pair of steady horses. The poles 
are moved and set for the next row of trees, and so on, 
until the whole is laid off, making the furrows as straight 
as possible. This done, a single horse with a lighter plow 
is driven across these deep furrows at the proper distance, 
s6 that the intersections shall indicate the stations for the 
trees. Strong stakes, about four or five feet long, are then 
driven firmly at these intersections, and if the marking- 

*h * 


out has been well done, they will range in six directions 
—N.and S.—E. and W.—N.-E. and 8.-W.—N.-W. and 
S.-E., or to corresponding points of the compass; for it is 
not a matter of much consequence in what direction the 
rows of trees stand. The holes are the deep furrows, and 
tree stations are the spaces beside the stakes, always main- 
taining the same relative position throughout the orchard ; 
the northern side is to be preferred, on account of the par- 
tial shade of the stake. By adopting this plan, there 
need be no trouble, as is often experienced, in sighting the 
trees to have them straight, for if the stakes have been 
correctly placed, the trees will also be right, and will 
range in every direction, when planted. 

Before dismissing the subject of stakes, let us under- 
stand their object and function: it is not to tie up the 
trees, and to force them to attain an erect posture; no, 
that is not to be effected by staking, as will be set forth in 
another place. Rather than tie a tree to a stake, it were 
better to cut it down to the ground, and grow it over 
again. The real objects of the stakes are, first, to show 
the planter where to set a tree; second, to show where 
the tree has been planted; third, to indicate to the plow- 
man and to his horse where to exercise care in passing the 
infant tree during the first years’ culture, for an intelligent 
animal will very soon learn what objects it is intended for 
him to avoid injuring during his labors in the field; a 
fourth function of the stake is to ward off the single-tree 
which the careless laborer may allow to strike the tree to 
its manifest injury, tearing the bark, and even breaking 
the stem. The passage of the wagon through the field 
will also be directed, by these stakes, to the interspaces, 


instead of passing over the trees. Here are reasons 
enough for the use of stakes, but tying the trees to them 
is not among the number; indeed, it might be called the 
abuse of the stakes rather than their use, except in rare 
cases. Even in the windy prairie country, no stakes 
should be used, as supports, in a properly regulated or- 

When necessary to support a tree with stakes, after 
an injury or accident, the plan of C. Rosenstiel, Free- 
port, Ill., is the best I-have seen. 
He adopts it as a means of keep- 
ing his trees from being inclined 
by the wind. He drives a stake 
firmly into the ground, about a 
foot to the southwest of his tree; 

Ey a band of rye straw is cast about 

a! ly the tree a few feet from the 
% Nh \eeap b> iB : 

yy pvp ground; the two ends are twisted 
~ Fi j < p 

and entwined together, forming 
a stiff rope from the tree to the 
stake, about which it is then cast, 
and the ends are secured with a 
piece of twine. By this appliance, 
the tree is maintained in an erect 

position without chafing; it can 

= only yield to the wind by wav- 

Fig. 25.—MANNER oF sTaK- ing to the right or left; the 

tg AS band, by its tension, prevents it 

from leaving the stake, and, by its stiffness, holds it at a 
proper distance, and prevents its approach. 

PLANTING comes next in order to the marking out, or 


hole-digging, for these are synonymous; it should be done 
as soon as possible after the plow, on account of the fresh 

furrow with its mellow soil. It is really a simple matter, — 

and upon this method may be executed with great rapidi- 
ty. The trees now receive their necessary trimming, 
which consists in a liberal shortening of the branches, a 
careful inspection of the roots, and a removal with a sharp 
knife of such as may have been bruised or torn, and cut- 
ting away any mat of fibres; after this, they should be 
puddled, and then carried ont to their stations by a boy. 
The planter follows; with a bright spade he removes any 
excess of soil at the station, scraping away such portions 
of earth as he may find in the way of the roots when the 
tree is placed by the stake. If the furrow has not been 
recently made, it will be well always to remove a portion 
of the surface, so as to have fresh soil next the roots. 
The tree being placed near the stake, the roots are care- 
fully spread out in their natural direction, and the moist 
mellow earth is filled in among them, using the fingers 
when necessary, and gently shaking the tree so as to leave 
no empty cavities among the fibres. Pretty firm pressure 
should now be made with the foot, especially upon the fine 
earth placed above the ends of the roots; this excludes 
the air, by bringing the particles of soil in close proximity 
to the roots, ready to receive the new fibres that will soon 
be emitted from them. It also secures the tree in its place 
better than tying to the stake, for each root acts as a guy 
rope. In this manner the work may progress very rapid- 
ly, and, at the same time, may be well done. Some plant- 
ers always pour a liberal supply of water upon the mellow 

earth, instead of pressing it with the foot. This will set-. 


tle the fine soil about the roots very effectually; fresh 
earth should always be thrown on after the water, to pre- 
vent the surface from being caked and cracked. 

The depth at which the tree should be planted is a ques- 
tion of interest. Most authorities and most successful 
planters endeavor to regulate this, so that, when settled, 
the original collar of the young tree may be at the surface 
of the ground; deep planting has few advocates. The 
position of the tree as to the points of the compass, is now 
believed to be a matter of very little moment, although 
there are still those who insist that the north side of the 
tree in the nursery row should be made to occupy the 
same position in the orchard. With low-headed trees this 
can make no difference; no others are recommended; on 
the contrary, if, unfortunately, none but tall trees with 
naked stems can be procured, it is advised to cut them 
back severely at planting time, so as to form a new head 
where wanted. Those who have not the heart to cut back 
a fine tree, may attempt and will sometimes succeed in 
bringing out branches below, by nicking the bark with a 
large sharp pruning-knife, at several points along the stem, 
on all sides, but especially to the southwest, where the 
shelter of the branches is most needed. This, however, 
requires us to wait at least one season, and that the most 
trying one to the young tree, during which the naked bark 
is exposed to the sun and insects; and the winds may add 
to the difficulty, by inclining the stem from the southwest. 
All this may be avoided by planting trees with low 
branches, which are becoming more and more common 
as their merits are more highly appreciated. Some of the 
most judicious planters, especially in windy districts, have 



adopted the plan of inclining all their trees to the south- 
west at the time of planting, expecting thus to overcome 
the difficulty so commonly observed everywhere with tall 
trees—their leaning to the northeast, and then becoming 
scorched and injured by the frost and sun, and damaged 
by the borers. 

The season for planting is a question of some impor- 
tance, and must be settled by the attendant circumstances. 
Fall planting has many advocates and many advantages, 
but the fewest practice it. In the far north, with a long, 
trying winter approaching, it can not be recommended ; 
but, as the spring advances, there is a great press of work ; 
everything is to be done at once, and all is hurry; hence, 
for the milder latitudes, with our charming autumnal 
weather, comparative leisure, and the soil in good condi- 
tion, everything invites us to plant in the autumn, and 
with those south of latitude forty degrees, the planting 
season will often continue until mid-winter. If we com- 
mence this work before the fall of the leaves, care should be 
taken to strip these appendages from the trees in the nur- 
sery, before digging them. Instead of leaving the soil 
about the tree at or a little above the general level, it 
should be heaped up in a little mound, which will shed off 
the rains, support the stem, and, to some extent, protect 
the roots from frost. This last suggestion is a matter of 
much importance, for one of the great advantages of au- 
tumnal planting, depends upon the fact that, except in the 
most severe weather, the tree is not dormant—the hyber- 
nation is not complete; in mild weather there is some ac- 
tion in the buds and branches, and considerable activity 
exists in the roots; new fibres are emitted, and, with the 


first opening of spring, the young tree is ready for its 
summer’s growth. Such is not the case with trees that 
have been badly planted in the fall, in a wet, tenacious 
soil, where their roots have been immersed in mud and 
water for months, and the swaying top has strained them 
in every direction. For such a soil, draining is needed; 
but, even then, the mound will be of material advantage 
in fall planting. 

MULCHING is a process about which much has been said 
and written, but of which, it is to be feared, very little is 
known and understood. The very objects of mulching 
do not appear to be properly appreciated by many per- 
sons. Its uses are two-fold: primarily, to keep the sur- 
face of the earth moist by preventing evaporation, and to 
maintain that open, friable condition we always find in the 
forest, under the natural mulching of the leaves. Mulch- 
ing keeps the earth cooler in summer and warmer in win- 
ter; the first, by shading from the burning rays of the sun, 
the second, by protecting from frost; the material itself, 
and the confined air among it, being bad conductors of 
heat. Now, what material shall we use for producing 
these results? Almost anything that will fulfill these in- 
dications will answer—either stones, chips, boards, twigs, 
saw-dust, tan-bark, weeds, straw, either long or cut, 
coarse manure, hay, freshly-cut grass, or, perhaps the very 
best for all the purposes of mulching, leaves themselves, 
except that they are difficult to retain in their place. A 
combination of leaves and twigs, small branches or weeds, 
may be made to answer a very good purpose, for winter 
mulching especially. For summer mulching there is an- 
other material which has been found to answer an admir- 


able purpose, though not mentioned in the above list; it 
is mellow earth—yes, mellow earth admirably fulfills most 
of the conditions of a good mulching material, but it 
- must be kept mellow by constant stirring. The air is thus 
admitted, and deposits its moisture whenever the earth is 
cooler than the atmosphere; the presence of the air among 
the particles of the soil makes it a worse conductor of 
heat than when it is compacted together. 

Mulching the newly-planted trees is a very valuable 
application, whether in summer or winter, and should be 
practiced wherever it is possible, always remembering that 
we can not well combine with it culture, which, for the 
summer treatment, is most essential to the successful 
growth of trees, and in winter we shall present a harbor 
to the mice if the mulch be placed too near the tree. He 
who may have been induced, by the recommendations of 
high authority, to plant an orchard in a stiff blue-grass 
sod, or who may allow such sod to surround his trees, in 
the belief that this constitutes a good mulch, will be sadly 
disappointed; for, though the surface is shaded, the grass 
will absorb the moisture from the soil at the expense of 
the young trees. Clover, on the contrary, makes a denser 
shade, and seeking its supplies more deeply, is less injuri- 
ous, while its abundant broad foliage attracts ample sup- 
plies of dew to irrigate the soil. In this respect 1t resem- 
bles the Indian corn, which is considered the best crop 
to put among young trees, as it produces shade, attracts 
the dew, and, more than all, it demands and receives the 
thorough culture which the trees also require. 

CELA TE brain 7 ee 



We now come to the consideration of a matter of great 
importance to the success of the future orchard — the 
selection of the plants we are to set therein. No matter 
how favorable the site, how good the soil, nor how thor- 
ough the preparations may have been; all may be spoiled 
by a bad selection of trees, and subsequent disappoint- 

ment will be the consequence, 


Formerly, and in some sections of the country even 
now, very erroneous notions prevailed upon this subject. 
Large trees, of several years’ growth in the nursery, were 
preferred by those who were planting orchards: trees, 
ready to bear fruit, were eagerly inquired for, and prefer- 
red; even if they had been crowded together so as to be 
drawn up to a great hight without any lateral branches, 
and had formed their heads at the hight of seven or eight 
feet, so as to be out of the way of browsing by cattle and 
horses, they were the more admired by the purchasers. 
Now-a-days there is a great change in the sentiment of 
tree-planters as to the age, size, and shape of the trees 
that are to be set out. 

Thrifty young trees are preferred to older and larger 
ones‘on many accounts. They are more vigorous and will 
endure the disturbance of digging, transportation, and 
change of locality from the nursery to the orchard, much 
better than larger and older trees. They are more easily 
dug, and will have a larger proportion of roots removed 
with them than those which have stood longer in the nur- 
sery-rows, so as to have pushed their fibres beyond the 
reach of the spade. Such trees are more stocky, and are 
furnished with lateral branches, or they should be so fur- 
nished, but these would be smothered and removed from 
older trees in crowded rows, as they are usually found in 
the nurseries. If these younger trees be not already fur- 
nished with laterals and elements for the formation of low 
heads, by the judicious treatment of the nurserymen who 
produced them, the orchardist can at least bend them to 
his will. He may make of them just what he pleases by 
his own manipulations at the time of planting or after- 


wards, without feeling that he is sacrificing to his fancy 
and judgment the growth of two or three years, by freely 
using the knife and saw, in the removal of the surplus 
and overgrown top, leaving him only a bare and mu- 
tilated stock to set out at the beginning of his orchard. 

Another advantage of selecting small trees, especially 
to those at a distance from the nursery, is, that they are 
so much more easily transported, and freight bills are a 
serious item in the expense account of a large orchard 
plantation—these may be reduced to a minimum by the 
selection of small instead of large trees. As to forming 
the heads of our trees, if we cannot get the nurserymen 
to do this for us, since we are unwilling to remunerate 
them for the extra labor, and greater space required to 
form such stocky specimens as we prefer, the difficulty is 
obviated by planting out young trees upon which we may 
form the heads where we please. 

As already suggested, there is a great revolution going 
on in the minds of tree-planters as to the proper age for 
planting. Instead of the inquiry for huge and cumbrous, 
overgrown trees, that had stood four or five years or more 
in the nursery, we now find a growing demand for small, 
stocky trees, of two or three years, or even less. Of many 
thriftily growing kinds, good yearlings are much better 
for the orchard than large trees, especially such as have 
been crowded in the nursery and are devoid of side 
branches, and whose tall naked stems are exposed to the 
burning heats and blasting cold of their new homes in the 
open field, and to the depredations of hosts of insects. 
Those purchasers, who seek after the tall trees, with bare 
stems, running up like fishing poles, they who desire to 


buy their trees by the running yard and to get as great a 
leneth as possible for their money, can be accommodated 
by the nurseryman, who will produce the article to order ; 
but such planters will soon find that their orchards ‘are 
much less satisfactory than those set with short and 
stocky trees, and which have been encouraged to branch 
out so as to form low heads. As set forth in the chapter 
upon The Nursery, such trees can be produced, and they 
are greatly to be preferred on many accounts, but their 
production by the nurserymen must depend upon the in- 
telligence of the orchardists producing a demand for trees 
of such a character, and a willingness on their part to pay 
the grower a liberal price for the increased labor and ex- 
pense, (in space at least), requisite for their production. 
This no one should object to, for there is economy in 
planting good trees; the successful orchardist will pur- 
chase the best; he will not have the refuse or trash that 
may be offered him at a low figure, for he well knows that 
it is dear at any price. 

Where it is practicable and within reach, it is best for 
the planter to visit the nursery and make his own selec- 
tion of the trees, especially if the demand be for a limited 
number; but he may generally depend upon the judgment 
and honesty of the nurseryman, if he has given his order 
distinctly as to the shape of the trees he desires to pur- 
chase. In a2 common nursery, he will often observe at the 
ends of the rows, and where there may have been a gap 
or break in the continuous line of any variety, so that 
the trees are less crowded, some trees that are better 
furnished with lateral branches, and are consequently more 
stocky than where the rows are crowded. Here he will 


be likely to find the specimens that suit his fancy, and he 
will mark them for removal. 

Dieeine.—At the proper season, and for most kinds 
this is at the fall of the leaf, the trees should be dug from 
the ground. This operation, as usually and necessarily 
conducted in large establishments, has to be done expedi- 
tiously and with less care than the amateur will be dis- 
posed. to bestow upon this very important operation; and 
it sometimes happens that he will offer to pay the nur- 
seryman a bonus for the privilege of digging his own 
trees with his own hands. 

In performing this operation he will be very careful to 
avoid mutilating the roots with the spade, or by using 
more force than is absolutely necessary in lifting the loos- 
ened tree from its bed after the roots have been pretty 
thoroughly liberated from the soil. He will follow the 
directions given under this head in the appropriate section 
of the chapter on Zhe Nursery. The importance of pud- 
dling the roots as soon as the trees are dug, cannot be too 
forcibly impressed upon the planter and nurseryman ; its 
value to the trees is so great as a protection of the tender 
covering of the roots from exposure to the blighting in- 
fluences of light, wind, and frost, that the trifling labor 
and expense involved in the operation, should not receive 
a moment’s consideration. 

A puddle hole should be within convenient reach of the 
nursery-rows where the digging is in progress, and each 
sort should be taken to it as soon as dug. The excava- 
tion should be about a foot deep, or more, for large plants, 
and as wide as is necessary to receive all the roots of the 
trees to be puddled. <A plentiful supply of water should 


be at hand to put into the hole, and fine dry loamy soil 
should be sifted into this, or simply thrown in from the 
shovel, and thoroughly mixed, so as to bring the fluid to 
the consistency of thick cream. Into this mud the roots 
are dipped, until every fibre is endued with a coating of 
the fine material; the trees then are ready for tying 
snugly together, and a little dry dirt may be sprinkled or 
sifted upon the roots while they are still wet, so as to 
give them a further protection from the elements. They 
are then securely bound, each kind by itself, and each 
carefully labeled, if not already done; and as soon as all 
are grouped together, they are ready for transportation to 
their new homes. If the distance be short, so that the 
trees may be carried on the farm-wagon, no packing is 
used, unless the weather proves very inclement, but it is 
always safer to guard against both wind and sun, by cov- 
ering the roots from their influence. For distant trans- 
portation, too much care cannot be taken to have the 
trees well packed to protect the roots from drying and 

In our uncertain climate, it not unfrequently happens that 
we receive an invoice of trees in the midst of a severe storm 
of cold, when the ground is frozen hard, and we have 
reason to suppose that the roots in the cases are frozen. 
This need not discourage nor alarm us, if the packing be 
good, for we have only to be patient and allow them time 
to thaw out thoroughly in the dark, and we shall find our 
trees all right. The packages should be placed at once in 
if no such 

a dark cellar, and allowed to thaw gradually 
convenience be at hand, the boxes may be buried in the 
soil, or covered heavily with straw or hay, materials which 


are generally abundant in a prairie country, where com- 
modious cellar room is not always at command. 
HEELING-IN, as it is called, is a very important opera- 
tion to be performed so soon as possible after the receipt 
of the trees It consists in placing the fibrous roots in im- 
mediate and close contact with the fresh and mellow soil, 
at some point convenient to the future planting. A ditch 
is dug with the spade, or a deep furrow is opened with 
the plow, in a sheltered, but elevated and dry situation, 
and in light mellow soil; into this the trees are placed as 
fast as they are removed from the packages, each kind be- 
ing separated from the next by a distinct marking stick, 
and it is well to place the labeled tree first, as taken from 
bundles when untied. The trees are inclined at an angle, 
generally leaning towards the south, so as to have the 
stems shaded by their own branches. They are carefully 
placed separately and held in this position by one person, 
while the fine mellow earth is thrown upon the roots by 
another, who should take great care to see that all the in- 
terstices are filled with soil, so as to exclude the air from 
the fibres. This is especially necessary where the trees 
are to remain in this situation during the winter, when 
they will be alternately frozen and thawed. To secure 
them from injury, the earth should be banked up against 
them several inches; and it is well also to cover this with 
a heavy coating of leaves or some other mulching mate- 
rial, if it can be safely used without danger of attracting ! 
the field mice, which might ruin the trees. It is well at 
once to make a record of the trees as they stand, so soon 
as they are heeled-in, beginning at one end of the ditches 
or rows, and pursuing a definite order. This record will 



prove of great value, and very convenient in selecting the 
different kinds at the time of planting, and will enable 
us to restore the names in case of accidental loss of labels 
during the winter. The heeling-in of trees as they are 
received is recommended, even if everything is ready for 
immediate planting, unless the number be very small; 
but if the weather and our convenience permit us to place 
them at once in their permanent stations, the trees need 
not be heeled-in with so much care as when they are to 
remain for a longer period. 

It sometimes happens that, from accident, detention by 
the way, bad packing, or exposure, we receive our trees 
in bad condition; they are dried, and the bark appears to 
be shriveled and shrunken—they seem to be dead. Such 
trees may often be entirely restored by a little care, and 
will grow as well as any. The best treatment for such is 
to bury them at once. Opening a sufficiently large trench, 
a layer of trees is placed flat upon the bottom, fine mel- 
low earth is sifted upon, and among their roots and 
branches, another layer of trees is spread down and cov- 
ered in the same way, and so on until they are all secured, 
when they are left to quietly and slowly absorb the mois- 
ture from the soil. Ina few days they will be found to be 
well plumped, and will look as fresh as ever, and should be 
exhumed, trimmed, and planted, selecting a moist or 
showery day for the operation. 

SEASON FoR Priantine.—This topic has already been 
discussed, and the advantages of fall planting have been 
presented: but it is well to bear in mind that there are 
reasons for preferring the spring, and for some fruits the 
latter season is generally preferred. ‘ 


When planting an orchard in the fall, it has been re- 
commended to raise an embankment of earth about the 
stem, for the double purpose of protecting the roots from 
the frost, and also of preventing the action of the wind 
swaying the tree and straining the roots. A copious 
mulching is sometimes applied to keep out the frost, or at 
least to prevent the frequent thawing and freezing of the 
surface in our variable winters; but whenever loose mate- 
rial is left near the base of a young tree, we must expect 
damage from the mice, which are attracted and sheltered, 
and may commit sad devastations upon the bark before 
spring. The banking and mulching may be combined 
with advantage, and with less danger from the mice, which 
only work under cover and are often more injurious upon 
older trees, surrounded with grass and weeds in neglected 
orchards, than upon those newly planted and mulched, if 
a little care has been taken to remove the straw or tramp 
it down near the stem. 

Distance.—The distance between the trees is a matter 
that should be carefully determined. Their habit should 
be considered, and their size, when fully developed, must 
be studied. Some varieties will be more crowded at forty 
feet apart, than others at fourteen. If possible, the larger 
and widely spreading sorts should be assorted and planted 
by themselves, and the more compact, upright and smaller 
ones should be grouped together. It is difficult to do 
this, however, for want of the necessary data; we can only 
make an approximation to the desired result. Thus, the Yel- 
low Bellflower, Summer Queen, Fall Pippin, King of Tomp; 
kins County, Talman’s Sweet, Golden Sweet, Pennock, 
Northern Spy, and several others, are of the largest kind of 


trees, and may be allowed as much as forty feet of space 
between them, while the upright character and moderate 
growth of the Lady, Bullock’s Pippin, Red June, Benoni, 
Early Joe, American Summer Pearmain, Summer Rose, 
Red Astrachan, and others, of similar habit, would enable 
us to crowd them into half as much space without serious 
injury—and there are trees of intermediate size and vigor, 
such as the Winesap, Rambo, Greening, Russet, Early 
Harvest, Fall Wine, Autumn Strawberry, Hubbardston, 
Jonathan, and a host of others that, at the same ratio, 
should have thirty feet spaces between them. 

There is also a great diversity of opinion among or- 
chardists as to the proper allowance of space for each 
tree, and many western planters are advocates of close 
planting of the apple, which I have seen placed as near as 
sixteen feet, occupying the whole space in a very few 
years, and bearing luxuriantly. The advocates of such 
crowding urge, that they protect one another, and that al- 
ternate trees can easily be removed whenever they become 
too much crowded. In other places, the old rule, of allow- 
ing two rods (33 feet), or even forty feet, between the 
trees, is still followed and considered the best. 

A favorite method with some planters of fruits is, to 
make a combination of different kinds in the same or- 
chard, so as to have the whole surface occupied from the 
first. In this way, by introducing a temporary crop of 
another variety which will make speedy returns, and will 
soon be ready to come away and make room for the per- 
manent plantation, the ground may be rendered produc- 
tive of remunerative crops from the first. It is a very 
common plan to combine in this Way the apple and the 


peach—the latter come into bearing rapidly, and are gen- 
erally ready to be removed by the time the apple trees 
need the whole space. Alternate rows and alternate trees 
-are usually planted with peaches, and the small growing 
cherries, such as the Early May, often called the Early 
Richmond, can be planted in the same way. I have seen 
a still further combination of fruits made by the introduc- 
tion of the raspberry, or even of the blackberry, the cur- 
rant, and the gooseberry, in alternate rows, so that, by 
setting the apple trees at forty feet, with alternating 
cherry trees, and the cherry rows in the middle space, or 
twenty feet each way from the apple and cherry rows, 
and in the intermediate strips of twenty feet the berries, 
which were also set between the trees, the whole ground 
was laid off in rows of fruit separated by strips of ten 
feet wide. Nothing is then needed for the full occupation 
of the ground, and to yield a return of fruit the next 
year, but to plant asingle row of strawberries in each of 
these ten feet spaces; these, if well treated, would make 
four beds in the spaces between every two of the apple 
tree rows, or each ten feet, which is nearly half as much 
as would be planted in the open field; and these would 
yield a half crop the next year after planting, and as much 
the next season, when they should be plowed up to give 
cultivation to the berry bushes that would then also bear 
a crop of fruit, and continue to do so until the larger 
trees needed the ground for their support. The peaches 
or cherries would commence bearing the third or fourth 
year, ‘and some of the apples would follow quickly after- 
ward, yielding partial crops. By such a combination, as 
has been represented, the land is made to yield a succes- 


sion of paying fruit crops from the second year of the 
foundation of the orchard. 

The order of planting is a matter of some consequence, 
and should be settled upon before commencing the work. 
The simplest form, and that most usually adopted, is the 
square; furrows are drawn across the field, at whatever 
distance the plants may be desired to stand, and crossed by 
others equally distant and at right angles to the first. These 
will, by their intersections, indicate the stations to be oc- 
cupied by the trees. Some planters introduce a tree at 
the centre point between each four, and this has been 
called guincunz, but erroneously—for the true guincuna is 
constituted by one central tree surrounded by six, and all 
are equidistant, as illustrated by the diagram, figure 

20 Ft 20ft 20 20A 




26. This gives as many trees as possible upon the 
ground, all equidistant, at twenty feet apart, or at any 
other distance. It will be seen, that, in laying off this 
ground, whether with the plow or simply with stakes to 



indicate the stations which the trees are to occupy, we 
may first strike our furrows or set our sight poles, all in 
one direction, parallel, and at seventeen feet four inches 
apart. Crossing these at right angles, we may draw par- 
allel furrows every ten feet, and by setting our stakes at 
each alternate intersection of these furrows, the proper 
stations will be found for planting trees in the true guin- 
cunx order, in which every tree will occupy the corner of 
an equilateral triangle, and will be equidistant from six 
surrounding trees. If any one prefers to dig holes with 
the spade, instead of the more economical method propos- 
ed, by using the plow, the stakes may be set in parallel 
rows, in such a manner, that in every alternate row the 
first stakes shall be advanced one-half of the desired dis- 
tance from the base line. It will be desirable in this, as in 
every other .system, to have a measuring-line at hand to 
prove the work from time to time, and make corrections ; 
for, otherwise, the most careful planter will soon get out 
of range. When the stakes are set properly, on level 
ground, they should range correctly in all directions. If 
the plantation be upon an uneven or hilly surface, it will 
be found almost impossible to lay off the ground with ab- 
solute precision ; but this is a matter of very little conse- 
quence, as the growth of the .trees will soon conceal any 
slight defects, particularly if they be trained with low 
heads. In the small fruit garden greater precision is de- 
sirable, and should be attempted, but in the commercial 
orchard, containing hundreds or thousands of trees, such 
exactitude is scarcely attainable if it were desired. Some- 
times the aid of the civil engineer, with his instruments, 
-is called in by the very precise planter. 
1 NS 




In a previous chapter, reference has been made to the 
necessity of thorough cultivation of the soil among young 
trees; but the importarice of the proper attention to orchard 
culture is so great, that it deserves separate consideration. 
The thorough preparation of the soil before committing 
the roots of our trees to its embraces, which was fully 

impressed upon the orchardist, might have induced some 


to think that this was to be sufficient for them; but it 
ought rather to be inferred that any crop for which these 
preliminary labors were recommended, should receive con- 
tinuous attentions of a similar character. It is with the 
desire that these views should obtain, and to indicate and 
specify, some of the most suitable modes of procedure, 
that the following remarks are presented in this place. 

If the ground, which has been appropriated to the orch- 
ard, be also occupied as farming land,,as is usually done 
for a few years after planting, while the trees are small, it 
should be exclusively devoted to hoed crops; by which is 
meant those that require constant cultivation and stirrme. 
of the soil. Indian corn is a favorite on account of the 
thorough culture which is bestowed upon it, but there 
are some objectors to its use; by such it is considered too 
rank a grower; it is thought to absorb too much of the 
moisture of the soil, and too greatly to over-shadow the 
young trees if they be so small as has been recommended 
under the head of Selection and Planting. To this objec- 
tion, however, it is urged by others that the partial shade 
during the latter part of summer is a benefit rather than 
an injury. If the stalks be left standing upon the ground 
during the winter, they modify the force of the winds, and 
may even be of benefit, by the protection they furnish to 
the stems of the young trees; and when they fall to the 
ground, with their abundant foliage, these materials con- 
stitute a winter mulching of considerable value. Even if 
the fodder has been cut up, as is usually done by prudent 
farmers, the shocks scattered through the fields must ex- 
ercise a considerable protecting influence. | 

Melons, cucumbers, cabbages, potatoes, turnips, and 


other root crops, which require frequent cultivation, are 
preferred by some orchardists, because of their being 
lower, and thus they will shade only the surface of the 
ground, without affecting the trees themselves. Let it 
ever be remembered, particularly in respect to soils that 
are of poor or of moderate fertility, that all these crops 
will remove their full share of plant-food from the land 
that we have already appropriated to another object, and 
that the main crop which we desire to draw its sustenance 
from the earth for a long series of years, may thus be robbed 
of its proper nourishment. Under such circumstances we 
must meet the emergency by applications of fertilizing 
materials. Iam aware that it may be urged by the theorists 
of agriculture, that these crops call upon the soil for differ- 
ent elements, and that, according to the customary views 
of the objects attained by a rotation, they may even be 
of advantage to those which are to follow. Others will 
make the practical observation that the fertilizing materi- 
als of common use in modern agriculture, may so readily 
be applied to compensate for these abstractions from the 
soil, that this is a matter of little moment, and not worthy 
of serious consideration. But it should be observed that, 
while men will often be induced to apply fertilizers to the 
temporary crop, counting upon an immediate return for 
their outlay, they seldom feel willing to make any return 
to the soil in compensation for what they have already re- 
moved from it, and rather wait until the necessity for such 
enrichment becomes painfully apparent in the diminished 
productiveness of their fields, 

Hoed crops, such as those above mentioned, should alone 
be allowed to occupy the space between the young trees, 


and on no account should any white straw crops, or grasses 
be introduced, at least for several years, nor until the 
orchard shall have become well established. In many 
species of fruits, it is undoubtedly better to keep up the 
surface cultivation continuously, at least wherever the — 
characters of the site and soil will permit it; but there 
are many situations where the abruptness of the declivities 
appropriated to fruit-growing, and often admirably adapt- 
ed to such purpose, absolutely forbid continued cultiva- 
tion. In such places it will be necessary soon to withdraw 
the plow, and to depend upon loosening the soil about the 
trees with the spade or fork, and upon the mellowing and 
meliorating effects of mulching. The expense of all the 
operations that are performed by human labor renders 
them inapplicable, except in small orchards and gardens; 
and in all large plantations we must depend upon the com- 
mon earth-workers that are drawn by horses. Among 
these, a preference should be given to such as stir and 
pulverize the soil near the surface only; shallow culture 
of the upper layers of earth effects the objects in view 
better than that which is deeper. The intruding weeds 
are subdued and a mellow condition of the earth is the 
result, while the roots are not torn and bruised, but are 
encouraged to turn their feeding fibres into the stratum 
of mellow soil above them. When the trees have become 
well established, or when the nature of the soil and the 
broken character of the surface of the orchard require it, 
we may seed down the ground with clover, which is pre- 
ferred to any of the grasses: the broad foliage will shade 
the ground, and may remain on the surface as a mulch, or 
be moderately pastured by suitable stock. 


Mulching the young orchard has some advantages over 
cultivation, but except in the proximity of the salt-marsh- 
es of the East, or near the great straw piles on the vast 
grain fields of the Western prairies, it is almost impossi- 
ble to procure mulching materials for extensive orchards ; 
so that, unless we consider the clover and other legumes 
as a living mulch, or grow such crops upon the land it- 
self, to be used in this way, we shall be thrown back upon 
culture of the surface, which, in the mellow soil thus pro- 
duced, furnishes a most admirable mulching, that fills all 
the indications, at least in the season when it is most need- 
ed. This is a matter of the greatest importance, especi- 
ally during the first year after planting, when our trees so 
imperatively demand the protection of a mulch; and it is 
found that when the usual applications of straw or similar 
material cannot be obtained, or are unsuitable for the situa- 
tion, especial attention to the condition of the upper layer 
of earth about the trees is of the greatest importance ; 
this should be kept thoroughly loosened and finely disin- 
tegrated for the admission of air and moisture. 

Mulching, even of an old and apparently exhausted 
orchard, has been found to exercise a most happy effect 
upon its health and productiveness. Such a one growing 
upon a tenacious clay, which had ceased to yield any 
crops for years, was restored to abundant fruitfulness by 
covering the ground with a couple of inches of spent bark 
from an adjoining tannery, and similar effects have been 
produced by the application of straw, and of the bagasse 
from sorghum, where those materials could be procured; 
but these were necessarily limited to a small number of 
trees, and they can never be adopted in the treatment of 


large orchards. Fortunately, for us, however, in some 
kinds the trees themselves provide us shade for the ground, 
when they are properly trained and closely planted, which 
will prevent the intrusion of weeds and grasses, and the 
falling leaves and spray will also yield a mulching of no 
mean value. Indeed, the trimmings from the orchard, as 
well as the decaying foliage that annually falls to the 
ground, belong to the soil, and might be left upon it with 
great advantage to keep up its fertility by their decay, 
and even to increase it, as they do in the natural forest, 
were it not for the slovenly appearance they produce. 

Dr. Ward, of New Jersey, has practiced mulching 
rather extensively, and with excellent results. He uses 
salt hay from the marshes; after plowing the ground in 
- the spring, he applies the mulching in a heavy layer, which 
keeps down the weeds, preserves the moisture of the soil, 
and exerts a very happy influence upon the trees. 

From what has preceded, the reader may infer that the 
orchard is not to be used for a pasture field, and yet this 
is a very common appropriation of the inclosure that con- 
tains our fruit trees—at least after they have attained suf- 
ficient size to be considered out of the way of serious in- 
jury. Let it not be supposed that the indiscriminate pas- 
turing of an orchard is advocated; on the contrary, it is 
wholly deprecated, except as will be indicated below. 
All stock will trample and harden the soil. Low-headed 
trees will be sadly injured by live stock of all kinds. 
Horses and mules will often ruin the trees by destroying 
the bark, and trimming off the twigs, as high as they can 
reach. Horned cattle will browse the spray, and where 
within reach they will also break and twist. branches of 


considerable size. Though much smaller, goats are en- 
tirely inadmissable, since they not only trim off all the 
foliage within their reach, but they will also greedily de- 
vour the bark from the trees, and thus commit sad havoc 
among them. Sheep, on the contrary, may often be in- 
troduced into an orchard with advantage, as they will eat 
off a great many weeds, and thus clear the land of such 
intruders; but they will also spoil low-headed young 
trees by eating all the leaves within their reach, and they 
should never be allowed access to the orchard *in winter, 
at least not while there are any trees remaining with 
smooth bark, as they will often attack such and strip off all 
that they can get at: sheep are often very desirable in 
cider orchards when used to crop off the herbage closely, 
just before the ripening and fall of the fruit. 

The only domestic animals which should ever be allowed 
‘free range in the orchard, are swine, and the different 
sorts of poultry. All of these will prove really useful in 
the destruction of vast numbers of the insects that are par- 
ticularly injurious to our cultivated fruits, and which are. 
often enormously multiplied in our old orchards. Swine, 
it is true, will sometimes learn to climb small trees that 
have very low branches, which they break off in their at- 
tempts to help themselves to the fruit—this has been ob- 
served particularly in peach and cherry orchards. These 
animals are of use too as earth-workers, when they have 
not been mutilated, for with their peculiarly formed snouts 
they will turn over a large extent of the surface, while in 
pursuit of the larve and pupze of many of the destructive 
insects, that in such stages of their existence occupy the 
soil beneath our fruit trees; in this manner, swine are 


valuable adjuvants to the practical entomologist. The 
hog is a most useful scavenger, and algo a great economist 
in the orchard, for, being omnivorous, after feeding upon 
the luxuriant herbage of the red clover, he takes his dessert 
from the fallen fruit, which, being defective, would other- 
wise be wasted: but we must remember that most of 
these wind-falls are occupied by the larve of insects which 
are thus put out of the way of doing further harm, while 
contributing variety to the porcine diet. The additions 
of manure to the soil, which are distributed over the orch- 
ard by these animals, are also found to be of service. 
Trees, which are frequented by swine, are generally 
healthy, and the bitter-rot is reported to have disappeared 
from orchards that were badly affected with that malady 
before the swine were admitted. 

The advantages resulting from keeping both swine and 
poultry, but particularly the latter, confined among plum 
trees, is a matter of general notoriety; nor need we in- 
quire whether this depends upon the far-reaching instinct 
of the insect, which warns her against depositing her eggs 
where the progeny must surely be destroyed, or upon the 
actual destruction of the larve by these animals, to such 
an extent as to diminish the number of depredators the 
following season. We must not, however, depend upon 
these and other valuable aids, to the exclusion of personal 
efforts, if we desire to secure good crops of the delicious 
fruits that usually fall a prey to their attacks. 

In conclusion, the orchardist cannot be too strongly im- 
pressed with the importance of cultivating his young trees 
in the most thorough manner; nor can he exercise too 

much care in avoiding injury to the stems and roots, in 


practising this constant culture of the soil. In collections 
of dwarf fruit trees, he will have less difficulty on this 
score, because he will be restricted to hand-labor; but the 
spade and fork will be found much more expensive in their 
use than the plow and cultivator. : 

Prowine Up Otp Orcuarps.—A question frequently 
arises as to the best course to be pursued with an old neg- 
lected orchard, which has become covered with a dense 
sod of grass, and this often of an inferior character, and 
full of disagreeable weeds. Orchards that have been widely 
planted, and which have gaps from the decay of trees, 
especially when these have been trimmed up with high 
stems and long naked branches, do not cast sufficient 
shade upon the ground to prevent the growth of grass and 
weeds. These intruders occupy the surface soil to the dis- 
advantage of the roots of the fruit trees, and we may won- 
derfully improve the health of such orchard by plowing 
the ground, and at the same time severely pruning the 
branches and cleansing the bark of these old trees. These 
good results may be continued by shallow culture of the 
soil, with suitable applications of manure where needed. 
By giving a dose of lime, or of marl, and ashes, we shall 
infuse a new life and growth and productiveness that will 
astonish and delight us, and reward us for our labors and 

It may be urged as an objection to breaking up the sod, 
that the most careful plowman will unavoidably damage 
some of the roots that approach the surface, but this is an 
injury that must be submitted to; and after all it is not 
such a serious affair, and is overbalanced by the advantages 
of renewing the productiveness of the exhausted orchard. 





Pruning is one of the most important operations that 
we perform upon plants,—especially woody plants. Prun- 
ing, in some sort, has to be performed at all periods of 
their existence and growth, and upon all plants, from the 

noble forest tree, or the fruit trees of the orchard, of what- 


ever kind, to the humble bushes and brambles that yield us 
their abundant and most welcome fruits: the trailing vine 
that adorns our arbors and covers our trellises with its 
rich and tempting clusters of grapes, also needs to be prun- 
ed. Many herbaceous plants are also submitted to judi- 
cious pruning, and yield in consequence an increased pro- 
duct of fruit. Our ornamental gardeners and plant-grow- 
ers practice pruning most admirably upon their house- 
plants, and by their successful practice, they produce the 
most wonderful effects, which are manifested in the vigor, 
thrift, symmetry, and blossoming of their specimens. 

And yet, when we come to travel about the country, 
and to see the shrubberies, the parks, the orchards, fruit- 
gardens, and vineyards, as they are, we shall be struck 
with the great amount of ignorance or neglect manifested 
by what we everywhere behold! Still more shall we be 
surprised, when we hear nurserymen and orchardists, men 
who have had opportunities for extended observation, and 
those too, who are considered successful cultivators, advo- 
cate the idea that trees should not be pruned at all. An 
apology may be found for them in the many instances of 
bad pruning that may frequently be met with. They may 
say that no pruning is better than such mutilation, and 
with some varieties of fruit, they may have a show of 
reason on their side, as there are many sorts that will 
very naturally produce an open head, everywhere provided 
with abundant fruit-spurs, which are the great desiderata 
of the fruit-grower, 

We prune our plants for the most opposite purposes ; we 
prune to make them assume some desired form, we prune to 
produce symmetry, and we prune to torture them as much 


as possible from their natural habit. Again, we prune to 
make them grow vigorously, and we perform other pruning 
operations, in order to dwarf and stunt our specimens, and 
to make them as diminutive as possible. The experienced 
orchardist will tell you to prune a barren but thrifty tree, 
in order to make it productive of fruit; and he will also tell 
you to prune one that has expended all its energies in 
fruit-bearing, and appears likely to exhaust itself to its own 
destruction. Upon very high authority, supported by uni- 
versal and annual practice, the vine dresser will tell you to 
prune your vine in order to make it fruitful; the same 
authority will advise you to prune in such a manner as to 
prevent an over-production—and he will insist that you 
shall prune again during the season of growth, to promote 
the same objects. | 

Thus it appears that the ends to be attained by this im- 
portant operation are exceedingly diverse, and apparently 
contradictory: nor is it any wonder that the novice should 
feel bewildered in the midst of directions so opposite, nor 
even that those who have grown gray in the orchard, 
should have arrived at the strange conclusions just men- 
tioned, not to prune at all. And yet, notwithstanding 
these apparent contradictions, there is a reason for each 
of these various modes, as well as for the different seasons 
that have been recommended for performing tlfe several 
operations of pruning. 

It may be said that in natural trees, whether standing 
alone in the midst of a prairie, thinly grouped in the 
*‘ opening,” or crowded together in the dense forest, we 
may behold the most perfect models of beauty and fruit- 
fulness; yet these have never been subjected to the action 


of the knife, the saw, nor the hatchet. True, and yet they 
have all been pruned by nature. She prunes and trains 
magnificently, and gives us the finest models for imitation, 
whether for park scenery, as in the lone tree of the prairie, 
or in the scattered groups of the island groves that are so 
often seen in the broad savannas of the West, or in forests 
of noble shafts, gazed at with admiration, then felled by 
the ruthless ax, and converted to man’s economic uses. 
She also shows us the pattern in the dense pineries, and 
other timber tracts of our country. All these have been 
pruned into their present condition by the hand of nature, 
In the single specimen, free access of air and light have 
enabled it to assume its full proportions, developing itself 
on every side, and giving us the grand and beautiful ob- 
ject we behold. The winds have tossed the branches and 
some have been broken, the lower ones have quietly and 
gradually yielded to the smothering influence of those 
above them, which, in turn, have swept downward toward 
the ground. In the groves, the scattering trees have for 
a while enjoyed the same opportunities for development ; 
but at length their branches have met together, and inter- 
locked in friendly embrace. Those that were nearest the 
ground had already begun to suffer from the denser canopy 
above them but the great sturdy boughs that had shot 
upward so as to form a part of the crown, were able to re- 
tain their vantage ground, and continue as important mem- 
bers of the trees. In these illustrations, we have seen 
more of nature’s training than of her pruning; but 1t must 
be remembered that training is one of the objects, and in- 
deed, a leading element of pruning, and is very properly 
a matter for our consideration. 


In the dense primeval forest we see nature’s pruning ex- 
hibited upon a grand and perfect scale; tall, straight, and 
noble trunks rise majestically on every hand; not a twig 
nor limb breaks the symmetry of the gradually tapering 
shafts, that are clothed in bark which does not indicate 
that they had ever been furnished with branches; and yet 
they have borne branches from their base to their sum- 
mit, and nature has so neatly removed them that we can- 
not detect the marks of her pruning-saw. How this has 
been effected, may be seen in any dense thicket of young 
forest growth. It is simply a smothering of the lower 
branches by those next above them, which has destroyed 
their vitality, and their decay has soon followed; while a 
new growth of branches at a higher point, in turn, per- 
forms the same office of destruction upon those next below 
them. As there is no outlet for the wood-growth but in 
an upward direction, upwards they must needs go, and 
as there is no light nor air for lateral branches under such 
a canopy of shade, death and decay ensue, and down they 
perforce must come. 

If it be asked why we prune at all, it may be answered 
in general terms that in the orchard, our objects in per- 
forming this operation, are two-fold. 

1st—We prune for shape and comeliness, and for the 
removal of dead and dying branches, in aid of nature, but 
_ working in sympathy with her. 

2d—We prune for the sake of inducing fruitfulness. 

Let us consider some of the principles that are to guide 
us in these operations. 

The first object, that of producing the desired shape of 
the future tree, is chiefly done upon the young subject, 


even in the nursery-row. The judicious pruner, being well 
aware of the upward tendency of young growth, and that 
this is increased by the crowded condition of the trees in 
the nursery square, seeks to overcome the evil by proper 
pruning. If the growth be altogether upward, with no 
side branches the first season, the stem will be slender, 
often so much so as to bend over with its own weight. 
The wise nurseryman carefully avoids disturbing the 
leaves or lateral branches, well knowing their importance 
in forming the woody trunk. At the proper season he 
trims his trees down, instead of trimming them up—this 
he does by heading them back to the hight at which he 
desires them to form their branches—at the same time, he 
shortens in the laterals; his object in both instances being 
to check the upward tendency of growth by removing the 
strong terminal buds, which would naturally have formed 
the new shoots the coming season. The result of this 
treatment is to call into action several buds at the upper 
part of the stock. These are to form the arms of the tree, 
and hence a very important part of the pruning and train- 
ing of the plant is thus performed at once by this simple 
operation of heading-back the young nursery tree. But 
further attention is needed, as these arms develop them- 
selves during the next season of growth; they should 
not be too numerous, nor too much crowded together ; 
they should not be too nearly matched in strength, and 
one should be kept as a leader, stronger than the rest. 
Never allow two shoots to remain contending for the mas- 
tery; one of them should be subordinated by cutting, 
breaking, or twisting, as soon as it is observed; for how 
beautifully developed, a tree grown in this way, may ap- 


pear when well balanced, there is dlways danger of its 
splitting down when heavily laden with fruit. This very 
common error of our orchards used to be quaintly illus- 
trated by a dear old friend on the prairies of Illmois, who 
cited the advice of a Scotch jockey to whom he had ap- 
plied for counsel in the purchase of a piece of horse-flesh. 
“Ne’er buy a horse whose twa fore-legs cum oot frae ae 
hole,” said he, and Mr, W. Stewart applied the same prin- 
_ ciple to his young fruit trees, by never allowing them to 
have two equal leaders, branching from one point. It 1s 
also important to have the lateral branches regularly dis- 
tributed on different sides. 

The precise point or elevation point at which this head- 
ing-back should be done, will depend very much upon 
the object of the cultivator, and whether he desires to pro- 
duce a high or a low head, a standard, half standard, or a 
dwarf, or conical tree—such as are often called pyramids. 
He will study the wants and fancies of his customers in this 
matter, but we of the West, have learned the importance 
for us, at least, of trimming our trees down, and not trim- 
ming them up, as is often done by those who anticipate 
plowing and planting crops under the shade of their 
orchards. The proper point for forming the branches to 
make the head, will very much depend, however, upon the 
habit of the variety; whether it be drooping, spreading, 
or upright. The former will require the branches to be 
started at a higher point. The proper season for perform- 
ing this kind of pruning is in the early spring, or after the 
severe frosts of winter have passed; and with some kinds 
of orchard trees, it may be done at the time of trans- 
planting them, when they need a severe pruning. 

- The second object of pruning being done with a view 


to the production of fruitfulness in the tree, is to be prac- 
tised chiefly in the summer. At the same time, or during 
the growing season, much may be done to advantage, both 
in thinning-out and shortening-in such parts of the tree, 
as may need these plans of treatment. Various methods 
are pursued to produce fruitfulness, all of them depending 
upon the fact that this condition arises from the natural 
habit of a tree to make its wood-growth freely for a series 
of years. After it has built up a complicated structure 
of limbs and branches, with some consequent obstruction 
to the flow of sap, depending upon the hardening of the 
woody tissues, and the tortuous course of its circulation, 
it then appears to have reached its maturity, or its fruit- 
bearing condition. It then ceases to make such free 
wood-growth, and prepares a set of buds, which develop 
flowers and fruit. 

Now this period of growth and unfruitfulness may con- 
tinue for a longer or shorter time in different varieties of 
fruits; and the shortening of this, is the great object of 
summer pruning, and of other methods of producing 
fruitfulness that may be classed under this second head of 
the objects of pruning. 

To appreciate their importance and the mode in which 
the effect is produced, we must ever bear in mind the two 
great acts of vegetable life, that of wood-growth or 
growth by extension, and the wonderful morphological 
change of this growth into flowers and fruit. These are, 
in some sense, antagonistic. The first is essential to the 
production of timber, to the building up of the tree, and 
should be encouraged to do its work undisturbed, up to a 
certain point, that we may have a substantial frame-work 


by which our fruits can be supported. The latter, how- 
ever, is the ultimate desideratum with fruit-growers, and 
in our impatience to reap a quick reward, we often resort 
to measures that tend to curtail the usefulness, size, and 
beauty, as well as the permanence of our trees. This is 
an illustration of the axiom, that whatever threatens the 
vitality of a plant, tends to make it fruitful; it calls into 
activity the instinctive effort to perpetuate the species by 
the production of seed, that may be separated from the pa- 
rent, and establish a separate and independent existence, 
to take the place of that, the life of which is threatened. 

Summer pruning and pinching interferes with the growth 
by extension, and threatens the very life of the tree; the 
entire removal of all new shoots and their foliage, and the 
removal of the successive attempts by the tree at their 
reproduction, will cause its death in a little while. Their 
partial abstraction, as practiced in summer pruning and 
pinching, being an attack of the same kind, results in the 
formation of fruit-buds. The operations of budding and 
grafting upon an uncongenial stock, interrupting the cir- 
culation by ringing, by ligatures, by hacking, twisting, and 
bending downward, all tend to check the growth by ex- 
tension, and are attended by similar results, since they are 
antagonistic to the mere production of wood. Shorten- 
ing-in the branches of some species, which form their 
fruit-buds upon the shoots of the current year, has the 
effect to give them a fuller development, if performed 
during the summer, but if deferred until the following 
spring, it will have the directly opposite result, and will 
cause the production of woody shoots at the expense of 
the fruit. : . 


The season for pruning has been made the subject of 
much discussion, and different periods have been very 

confidently advised by different authorities, from which it | 

may safely be inferred that all are somewhat right, or may 
be supported by good reasons. This refers of course to 
pruning in its general sense, of trimming, and applies to 
the removal of limbs of greater or less size. We always 
. desire to avoid the removal of large limbs, and should en- 
deavor to provide against the necessity of such removal, 
by trimming our orchards sufficiently when they are 
young, and while the branches are small; but when such 
removal becomes absolutely necessary, it should be per- 
formed late in the autumn, when vegetation is at rest, be- 
cause it is found that such large wounds, which cannot be 
soon healed over by the new growth, will at this season 
dry in, and resist the action of the elements better than 
if the section had been made when the wood was full of 
sap in active circulation. 

Early spring is a favorite period for pruning, chiefly 
because it 1s comparatively a period of leisure; the 
weather is less inclement than in winter, and the absence 
of foliage affords us an opportunity to see our work ‘and 
to anticipate its effects upon the tree. So soon as the buds 
begin to swell and the foliage to expand, pruning should 
be arrested, unless in small trees, because the sap is in ac- 
tive motion, and the material called cambiwm is not yet 
developed, hence the wounds will bleed, and are not so 
readily healed over; besides, the bark at this season is very 
readily separated from the wood, and bad wounds are thus 
frequently produced by the pruner, which may seriously 
damage the tree. Then follows a period when pruning had 

ait) ib O Men cate 


better be suspended until the time that the trees have 
completed their growth by extension, and formed the 
terminal bud at the ends of their shoots. The date can- 
not be given, but it is sufficiently indicated by this mark 
in nature’s calendar; the formation and full development 
of the terminal bud, and by the copious deposits of woody 
matter throughout the tree. The annual layer of fibres 
is then being produced, and the tissues are in the formative 
stage; the tree now possesses within its own organism the 
best of all plasters to cure and cover the wounds made by 
the saw and knife, now the tree possesses the true vis me- 
dicatrix naturce in the highest degree. 

A few intelligent nurserymen have learned this very im- 
portant lesson, and have applied it in the preparation of 
their trees, for the exposure incident to their removal from 
the nursery to the orchard. A very few practice it sys- 
tematically; I knew one, (alas, for the lamented Beeler, 
of Indiana), who acted upon the suggestion made to him 
by observations and experiments in vegetable physi- 
ology. He left the side branches, though subordi- 
nated by shortening when necessary, in order to give 
stocky stems to his trees, and then removed them with 
the knife during the summer before they were to be sold 
and planted, instead of waiting until they were dug and 
sent to the packing house in the fall or spring. The re- 
sult was, that while his stems were stout and stocky, they 
were also smooth, the wounds neatly healed over with new 
bark, instead of being open from the fresh cuts and liable 
to crack or bleed, as they would have done had this prun- - 
ing been deferred until after digging, either in the fall or 
spring. This may be considered a small matter, but it is 


an illustration of the principle involved in selecting the 
period for pruning. 

For the removal of small limbs from young trees, hardly 
any time can come amiss — better to do it out of season 
than to neglect it, and it is a good rule to havea sharp 
pruning knife always at hand when passing through our 
young orchards. There is but one time when pruning is 
absolutely interdicted, and that is when the wood is frozen. 
When so circumstanced, it should never be cut nor dis- 
turbed in any manner —not even to gratify your best 
friend, by helping him to a few grafts from your proved 
tree of some coveted variety. Let him wait for a thaw, 
or go away without the grafts, rather than commit such 
an outrage upon your tree: as to approach it with a knife 
when frozen. 

While considering the question of the proper season for 
pruning, there is one axiom of great importance which 
should be firmly impressed upon the mind of the orchard- 
ist. Much will depend upon which of the two leading 
objects, above indicated, he may have in view — vigor of 
growth and symmetry of form, or simply fruitfulness, as 
the result of his labors in pruning his trees. Pruning at 
one season will induce the former result, at a different 
period of the year the same work will conduce to the 
latter; hence the postulate Prune in winter for wood ; 
in summer for fruit. 

“Ts Li» 




Every person who has looked at a bearing fruit tree in 
the winter season, must have been struck with wonder at 
the great profusion of fruit-buds with which it was cloth- 
ed; they are crowded along the slender spray of some 
varieties as thickly as a necklace of beads, or still more 

abundantly, like clusters of pearls, they are crowded to- 


gether upon the little fruit-spurs. Weare inclined to cavil 
at this profusion of nature, and to ask why this waste of 
vegetative effort. But we may rest assured that it is only 
another evidence of the unerring wisdom of Him who 
doeth all things well. 

All blossoming and fruiting is but a changed condition 
of those buds that would otherwise have produced leaves 
and wood-growth. Every tree, sooner or later, reaches a 
point which we call its period of maturity, when some of 
its buds are thus modified. The same elemental parts are 
still present; but those that were arranged for the produc- 
tion of an elongated shoot, with leaves set around it in 
some definite manner, and destined for the formation of 
woody growth, are now so constituted as to have a growth 
of very short extension, and furnished with modified 
leaves, so changed, that we scarcely recognize them thus 
crowded together upon this shortened and modified axis. 
We here take our first lesson in the very interesting study 
of morphology, or the science of the changes of form to 
which the parts of a plant are subjected, in the produc- 
tion of flowers and fruit, from what were otherwise the 
source of shoots and leaves. This will be found one of the 
most interesting branches of the study of botany, as it 
leads us to the investigation of one of the most beautiful 
displays of Divine power, and, like all such studies, gives 
us more and more elevated views of the exalted wisdom 
and benevolence of an All-wise Creator, who has pro- 
duced nothing in vain, and who, while creating worlds 
and systems of the greatest magnificence, has condescended 
to prepare the most tiny flower, and its previous bud, in 
the most perfect manner. 


THINNING. ’ 2965 

The study of morphology which gives us such an in- 
sight into the mechanism of the plant, and which leads us 
into such mazes of wonder and admiration, cannot now 
detain us further than to be named and referred to as the 
explanation of the formation of what we eall fruit or blos- 
som buds. The reader is referred to the full explanations 
of this subject by the famous philosopher and poet, Goethe ; 
or, if more conveniently accessible, to his English transla- 
tors, or to the appropriate chapters in any of the modern 
text books of botany. 

When the plant is young, its chief object is to grow; it 
must acquire size and development, to enable it to produce 
and bear up the enormous crop it is destined one day to 
yield. Hence in the early years of a tree there is none, or 
very little of this transformation of the buds, which are 
all of the pointed character, and when excited into 
growth, they all produce shoots and leaves only, which re- 
sult in the formation of an increase of the woody fabric, 
that we call the tree. This period of adolescence is longer 
or shorter in different species and varieties—in some it may 
extend through many years. Thus, the American Aloe is 
called the Century Plant, from the common belief that it 
must survive a hundred summers before this stage of ma- 
turity and blossoming is reached; whereas this plant only 
needs a period of thirty years or less to produce its blos- 
soms, when it is favorably situated as to soil and climate. 

There is, it is probable, a definite period at which each 
kind of plant will have these changes occur~in the buds, 
when they will begin to flower and to produce fruit. This 
period may be accelerated or retarded, to some extent, by 

human means; for we have observed, that whatever pro- 


duces excessive vigor, is attended with the formation of 
leaf buds; whereas, all those conditions and circumstances 
that check the vigorous growth by extension, provided 
they do not too greatly impair the vitality of the plant, 
will conduce to the formation of flower-buds. 

Some of these conditions consist in starving the tree, 
or by planting it in a sterile soil, that has deficient 
moisture; by severely crowding the soots, or by cutting 
them, as in root pruning; in grafting a portion of the 
young plant upon an old or an uncongenial stock, or one 
that is naturally dwarfish ; in ringing the bark ; in frequent 
transplanting, or in continued summer pinching ; in short, 
almost any circumstances which appear to threaten the 
life of the tree, seem to excite within it an effort for the 
preservation and perpetuation of the species, by changing 
the bud plants, attached to the parent, into seed plants, 
that may and will be separated from it to reach the soil 
eventually, and there to establish an independent existence. 

As the tree advances in growth, and approaches toward 
its natural period of maturity, it is supposed that there is 
an accumulation of nutritive matter within it, and at the 
same time the roots will have exhausted the soil, to some 
extent, of the elements that contributed to the production 
of wood-growth, and the result is the formation of flow- 
er-buds. Now it becomes a nice matter to preserve the 
proper balance between these two systems of growth, the 
wood producing and the fruit forming. Two opposite 
systems of production have become established in the 
tree, the one infertile, the other producing the desired 
fruits; the one preserving the health and vigor of the 
tree, the other tending to preserve the species at the same 


time that it satisfies our demands for fruit, but also mean- 
while tending to the destruction of the tree, for all old 
trees are apt to overbear. Young trees, on the contrary, 
in which the vigor of wood-growth remains in full activ- 
ity, very often produce fruit-buds and blossoms, but do 
not perfect their fruit, which either fails to set, from some 
imperfection of the organs of reproduction, or falls pre- 
maturely, in consequence of the wood system absorbing 
the nutriment, or failing to prepare the proper juices for 
their support. Trees, in these different conditions, require 
an entirely opposite treatment. The younger need sum- 
mer pruning and pinching, to check their too great vigor, 
and to develop the laterals or spurs with their blossom 
buds; the older need winter pruning, for the double pur- 
pose of reducing the amount of fruit, and also to excite 
renewed vigor in the production of wood growth that 
shall take the place of that which has been removed. 
This subject will be more appropriately discussed in an- 
other chapter, to which the reader is referred; while we 
proceed to the legitimate topic of thinning fruit. 

Thinning fruit. is not practiced as it should be, particu- 
larly on th@ apple; old trees are often too fruitful, so 
much so as not only to deteriorate the fruit, but to injure 
the tree itself. This is so much the case with certain va- 
rieties, as to constitute a serious objection to planting them ; 
other sorts so exhaust themselves by over-production in 
one season, as to be barren, or nearly so, the next year, 
during which period of rest they are able to recuperate 
their energies and to provide a new set of flower-buds. 
These are called biennial bearers, and such are quite nu- 
merous in our orchards. Those kinds that are prone to 


overbear every year, are often objectionable on account 
of the diminished size and inferior character of their 
fruits, which result from this cause, particularly when the 
trees have become old. The great desideratum, especi- 
ally with those who object to the trouble of thinning 
the fruit, is to find a variety that will produce an even or 
well distributed, continuous, and moderate yield—an an- 
nual bearer, that does not exhaust itself by the production 
of one enormous crop so as to require it to rest and recuper- 
ate. Such varieties are to be found in our collections, and 
should be highly prized. 

But to return to our topic, the bold method of reduc- 
ing the crop by winter pruning, has already been alluded, 
to, and is highly recommended for such old trees as have 
ceased producing thrifty shoots of wood-growth at their 
tips, and have taken on an excessive tendency to fruitage. 
-There are other methods of producing this desired effect, 
diminishing the amount of fruit when excessive, and 
thereby greatly enlarging the size, and improving the 
flavor of that which is left behind: some of these will 
now be mentioned. 

DisBupp1NG.-—One of these consists in tlw removal of 
alternate buds, or even a greater proportion than one half; 
this may be performed either in the end of winter or in 
early spring, or even after the buds have pushed, still later 
in the season. This work may be done with the fingers, 
a knife, or by using the shears, when the buds are termi- 
nal, as in old bearing apples and pears, or on some cherries. 
This plan has been practiced with very good success upon 
the Duchesse pear, by T. W. Field, who accidentally had 
his attention directed to the feasibility of making this 


variety very productive. He had observed that cer- 
tain trees, which were rubbed so by the cart-wheels as to 
be stripped of a portion of their buds in the winter season, 
instead of being injured thereby, were more productive 
than those which retained all of their abundant spurs and 
blossoms, and which, nevertheless, often bore sparsely. 
Improving upon this hint, he has since planted some such 
varieties in close rows or hedges, which he trims annu- 
ally with the shears to keep them within bounds, and at 
the same time to diminish the amount of blossoms. Dis- 
budding is systematically pursued in the European fruit- 
gardens, and we have elaborate directions for the season 
and mode of performing the operation, which is extensively 
practiced, particularly on the trees that are grown as es- 
paliers, and those kept in orchard houses. If neglected, 
the trees become exhausted by over-production; and the 
failure of production by the fruit-spurs which results, 
causes vacant spaces upon the tree, which are afterward, 
with difficulty, restored to a profitable condition. 

Another method, and the one usually pursued by those 
who practice thinning, is, to go over their trees after blos- 
soming, while the fruit is still small, and systematically 
remove such a proportion as they may deem sufficient to 
relieve them of the surplus; and while so doing, they 
select for removal all the inferior specimens. This is found 
to pay very well in the increased size, appearance, and 
flavor of those that remain, and is practiced by all good 

It is found in some varieties that the thinning may be 
done when the fruit has attained to one-half its usual size, 
so that it may be marketed, and yet those which are left, 


will swell out to their full proportions after this removal, 
and will realize, when harvested, more money, and will 
even be of greater weight than if the whole crop had been 
left upon the tree until “ts natural period of maturity. 
The reason is obvious, and depends upon the greater size 
and fuller development of the fruit, which remains after 


SumMMER Prunine has already been alluded to as one 
of the methods of producing fruitfulness. When it is 
here introduced as a means of thinning the fruit, the re- 
commendation may appear somewhat paradoxical—yet. it 
is not so. Neither is this cutting a parallel operation to 
that in which we seek to check the excessive vigor of 
young shoots by pinching and heading-in, with a view to 
directing the sap to the lateral buds so as to cause their 
development for the formation of fruit-spurs, which will 
insure a greater production of fruit: whereas this summer 
pruning removes a portion of the crop to be supported by 
the tree. This plan is most successfully practiced by judi- 
cious orchardists, among whom may be named Dr. Hull, 
of Alton, Il]., who has thus treated his peaches, nectarines, 
and plums. This process consists in cutting off the ends 
of the shoots that are laden with fruit, while these are yet 
quite small; the superabundance is thus removed in a 
great degree by the knife, and the excess of foliage is also 
diminished so as to expose the fruit freely to the sun and 
air, which insures an increased size and heightened color, 
particularly to the peaches and nectarines. The remain- 
ing fruit is also suitably thinned so that no specimens 
shall crowd one another. The exact distances between 
them must be determined by the judgment of the operator ; 

= - 


some have decided that peaches should not be nearer than 
nine inches; plums and nectarines may be separated by a 
smaller distance; but it isnot easy to lay down a precise 

Thinning is not often practiced upon the strawberry 
crop, which appears able upon suitable soils to produce a 
great abundance of fine fruit, but it may be done by the 
curious, and enormous show specimens, such as are often 
exhibited at fairs, are produced by special care and high 
manuring, aided greatly by judicious thinning; not only 
by cutting back a portion of the crowns, so as to throw 
the whole force of the plant into one or two trusses, but 
still further, by removing with the scissors a portion of 
the blossoms or fruit, so that the few which are left may 
become enormously distended with the nutriment that had 
been stored up in the plant for a much greater number. 
Some may consider this one of the tricks of the trade, and 
So it is when merely done for the sake of deceiving the 
public, who are asked to purchase the variety by the sam- 
ple of fruit, without detailing the arts by which the re- 
sults were accomplished: but there can be no objection 
raised against such practices when pursued by the amateur 
for the sake of producing unusually large fruits of any va- 

The English purste a similar method with their show 
gooseberries; by means of thinning and high feeding, with 
great attention to watering, these fruits are made to as- 
sume gigantic proportions that are little dreamed of by 
cultivators of the smaller varieties, which are chiefly 
grown in this country. 

The grape is very prone to over-production, and the 


crop, as well as the vine itself, is often much injured by a 
want of attention to this particular. So avaricious is man, 
that few persons will exert the needed firmness and perse- 
verance to remove the excess which the beautiful vine an- 
nually affords. The result of this neglect is apparent at 
the vintage, especially when from any fault of the season, 
or from the invasion of insects or of mildew, the foli- 
age may have been damaged, as it frequently is, to a con- 
siderable extent. Then we find large quantities of the 
grapes so deficient in color and flavor as to be worthless ; 
in some varieties whole bunches wll hang flaccid, wither- 
ed, and insipid—while perhaps a few, more favorably situ- 
ated, will have their proper flavor. The grape vine is well 
called beautiful, and it is capable of sustaming most won- 
derful amounts of fruit; but on young vines, especially, 
it is very bad policy to allow of this over-production. 

The tendency to fruitage may be met in different ways, 
a few of which will now be pointed out, and all planters 
are urged to observe and to practice sume of these plans 
for reducing the exuberance of this kind of fruit. In the 
first place we practice winter pruning, regardless of its 
established and well-known effect of producing an increase 
of wood-growth, for this is what we desire to obtain in the 
vine, on account of its habit of yielding its fruit on wood 
of the previous year’s growth; by this means we are able 
to pursue the renewal system, which is so generally pre- 
ferred, and thus we may keep our vines perpetually cloti- 
ed with new wood, or canes as they are technically called. 
By this winter pruning we can reduce the amount of 
wood that is of a bearing character, to any point which 
may be deemed desirable, according to the strength and 


age of the vine, and thus the crop Is thinned by a whole- 
sale process of lopping off the superabundance of buds, 
that would have produced an excess of fruit. Another 
method of thinning is, to rub out a portion of the shoots, 
this may be every alternate branch in close jointed vari- 
eties of the vine: this is to be done soon after the buds 
have burst, and while the branches are yet quite small, so 
that the vital forces may be directed to those that remain. 
Wherever double shoots appear, the weaker should always 
be removed. | 

Still another method of reducing the superabundance, 
remains to be noticed; this consists in thinning the grapes 
themselves, the separate berries, which, in some varieties, 
are often so crowded upon the bunch, as to prove a serious 
injury to one another. In hardy out-door culture this is 
seldom practiced, being less necessary than in the large 
varieties of foreign grapes that are grown under glass. 
These are systematically thinned with the scissors, so that 
none shall crowd together ; and this process, repeated from 
time to time, is found to produce much finer and larger 
berries and heavier bunches than when all are left. 

A very rude method has sometimes been pursued in 
thinning the superabundance of fruit upon apple trees. It 
appears so very Gothic that its description may only ex- 
cite a smile, when it is stated that it consists in threshing 
the tree with a long-slender pole, by which a portion of 
the fruit is cast to the ground. Rude and primitive as 
this method may appear, it is surely better than no thin- 
ning at all, and is attended with this good result, for which 
it deserves some commendation; the threshing removes 

portions of the excessive twiggy spray that always abounds 
iF : 


upon such trees as those under consideration, and thus, in 
a degree, it prevents the recurrence of so heavy a crop 
the*following year. Whenever an old orchard has reached 
this condition of over-fruitfulness, however, the best meth- 
od of thinning is to give a severe winter pruning ; remov- 
ing portions of the spray and encouraging the free 
growth of young wood in various parts of the top, to re- 

place the older portions that were removed. 

OH APT ctr. 





Rieenine Frvuirs.—Having succeeded in bringing our 
trees into a productive condition, we now come to a period 

of their history which is possessed of great interest to the 



orchardist. While he is contemplating the rich returns 
for his capital pnd labor expended upon the orchard, how- 
ever, he will find many circumstances in the functions of 
his plants that will amply repay him for their careful 
study. Nor should he consider these only as matters of 
philosophical interest, for they will often lead him into 
courses of treatment that will enable him to secure richer 
returns than he would otherwise attain. A few of these 
will be presented in the commencement of this chapter, 
nor need any apology be offered for quoting one of the 
highest authorities in the language upon this branch of 
botanical study. Balfour gives the following account of 
the changes which occur in the vegetable economy during 
the formation and ripening of fruits, under which term he 
includes, in botanical language, all seeds, whether the dry 
pericarps, or the pulpy drupes, and other appendages, 
which are recognized as fruits proper in pomological 


‘“‘ While the fruit enlarges, the sap is drawn towards it, 
and a great exhaustion of the juices of the plant takes 
place. In annuals, this exhaustion is such as to destroy 
the plants; but if they are prevented from bearing fruit, 
they may be made to live for two or more years. Peren- 
nials, by acquiring increased vigor, are able better to bear 
the demand made upon them during fruiting. If large 
and highly flavored fruit is desired, it 1s of importance to 
allow an accumulation of sap to take place before the 
plant flowers. When a very young plant is pgrmitted to 
blossom, it seldom brings fruit to perfection. When a 
plant produces fruit in very large quantities, gardeners are 
in the habit of thinning it early, in order that there may 


be an increased supply of sap for that which remains. In 
this way, peaches, nectarines, apricots, etc., are rendered 
larger and better flavored. When the fruiting is checked 
for one season, there is an accumulation of nutritive mat- 
_ ter which has a beneficial effect upon the subsequent crop. 

“The pericarp is at first of a green color, and performs 
the same functions as the other green parts of plants, de- 
composing carbonic acid under the agency of light and 
liberating oxygen. Saussure asserts that all fruits, in a 
green state, are adequate to perform this process of deox- 
idation. As the pericarp advances to maturity, it either 
becomes dry or succulent. In the former case it changes 
into a brown or white color, and has a quantity of ligneous 
matter deposited in its substance, so as to acquire great 
hardness, where it is incapable of performing any process 
of vegetable life; in the latter it becomes fleshy in its 
texture, and assumes various bright tints. In fleshy 
fruits, however, there is frequently a deposition of ligneous 
cells in the endocarp, forming the stone of the fruit; and 
even in the pulpy matter of the sarcocarp, there are found 
isolated cells of a similar nature, as in some varieties of 
pear, where they cause a peculiar grittiness. The con- 
tents of the cells near the outside of succulent fruits are 
thickened by exhalation, and a process of endosmose goes 
on, by which the thinner contents of the inner cells pass 
outward, and thus cause swelling of the fruit. As the 
fruit advances to maturity, however, this exhalation di- 
minishes, the water becoming free and entering into new 
combinations. In all pulpy fruits, which are not green, 
there are changes going on by which carbon is separated 
in combination with oxygen. 


* * -k “Succulent fruits contain a large quantity of 
water along with cellulose or lignine, sugar, gummy: mat- 
ter or dextrine, albumen, coloring matter, various organic 
acids, as citric, malic and tartaric, combined with lime 
and alkaline substances, beside a pulpy gelatinous matter, 
which is converted by acids into pectine, whence pectic 
acid is formed by the action of albumen. Pectine is so- 
luble in water, and exists in the pulp of fruits, as apples, 
gooseberries, currants, strawberries, etc. Pectic acid is 
said to consist of C. 14, H.3,O0.12+ H.O. It absorbs wa- 
ter, and is changed into a jelly-like matter, hence its use 
in making preserves. Each kind of fruit is flavored with 
a peculiar aromatic substance. Starch is rarely present in 
the pericarp of the fruit, although it occurs commonly in 
penseedsa, Feit . 

“During the ripening much of the water disappears, 
while the cellulose or lignine and the dextrine are con- 
verted into sugar. Berard is of opinion that the changes 
in fruits are caused by the action of the oxygen of the 
av. Freney found that fruits, covered with varnish, did 
not ripen. As the process of ripening becomes perfected, 
the acids combine with alkalies, and thus the acidity of 
the fruit diminishes, while its sweetness increases. The 
formation of sugar is by some attributed to the action of 
organic acids on the vegetable constituents, gum, dextrine, 
and starch; others think that the cellulose and lignine are 
similarly changed by the action of acids. The formation 
of sugar is said to be prevented by watering the tree with 
alkaline solutions. * * * In seasons, when there is 
little sun; but a great abundance of moisture, succulent 
fruits become watery and lose their flavor. The same 

— — es 


bbs pe ep aaa pies 


thing frequently takes place in young trees with abundance 
of sap, and in cases where a large supply of water has 
been given artificially.” Travelers, who have eaten the 
magnificent specimens of fruits produced by irrigation, in 
California, tell us that they are deficient in flavor, and the 
same thing is sometimes observed as a result of an unusu- 
ally wet season. | 

“Tt is not easy in all cases to determine the exact time 
when the fruit is ripe. In dry fruits, the period immedi- 
ately before dehiscence,* is considered as that of matura- 
tion; but in pulpy fruits, there is much uncertainty. It 
is usual to say that edible fruits are ripe when their in- 
gredients are in such a state of combination as to give the 
most agreeable flavor. After such are ripe, in the ordi- 
nary sense, so as to be capable of being used for food, 
they undergo further changes by the oxidation of their 
tissues, even after being separated from the plant. In 
some cases these changes improve the quality of the fruit, 
as in the case of the medlar, the austerity of which is 
thus still further diminished. In the pear, this process 
renders it soft, but still fit for food, while in the apple it 
causes a decay which acts injuriously on its qualities. By 
this process of oxidation, the whole fruit is ultimately ré- 
duced to a putrescent mass, which probably acts bene- 
ficially in promoting the germination of the seeds when 
the fruit drops on the ground. 

“The periods of time required for ripening the fruit, va- 
ries in different plants. Most fruits ripen within a year 
from the expansion of the flower, some come to maturity 
within a few days, others require months. Certain plants, 

om Bursting gpen of the pods, or of the hulls of nuts. 


as some Conifers, require more than a year, and in the 
Metrosideros the fruit remains attached to the branch for 
several years. The following is a general statement of 
the usual time required for the maturation of fruits: — 

asses AN OG LAM es sae Acteleees cre ett aad Matera tees 15 to 15 days. 
RaAspoerny, ouraw ery, (CMenny..4 2. . 2a. ene ve wee cme 2 months. 
ibird-cherhy. Inimie-tnee... eres Sos 4 eee ee eRe 3 3 
Roses, White Thorn,-Horsechestnut....5 502.6% ss00 coe 4 3 
Vine, Pear, Apple, Walnut, Beech, Plum, Nut, 

AMIN OMG Tarn oieedee ead a iat ois cm ne Se eee A 5 to 6 =< 
COTTE SS ARVIN 5, Satiete ce Medion nema it, 5.4 sik Se peace Ree w He 
Colehi cum sMisteiGCe hha cateii: ie Aiko ees ets 8 to 9 
Comber xc Fete wa ats amv bier Seg nora ots ord oe tare 10 to 12 ef 

Some Conifer, certain Oaks, and Metrosi- 
GCIETOB S55) oca cts Se Ch cyatnye 2 cles ite ote eh scart felateoayo above 12 os 

“The ripening of fruits may be accelerated by the ap- 
plication of heat, the placing of dark-colored bricks below 
it, and by removing a ring of bark, so as to lead to an ac- 
cumulation of sap. It has been observed that plants, sub- 
jected to a high temperature, not unfrequently prove 
abortive; this seems to result from the over stimulation, 
causing the production of uni-sexual flowers alone. Trees 
are sometimes made to produce fruit by checking their 
roots when too luxuriant, and by preventing the excessive 
development of branches.” * Here we have the explana- 
tion of the processes of root pruning and of summer 
pinching, and shortening-in, which have been more ex- 
tensively introduced upon another page; as well as the 
plan for inducing fruitfulness in such trees as are tardy 
from excessive wood-growth, by hacking the bark to inter- 
rupt the flow of sap from the buds to the roots; by 

* Balfour’s Manual. + 


ine - ale 


this, some of the former are changed to flower-buds. 

We may learn to judge of the condition of ripeness of 
our larger succulent fruits, such as apples and pears, by a 
little experience. When ready to be picked, they will 
have attained their maximum size, their color will have 
changed somewhat from its greenness, and they will as- 
sume a sort of translucency that indicates the approach 
of maturity; but the best practical test for the fruit-gath- 
erer, is the ready separation of the stem from its attach- 
ment. In those fruits, which are suspended by a stem of 
considerable length, and in which this organ belongs to the 
fruit itself, and is intimately connected with its tissues, 
we shall find that it will part easily from the branch at 
that period of ripeness when it is best to separate it. 
Such fruits are often much improved by a continuation of 
the process of ripening after they are gathered, but this 
more properly belongs to another division of the subject. 
There is another class of fruits which are found to attain 
their greatest excellence and most perfect ripening upon 
the tree itself, and these can never be enjoyed elsewhere 
in so great perfection as in close proximity to the place of 
their production; because, so soon as they are separated 
from their connection with the plant, a process of decom- 
position commences, they begin to decay, and many of 
them soon become really unwholesome. Most of those 
that are called stone-fruits are of this character, such as 
peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums, and cherries—all of 
which have a very transitory period of excellence. The 
same is still more remarkably the case with most of the 
berries, hence all of these classes of fruits are better 
adapted to a near than to a distant market. 


With apples and pears, however, the case is quite differ- 
ent. Some of these, it is true, especially some of the 
summer varieties, will attain a perfect state of ripeness 
while yet attached to the tree, and some of them will even 
remain hanging to the twig, until they reach that condi- 
tion of over-ripeness in which they lose a portion of their 
fine juices and become mealy, or incipient decay may set 
in, so as to make them rotten at the core. Hence, in 
nearly all varieties, it is found best to pluck the fruit a lit- 
tle prematurely, and we are guided by the natural mdica- 
tion of the falling of a portion of the crop. By this 
means we can, in a degree, control the final ripening of 
our fruits; and we have the great advantage of being 
able to ship them in a firm condition to distant markets, 
so as to arrive at the end of a long journey in prime or- 
der; whereas, if thoroughly ripe, they could only be trans- 
ported a few miles, and then needing the greatest care in 
their handling. Our summer varieties always require to 
be near their ultimate ripeness when gathered, for, if 
plucked too soon, they will wither, and be worthless. 
Among these, there are some varieties, particularly of the 
apple, which continue ripening for a long period. In the 
limited family orchard this quality is a great desideratum 
in the summer fruits, but it is quite otherwise in the orch- 
ards, which are planted for profit in the market, because 
of the increased expense of gathering only a few at a time 
repeatedly, instead of clearing the tree at once. It is also 
found to be an advantage in shipping, to have a consider- 
able quantity of a kind to send off at one time. 

GATHERING.—We now come to the important matter 
of harvesting our crops of fruits that have been the cause 


of so much care and anxiety, as well as of pleasure. This 
will require new considerations as to its disposition and 
preservation to the best advantage, and will call for a dis- 
cussion of the best modes of packing, storing, ripening, 
and transportation to market. 

From what has already been said with regard to the 
process of ripening of fruits in the natural way upon the 
tree, it will be understood that we must gather some kinds 
before they have reached their perfect condition of matu- 
rity. There is a point at which they have obtained, from 
their connection with the parent tree, all the elements 
that are necessary to the development of their highest 
qualities. They may now be separated, not only with 
safety, but with decided advantage in many instances, as 
they are improved by the further process of maturation 
under different circumstances from those supplied by na- 
ture, and when properly treated, they will acquire a much 
finer condition as to delicacy and flavor than is ever 
reached by ripening upon the tree exposed to the hght 
and air. This, it will be remembered, is not the case with 
all fruits; for, as has already been stated, there are those 
which must remain upon the tree until they acquire their 
most perfect ripeness, and which begin to depreciate in 
quality so soon as they are separated from their connec- 
tion with the fruit-bearing twig. These need to be at 
once disposed of, and the consideration of the best means 
of transportation, is a question of more importance than 
any plans for their temporary preservation. They must 
be sold or used at once, and should be handled with 
the greatest care, packed in suitable boxes or baskets in 
the most judicious manner for a good display of their 


beauties, for their preservation from bruising and decay, 
and for sending them forward to their destination with 
the least possible delay: the details of these several parts 
of the business will be left for the exercise of the ingenu- 
ity of the parties most deeply interested. In the class of 
fruits which are so constituted as to bear and indeed to 
require picking, before they have reached the period of 
perfect ripeness we shall find several particulars that need 
consideration. First, it will be found that the proper time 
for gathering them varies considerably. Thus, with early 
apples and pears, a few days only embrace the best period, 
during which they may be gathered without becoming 
wilted if plucked too soon, or decaying if left too late. 
Even with winter fruits, we find that, to have them in 
perfection, some varieties require to be gathered much 
earlier than the time usually assigned for harvesting the 
general crop. It is somewhat singular also, that this course 
very considerably extends their time of keeping, and that 
some of those varieties which would become dry, mealy, 
and insipid, early in the winter, if gathered too late, 
will remain sound, firm, plump, and juicy, and retain all 
their fine flavor through the winter, if they have been 
taken from the tree at an earlier period of the season. 
They must be left upon the tree until properly developed, 
however, and then be carefully kept in a cool apartment. 

The usual season for gathering winter fruits is October, 
before the access of severe frosts, and at a time when the 
wood-growth for the season has been completed, and the 
foliage is nearly ready to separate from its attachment to 
the tree. The fruits will then generally part readily from 
the twigs, without either breaking them or rupturing the 


fruit-stem, which should always be preserved, and from 
the apple especially, it should never be pulled out, as is 
apt to happen in certain varieties, when proper care is not 
exercised in picking them. Some of the apples that. re- 
quire to be gathered early, are, the Rambo, Pryor’s Red; 
Hubbardston, Westfield, Rhode Island Greenine, several 
Russets, and all those which evincea tendency to fall pre- 
maturely. There are others which may be left to a later 
period with impunity, some of these will even bear a lit- 
tle freezing without serious damage, but we should always 
endeavor to anticipate the exposure of our fruits to any 
great depression of temperature while they remain at- 
tached to the trees. An early and severe frost has often 
proved disastrous to a fine crop of apples, thus left too 
long upon the trees. vie 8 

For all fruits it is essential that the weather should be 
fine at the time they are gathered. They should be per- 
fectly dry when plucked, and they must be handled with 
the greatest care to avoid bruising in the slightest degree. 
Each specimen must be taken separately in the hand and 
turned to one side, when, if it do not part readily from 
the twig, the thumb and finger must be applied to the 
stem, to aid the separation at the proper point; each is 
then to be placed in a gathering basket, which should be 
shallow, and for delicate sorts should be lined loosely with 
fresh leaves or with soft moss, or a little wilted grass. 
From the baskets, the fruit should be transferred to its 
permanent winter quarters, by a careful and judicious 
hand, who should select them and reject all that are bruis- 
ed, specked, or otherwise defective, and place them on the 
shelves, or pack them in the boxes or barrels into which 


they are placed for preservation, or transportation to mar- 
ket. In packing, it is best to use no material but the fruit 
itself, which should be so closely placed that they shall 
not jostle and bruise one another when moved. Some 
persons use a bag, slung around the neck, when gathering 
the fruits from the tree; into this they are placed as fast 
as they are plucked, and successively transferred to the 
barrels, or poured in piles upon the ground. With very 
firm varieties, this may be done without serious damage, 
but the bruising that necessarily ensues will be very pre- 
judicial to all the more delicate fruits, and will materially 
depreciate the value of such as are also of a pale color. A 
want of care in this matter of handling fruit is, no doubt, 
the chief reason for the popular preference of red apples 
in our markets, since those, that are well covered with a 
deep color, do not show the bruises that are so unseemly 
upon the fair cheek of the lighter colored varieties. 

The modes of keeping winter fruits are exceedingly va- 
rious, and some of them are quite primitive. The desid- 
erata are coolness and dryness, which should not be car- 
ried to the extent of freezing, nor of desiccation. The 
simplest method is to place the fruit in a pile upon a dry 
piece of ground, to cover it thickly with clean dry straw, 
and, as the winter approaches, to apply a heavy layer of 
earth, sufficient to keep out the frost. Sometimes this is 
kept from the straw by a simple roof of boards, which 
support the earth from pressing upon the fruit, and leave 
it in asort of cave, which can be entered occasionally dur- 
ing the winter. This plan is only recommended for those 
who have no cellars or other suitable apartments, for 
many fruits acquire an earthy flavor from this near con- 


tact with the soil. Another primitive plan, and one which 
is well adapted to the preservation ‘of cider apples, and 
might be used for the keeping of those needed for stock 
feeding, is to build a rail-pen, four square, like a field corn- 
crib, into which the fruit is put upon straw, and a lining 
of the same material is placed at the sides and upon the 
top, which may also be sheltered with boards to shed off 
the rain. In our mild winters, many varieties of fruits can 
be sufficiently well preserved in this manner for the purposes 
mentioned. In a proper establishment for cider-making, 
large bins and rooms are provided within the building, 
which afford sufficient protection from the frost, so that 
cider-making may be carried on during the winter; and 
in well arranged farm-steads, the feeding barns should be 
provided with suitable compartments for the safe storage 
of fruits or roots, that are to be fed to the stock during 
the inclement season, when they are so much needed. 

All farm-houses should be provided with good deep and 
dry cellars, which will prove the best place for the storage 
of fruits. These may be placed in bins, or, still better, 
upon shelves, as it is not desirable to have too great a bulk 
together. When but one, or at most, but two layers of 
fruit are deposited upon each shelf, and when each of 
these is placed at a sufficient distance from those above or 
below it, the whole may be easily inspected from time to 
time, and defective specimens can be removed without 
disturbing the rest. These shelves should be made of 
narrow strips, separated from one another by a space that 
will admit of thorough ventilation. The whole apartment 
devoted to fruit, should be kept cool and dark, and free 
from moisture or dampness. 


Many large orchardists prefer to select their fruit from 
the picking baskets, and pack at once in new barrels, 
which are made for this special purpose, and are not so 
tight as those used for flour. In packing these, it is desi- 
rable to place the fruit carefully in layers, filling the space 
completely as the work proceeds, putting each specimen 
down by hand, and when the vessel is filled to about an 
inch above the chine, the heads are put on, a follower 
placed upon them, and the whole brought under the pres- 
sure of a lever, which forces the mass together so that 
there shall be no possibility of motion among the fruit. 
It is better that the outer layers should be somewhat in- 
dented by the barrel heads, than that the whole should be 
spoiled by the bruising that would follow from loose pack- 
ing. These barrels are often left under the trees for some 
time, or they may be placed under an open shed for pro- 
tection, prior to transportation. It is a common practice, 
before barreling, to deposit the fruit in piles as it is gath- 
ered, giving it only a covering of straw to allow it to 
throw off a part of its moisture, a process generally term- 
ed sweating. Now it cannot be gainsaid that there may 
be an escape of the fluids by transpiration through the 
pores of the skin, and we know that there is a loss of 
weight and even of plumpness, in many varieties, by ex- 
posure ina dry atmosphere; but the excessive moisture 
observed upon the surface of fruits that have been exposed 
to a low temperature, when they are brought into a 
warmer apartment, is unquestionably the simple precipita- 
tion of atmospheric moisture, and entirely independent of 
the juices of the fruit itself, The advantages of this 
method of treatment are, that more time is given for the 


careful selection of the fruits béfore placing them in the 
barrels, and a better opportunity for selection, and the re- 
jection from the packages of all those which are in any 
way defective. The disadvantages are the increased labor 
and the greater amount of handling to which the fruits 
are subjected. The surface of our seed-fruits, (pepins), 
is endued with a peculiar coating of a waxy nature, which 
is of great value for their preservation, and should not be 
removed, hence the less fruit is handied, the better it will 
keep, and it should never be rubbed nor wiped; if too 
wet, or “sweating,” it should be exposed to a dry atmos- 
phere, until the surplus moisture shall have quietly evap- 
orated before it is transferred or handled. 

It is often observed of particular varieties that they are 
more prone to wilt than other kinds: this is particularly 
the case with Russet apples, and is believed to result from 
a deficiency of this protecting outer covering or waxy 
exudation, which appears most plentiful in those that re- 
tain their plumpness. 

In packing for market, besides the directions already 
given as to prevent motion, it is very desirable to have 
the packages, of whatever form, whether boxes or barrels, 
of a neat appearance and uniform full size. The fruits 
should be well selected, and cf a like average quality 
throughout, and not fixed up for market with the best 
only at the ends or sides that are to be first opened, while 
the inferior fruit is concealed within. Honesty is the best 
policy everywhere, and dealers soon learn to discriminate 
in favor of the brands of honest packers. It is believed 
that any orchardists, who will take pains in the selection 

of their fruits, and in the excellence and honest measure 


of their packages, will soon establish a reputation that 
will be of great value to them in their future offerings. 

Fruir-rooms.—For those who wish to reap the highest 
rewards and the greatest profits from a near and conveni- 
ent market, as well as those who desire to preserve their 
fruits, prolong their enjoyment of them, and to bring 
them to the highest perfection, the fruit-room or fruit- 
house becomes indispensable. These should be so con- 
structed as to meet the required conditions of an equable 
and cool temperature, with darkness, and a sufficient 
amount of dryness to insure freedom from mold and damp. 
To avoid the precipitation of atmospheric moisture, the 
apartment should be tight, and seldom opened, parti- 
cularly in damp weather. To absorb the exhalations from 
the fruit itself, and that emitted from the burning candle 
or the breathing of the visitor, the introduction of certain 
chemical absorbents has been suggested; among these, 
freshly burned lime has been recommended and used, but 
Mr. Du Breuil advises the introduction of dry chloride of 
calcium, which has so great an affinity for moisture as to 
absorb it completely from the atmosphere. This is tie 
material used by B. M. Nyce, of Cleveland, Ohio, in his 
patent fruit preserving establishments; and this mode of 
preserving a dry atmosphere is a leading, and indeed, the 
chief feature and element of his success. 

In the construction of fruit-houses, the fluctuations of 
the outer atmospheric temperature must be guarded 
against by making double walls, and by filling the spaces 
with non-conducting materials. The floors and the ceiling 
should be similarly arranged—unless where the cooling is 
effected by a layer of ice above the fruit-room, when the 


ceiling should be metallic, so as to enable the caloric to be 
rapidly abstracted from the space below. The house, 
patented by Prof. Nyce, is essentially a large refrigerator, 
with the ice at the top, and provided with absorbents 
for removing from the air the moisture it has received 
from the fruit. Its construction will be understood from 
the accompanying diagrams and description. The letter- 
ing of similar parts is the same in all three diagrams; the 
description is that of the inventor. . 

(A) Foundation walls. The ground floor is leveled off, 

s and made solid, and even 
ee pgs : with the foundation walls. 
(Zar . (B) A covering of tar and 
\ x AT 7 pitch, one-half inch thick, 

G7 Za 

= _{ieZ _~ put over the ground and 
{> =a Z oundation walls, to pre- 
AHA|r \ ; 

N N he ZN - 
BA <. vent the entrance of mois- 
yn td aN : 
INZ : oh \ ture. The tar and pitch 
S N . 

| should be mixed so as to 

A be only moderately hard- 
A aN \} ened by the temperat 
VT Ss a7 Za i y mperature 
N ZZ \7 7477,‘ of the ground. (D) The 

——EEK§Kaxxxs < <K 
ad SS GB GH 
i 1 1 i! 

Fig, 27.—NYCE’S FRUIT PRESERVING filling between the walls 

HOUSE. (CROSS SECTION. ) is composed of short dry 
shavings, chaff, or other poor conductors, 33 feet 
thick, on the bottom and sides. (C) Joist for plank 
floor, 3! feet above the ground. The floor is made level 
throughout. (2) Chloride of calcium, or dried waste-bit- 
tern, from salt works, spread on every part of the floor of 
the preserving room, to absorb moisture. (ZZ) Air-tight 
casings, made of common sheet-iron, No. 26; the edges 


thickly painted, and nailed to upright studding. The 
outer casing in some houses is made of brick. The inside 
of the brick wall is covered with roofing cement, or pitch, 
er some other air-tight coating. (4 4) doors 6 or 8 
inches thick, filled with chaff or shavings, and fitted 
tightly to the door-frames, by listing or cloth nailed over 
thin layers of cotton. (X) The ice-chamber. (Z) Joists 
to support the ice floor, resting 2 inches on the posts at 
Q. (WV) Iron bars, 1} inches wide, and } inch thick, 


gained 3 inch into the joists, and placed crosswise to them. 
A bar must always be put directly under the seams and 
rivets. Three bars are enough to be under a shcet 30 
inches wide. (MW) The galvanized-iron ice floor, No. 18 
or 20; the edges joined with rivets not more than | inch 
apart, and very carefully soldered. The ice floor is put on 
the edges of the iron bars so as to expose every part of 
its surface, on which ice directly rests, to the air of the 
room below. (S) Sides of ice room made of upright 


planks. Better have it lined with zinc or galvanized-iron, 
inside of the plank. Scantling, 2 by 6 inches, are placed 
on the ice, 4 feet apart, made even with the ice. Wide 
plank (P) are placed loose across the scanting, the edges 


i. MMI 

Viele \Y 



Yy Y Yj 
ST... MSG. GCG. G8 Yj 

MM) Yi 


U3 “ZY 


\ P — AWY 
WV I~; 
WfFw§$, INV? 
NYY, ) 


as close as may be put together, to prevent the filling 
falling on the ice. Saw-dust, 6 inches thick, is placed on 
the plank (P). Shavings are not compact enough on the 
top to keep the air from the ice. (OQ) A discharge pipe 
to conduct the water from the ice. (W) An ante-room 
with an ice-water trough, (¥), in which canned fruit is 
kept, in large stone crocks, for retailing by small measure. 

The following estimates are given by the inventor, for 
a house, with room 15 ft. square, 8 ft. high, 22 ft. square 
on outside, with capacity for holding 500 bushels. The 
cost would be about as follows: 

Common iron, at 7% cts. per Ib., cost in the house............ $210 00 
Galvanized iron, No. 26, at 20 cts: per Ib: 22: -.- +... -)sacts- =e 105 00 
Galvanized iron, No. 20, at 18 Le Senet ree Po SOOT Ce 80 00 
Whole cost, probably:....-. 2... - 2.2... e eee cee cece ren acseesees 800 00 

The frame and roof being simple, their cost need not 
exceed that of similar structures. 


LNs hee Les2 

When the preparation of this work was undertaken, 
the author desired to make it as perfect as possible in all 
its parts. He very soon discovered, from his own observa- 
tions in the orchard, that one of the greatest difficulties 
we all have to contend against in fruit-growing, was the 
ravages committed upon our fruits and fruit-trees by hosts 
of noxious insects. ; 

Here then was a new branch of investigation, a new 
field of study to be entered. He was not an entomolo- 
gist, nor could he gain any assistance from his friends who 
were such, because, though they were scientific, and able to 
assist him in names and descriptions of the insects present- 
ed, still they were not practical entomologists ; their 
knowledge of these creatures was purely scientific, and 
while they could descant learnedly upon the systems sect 
up by the great masters of the science, for the most per- 
fect classification of insects, they could render us practi- 

cal men but little aid in combatting our insect foes. Great 


assistance they have rendered, however, in providing 
names for all these wonderful creatures, in describing their 
habits and their economy, and in assigning them places in 
the beautiful classification that has been provided for 
them. : 

On turning from men to books, but little more assistance 
or encouragement was met with; these too would only 
give the names, the places, and the descriptions, in the 
most approved language of the science, but they are not 
attractive nor intelligible to the unlearned. Any person 
can soon acquire the language of the science, with a little 
study, but these scientific books do not give us directions 
how to rid ourselves of the pests. 

Among the books that are accessible and that are 
adapted to the general reader, and to the student of prac- 
tical entomology, two were found of eminent utility as 
far as they went. ‘These are the excellent reports to the 
Massachusetts and the New York Agricultural Societies, 
by Messrs. Harris and Fitch, which are clothed in popular 
language, and which treat particularly of the insects in- 
jurious to vegetation, and they put us in the way of com- 
bating our foes. The former, which has been reprinted 
and illustrated in beautiful style, is worthy of a place in 
every farmer’s library, and will prove a valuable aid in 
the study: the latter is printed in connection with the 
Society’s reports. To both of these, the author acknowl- 
edges his indebtedness, and from both has he drawn lib- 

Other popular treatises, though attractive, have proved 
of very little practical value, and the student will find 
even the reports above referred to imperfect, as they 


were prepared for a limited region, and do not mention 
several insects that are common in other parts of the 
country than the States four which these reports were 
prepared. It were much to be desired, that every State 
Society would have similar reports, respecting the insects, 
peculiar to its state. 

Thus the author found himself compelled to investigate 
this broad field of study for himself—it became necessary 
to grasp the elements of the classification, and to go into 
the field and the orchard, to use his eyes, and to ob- 
serve for himself. This was a labor of time, and required 
considerable effort; but it brought its own reward in the 
pleasure attendant upon this delightful study. At the 
same time there was great satisfaction in the thought 
that all these facts, gathered from the works of men of 
science, confirmed by personal observation, and rendered 
useful and applicable in practice by his fellow laborers in 
the garden and orchard, would be a valuable contribution 
to them, and would constitute a useful portion of the 
American Pomology he was then preparing. 

Unfortunately for himself, he has discovered that his 
collections, in this department, covered several hundred 
pages of manuscript, and that, if printed, they would ren- 
der his volume too cumbrous. Upon consulting with his 
publishers, it was concluded best to lay the matter aside, 
for the present at least, and to prepare anew a brief ac- 
count of some of the insects most injurious to the orch- 
ard, with short suggestions as to the best methods of 
combating their ravages. This conclusion has been the 
more readily yielded to, because the public now have a 
medium of communication with the scientific entomolo- 


gists, which well supplies the great want we had begun 
to experience. I refer to a monthly publication, issued by 
the Entomological Society of Philadelphia, in which the 
questions, that are constantly occurring to farmers, are 
answered in the most simple, clear, and satisfactory man- 
ner.* Besides this, we find in our best agricultural jour- 
nals, a page or a column, devoted to the consideration of 
insects injurious to vegetation.* * 

For the sake of convenience and system, these notes 
will be presented in the order of the approved classi- 
fication of insects. Omitting further introduction or dis- 
course upon the wonderful instincts and habits of insects, 
and explanation of their metamorphoses and the princi- 
ples of classification, and confessing my poor qualification 
for the task, let us proceed at once to the catalogue. 


In this class of insects we find both, friends and foes. 
The former assist us by their voracious appetites, that can 
only be satisfied with gourmandizing upon other insects, 
particularly the juicy bodies of their larve. The latter 
embrace some of our most troublesome pests, especially 
as they consume vegetable matters, in the perfect as well 
as in the larval condition, and in both stages are exceed- 
ingly voracious. Moreover, they generally commit their 
depredations under cover, or at night. Some live in the 
soil and consume the roots of our plants, and others mine 
their way into the solid wood of the stems of our finest 
trees; while some only affect the twigs and smaller branch- 
i Aiea Entomologist, 518 South 13th street, Philadelphia, fifty cents a year, 
in advance. 

** Vide Prairie Farmer, American Agriculturist, Country Gentleman, ete. 



es, and others devour the foliage, flowers, and fruits. A 
few of the most familiar and troublesome of these will 
now be introduced; and allusion will also be made to 
some of those which befriend us by their destruction of 
other insects. 

Saperda bivittata, (Say.)—The Apple Tree Borer.— 
This is a nocturnal insect, which has been found very de- 
structive to our orchards. The female deposits one egg 
in a place, generally low down on the stem of the tree; 
this hatches, and enters the tissues of the bark, where it 
feeds for a time, a footless grub. As it grows, it burrows 
deeper, and upward, until it reaches the sap wood, upon 
which it feeds. When half grown, it burrows still deep- 
er, and upwards into the heart of the tree, and then out- 
ward through the sap wood to the bark, but retires again 
toward the centre, as to a place of safety, to undergo its 
transformation, after packing the hole with shreds of 
wood and with its castings to make its retreat secure. In 
the spring, the perfect insect opens its way outward, and 
emerges to the light of day. 

Remepy. — Observe the bark of young trees very 
closely during the summer, to discover the castings that 
are ejected; notice the discolored or depressed portions 
of bark, and cut into them to find and destroy the worm 
—if it has penetrated the solid wood, pursue it with a 
piece of stout but flexible wire. 

Preventives.—Alkaline washes have been highly re- 
commended, as a means of driving away the mother bee- 
tle; soft soap may be used, and a portion of soft or hard 
soap, placed in the forks of the branches, will dissolve 
with the rains, and wash down on the bark. These appli- 


cations, to be efficacious, should be made in May or June. 
In August, the bark should be examined, and when the 
worms are cut out, the soap suds may be injected with ad- 
vantage, especially if the larve have not been reached. 
Birds should be encouraged, particularly the Pice tribe, 
which destroy many grubs of the wood-boring insects. 

Chrysobethris femorata, or the Thick-legged Bupres- 
tris, is another kind of apple-tree borer, very common in 
some parts of the West. The perfect insect may be seen 
running up and down the stems of our trees, in June and 
July. It is a blackish beetle, about half an inch long. 
The hole, bored by the grub, is flat, and not cylindrical 
‘like that of the Saperda. This beetle attacks the stem 
higher up than the Saperda, but burrows under the bark, 
and then sinks into the wood much in the same way. 

REMEDIES and PREVENTIVES are similar to those above 
mentioned. Seek for the young worms in their shallow 
burrows in August, before they have gone deeply into the 

Dicerea divaricata, (Say), or the Cherry-tree Borer, is 
similar in its habit of boring in the sap wood under the 
bark, and may be combated in the same way. The per- 
fect insect appears in June and July. 

Prenocerus supernotatus, or the American Currant 
Borer, feeds upon the pith of the stalk. The larva isa 
small, white grub, which changes into a slender, long- 
horned beetle; black, edged with chestnut-brown. The 
wing covers are marked with two small grey dots, anteri- 
orly, and a crescent-shaped one behind the middle. 

It, is very injurious to the currant bushes in many parts 
of the country, and constitutes a serious obstacle to grow- 


ing the plants to a single stem, tree fashion. In the bush 
form of this plant, the constant reproduction of new 
shoots compensates for the destruction caused by the 

There is another currant borer, an European, which is 
confined to young shoots; as it is not the larva of a bee- 
tle, but of a butterfly, it will be treated in its proper 

Bostrichus bicaudatus, or the Apple-twig Borer, affects 
the small twigs, and when numerous, will produce an ef- 
fect like that called twig-blight, by causing the death of 
the part and the withering of the leaves, at mid-summer. 
A small hole will be found near the axil of a leaf; this 
turns with the twig, and often extends several inches 
along the pith. The insect is a small, chestnut-brown bee- 
tle, 0.25 to 0.35 of an inch long, and is characterized by 
two projections or horns at the hinder end. Has been 
found rather common from Michigan to Kansas. 

Remepy.—Kill, when found. 

Scolytus pyri, or the Pear-blight Beetle, affects twigs 
of pear, apple, and other fruits, which wither and die at 
_mid-summer. Small perforations, like pin holes, will be 
found, and issuing from them small cylindrical beetles of 
a deep brown or black color, 

REMEDY—not known. 

Lucanus dama, or Horn-beetle, is a large insect, the 
larvee of which are said to feed upon the trunk and roots 
of old apple and other trees. The perfect insects are 
of a dark mahogany color, smooth, and polished. Like 
other Stag-beetles, they fly at night, are not very harmful, 


and are believed to be several years in reaching the per- 
fect state. 

Leptostylus aculiferus, bores under the bark of apple 
trees. It is a short, thick, brownish-gray beetle, with 
thorns upon its wing-covers; hence, the scientific name 
of needle-bearer. Length, 0.85 inch; season, August. 
The larve are small worms, occurring in multitudes under 
the bark, and making long-winding burrows. 

Tomicus mali, or the Apple-bark Beetle, is described 
by Dr. Fitch as new. He says, it is a small, smooth, 
black or chestnut-red, cylmdrical beetle; the larve feed 
under the bark, and then enter the wood, killing the 
young tree. 

Conotrachelus Nenuphar, (Herbst), is the noted and 
notorious and yet little known Plum Weevil, that is such 
an abomination to plum planters, and which has proved 
very injurious to our peaches and is even accused of pro- 
ducing deformities in our pears and apples. 

The egg is deposited in the fruit, where it soon hatches 
and feeds; approaching the stone. This causes the fruit to 
fall, and when the grub has attained its full size it de- 
scends into the ground to perform its transformation. The 
perfect insect, a small, dark-gray beetle, either crawls up 
the stem, or flies to the trees. Mr. Walsh reminds us that. 
Dr. Trimble has found these insects hybernating in shel- 
tered places. 

Remepies.—It is lamenta at we have been able to 
do so little to prevent the ravages of this insect. The 
plan of shaking off, and destroying the affected fruits, 
promises the best results, by diminishing the next crop. 
It was suggested by David Thomas, of New York, but is 


most successfully practised by Dr. E. 8. Hull, of Illinois, 
who has invented an inverted umbrella on wheels, which re- 
ceives the insects, as well as the defective fruits, when it 
is bumped against the trees. By the use of this, he is en- 
abled to harvest splendid crops of stone-fruits. 

Pomphopea Sayi, (or Cuntharis pyrivora, of Fitch), 
is called by him the Pear Blister-fly. He describes it as 
a long blistering beetle, of a green-blue color; found on a 
pear tree about the first of June, eating the young fruit 

Euryomia Inda, or the Indian Cetonia, is a beetle about 
six-tenths of an inch long. The head and thorax dark, 
copper-brown, thickly covered with short, greenish-yellow 
hairs; wing-cases light yellowish-brown, changeable, with 
metallic tints. These are called flower-beetles, because 
they consume the pollen, and bury themselves in our flow- 
ers; but in the autumn, they consume our choicest fruits, 
especially peaches. 

Lachnosterna fusca, (/7roelich), is the White Grub, or 
May Beetle. A heavy brown insect, an inch or more in 
length, which makes its appearance with the first warm 
evenings, when the Black Locust begins to open its fra- 
grant blossoms, to which these beetles are attracted. 
They also attack the foliage of other trees, particularly 
the cherry, which they entirely strip of leaves and fruit. 
Though very destructive in the perfect form, these insects 
are most to be dreaded giijle in the larval condition, 
which is supposed to continue for some years. They then 
work under cover, and can only be traced by the ravages 
they commit. Every strawberry grower is familiar with 
the large White Grub that so often destroys his hopes of 

INSECTS. - 303 

a crop, by killing the plants when in full growth and fruit- 
age, by cutting off all the fibres. 

Remepy.—The full-grown insects are very busy in the 
evening, but become stupid and lethargic before morning, 
clinging to the leaves and twigs, when they may be shaken 
down, caught on sheets, gathered, and destroyed. If let 
alone, they will fall to the ground toward day break, and 
secrete themselves in the grass and soil until night. All 
that can be killed in this stage of their existence, the bet- 
ter, as this will prevent the deposition of innumerable eggs. 
The White Grubs must be destroyed one at a time in cul- 
tivated grounds; kill them whenever found. Encourage 
chickens ana birds to follow the plow and spade, as they 
will consume great numbers. Hogs will find and eat them 
greedily, and may be allowed to root them out even from 
a meadow, if badly affected ; for, though a harsh remedy, 
it is not so bad as the disease. 

Pelidnota punctata, or the Spotted Pelidnota, is a large 
yellowish insect, with a black dot on each side of the thorax, 
and three others on the outer side of each wing-cover. 
It is found in the day time, upon the leaves of the grape 
vine. Like the rest of the tribe, these insects are vora- 
cious, and the grubs may also feed upon the roots of the 
grape; therefore they had better be destroyed, though as 
their numbers are seldom large they are not found to be 
very injurious. 

Haltica chalybea, or the Grape Vine Flea-beetle, appears 
early in the season, and eats holes in the buds and leaves. 
It is small, 0.16 inch long, oval; shining, deep greenish-blue, 
or deep green, or purple. This insect spends the winter in 
the earth about the roots of the vine, and feeds upon them. 


Anomala lucicola, or the light-loving Anomala, is found 
on the grape vine in July. It resembles the May Beetle, 
but is smaller, being 0.35 inch long. 

These are not all the beetles that feed upon the grape 

Macrodactylus subspinesa, or the Rose-chafer, is ‘an- 
other melolonthian beetle, which is exceedingly destruc- 
tive to grapes and various other plants in many parts of 
the country, in May and June. This insect is smaller than: 
the others of its group, but is equally destructive as a leaf- 
eater, on account of its numbers. On the grape, it cuts 
off the young bunch of buds and blossoms, and thus seri- 
ously diminishes the crop, as well as by destroying the 
foliage. It is of a buff-yellow, with black feet, about 
0.33 inch long. They continue to ravage vegetation 
about a month, and then retire into the ground, an inch 
deep, and deposit their eggs, which hatch in about twenty 
days, and the young grubs feed upon tender roots, attain- 
ing their full size, three-quarters of an inch, before winter, 
when they descend deeper to hybernate. 

The Rose-beetle has many natural enemies, among which 
are the Dragon-flies; but we must depend upon human 
efforts for their destruction, an almost hopeless task, for 
their name is legion, but so much the greater necessity for 
the effort, and as they are sluggish, they may easily be 
caught and thrown into hot water, or otherwise destroyed. 

Tree Pruners are the larve of beetles that excavate a 
burrow in small limbs of trees, so as to make a section al- 
most across their substance; most of them then bore up- 
ward into the limb, and await the action-of the winds to 
break off the part and waft them to the ground, where 


they pass through their change to the perfect insect. 
They exercise a wonderful instinct in leaving just fibres 
enough to support the branch until they are ready for 
their descent, but it often happens that the twig breaks 
off partially and hangs by a thread, dying, of course; we 
see the brown leaves on the trees, and this is the first indi- 
cation of the presence of the insects. If we examine the 
fallen spray, we shall be surprised to observe the cause of 
its fallmg. In the case of the oak tree, the damage is done 
by the Hlaphidion villosum, (Fabricius), a long-horned 
beetle. The larva remains in these twigs until the next 
season, hence the importance of gathering and burning 
all that fall to the ground. 

An insect of somewhat similar habits often cuts off 
stout shoots of the Hickory, making a very neat section 
of a small limb, leaving only the bark, so that it readily 
breaks off with the wind; and a similar effect has been 
observed in strong annual shoots of the pear, toward the 
end of summer. The fallen piece and the stump are cut 
as neatly as by the shears, but no perforation is discovered 
along the axis, in which the larva could be concealed ; 
hence we have but to suffer the trimming thus performed 
without our will, and look upon it as a sort of natural | 
shortening-in of our trees. 


Blister-flies, or Beetles,—There are several species of 
these insects, each of which appears to have its favorite 
pasturage. They are exceedingly voracious, but confine 
themselves chiefly to the destruction of herbaceous vege- 
tation, and are therefore obnoxious to the farmer and gar- 
dener, who know them as the potato insects, than to the 
fruit-grower. Their appetites are not very discriminating, 



however, and when they are abundant they may consume 
the foliage of our trees. These Blister-flies belong to the 
genus Lytta, and are used as a substitute for the Spanish- 
fly of Europe, as they are possessed of blistering qualities 
in no mean degree. ‘They are wholly different from. the 
new potato destroyer of the West, the Doryphora 10-l- 
neata, which is hemispherical, and is a leaf-eater, in the 
larval as well as in the perfect state. 

Remepy.—Catch and kill all that can be found in the 
garden, or potato field; scald, dry, and sell to the apoth- 


Before closing this section, it is but due to our many 
insect friends in this order, to introduce a few of them to 
the reader. There are several large families that are really 
serviceable to man; some of these are called Scavengers, 
because they consume large quantities of decaying mat- 
ter that might prove noxious to us, were it allowed to de- 
cay upon the surface of the ground. Among these are 
the Dung-beetles, and the Carrion-beetles : others are carni- 
vorous, and some of these are called Cicindelide, or Tiger- 
beetles, from their voracious consumption of other in- 
sects, which they devour in great numbers, both in their 
larval and in their perfect form. These day beetles are 
Jarge, brightly colored, and very active in their move- 
ments, as they run about in the sunny paths and roads, 
and cannot fail to attract attention. Few persons are 
aware, however, of the valuable aid they are rendering 
to man, nor of the credit that is due to them for the pre- 
servation of our crops from the invasion of other insect 
foes. Too often they are either unobserved and overlook- 
ed, or even treated with the aversion and cruelty of men 


INSECTS. 307? 

who ignorantly attempt to stamp out all insect life, as 
though these creatures were intruders upon their pre- 
emption. The intelligent observer of nature will scon 
learn to respect each aid, which has been so wisely fur- 
nished to assist him in his labors as a cultivator of the soil, 
and all may admire the Wisdom that has provided at the 
same time such beautiful and such useful creatures for the 
work. " 

Calosoma scrutator, is well named the handsome, for 
it is one of our most beautiful insects of this class. This, 
and the red-spotted C. calidum, may be seen upon trees, 
seeking caterpillars, upon which they feed. One of our 
most intelligent horticulturists has so high an appreciation 
of these insects, that he will not allow them to be dis- 
turbed, and whenever he sees any caterpillars in his orch- 
ard, he takes these beetles to the tree, and gives himself 
no further concern, knowing that the Calosoma will soon 
destroy every worm. 

Coccinelide, or Lady-birds, are most valuable aids to 
the cultivator, who is constantly liable to have his crops 
destroyed by the various species of Aphides. These little 
hemispherical beetles are familiar to every one, and known 
to the children as Lady-birds; but all may not know their 
value, nor be so well acquainted with the larve of these 
insects, which are the chief agents in the destruction of 
our troublesome plant-lice. Most persons would be very 
apt to crush these curious, diminutive, lizard-looking crea- 
tures, even at the time they were attacking the Aphides, 
instead of leaving them to carry on the warfare more ef- 
fectually without our aid. 

These little friends have had a superstitious regard shown 



to them in many countries, which indicates that a glimmer- 
ing idea prevailed respecting their usefulness. ‘The Ger- 
mans call them the Marienkaefer, or Lady-beetles, of the 
Virgin Mary. The French call them Vaches de Dieu, 
the Lord’s cows, and our own children are all familiar 
with the nursery rhyme about the Lady-birds. These in- 
sects find their way to trees or plants that are infested 
with their proper food, the Aphides. Pat 

These beetles hide under the leaves that cluster in shel- 
tered nooks about or between the large roots of forest 
trees, where they can be found on any mild winter day, 
and maybe carried to the green-house or to the window 
plants that are infested with plant-lice. They will not 
only devour these pests, but will soon lay eggs that hatch 
and produce the larvee which are so voracious as to clear 
the plants inashort time. A little attention to the habits 
of these insects may spare us great losses from the plant- 


The insects of this order have an imperfect transforma- 
tion. The eggs hatch at once into young insects, that re- 
semble their parents in form and habits, excepting that 
they do not get their wings till they approach the adult 
state. The young consume food voraciously, and the per- 
fect insects are not only still more hungry, but, having in- 
creased powers of locomotion, they are more widely de- 
structive. These are the true Locusts, and though chiefly 
injurious to the farm and garden, infesting the meadows 


and corn-fields, the grasshoppers, when winged, often at- 
tack the foliage of our young orchard trees toward the 
end of summer. But when we contemplate the invasicn 
of the great western plague, belonging to this order, 
which rivals that terrible scourge, the Locust of the east- 
ern continent, in numbers and voracity, we may well 
dread their increase and appearance in other parts of the 
country. The grasshoppers that have invaded Kansas 
and other Western States are, like all the rest of this 
group of Orthoptera, true Locusts. 

This order is called Orthoptera, from their straight 
wings; it embraces several groups, cockroaches, crickets, 
grasshoppers, or locusts, etc., which are all injurious, ex- 
cept the Mantis, which is predacious, and therefore useful. 


This order contains many insects that are injurious to 
the nurseryman, to the orchardist, and to the gardener. 
They are characterized by having a proboscis instead of 
a mouth with jaws; they can suck, but they cannot bite. 
The proboscis is often horny, and armed with two pair of 
bristles, when it becomes a more formidable weapon for 
attack. Bugs have four wings; they do not pass through 
the usual metamorphoses of insect life; but are born with 
legs and feeding apparatus like the perfect insects, except 
that some have no wings. Bugs are all injurious to man, 
excepting such as are predacious, which are serviceable by 
destroying other insects. Many are very small; and yet 
their countless numbers and wonderful fecundity enable 


them to do immense damage, as is true of the Aphides 
and Coccide, the Tingis, the Tettigonia vitis, called 
the Thrips by our vine-dressers; and still more so of the 
Chinch-bug of the Western prairies, which destroys whole 
crops of our most important cereals. 

The colored juice of some bugs is used in the arts, 
The coccus of the prickly pear, in Central America, is 
gathered and dried to form the cochineal of the shops. 

Hemipterous insects are divided into two groups. True 
bugs, called Hemiptera heteroptera, having the wing-cov- 
ers opaque at the base, and laid horizontally, and crossing 
-each other obliquely at the end, overlapping; and the 
Harvest-flies, such as Plant-lice and Bark-lice. These, the 
Hemiptera homoptera, have the wing-covers of one tex- 
ture throughout, not horizontal, but more or less sloping, 
and not crossing one another behind. Among these, 
which all feed upon plants, some very troublesome pests 
will here be noticed. 


Aspidiotus conchiformis, or the Apple Bark-louse, is 
very numerous in many parts of our country, particularly 
north of latitude 40 degrees. It commits sad devasta- 
tions in some sections. Individually, it is but a little 
scale; but these animals are wonderfully prolific and soon 
cover every twig of the tree, obstructing its transpirations, 
and abstracting its vital juices; the leaves, and even the 
fruit are overrun with these miserable scales, but the twigs 
are their favorite resort. These scales are oblong, shaped 


like an o¥ster shell; flat and brown, often crowding upon 
one another. In the winter and spring, they contain or 
cover a number of small, round, white eggs, which hatch 
out in the spring, in May, attach themselves to the bark, 
and absorb the juices: various remedies have been sug- 
gested, and more or less thoroughly tested. The restora- 
tion of the thrifty growth of the tree is considered essen- 
tial to success; and without this, all remedies are looked 
upon as unavailing. Some orchardists think that thor- 
ough drainage and cultivation of the land would alone 
banish the lice, but this can hardly be hoped. Strong lye, 
or solutions of potash, or soda, white-wash, and sulphur, 
have been used, and tobacco boiled in lye, soft-soap and 
tar mixed with linseed oil, which makes a kind of varnish. 
Mr. Walsh tells us that applications, to destroy this insect, 
are better made in May or June, as the eggs are protected 
by the scale in winter, and it is impermeable to watery 
solutions. This pest has been imported from Europe. 
Walsh recommends the use of Lady-birds to check the 

Lecanium pyri, (77%tch), or the Pear Bark-louse, is a 
hemispherical brown scale, as large as a split pea. They 
may be found in summer on the under side of the limbs, 
and are the remains of dead females, which cover the eggs 
and young brood, This insect would be very injurious, 
were it to increase in numbers considerably. Let young 
trees be examined in June, when the scales may easily be 
found, removed, and destroyed. 

Lecanium persici, or the Peach Bark-louse, is de- 
scribed, by Fitch, as similar in size to the above, found on 

* See Practical Entomologist, Vol. HU, p. 382. 


smooth bark near a bud; it is blackish, uneven, shining, 
with a pale margin. 

Another pear tree bark-louse was described by the 
lamented A. O. Moore, of New York, as a white, papery 
scale, giving a claret-colored juice when scraped. This, 
in the winter, consists of a defunct mother and her brood 
of eggs, the breaking of which gives the color. Alkaline 
washes are recommended to be applied in the spring. 
Mr. Walsh thinks this insect cannot be the same as that 
mentioned by Dr. Harris, on p. 222 of his report, under 
the name of Coccus cryptogamus, (Dalman), who found 
it upon the Aspen, and therefore he has named it Coccus ? 

Lecanium vitis, (Zinn.), or the Vine Bark-louse, is 
mentioned by Fitch as having been found on grape vines 
in June. It is hemispherical and brown. A cottony sub- 
stance was extruded from one end of the scale, and this 
increased until July, when minute insects crept out and 
scattered over the bark, upon which they fixed themselves. 
‘This insect is not very common, but its first appearance 
should be closely watched, and its destruction promptly 


These are the most extraordinary insects, being found 
upon almost all parts of plants, and there is scarcely a 
species which does not support one or more kinds peculiar 
to itself. Then they are so exceedingly prolific! Reau- 

* See Practical Entomologist, Vol. I, p. 31. 


mur proved that one individual, in five generations, may 
become the progenitor of nearly six thousand millions of 
descendants. Most of these insects, which we find so 
abundant upon our trees, are wingless females. Winged 
insects, both male and female, appear later in the season, 
and after laying their eggs, they soon perish. Some lay in 
the fall, others wait till spring. When these eggs hatch, 
the brood consists wholly of females, which are wingless, 
and do not lay eggs, but are viviparous and produce from 
fifteen to twenty young lice in the course of a day. This 
second generation are also wingless, and at maturity pro- 
duce their young, and so on to the seventh generation, 
without the approach of a single male, until the autumn, 
when a brood of males and females appears, which are 
both winged at maturity, and then the eggs are laid for 
the next year’s brood, and the parents die.* 

The injuries occasioned by plant-lice, are much greater 
than would at first be expected, from an observation of 
the small size and extreme weakness of the insects; but 
these make up by their numbers what they lack in strength 
individually, and thus become formidable enemies to veg- 
etation. By their punctures and the quantity of sap they 
draw from the leaves, the functions of these important 
organs are deranged, or interrupted, the sap is withdrawn 
or contaminated, and unfitted to supply the wants of veg- 
etation. Plants are differently affected; some wither and 
cease to grow, their leaves and stems become sickly, and 
die from exhaustion. Others, not killed, are greatly im- 
peded in their growth; the tender parts, which are attack- 
ed, become stunted and curled. The punctures of the 

* Harris, p. 205. 


lice appear to poison some plants, producing warts or 
swellings, which are sometimes solid, sometimes hollow, 
containing within them a swarm of lice, descendants of a 
single individual.* These last are often seen upon the 
leaves of the Elm, and upon some Poplars, and other 
trees; but I have not found any upon the foliage of our 
cultivated fruits, unless it be those on the grape. 

Aphis mali, or the Apple Leaf-louse, is a small, green 
insect without wings, accompanied by a few black and 
green one§ having wings. These are all crowded together 
upon the green tips of twigs, and under the leaves, suck- 
ing the sap. The eggs remain in deep cracks of the bark 
during the winter, and hatch as soon as the buds expand 
in the spring. The most successful treatment is to scrape 
off the loose bark, and to apply to the stems of the trees 
alkaline or lime washes. Many of our familiar little win- 
ter birds consume these eggs. In the spring and summer, 
alkaline solutions may be used with advantage, syringed 
or sprinkled upon the affected shoots and foliage. 

The smell of these insects is peculiar, which, indeed, is 
generally characteristic with bugs. Each sort seems to 
derive a special flavor from the tree or plant upon which 
it feeds. Most insects of this family secrete copiously a 
sweetish fluid, called the honey dew, which is ejected from 
two little horns or nectaries, that project, one on each side 
of. their bodies. This sweet material attracts a great 
many flies, and. other insects, particularly ants, which are 
the constant attendants of these creatures, and are said to 
protect them from their enemies in order to obtain their 

* Harris’ Report, p. 310. 


sweet secretion. Some entomologists have called Aphides 
the Ants’ cows. 

No one, who is acquainted with the Aphides, and the 
various insects which prey upon them, will ever permit a 
valuable plant to suffer injury from these pests. He will 
collect some of the Aphis’ enemies alive, carry them to 
the affected plant, and set them free to do their work; 
there they will remain while the food lasts. The Aphides 
have more numerous, more active, and more inveterate 
enemies than insects of any other group — these are the 
means by which their wonderful fecundity is kept in check. 
Among them are the Aphis-lions, which are the larve of 
the Golden-eyed and Lace-wing flies, belonging to the or- 
der Neuroptera. They are reddish-brown, with a dark 
stripe down the middle, and a cream-colored one on each 
side; bodies long, narrow, and wrinkled transversely. 
Their jaws are long, curved like sickles, projecting forward 
from their heads horizontally.* 

The Coccinellide, mentioned as useful members of the 
order Coleoptera, on a previous page, are among the most 
active enemies of the Aphides. The eggs are laid in clus- 
ters of twenty to forty on the under side of a leaf, to 
which they are closely glued; they are oval, and light yel- 
low. They hatch into small blackish larve, which are ac- 
tive, and which boldly attack an Aphis much larger than 
themselves, leaving only the empty skin. They consume 
hundreds while in the larval state, about two weeks, when 
they attach themselves by the tail, and go into the pupa 
state. One of the largest of these Lady-birds is the 

* For further details of these insects, the reader is referred to Fitch’s Report, 
pp. 82 to 98. 


Mysia 15-punctata ; the larva is a clear white, the mid- 
dle of the back tinged with red, and two or three black 
spots on each segment—nearly a hundred species of Lady- 
birds are found in this country. The perfect insect, as 
well as the larvee, feed upon Aphides, and instead of being 
destroyed, they should be cherished and encouraged. 

Besides these, there are other inveterate enemies of the 
plant-lice in the Syrphide, which are two-winged flies, 
resembling the common house-fly, but handsomer. They 
deposit their eggs where Aphides exist; the maggot, 
which hatches from these, seizes upon the first Aphis that 
comes within his reach, and sucks its fluids. .A medium- 
sized worm will consume a hundred lice in an hour. They 
are always found in a colony of Aphides.* 

Aphis prunifolia#, or the Plum Leaf-louse, is black, with 
pale green abdomen. It is found on the under side of the 
leaves, which become wrinkled and distorted. It is not 
“so abundant as some other species, but its habits are 
similar, ** 

Aphis cerasi, (7adric.), or the Cherry Plant-louse, is 
very common, very numerous, and very black. They ap- 
pear with the first expansion of the leaves, and continue 
or are renewed when destroyed, and remain until mid-sum- 
mer, when they generally disappear. Their numbers are 
almost incredible, and they give a young cherry tree a 
wretched appearance. On the under surface of a small 
leaf, three-fourths of an inch long, Mr. Fitch counted one 
hundred and ninety lice, on one side only of the mid- 
rib. Their natural enemies come to the rescue to check 

* Rept. cit., p. 100. 
** Rept. cit. p. 122, 


their wonderful increase, and sometimes will utterly rout 
the Aphides in a single week.* 

The remedies advised for the apple tree Aphides, are 
equally applicable to those of the cherry, and their natural 
enemies are the same and equally efficacious; but Aphides 
have internal foes likewise, that may benamed here. The 
Ichneumon-flies are parasitic, their larve feed upon the 
substance of the Aphides. The genus Aphidius is parti- 
cularly provided to furnish parasites to these insects, in 
which they deposit a single egg, selecting a louse of the 
proper size to sustain their progeny: the egg hatches to 
a larva, which exhausts the Aphis by the time it has at- 
tained its growth, when the poor creature fastens itself 
securely to the leaf, and dies, leaving its carcase a secure 
resting place for the pupa of the Ichneumon. These para- 
sitic insects, which feed internally upon the Aphides, are 
as effective in their destruction as the Aphis-lions, or any 
other class of their enemies.* * 

Aphis persice, or the Peach Tree-louse, punctures the 
leaves of this plant, and Dr. Fitch + thinks, is the common 
though not the only cause of the curl in the peach tree 
leaves. Our intelligent orchardists have found these in- 
sects occasionally in the curled leaves of the peach, but do 
not agree with this distinguished entomologist, in consid- 
ering them a cause of that malady. 

Aphis vitis?, or the Vine Aphis, is often quite trouble- 
some on vigorous young shoots of the grape vine, both 
wild and cultivated, particularly the former. These in- 

*sRept. Cit. 7p: 125. 
** Rept. cit. p. 134. 
t Trans. N. Y. Ag’l Soc., 1856, p. 359. 


sects soon cripple the growth of the shoot. The species 
is not known to be different from that of Europe. This 
insect is briefly mentioned by T. Glover, in Patent Office 
Rept. for 1854, p. 79. Dr. Fitch describes as a grape leaf: 
louse, the Pemphigus vitifolia, which inhabits the gall- 
like exerescences upon the foliage of some varieties, par- 
ticularly those with thin leaves. 

Aphis ribis, (Zinn.), is the Aphis of the currant. It 
causes the leaves to present a blistered appearance above; 
the lice are found on the under side; the wingless are pale 
yellow, the others have glossy wings, mostly black, with 
abdomen light green.* 

Aphis lanigera, now called Hriosoma, or the Woolly 
Aphis, was first described in 1801 as infesting the apple 
trees in Germany. It has been noticed in England in 
1787, and has since acquired the name of American Blight, 
from the erroneous supposition that it had been imported 
from this country; but it was known to French gardeners 
for a long time previous. | 

The eggs of this insect are microscopic, and are envel- 
oped in a cottony substance. They are deposited in 
chinks of bark, and crotches of limbs, at or near the sur- 
face of the ground. When first hatched, the insects are 
covered with short down; as they grow, the down in- 
creases in length. When fully grown, they are one-tenth 
of an inch long; the head, antenne, sucker, and skins, 
are blackish, the abdomen of a honey-yellow color. Their 
punctures produce warty excrescences, the limbs become 
sickly, the leaves turn yellow and drop off, and the whole 
tree perishes as the insects spread over it. The remedies 

* Lib. cit. p. 485. 


appear futile on badly affected trees. Young trees were 
treated by painting over the affected parts with a mixture 
of melted resin and fish oil, in equal parts, applied warm. 
Sir Joseph Banks removed them with a stiff brush. Spir- 
its of tar, turpentine, oil, and soft soap, have been recom- 
mended. After scraping off the rough bark, wash the 
tree with alkaline solution, apply the same to the main 
roots after laying them bare of earth.* 

Phemphigus pyri, Zriosoma pyri, (Fitch), or Pem- 
phigus Americanus ?, ( Walker), is the Apple-root Blight. 
It produces a similar condition in the roots, and was also 
called the American Blight in England. It is composed 
of warty excrescences upon the roots, containing in their 
crevices minute lice, having their bodies covered with a 
white cottony subtance. Removal of the earth, and the 
application of soapsuds, has been recommended as a prob- 
able remedy for the injuries done by this insect.* * 

Psylla Pyrii—Some Aphides have the power of leap- 
ing, like the leaf-hoppers, but they differ from those in- 
sects in having very large transparent upper wings, which 
cover the sides of the body like a steep roof. The genus 
embracing these insects, is called Psylla. One of the 
species was observed by Dr. Harris, upon a pear tree. 
They live by suction, and having gorged themselves, the 
juice runs down on the bark, producing a blackish color ; 
young trees suffered excessively. As Dr. Phumb, of 
Salisbury, Conn., had observed them in 1833 on some im- 
ported pear trees, of which he lost several hundred in a 

* Harris’ Rept. p. 211. 
** For further particulars respecting these insects, consult Dr. Fitch’s Rept., 
p. 5, and Harris’ Rept., p. 241. 


few years, Dr. Harris suspected the insect to be the Psy/- 
la pyri, of Europe. Kollar recommends brushing off the 
insects, and crushing them under foot; and also advises to 
destroy the winged females in the spring. This being 
tedious and uncertain, it is recommended to wash the 
twigs with a brush, dipped in a mixture of strong soap- 
suds and flowers of sulphur, before the buds expand, to de- 
ter the insects from laying their eggs. A weaker solution, 
or the whale oil soap, might kill the young insects after 
they have fastened upon the bark, if applied with a 

Cicada septendecim, or the Seventeen-year Locust, as 
it is erroneously called, is no Locust at all, but should be 
called Cicada, because, as already stated, when consider- 
ing the order Orthoptera, the true Locusts, are, what we 
eall Grasshoppers. 

This insect is remarkable for the long period of its pupal 
existence, which is subterranean, and during which it feeds 
upon the juices of roots. In its perfect state, it does not 
eat, and is neither able to bite nor to sting. The injury 
it does to our orchards is effected by its piercer in deposit- 
ing its eggs, causing twigs to break and fall off. There 
are several Harvest-flies that belong to this order. 

Tree Hoppers, being members of the same order, feed 
upon the juices of plants, through their suckers, and are 
thus injurious; but their numbers are not sufficient to 
render them of much consequence. 

Paleothrips mali, (7itch), is the name of an insect 
described by Dr. Fitch ** as infesting apple trees in the 

* Vide Harris’ Rept., p. 232. 
** Rept.) p.403. 


month of August, where they were attacking the fruit. 
They excavated a little hollow near the blossom end of 
the apple about the size of a pea, which was occupied by 
small insects. Until the habits of the insect are more 
thoroughly understood, it will be difficult to advise any 

There is quite a number of insects in this class that af- 
fect the grape vine, some of which may become trouble- 
some, and we should watch their habits. The following 
accounts are condensed from Dr. Fitch’s Report: 

Raphigaster sarpinus, or the large Green Tree-bug, is 
grassy-green, edged with yellow, and a black point at 
every joint of the abdomen; found in September. 

Pentatoma ligata,° or the Bound Tree-bug, is also 
erassy-green, but’more widely bordered all round, except 
the head, with pale red, and has a pale'red spot on the 
middle of its back and on the apex of its scutel; antennze 

Arma modesta, or the Modest Tree-bug, is tawny yel- 
lowish-gray, thickly dotted with brown punctures; the 
wing-covers are red at the apex of their leathery portion, 
and have a brown spot at the tip of the hyaline portion ; 
the under side is whitish, with a rew of black dots along 
the middle, and another on each side. 

Thelia univittata, (ZZarris), or the Single-striped Tree- 
hopper, is chestnut-brown, shaped like a beech-nut, with a 
perpendicular protuberance on the fore part of its back, 
higher than wide. It is tawny white in front, a white 
stripe along the back to the tip; length 0.37 inch; July 
and August. 

Ceresa bubalus, or Buffalo Treehopper, is of a light 
14% ‘ 4 


grass-green, freckled with whitish dots; with a sharp short 
point on each side, projecting like horns. 

Ceresa taurina, is like the preceding, but the space be- 
tween the horns is concave. 

Acutalis dorsalis, is a small, triangular, shining Tree- 
hopper, with a smooth round back; it is greenish-white, 
with a large black spot, from the anterior corners of which 
a line runs off to each eye. Plentiful about the last of 
July, a few remaining until October. 

Erythroneura vitis, (Zarris), or the Vine-leaf hopper, 
is pale yellow, with two broad blood-red bands, and a third 
dusky one on the apex. Swarms of these small insects 
occur in August, and often bleed the foliage so as to injure 
it seriously. ‘ 

Erythroneura tricincta, or the Three-banded Leaf- 
hopper, is like the preceding species, but the bands are 
narrower. | : 

Erythroneura vitifex, or the Vine-destroying Leaf- 
hopper, is yellowish-white; the wing-covers have oblique 
confluent, blood-red bands, and a short, oblique, black line 
on the middle of their outer margin. The thorax com- 
monly has three red stripes, the middle one forked anteri- 
orly and confluent, with two red stripes on the crown of 
the head. When the wing-covers are closed, they look 
red, with a cream-colored spot, shaped like a heart placed 
anteriorly, and on the middle, a large diamond-shaped 
spot, with a small red spot in its centre. 

These insects are sometimes seen in such numbers upon 
the grape vines in September, that, when the leaves are 
disturbed, they fly out and resemble a shower of snow- 



flakes. The young resemble their parents, but are desti- 
tute of wings. 

A REMEDY is much needed. 

Erythroneura vulnerata, (/“éch), or the Wounded Tree- 
hopper, is tawny yellowish, sometimes tinged with red; 
the wing-covers have white spots and veins, and on the 
middle of the outer margin an oblique black streak, be- 
tween two creamy white spots; the hind one smaller, and 
an oblique blood-red line at its end; tips smoky-blackish ; 
length 0.12 inch ; September. 

Otiocerus Coquebertii, is a slim fly of yellowish-white 
color, with a bright carmine-red stripe along each side of 
the body and wings, which are widely forked behind. 
Length 042 inch; July until autumn, on the wild grape 

There are a great many insects of this order, which are 
familiar to most country residents on account of their un- 
pleasant smell. These are the true bugs, and belong to 
the sub-division called Heteropterous Hemiptera. The 
Squash-bug is a familiar illustration of these insects; it is 
called the Coreus tristis, from its sad dull color; they are 
quite destructive to all plants of the Squash family. 

Reduvius trinotatus, is one of this order, which is a 
valuable aid to the horticulturists, because its sucker is 
armed with sharp instruments, that enable it to pierce and 
consume other insects, many of which are destroyed by 
it. This insect has been introduced into the West for the 
sake of its valuable services. 




The insects of this order are very numerous, and in their 
larval or caterpillar state they are often very destructive. 
In the perfect form of butterflies and moths, they commit 
little or no depredations, because their jaws have been 
transformed into a sucking apparatus. They consume, 
in their perfect state, little else than honey. 

The order has been divided into three great sections: 
Butterflies, Papiliones ; Hawk-moths, Sphinges; and 
Moths, or Mocturnes. Of these, the dgeride constitute 
avery distinct family, resembling bees and wasps rather 
than butterflies; their caterpillars also differ, bemg borers, 
and nearly naked. Butterflies are produced from cater- 
pillars that are not generally very injurious to our crops. 
Hawk-moths are large insects, and have great power of 
flight; their caterpillars are large and voracious. It is the 
moths proper, a very numerous family, which do us the 
most harm, and which will demand the largest share of 
our attention. They vary much in size and appearance. 
Some of the females are destitute of wings. 

The Arctians, or Woolly Bears, are a very numerous 
division of the tribe of Bombyces or Spinners, so called 
from the name of the Silk-worm; some of these will be 

Orgyia leucostigma, or the Vaporer Moth, is a very 
beautiful caterpillar, frequently seen upon our fruit trees, 
though not confined to them. They feed separately, and 
therefore we can best destroy them in the egg. Fortu- 
nately, these may easily be found during the winter, for 
the female, being wingless, never quits her cocoon, but 
deposits the eggs in a mass upon the outside of it. The 


whole contrivance is one of the many illustrations of the 
wonderful instinct of insects. When about to spin, the 
worm secures two or more leaves, by entwining her silk 
about their stems, and also around the woody twig upon 
which they grow; she then attaches them together by 
bands of silk, and spins her cocoon between them. She 
thus secures a winter resting place for her eggs, and her 
progeny, when they hatch the next summer, are upon the 
tree that furnishes them their appropriate food. These 
dead leaves will attract our attention during the winter, 
and should be gathered and burned. Many of the cater- 
pillars are destroyed by a little Ichneumon-fly. 

Orgyia antiqua, or the Rusty Vaporer Moth, of Europe, 
has been introduced into this country, and has been quite 
destructive to thorn-hedges in Rhode Island. They may 
become troublesome to our orchards. 

Several of these Arctians, or Tiger-moths, may be seen 
about our houses on a summer evening, as they are 
chiefly nocturnal. One of the most common is 

Arctia phalerata, or the Harnessed Moth, so called 
from the markings on its wings. Another distinctly 
marked one is Callimorpha militaris, now called C. Le- 
contet. Beautiful illustrations of these are given in Dr. 
Harris’ Report. 

Spilosoma Virginica, is the beautiful White Moth, or 
“‘ Miller,” that we see in May ; it is the imago or perfect in- 
sect of a large hairy caterpillar, of a yellowish color, fre- 
quently seen in our gardens, and quite destructive to 

Hyphantria textor, or the Fall Web-worm, is very 
troublesome upon shrubs and trees during the summer and 


fall. They are called the Web-worms from their habit of 
feeding gregariously in large numbers, and spinning a 
web that envelopes the leaves and the whole branch, as 
they devour the foliage. 

This insect commits sad ravages upon our cultivated 
trees of various kinds, for it is not a choice feeder, con- 
suming but one species, like many other insects. Their 
most common pasture is the mulberry, and the related 
Osage Orange is frequently attacked. The Elder bushes 
appear very attractive to them, and are often covered 
with their unsightly webs. Elms suffer very much; our 
favorite fruit trees are attacked; apples, pears, cherries, 
quinces, and, occasionally, even the peach trees are eaten 
by them. Even the repulsive Ailantus, which has often 
been recommended as a wormless tree, is greedily de- 
voured by these caterpillars, notwithstanding its disagree- 
able odor. 

The eggs, from two to three hundred in number, are 
deposited on the under side of a leaf, near the end of a 
twig. These soon hatch, and the larve commence feeding 
on the upper surface, spinning their threads from side to 
side, and then, attaching two or three leaves together, they 
soon make a web. They continue feeding and spinning 
along the twig, as they consume the tender portion of the 
leaf, leaving the mere skeleton. 

The caterpillars are small, of a pale yellow color, with 
a broad blackish stripe on the back, and another beneath. 
They are thickly clothed with whitish hair; the head and 
feet are black. Worms of the same nest vary in size and 
colors. When about an inch long, they disperse, and spin 
their cocoons. The moth is milk white, without any 


markings on its wings, and is 1.25 to 1.35 inch in width. 
(Vide Harris, p. 358). 

Though called the Fall Web-worm, these caterpillars 
appear about Cincinnati in the end of May quite abun- 
dantly, and from that time until October, they are more 
or less frequent; most so in August. In the North, they 
may be later; I have seen large tracts of forest defoliated 
on the lake shore, in August, 1865. 

Remepres.—For the destruction of these pests we must 
resort to hand-picking, when they are in the caterpillar 
state. The twig or branch should be taken off, and the 
worms crushed or burned. It is fortunate for us that ‘they 
are gregarious and that they spin a web, for we can de- 
tect them while they are yet young, and when confined to 
one or two leaves, so that the whole brood may be de 
stroyed with very little effort. Birds, and some insects, 
aid us in keeping them in check. 

Clisiocampa decipiens, ( Walker), or C. Americana, 
(Harris), is commonly known as the Tent-caterpillar, or 
Nest-caterpillar. The larve are not indiscriminate feed- 
ers, but prefer the foliage of certain members of the Hosa- 
ceous family of plants. Their natural food appears to be 
the common wild cherry, but they attack the apple so vig- 
ously, that they are often called the apple tree worm. 
Mr. Fitch thinks they do not feed upon the peach; but I 
have frequently found them upon this tree since 1855. 
The moth appears to be endowed with wonderful instinct 
in depositing her eggs; selecting a terminal shoot that 
has completed its growth, they are placed to the number 
of 200 or 300 around it in a broad ring or sheath, and 
covered with a sort of varnish that protects them. 


Very early in the spring, when the buds of the apple 
have just begun to swell, the eggs hatch, and the little 
worms traverse the twig, spinning a slender thread ; when 
they reach another branch, they halt in the bifurcation, 
and, moving about, soon create a slight web with the 
silken threads, and from this they emerge in search of 
food, spinning a thread along their route, and when they 
return, they travel about, and thus enlarge their web. 

Remepies.—These insects may be attacked in the egg 
or in the larval state. The former are so arranged as to 
be conspicuous on the naked spray at any time during the 
winter—whenever seen, they should be broken or cut off, 
and carried to the fire. In the early spring, we must 
watch for the little tents in the bifurcations of the limbs, 
and remove the nests with all the worms; this may be 
done when they are small, by using the thumb and finger ; 
if larger, it is a disagreeable task, but no orchardist 
should hesitate when he recollects that six hundred leaves 
is a day’s ration for one colony. They can easily be gath- 
ered in their web, thrown upon the ground, and crushed 
with the foot. Mr. Needham, of Massachusetts, has in- 
vented, what he calls, a caterpillar scourge; it is a little 
cone of wood, clothed with a piece of wool-card. This is 
attached to a pole: when thrust into the web, the whole 
nest is gathered by the card-teeth and brought down. 
An old dry mullein stalk has often been used for the same 
purpose, and some recommend burning the nest, or shoot- 
ing it; but I have more faith in thumb and finger work, 
believing it to be more thorough. 

Among the natural enemies of these caterpillars are the 
Tiger-beetles, which a successful orchardist of Illinois 


uses systematically for their destruction. He catches a 
beetle, and puts it upon a tree containing a nest of the 
Tent-caterpillar, aféer which he finds the worms soon dis- 

Gastrophaca Americana, (Zarris).—The Lappet-cater- 
pillars are found on apple trees. The worms are flat, and 
when at rest on a limb, they often escape observation 
from their gray color resembling the bark. <A fringe of 
hairs, along their sides, gives them this flat appearance. 
They feed only at night. Dr. Harris found some in Sep- 
tember that measured two and one-half inches in length, 
and above half an inch in breadth. 


Platysamia (Attacus) cecropia, (Zinn.), the Cecropia 
Emperor Moth, is found as a large cylindrical, pale green 
worm, three or four inches long, and as thick as one’s 
thumb, and having two rows of pale blue, projecting 
points along each side, and two rows of pale yellow ones 
upon the back, with four larger, bright orange, or red ones 
anteriorly, all ending in little black prickles. The moth 
is large; its wings dark gray; each has a large white, 
crescent like spot in the centre, margined with red, and a 
red band crossing both wings. Appears in June; width 
five to seven inches. 

There are others of this family of noble moths whose 
names have been indicated above, but they are not very 
destructive to the orchard. 3 


Then come, in Dr. Harris’ classification, the Zeuzerians, 
a group of moths which, like #gerians among the Sphin- 
ges, pierce the roots and stems of trees. Among these is 
Xyleutes (Cossus) robinice, or the Locust-tree Boring- 

The Saturnians are a group of large, naked caterpillars, 
which are generally short, thick, clumsy, and cylindrical ; 
they are leaf-eaters, and some of them, when young, keep 
together in families, but separate as they become older, 
when they spin large silky cocoons sometimes among 
leaves, which they secure by silk to the twigs, sometimes 
attaching them to the stems and limbs, and at others at, or 
beneath, the surface of the ground. This group contains 
some of the largest and most beautiful moths, with large 
woolly bodies, and widely extended, highly colored and 
ornamented wings. They lay a great many eggs; some 
females deposit several hundreds. Still they are seldom 
so numerous as to commit serious devastations. 

‘¢ Among these are the Zelea Polyphemus, Trope aluna, 
Callosamia Promethea, Platysamia cecropia, (formerly 
known under the genus Aftacus, which is now restricted 
to the immense A. Aflas, and another species of China), 
and the Huchronia Maia, and Hyperchiria varia, (for- 
merly known under the genus Saturnia, which is now re- 
tained for several European species). The latter species, 
(ZH. varia), has been generally known among us under the 
name of Saturnia Lo, but according to Dr. Packard, (who 
published ‘a Synopsis of the Bombycidz of the United 
States,’ in the Third Volume of the Proceedings of the 
Entomological Society of Philadelphia), our species has 
been confounded by authors with Cramer’s species ‘ Zo,’ 


from South America, and which belongs to a different 
genus.” —|E. T. Cresson, Mss. 

These moths may yet become valuable for the produc- 
tion ot a kind of silk, as they are enclosed in large co- 
coons, the fibres of which surpass those of the Silk-worm 
in strength, and might be employed in the formation of 
fabrics, similar to those manufactured in India from the 
Tusseh and Arrindy Silk-worms, the strength and dura- 
bility of which are proverbial. Mr. Pullein, who experi- 
mented with the cocoons of the Cecropia, found that 
twenty threads of this silk, twisted together, would sus- 
tain nearly an ounce more in weight than the same num- 
ber of common silk.—( Vide Harris, pp. 295-303.) 

Psychide are curious caterpillars, which, being naked, 
cover themselves during the larva state with a case that 
protects their bodies, though open at both ends, and which 
they carry about with them; these cases are made up of 
fragments of leaves, generally the stems and veins, which 
they connect together by threads of silk. The Germans call 
them Sack-bearers. Huebner called them Canephore, or 
Basket-carriers, because the cases, often made of little 
sticks, resemble a basket. One genus is called Giceticus, 
or House-insect; and the common species, which, in some 
parts of the country, commits great devastation upon the 
leaves of trees, is called the Drop-worm, or the Basket- 
worm, in many places. 

We have several genera and species belonging to this 
sub-family, the most common of which are the 7’hyridop- 
teryx ephemeraformis, and Giceticus coniferarum. The 
best means for the destruction of this pest consist in per- 
severing efforts for their individual destruction; each case 


should be cut or torn off in the winter, when they show 
very plainly upon deciduous trees; they may be crushed, 
but had better be committed to the flames. 

The Notodontians are so called from a hump or horn, 
which rises from the top of the fourth ring of the cater- 
pillar; the tail is always raised when the insect is at rest. 
‘One of these is called, from its horn, Coeelodasys (Noto- 
donta) unicornis. Some species consume the foliage of 
our fruit trees, particularly the apple and quince; one of 
these, the Datana ministra, (the Humetopona ministra 
of Fitch, or the Pygera ministra of Harris), will be no- 
ticed below. 

Eudryas grata, and E, unio,—The Beautiful Wood- 
nymph, and the Pearl Wood-nymph.—The worms are very 
much alike, and resemble the Spotted Forrester. The 
moths come forth in July; the fore-wings are milk white, 
bordered behind and on the outer side, from the base to 
the middle, with rusty brown, edged on the inner side with 
greenish olive; hind-wings nankeen yellow, with a black- 
ish-brown border. These worms are best removed by 

Datana ministra, or the Hand-maid Moth.—The moths 
are troublesome visitors to the evening student in June; 
they are brown, hairy, thick-bodied, and measure rather 
more than an inch across the wings. This creature is 
destined to give us a great deal of trouble by her progeny, 
for she deposits her numerous eggs on the under side of 
the leaf on a twig of quince, apple, and cherry trees, 
where they hatch into worms, that, during their existence 
of about four weeks, consume immense quantities of foli- 
age, often stripping the trees bare. 


The worms feed gregariously, lying side by side in solid 
phalanx. They are of a dark brown in their younger 
State, but become lighter and more clearly marked at 
each successive moulting, so that they are distinctly 
striped with black and yellow. The peculiar character 
of this worm is, that when at rest, the head and tail are 
carried up in the air, or recurved over the body, which is 
supported by the six prop legs placed near the middle. 
When disturbed, these caterpillars often throw their heads 
from side to side, as though in anger. They are sparingly 
furnished with hairs, and they spin but little; though 
when young, the worms will sometimes drop from the 
leaves when disturbed, and hang suspended by a fine 
strand of silk. At full size, these creatures are an inch and 
three-quarters to two inches long, and as thick as a goose 
quill, so that we can readily imagine the amount of de- 
struction which may be committed by one of these ar mies 
or family groups of one to two hundred worms. 

TREATMENT, —Constant vigilance is required on the part 
of the orchardist, and unremitting efforts while the insect 
is in the larval condition. Fortunately for us, their habits 
are such as to aid us in a remarkable way. They may be 
looked for in July, but they become numerous only about 
the end of August, and in September. Some late broods 
may be seen on the access of early frosts, but by the end 
of September, the worms generally perfect their growth, 
and descend into the earth to undergo their changes for 
the next season, when the moths will again appear. 

When we may be inspecting our orchards, in the sum- 
mer and autumn, we should observe any defective foliage, 
as this is often an indication of the inroads: of insects. 


If our trees have been neglected, we may be alarmed by 
observing some of the thriftiest shoots and branches quite 
stripped of their leaves; and, lying along the stems, or 
crowded together, we shall see these unpleasant worms, 
unless they be foraging upon an adjoining, or sometimes 
upon quite a distant branch; for, in changing their pas- 
ture, they descend one twig and pass out upon another, 
_ which may diverge considerably from the first. 

In the early stages of their existence, however, the lit- 
tle worms consume only the upper surface of the leaves, 
and it is at this period that we may most advantageously 
attack them. The leaves that have thus had their sub- 
stance eroded become dry and whitish, and attract our 
attention. ‘They are generally found upon a single twig 
or spray, usually a lateral, and it should at once be exam- 
ined, as we may now easily destroy the whole brood by 
rolling a single leaf between the thumb and finger. 


The perfect insects are thick-bodied, and of dull colors ; 
they fly at night. The caterpillars are naked, live in the 
soil, and feed above ground at night, when they do con- 
siderable damage. The common Cut-worm, Agrotis, is 
an illustration. There are several sorts, which have re- 
ceived different names, but the worms all have very simi- 
lar habits. 

The moths are supposed to lay their eggs in July, when 
they soon hatch and feed during the season; they attain 
siderable size and hybernate in the soil. 

Remepies.—Fall and winter plowing has been recom- 


mended, as it exposes the worms to the birds, and to the 
weather, but especially because it destroys the vegetation 
upon which they might subsist in the early spring. The 
only safe way, is to watch their traces among our plants, 
and dig down beside them, find the worm, and destroy it. 
Though this does not restore the plant already killed, we 
prevent further damage, and may hope to thus diminish 
the pest in future years, which is no small matter. A 
knowledge of their nocturnal habits has induced some 
gardeners to go among their young plants with a lamp or 
candle at night, when they may find the caterpillars feed- 
ing. A few choice plants may be protected by wrapping 
their stems with a strip of paper, or a stout leaf, (hickory), 
at the time of transplanting into infested grounds; this 
will save them. ‘Tobacco water has been found very ef- 
fective, applied to the plants, which it does not injure. 

Mamestra arctica, (Hadena amica, of Harris, and ZZ. 
amputatrix, of Fitch), is a Cut-worm of a brownish color, 
about one and a half inch long. It is sometimes quite 
destructive in the nursery and garden, ascending woody 
plants, and cutting them off where succulent, in the month 
of May. It can only be checked by seeking for it, in the 
soil, near the base of the plants affected. 

All these Cut-wormg are eaten by birds, among which 
the crow is a valuable aid to the farmer, and should be 
cherished for his services instead of being condemned as 
a bird of ill-omen. Predacious insects also consume num- 
bers of them; one of these is the larva of a beetle, Har- 
palus calaginosus. A large Ichneumon-fly has been 
found hunting after the worms, and is considered their 
natural enemy. 



The measuring worms take their name from their pecu- 
liar method of locomotion; having their legs at each end 
of their long bodies, they walk by progressive leaps, arch- 
ing up their backs by bringing their hind-legs forward, and 
then thrusting their heads out to their full length. Many 
of them drop from the trees, and hang suspended by a 
thread of silk, when disturbed, or when seeking the earth 
to undergo their transformations. Some of them are nak- 
ed, or have few hairs; most are smooth, often striped, or 
of an uniform color, like the bark of the trees on which 
they feed. 

The moths are slender-bodied; the wings large; of some 
the females have no wings. These are the Hybernians, 
including the Canker-worm, Anisopteria vernata. These 
caterpillars are very numerous and destructive; they do 
not feed gregariously, and are difficult to combat in that 
form. The pup are under ground, and, as the female 
moths are wingless, and must ascend the trees to deposit 
their eggs, we can destroy them in the perfect form by 
meeting them on the highway they have to pass. Ingen- 
ious devices have been invented for this purpose; among 
the most effective of these are vessels of oil, fastened 
closely around the bole of the trge. 'The moths emerge 
from the ground in early spring, but many come out dur- 
ing pleasant mild days in the winter, and some even in the 
autumn; so the remedies must be applied early to be of 
any use. 

Harris describes a smaller species as the Anisopterizx 

Hybernia tiliaria, or the Span-worm of the Linden, is 


abundant in June, growing to the length of an inch and a 
half. <A belt of tar, applied to the trees, has been found 
effective in preventing the ascent of the wingless females ; 
this needs renewing daily, until the season of their oo 
has passed. 

Ellopia ribearia, or the Currant-moth, was figured and 
described by Fitch as the Abraxas? ribearia, in New 
York Reports for 1856. The worm is light yellow, with 
black dots. It eats the leaves of currants and gooseber- 
ries, in June. The moth ascends from the ground in July ; 
it is nankeen-yellow; quite a common insect in some parts 
of the country. It must have some natural enemies, for, 
where very abundant one year, it sometimes disappears 
altogether the next. Hand-picking is the only remedy 
known, and this is quite a tedious process. 


The Leaf-rollers are a numerous tribe, and some of them 
are troublesome upon our cultivated trees and vines. They 
curl up the edge of the leaf upon which they feed, and 
fasten it with little bands of silk, and thus shelter them- 
selves from the weather and from their enemies. They 
are naked worms, and generally light*colored, and exceed- 
ingly active. Some live in the unfolding leaves and flow- 
er-buds, fastening them together so they cannot expand, 
while they devour the tender tissues. Some enter the 
young fruit, which they cause to ripen and fall premature- 
ly. The moths are generally small, often prettily marked, 

and fly only in the evening. 


Loxotenia rosaceana, (//arvis),is found soon after 
the buds of the apple begin to expand. They curl up 
and fasten them together, and do considerable damage. 

Penthina oculana, (Zfavris), has similar habits, and 
preys upon the apple; both must be killed by hand. 

Brachytenia melania, or the Many-dotted Apple Leaf. 
worm, is mentioned by Fitch* as eating holes in the 
leaves, in June and September. It is rather thick, light 
green, an inch and a quarter long, with five white lines 
and numerous white dots; the worms spin their cocoons 
in a leaf. There are two crops. 

Loxotenia cerasivorana, (/%tch), cr the Cherry Tor- 
trix, is a deep yellow worm, with black head and feet. 
‘Found in July, fastening the leaves together and living in 
families, forming a large nest.** 

Desmia maculalis, or the Spotted-winged Sable, or 
Grape Leaf-folder, is a slender, active green worm, that 
feeds upon and disfigures the leaves of our grape vines, 
rolling them with great regularity, and fastening them 
with strong bands of beautiful white silk. The pupa is 
formed within the rolled leaf. These worms begin in 
June, but continue to fold the leaves during the season of 

They can be destroyed by hand-picking, but it requires 
quickness and dexterity, as the worm escapes from either 
end of the open pipe when disturbed. The warblers are 
very fond of them, and destroy a great many. 

Carpocapsa pomonella, or the Codling-moth, is one of 
these Tortrices, which gives great trouble. It has been in- 

* Rept., p. 241. 
* * Vide Fitch, in N. Y. Trans. 1856, p. 382. 


troduced from Europe, but is steadily increasing as our or- 
chards grow older, until we now have few perfect fruit. The 
moth appears early in the summer to lay the eggs of the 
first crop of worms. This insect is figured and described 
by different authors, among whom Dr. Trimble, of New 
Jersey, has paid it especial attention in his recent work. 

The eggs are dropped singly upon the blossom end of 
the apple, that affords an entrance to the young worm, 
which passes to the core, about which it consumes the 
pulp and the seeds. The worm is whitish, becoming flesh- 
colored. In warm weather it attains its growth in three 
or four weeks, and makes its exit by gnawing through the 
side of the fruit. It instinctively seeks the stem of the 
tree to secrete itself under the scales of bark, and this af- 
fords us an opportunity to destroy it in the pupa state, for 
it will creep under any shelter that may be put in its way. 

The Remepres will depend upon the habits of the in- 
sect. The moth, being nocturnal, may be destroyed by 
burning lamps or fires in the orchard during June, when 
they are first at work; cheap coal-oil may be used for the 
“purpose. The pupz can be entrapped in large numbers, 
by putting a piece of old rag in the crotch of the tree, be- 
neath which the worms will crawl to spin their cocoons, 
when they may easily be destroyed. Dr. Trimble has 
used a trap, made by twisting a hay rope and fastening it 
about the trunk of the tree; under the rope immense num- 
bers will be found. This trap should be examined fort- 
nightly, as the moths hatch out during hot weather in a 
shorter time than later in the season, when some remain 
over winter in the pupal state. 

All wormy fruit should be gathered as soon as it falls 


from the trees, and either be boiled, or at once fed to 
swine. Hogs and sheep, kept in the orchard, will general- 
ly consume the fruit as fast as they fall to the ground; 
and this is the simplest and cheapest method of destroying 
the worms. 

Cheetochilus pometellus, (//arris), is commonly called 
the Palmer-worm. It feeds upon the leaves of our or- 
chard and forest trees in June. Sometimes it appears in im- 
mense numbers, and, coming after the period for the pro- 
duction of new leaves, great damage is done to the trees; 
old trees, and limbs of younger ones, are sometimes killed. 
There have been two celebrated invasions of this insect in 
the Eastern States, those of 1791 and of 1853.* 


Grape vines are subject to the attacks of many lepidop- 
terous insects. Dr. Harris gives the history of seven 
American larvae, mostly of large moths, which feed upon 
grape leaves. 

Pterophorus periscelidactylus, or the Gartered Grape 
vine Plume, is a pale green worm, half an inch long, which 
hides itself ina hollow ball of leaves, fastened together 
with silken threads. It is described at length by Dr. 
Fitch, in the New York Agricultural Transactions. 

Ohis myron, (Cherocampa pampinatrix, of Harris), 
called also the Vine Dresser, is somewhat troublesome in 
the vineyards, as it eats the leaves, and cuts off the bunches 

* For interesting details vide Fitch’s Rept., p. 221. 

4 » 
nine i ee . 
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of grapes when half grown. This worm is thick, cylindri- 
eal, tapering anteriorly, pale green, freckled with pale 
yellow dots, and, when mature, a pale dusky olive; 2.25 
inches long. The pupa is found under leaves on the 
ground; the moth emerges in June. 

Philampelus satellita, and P, Achemon, the Satellite 
and Achemon Sphinges, are large green worms that feed 
upon the vine. They bury themselves in the ground 
when going into the pupa state, and remain until the next 
July. The worms are seen in August and September. 

Procris Americana, or the American Forrester, is found 
feeding upon the grape leaves at mid-summer, (June 22). 
The worms feed gregariously on the surface of a leaf, 
some twenty side by side, leaving only a skeleton behind 
them when small, and consuming the leaf when older. 
They are small, 0.60 inch long; yellowish. The moth 1s 
blue-black, with a bright orange neck. 

Alypia 8-maculata, or the Hight-spotted Forrester, is 
a light blue worm, 1.25 inches in length. They leave the 
vines in July, and spin a web on the ground; the moth 
appears in May; it is black, with orange shanks; each of 
the fore-wings has two large, light yellow spots; the hind- 
wings have two white ones. Width 1, to 1.50 inch. 


Meeria exitiosa, (Say), or Trochilium exitiosum, is 
well known in its larval state as the Peach tree Borer, and 
is often so destructive as to kill the trees. The habits of 


the worm as a borer, and its situation at the base of the 
tree, are somewhat similar to those of the apple tree bor- 
er; but while that is the footless grub of a beetle, this is 
a true caterpillar, the larva of a butterfly or moth, with 
feet. The females deposit their eggs from June to Octo- 
ber, placing them upon the bark at the surface of the 
ground, sometimes in the forks of the large limbs. The 
larva enters, and works downward; first consuming the 
bark, but afterwards eroding the wood also. Gum exudes 
from the wound, mixed with their castings, and indicates 
their presence. When ready to enter the pupa form, the 
worms come to the surface, excavate a hollow in the 
wood, and prepare a tough leathery follicle or pod, three- 
fourths of an inch long, in which they repose as pupee. 

This, or an analagous insect, attacks the plum tree, and 
behaves in a similar manner. The double-flowering Al- 
mond of our shrubberies is also attacked by the borer. 

The perfect insect looks more like a wasp than a butter- 
fly, for the wings of all this group are partially clear of 
feathers, and transparent. It varies in size from a half to 
three-quarters of an inch in length, and from eight-tenths 
to one and three-tenths of an inch across. The female va- 
ries more than the male, and her wings are larger in pro- 
portion to the body, which is heavier. The male is of a 
deep steel-blue color, with sulphur-yellow marks, and glossy 
luster. The wings are transparent and glossy; the veins 
margined and fringed steel-blue. 

RemepiEs will depend upon the habits of the insect, 
and must be directed to the pupa and larva, though valu- 
able preventives are applicable to the perfect sect. The 
worms may be sought out by scraping away the gum and 


ae he > 


cutting the dead bark until we find them, often along the 
main roots; the follicles with the pupz should also be 
sought. This work can be done in the autumn and spring ; 
if at the former season, the removed earth should be left 
away from the stem, when coal tar may be applied to de- 
Stroy any worms left in the tree and to act asa preven- 
tive against future attacks, but this substance should be 
used with great caution. If applied, the earth should be 
thrown back to the tree. Boiling Soap-suds has been 
used with good effects. 

PREVENTIVES are sometimes better than cures, and in 
this case they have been very successfully used. They 
all consist in means to keep the moth from depositing her 
eggs in the part of the tree where, alone, the borers can 
be harmful. Some raise a little mound of earth about 
the tree in the spring, and allow it to remain there all 
summer, The first application of this principle consisted 
in placing a chimney crock about the base of the young 
tree when planted; into this coal ashes, cinders, or even 
gravel was placed, which protected the base of the tree, 
In the autumn the crock was lifted, and the materials 
scattered. An open box, made of four bits of board, 
tacked together, answered the same purpose. A cone of 
coarse brown paper, tied about the tree with grocers’ 
string, or pasted upon the tree itself, when applied, will 
answer a very good purpose in keeping off the fly. 

A small portion of sulphur thrown about the tree is 
said to have the desired effect, but the statement has not 
been confirmed by trial. It has been recommended to 
plant Tansy with every peach ‘tree, but doubt attaches it- 
self to this suggestion also. 


In the American Agricuiturist, for February, 1865, is a 
notice of a peach tree protector made of sheet-iron, like 
a stove-pipe; and in the April number, Mr. Bouthorpe, 
of Massachusetts, says, he had used a similar apparatus 
made of zine, eight inches long, and twice the size of the 
tree, which was of easy application; the contained space 
next the tree was to be filled with loose dirt. They were 
found to be a perfect protection. 

_ Egeria tipuliformis, (Linn.), or the Currant Borer, 
has been imported from Europe. The eggs are laid near 
a bud; when hatched, the worms penetrate the pith of 
young shoots, killing them. 

Bgeria pyri is mentioned by Dr. Harris* as having 
done a good deal of damage to pear trees, by boring un- 
der the bark. The perfect insect resembles that of the 
Currant Borer, and makes its appearance near the end of 
summer, leaving its chrysalis skin projecting from the hole 
in the bark, whence it had escaped. 

geria polisteformis, or Grape Vine Borer, is men- 
tioned by Mr. Glover in the Patent Office Report for 
1854, p. 80. He had received it from North Carolina, 
where it was very destructive to all vines, except the 
Scuppernong. This insect has become rather common in 
the vineyards about Cincinnati, and its depredations, in 
consequence of the large size of the caterpillar, are very 
serious. The eggs are laid near the roots of the vine, 
and the larve bore into the bark and wood during the 
summer, consuming them so completely, that the vine 
sickens and dies, and often breaks off at the ground, or 
just below the surface. When fuily grown, they measure 

* Rept., p. 256. 



from an inch to an inch and three-quarters in length, are 
thick and whitish, and they form a pod-like chrysalis, sim- 
ilar to that of the Peach Tree Borer, but within or beside 
the injured roots. 

The moths are of a dark brown color, tinged with taw- 
ny-orange, and banded with bright yellow on the edge 
of the second ring of the body; the fore-wings are dusky, 
and the hind ones transparent. 

Remepies.—No effectual methods of prevention are 
known; but it is well to inspect the vines, and when the 
presence of the insects is suspected, examine the roots, 
to find and destroy the worms. 


These several orders will be introduced together for 
convenience, as they may be disposed of in a briefer 
mention than some of their predecessors ;. because they do 
not contain so many species that are noxious by preying 
- upon our cultivated plants. Some are even of advantage 
to us by their carnivorous propensities. 

Among the.Neuroptera are several which are aquatic in 
their larval condition, but when winged, they devour 
many insects; among these are the Dragon-flies, common- 
ly called Devil’s-needles by the children, who dread them, 
but they are harmless creatures. The Ant-lions were re- 
ferred to under the head of Aphids, in the consideration 
of the order Hemiptera, as most voracious destroyers of 
Plant-lice. Reference was also made to the Lace-winged 

Flies, Hemerobius, which, in the larval state, consume 


immense numbers of the same pests. A few of these in- 
sects are injurious; among them are the White-ants, 
Wood-lice, and the Wood-ticks, which are annoying, 
though they do not affect our crops. 

Of the Hymenoptera there are many which, in a per- 
fect state, consume the juices of our choice fruits, as well 
as the pollen and honey of flowers. Their services among 
these last, as aids in fertilizing the germs, is often of great 
importance to the fruit-grower. But, while acknowledg- 
ing our gratitude to many for this service, and to the in- 
dustrious bee for gathering abundant stores of the nectar- 
ed sweets, we have a serious charge to bring against the 
family for their depredations. The wasps especially are 
often troublesome, particularly in the vineyard, and their 

stings are annoying. Some ants are quite injurious. 

The larve of some species are destructive as wood bor- 
ers and as leaf-eaters, and others cause an excrescence or 
warty growth upon the twigs and leaves where the eggs 
have been deposited; these are called Gall-flies. The 
great benefits rendered by a very large class of insects 
in this order, however, may compensate for all the evil 
done by the others. I refer to the tribe of Jcehneumon- 
flies of several genera. Some of these are very small, 
and deposit their eggs within other insects, where they 
hatch and destroy them by feeding upon their juices. 

Many of the wasps are predaceous, and destroy nume- 
rous insects to feed their larve. Some of these exercise a 
wonderful instinct in preparing and securing this food for 
their young, which is stored up in safe caskets with the 
ego, and are ready to serve as food to the young larve. 

The Diptera, or two-winged insects, form an extensive 


order, containing many speeies, and these are composed. 
of very numerous individuals. Flies and mosquitos are 
exceedingly annoying to man and animals, and many spe- 
cies, in the larval state, consume vegetable matters; but 
even here they are often of use in consuming decayed 
vegetation, and like many others of the order may be con- 
sidered scavengers, consuming, as they do, immense quan- 
tities of filth and carrion, that would otherwise continue 
to taint the air and produce disease. 

Some of the most destructive insects of this order are 
the Gall-gnats, among which are the Wheat-fly and the 
Hessian-fly, which often sadly interfere with the farmer’s 

A few insects will now be noticed more in detail. 

Selandria cerasi, or Blennocampa cerasi, is the com- 
mon Slug of the cherry and pear trees, and quite a trouble- 
some hymenopterous insect. In some parts of the United 
States these little creatures are so numerous as to strip 
the substance from the foliage of pears and cherries. 

Our Slug resembles the Selandria aethiops of Europe, 
but is declared to be different. The larve are at first 
white, but the slimy substance that oozes from their bodies 
covers them with an olive coating. They have twenty 
very short legs; when fully grown, the largest are about 
nineteen-twentieths of an inch long. The head is con- 
cealed under the fore part of the body, which is largest 
before, and tapers behind. They attain their growth in 
twenty days, casting their skins five times, eating them 
until the last time, after which they remain free from vis- 
cidity, and are of a clear yellow color, They leave the 
tree and enter the ground to the depth of one or three 


inches, to form their chrysalids. In three days they come 
up as flies, in July and August, to lay eggs for a second 
brood, the pupze of which remain in the ground during 
the winter. 

Another insect of this genus is very destructive to our 
rose bushes; it is called Selandria rose. 

Selandria Vitis, is a species that appears upon our grape 
vines, and is quite troublesome in some vineyards in July. 
They feed in companies of a dozen or more. 

Remepies.—Shaking them off the leaves has been rec- 
ommended, but does not promise to be effectual. When 
few, they should be sought for and crushed, to prevent 
their increase. Though troublesome, this may be effec- 
tually done, and their ravages leave traces that will direct 
us to the leaves which contain them. 

When more numerous, the foliage may be syringed with 
common soapsuds, or with the whale oil soap, two pounds 
to fifteen gallons of water. 

Air-slaked lime has been dusted upon them with good 
effect; ashes, and even dry dust from the road, will de- 
stroy them, by adhering to the slimy surface. These ap- 
plications are best made when the foliage is wet after a 
shower, or with the dew. The great difficulty consists in 
their habit of going under the leaves, and thus being 

Mr. Parkman, the noted rose fancier, has found a mix- 
ture of soap and petroleum of great service, as it kills the 
slugs without injuring the buds and foliage. To a gallon 
of soft soap he adds two-thirds of a pint of petroleum, mixes 
them thoroughly, and dissolves in half a barrel of water; 
to be applied with a syringe. 



Diptera.—Dr. Fitch describes as a new species Malo- 
brus mali. He found them in a fruit that had been per- 
forated by the Codling-moth. The larvee are transparent; 
the flies resemble the Hessian-fly, that destroys the wheat 
plant.* | 

Cecidomyia grossularia, or Gooseberry Midge, attacks 
the fruit, giving it the appearance of ripening premature- 
ly. Considerable fruit is lost in this way.** | 

In closing this chapter, the author feels obliged to ex- 
press his regrets that no more space could have been ap- 
propriated to this important subject. He could only in- 
dicate some of the most troublesome insects of our orch- 
ards and vineyards, and he hopes that the reader will be 
induced to pursue the investigation for himself. He 
knows, by experience, that the study will bring its own 
reward in the information that is received, and which is 
absolutely necessary to enable us to combat these trouble- 
some pests successfully. 

* Sce Fitch’s Report, p. 176. 
** See Fitch’s Report, p. 252 

Ae Pi ene 



In the description of a fruit, it is very desirable for the 
writer to catch the strong characters, so that he, who 
reads, may the more readily identify the specimen he holds 
in his hand. Among these several characters there is con- 
siderable difference as to their permanence and value; 

some are evanescent, some variable, while others are 

~ (ed eae e's ede wer 


found to be more reliable and constant. Let us consider 
some of these in the systematic order by which they will 
be taken in the descriptions that are to follow. 

In describing a fruit, the firmness, weight, and external 
characters, first claim our attention, then the internal; 
these are taken up in the following order: externally, its 
shape, size, surface, color, and dots are examined. In the 
apple and pear the basin is next observed and its charac- 
ters noted, with any peculiarities connected with the eye, 
by which term the triangular space is designated that is. 
embraced by the calyx, as shown in an axial section 
of the fruit; at the same time the length and breadth 
and shape of the calyx segments are noted. The 
other end of the fruit is then explored as to the form and 
markings of the cavity, and the length, size, and peculi- 
arities of the stem. Having thus disposed of the exter- 
nals, we are now to investigate the nature of the internal 
structure; to do this, a section is made vertically through 
the middle of the fruit from the eye to the stem, which 
exposes the flesh, the axis with its core and the seeds, and 
which enables us to investigate some very important char- 
acters, such as the length of the axis, its form and that of 
its carpels, and the manner of their union, whether they 
form an open core or otherwise. 

The number, color, and shape of the seeds are noted. 
The color of the flesh, its texture and juiciness are exam- 
ined; the latter qualities are always tested by the teeth, 
and then the palate gives us an account of the degree of 
richness, acidity, or sweetness and flavor. The investiga- 
tor is now prepared to render judgment; having the tes- 
timony of his organs of touch, sight, taste and smell, he 


can pronounce his decision as to quality, and is prepared 
to specify the particular uses to which the fruit is especi- 
ally adapted; whether for the table as a dessert, for the 
kitchen, as in baking and stewing, or for drying, or 
whether it be valuable for cider-making. A good judge 
will now be able to decide whether the fruit be especially 
adapted for the market or for the amateur. The season 
of ripening should be noted in this place, with any remark 
as to qualities not already provided for. 

Form is one of our most permanent characters; though 
subject to modifications, the general shape of the speci- 
mens is always characteristic of the variety. Even a 
novice will soon learn the peculiar outline of a variety of 

Before commencing the study of these varieties of 
form, it will be well to explain some of the leading terms 
introduced. By referring to the illustrations, it will be 
observed that the outlines are inscribed in circles to which 
they are compared; these are drawn with dotted lines, 
and they are bisected with cross lines representing the 
two diameters referred to in the classification by form: 
the vertical or axial diameter, 4A, passing through the 
axis of the fruit, and the transverse diameter, BB, at 
right angles to the vertical. 

The Form may be round or globular when it is nearly 
spherical; the two diameters, the axial and transverse, be- 
ing nearly equal; fig. 30. 

Globose is another term of about the same meaning. 

Conic, or conical, indicates a decided contraction to- 
ward the blossom end, fig. 31; QObd-conic implies that the 
cone is very short or flattened. 

ee To ee ee ee ee 


EEL oes 
B B 
pees oa Bs 
Fig. 30.—ROUND. Fig. 51.—CONICAL. 

A A 

Fig. 384.—OvATE. Fig. 35.—OBLATE. 


Oblong means that the axial diameter is the longer, or 
that it appears so, for an oblong apple may have equal di- 
ameters; fig. 82. _ 

Oblong-conic, that the outline also tapers rapidly to- 
ward the eye; fig. 33. _ 

Oblong-ovate, that it is fullest in the middle; and like 

Ovate, which means egg-shaped, that it tapers to both 
ends; fig. 34. 

Oblate, or flattened, when the axial diameter is decid- 
edly the shorter; fig. 35. 

Obtuse is applied to any of these figures that is not 
very decided. 

Cylindrical and truncate are dependent upon one an- 
other, thus a globular, or still more remarkably, an oblong 
fruit, which is abruptly truncated ox flattened at the ends, 
appears cylindrical in its form. 

Depressed is an unusually flattened oblate form. 

Turbinate or top-shaped, and pyriform or pear-shaped, 
are especially applicable to pears, and seldom to apples. 

When these forms are described evenly about a vertical 
axis, as Shown by a section of the fruit made transverse- 
ly, or across the axis, the specimen may be called regular 
or uniform, fig. 86; if otherwise, it 1s irregular, fig. 37, 
unequal, fig. 38, oblique or lop-sided, fig. 39, in which last 
cases the axis is inclined to one side. If the development 
at the surface is irregular, as in the Duchesse d’ Angouleme 
and Bartlett pears, the fruit is termed wneven. 

When a transverse section of the fruit, made at right 
angles to the axis, gives the figure of a circle, the fruit is 
regular ; if otherwise, it may be compressed or flattened 
at the sides, fig. 40; angular, quadrangular, fig. 41; 



10 © Sep oan Shee weer eee 


a=] =- 

Se te 

Tee Me ee 

Fig. 56.—REGULAR. 


eee eee” ® 

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sulcate or furrowed, fig. 42, when marked by suleations ; 
or ribbed, fig. 43, when the intervening ridges are abrupt. 

Fig. 42.—suLcATE. Fig. 45.—RIBBED. 

Heart-shaped is » form that applies more especially to the 
cherry, than any other kind of fruit. 

SiZxE is a character of but second rate importance, since 
it is dependent upon the varying conditions of soil, cli- 
mate, overbearing, ete. It has its value, however, when 
it is considered as comparative or relative. The expres- 
sions employed in this work to indicate size, are: very 
large, large, medium, small, very small, making five 

The characters of the Sxry and surface are generally 
very reliable, though the smoothness of the skin as well 
as the coloring depend upon both soil and climate. We 
find, however, that a striped apple which has been shaded, 
though pale, will always betray itself by a splash or 
stripe, be it ever so small or rare, nor will any exposure 
so deepen and exaggerate its stripes as to make it a self 
colored fruit; and no circumstances will introduce a true 
stripe upon a self-colored variety. Hence we may con- 

> ehO® Gegey  Ceg- ee ee eee so 


sider this kind of marking a reliable character, and apply 
it as an element of our classification. We sometimes find 
lines on self-colored fruits that are as distinctive as the 
stripes, but entirely distinct from them. 

The skin itself may be either thick or thin, smooth 
rough, or polished, and it is sometimes uneven ; it may be 
covered with a bloom, it may be russeted in whole or in 
part, and this may be thickly or thinly spread over the 
surface, or only net-veined. A sort of russeting occurs 
about the stem only in some varieties, and is never seen 
in others, making a pretty good character, but in the same 
variety it is often much increased or diminished. | 

This character, russet on the skin, has been very puzzling 
to young pomologists in the study of pears, owing to its lia- 
bility to exaggeration in some varieties, under the influ- 
ence of certain climatic conditions that have even pro- 
duced it in varieties in which it had not been previously 
suspected. Some pears are characterized by this russet- 
ing of the skin, either generally spread over the surface 
or confined to a limited area at either end of the fruit, 
particularly about the insertion of the stem; others have 
never shown any disposition to put on this character, but, 
under certain circumstances some varieties, which should 
have been smooth and fair, become thickly spread with 
this russeting, that seems even to thicken the skin and 
which deteriorates the qualities of the fruit. In some 
cases this appearance is local, occupying one end of the 
fruit, or making a band around the middle and contract- 
ing it like a cincture, as though its presence prevented the 
proper growth and development of the sarcocarp or fleshy 
mass of the fruit. — 


The colors themselves being as various almost as the 
hues of the rainbow, will be designated by their appro- 

priate or customary names; the manner of their laying 

on will require the use of certain definite terms, which 
should be understood to comprehend the classification, 
which, in part, depends upon this circumstance. Thus a 
fruit is called self-colored when it is not striped, though it 
may be blushed or bronzed, and the coloring may be so 
broken, without stripes, as to be mixed or curdled, blotch- 
ed, marbled, mottled, clouded, spotted, stained, shaded or 
dappled ; but some of these characters are often found 
associated with striping also, or they are observed in 
those kinds of fruit that are always devoid of stripes. 
Striped fruits are often so deeply colored that the separate 
stripes do not appear so distinctly, as when there are fewer 
of them on a lighter ground and they can scarcely be per- 
ceived. When the stripes are long and distinct, they are 
called streaks ; when short and broken abruptly at their 
ends, the surface is said to be splashed. Certain pears are 
striped by a paleness or faintness of color, these are called 
panache, and are considered sports of their namesake va- 
rieties which they resemble in other respects. A few 
peaches are distinctly striped; some plums and cherries 
obscurely so. 

Another class of surface or skin characters consists in 
the Dors and Srrcks, which appear to be very valuable 
distinctive markings, on account of their uniformity in 
different varieties. These may be large or small, nume 
rous or scattered, darker or lighter colored, prominent or 
indented. In shape they are round or elongated, and this 
last is a valuable character because quite rare. Sometimes 



the dots are characterized by having a green base or are- 
ola around them, which is very noticeable, and in some 
varieties these marks, which are perhaps the stomata of 
the skin, are surrounded by distinct rings of a gray color, 
that resemble ocellations or eyes. No reliance can be 
placed upon the delicate coloring that is often to be seen 
upon the surface of certain light colored fruits, making 
rose, red, or purplish tints about these dots, as they are 
accidental only and not distinctive markings. 

No one should confound these pores, that are designated 
as the dots, with the superficial and extraneous marks that 
appear to be the accidental growth of some fungus or 
lichen, and which are very commonly found upon the sur- 
face of many fruits, often giving them a quite pretty ap- 
pearance that would be seized upon by the fruit painter 
as a special beauty, unless when so abundant as to pro- 
duce an unpleasant smutchiness or cloudiness, such as is 
often found in the product of apple orchards that are situ- 
ated in low bottom lands, and which peculiarity is attri- 
buted to the influence of fogs. 

The Basty or Apex of a fruit consists of that portion 
most distant from the stem. In the apple and pear it is 
commonly called the blossom end, and is often more or less 
depressed; hence the term basin. In other fruits it is called 
the point or apex. Both are characterized by peculiarities 
of form that serve as distinctive marks in the description of 
fruits, and these are characters of considerable value on ac- 
count of their permanence. In respect to its form, the basin, 
according to its depth, is called deep, fig. 44; shallow, fig. 
45; very shallow, or medium. It is abrupt, fig. 44, when 
the edges are steep; it is narow and pointed, fig. 46, 


or wide ; it is regular, or wavy, wrinkled, pluited, folded, 
ribbed or angular, fig. 46—when these peculiarities exist. 


Fig. 44.—DEEP AND ABRUPT. Fig. 45.—sHALLOW. 

Some fruits are russeted at this part of their surface only, 

but this marking is a variable character and is found in 

greater or less degree in dif- 

ferent localities ; thus the Rhode 

Island Greening, to which it be- 

Fig. 46.—NaRrROW AND FOLDED Jones, is Sometimes almost en- 

tirely divested of the russeting, aad in other localities 

the surface is thickly spread with it half way to the stem ; 

the Westfield Seek-no-further, which is slightly marked 

with this character in the North, often becomes a russet 
apple in more southern latitudes. 

The basin of some fruits is very apt to crack into irreg- 
ular fissures, and this appears to be peculiar to certain va- 
rieties, though it is not esteemed a very reliable mark; 
the term cracked is used to express this. In some fruits, 
however, we find a very peculiar cracking that forms a 
permanent character, upon which great dependence may 
be placed: all the rim of the basin in these is marked 
with a slightly cracked appearance that does not rupture 
the skin, and which resembles the incipient breaking of 
the surface of a piece of dry leather; it has, therefore, re- 
ceived the name of leather-crack. This is characteristic 
of a few sorts, and hence a valuable mark. 

Within the basin is the Eyr, which furnishes characters 
of great value. This I consider to mean the meeting of 


the segments of the calyx, and more particularly in the 
apple, the triangular space enclosed by these parts, in 
which the remains of the stamens and pistils are found, 
Hence the Eye can only be displayed by making a verti-. 
cal section of the fruit. There are but a limited number 
of expressions used in its description; thus the eye is said 
to be large, small, long or.short, and it may be open or 
closed. ‘The segments of the calyx may be converging or 
reflexed, persistent or obsolete, according to their condition 
in the ripe fruit, and these several characters are quite 
reliable; but the simple fact that the eye 18 open or 
closed, may depend upon the accidental breaking away 
of the segments of the calyx, and is of little value as a 
The next character to be considered is the attachment 
of the stem, which, in some fruits, is so depressed as to 
constitute what is called 
the Caviry. In the ap- 
ple this portion has 
many variations that are 
5) quite characteristic of 
Fig. 47.—pEEP, STEM LONG. certain varieties of fruit. 
In form the cavity may be either deep, fig. 4%, or shallow 4 
regular or irregular; wide, fig. 48; or narrow, and acute, 

Fig. 48.—wIDE, STEM STOUT. Fig. 49.—WaAvy, STEM CLUBBED. 

wavy, fig. 49; and uneven, folded, and even lipped, fig. 
50; as when a portion of the flesh protrudes against the 


stem, as in Pryor’s Red, Roman Stem, and other apples, 
and in some pears. ‘This portion is sometimes defaced by 
cracks that separate the skin; it is occasionally green, and 

this is a good and dis- 
tinguishing character of a 

limited number of fruits, 
(epee) \ 

Fig. 50.—CAVITY LIPPED. cavity is also brown or 
“russeted”’ in some fruits, and, though this character is 
quite variable in its depth, amount and extent, we may 
consider the brown or russeting about the stem quite 
reliable in both pears and apples. 

The stem has its place of insertion in the region we 
have just been considering. It is the peduncle of bota- 
nists, and in some species it separates from the fruit by a 
joint—in others it remains attached and separates from 
the twig, when it is considered a part of the fruit itself, 
as in the apple and pear. The shape, average length, 
thickness, and other characters, and especially its mode 
of attachment to the carpos* in the pear, give us some 
important characters, but these are always somewhat un- 
certain and variable; hence they are rather relative than 
positive traits. In apples, stems may be dong, fig. 47, 
short, fig. 48, or medium, according to their projection 
beyond or concealment within the cavity, being called me- 
‘dium when they simply reach the contour of the outline. 
They are slender, fig.47; medium or thick, fleshy, knobby or 
clubbed, fig. 49, according to the amount of their substance 
and its arrangement. They are curved or straight, and 
direct and axial, or inclined, according to their direction 

both apples and pears. The 

* From kapz7oc, Greek, for fruit. 

Pic Rin 


and relation to the axis of the fruit; and in pears, they 
often have a peculiarity of the insertion dependent upon 
their being more or less fleshy; in both plums and pears, 
this fullness is often arranged in rings surrounding the 
base of the stem. 

Some pomologists have taken great pains to measure 
the length of the stems, which they report in inches and 
lines. As above stated, this is an uncertain quantity, and 
therefore of little value, except when taken in relation to 
other measurements by way of comparison; hence I have 
preferred to use the above-mentioned terms only in their 
relation to the axial diameter in describing the apples, un- 
less where their extension is unusual. The variable length 
of this organ in some varieties is remarkable, and we often 
find the smallest fruits having the longest stems. 

When we come to examine the interior portions of a 
fruit, if it be an apple or pear, we make a vertical section 
through the axis from basin to cavity. This exposes the 
internal structure and enables us to judge of the color and 
other characters of the fleshy pericarp, the length of the 
axis, the size of the core and carpels, and the number and 
appearance of the seeds. These characters are possessed 
of value, and are quite reliable; in many fruits the seeds 
furnish distinctive indications, and this is particularly the 
case with the stone fruits, many of which.are readily iden- 
tified by the form and markings of the stones or pits, the 
endocarps of botany. 

In the apple particularly, we first have our attention 
drawn to the Axis, which is sometimes very short, so that 
in some decidedly oblate specimens, with deep basin and 
cavity, there is scarcely room between them for the 


core, which is shortened to correspond with the oblate 
character of the fruit. This is illustrated by many of the 
outlines given in Class I. It is well also to observe and 
note whether the axis be inclined. The form of the core 
is not very reliable, but it has characters that are perma- 
nent and peculiar to certain varieties. Thus it is always 
open in some, and always closed in other sorts of the ap- 
ple. In the pear it is gritty in some varieties, and sur- 
rounded with fine grained flesh in others. The core is 
large, medium, or small, and these distinctions are perma- 
nent. Its outline, embracing the group of carpels, may 
be regular or irregular, long or shori, cordate, wide or com- 
pressed ; it may reach the eye or otherwise, and it fre- 
quently clasps that portion. 

The SEEps are numerous or otherwise; they are long or 
short, acuminate or rounded, flat, angular, imperfect, or 
plump, large or small; they may be pale, even yellow, or 
brown, dark, and nearly black ; and these shades are dis- 
tinctive, often enabling the pomologist to decide upon the 
variety when other characters are less marked. The pe- 
culiarities of the stones of peaches, plums and cherries, 
and of the seeds of the grape, had better be described in 
immediate connection with those species of fruit. 

In the Frxesu of fruits we find characters that most 
pomologists, even the amateurs, are generally pleased to 
have under practical consideration. They are also very 
reliable, for if the fruits be in good condition, they are al- 
ways the same in any given variety. In its consistency, 
this tissue is either firm and compact, or spongy ; it is 
fine grained, granular, gritty, fibrous, or breaking, on the 
one hand, or tender, buttery and melting, on the other; 

“—~7; oe oe ges ‘ 


the flesh is either dry or juicy, and tinted with various 
shades of color. In some we find a satisfying richness, 
while others are thin and poor. Some have a fine aroma, 
while others have an unpleasant flavor or are scentless. 

So intimately associated are our organs of taste and 
smell, that it is difficult to separate and distinguish the 
impressions we receive through these senses. For 
our present purpose it will be best to consider all under 
this head, whether really belonging to one or the other 
sensation; and the lexicographers themselves admit the 
commonalty of taste and smell in the word flavor. These 
qualities of a fruit depend upon so many accidents of sea- 
son, culture, and especially of the condition of ripeness, 
that they are of comparatively little value in descriptions, 
except in their broadest expressions of acidity and its op- 
posite, which indeed are sufficiently pronounced to be used 
in the classification of fruits. 

With regard to their Fiavor, fruits may be said to be 
vinous, sub-acid, acid, and very acid, or sugary, sweet, 
very sweet, and honey sweet ; they may be flat and insipid, 
or highly flavored, mild, or astringent ; and as to fra- 
grance, in which they may remind us of many other agree- 
able odors, they may be said to be perfumed and aro- 
matic, or otherwise. 

In deciding upon the quality of the fruit that has thus 
been subjected to this series of tests, and to this thorough 
examination, we shall find that the decision will depend 
upon the individual tastes, the likes and dislikes of those 
who are called upon to render judgment, and that, at 
best, the result must be arbitrary. The terms expressive 
of this division are inferior, good, very good, and best. 




The need of some classification grows more and more 
pressing, as our, fruit lists have become more extended, 
and they now reach many hundreds. A good and reliable 
systematic classification has become absolutely necessary, 
and has received a great deal of consideration. 

Upon what principle shall this classification be founded ? 
The common alphabetical arrangement of most text books 
may be very convenient for a mere dictionary of fruits, 
but is utterly useless to the novice who does not know 

the name of his specimen. The arrangement by season 



and size has its difficulties in the uncertainty and varia- 
tion of these characters in the different soils and climates 
of our extended country, and a sub-division and group- 
ing of fruits by their quality of excellence is not only un- 
reliable, but is altogether arbitrary, and subject to the 
greatest diversity of opinion arising from the various 
tastes of different individuals. We must look to some 
marked and reliable characters that are always present, 
easily recognized, and permanent or fixed. Among these 
shape or figure stands pre-eminent, notwithstanding the 
acknowledged fact that some varieties are almost protean. 
The shape of the general outline appears to be the best char- 
acter for the broad divisions of a classification. A sub- 
division may again be made, which is to be based upon 
the regularity or irregularity of the shape. 

The next character, and one of considerable value, is 
that dependent upon flavor in its broadest characters of 
sweet and sour, which, though sometimes giving rise to 
a puzzling question, is, in most varieties, sufficiently 
marked to constitute the basis of a minor sub-division. 
Color, which is notoriously the poorest character and least 
esteemed by botanists in their descriptions, on account of 
its lability to variation, is, however, of sufficient import- 
ance in pomology to take a high rank and to appear very 
prominently in fruit nomenclature. Still it should be re- 
served for the lowest sub-divisions of a classification. 

_ Among our American writers, who deservedly stand 
prominent as pomologists, the most satisfactory attempt 
at classification is found in the little work prepared by J. 
J. Thomas. No one who has realized the advantages ‘to 
be derived from the simple and clear sub-divisions made 


by this author, will ever be satisfied with a fruit-book that 
is not arranged upon the basis of some classification. 
Thomas, 1n his excellent work, makes three great divisions 
of apples according to their period of ripening, as the 
Summer, Autumn, and Winter fruits, to which some of 
us would desire to add Spring, or long-keepers. Each of 
those characterized 

these he has divided into two classes 
by their flavor as sweet apples, and those possessed of 
more or less acidity; and each of these classes is subdi- 
vided into two sections, according to their color, as striped 
with red and not striped; so that in this arrangement we 
have eighteen groups, and, with specimen in hand, this 
synopsis enables us at once to decide in which of these 
groups of moderate dimensions we may look for the de- 
scription we desire; and, if it be contained in the book, 
it may readily be found. The labor of searching through 
the whole list is thus obviated. 

The Germans have made many attempts at the classifi- 
cation of fruits. Christ, Diel, Dochnal, Manger and 
Sickler, have been engaged in this work; and Diel’s Sy- 
nopsis, though far from perfect, has been generally adopt- 
ed. He makes seven classes, with orders under each. 
Dochnal, a later writer, has modified this by making two 
sections according to the shape, whether angular or sphe- 
vical, and four classes also based upon their form. 

Robert Hoge, in his British Pomology, which is an ex- 
cellent account of the apples cultivated in England, has 
given a modification which answers a good purpose for 
classification. He makes three great sections, according 
to season, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Each of these 

is divided into two classes, according to shape: Ist, 


Round, roundish, or oblate; and 2nd, Oblong, conical, 

oval, or ovate. These again are grouped according to 

their colors: A, pale ; B, striped ; C, red; and D, russet. 

As a matter of interest I will give Diel’s classification. 

1. They are furnished with very prominent, but regular 
ribs around the eye, extending also over the fruit, but 
which do not render it irregular. 

2, Having wide, open, and very irregular cells. 


1. They taper from about the middle of the fruit to- 
ward the eye. 

2, They are covered with bloom when on the tree. 

3! They have, or acquire, by keeping, an unctuous skin. 

4. They are not distinctly and purely striped. 
5. They have light, spongy, delicate flesh. 

6. They have a strawberry or raspberry flavor. 

. The skin does not feel unctuous. 
. They are not covered with bloom. 
. They are either of a flat, conical, cylindrical, or taper- 
ing form. 

4. They have not a balsamic, but mostly a sweetish or 
sourish flavor. 

5. They have a granulous, loose, and coarse-grained 

Co Oe 


1. They are not balsamic, like Order I, but of an aro- 
matic flavor. 

2, They have a fine flesh, almost like that of the Rei- 

3. They are either of a conical or flat shape. 

4, They are most prominently ribbed around the eye. 


1. They are covered with blue bloom when on the tree. 
2, They have not unproportionally large, but often only 
regular cells. 



3. They emit a pleasant odor when briskly rubbed. 

4, The skin does not feel unctuous. 

5. They are handsomely and regularly ribbed around 
the eye, and often also over the fruit. 

6. They have a tender, loose, spongy, and mostly fine 
grained flesh. 

7. They have a fine rose, fennel, or anise flavor. 

8. They are mostly of short duration, and are often 
only summer or autumn apples. 

9. They are mostly striped like a turnip. 



1. They are all large apples, and comprise the largest 

2. They have mostly, or almost always, two unequal 
halves—namely, one side lower than the other. 

3. They are constantly furnished with ribs around the 
eye which are broad, rising irregularly, one above the oth- 
er, and extending over the fruit so as to render it irregu- 
lar in its shape; they are also compressed, and have one 
side higher than the other. 

4. They are constantly broader than high, and only 
sometimes elongated. 

5. They have all a loose, coarse grained and often very 
pleasant flesh. 



1. They have a fine grained, delicate, crisp, firm flesh. 

2. They are mostly the ideal of a handsomely shaped 
apple; in them the convexity or bulge of the middle of 
the apple towards the eye is the same as that towards 
the stalk, or not much different. 

3. They are all gray dotted, or have russety patches, or 
completely covered with russet. 

4, They have rarely an unctuous skin. 


5. They have all the rich, aromatic, sugary, and brisk 
flavor, which is called the Reinette flavor. 

6. They decay very readily, and must, of all apples, 
hang longest on the tree. 

7. The really sweet and at the same time aromatic apples 
belong to the Reinettes, only as regards their shape, their 
character, and their fine and firm flesh. 

8, Apples with fine, firm, erisp flesh, which cannot of 

themselves forma distinct class; for stance, the Pippins 
belong to this class. 


1. Having a uniform green ground color, which changes 
to the most beautiful golden yellow. 

2, Having no lively colors or marks of russet on the 
side next the sun, except those that are very much expos- 
ed, and which assume a slight tinge of red. 

3. Having no covering of russet, but only slight traces 
of russety stripes. 


Having all the properties of the self-colored Reinettes, 
but of a pure red on the side next the sun, without any 
mixture of russet. 


1. The ground color is green, changing to dingy dull 

2, The coating of russet, or the russety patches, spread 
over the greater part of the fruit, are very conspicuous. 

8. The side next the sun is often dull brownish or ochre- 
ous red. 


1. On the side next the sun they are washed or striped 
with beautiful crimson. 

2, The ground color changes by keeping to a beautiful 
deep yellow. 

3. Over the ground color, and the crimson of the ex- 
posed side, are spread light thin patches, or a complete 
coat of russet. 



1. They are all, and almost always, marked with broken 
stripes of red. 

2. These stripes are found either over the whole fruit, 
or only very indistinctly on the side exposed to the sun. 

3. The stripes may be distinct—that is to say, truly 
striped; or between these stripes on the side next the sun 
the fruit is dotted, shaded, or washed with red; but on 
the shaded side the stripes are well defined. 

4, The cells are regular. 

5. They are of a purely sweet, vinous, or acid flavor. 

6. They have not the same flavor as the Rose apples. 

7. They do not decay, except when gathered before 


1. They have the bulge at the same distance from the 
eye as from the stalk, and are broadly flattened. 
2. They are constantly half an inch broader than high. 


1. They are broader than high. 

2. They diminish from the middle of the apple towards 
the eye, so that the superior half is conical or pyramidal, 
and not at all similar to the inferior half. 


1. The hight and breadth are almost equal. 

2. They diminish gradually from the base to the apex. 

3. Or from the middle of the truit they gradually di- 
minish toward the base and apex equally. 


1. The convexity of the fruit next the base and the 
apex is the same. 

2. The breadth does not differ from the hight, except 
only about a quarter of an inch. 

3. Laid in the hand, with the eye and stalk sidewise, 
they have the appearance of a roundish grape. 



1. They have the cells regular. 

2. They are not covered with bloom. 

3. They are not striped, and are either of a uniform 
color, or washed with red on the side next the sun. 

4, Constantly diminishing to a point towards the eye. 

5. They are sweet or vinous, approaching a pure acid. 

6. They do not readily decay. 


Characters the same as Order III. of the Streiflinge. 


Characters the same as Order II. of the Streiflinge. 


1. They are constantly broader than high, 

2. They are never striped. 

3. They are either of a uniform color, or, on the side 
a to the sun, more or less washed or shaded with 

4. They have regular cells. 

5. They are not unctuous when handled. 
6. They do not readily decay. 

7. Flavor purely sweet, or purely sour. 


1. The difference is obvious to the eye. 
2. The breadth is constantly half an inch more than the 


1. The eye cannot easily detect a distinction between 
the breadth and hight. 

2. The breadth rarely exceeds the hight by a quarter 
of an inch. 

3. The fruit, cut transversely, exhibits almost or quite 
two equal halves. 



Having sharp or flat ribs, which extend over the length 
of the fruit and are most prominent around the eye, where 
they are most generally situated. 



1.. They have large heart-shaped cells, open towards the 
axis, or often entirely torn; the cells extend very often 
from the stalk even to the tube of the calyx. 

2. They diminish from about the middle of the fruit, or 
a little above it, towards the eye. 

3. They are regular, and provided generally with fine 
ribs, which do not disfigure the fruit. 

4, On the tree, the fruit is covered with bloom. 

5. They are never distinctly striped. 

6. Their flesh is soft, loose, fine and light, of a balsamic 
flavor, similar to that of strawberries or raspberries. 

7. The eye is frequently closed. 

8. Many of them acquire by keeping an oily or unctu- 
ous skin. 

Group I.—Fruit red, almost entirely covered with red. 

Group II.—Fruit parti-colored; yellow; very much 
striped or washed with red. 

Group III.—Fruit yellow; of a whitish, greenish, or 
golden yellow. 


1. The cells are almost the same as the true Calvilles— 
very large and open. 

2. The calycinal tube is wide and generally very short. 

3. They are slightly narrowed toward the eye, and flat- 
tened toward the stalk. 

4, Their ribs are very prominent, especially around the 

5. They are aromatic, and have not the balsamic flavor 
of the true Calvilles. 


6. Their flesh is fine, opaque, a little succulent, and al- 
most equal to the Reinettes. 
Groves L, IL, IIL, as above. 


Their flavor is neither balsamic nor aromatic ; they are 
purely sweet or acid; their flesh is granulous and loose. 


1. They are almost always large apples, the skin of 
which is neither unctuous nor covered with bloom. 

2, They are also furnished with ribs; but they are not 
so regular as in the Calvilles. 

8 The cells are very large, irregular, widened, and gen- 
erally open. 

4, The calycinal tube is most generally widely conical, 
and does not extend to the cells. 

5. They are of a flattened, conical, cylindrical or point- 
ed shape. 

6. Their flesh is loose, more often a little coarse, and of 
a slightly balsamic flavor. ' 

7. The leaves of these trees are very large, rather deeply 
dentated, and less downy than those of the Calvilles. 

Group IL — Unicolores— Green, greenish, yellow, or 
golden yellow, and slightly tinged with red. 

Grove Il.—Bicolores—Yellow or green, and distinctly 
striped or washed with red. 


1. They are all very large. 

2. They have almost always the two halves unequal. 

3. They are constantly broader than high, and appear 
sometimes higher than they are. 

4, Bhey are not furnished with ribs, except around the 
eye; these are often irregular in numbers, and frequently 
form broad projections on the fruit. 

5. They do not decay, but shrivel when they have 
passed maturity. 

6. The flesh is coarsely granulous, rarely aromatic, nev- 
ertheless often very agreeable. 

Grove I.—Capsulis amplis—Wide cells. 

Group IIl.—Capsulis angustis—Narrow cells. 



They have sometimes prominences on the fruit and 
around the eye, but never true ribs. 


Their flavor is sweet, aromatic, similar to that of the 
Rose, fennel or anise. 


Their flesh is soft, loose, marrowy, very fine grain, and 
of a snow white color. 

2. The cells are almost always regular and closed. 

3. They are regularly ribbed around the eye, and often 
also over the fruit, but sometimes not at all ribbed. 

4, They have a balsamic flavor, accompanied with a 
very agreeable odor. 

5. They emit a pleasant odor when briskly rubbed. 

6. When on the tree they are frequently covered with 
a blue bloom, und striped like a Tulip. 

7%. The fruit is mostly small, or middle sized. 

8. They are mostly of short duration, and lose their 
good flavor the same year. 

Group I.— Oblongi—Oblong fruit. 

Group I.—Spherici—Round or flattened. 


1. These are apples which generally have the most regu- 
lar and handsome shape, having the bulge in the middle, 
at the same distance from the eye as from the stalk. 

2, All are dotted, clouded, or entirely covered with 
russet. a 

3. They are very rarely inclined to be unctuous, but 
generally rough when handled. 

4, They all decay very readily; (they must therefore 
be left as long as possible on the tree.) 

5. Their flesh is fine grained, crisp, firm, or fine and 

6. They are all charged with only a balsamic, sugary 
acid, which is called Reinette-flavored. 


Group IL — Unicolores. —1. Having uniform green 
ground color, which changes to the most beautiful golden 

2, Having no lively colors or marks of russet on the 
side next the sun, except those that are very much expos- 
ed, and are slightly tinged with red. 

3. Having no covering of russet, but only slight traces 
of russety stripes. 

Grove I.—Rubri—Fruit red; having all the proper- 
ties of the self-colored Reinettes; but on the side next the 
sun they are of a red color, with a mixture of russet. 

Group III.—Ravi—Russeted. 

1. Their ground color is green, changing to dingy, dull 

2, The coatings of russet are very conspicuous. 

3. The side next the sun is often dingy, brownish, or 
ochreous red. 

4, They all decay very readily. 

Group IV.—Aurei—Yellow or golden fruit, Golden 

1. On the side next the sun they are washed or striped 
with beautiful crimson. 

2. The ground color changes, by keeping, to beautiful 
deep yellow. 

3. Over the crimson there is a light thin trace, or a com- 
plete covering of russet. 


They are of a perfectly sweet or vinous flavor, approach- 
ing to pure acid. 


1. They are almost always marked with broken stripes 
of red. ‘ 

2. These are either over the whole fruit, or only indis- 
tinctly on the side exposed to the sun. | 

3. The stripes may all be distinct—that is, clearly and 
finely striped; or between these stripes, on the side next 
the sun, the fruit is dotted, shaded or washed with red ; 

put on the shaded side the stripes are well defined. 


4, The cells are regular. 

5. The fruit does not decay, except when gathered be- 
fore maturity, or after the period when it has been prop- 
erly ripened. 

Group I.—Depressa—F lat. 

1. They have the bulge at the same distance from the 
eye as from the stalk, and are broadly flattened. 

2. They are always half an inch broader than high, 

Group II.—Acuminati—Pointed. 

1. They are broader than high. 

2. They diminish from the middle of the apple toward 
the eye, so that the superior half is conical, and is not at 
all similar to the inferior half. 

Group III.— Oblongi—Oblong or cylindrical. 

1. The hight and breadth are almost equal. 

2. They diminish gradually from the base to the apex. 

3. Or, from the middle of the fruit they gradually di- 
minish toward the base and apex equally. 

Group IV.—Sphcerici—Round. 

1. The convexity of the fruit next the base and the 
apex is the same. 

2. The breadth does not differ from the hight, except 
only about a quarter of an inch. 

3. When laid on their side they present a spherical 


1. Having the cells regular. 

2. They are not striped, and are either of a uniform 
color or washed with red on the side next the sun. 

3. They do not readily decay. 

4, They are not unctuous when handled. 

5. They are never covered with bloom. 

Group J.—Acuminati—Tapering, diminishing toward 
the eye. 

Group II. — Depressi — Flat. These are constantly 
broader than high.* 

After a long and careful consideration and study of 
this subject, I have prepared the following formula for the 

* As translated for R. Hogg’s British Pomoiogy. 


CLASSIFICATION OF Apples. It consists of four classes 
that are based upon the general figure of the fruit; with 
two orders, that are distinguished by a modification of the 
form, causing the fruit to be regular, or irregular, and 
angular. The characters upon which the classes are 
founded are exemplified by a vertical section through the 
length of the axis of the fruit. Those by which the Or- 
ders are distinguished are shown by a transverse section, 
made at right angles to the axis, or by holding the fruit 
with the blossom end toward the eye.* 

Kach of these Orders may contain two Sections, charac- 
terized by their flavor as sweet and sour; and each of 
these may again be sub-divided into three Sub-sections, 
that are based upon color. 

Crass I.—OsiatE or Frat, having the axis shorter 
than the transverse diameter. 


OrvEeR II.—Irrecunar. 

Sxcrion 1.—Sweet. 

SEcTIoN 2.—Sour. 

SuB-sECTION 1.—Pale or blushed, more or less, but self- 
colored and not striped. 

SUB-SECTION 2.—Striped or Splashed. 

SUB-SECTION 3.—Russeted. 

Crass I.—Contcat, tapering decidedly toward the 
eye, and becoming Ovare when larger in the middle and 
tapering to each end, the axial diameter being the shorter. 

Orvers [ and II. 

Sections land 2, 

SuB-sEcTIONS 1, 2, and 3. 

* Figures 36 to 46, pp. 355 to 356. 


Crass III.—Rounp, GriopuLar or nearly so, having 
the axial and transverse diameters about equal, the former 
often shorter by less than one-quarter of the latter. The 
ends are often so flattened as to look truncated, when the 
fruit appears to be cylindrical or globular-oblate. 


Cuass IV.—Ostone, in which the axis is longer than 
the transverse diameter, or appears so. ‘These may also 
be truncate or cylindrical. 





Camack Sweet. 

This newly introduced sort is said to have originated in 
North Carolina or Georgia. The trees cultivated in the 

i 1 
\ : 

ma \Viti ] Vy 



Northern States are yet too young for us to judge of their 
characteristics, but they appear to be healthy and vigor- 



Fruit medium to large, flat, regular. 

Surface smooth, greenish-white, rarely blushed with red. 

Basin broad, shallow, and regular or wavy ; Eye medi- 
um, open. 

Cavity deep, acute; Stem rather long; Flesh yellowish, 
firm, rather tough, but juicy, rich and sweet. 

This variety keeps well, lasting until May. Not yet 
sufficiently tested in the North. 


Tree vigorous, spreading, productive. This fruit is 
especially valuable for cider, but it may be used also in 
the kitchen; being a long keeper and often beautifully 

colored at maturity iu the spring, it is often exposed on 
the fruit-stands, where it attracts purchasers by the great 
beauty of its brilliant colors. 

Fruit always fair, bnt its figure is variable, being some- 
times’ globular or conical. The characteristic form is 
round-oblate, regular; Size medium. 



Surface very smooth, of a dull green, often suffused 
with a faint blush on the exposed side; but at maturity, 
bright lemon yellow, shaded with carmine; Dots minute, 
gray and indented. 

Basin shallow, regular; Eye rather large, closed; Seg- 
ments of medium length. 

Cavity regular, with medium width and depth; Stem 
medium, rather stout. 

Core wide, regular, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds nu- 
merous, plump; Flesh white, firm, tough; Juice very 
sweet and rich at maturity, making excellent cider. 

Season, December until March. 


This variety was found in an old orchard of D. C. 
Richmond, near Sandusky, Ohio. ‘Tree productive, and 
sufficiently vigorous, 


Fruit round-oblate rather than flat, generally regular 
and of medium size; Surface rough, yellowish-green, and’ 
bronzed, or shaded with a purplish tint; Dots numerous 


Basin wide, folded; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity rather deep, wide, recular, wavy, brown; Stem 
sometimes long, of medium size, red, 

Core small and closed, meeting the eye; Seeds numer- 
ous, large, brown. 

Flesh yellow; Flavor sweet, juicy; Use, good for bak- 
ing; Season, November to February. Not highly 
esteemed nor largely cultivated, though its productiveness 
and sweetness would render it desirable for stock-feeding. 

Eme’s Wimter Sweet. 

From J. 8S. Downer, Elkton, Kentucky; a southern fruit 
of some merit. 

Fruit medium, flat, regular; Surface roughish, uneven, 
greenish-yellow, blushed and russeted; Dots numerous, 
minute, russet veined. 

Basin abrupt, regular, leather-cracked ; Eye large, open. 

Cavity wide, wavy, brown ; Stem medium. 

Core round, closed, clasping ; Seeds numerous, angular, 
imperfect; Flesh yellow, fine grained; Flavor very sweet, 
rich; Quality quite good; Use, table; Season, December. 


Yi) Yi} 

Fig. 54,—GREEN SWEET. 

Vee els 


Green Sweet. 


Tree vigorous and productive in most situations where 
cultiv ated, but is not much planted in the West. 

Fruit rather small, regular, and usually flat, though 
sometimes conical ; Surface smooth, green ; Dots whitish, 
with green bases. 

Basin rather shallow and wavy; Eye large, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular and brown; Stem long and stout. 

Core closed, regular, meeting the eye, containing nu- 
merous angular, acuminate brown seeds; Flesh greenish- 
white, breaking, tender, juicy and fine grained; very sweet, 
and valued for baking and market; those who do not ad- 
mire sweet apples would hardly consider it second rate. 

Season from December to February, or March. 

Haskell’s Sweet. 

Found in the orchard of Dr. Geo. Haskell, at Rockford, 
Illinois. rr, 

Fruit large, flat, resular; Surface green, bronzy; Dots 
numerous, large, white. 

Basin deep ; Kye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, wavy; Stem short. 

Core closed; Seeds numerous, plump; Flesh yee 
juicy ; Flavor sweet, rich ; Quality very good ; Use, bak- 
ing; Season August, September. 

A practical test at the table of mine host must convince 
any one that either the apple or the cook, or both, are 
eminently deserving. This is supposed to ‘be the Massa- 
chusetts variety of “the same name. 

Hiay Boys. 

I do not know where this summer apple was produced, 
or christened with its peculiar cognomen ; Specimens re- 
ceived from H. N. Gillett, Lawrence Co., Ohio. 

Fruit large, oblate, regular or slightly angular; Surface 
pale yellow; Dots numerous, dark, prominent. 

Basin wide, abrupt, wavy ; Eye medium, closed. 

17 : 


Cavity wide, folded, green; Stem long. 
Core very wide, flat, open, clasping the eye; Flesh yel- 

low, fine grained, breaking; Flavor sweet; Quality good, ° 

to very good; Use, table and baking; Season, August. 
Lamcaster Sweet. 

Origin unknown, grown in Central Ohio, where it is 
much admired for baking and apple butter. 


Fruit medium, regular, oblate, slightly conical; Surface 
green; Dots scattered, dark, minute. 

Basin medium, regular; Eye small, closed; Segments 
of calyx long and reflexed. 

Cavity wide, wavy; Stem very short and small. 

Core medium, regular, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds 
numerous, dark, plump; Flesh greenish-white, tender, fine 
grained, juicy, rich; very sweet. 

Quality not first rate, except for cooking; Season Sep- 

tember and October. — 


Londom Sweet. 

This vigorous, upright, and productive tree is supposed 
to have had its origin near Dayton, Ohio, whence it has 
been largely disseminated, giving entire satisfaction to all 
of its planters. Foliage abundant, and quite dark 

Fruit always fair, regular, flat, and of large size; Sur- 
face smooth, pale yellow, with scattered dots that are of- 
ten colored. 


Basin abrupt, regular, often having concentric cracks ; 
Eye small and closed. 

Cavity wide, regular; Stem short, rather thick. 

Core medium width and closed, clasping the eye; Axis 
very short; Seeds variable, some being plump and some 
imperfect; Flesh yellowish-white, breaking, rather dry, 
but very sweet; Quality good; and considered by some 
persons the very best baking apple of its season, which is 
from November to January or later. 



Mountain Sweet. 


From Pennsylvania; exhibited by Joel Wood, before 
the Ohio Pomological Society. 

_ Fruit large, beautiful, but too delicate for transporta- 
tion, oblate; Surface smooth, light, yellow; Dots minute. 

Basin wide, wavy; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, wavy; Stem short, slender. 

Core wide, open, dark, clasping the eye; Seeds numerous, 
pointed ; Flesh white, breaking, very tender, fine grain- 
ed, juicy; Flavor sweet; Quality good to very good; 
Use, table, baking; Season, December. 

A rival of Broadwell or Ladies’ Sweeting. 


Niumsom Sweet. 


This New England variety is considered quite promis- 
ing in its new western homes, where, however, it 1s not 
yet widely known or tested. Tree vigorous, spreading, 


and productive when established; said to be a regular 

Fruit medium, flat; Surface smooth, green, becoming 
yellow; Dots minute. 

Basin small, abrupt, often folded or plaited; Eye me- 
dium, closed. 

Cavity wide, wavy, green; Stem medium or short. 

Core small, closed ; Seeds plump; Flesh yellowish-white, 
fine grained, tender, juicy; Flavor very sweet; Quality 
nearly first rate; Valuable for baking; Season early 

Fig. 58.—SNEPP9’. 


This fine apple is believed to have originated at Edin- 
burgh, Indiana, and was brought to the notice of the State 
Society by the orchardist whose name it bears, and by 
whom it has been distributed. As it appears to be distinet 
from any known fruit, it is here described. Tree vigor- 
ous and sufficiently productive. 


Fruit above medium, almost large, flat, generally regu- 

Surface nearly smooth, of a dull green, becoming pale 
yellow, with numerous dark dots, that often give it a gray 

Basin rather shallow, sometimes folded or wavy; Eye 
large and closed; Segments of the calyx coarse. 

Cavity acute, regular, rather deep; Stem medium to 
short, stout. 

Core large but closed ; Seeds numerous, pointed, brown; 
Flesh yellowish, breaking, fine grained, juicy; Flavor very 
rich, and agreeably sweet when ripe; Use, fine dessert 
fruit, and good for cooking; Season, December to March. 

Superb Sweet. 

This variety is worthy of more attention than it has 
received ; native of Massachusetts, where it is a vigorous 
and productive tree. Its period of maturity makes it less 
valuable than it would otherwise be. 

Fruit above medium, roundish; Surface smooth, of a 
pale yellow color, often shaded with red. 

Basin rather shallow, broad; Calyx large, open. 

Cavity regular, deep; Stalk long. 

Flesh white, fine grained, tender, juicy; Flavor rich, 

Cole gives its season as September and October, in 

Trumbull Sweet. 


This is another fine white sweet apple, originating in 
Ohio, which, notwithstanding its beauty, is less esteemed 
on account of its season, but its productiveness makes it 
valuable for stock-feeding. Tree vigorous, spreading, 
productive, and an early bearer. 

Fruit above medium, regular, flat ; Surface very smooth, 

pale yellow, or white, resembling ivory; Dots scattering, 

Basin deep, regular ; Kye large, rather open. 

Cavity deep; Stem short. 

Core closed; Seeds numerous, plump; Flesh white, fine 



grained, breaking, juicy ; Flavor very sweet ; Quality very 
good; Use, baking and stock; Season September and Oc- 

Baltimore.—|(0/ Liliott.| 


The origin of this very satisfactory second rate fruit is 
unknown, though it is extensively cultivated im western 

Fig. 59.—BALTIMORE. 

orchards, especially in the lake country, for it is scarcely 
known within the Ohio river fruit region. 

Tree thrifty, sufficiently vigorous but with slender 
growth, very productive, spreading. 

Fruit medium, regular, oblate, almost round in some 
specimens, Surface smooth, red, striped with deep red and 
often covered with whitish or gray markings that give it 


a blue appearance like a bloom; Dots scattered, large, 
yellow or fawn color. 

Basin shallow, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular, brown; Stem short to medium. 

Core large, closed; Seeds numerous, plump; Flesh yel- 
low, fine grained, juicy, almost sweet, aromatic, lacking 
character; Of second quality, but valuable for market ; 
December and January; Not disposed to rot, does not 
show bruises. 



The origin of this fruit has not been definitely traced, 
and though not very widely diffused, it is a prime favorite 
with its acquaintances, and the lovers of rich apple-butter. 

Fruit small, very regular, oblate; Surface very smooth, 
and so covered with mixed red as rarely to show the yel- 

Fig. 60.—BUTTER. 

low ground color; upon this are laid darker stripes of 
deep red; Dots minute and inconspicuous. 

Basin medium, regular, or folded; Eye rather large, 

Cavity acute, regular, brown; Stem of medium thivk- 
ness, rather long. 



Core wide, large, closed; with large, plump, pointed 
seeds; Flesh yellow, tender, fine grained, juicy; with a 
sweet, rich and aromatic flavor. Valuable for stock and 
for apple-butter; Season, October to January. 

Conant’s Red. 

This variety is cultivated in southern Ohio and adjacent 
regions, to which it has been distributed by the venerable 
Pomologist, H. N. Gillett, of Quaker Bottom, to whom 
the author is under many obligations for valuable informa- 
tion connected with the fruits of that productive region. 

Fig. 61.—CONANT’S RED. 

Fruit full medium, regular, oblate, and sometimes 
nearly round. 

In appearance this apple is not very prepossessing, as 
the surface is rough, the yellow ground is obscured by 
mixed red, upon which are red stripes and streaks of rus- 
set; dots are numerous, minute, indented, yellow or fawn 

Basin rather deep, abrupt, regular or wavy; Eye small, 

Cavity wide, wavy or regular, green; Stem medium to 
long, slender. 



Core large, regular, closed; Seeds numerous, some are 
imperfectly developed; Flesh yellow, fine grained, juicy ; 
flavor sub-acid to sweet, very aromatic, agreeable, fitting 
it admirably for a dessert fruit, as which it is nearly first 
rate. Season from September to December. 

Commett Sweet. 

The tree grows vigorously, is upright and productive, 
bearing early. Its origin I have not learned, but procured 
the specimens from my valued friend, Jno. C. Teas, ot 
Raysville, Indiana. 

Fruit of good size, regular, flat; Surface rather rough, 
dull red, with indistinct stripes; Dots few, dark, sunken. 



Basin not deep, wide, regular; Eye rather large, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular, brown; Stem medium to long. 

Core wide, closed; Seeds of medium size; Flesh com- 
pact, yellow, fine grained; Flavor very sweet; Quality 
very good; Season, December to March. 


This is supposed to be the famous cider apple of New 
Jersey, described by Coxe, except that the form is differ- 

Te ee ee 


ent; it has as good qualities for making a rich cider; 
specimens obtained from W. C. Hampton. 

-Fruit small, oblate, regular; Surface dull red, striped 
purple; Dots numerous, yellow. 

Basin wide, regular; Eye large, open. 

Cavity wide, regular, brown; Stem long, inclined. 

Core medium, round, regular, closed, meeting the eye; 
Seeds numerous, angular, plump; Flesh yellowish-white, 
firm, tough; Flavor sweet; Use, cider; Season, winter. 

Jersey Sweet. 

In some parts of the country this is a favorite baking 
apple, but its great productiveness renders it small, and 
makes it rather a stock apple. Tree vigorous, round- 
headed; Shoots short-jointed and red; Foliage abundant, 


Fruit medium, regular, globular-oblate, sometimes rath- 
er conical, (according to Elliott & Downing, roundish- 
ovate, but the drawing given by the latter is globular); 


Surface smooth, yellow, nearly covered with red, mixed, 
striped and splashed carmine, more or less distinctly ; Dots 
generally minute. 

Basin medium to wide, regular; Eye small, generally 

Cavity wide, regular or wavy, rather deep, brown, and 
in Michigan often green; Stem medium to long, green, 

Core wide, regular, partially open in some specimens, but 
generally closed; Seeds numerous, wide, pointed, plump ; 
flesh pale yellow, tender, fine grained, juicy; Flavor very 
sweet, aromatic and rich; Use, the dessert, for those who 
like sweet apples, but especially valued for baking and for 
feeding stock. Season August to October. 

Mioore’s Sweeting. 

This valuable winter sweet apple is much cultivated 
throughout the West on account of its productiveness, 


and the amount of nutriment it furnishes to both man and 




animals. Tree vigorous, healthy, spreading, round, with 
branches sufficiently open; Shoots dark olive; Foliage 
large, dark green. 

Fruit medium to large, globular-oblate, regular; Sur- 
face smooth, greenish-yellow, covered with dull red in 
confused stripes and shaded with gray that gives the fruit 
a purple hue; Dots minute and few; Skin thick. 

Basin wide, wavy or folded; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity wide or acute, deep, green or brown; Stem 
short, rather stout. 

Core small, closed; Seeds numerous, plump, pale; Flesh 
yellow, dry, firm; Flavor very sweet ; Quality inferior, for 
the dessert; Use, baking, market, stock, cider; Season 
from December to March and later, keeping very sound. 

Putnam Sweet. 

Originated near Marietta, Ohio. 

Fruit large, flat, regular; Surface smooth, mixed, splash- 
ed and striped deep red; Dots numerous, large. 

Basin wide, shallow, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular; Stem short. 

Core roundish, flattened, open, clasping the eye; Seeds 
numerous, pointed, pale; Flesh tender; Flavor sweet; 
quality very good; Use, kitchen, stock; Season August, 


Described by F. R. Elliott, author of American Fruit ° 
Growers’ Guide, and named for our mutual friend, D. C. 
Richmond, near Sandusky, Ohio, who found it in an old 
seedling orchard with several other good varieties. ‘The 
seeds were supposed to have been brought from the old 
French orchards of Canada. Tree large, vigorous, pro- 
ductive, and would appear to have been hardy. 

Mr. Elliott says: 

“Fruit large; Form roundish, occasional specimens have 
one side a little enlarged; Color light yellow ground, 
mostly or quite overspread with light and dark red stripes, 
many dots or specks of light russet ; Stem varying, mostly 
short, slender; Cavity deep, open, regular, a little brown- 


ish at bottom; Calyx large, segments long; Basin deep, 
open, uniformly furrowed ; Flesh white, tender, juicy, deli- 

» vy i 

Fig. 65.—RICHMOND. 

cate, sweet; Core medium; Seeds large, full; Season Oc- 
tober to December.” 

Sweet Vandervere. 

This is another western favorite with the admirers of 
sweet apples. Tree sufficiently vigorous, healthy, and 
productive; twigs slender, like those of the true Vander- 

Fruit of good size, from full medium to large, regular, 
oblate, and resembling the Pennsylvania Vandervere ; 
surface very smooth, yellow, shaded with mixed red, and 
striped with dull or dark red; Dots yellow, scattered, in- 

Basin abrupt, wide, deep, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity sometimes wide and regular, or acute; Stem 
long, slender. 


Core regular, heart-shaped, closed; Seeds medium to 
long, angular; Flesh firm, breaking, yellow; Flavor sweet, 

ee J, Mf ZN as 



pleasant; Quality not first rate, valued for baking and for 
stock; Season December and January. 






Better Than Good. 


Like our standard authority, I am obliged to quote from 
the American Pomological Society’s Transactions. Origin 
uncertain, (Elliott says from Pennsylvania) ; Tree thrifty, 
rather slender, very productive. 

Fruit medium, oblate; Skin pale yellow, with a few 
brown dots. 

Basin large and open; Calyx closed. 

Cavity broad; Stem short. 

Flesh yellowish, very tender, juicy; Flavor mild, 
pleasant, sub-acid ; November to January. 


This apple was brought into notice by Lewis Sanders, 
that veteran agriculturist of Kentucky, who was equally 

a Ser dh 


remarkable as a planter of choice fruits, and breeder of 
fine cattle. Mr, Elliott thinks this variety may have had 
its origin in Virginia. ‘Tree moderately vigorous and 

Fruit full medium, regular, oblate, rarely inclined to be 
angular, sometimes slightly conical; Surface very smooth, 
whitish, or waxen, occasionally blushed with pale car- 
mine, making it very beautiful; Dots minute. 

Basin abrupt, narrow, folded, wavy and irregular; Eye 
closed; Segments reflexed. 

Cavity acute, brown; Stem rather long. 

Core regular, small, pyriform, closed, clasping the eye; 
Seeds small,compressed ; Flesh white, breaking, fine grain- 
ed, juicy, sub-acid; Quality very good and preferred as a 
dessert fruit to the Maiden’s Blush, which it much resem- 
bles without having the peculiar flavor of that variety. 


A southern variety received from J. 8. Downer & Son. 

Fruit medium, roundish-oblate or cylindrical, truncate, 
regular; Surface smooth, yellow, covered with mixed deep 
red, striped; Dots numerous, minute. ; 

Basin deep, abrupt, regular, leather-cracked; Eye small, 

Cavity wide, acute; Stem short. ‘ 

Core round, regular, closed, hardly clasping ; Axis short ; 
Seeds numerous, plump ; Flesh yellow, fine grained, tender, 
rather dry; Flavor sub-acid; Quality good; Use, table ; 
Season, December. 

: Cracking. 

This variety had its origin in the eastern part of Ohio. 
The tree is a strong grower and productive. 

Fruit large, oblate, somewhat uneven and irregular, but 
handsome; Surface smooth, greenish-yellow until ripe, 
when it is often tinged with red; Dots numerous, minute, 
indented and green. 

Basin wide, folded; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity acute, wavy, brown; Stem short, rather stout. 

Core wide, open, clasping the eye; Seeds large, point- 
ed, dark; Flesh yellow, breaking, Juicy ; Flavor sub-acid 5 | 







i ZA y 
Z = — JSS 

Fig. 68.—CcRACKING. 

quality nearly first rate; Use, kitchen and table; Season 

September and October. 
Cranberry Pippin. 
This is a beautiful apple which originated near Hudson, 
New York. Tree vigorous, very productive. 
Fruit large, flat, regular; Surface very smooth, bright, 
clear yellow, with a shining scarlet cheek ; Dots minute. 
Basin wide, regular or wavy; Eye small, short, closed. 
Cavity wide, wavy; Stem medium. 
Core small, oval, just meeting the eye; Axis short ; Seeds 
juicy ; Flavor mild, 

numerous, long; Flesh white, breaking 
sub-acid; Quality very good for cooking, not for dessert ; 
Season November to February in New York. 


Specimens from Mr, Warren, of Massachusetts. 

and history unknown. 




Fruit medium, flat, uneven; Surface smooth, yellowish- 
green, becoming greasy; Dots scattered, green. 

Basin medium, folded; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity deep, pointed; Stem medium. 

Core medium, wide, closed, clasping the eye; Seeds 
large; Flesh greenish-white, tender, juicy; Flavor sub- 
acid ; Quality good; Use kitchen, table ; Season September. 

Not particularly desirable. 

Early Hiarvest. 

This American apple has long been a prime favorite in 
the orchard, especially when planted for family use, since 
it is of excellent quality for table as well as in the kitchen. 
For the commercial orchard, however, it is falling into dis- 


~——— a - 

me te eee 




favor with the market men, because of its uncertainty, and 
its proneness to be defective on some soils. 

Tree spreading, healthy and vigorous; the limbs are 
very strongly attached to the trunk by a woody enlarge- 
ment at their base, and the pale olive twigs are remark- 


able for their peculiar mode of production in twos and 
threes from a common origin. 

Fruit medium, regular, oblate, sometimes almost round, 
as described by Downing, but this is rare in the West, where 
the oblate form prevails. Surface smooth, clear, waxy 
yellow, very rarely blushed ; Dots numerous, minute, green. 

Basin regular, narrow, abrupt ; Kye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular; : Stem short. 

Core round, ‘closed, not meeting the eye; Seeds large, 
pointed ; Flesh tender , breaking, juicy, acid to sub-acid, 
agree eable; Of first quality for table or kitchen during the 
month of J uly. 


This very nice apple, received from 8. W. Westbrooke, 
of Greensboro, N. C., deserves the commendation of its 
southern admirers. 

Fruit regular, globular-oblate, of medium size; Surface 

Fig. 70.—FAUST. 

smooth, yellow, with a white bloom and sunken white 

Basin shallow, folded; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, creen ; . Stem medium, to long. 


Core wide, closed, scarcely meeting the eye; Seeds an- 
gular; Flesh yellow, fine grained ; Flavor sub-acid, aroma- 
tic, and first quality for table or dessert use, in November 
or later. 


This fine fruit originated in Kentucky and is cultivated 
to some extent in Southern Indiana, where it is considered 
entitled to the meed of excellence, and preferred to the 
Early Harvest on the one hand, and to the Maiden’s Blush 

~~ ie 4 = 
A XQ 77 SS 
: \ \\ i y Y 
Ae \ i ] < 
7 wt i Mh \ 

Fig. 71.—FINLEY. 

on the other; and in its season, it competes with both, be- 
ing useful in July for the kitchen, and ripening gradually 
until September. 

Tree large, spreading, vigorous and productive. 

Fruit large to very large, regular, globular-oblate, 
slightly conical; Surface smooth, greenish-yellow, becom- 
ing a clear lemon yellow at maturity ; Dots minute, gray, 


Basin rather wide, wavy; Eye small, closed; Segments 

Cavity acute, medium to deep, regular, brown; Stem 
long, yellow. 

Core heart-shaped, regular, closed, clasping the eye; 
Seeds few, large, plump, and some imperfect ; Flesh yellow, 
breaking, fine grained, juicy, acid, almost first quality ; 
Valuable for kitchen and market; Season August and 



This long keeper was brought before the notice of the 
Ohio Pomological Society many years ago by Mr. Clarke, 
of Somerset, Ohio. Mr. Elliott considered it the same as 
Tewksbury Winter Blush, and introduces Fink’s Seedling 
as a synonym of that variety. Others think it a different 
fruit, among whom is that practical Pomologist, the Secre- 
tary of that association, M. B. Bateham, Esq., who has 
propagated and planted the trees extensively. It was de- 
scribed as Fink’s Seedling in the Ohio Cultivator, May, 
1847. At the meeting of 1854, the merits and claims of 
this variety were freely discussed, and the Society named 
it the Fink, after admitting that it was an original seed- 
ling, as stated by Mr. Fink, in whose seedling orchard it 
had originated. 

Tree of strong upright growth, a profuse and annual 

Fruit small, regular, roundish-oblate; Surface very 
smooth, polished, greenish-yellow, blushed with brownish- 
red; Flesh whitish, breaking, juicy, mild sub-acid ; remark- 
able for its keeping qualities, remaining sound until the 
second season, and has been shown in May after having 
been kept over two winters. 


Origin, Canton County, Illinois. Tree large, vigorous, 
productive, annual bearer. 

Fruit large, globular-oblate, often oblique or unsymme- 
trical; Surface smooth, greenish-yellow, with a carmine 
blush; Dots minute, indented. 

Basin abrupt, deep, folded; Eye medium to large, open. 



Cavity deep, narrow or acute, green and brown; Stem 
rather long and slender. 

Core small, round, clasping; Seeds numerous, small, 
short and plump; Flesh yellow, tender, fine grained, juicy ; 
flavor sub-acid and aromatic; First quality for table; In 

November and December. Our Illinois orchardists do 
not commend it so highly as when first introduced; not 
fully satisfactory where planted in Ohio on limestone 

Golden Seedling. 

Said to have originated with Mr. Riehl, of St. Louis, 
cultivated and distributed by Geo. Husmann, of Hermann, 
Mo., in whose orchard I gathered it. 

Fruit large, handsome, regular, and oblate; Surface 
smooth, greenish-yellow, and blushed; Dots scattered, 

Basin wide, regular; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity wide, wavy; Stem short. 


Core medium, regular, meeting the eye, closed; Seeds 


numerous,angular, pale; Flesh yellow, juicy, rich; “* Very 
Green Crank. 

I have received this southern apple from Kentucky, 
Tenn., and also from Georgia, but have not yet fruited it. 
Tree moderately thrifty ; Shoots brown; Foliage small. 

Fruit medium to large, flattened somewhat, conical, 
regular; Surface green to yellow, sometimes bronzed ; 
dots small, gray. 

Basin medium, regular; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity wide, deep, acute, brown; Stem medium, green, 

Core wide, medium, closed, not clasping the eye; seeds 
numerous, plump, short, dark; Flesh yellow, firm, fine 
erained, juicy; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic, rich; Quality 
good to very good; Use table, kitchen; Season Decem- 
ber to March. 


rT 409 
~ x 

i a 




. Fig. 

73, —HAWLEY. 




Originated in Columbia County, New York. Tree 
vigorous, with a round spreading head ; Shoots stout, olive. 

Fruit large, regular, oblate or slightly conic; Surface 
waxy yellow, rarely shaded or blushed, becomes oily or 
greasy when kept. | 

Basin rather wide, wavy ; Cavity wide, sometimes fold- 
ed; Stem short, medium and long. 

Core regular, closed, scarcely clasping the eye; Seeds 
generally imperfect; Flesh yellowish-white, very tender, 
fine grained, juicy; Flavor very pleasant, mild sub-acid, 
rich; Season August to September; an amateur’s fruit. 

Haw thornden. 

This famous Scotch fruit appears to do very well in this 
country, but it must yield the palm to its American cousin 
and representative, the Maiden’s Blush, which possesses 
all its good qualities as a market and kitchen fruit, with 
attractive appearance. 

Tree spreading, vigorous and productive: an early 


Fruit large, regular, and very flat; Surface perfectly 
smooth, always fair, and of a beautiful white, very rarely 
and faintly blushed; Dots minute. 

Basin shallow, narrow, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, wavy, green; Stem medium. 

Core wide, regular, somewhat open, meeting the eye; 
Seeds numerous, angular, imperfect, brown; Flesh green- 
ish-white, breaking, fine grained, juicy; Flavor acid, aro- 
matic; of second quality for table, but first rate for cook- 
ing; Uses, kitchen and market; Season October. 


This apple originated in the Cherokee country, where it 
is highly esteemed, and fruited in Ohio and Kentucky this 

Fruit large, roundish or flattened, slightly conic, regu- 
lar; Surface smooth, yellow, with some russet, chiefly 
about the apex; sometimes blushed; Dots minute, gray. 

Basin rather small, regular; Eye small, long, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, brown; Stem quite short, knobby. 

Core wide, heart-shaped, regular, closed; Axis short; 
seeds few, short, plump; Flesh yellow, breaking, granular ; 
flavor sub-acid, spicy, rich; Quality good; Use, table and 
kitchen; Season November, and through the winter. 

It may be destined to supply the place of the Rhode 
Island Greening, where that variety does‘not succeed. 


Origin, Delaware. Tree upright, sufficiently vigorous. 
Has been confounded with the Bohanon, but is distinct. 

Fruit small, regular, oblate, somewhat conic; Beautiful 
for the dessert; Surface very smooth, waxen yellow, 
blushed with bright crimson; Flesh whitish, crisp, juicy, 
acid and pleasant ; October and November. 

La dy. 

This beautiful little French apple has been fully natur- 
alized in our country, and has received the enthusiastic 
admiration of the American people. The fruit needs to 


be entirely perfect to meet with favor as an ornament to 
the. table, for which use it is especially adapted; unfor- 
tunately it is often overgrown and irregularly developed. 
Wherever produced in proper size and color, it is one of 
the most profitable varieties, commanding fancy prices at 
the period of Christmas decorations. In the rich soils of 
the West it is apt to be too large, and has generally failed 
to meet the requisitions; but it succeeds well in Michigan, 
and the neighboring region of Indiana. 

Tree of medium size, very close and upright, healthy 
and productive; Shoots very dark; the foliage small, 
crowded, curled, and very dark. 

Fruit very small, quite flat, very regular; Surtace very 
smooth, shining or polished, of a pale waxen yellow, near- 
ly covered with bright carmine, which contrasts finely 
with the ground color, wherever the fruit has been shaded 
by a leaf; Dots minute. 

Basin medium, rather abrupt; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity acute, deep, regular; Stem short. 

Core regular, wide, closed; Seeds numerous; Axis very 
short; Flesh white, breaking, tender and juicy when ripe; 
with a mild sub-acid flavor; Use ornament and dessert ; 
Season December until March. 

Niaidem’s H8iash. 

This beautiful and profitable fruit has received the un- 
qualified approbation of thirteen out of the eighteen States 
that have reported to the American Pomological Society. 
It is a native of New Jersey, and is still held in high 
repute there as a market apple. The tree is hardy, vigor- 
ous, spreading and productive, beginning to bear quite 

Fruit medium, to large, regular, flat and very handsome; 
Surface very smooth, polished, of a pale waxen yellow and 
blushed with bright carmine ; Dots minute. 

Basin shallow, regular or wavy; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, wavy; Stem medium to short. 

Core regular, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds numerous, 
brown ; Flesh white, breaking, , fine orained , juicy; Flavor 
acid, aromatic, and to most palates. not agreeable at the 
dessert, but very good when cooked, and requiring but 

a short time to be reduced to a delicious pulp of light 


ChASS. IF PAT APPLES -—T, aI. I: 413 

color, This apple is also used for drying and makes a 
very light colored product, that is much admired by deal- 
ers. Season September and October, but may be used in 
the kitchen during August. 

a LEZ 

—— ic 

Bachelor’s Blush appears to be a variety of the above; 
found in Burlington County, New Jersey, and exhibited 
before the American Pomological Society at the Rochester 
meeting in 1864, by Wm. Parry, as a valuable and dis- 
tinct variety. Having examined the trees as they grew 
together in the orchard, the resemblance to Maiden’s 
Blush was very apparent. The fruit is larger, and for 
market purposes is considered more profitable. The two 
may be different, but are very much alike. 

Pickard’s Reserve. 

Grown in Parke County, Indiana, from seed brought 
from North Carolina, This apple was first brought to 
my notice by Jno. C. Teas, of Raysville, Indiana. Con- 
siderably grown in that State. Tree hardy; the original 
is still standing in Rockville. 

Fruit large, flat, somewhat unequal; Surface smooth, 
‘pale yellow; Dots scattered, minute. 


Basin abrupt, regular, rather deep; Eye quite small, - 

Cavity deep, wavy, brown; Stem short to medium. 

Core irregular, closed, scarcely clasping the eye; Seeds 


numerous, angular, dark brown; Flesh whitish-yellow, fine 
grained, tender, juicy, with a-sub-acid, aromatic fiavor, 
making this a fruit of first quality for table or kitchen use; 
Season December and January. 

Rhode Esland Greening. 

From its name this apple would appear, like the Peck’s 
Pleasant, to have come from the sea-girt State. It is a 
universal favorite, and is found to succeed well in a great 
many situations; but there are some portions of the West 
where it has failed to give satisfaction, being slow to come 
into bearing, becoming an autumn instead of a winter fruit, 
and falling badly from the trees before picking time. In 
sandstone soils, however, even in Southern Indiana and II- 
linois, it does better than on the limestone clays; the fruit 


attains an enormous size, but matures too early for a win- 
ter apple. 

Tree very vigorous, crooked, spreading, productive ; 
Shoots stout, dark, with dark foliage. 

Fruit large to very large, varying in shape from globu- 
lar or round to flat, which is the prevailing and character- 
istic form. Surface smooth in the North, somewhat rough 
and often quite russeted in the South, a dull green, becom- 
ing yellow at maturity; Dots grey, irregular, numerous. 


Basin regular, small and russeted to a greater or less 
extent, sometimes extending half way down the sides of 
the fruit; Eye small to medium, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular; Stem medium to long, curved, 
often reddish. 

Core roundish-oval, regular, closed, clasping the eye; 
seeds numerous, angular, dark; Flesh very yellow, break- 
ing, tender, juicy, with a rich, acid flavor, making it a 
superior cooking apple, and very fine for the dessert when 
fully ripe; Quality almost first rate; Season October to 
December—in the North, keeping until March. 


Tewksbury Winter Blush. 

This long-keeping variety was described by Coxe as 
having its origin in New Jersey. It has already been 
named in connection with the Fink, which resembles it 
very closely, and, like it, the chief excellence of this vari- 
ety consists in its superior keeping qualities. 

The tree is vigorous, upright, productive, and holds the 
apples well. 

Fruit small, regular, flat; Surface smooth, yellow, blush- 
ed; Flesh yellow, breaking, juicy, well flavored, and retains 
its characters for a long time. 

Virginia Greening. 

This apple is supposed from its name to have originated 
in Virginia. It is cultivated chicfly in the Southern 


States, and in those parts of the Northwest to which 
Southerners have migrated. Its chief merit is its long 
keeping. Tree large, § spreading, productive. 

ies en 


Fruit large, regular, flat to roundish, generally the 
former; Surface smooth, dull green and often bronzy, nev- 
er blushed; Dots scattered, large, white or gray, with 
whitish rings around them. 

Basin regular, wide, shallow; Eye small, open. 

Cavity wide, ree ular, green; Stem long to medium. 
Core reoular, turbinat e, closed, mee eting the eye; Seeds 
numerous, “long ; Flesh white, firm, breaking, sub- acid ; Fit 
only for the kitchen ; ae long keeper; > March and Apr is 

often subject to Bitter-rot. 

White Fall Pippin. 


This handsome fruit ‘is seen in quantities in the Louis- 
ville market every fall. Its cultivation does not appear 
to have been widely extended, nor has its origin been 
traced. It has been thought to resemble the Spanish Rei- 
nette, with which I have not had an nivcanie to com- 
pare it. 

Fruit very large, slightly uneven, roundish-flattened or 
globular-oblate ; “Surface smooth , pale yellow, not bronzed 
or blushed, but having a whitish striping toward the 
stem end ; Dots scattered, minute, dark. 

Basin abrupt, narrow, deep and folded; Eye small, long, 

Cavity wide, wavy; Stem very short. 

Core wide, regular, somewhat open, clasping the eye; 
Seeds numer ous, ‘angular; ; Flesh yellowish-white, breaking, 
Juicy; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic and rich ; Useful for cook- 
ing, drying, and table; Season October. 

WY inite Juneatinez. 


Downing thinks this a very old variety, mentioned by 
Evelyn in 1660, and by Ray in 1688. It has long been 
known in the West and South as a very early apple, and 
valued on this account, though quite small. The tree re- 
sembles that of the Early Harvest in the color and ar- 
rangement of its twigs. 

Fruit flat, regular; Surface smooth, pale yellow. 



Basin not deep, slightly folded; Eye small, closed. 
Cavity wide, shallow; Stem long, slender. 

Flesh breaking, whitish, j juicy till over-ripe, when it is 
dry; Flavor sub-acid ; Use table and market; Season June. 

Winter Pippin. 


This very handsome fruit was received from T. T. Lyon, 
of Plymouth, Michigan, marked as having been received 
from Western New York. The same fruit was a very 
strong competitor for the Greeley prize before the Commit- 
tee of the American Institute, and is believed to be the 
same as that described by Downing as the Winter Pippin 
of Geneva. 

Tree thrifty, branches spreading ; Said to be productive. 

Fruit large, oblate, regular, or slightly unequal; Surface 
smooth, pale yellow, with a bright crimson cheek ; Dots 
numerous, minute. 

Basin wide, wavy, or plaited; Eye medfum, closed. 

Cavity regular, green, rather deep; Stem long. 

Core medium, regular, closed, clasping the eye; Seeds 
numerous, plump ; Flesh yellowish- white, fine orained, 
juicy, sub- acid ; Season January until May. A limited 
acquaintance does not justify me in giving such high 
praises as those bestowed upon this fruit by Mr. Downing. 

Wellow Foster. 

This apple is a favorite with that worthy pioneer Po- 
mologist of Southern Ohio, H. N. Gillett, of Lawrence 
County, to whom I am under obligations for this and many 
other varieties. 

Fruit medium to large, regular, oblate; Surface smooth, 
greenish-yellow ; Dots scattered, minute green. 

Basin of medium depth and size, regular; Eye smail, 

Cavity acute, regular; Stem of medium size and length. 

Core medium, wide, closed, not meeting the eye; Seeds 
not numerous, medium; Flesh yellow, fine grained, tender, 
juicy ; Flavor sub-acid and aromatic; Of first quality for 
table; During October. 






FATHER ABRAHAM, Of Illinois, not that of Coxe. 

This little southern favorite is not extensively cultivated 
in the North, except where southern settlers have intro- 
duced it. It is found in Illinois, Indiana and Missouri. 
Origin believed to have been in Virginia, whence I have re- 
ceived specimens and trees. In Kentucky it is found to 
be a hardy drooping tree, holding the fruit well; an- 
nually productive, valued for cider, and keeping till July 
of next year. 

Fruit medium, globular-oblate, uneven; Surface not 
smooth, yellowish green, mixed, red, with stripes and 
splashes; the whole presenting a gray appearance; Dots 
minute, scattered. 


Basin shallow, wide, wavy ; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity acute, veoular; Stem long, inclined. 

Core medium, reoular, closed ; Seeds numerous, short, 
plump, pale ; Flesh: oreenish- yellow, fine grained, juicy ; 
flavor mild sub-acid, “rich : almost first quality ; keeping 
until May or later. 

American Pippin. 


This fruit is chiefly valued for keeping very late into the 
summer. Coxe commends it for its cider, rating it as 
nearly equal to the Grey-House; he says that fourteen 
bushels are required to make a barrel of cider. The ap- 
ples hang well to the tree, and will bear a considerable 
amount of freezing. They are so firm as to suffer little from 
bruising, and are not disposed to rot when thus injured. A 
fruitman once said of their ability to withstand rough 
usage, that the apples might be whipped off the tree with 
a hoop-pole, shoveled into a cart, dumped upon the ground, 
and have some dirt thrown upon them, and that they 
would keep until next July ; but, he added, they are then 
as good as dried apples; so lightly are they esteemed for 
table use. 

The tree is thrifty, with a low, spreading head and de- 
pending branches; very pr oductiv e; notw ithstanding the 
fruit is dry and deficient in flavor, it is considered profit 
able, because so easily kept until May and June, when it 
commands the highest price, because of the rarity of green 
fruit at that season. 

Fruit medium, regular, very flat; Surface rough, some- 
times vein-russeted, dull green, covered with mixed red, 
and shaded with stripes of brick-dust color; Dots nume:- 
ous, large, gray. 

Basin very shallow, wide, regular or plaited; Eye quite 
small, open. 

Cavity regular, brown, this color extending over the 
base of the fr uit; Stem medium, often thick and knobby. 

Core wide, irreoular, closed; Seeds numerous, plump, 
brown; Flesh yellow, breaking, dry, very firm; Flavor mild 
sub-acid; Quality poor; Uses kitchen and market, which 
last means that it may be sold to those who do not appre- 
ciate the summer fruits of May and June. 

& a 



This celebrated apple of New England has been widely 
distributed over the country, but has not met with uni- 
versal favor in the West and South; first, because it is 
apt to become a fall or early winter fruit, instead of a keep- 
ing apple; and secondly, because it is not well adapted to 
our palates ; moreover, the tree has been considered tender, 
having suffered extensively during the cold winters; this 
is especially true in the nursery. Its productiveness and 
fair quality will, however, always make the Baldwin a 
favorite over a large portion of our country, and the New 
England settlers must have this variety. 

Fig. 82.—BALDWIN. 

Tree robust, spreading, very productive; Foliage large, 
dark, on shoots that are stout and havea rich brown bark. 
Fruit large, frequently round, and sometimes almost 
conical, but generally inclined to be flattened, so as to be 
classed by measurement as oblate; large specimens in 
southern latitudes are very apt to be unequal, and to have 


their axis inclined, or to be what is called lop-sided ; sur- 
face smooth, rich yellow where shaded, but the exposed 
parts quite covered with deep red, which is mixed so as to 
conceal the ground color, and also to obscure: the stripes 
of deeper red that prevail; this fruit is also frequently 
marked with veined russet, overlying the red color, or ex- 
cluding it; Dots minute, and yellow, or gray where the 
red prevails. 

Basin deep, often abrupt and narrow, generally waved, 
folded or plaited, and these marks are quite characteristic ; 
Kye large and open, from the shortness of the calyx. On 
this account the variety is considered very subject to the 
attacks of the Codling-moth. 

Cavity wide, regular or wavy, generally brown; Stem 
medium to long, often curved or inclined, sufficiently 

Core medium, regular, closed, meeting, sometimes clasp- 
ing the eye; Seeds numerous, long, angular, imperfect ; 
flesh yellow, breaking, frequently coarse-grained, juicy, 
sub-acid, rich; some northern specimens are fine-grained 
and almost first quality; those from the South are coarse, 
poor and scarcely second-rate for table usc, but are good 
for cooking; Season October to January, occasionally 
keeping later. 

“g YP Z al 





This apple has frequently been exhibited before the Ohio 
Pomological Society, by friends Lipsey, Morris and Bene- 
dict, of Morrow County, to which region its cultivation 
appears to have been confined. The origin of the fruit is 

Tree thrifty, hardy, productive, upright. 

Fruit medium, flat, or oblate-globular, regular ; surface 
smooth, dull red or bright red, mixed, on yellow, with 
broken splashes of crimson; Dots distinct, large, gray and 

Basin wide, deep, regular or folded, leather-cracked ; Eye 
medium, closed. 

Cavity rather wide, regular, brown; Stem medium to 

Core regular, neat, closed, just meeting the eye; Axis 
short ; Seeds numerous, short, very plump, pale ; Flesh yel- 
lowish-white, breaking, juicy, sub-acid, aromatic; Quality 
good, for table and cooking; Season December. 

Fig. 84.—BLONDIN. 



This fine fruit originated with the veteran Pomologist 
of Indiana, Reuben Ragan. 

Fruit very large, oblate, unequal; Surface rough, green- 
ish-yellow, splashed and striped with red; Dots numerous, 
large, gray. 

Basin abrupt, folded; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity acute, deep, brown; Stem short, rather slender 

Core medium or small, regular, closed, clasping the eye; 
Seeds plump, pointed, brown: Flesh greenish-yellow, fine- 
grained, tender, juicy ; Flavor sub-acid ; almost first rate 
for table and market; Season October and November. 

Blooming Orange. 

Mr. Waring considers this the handsomest apple. In 
1839 he brought a large number of sorts from the famous 
Herefordshire apple orchards of England, of which this is 
the only one he retains as_ fully adapted to the mountain 
region of Pennsylvania. 

Tree avery strong, free, handsome grower, and an im- 
mense bearer, after six or eight years’ growth. 

Fruit very large, fair, beautiful, roundish-oblate , regular ; 
surface dark, ric hly ¢ clouded with claret and mahogany, on 
yellow ground; Eye open; Flesh crisp, juicy, acid at first, 
but this merges into a rich, penetrating, very agreeable 

It is of the Ribston Pippin, or Dutch Mignonne type of 
fruit.—[Mr. G. Waring’s MS. | 



This delicious southern fruit originated in Davidson 
County, North Carolina. The tree is vigorous, very pro- 
ductive and bears early. [ received specimens from 8. W. 
Westbrooke, Greensboro’, North Carolina. Introduced 
to the Agnerican Pomolog ical Society at the Philadelphia 
meeting, 1860, by Walter Steele, of Rockingham County, 
North Car olina, and highly recontmended, 

Pes aS Sater 


Fruit large, oblate, regular; Surface smooth, yellow, 
covered with mixed red, and striped ; Dots distinct, large, 

Basin medium, regular; Eye large, closed. 

Cavity deep, regular, brown; Stem long, not thick, 

Core oval, small, closed, scarcely meeting the eye; Axis 

Fig. 85.—BONUM. 

short; Seeds large, plump; Flesh yellow, firm, breaking, 
fine-grained, juicy; Flavor rich, sub-acid ; first quality for 
the dessert ; in September. 


This apple was found on the edge of the prairie, east of 
Quincy, Hllinois, in the orchard of K. K. Jones, Esq., 
where it was supposed to have been brought from the 
State of Delaware. 

Tree large, vigorous, spreading and productive. 

Fruit medium, oblate, roundish, slightly conic, regular ; 
surface smooth, greenish, covered with confused stripes of 
dull red; Dots scattered, white. 

Basin shallow, abrupt, regular ; Eye small, closed. 


Cavity acute, regular, green; Stem very short. 
Core small, round, closed, clasping ; Seeds imperfect ; 


Flesh greenish-white, fine-grained, tender, juicy; Flavor 
sub-acid, aromatic; Quality only good; Use table, kitchen ; 
Season January, Iebruary. 


Origin near Cincinnati, Ohio, in the orchard of Robert 
Buchanan, Esq., a gentleman long devoted to pomology. 
It also closely resembles the Brandywine, as grown in Illi- 
nois, already described. 

This variety is much like the Minkler, which originated 
in Illinois, and both may have come from seeds of the Gil- 
pin, which they resemble. 

Tree vigorous and productive. 

CLASS 1.—-KDAT: SPPENS:——1 I 1, 427 

Fruit medium, oblate, regular ; Surface smooth, yellow, 
covered with mixed red and striped bright red ; Dots scat- 
tered, minute. 

Basin medium, folded or plaited ; Eye large, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular, green; Stem short or medium. 

Core flattened, closed, clasping the eye; Seeds numerous, 
plump, dark; Flesh greenish-yellow, firm, breaking; Flavor 
sub-acid; Quality scarcely second rate, but useful for cook- 
ing, and keeps sound until May. 

Carolina Baldwin. 

This nice southern apple was received from 8. W. West- 
brooke, of Greensboro’. Of the tree I know nothing. 

Fruit medium, oblate, regular; Surface yellow-green, 
with mixed red and stripes; Dots numerous, large, white. 

Basin abrupt, regular; Eye large, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular ; Stem, medium to long. 

Core small, regular, heart-shaped, closed; Seeds pointed ; 
Flesh yellow, fine-grained, juicy; Flavor, sub-acid ; good 
for table in November. 


This fruit was received from Lewis Sanders, of Grass 
Hills, Gallatin County, Kentucky, by whom it was grown 
and esteemed. 

Fruit medium to small, oblate, regular ; Surface smooth, 
yellowish-green, striped purple red, splashed deep red; 
dots scattered, gray and purple. 

Basin shallow, regular, or abrupt and deep, in different 
specimens ; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular, brown; Stem long, slender. 

Core regular, closed; Axis long; Seeds plump, pointed, 
dark ; Flesh yellow, tender, fine-grained, juicy ; Flavor sub- 
acid, agreeable; Quality good for the table in December 
and January. 


Fruit large, roundish-oblate, slightly conic, regular, often 
unequal ; Surface smooth, yellowish-green, mixed, striped, 
light red ; Dots scattered, distinct, white. 

Basin deep, abrupt, regular, folded; Eye medium. 


Cavity rather deep, acute, brown; Stem medium. 

Core round, flattened, slightly open, meeting the eye; 
Seeds numerous, long, pointed, imperfect; Flesh white, 
breaking, fine-grained, juicy; Flavor sub-acid; Quality 
scarcely good; Use, market chiefly; Season October, No- 


This delicious apple was introduced into the West with 
the cions that were brought to the early Putnam nursery 
at the mouth of the Muskingum river in 1796. Though a 
general favorite from its beauty, its fine texture, and ex- 

Fig. 87.—COOPER. 

quisite flavor, this variety does not appear to have been so 
widely spread as others very inferior to it. Though occur- 
ring on the original Putnam list, and therefore an eastern 
variety, it does not appear to have been recognized by ecul- 
tivators in the older States, and there are those in the West 
who claim that it is of French origin. 

The tree has a stout, upright growth, which becomes 
spreading with age, when the limbs stand at a right an- 

~~ Ga? 


gle with the trunk; they are frequently defaced with marks 
of diseased action that are called canker. The twigs are 
reddish and rather slender ; the leaves are pale green, large, 

Fruit large, globular-oblate, regular, sometimes unequal, 
light;, Surface smooth, pale waxen-yellow, with a little 
mixed scarlet and very distinctly marked carmine; Dots 
scattered, minute. 

Basin regular, abrupt, deep ; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular, green; Stem medium, green. 

Core small, closed, just meeting the eve; Seeds numer- 
ous, plump, short, dark; Flesh pale yellow, fine-grained, 
tender, almost melting, juicy; very mild sub-acid, aromat- 
ic; of first quality for table, kitchen or market (too good 
for drying, but makes a superior article of snits) ; Season 
September and October. 

Ebr. Watson. 


This delicious and beautiful dessert apple is much grown 
in Central and Eastern Indiana, particularly among the 
Friends. It was for a long time a puzzle to the pomolo- 
gists. In the meanwhile it must have a name, and without 
_ waiting for the decision of the learned, the people in dif- 
ferent sections, without consultation, called it the Autumn 
Seck-no-further. Finally the Horticultural Societies de- 
cided that it was an old sort named Doctor Watson, though 
upon what authority does not appear. The fruit has not 
been recognized by our Eastern friends, nor by the Ameri- 
can Pomologieal Society, to which it was referred in 1860. 

Tree large, spreading, very productive; Twigs slender, 
foliage small, pale green; in the nursery it is a poor 

Fruit medium to large, unless when too crowded, regu- 
lar, oblate, sometimes unequal; Surface smooth, mixed pale 
and red on waxen-yellow, beautifully splashed with scar- 
let ; Dots minute. 

Basin abrupt, rather deep, wide, regular, sometimes 
cracked ; Eye meaium, open. 

Cavity wide, regular or wavy, brown; Stem medium to 


Core medium, regular, closed, just meeting the eye; 
Axis short; Seeds plump; Flesh yellow, fine-grained, very 

tender and juicy, almost melting, with a rich, aromatic, 

Fig. 88.-—-DR. WATSON. 

sub-acid flavor; Quality best, for table and kitchen, from 
September to November; also valuable for stock feeding. 


Supposed to be a native of this country; origin un- 
known. Tree very thrifty, making long, stout, brown 
shoots, which branch from the ends, and form spurs along 
their sides, so that the tree has a straggling, open head, and 
bears its fruit crowded along the smaller branches. It is 
hardy, upright, vigorous and productive. Foliage large 
and long, with a peculiar curl or folding upwards, so as to 
show the underside of the leaves. 

Fruit large, flat, regular, sometimes unequal; Surface 
yellowish-green, nearly covered with mixed red, and striped 
indistinctly with carmine, often vein-russeted ; Dots scat- 
tered, yellow and gray, large. 

Basin rather shallow, folded or plaited ; Eye medium to 
small, closed. | 


Cavity wide, wavy, brown; Stem long, slen- 
der at its insertion into the fruit, and easily separated from 
it, but holding firmly to the tree; hence care is needed in 
picking the fruit. 

Core regular, somewhat open, scarcely meetiig the eye ; 

Fiy. 89.—DOMINE. 

Axis often short ; Seeds numerous, pointed, plump ; Flesh 
light yellow, breaking, tender, juicy; flavor slightly sub- 
acid, rich; good, for table, kitchen, or market; Season 
December and January, keeping until spring in the North. 

Duchess of Oldenburgh. 

This very beautiful striped apple is from Russia, and 
has proved one of the hardiest apples in our trying climate. 
Reports from the Northwest are entirely satisfactory as to 
its hardiness. 

Tree medium size, round-headed, sufficiently vigorous 

and perfectly hardy. 


Fruit medium, regular, roundish-oblate ; Surface smooth, 
waxen-yellow, partially covered with distinct and regular 
stripes and splashes of brilliant red and. carmine; ‘often 
having a light bloom, such as is found on most Russian 
apples. . 

Basin regular, pretty wide; Eye large and closed. 

Cavity regular, acute ; Stem inedium to long, rather 
slender. . 

Flesh white, tender, juicy; Sour and suitable for cook- 
ing. Though attractive to the eye, it is unsuited tor the 

By Dr. Jno, A. Kennicott, the pioneer cultivator of 
Northern Illinois, this apple was considered the ne plus 
ultra for that and higher latitudes. 

BACHELOR—BYERS—10LA (Berckmans’ M. =) SOL. CARTEE (Downing. ) 

This fine southern apple has its origin traced to Yancey. 
County, in North Carolina. It has not’ yet been sufficiently 


tested in the Northern States, but is considered one of the 


best in the South, and is looked upon as having great pro- 
mise in our northern orchards, where it is somewhat in- 
troduced. Berckmans says: “¢ The finest of the late fall and 
winter apples.” s 

The trees bear a strong resemblance to those of the 

Fruit large, oblate, sometimes oblique; Surface light 
yellow, mostly covered with bright crimson, obscurely 
striped ; Dots small, white. 

Basin deep, narrow, irregular; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity wide, deep; Stem short. 

Flesh pale yellow, very tender, juicy, melting; Flavor 
very mild sub-acid, making it a very superior table fruit, 
from November to January in Georgia, according to 

Evening Party. 

This excellent dessert fruit originated in Berks County, 
Pennsylvania, and was brought into notice by the late la- 

EE taal) 


mented Dr. Brinkle, of Philadelphia, in his ad-interim re- 
ports, and also in Hoffy’s Fruits. It has been tested with 
entire satisfaction by J. D. G. Nelson, President of the 
Indiana Horticultural Society, who always has admirers 



of the fruit exhibited by him at the winter meetings. This 
apple takes the place at mid-winter which is occupied in 
summer by the Early Joe, and in autumn by the Jefferies, 
Dr. Watson and Cooper. ; 

Fruit medium to small, regular, quite flat; Surface 
smooth, mixed red, and carmine stripes on waxen-yellow 
ground; Dots numerous, distinct, gray. 

Basin abrupt, regular deep; Eye small, closed ; Seg- 
ments long. 

Cavity wide, deep, regular, brown ; Stem medium, green, 

Core small, regular, closed, touching the eye; Axis short ; 
Seeds short, wide, dark; Flesh light yellow, very fine-grain- 
ed, tender, juicy ; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic; first quality, 
or very best, for the dessert, or the evening party, during 
December and January. 

Fall Wime. 

Origin unknown. A great favorite in the West asa 
table truit ; little grown in the Eastern States, whence it was 
brought. Downing supposes this is because the fruit is 
there defective. In virgin soil it is remarkably fair and 
handsome. E 

Tree of medium size, rather slender, but healthy, spread- 
ing, and annually productive. 

Fruit medium, oblate, handsome; inclined to crack open 
if left on the tree till ripe; Surface very smooth, waxen- 
yellow, almost completely covered with bright, and often 
deep red, upon which it is indistinctly striped ; Dots 

Basin abrupt, wide, regular or wavy; eye small, closed ; 
Calyx reflexed. 

Cavity wide, regular, uniformly green; Stem long, 

Core medium, regular, closed, meeting the eye ; Sceds nu- 
merous, angular or plump; flesh yellow, breaking, tender, 
fine-grained, juicy ; flavor mild sub-acid,and very aromatie 5 
Quality best, for table and market, during September and 
October or later 


Fig. 92.—FALL WINE. 



This fine apple has been received from quite distant 
points, Chillicothe, Ohio, and Salem, Indiana. It is quite 
distinct in season from the Beefsteak or Garden of Down- 
ing, but in description corresponds very closely with the 
Garden-Royal of Elliott, which fruit I have not seen. 
Origin unknown. 

Fruit pretty large, roundish, flat, regular; Surface 
smooth, yellowish-green, slightly shaded red, scattered 
stripes, carmine; Dots minute, black. 

Basin wide, regular, small, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, regular, green; stem short to me- 
dium, sometimes knobby. 

Core wide, closed or open, regular, clasping the eye; 
seeds small, pointed, brown; flesh pale yellow or whitish, 
tender, fine-grained, juicy; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic, sac- 
charine, agreeable ; Quality very good to best; Use des- 
sert, kitchen, market; Season August to October; worthy 
of cultivation. 


Fig. 95.—GARDEN. 


This fruit originated near Vevay, Indiana, and is sup- 
posed to be a seedling of the Janet, which it somewhat 

Fruit medium, oblate, somewhat conic, truncated, regu- 
lar; Surface smooth, yellow, mixed, striped, purplish-red ; 
Dots minute, gray, scattered, indented. 

Basin wide, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular; Stem short. 

Core very small, pyriform, closed, clasping ; Seeds num- 
erous, large, plump, brown; Flesh yellowish-white, break- 
ing, tender, juicy ; Flavor sub-acid, rich ; Quality good to 
best; Use, table; Season, January to May. 

Hiarvest Redstreak. 

This old variety is valued only as an early cooking apple, 
for which it has been found very profitable, by those who 
attend market. Origin unknown. Introduced into the 
West by Silas Wharton, from the neighhorhood of Phila- 
delphia, where it was cultivated largely. Not recognized 
among the varieties described by Coxe. 


Tree spreading, open, round-headed; Twigs stout; 
Leaves small, mealy. 

Fruit medium, roundish-oblate, regular ; Surface smooth, 
ereenish- yellow, striped and splashed with red, more or 
less mingled ; Dots minute, dark, and a light bloom. 

Basin medium, folded; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity acute, regular,-often brown ; Stem medium, 

Core regular, closed; Seeds angular ; Flesh whitish, 
breaking, coarse, juicy, becoming dry ; Quality inferior, 
except for cooking ; Season July. 

High-Top.—[Lewis JoNEs. | 

This handsome apple is supposed to have originated in 
Wayne County, Indiana, and was brought into notice by 

Lewis Jones. 
. ! a 
Fruit large, flat, roundish, regular ; Surface smooth, 

- . 
RAD) a 
I nes 
{ii Malls 

| . inal | 

Fiv, 94.—HIGH-TOP. 

mixed dull red, striped carmine; Dots scattered, minute. 
Basin wide, medium, folded ; Eye medium, closed. 
Cavity wavy, brown, acute; Stem short, green. 
Core regular, closed, or wide and open, clasping; Seeds 
-numerous, short, plump, pale; Flesh pale yellow, fine- 
grained, tender, juicy ; Flavor sub-aeid, aromatic ; Quality ° 


good to very good; Use table, kitchen, market; Season, 
December, January ; reminds one somewhat of Domine. 


This variety has only been found in western orchards, 
and has not been mentioned by name in any fruit book 
with which I have met. At the second meeting of the 
Nortk western Fruit Growers’ Convention, it was reported 
as having been brought from Fairfield County, Ohio; its 
resemblance to Townsend was also observed, but it Was 
declared to be different in wood and buds. These apples 
may yet prove to be identical, but as the question is not 
settled, both will be described. 

Tree thrifty, vigorous, productive—an early bearer. 
Fruit medium to lar ge, globular-oblate, regular ; Surface 
smooth, yellow, covered with mixed red, ‘and splashed car- 

mine; Dots minute, yellow. 

Basin medium, regular; Eye medium to large, closed. 

Cavity medium, regular, green; Stem medium to long. 

Core small, closed ; Seeds large, brown; Flesh light yel- 
low, breaking, juicy; Sub-acid; Quality good; Market 
and kitchen ; September. 


Another of Lewis Jones’ apples, supposed to be a seed- 
ling of Eastern Indiana; productive. 

Fruit medium, roundish- oblate, regular; Surface smooth, 
yellow, mixed, striped bright red: ; Dots numerous, yellow. 
Basin rather wide, abrupt, folded; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular; Stem medium, slender. 

Core small, roundish, flattened, closed, not meeting the 
eye; Seeds numerous, angular; Flesh yellow, breaking, 
fine-grained, juicy ; flavor sub-acid, aromatic; Quality good 
to very good; Use table, markét ; Season December and 

indiana Favorite. 

This fruit resembles the Pennsylvania Vandervere, from 
which it may have sprung. Origin believed to be Fayette 
County, Indiana. It is considerably cultivated in the 
eastern part of the State, where I procured specimens ex- 

hibited at the Richmond ‘Horticultural Society. 

CLASS [-——-FLAT APPLES.—I. If. II. 436 

Tree vigorous, spreading, productive. 

Fruit medium, globular-oblate, regular; Surface very 
smooth, bright red, striped with darker red; Dots numer- 
ous, 8 star- shaped, yellow. 

Basin wide, regular, abrupt; Eye small, closed. 


Cavity acute, regular, green or brown; Stem medium to 
long, red. 

Core regular, closed, clasping the eye; Seeds numerous, 
angular imperfect ; Flesh pale yellow, br eaking , fine-erain- 
ed, juicy; Mild sub- acid; Good to very good, for table 

and mar ket, from Ja anuary to March. 

This new fruit originated on the farm of Jarmin Ballard, 
in Highland County, Ohio, where it was grown from the 
seed of Gilpin. 

The tree is very vigorous, and only too productive. 

Fruit medium, regular, oblate, or roundish ; Surface 
smooth, green, partially covered with mixed and striped 
dull red. 

Basin regular, wide; Eye medium, closed. 


Cavity regular, acute; Stem slender, medium to short. 

Fig. 96.—JARMINITE. 

Core regular, closed, clasping ; Seeds few, large, dark ; 
flesh breaking, firm; Mild sub-acid, almost sweet ; Decem- 
ber until March. 


This delicious autumn apple originated in Chester Coun- 
ty, Pennsylvania, and was first. described by the ad-in- 
terim committee of the Pennsylvania Horticultural So- 
ciety; also in the Farm Journal, for 1853, by David 
Townsend, of Westchester, Pa. 

Tree healthy, sufficiently vigorous, shoots slender, foli- 
age bright green ; productive, early bearer. 

"Fruit full medium, oblate, regular; Surface smooth, yel- 
low, mixed and splashed crimson; Dots large, scattered, 

Basin wide, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity medium, regular, brown; Stem medium to long. 

Core small, closed, “reoular, clasping : Seeds eile eo 
large, brown: Flesh yellow, bre aking, fine-grained, juicy ; 
flavor sub-acid, aromatie, delicious ; Quality very | eood, for 
table and market, during August, September and October. 

Fig. 97.— JEFFERIES. 

Kentucky Kime. 

Received from J. 8S. Downer & Son, Elkton, Kentucky. 
Further history not known. 



Fruit above medium, flat, regular ; Surface smooth, yel- 
low, with mixed and striped carmine; Dots scattered, 

Basin medium, regular; Eye medium, open. 

Cavity medium, regular, brown and green; Stem me- 
dium to long. 

Core medium, round, closed, clasping ; Seeds numerous, 
angular, pointed, dark; Flesh yellow, breaking, fine- 
grained, juicy; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic; Quality good to 
very good; Use table, kitchen; Season December, Feb- 
ruary. ‘ 


Another Pennsylvania apple, introduced by my friend 
Dr. J. K. Eshleman. ‘Tree vigorous, large, productive. 

G y }} | S~ 

Fig. 99.—KLAPROTH. 

Truit medium, regular, oblate; Surface dull yellow, more 
or less covered with red stripes ; Dots numerous, light. 

Basin wide, regular; Eye closed, small; Calyx reflexed. 

Cavity deep, regular, brown ; Stem short to medium. 

Flesh white, breaking, tender, very juicy; Flavor acid, 
to sub-acid when ripe; Good; August till October. 


Hewis.—0Of Ragan. 

Originated in Putnam County, Indiana, as one of the 
many seedlings produced by my old friend Reuben Ra- 

Tree thrifty and productive. 

Fruit medium, regular, oblate ; Surface smooth, deep red 
on yellow; Dots, numerous, large, yellow. 

Basin medium, regular, not deep; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular, brown; Stem short. 

Core wide, regular, closed, meeting the eye; seeds 
numerous, plump; Flesh yellow, tender, fine-grained, juicy ; 
flavor sub-acid, aromatic ; Quality nearly first-rate for ta- 
ble; Season, October. 


This old Pennsylvania apple is cultivated to some ex- 
tent in the Western States for its beauty. Specimens from 
Henry Myers, South Bend, Indiana, from his beautiful col- 
lections shown at the State Fairs. 

Fruit full medium to large, very handsome, oblate, reg- 
war; Surface smooth, highly polished, bright red on pale 
yellow, striped dark red; Dots numerous, pale. 

Basin wide, wavy ; Eye small, closed; Segments short. 

Cavity deep, narrow, wavy ; Stem short to medium. 

Core® small, roundish or oval, closed, clasping ; Seeds 
numerous, plump; Flesh whitish, breaking, fine-grained, 
juicy ; Flavor mild sub-acid, aromatic, fine; Quality good ; 
use table, market ; Season January to March. 


This is a seedling of Green County, Ohio, to which was 
awarded a premium at the State Fair in 1855. 

Fruit full medium, regular, oblate; surface very smooth, 
yellow, well covered with rich crimson, indistinct stripes ; 
dots scattered, light gray. 

Basin medium, regular; eye medium, closed. 

Cavity narrow, regular; stem short. 

Core medium, regular, closed ; seeds plump, dark ; flesh 
rich yellow, solid, juicy; flavor sub-acid, rich, piquant, 
like a Spitzenberg ; October, November. 



Produced by 8. G. Minkler, of Kendall, [linois. 

This variety very closely resembles that described as 
Buchanan, though their origin is entirely distinct. The 
Minkler also bears a very close resemblance to an apple 
found at Quincy, Hlinois, and known as the Brandywine. 

Tree very thrifty, spreading, branches strong, forming 
a large angle with the stem. 

Fruit medium to large, regular, globular-ovate ; Surface 


Fig. 100.—MINKLER. 

smooth, greenish-yellow, covered with mixed red, and 
stripes of dark dull red; Dots scattered, minute, yellow. 

Basin wide, shallow, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity acute, rather deep,- brown; Stem medium, 

Core large, closed, meeting the eve; Seeds numerous, 
long, pointed; Flesh ve'low, or greenish-vellow, fine-grain- 
ed, breaking, juicy ; Sub-acid ; Second quality ; Use mar- 
ket and cooking; from March until May. 

aa are 


Newtown Spitzenberg.—[coxe. | 


Origin, Newtown, Long Island. 

_ Tree sufficiently vigorous, not of the largest size, spread- 
ing, compact, round head, foliage rather small, curled, 
showing the whitish underside. Productive. 

Fruit medium to large, regular, globular-oblate, often 
inclined or lop-sided when overgrown in young orchards, 
apt to be seabby and defective on old trees, and falls badly ; 
Surface smooth, deep red, mixed and striped, on rich yel- 
low ground, often over-spread with whitish, giving the - 
fruit a gray appearance; Dots numerous, minute, fawn 
color on dark specimens. 

Basin medium, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity regular, medium, brown; Stem short. 

Core regular, wide, somewhat open, meeting and some- 
times clasping the eye; Seeds numerous, angular; Flesh 
rich, yellow, very fine-grained, very tender, juicy; Flavor 
rich sub-acid and saccharine, aromatic, eminently satisfy- 
ing; Quality best, for table and kitchen, in December. 



This southern apple, which has extended more widely 
northward than most of its congeners, is believed to be a 
native of Macon County, Georgia. 

Tree robust, spreading, large, very productive, young 
shoots stout and red. 

The following description is that of a specimen sent by 
my friend, R. Peters, of Atlanta, Georgia, but it corres- 
ponds in all important particulars with those of fruits ob- 
tained from a dozen different sources in our own latitude: 

Fruit large, globular-oblate, regular, not handsome; sur- 
face even but not smooth, mostly covered with mixed 
brick-dust red, striped indistinctly with dark red, some 
stripes very distinct ; dots scattered, yellow. 

Basin shallow, regular, even; eye small, closed. 

* Vide Horticulturist for 1861 p. 40. 


Cavity acute, regular, yellow and brown; Stem medium 

Core closed ; Seeds numerous, large, plump ; Flesh green- 

ish-yellow, breaking, firm, coarse; Flavor sub-acid, not 
rich; Quality only good, amarket fruit, keeping well; Sea- 
son March until May. 


Origin New York; specimen obtained from Mr. E. H. 
Warren, of Chelmsford, Massachusetts. 

Fruit medium, flat, uneven; Surface smooth, greenish- 
yellow, mixed, striped, splashed bright red; Dots numer- 
ous, distinct, yellow, indented. 

Basin shallow, folded; Eye small, closed; Axis short. 

Cavity wide, deep, wavy, brown; Stem short, thick, 
knobby. | 

Core rather wide, closed, rather clasping; Seeds large ; 
Flesh white, firm, juicy ; Flavor acid, rich; Quality pretty 
good; Use table, market; Season December. 


Ohio Nonpareil. 

This fine fruit originated with Mr. Myers, near Massil- 
lon, Ohio. 

It was described in the Western Horticultural Review 
for February, 1853. 

Tree vigorous, healthy, spreading, limbs straight, stout 



Fig. 102.—oHIO NONPAREIL. 

and compact, not liable to break with the weight of fruit. 
The original tree had borne annual crops of even sized 
fruit for twenty years. 

Fruit large to very large, regular, oblate, very hand- 
some; Surface smooth, yellow, covered with bright red; 
Dots scattered, gray. 

Basin medium, wide, regular; Eye large, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, regular; Stem short, small. 

Core regular, somewhat open; Seeds numerous, me- 
dium ; Flesh yellowish, tender, fine-grained, juicy; sub- 


acid, rich ; First quality, for table, market, cooking or dry- 
ing; Season September to December. Compared with 
some of the best dessert apples of the season, such as 
Hawley, Fall Pippin, Fall Wine, Rambo, and others, this 

variety was declared to be “ better than the best.” 

Originated in Indiana, brought into notice by that earn- 
est horticulturist, Henry Ward Beecher, who did much to 
stimulate the culture of fine fruits when a resident of th at 

Fruit medium, flattened, sometimes unequal, regular ; 

Fig. 103.—OscEOLA. 

Surface smooth, slightly colored red, and striped with the 
same ; Dots scattered, irregular, more frequent and minute 
about the apex, few and larger at base of the fruit, 

Basin wide, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity medium, acute ; Stem short, 

CLASS I.—FLAT APPLES.—I. Il. Il * 449 

Core small, round, closed, clasping; Seeds numerous, 
plump, dark ; "Flesh yellowish, firm, rich, , Juicy ; Flavor sub- 
acid, mild ; Quality good; Use table and mar ket; Season 
January to March. 

This variety does not seem to have won its way into 
public favor to the extent that was expected for it some 
years ago. 



This fruit, of Pennsylvania origin, is not introduced 
into this collection on account of its excellence, but be- 
cause it is so universally cultivated in nearly all parts of 
the country. 

Tree vigorous, large, spreading, very productive, bear- 
ing some fruit every year. 

Fruit large to very large, form variable, but character- 
istically it 1s conic- -oblate, ‘often unequal, and lop-sided ; 
Surface greenish-yellow, covered with mixed and striped 
red; Dots large, irregular and round, gray. 

Basin wide, rather deep, uneven or wavy; Eye large, 

Cavity wide, deep, regular; Stem short. 

Core irregular, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds numer- 
ous, angular, plump ; Flesh ye llow, bre aking, coarse-grain- 
ed ; Flavor sub-acid , poor; third quality ; for cooking and 
market only ; Season December: ; very much disposed to 
bitter rot. 

Pennsylwania Vandervere. 


This old kitchen favorite, of Pennsylvania, has migrated 
westward until it has reached every State and county on 
its appropriate parallels of latitude, 39° to 42°. 

Mr. Downing gives Delaware as its origin, on the au- 
thority of Coxe. In accordance with common acceptance 
in the regions where it is best known, I have adopted the 
above name, which was given to distinguish it from sev- 
eral other Vanderveres, and especially from the Newtown 
Spitzenberg, to which the name Vandervere had been ap- 


plied in New York and westward on that parallel. Coxe 
describes the fruit in question under the name Vandervere. 

Tree vigorous, healthy, large, spreading, very twigg 
and drooping, with abundant fruit on the ends of the spray ; 
Foliage bright yellowish-green, shining, pointed, the whole 
aspect of the tree peculiar and characteristic in summer 
or winter. 

Fruit medium or less, oblate, or globular-oblate, regu- 
lar; Surface smooth, but having raised hemispherical warts 
of a yellow russet color, yellow, mottled, and striped light 
red, often a gray appearance over the whole exterior; Dots 
large, yellow, indented. 

Basin wide, regular, not deep; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular; Stem long, slender. 

Core regular, closed, meeting and clasping the eye; 
seeds numerous, pointed, plump; Flesh yellow, breaking, 
granular, juicy ; Flavor highly aromatic, acid; Quality for 
table third, for kitchen first, for cider Coxe says very good, 
yielding a heavy must; Season December and January. 

The fruit is subject to bitter rot, and does not keep 
well, but may be used for cooking as soon as any other 
apple, making good sauce in July, when not half grown. 



This large market fruit is found chiefly in regions set- 
tled by immigrants from the South, and it may prove to 
be the same as some other southern apple. Specimens 
first received from my friend J. B. Orange, in Southern 
Tllinois, afterwards from several other points. 

Tree vigorous, large, branches upright, shoots purple, 
warty, buds long, pointed. 

Fruit large, regular, oblate; Surface not smooth, dull 
red, shaded and striped, covering the yellow ground; Dots 
small, prominent, with some roughness. 

Basin regular, wide, not deep; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular, green and brown; Stem medium 
to short. 

Core closed, or nearly so, meeting and partially clasping 
the eye; Axis short; Seeds numerous, plump, angular ; 
Flesh yellow, breaking, granular, juicy; Flavor sub-acid, 


aromatic; Quality only good ; Useful for kitchen and dry- 

Fig. 104.—POTTINGER. 

ing; Season December and January; keeps well. 

Press Ewing. 

This Kentucky apple was sent me by J. 8. Downer, 
from whom trees were also procured which have already 
borne fruit. 

Tree vigorous, healthy, and early productive. 

Fruit resembles Smokehouse, medium, toundish-oblate, 
regular; Surface smooth, bright red, mixed, striped, and 
splashed, on greenish yellow ; “Dots numer ous, brown and 

Basin wide, wavy, regular, rather deep; Eye medium, 
open; calyx reflexed. 

Cavity wide, wavy, brown; Stem long, slender. 

Core medium, closed, meeting the eye; Axis short; 
Seeds numerous, angular, pointed; Flesh yellow, fine-grain- 


ed, tender, melting, juicy; Flavor rich sub-acid ; Quality 

Fig. 105.—PRESS EWING. 

nearly first rate ; Use for table in December and January. 

This beautiful table apple was first brought to public 
notice by Geo. Powers, of Perrysburgh, Ohio. He exhib- 
ited specimens at the Toledo meeting of the Ohio Pomo- 
logical Society in January, 1864, but the fruit was over 
ripe; at the State Fair at Dayton, Ohio, October 16th, it 
was shown in perfection of beauty and excellence, and 
was then examined by the Society, who commended it 
highly, and being satisfied that it was an original seedling, 
its local name, Afiller’s Apple, was then changed to Pow- 
ers, in honor of the pomcelogist who had brought it into 

The tree appears to have been an accidental seedling, 
which sprang up in tha town of Perrysburgh, where it 
grew almost without care until it fruited a few years ago, 
and attracted the attention of Mr. Powers. 

The fruit is large and fair, round, somewhat flattened, 
and sometimes rather conic, generally regular, but large 


specimens are slightly angular ; the surface is very smooth, 
a greenish waxen yellow, more or less shaded with mixed 
light red, upon which are laid numerous stripes and broken 
splashes of rich, dark carmine; Dots minute, scattered, 

Basin abrupt, regular, or folded ; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, regular, sometimes brown ; Stem medium 
or short. 

Core medium or wide, regular, closed, meeting the eye ; 
Seeds numerous, plump, sometimes imperfect ; Flesh white, 

Fig. 106.—POWERS. 

very tender, juicy; Flavor mild sub-acid, quite aromatic, 
very agreeable; Use especially for the table, as a highly 
ornamental dessert fruit, for which its extreme delicacy 
adapts it, while the same quality unfits it for general mar- 
ket purposes; Quality very good; in its season of ripen- 
ing, in its beautifully white and tender flesh, and in its 
perfumed flavor, this fruit resembles the Fameuse, from 

which it may have been produced. 


Prolific Beauty. 

This showy fruit is one of the original Putnam list of 
Washington County, Ohio ; it is somewhat singular that 
so few choice sorts are traceable to the seeds of these first 
good orchards of the West. Rome Beauty is almost the 
only one of great notoriety that is referable to this source. 

Fruit large, sometimes quite large, oblate, somewhat 
conic, regular ; Surface smooth, yellowish-green, partially 
covered with stripes of red; Dots minute, gray. 

Basin medium, wide, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, wavy, green; Stem medium. 


Core large, regular, open, clasping ; Seeds numerous, 
plump; Flesh whitish-yellow, tender, juicy ; Flavor acid ; 
quality scarcely good; Use kitchen, market; Season Sep- 
tember to December. 


This standard Eastern Pennsylvania variety is univer- 
sally popular, and through the Western States it marks 



the progress of emigration from the Keystone State, 
though its admirers are not confined to that class of our 
population. It is a fall and early winter fruit, and some 
pomologists on the southern borders of its culture object 
to it that it will not keep long, and that it soon becomes 
dry and mealy when put away. When grown further 
north it is smaller, but more solid, and remains juicy un- 
til spring. It should be gathered early, even before it is 
well colored, and kept cool to make it retain its flavor and 

Tree upright, very thrifty, very productive; shoots 
dark, foliage large, light green, and thus the variety may 

le \ 

Fig. 108.—rAMBO. 

easily be distinguished in the orchard. Not very hardy ; 
whole nurseries and orchards were destroyed, in 1856, 
throughout the Northwest. 

Fruit medium to small, when crowded upon the limbs 
as they generally are upon old trees, regular, oblate, or 
roundish-oblate, but sometimes unequal when overgrown ; 
large specimens are flattened at the ends so as to appear 
truncate ; Surface striped and splashed scarlet on green- 


ish-yellow, in some the stripes coalesce so as to make the 
skin red, the ground color being covered; Dots numerous, 
small, prominent, rich bloom. 

Basin wide, abrupt, regular or plaited, sometimes quite 
shallow; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular, always green; Stem medium. 

Core regular, closed, meeting and clasping the eye ; 
seeds numerous, large, angular; Ilesh greenish-white, ten- 
der, breaking, granular, juicy ; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic, 
vinous; Quality almost first rate for table, excellent for 
the kitchen ; Season October to December, and if gather- 
ed early in the North, until spring. 

Red Astrachan. 

This Russian fruit has been perfectly adopted by our 
countrymen, and has proved itself a great favorite, parti- 

Fig. 109.—rED ASTRACHAN. 

cularly in the North, by its hardiness and productiveness, 
beauty and good qualities. 

Tree vigorous, upright, productive, hardy ; Shoots red- 
dish brown, foliage large, rich green. 


Fruit medium to large, regular, oblate; Surface smooth, 
mottled, marbled and striped crimson on greenish-yellow ; 
Dots minute, heavy bloom. 

Basin medium, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity shallow, regular; Stem long, yellow. 

Core regular, closed; Seeds angular, small, dark; Flesh 
yellow, breaking, juicy ; Flavor quite acid, not rich; Quality 
first rate for market and cooking, poor for table; Season 

Richard’s Graft. 


Supposed ‘to have originated in Ulster County, New 
York. Tree vigorous, upright, very productive. 

Fig. 110.—rICHARD’S GRAFT. 

Fruit medium to large, regular, oblate ; Surface smooth, 
greenish-yellow, mixed and splashed red; Dots numerous, 

Basin medium, abrupt, folded; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular; Stem long, red. 

Core small, closed, clasping the eye; Seeds numerous, 
plump; Flesh yellowish-white, fine-grained, tender, juicy ; 


Flavor rich, sub acid; Quality best; Use for the dessert ; 
Season September and October. 
Downing says: “ One of the best dessert apples of its 
Rome Beauty. 


This handsome market fruit was originated in Southern 
Ohio, by that sterling pioneer pomologist, H. N. Gillett, 
to whose contributions I acknowledge myself under many 
obligations. : 

Tree thrifty, hardy, round headed, very productive ; 


Fig. 111.—rRoME BEAUTY. 

shoots slender, red ; Foliage healthy ; Blossoms open late, 
and thus it often escapes a late frost ; early productive. 
Fruit large to very large, regular, handsome, fair, said to 
be scabby on old trees, regular oblate, roundish-oblate, 
and sometimes rather conical; Surface smooth, pale yellow, 
striped and mixed bright red; Dots minute, indented. 


Basin wide, deep, regular; Eye quite.small, closed. 

Cavity wide, wavy, green; Stem long, slender. 

Core wide, regular, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds nu- 
merous, long, pointed; Flesh yellow, breaking, coarse- 
erained ; Flavor sub-acid, not rich; Quality scarcely good; 
valuable for market, on account of its productiveness, size 
and beauty, as well as for its certain bearing ; Season De- 

cember to February. 
Shiawassee Beauty. 

This Michigan apple may well be called Beauty. It 
was introduced at the mecting of the American Pomo- 


logical Society in 1862, by T. T. Lyon, of Plymouth, 
Mich., who stated that it was a seedling of the Fameuse, 
the faults of which it does not inherit, though possessing 
all the good qualities of its parent, with a healthy and 
productive tree. (See Michigan Farmer, Dec. 11, 1859.) 

Fruit medium, very handsome, very regular, quite flat ; 
Surface very smooth, pale yellow, mixed and distinctly 
striped carmine; Dots scattered, minute. 

Basin wide, folded; Eye medium, closed ; Calyx reflexed. 

Cavity wide, wavy; Stem short. 


Core wide, regular, somewhat open, meeting the eye; 
seeds plump, short, dark; Flesh very white, fine-grained, 
tender, breaking; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic; Quality good 
to very good; Use dessert and market ; Season October to 

Summer Limbertwig. 
Southern; obtained from 8. Westbrooke, Greensboro’, 

North Carolina. 
Fruit medium, flat, regular; Surface pale yellow, mixed 


pink, striped dark red; Dots minute, gray, indented 
Basin shallow, wide, regular; Eye wide, open. 
Cavity acute, regular, brown; Stem long, inclined. 
Core wide, regular, closed, clasping; Axis short; Seeds 
numerous, plump, dark ; Flesh white, tender, fine-grained, 
juicy; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic, agreeable; Quality very 
good, if not best; Use table; Season August, September. 

" * 

Having been disappointed in my trees obtained for this 
variety, which proved to be Rawle’s Janet, I prefer to 
quote from Mr. Downing. What I have fruited and de- 
scribed as the Hocking may prove to be the same. 

CLASS 1.—FLAT APPLES.—I. Il. I. A461. 

“Origin Pennsylvania. Tree healthy, vigorous, very 

“Fruit medium, oblate, slightly conic. Skin pale yel- 
low, striped and splashed with red, and covered with a 
thin bloom. Stalk rather long, slender, inserted into a 
medium cavity. Calyx closed, set in a basin of moderate 
depth. Flesh white, tender, very mild, agreeable, sub- 
acid flavor. Ripe middle of August to middle of Sep- 
tember. Hocking of the West may prove to be the same.’ 

Trader’s Fancy. 

This peculiar looking apple originated in Washington 
County, Pennsylvania. Tree vigorous, healthy, spread- 
‘ing, round-headed, very productive, bears regularly. As 
a long keeper, with dark skin, that does not show bruises, 
it became a favorite with shippers on the Ohio river, hence 
its name, the flat-boats that stop from port to port to dis- 
pose of their cargoes being called trading boats, and their 

masters traders. 

Fruit medium, regular, oblate; Surface very smooth, 
greenish yellow, almost ‘completely obscured with deep 
purple red, mixed and striped, and covered with a white 

Basin wide, sometimes folded or plaited; Eye small, 

Cavity wide, regular; Stem medium, slender. 

Core medium, closed ; Seeds plump; Flesh whitish, ten- 
der, fine- orained ; Flavor mild sub-acid : ; Quality only g vood; 
Use market and kitchen ; Season Januar y to May. 

Twenty-Ounce Pippin. 

Origin unknown, and the variety never should have been 
distributed ; it is here named to put people on their guard 
against it when they desire to purchase the Cayuga Red 
Streak, also called the Twenty-ounce apple. 

Fruit large, flat, regular ; Surface greenish, more or less 
mottled and striped dull red. 

Basin, wide, regular, or wavy ; Eye small, open. 

Cavity wide, regular, green; Stem short, thick. 

Core large, closed ; Seeds numerous, angular; Flesh yel-_ 
low-white, “breaking ; Flavor acid, with a peculiar aroma, 


not agreeable; Quality poor; Use kitchen only; Season 
November to January. There are many better apples of 
its season. 

Vance’s Harvest. 

A pretty little early apple grown in some parts of the 
West. Origin unknown. 

Fruit small, flat, regular ; Surface smooth, rich yellow, 
shaded and splashed bright red; Dots small, scattered, 
yellow. ' 

Basin small, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular, brown; Stem long. 

Core wide, regular, meeting the eye; Seeds numerous, 
short, plump, dark; Flesh yellow, firm, breaking, not very 
juicy; Flavor acid to sub-acid; Quality pretty good; Use ° 
kitchen and market ; Season August. 

Vandervere Pippin. 

YELLOW VANDERVERE—and several others in the books. 

There appears to have been much confusion in the minds 
of authors who have written of this fruit, which, in some 
parts of the country is very well known and much culti- 
vated. Ihave taken the name by which it is almost uni- 
versally recognized by cultivators, though it is adopted 
only as a synonym by Mr. Elliott, who seems to have 
confounded this apple with the Pennsylvania Vandervere 
or Séaalcubs described by Coxe. 

Origin believed to have been Pennsylvania, but this is 
not well established. 

Tree very vigorous, large, spreading, productive, bear- 
ing annually; Twigs and leaves much like the Pennsylva- 
nia Vandervere. 

Fruit large to very large, regular, oblate; surface smooth, 
yellow, more or less covered with marbled red, and scarlet 
stripes; Dots large, yellow, indented, sometimes irregu- 
larly net-veined, making it less smooth. 

Basin wide, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular; Stem long, medium size. 

Core regular, closed, meeting and clasping the eye; 
Seeds numerous, dark; Flesh yellow, firm, breaking, gran- 

CLASS I.—FLAT APPLES.—I. Il. Il. . 463 

ular, juicy, heavy; Flavor rich, acid; Quality poor for ta- 
ble, excellent for cooking ; Season December. Does not 
keep well, rather subject to bitter rot, but a great favor- 
ite with house-keepers, and a uscful shade tree near the 
kitchen door. 

Vaughan’s Winter. b 

This Kentucky variety was sent to me by my friend J. 
S. Downer, of Fairview, Kentucky, with several other new 
southern apples of merit. Tree vigorous, hardy and pro- 
ductive, bearing fruit early. 

Fruit medium, regular, round-eblate; Surface smooth, 





ereenish-yellow, mixed and splashed with bright red and 
splashes of carmine; Dots small, gray and yellow. 

Basin regular, abrupt, medium, and _ leather-cracked ; 
Eye large, open; Segments reflexed. 

Cavity medium, yellow and brown; Stem short. 

Core small, regular, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds few, 
large, brown; Flesh yellow, breaking, fine-grained, Juicy ; 
Flavor sub-acid, good ; December. 


Western Beauty. 


A valuable fall and early winter fruit, the origin of which 
is not known; it is considerably grown in Central Ohio, 
and has attracted attention under its synonyms as given, 
It was at one time thought to be the Cooper. 

Mr. W. F, English, of Auglaize County, Ohio, carried 
grafts into that region from Pickaway County,-and na 
most disinterested manner exerted himself to distribute 


the variety. In a communication to the Western Horti- 
cultural Review, for February, 1853, he says: “ The tree 
is vigorous, leaves upon young shoots are often three to 
three and a half inches broad, and four or five, and even 
six inches long; shoots stout, being often as large as your 

little finger at the end of the summer’s growth. The form 


of the tree is peculiar, and its appearance beautiful; once 
seen, it may be recognized anywhere by its habit.” 

Having fruited this variety in my own orchard, I can 
confirm the above, and add: 

Tree vigorous, large, spreading, open head, productive, 
an early bearer. 

Fruit large, sometimes very large, beautiful, regular, 
oblate, not disposed to rot, except when attacked by the 
birds, ‘which are very fond of it ; Surface smooth, pale yel- 
low, partially covered with mixed red, striped and often 
distinctly splashed with bright red; Dots numerous, gray, 
prominent; Skin quite thin. 

Basin wide, regular, sometimes cracked open; Eye large, 

Cavity wide, regular, green, and partly brown; Stem 
either short or long. 

Core large, nearly closed, clasping the eye; Seeds num- 
erous, medium , pointed ; Flesh light yellow, almost white, 
brittle, tender, juicy, almost melting, never water-cored ; 
Flavor sub- acid, vinous, delicious, satisfying ; Quality best ; 
either for table or cooking, for the latter purpose they 
may be taken when half erown in the beginning of July. 
In August they may be house-ripened and found good, 
but the proper season is September to Christmas ; if prop- 
erly cared for they may be preserved plump until Mar eh, 
but lose some of their refreshing flavor. 


This very nice little apple was sent to me with this 
name from Western Virginia, by Julius Brace, who found 
it abundant on Paint Creek. I have not yet been able to 
identify it, but it may prove to be the same as some of our 
new southern varieties, An outline and description are 
here given With its local name, in the hope that if it 
should prove to be the same as the Black Annette, 
of the Clinch river region of Virginia, or some other va- 
riety, the identity may be the more readily traced. 

Fruit small, regular, oblate, or globular-oblate; Surface 
smooth, nearly covered with very deep red, in which the 
stripes are almost obscured; Dots numerous, ee 



Basin, deep, regular, plaited or folded; Eye small, 

Cavity regular, acute; Stem long, red. 

Core regular, closed, meeting, not clasping the eye; 
Seeds small, plump; Ilesh white, fine-grained, crisp, tender, 

Fig. 117.—WwILson. 

juicy; Flavor mild sub-acid, agreeable; Quality best § Use 
table; Season January. 
This is different from Wilson’s of Michigan, which is 
W ine.—|[ Cove. ] 


This handsome large apple is another index of the 
source of population in a western county. “It is a fay- 
orite fruit with those who know it, either for market or 
the kitchen, for which its size and form render it peculiarly 

Tree very large and handsome, spreading and very open 
head ; leaves small, curled, and mealy, making the foliage 
appear rather meagre, and displaying the splendid fruit, 
which is evenly distributed. 


Fruit large, globular-oblate, flattened or truncate, regu- 
lar, oceasionally unequal and lop-sided ; Surface smooth, 
ellow, more or less covered with mixed and broken stripes 
of red, splashed with crimson; Dots scattered, large, 

Basin rather shallow, wide, abrupt; Eye small, closed, 
or open from breaking of the calyx. 

Cavity acute, regular, brown; Stem short, thick. 

Core medium, regular, closed; Seeds numerous, large, 
angular; Flesh yellow, firm, breaking, juicy ; Flavor acid 
to sub-acid, rich; Quality good, for market and kitchen; 
Season, November and December. 

Fig. 117.—WINTER QUEEN. 

Winter Queen.—[(oze.| 

This is a favorite, of southern origin, and has many syn- 
onims. An excellent apple for drying, for family use and 
for market. Tree thrifty, upright, productive, early bear- 


r; limbs Jong and parallel while young; shoots dark, 
stout; foliage large, broad, rather pale. : 

Fruit large, often very large, globular-oblate, somewhat 
conic, regular ; Surface smooth, often polished, yellow, al- 
most wholly obscured with marbled dull red, and darker 
stripes that are often lost in the depth of tint; Dots gen- 
erally small, indented; often a slight bloom covers the 
fruit, but it is easily removed, when the skin appears to be 

Basin deep, abrupt, narrow, often wavy or even ribbed; 
Kye medium, closed. 

Cavity deep, wide, green, wavy or regular ; Stem me- 

Core regular, closed, meeting, not clasping the eye; 
axis 1s Sometimes very short ; Seeds large, plump; Flesh 
ereenish-white, tender, almost melting a juicy; FP lavor mild 
sub-acid, agreeable ; Quality good to very good; Use des- 
sert, kitchen and drying; Season October to January. 


Having been disappointed in receiving this apple, I give 
Dr. W. D. Brincklé’s ad interim report : 

Fruit rather large, roundish-oblate, beautifully striped, 
and delicately mottled with crimson on yellow ground; 
Stem short; Cavity wide, deep; Flesh yellow, tender, 
juicy; Flavor pleasant; Quality very good. 


Berry Eiusset. 

This variety is grown to some extent in the North-west. 
The specimen from which the description is made, was ex- 
hibited by Mr. Utters, at a meeting of the North-western 
Fruit Growers, in 1850. 


Fruit medium to large, oblate, regular; Surface smooth, 
yellow, covered with fine russet; Dots minute, scattered. 
Basin medium, regular, wavy; Eye large, closed. 

Fig. 118.—rERRY RUSSET. 

Cavity medium, regular or wavy, brown; Stem medium 
size and length. 

Core small, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds few, plump, 
brown; Flesh yellow, fine grained, juicy; Flavor acid, 
rich; Quality almost best, for table or kitchen; Season, 
December and January. 

Pomme Grise. 

Supposed to be of French or Canadian origin. Tree 
sufficiently vigorous, productive; shoots slender. 

Fruit small, roundish-oblate, regular; Surface even but 
hardly smooth, yellow, overspread with fine russet, rarely 

— wide, regular, sometimes abrupt; Eye very small, 


Cavity wide, regular; Stem short or medium. 
Core full heart-shaped, regular, closed, scarcely meet- 
ing the eye; Seeds plump, angular; Flesh firm, yellow, 

Fig. 119.—POMME GRISE. 

breaking, fine grained, juicy; Flavor sub-acid, rich, aro- 
matic, delicious; Quality dest, for dessert ; Season, January 
to March; One of the very best of the Russets. 

Wallis Bousset. 

This apple was brought from Massachusetts, by my 
friend and neighbor B. F. Sanford, without any history of 
its origin. The quality of the fruit has induced me to 
give its description. _ 

Fruit medium to small, roundish-oblate; Surface rough, 
yellow, shaded with light red, covered with russet. 

Basin shallow, folded; Eye long, closed. 

Cavity wide, wavy; Stem long. 

Core large, wide, open, clasping ; Seeds numerous, plump; 
Flesh yellow, breaking, fine grained, juicy; Flavor acid or 
sub-acid, aromatic; Quality almost first rate, for the table; 
Season, December and January. 




Autummal Sweet Swaar. 


The fruit is highly commended by J. J. Thomas, who 
thinks it “one of the finest autumnal sweet apples.” 

Tree vigorous, spreading, productive. 

Fruit large, roundish-oblate, somewhat angular; Surface 


smooth, waxen yellow, sometimes blushed; Dots rare, 

Basin wide, shallow, plaited or folded; Eye mediun, 

long, closed. 


Cavity acute, deep, wavy, green; Stem long, inclined, 
yellow and red. 

Core regular, globular, somewhat open, clasping; Seeds 
numerous, ~ plump, pale ; "Flesh white, fine oraified, j juicy ; 
Flavor very sweet ; Quality best, for "baking and market ; 
Season, September and October. 


This is another of the apples introduced by Mr. Elliott, 
from the orchard of D, C. Richmond, near Sandusky, O. 

Tree productive, hardy. 

Fruit medium, globular-oblate ; Surface smooth, pale 

Fig. 121.—cHALLENGE. 

yellow; Dots black, minute, scattered, and russet spots, 
becoming a rich ver million where exposed. 
Basin shallow, wide, plaited; Eye small, closed. 
Cavity wide, regular, brown; Stem long, slender. 
Core small, oval, regular, sometimes open, not meeting 


the eye ; Seeds large, dark; Flesh yellow, tender, fine 
grained, juicy; Flavor sweet ; Quality almost first rate, for 
table; Season, October. 


This variety is grown in the southwestern part of Ohio; 
origin unknown. 

Fruit medium to large, round-oblate, irregular; Surface 
smooth, yellow, bronzed; Dots minute. 

Basin narrow, folded uneven; Eye medium, closed; Seg- 
ments short. 


Fig. 122. 



Cavity wide, regular, brown; Stem short, thick. 

Core small, oval, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds numer- 
ous, plump, dark; Flesh yellow, tender, juicy; Flavor 
sweet ; Quality pretty good; Use, market and baking ; Sea- 
son, January to June. 

WMiavwerazack Sweet. 

Origin South Carolina. 
“Fruit large, roundish-oblate, angular; Skin yellow, 


mostly shaded with crimson, sprinkled with gray or green- 
ish dots; Stalk short, inserted into a large cavity surround- 
ed by russet; Calyx open, set in a deep, irregular basin ; 
Flesh rich, pleasant, vinous, almost saccharine.” — 
[ Downing. 

Spice Sweeting. 

The specimens described were from Mr. Warren, of 
Massachusetts. Others, found in Ohio and Illinois under 
this name, have a deep, abrupt basin, large or long eye, 
and yellow flesh; they must be different fruits. 

An old variety ; Tree vigorous, productive. 

Fruit full medium to large, handsome, flat, irregular; 
Surface smooth, yellow, bronzy, crimson; Dots numerous, - 

Basin shallow, folded; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity acute, wavy; Stem thick, knobby. 

Core very wide, open, meeting the eye; Seeds pointed, 
long, dark; Flesh very white, tender, fine grained, juicy ; 
Flavor sweet; Quality good; Use, kitchen, baking, stock; 
Season, September, October. 

Fig. 123.—swEet AND SOUR. 


Sweet and Sour. 

This variety is interesting as a curiosity, rather than 
valuable for its good qualities. It has been suggested 
that it might be a sport; no educated nurseryman will 
now believe the old story of its having been produced by 
the combination of the buds of two varieties, a sweet and 
a sour. 

Fruit large, oblate, often unequal and lop-sided, ribbed, 
and deeply furrowed. 

Surface yellow and green, the ribs being developed and 
ripening have flavor, but the furrows not being developed 
are flavorless and called sweet. 

Sweet Sponge. 

From H. N. Gillett; Origin unknown. , 

Fruit medium, oblate, irregular; Surface smooth, yel- 
lowish white; Dots minute. 

Basin none or extremely shallow, folded; Eye long; 

Fig. 124.—SwWEET SPONGE. 


Cavity wide, irregular; Stem short, thick. 

Core wide, closed, scarce meeting the eye; Seeds numer: 
ous, plump, brown; Flesh white, tender; Flavor sweet ; 
Season, July. 




Angle Sweet. 

Fruit medium, round-oblate, irregular; Surface smooth, 
yellow, covered with stripes and splashes éf red, some 
darker; Dots white. 

“Flesh yellow, tender, sweet, and good, fair and hand- 
some; Season, first of September.”—[ Downing. 

Peach Pond Sweet. 

Origin Dutchess County, New York. 



Fruit small to medium, round-oblate, pentangular, 
slightly conical ; Surface smooth, pale yellow, lightly cov- 
ered with mixed and striped red, and beautifully splashed 

Basin narrow, regular or folded; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, regular, brown; Stem medium to 
long, green, sometimes knobby. 

Core regular, heart-shaped, closed, meeting the eye; 
Seeds small, short; Flesh yellow, tender,-fine grained, 
juicy; Flavor very sweet; Quality almost first rate, very 
good; for table or baking; Season September. 

Phillips’ Sweet. 

Origin believed to be Ohio; Downing says, Chotocton 
County, Ohio. "3 

Tree vigorous, healthy, growth upright, very produc- 
tive. Elliott thinks it may prove to be the same with 

Fruit roundish, flattened, slightly conical, obscurely 
angular or flattened on the sides; Surface smooth, yellow, 
more or less covered with red, striped crimson; Dots nu- 

Basin abrupt, regular, closed; Kye closed, segments of 
calyx long. 

Cavity large; Stem medium length, rather slender. 

_ Flesh yellow, tender, crisp, juicy ; Flavor sweet, spicy, 
rich: Season, November to March. 

Wing Sweet. 

Tree very productive. 

Fruit medium, oblate, angular; Surface very smooth, 
ere mostly covered with red, indistinctly striped dark- 
er red. : 

Basin wide, deep, regular or folded; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity acute; Stem long. 

Core small, regular, closed, scarcely touching the eye; 
Seeds ovate; Flesh yellow, tender, dry; Flavor sweet and 
rich; Quality good; baking; early winter. 






Originated near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Tree mod- 
erately vigorous, upright, productive. 

Fruit large, round-oblate, flattened at the ends, five- 
sided, angular; Surface smooth, greenish-yellow, blushed ; 
Dots numerous, small, distinct, dark. 

Basin wide, rather deep, wavy or folded; Eye small, 
closed, or partly open. 

Cavity acute, narrow, uneven, brown; Stem quite short, 
rather thick. 

Core medium, heart-shaped; Seeds numerous, angular 
and.imperfect, dark; Flesh yellow, compact, almost melt- 
ing, fine grained, juicy; Flavor rich sub-acid, sprightly ; 
Quality almost best, for table; Season, November to Janu- 


This variety has caused much discussion among the 
Western Pomologists, on account of its resemblance to 
the Early Harvest. The late Dr. Barker, one of the most 
intelligent fruit-growers of the country, said it was intro- 
duced as a seedling from Kentucky in 1812. Elliott does 
not mention it in his work, but in the discussions of the 
Society he is reported as having declared it the same as 
Early Harvest, with which it agrees in peculiar growth 
of twigs. H. N. Gillett, and others, familiar with the 
fruits of southern Ohio, consider it a distinct seedling of 
Kentucky. The specimen described was from that gentle- 

Fruit medium, oblate, somewhat conical, irregular and 
eee Surface smooth, pale yellow; Dots scattered, 


Basin abrupt, medium, folded ; Kye small, closed. 
Cavity wide, deep, irregular, brown; Stem large, 

Core irregular, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds angular, 

— i 
Fig. 126.—BRACKEN. 

imperfect ; Flesh white, very tender, fine grained; Flavor 
mild sub-acid ; Quality good; Use, table and kitchen; Sea- 
son, June, July; earlier than Early Harvest. 

Canada Reinette. 

This fine fruit does not appear to be well known to our 
orchardists, and some of our writers have given the White 
Pippin among its numerous synonims, and have suggested 
that they might be the same, which is not so; they are 
very distinct. I have omitted the synon'ms, as they can 
be of little interest to our planters; they are not used in 
this country. The origin of this variety is uncertain, prob- 
ably European. Downing says that Merlet, a French 
writer, described the fruit in the 17th century. 

Tree vigorous, robust, tall spreading, productive. 


The following outline and description of a specimen 
presented by Irvin Jessup, of Laporte, Indiana, was kindly 
made for me by my lamented friend, Geo. M. Beeler, a 
short time before his death. 

Fruit large, oblate, angular; Surface not smooth, yel- 
low, blushed and spotted red; Dots numerous, small, gray. 

Basin abrupt, deep, angular; Eye small, nearly closed. 

Cavity medium, acute; Stem medium, inclined. 

Core wide, regular, closed, clasping; Seeds plump, 
angular, dark; Flesh breaking, fine grained, very juicy ; 
Flavor acid to sub-acid, aromatic, rich; Quality very good ; 
Use, table and cooking ; Season, December to February, in 
northern Indiana. 


Origin Jefferson. County, Ohio; exhibited at the meet- 
ings of the Ohio Pomological Society as early as 1855, by 
S. B. Marshall, of Massillon, whose friend, 8S. Wood, had 


cultivated it several years; my specimens and trees are 
from the Massillon nursery. 

Tree vigorous, thrifty, symmetrical, spreading, very 
productive, not an early bearer. 

Fruit fair, sound, large, somewhat angular, oblate, in- 
clined to conic, hanes well on the tree ; ‘Surface smooth, 
green with bronze blush ; ; Dots minute, ‘with green bases. 

Fig. 128.—cu.Lp. 

Basin narrow, rather abrupt, regular; Eye rather large, 

Cavity rather deep, regular, brown; Stem long or short. 

Core long heart- shaped, recular, nearly closed, clasping ; 2 
seeds numerous, very large, dark brown’ Flesh "yellowish, 
compact, crisp, juicy; Flavor mild sub- ‘acid, slightly per- 
fumed; Quality good; excellent for cooking, ‘ compared 
to Rhode Island Greening; ” Season, December until 


Fall Harvey. 

Origin Essex County, Massachusetts. Specimen from 
Zanesville, Ohio. 

Fruit large, oblate, irregular; Surface smooth, yellow 
or pale yellow; Dots minute, gray, distinct. 

Basin wide, regular, leather-craked; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity wide, wavy, green; Stem long to medium. 

Core wide or globular, regular, closed, not meeting the 
eye; Seeds medium, pointed and defective; Flesh yellow, 
breaking ; Flavor rich, acid; Quality only good, but valu- 
able for the kitchen ; Season, October. 

Garretson’s Early. 

Origin supposed to be New Jersey. Tree vigorous; 
an early and abundant bearer. 

Fruit medium, globular-oblate, somewhat angular; Sur- 
face smooth, pale yellow; Dots whitish. 

Basin small, abrupt, furrowed ; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity shallow; Stem short, inclined. 

Flesh white, breaking, tender, juicy; Flavor pleasant 
sub-acid; Quality good; Use, table; Season, July and 


This variety was received from North Carolina, and 
fruited for the first time in the North during 1866. It 
was first described and figured, among other new apples, 
in the Horticultural Annual for 1867. In the South it is 
considered a summer and fall variety, being in season from 
August, and continuing for a long time. For speci- 
mens ere am indebted to Doctor E. ‘Taylor, of Cleveland, 

Fruit medium to large, oblate, angular ; Surface smooth, 
yellow, faintly blushed; Dots scattered, minute, with rosy 

Basin deep, abrupt, folded ; Eye medium, rather open. 

Cavity deep, wavy, clear yellow; Stem medium to long. 

Core small, open, meeting the eye; Axis very short; 
Seeds numerous, angular; Flesh lieht yellow, breaking, 
fine-grained, juicy ; Flavor acid to sub- acid, spicy, agree- 


able; Use table and kitchen; Season October; Quality 
good to very good. 

Fig. 129.—HARRIS. 

Loudon Pippin. 


Origin Loudon County, Virginia. Exhibited before the 
Ohio Pomological Society, by Joseph Sigler, of McCon- 
nellsville, Ohio. 

Fruit large, oblate, conic, angular; Surface beautiful, 
very smooth, waxy yellow, handsomely blushed, and 
bright red spots; Dots scattering, gray. 

Basin wide, regular or folded; Eye large, closed. 

Cavity wide, not deep, regular, brown; Stem medium, 

Core heart-shaped, regular, closed, clasping the eye; 
Seeds numerous, medium; Flesh yellowish, compact, ten- 
der, breaking ; Flavor rich sub-acid, aromatic; Quality very 
good; Dessert; Season, December to February. A fine 
fruit from Washington County, shown at the same time 
as the Lady Washington ; was thought to be the same. 



@hio Pippin. 


We owe our acquaintance with this fine large fruit to 
the late Mr. A. H. Ernst, long President of the Ohio Po- 
mological Society, who furnished trees to Mr. Robert 
Buchanan, an enthusiastic Pomologist of Cincinnati. Both 
these gentlemen were too modest to permit their names 
to be attached to a fruit which they did not originate, but 
which they have aided to distribute. Another focus of 
distribution was the orchard and nursery of R. W. Todd, 
at Madison, Indiana, and the fruit has been received un- 
der the name of Shannon, from Doctor J. A. Dibrell, of 
Van Buren, Arkansas. Origin Dayton, Ohio, from whence 
it was procured personally by Mr. Todd, many years ago, 
and the grafts set by him are the oldest trees known. 

Tree healthy, vigorous, large, spreading; Shoots stout, 
dark ; Leaves large. 


Fruit large, often very large, oblate, somewhat conic, 
irregular; ‘Surface smooth, greenish-yellow, sometimes 
blushed faintly near the base; Dots small gray. 

Fig. 151.—OHIO PIPPIN. 

Basin wide, deep, folded ; Eye large or very large, open; 
Segments short. 

Cavity wide, wavy or regular, brown; Stem short, 

Core medium to large, regular, closed, meeting the 
eye; Seeds numerous, medium, plump, sometimes imper- 
fect; Flesh yellowish, breaking, tender, juicy ; Flavor acid 
to sub-acid; Quality good; Market and kitchen, too large 
for dessert, Season, December, January. 

Western Spy. 

Origin Jefferson County, Ohio. Tree healthy but me- 
dium growth, very productive; exhibited by Joel Wood. 


Fruit large, roundish-oblate, uneven; Surface smooth, 
yellow, blushed; Dots numerous, minute, with white 

Basin abrupt, uneven; Eye large, closed. 

Cavity medium, wavy; Stem short. 

Core wide, closed, not meeting the eye; Seeds numer- 
ous, large, plump; Flesh yellow, breaking; Flavor acid; 
quality pretty good; Use, kitchen, table; Season, Decem- 
ber, January. 



Not having enjoyed an opportunity of examining this 
fruit, I quote from my friend Chas. Downing. 

“Origin Virginia or North Carolina. Tree vigorous, 
upright, very productive, and a valuable market fruit. 

“Fruit rather above medium, obliquely depressed ; Skin 
striped and splashed with red, on greenish-yellow ground, 
with large dots, having a dark center; Stem short, in a 
generally broad, deep cavity ; Calyx open; Basin shallow, 
and uneven; Flesh rather coarse, juicy, with a pleasant 
sub-acid flavor; November to March.” 

Beu fi. 

For description of this fruit I take Downing’s quotation 
from White's Gardener: 

“Origin uncertain; Tree vigorous, erect; Fruit very 
large, irregular, roundish flattened and slightly irregular ; 
Skin thick, yellow, striped, and shaded with red, very dark 
next the sun, marked with a few greenish russet spots; 
Stem three-fourths of an inch long, in a medium cavity ; 
Calyx in a large, irregular basin; Flesh white, and when 
fully ripened, tender and excellent, sometimes indifferent ; 
November to March. 



From Gabriel Sleath, near Cincinnati, Ohio. The origin 
of this pleasant dessert apple is not known. ‘Tree large, 
productive. : 

Fruit small, flat, somewhat angular; Surface smooth, 
rich yellow partially covered mixed red, distinctly striped 
earmine; Dots pale fawn or yellow; heavy white bloom. 

Basin shallow, leather-cracked; Eye small, long, closed. 

Cavity medium, regular; Stem quite long, slender. 

Core wide, regular, open, clasping; Seeds numerous, 
short, plump, brown; Flesh yellow, very fine grained, very 
juicy ; Flavor sub-acid, sprightly, agreeable; Quality good 
to very good; Use, dessert; Season, August. 


This fine European apple is said to have originated at 
Gravenstein, Holstein. It has long been in this country, 
where it succeeds very well. 

Tree vigorous, spreading, productive ; Shoots vigorous ; 
Leaves long, rolled, showing the white underside. 



Fruit lar ge, elobular-oblate, angular; Surface smooth, 
yellow, partially covered with mixed and splashed scarletis 
Dots rare. 

Basin medium, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, reoular ; Stein short. 

Core regular, elobular, or pointed toward the eye, closed, 
clasping ; ‘Seeds “small, pointed ; Flesh yellow, fine crained, 
breaking, juicy ; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic; Quality best; 
table and kitchen; Season, August, September. 


Origin Jefferson County, Ohio; not widely distributed. 
Tree thrifty, upright. ‘The following description was 
made from fruit obtained of my friend T. 8. Humrick- 
house, of Coshocton. 

Fruit full medium to large, oblate, uneven; Surface 
smooth, greenish-yellow, mixed and striped red; Dots 
scattered, minute. 

Basin wide, deep, folded; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity acute, deep; Stem quite short. 

Core very small, regular, closed, clasping; Seeds numer- 
ous, short, plump ; Flesh yellow, tender, fine grained, juicy ; 
Quality good to best ; for table and kitchen ; Season, De- 
cember to January. 


A first rate southern fruit. Tree thrifty, and very pro- 

Fruit medium, oblate, slightly conic, angular; skin yel- 
lowish, striped and mostly shaded with red, thickly 
sprinkled with whitish and bronze dots; Stem short and 
small, inserted in a broad cavity surrounded by russet ; 
Calyx partially closed; Basin slightly corrugated; ‘Flesh 
yellow, very tender, juicy, mild sub acid, excellent, highly 
prized in Georgia and the South; October and Novem- 
ber. Carter of Alabama may prove the same.”—[C. 
Downing. | 


Origin East Bloomfield, New York. Tree sufficiently 

vigorous, spreading, round-headed. 


Fruit large, oblate, somewhat conical, angular ; Surface 
smooth, waxen yellow, nearly covered with marbled and 
mixed scarlet, striped distinctly with darker shade; Dots 

Basin, wide, medium depth; Eye medium, open. 

Fig. 133.—MELON. 

Cavity deep, acute, wavy, green and brown; Stem me- 

Core regular, heart-shaped, wide, partially open, clasp- 
ing; Seeds numerous, medium, angular; Flesh yellow, ten- 
der, fine grained, juicy; Flavor acid, sub-acid, aromatic, 
rich; Quality almost best; Use, table, market and kitchen ; 
Season, November to January. 


This very nice apple was introduced to my attention by 
my very good friend Calvin Fletcher, Jr., of Indianapolis, 
in which neighborhood it grows. Its origin and history 
are unknown, nor do any satisfactory responses come to 
the oft-repeated question—W hat is this delicious apple ? 

Fruit large, oblate, angular; Surface yellow, mostly 



covered with mixed red and oa of crimson; Dots 
scattering, large, yellow and gra 
Basin moderately deep, foided ; ‘Eye medium, open. 
Cavity medium, regular, brown; Stem mecium to short. 
Core small, closed ; Seeds plump, dark; Flesh yellow, 
fine-grained, tender, Juicy ; Flavor sub- acid, aromatic ; 
Quality best for dessert ; Season, August and September, 

Pennsylvania Wimesap.—|[Local Name. ] 

Origin unknown; Grown in Wayne County, Indiana. 

Fruit large, conical-oblate, truncated, angular. 

Surface smooth, yellow, blushed, very little splashed ; 
Dots scattered, minute. 

Basin medium, folded, wavy; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity medium, wavy; Stem medium or short, stout, 
fleshy. - 

Core regular, closed; Seeds few, plump; Flesh yellow- 
ish-white, “tender, fiie-or ained, juicy» Flavor sub-acid; 
Quality g ood: Use, table : ; Season, December, January. 


This beautiful and useful apple originated at Penn Yan, 

‘NY a -P 

y PP y) 

Fig. 154.—WAGENER, 


Yates County, New York; was described and figured in 
the Transactions of the State Agricultural Society. 

Tree thrifty, upright, productive, and very early bearer. 

Fruit large, oblate or globular-oblate, pentangular ; Sur- 
face very smooth, yellow, well covered with mixed bright 
red, stripes not distinct; Dots scattered, yellow. 

Basin wide, abrupt, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity regular, brown; Stem medium, green. 

Core regular, wide, heart-shaped, closed, meeting the 
eye; Seeds numerous, large, angular ; Flesh yellowish-white, 
tender, fine-grained, juicy; Flavor mild sub-acid; Quality 
good; Uses, market, table and kitchen; Scason, Novem- 
ber and December. 

Cranberry Russet. 

This apple was introduced to the notice of the Ohio Po- 
mological Society by its Vice-President, J. Austin Scott, 
of Toledo, Ohio. 

Fruit medium to large, oblate, flattened at the sides, ir- 
regular; Surface rough, russeted, blushed carmine, uneven ; 
Dots numerous, large, gray, prominent. 

Basin shallow, uneven; Eye small, partially open. 

Cavity deep, acute, green; Stem long, slender, knobby. 

Core wide, regular, closed; Seeds long, angular, brown ; 
Flesh breaking, tender, not very juicy; Flavor quite acid; 
Quality second rate, but said to be superior for cooking ; 
Season, November and December. 

Roxbury Russet. 


This standard apple is perhaps as widely known and as 
much admired as any other in the catalogue. It was 


brought to the West by different routes—by the Ohio 
River and by the lakes—and has been universally distrib- 
uted. Those brought to the mouth of the Muskingum 
River, and propagated by Mr. Putnam, had the name 
changed to that of the Marietta and the Putnam Russet ; 
and at the same time the appearance of the fruit was so 
altered by increase in the russeting, that it was long 
thought to be a different variety, until the question was 
at leneth settled by interchange of grafts; and when 
these fruited the identity was proved. 

It is claimed that more money has been realized from 
this than from any other variety, though, on the Ohio 



River, the Rome Beauty is considered to be equally prof- 
itable. The popularity of this Russet is on the wane, 
however, as it 1s very subject to attacks of the Codling- 
moth, which makes it fall, and because it is apt to ripen 
too early in the season in southern locations and on lime- 
stone soils. Hence its value as a keeping apple is diminished. 

Tree robust, vigorous, spreading; Shoots stout, strag- 
gling, dark; Foliage gray-green. 

Fruit large, oblate, often lop-sided at the West, fre- 


quently angular, sometimes conic and truncated; Surface 
overspread with heavy brown russet in the South, but 
green, often bronzed, and with partial light russet at the 
north of latitude 41°; Dots minute, scattered. 

Basin regular or wavy, green, often folded; Eye me- 
dium, closed. 

Cavity regular, pointed; Stem medium, curved. 

Core regular, closed, clasping ; Seeds numerous, angular, 
imperfect ; Flesh greenish-yellow, breaking, granular, often 
coarse, juicy ; Flavor decidedly acid; Quality second rate ; 
Use, market and cooking; Season, November to January ; 
a better keeper in the North. 

Whitmey Iusset. 

Of uncertain or accidental origin in the extensive nur- 
-series and orchards of my friend A. R. Whitney, of 
Franklin Grove, Lee County, Illinois, where my specimens 
and trees were procured. 

Fruit medium or small, roundish-oblate, truncated, an- 


gular; ‘Surface smooth, yellow, rather thinly russeted 5 
Dots minute, prominent. 
Basin abrupt, regular, green; Eye medium, closed. 
Cavity acute, deep, wavy ; Stem medium to long, slender. 


Core medium, regular, heart-shaped, rarely open, meet- 
ing the eye; Seeds very numerous, medium, plump; Flesh 
greenish-yellow, breaking, very fine-grained, juicy ; Flavor 
sub-acid, aromatic, rich, spicy; Quality best; especially a 
dessert apple; Season, December to February. 

nr a ood 

Large Bough. 


A native fruit, much admired as an early sweet apple. 
Tree vigorous, compact head, rather productive. 

Fig. 157.—LARGE BOUGH. 


Fruit round-conic, regular, very light; Surface smooth, 
white or pale yellow; Dots minute, dark, indented, few. 

Basin rather shallow, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity acute, regular, deep, sometimes brown; Stem 

Core regular, nearly closed, clasping; Seeds medium, 
dark; Flesh white, very soft, light, juicy; Flavor very 
sweet when ripe, somewhat bitter when green; Quality 
only good—by some called best; Use, market, stock and 
dessert—tasteless when cooked ; Season, July and August. 


A native of Pennsylvania, where it is a great favorite ; 
extensively cultivated through the West. 

Fig. 138, —FALLAWATER. 

This is essentially a market apple, having little to rec- 
ommend it but its size, appearance and productiveness, 


Tree very vigorous, spreading, productive, not long- 
lived; Shoots very stout, dark ; Leaves large. 

Fruit large, round or oblate-conic, regular; Surface 
sometimes smooth, greenish-yellow, often blushed crim- 
son—large specimens covered with whitish veined marks; 
Dots numerous, gray, large, and having whitish bases. 

Basin rather deep, regular; Eye large, open. 

Cavity deep, regular, brown; Stem short, stout. 

Core medium, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds numer- 
ous, angular; Flesh whitish, often greenish-white, light, 
tender, juicy; Flavor very mild sub-acid, or sweet, with 
little character; Quality scarcely good; Use, market and 
stock; Season, November, December, and may be kept 
longer if desired. 

Michael Hiemry. 

Origin Monmouth County, New Jersey. Extensively 


Fig. 159, —MICHAEL HENRY. 


cultivated in the Western States, where it has many ad- 
Tree vigorous, not large, spreading, very productive, 
early bearer; Shoots dark, foliage medium and healthy. 
Fruit fair, medium to large, conic, regular; Surface 
smooth, dull green, whitish stripes, pale yellow when ripe, 
rarely a faint blush; Dots scattered, prominent. 
Basin abrupt, or shallow, regular; Kye medium, closed. 
Cavity deep, acute, brown; Stem short to medium. 
Core regular, heart-shaped, elasping, closed; Seeds nu- 
merous, plump, black ; Flesh pale yellow, breaking, tender, 
light, juicy; Flavor sweet, slightly aromatic, little char- 
acter; Quality good; Use, market, kitchen; Season, De- 
cember and January; keeps well. 

Premium of 1858. 

Found in a seedling orchard near Springfield, Ohio, and 
awarded the premium in 1858. 

Fig. 140.—PREMIUM OF 1858. 


Fruit medium, roundish-conic, regular; Surface smooth, 
pale yellow; Dots numerous, minute, white. 

Basin shallow, regular, folded; Eye large, closed or open. 

Cavity wide, shallow, regular; Stem long, slender. 

Core rather large, regular, open, meeting the eye ; Seeds 
numerous, angular; Flesh yellow, fine grained, tender; 
Flavor very sweet, rich; Quality very good; Use, baking 
and stock; Season, October to December. 

: Shockley. 

Origin Jackson County, Georgia. This long-keeper 
from the South promises to be an acquisition of value for 
market orchards, 
unless its small size 
may make an ob- 

Tree vigorous, 
very productive. 

Fruit medium to 
small, conic, trun- 
cated,regular; Sur- 
face very smooth, 
waxen yellow,mar- 
| bled or blushed 
scarlet and crim- 
son; Dots scatter- 
ed, minute, gray. 

Bas'n — shallow, 
plaited; Eye small, 

Cavity acute, 
deep, regular; 
Stem slender, long. 

Core long heart- 
shaped, closed, ineeting the eye; Seeds numerous, plump, 
dark; Flesh yellow, fine grained; Flavor mildly sub-acid, 
rich, saccharine, agreeable; Quality very good; Use, des- 
sert; Season, March to June; a good keeper. 

Fig. 141.—SHOCKLEY. 

Sweet Pear. 

The origin of this fruit is uncertain; the specimens were 
obtained in the orchard of H. P. Kimball, and his father- 


in-law, Dr. George Haskell—zealous pomologists at Rock- 
ford, Illinois. 

Fruit medium to large, round, somewhat conic, regular ; 
Surface smooth, yellowish-green, blushed; Dots numer- 
ous, minute, gray, indented; red spots. 

Basin quite shallow, plaited ; Eye small, but long, closed. 


! Witt 
Fig. 142.—SWEET PEAR. 

Cavity deep, acute, wavy, green; Stem long, rather 
slender, green. 

Core small, round, somewhat open, clasping the eye; 
Seeds numerous, medium, pointed; Flesh ereenish-white, 
breaking, fine grained, juicy; Flavor sweet, aromatic ; 
Quality good to best; Use, table; Season, October. 

WVictuals and Drink. 

This old variety has met with great favor in its western 
home, though not esteemed or much cultivated in the. 


Eastern States, unless about Newark, New Jersey, where 
it originated about 1750, according to Downing. 

Tree spreading, large; Branches twiggy, slender, mod- 
erately productive. 

Fruit large, conical, regular, but uneven; Surface some- 
what rough, dull green to dull yellow, often veined rus- 
set; Dots numerous, minute. 

Basin medium, sometimes abrupt, regular or folded; 
Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity wide, wavy, green; Stem short. 

Core small, regular, oval, clasping, closed ; Seeds numer- 
ous, angular, imperfect, dark; Flesh greenish-white or yel- 
lowish, very tender, fine-grained, light ; Flavor very sweet, 
very rich; Quality best; Use, baking, table and stock ; 
Season, September and October—in the North later, but is 
not a housing apple. 

Virginia June, 
Presented by W. P. Putnam, of Ohio, as brought from 
Adams County, Mississippi 


Fruit medium to large, oblate-conical, regular; Surface 
greenish-yellow; Dots scattered, prominent. 

Basin medium, regular, abrupt; Eye medium, open. 

Cavity very wide, regular, brown; Stem very short. 


Core heart-shaped, regular, meeting the eye, closed ; 
Seeds numerous, pointed ; “Flesh yellow; Flavor rich, sweet ; 
Quality good; September to October, in Ohio. 

This may prove to be some known variety, but it has 
not yet been recognized. 

The Virginia June, grown in Kentucky and Indiana, is 
quite different, being round, striped and sub-acid. It is 
esteemed, where known, as a household apple, but be- 
comes rather dry. 




Kentucky Sweet. 

This is an apple of Kentucky or southern origin, found 
in many parts of the western country among the emi- 
grants from Dixie Land, with whom it is a great favorite 
on account of abundant fruitage and rich sweetness. 

Specimens, under name, were received from the intelli- 
gent southern pomologist, J. 8. Downer, of Fairview, Ken- 
tucky, also from J. W. Dodge, of Pomona, Tennessee, 

| (( \k SS 

Fig. 14 

from which the description and drawing are taken. It has 
also been seen frequently in Southern Illinois. 

Fruit medium, conic, regular; Surface smooth, deep red, 
stripes obscured and scarcely visible, the yellow ground 
color rarely seen; Dots scattered, large, yellow. 

Basin regular, narrow, not deep, leather-cracked ; Eye 
medium, long, open; Segments short. 


Cavity acute, not deep, brown ; Stem short to medium. 
Core oval, regular, not meeting the eye, somewat open ; 
Seeds numerous, large and imperfect, brown ; Flesh yellow, 
tender, fine-grained, juicy ; Flavor very sweet, rich, slight- 
ly perfumed ; Quality very good to best ; Use, baking, mar- 
ket and stock ; Season November to January. Keeps well. 

This is another little southern favorite, to be found by 
almost every cabin in parts of the West. Whole orchards 

have been planted with sprouts from the mother trees, 
among the people to whom the art of grafting was an un- 

heard of mystery. Now distributed by nurserymen all 
over the country. 

Tree moderately vigorous, round-headed, twiggy; shoots 
reddish ; foliage rather dark. Annually productive and 
an early bearer. 

Fruit small to medium, conical, regular; Surface smooth, 
yellow, covered with marbled red, indistinct stripes ; Dots 
small, gray, scattered, prominent. 


Basin narrow, wavy, leather-cracked;+* Eye medium, 

Cavity regular, acute, brown; Stem long. 

Core ovate, covering the eye, closed; Seeds numerous, 
some imperfect; Flesh white, tender, crisp, juicy; Flavor 
mild sub-acid or sweet, agreeable and refreshing, but with- 
out any decided characte; Quality good; Use, dessert, in 
cooking it lacks flavor; Season, December, January. 



Pumpkin Sweet. 

Fruit was exhibited at the Ohio State Fair at Zanesville. 

Fruit large, regular, roundish, conical; Surface dull 
green, covered with a rough coat of russet. 

Basin medium, regular; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity deep, narrow, regular; Stem long, slender. 

Core medium, regular; Seeds numerous, small, plump ; 
Flesh spongy, light ; Flavor sweet ; Quality scarcely good’; 
Use, baking, stock ; Season, autumn. 

This apple has never commended itself very highly to 
my notice in the limited opportunities I have had for its 
examination, but it is esteemed in some parts of the coun- 
try for baking and for stock-feeding. 



August ‘Tart. 

Origin unknown. Specimens procured from Marietta, 


Fruit medium to large, regular, conical, truncated; Sur- 
face smooth, yellow-green; Dots numerous, large, yellow. 

Basin medium, wavy or folded; Eye medium or small, 

Cavity wide, regular, brown; Stem long, slender. 

Fig? 147.—AUGUST TART. 

Core medium, regular, closed, clasping; Seeds numer- 
ous, pointed ; Flesh greenish-yellow, breaking; Flavor acid ; 
Quality poor, except for cocking; Season August. 


Origin unknown. Specimens obtained from George 
Powers, of Perrysburgh, Ohio. 

Fruit medium, handsome, roundish-conic, regular ; Sur- 
face yellow, blushed scarlet ; Dots minute, indented. 

Basin shallow, regular ; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity rather deep, very acute; Stem medium to short, 



Core heart-shaped, rather open, meeting the eye; Seeds 
large; Flesh yellow, breaking, juicy ; Flavor sub-acid, aro- 
matic, rich; Quality good to very good; Use dessert ; Sea- 
son October to December. 

Holland Pippin. 

There is a strange confusion existing in some of the 
books, by which this fruit has been associated with the 
Fall Pippin. The Holland, as grown in Western New 
York, and through the West, as derived from the former 
State, is entirely different ; and as that is extensively 
known, its description is here given, that it may be com- 
pared with the other, which belongs to a different class. 

el //! Mj, Su = 

Fruit large, regular, conic, rather oblate; Surface dull 
yellowish-green, rarely bronzed; Dots minute. 

Basin narrow, medium depth, regular; Eye medium, 

Cavity medium, acute, regular, brown; Stem medium 
to long. 

Core medium, regular, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds 
numerous, sometimes imperfect ; Flesh yellowish-white or 


greenish-white, breaking, coarse-grained, juicy; Flavor 
quite acid, not rich, not agreeable; Quality only fair; Use 
cooking only; Season, October to December at the North. 
Not seen in the southern counties of the States north of 
the Ohio River. 

A comparatively new fruit, from Herkimer County, 

New York, found in a division fence between two neigh- 
bors; hence its name. Considerably cultivated in the 

Fig. 149.—MIDDLE. 

neighborhood, where it is highly esteemed. Introduced 
into Ohio by Mr. John Ludlow, of Springfield, in 1854, 
and propagated at the Oakland Nurseries near by. 

Tree thrifty and productive. 

Fruit medium to large, conical or oblate-conic, regular ; 
Surface rather smooth, green to pale greenish-yellow ; 
Dots small, irregular, rather abundant, gray, somewhat 

Basin shallow, nearly regular, russeted, like Rhode Isl- 
and Greening; Eye small, closed. 


Cavity acute, sometimes lipped, wavy ; Stem long, slen- 

Core small, oval, regular, closed, just meeting the eye; 
Seeds small, very light colored; Flesh greenish-yellow, 
breaking, fine grained, tender, juicy ; Flavor sub-acid, rich, 
aromatic; Quality nearly first rate; Use dessert ; Season 
December and January, said to keep until May in 
New York. 

White Winter Pearmain. 

This favorite fruit was brought to Indiana by some of 
the early pomologists, inthe days of saddle-bag transpor- 


tation. In a lot of grafts, two varieties, having lost their 
labels, were propagated and fruited without name. Being 
considered Pearmain-shaped, they were called respectively 
Red and White Winter Pearmains. The former proved 
to be the Esopus Spitzenberg ; the latter has never yet been 
identified, though believed to be an old eastern variety. 
Mr. Downing suggests that it may be Winter Harvey, a 


description of which I have not seen. At one time this 
apple was confounded with the Michael Henry by many 
of us, and Mr. Elliott gives it as a synonym of that va- 
riety, but they are very distinct. 

Tree spreading, vigorous, productive, the bark often 
marked by a kind of canker or crack. Foliage large, 
rather ight green. 

Fruit medium to large, handsome when fair, but often 
‘scabby on rich limestone soils and on old trees, conical, 
regular, sometimes obscurely angular; Surface smooth, 
yellow, often bronzy; Dots scattered, small, dark. 

Basin abrupt, regular or shallow and folded; Eye me- 
dium, closed. 

Cavity acute, wavy, brown; Stem medium to long, of- 
ten knobby and clubbed. 

Core regular, closed, slightly clasping the eye; Seeds 
few, pointed, pale or yellow; Flesh yellow, fine grained, 
tender, crisp, juicy; Flavor mild sub-acid, very rich; 
Quality best; Uses table, kitchen, market; Season De- 
cember to March. 


This is supposed to be a Kentucky seedling. It was re- 
ceived from my friend Ormsby Hite, of Louisville. 

Fruit full, medium, truncated, regular; Surface very 
smooth, yellow-green ; Dots scattered, gray, white bases. 

asin medium, wavy, plaited; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, acute, wavy, brown; Stem short, green. 

Core small, heart-shaped, regular, closed, clasping; Seeds 
pointed, angular, dark; Flesh white, tender, breaking, 
juicy ; Flavor sub-acid ; Quality good; Use, table, kitch- 
en; Season, December to March. 





This Russian apple, so much admired for its size and 
beauty, is not a favorite in the orchard, though some per- 
sons have found it profitable in the markets, 

Tree medium size, spreading, moderately productive, 
early bearer. 

Fruit large to very large, fair and handsome, conical, 
truncated, sometimes obscurely angular; Surface smooth, 
pale yellow, striped and splashed distinctly bright red, 
sometimes shaded mixed red; Dots minute. 

Basin medium, regular; Eye small, long, closed. 

Cavity rather deep, narrow, regular, brown; Stem me- 
dium to short, stout. 

Core wide, regular, nearly closed, clasping ; Axis short; 
Seeds large; Flesh whitish, breaking, not fine grained, 
juicy ; Flavor acid, not rich; Quality scarcely good, ex- 
cept for cooking ; Season, August and September. Fruit 
falls badly from the tree. 

Cayuga Red Streak. 

I have preferred to adopt the above name for this old 
Connecticut apple, to avoid the confusion arising from 
another and very indifferent fruit that is still considerably 
cultivated upon the same parallels with this, and known 
as the Zwenty Ounce Pippin. 

The Cayuga is a very great favorite asa market and 
family fruit in many parts of the country north of latitude 
40°—being large, handsome and productive. 

Tree thrifty, healthy, early productive, round-headed, 
twiggy ; Shoots medium or slender, reddish brown, leaves 

Fruit large to very large, regular, globular-conic ; Sur- 
face generally smooth, yellow-green, nearly covered with 
mixed red, striped and splashed scarlet; Dots minute, 

Basin regular, abrupt; Eye small, closed; Calyx long. 


Cavity wide, folded, brown; Stem short. 

Core wide, large, irregular, open, meeting or slightly 
clasping the eye; Seeds numerous, short, plump, pale; 
Flesh whitish, breaking, granular, juicy ; Flavor sour, not 

5 E 
. 2 
& Hi\ 
ie ve 



rich; Quality good, only for its special uses, market, cook- 
ing and drying; Season, October to December. 

Clarke’s Pearmain. 

Origin North Carolina. Specimens from W. S. West- 
brook. Tree grows slowly, but very productive. 

Fruit medium, roundish-conic, truncated; Surface yel- 
low, covered bright red and bronzed: Dots numerous, 
large, yellow. 


Basin abrupt, folded ; Eye small, closed ; Segments short, 

Cavity deep, acute, sometimes lipped; Stem long, red. 

Core small, pyriform, regular, closed, scarcely clasping ; 
Seeds, some imperfect; Flesh greenish-yellow, fine grain- 


ed; Flavor sub-acid, rich; Quality good to very good; 
Use dessert and kitchen; Season December. 


Believed to have originated in Central Indiana. Brought 
to my notice by Z. 8. Ragan, of Clayton, Indiana; also 
exhibited by the Plainfield Horticultural Society at the 
meetings of the State Horticultural Society. 

Fruit large, conical, flattened, regular; Surface smooth, 
greenish-yellow, covered with dull red, striped and splash- 
ed darker; Dots minute, scattered. 

Basin narrow, abrupt, regular; Eye small, long, closed. _ 

Cavity wide, acute, deep, wavy, green; Stem medium, 

Core wide, regular, open, clasping; Seeds numerous, 
plump, angular, short, dark; Flesh yellow, breaking, not 


fine grained ; Flavor sub-acid ; Quality good ; Use, kitchen 
and market; Season, all winter until March. 


Fig. 153.—CLAYTON. 

Cooper’s Market. 


“Fruit medium, oblong-conic; Skin yellowish, shaded 
with red, and striped with crimson; Stem short, cavity 
deep, narrow; Calyx closed, basin small; Flesh white, 
tender, with a brisk sub-acid flavor; December to May.”—- 

Early Joe. 

This delicious summer apple originated in Ontario Coun- 
ty, New York; Tree moderately vigorous, bushy when 
young, early bearer, very productive. 



Fruit small to medium, flat-conic, regular; Surface yel- 
low or waxen, mixed red, splashed carmine ; Dots minute, 
with yellow bases. 

Basin abrupt, regular; Eye medium, long, closed ; Seg- 
ments reflexed, . 

Cavity wide, acute, wavy, green; Stem medium, thick. 

Core wide, closed, clasping ; Seeds plump, brown; Flesh 
light yellow, breaking, very fine grained, juicy ; Flavor 
sub-acid, aromatic, spicy, rich, very satisfying; Quality 
best; Use, dessert only; Season, July. 

Early Strawberry. 


Origin New York; Tree thrifty, very upright, while 
young, spreading and large when older; Shoots dark col- 


ored; Foliage abundant on long stems, bright green, al- 
most shining, rather narrow, long, erect. ° 

Fruit small to medium, round-conic, regular or rarely 
angular ; Surface smooth, often shining, yellow, mostly cov- 



ered with mixed red, striped crimson; Dots rare, very 
minute ; Surface sticky or “ greasy ” when house-ripened. 

Basin shallow, folded or plaited; Eye medium, long; 
Segments reflexed. 

Cavity medium, regplar; Stem long, rather slender, 
sometimes short, knobby. 

Core regular, closed, not meeting the eye; Seeds nu- 
merous, broad, plump ; Flesh whitish-yellow, breaking, fine 
grained, juicy; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic; Quality good 
to very good; Use, dessert, market; Season, July and 


This new southern variety is not vet sufficiently known 
to enable me to give a full description. My trees have 
not borne. 

Fruit medium, conic, striped red; Season, July and 

Flushing Spitzenberg. 

As some doubt has existed in the minds of many pomol- 
ogists in respect to this variety, and as many have had 
this name applied to the Baltimore of Elliott, I quote that 
author’s description : 

“American. Tree vigorous, strong brown shoots; Fruit 
medium, roundish, slightly conical, greenish-yellow, mostly 
covered with warm yellowish-red; russet dots, with suffused 
fawn shade surrounding ; Stem slender; Cavity narrow ; 
Calyx small; Basin shallow; Core rather large; Flesh 
white, tinged yellow, juicy, crisp, mild, nearly sweet ; 
‘very good.’” November to February. 



This is thought to be a southern apple, but the origin 
_is unknown, It may yet prove to be » known variety in 
Tree moderately vigorous, productive. 7 
Fruit medium, conic, regular; Surface smooth, green- 
ish-yellow, mixed and striped pale red; Dots minute, 


Basin medium, regular; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity regular, green; Stem medium, slender. 

Core regular, closed ; Seeds medium; Flesh tender, fine 
grained, juicy; Flavor sub-acid to sweet, aromatic; Qual- 
ity almost best, for dessert; August and September, or 


This well known southern apple is much cultivated in” 
many parts of the West as along keeping winter variety. 
lt is a favorite with the southern immigrants, and found 
most abundant in regions occupied by them, but it has 
been carried pretty far to the north. The synonym James 
River, as given by Downing, is not met with among the 

Fig. 155.—LIMBERTWIG. 

people as applied to this apple, but the Willow Twig is 
often so named. , , 
Tree thrifty, exceedingly productive; Shoots slender 
and drooping with the heavy crops. 
Fruit medium to small, roundish conic, regular; Sur- 


face rather smooth, mixed dull purplish red, on greert, 
stripes scarcely to be traced ; Dots numerous, large, irreg- 
ular, brown. * 

Basin medium, regular; Eye small, open. 

Cavity deep, acute, brown; Stem medium, curved. 

Core rather large, regular, turbinate, closed, clasping ; 
Seeds numerous, small, plump, long; Flesh greenish-yel- 
low, firm; Flavor sub-acid, rich, aromatic; Quality very 
good; Use, table and kitchen; Season, March and April. 
Keeps very well, but wilts if exposed to the air—preserv- 
ed very well in the ground. 

Long Island Seek-no-Further. 

This old variety still has its admirers in the Eastern 
States, but is not often seen in the West. i describe 
specimens from Wm. 8. Carpenter, of Westchester Coun- 
ty, New York. 

The tree is vigorous and productive. 

Fruit rather large, oblate, conic, regular ; Surface green- 
ish-yellow, splashed bright red ; Dots numerous, scattered, 

Basin shallow, wavy; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular, brown; Stem long. 

Core regular, closed; Seeds pointed, angular, imper- 
fect ; Flesh greenish-white, breaking, Juicy; Flavor sub- 
acid, aromatic; Quality good to very good; Use, table, 
cooking ; Season, October, November. 

Polly Bright. 

Origin Virginia. Considerably cultivated in Eastern 
Ohio. 4 

“ Fruit elongated, conic; Skin light yellow, shaded car- 
mine, obscurely striped; Stalk of medium length, in an 
acute cavity, russeted; Calyx in a small furrowed basin. 
Flesh tender, juicy, with a pleasant sub-acid flavor; Sep- 
tember, A (Downing.) 

Rawle’s Janet. 

This famous southern apple has been spread throughout 
the West, and even the Northwest where, however, it has 


fot proved hardy. It also has the fault of over-bearing, 
when the fruit is often small and insipid. In suitable soils 
it is very fine and deservedly a favorite with planters, some 
of whom recommend fifty trees of this variety in an or- 
chard of one hundred. Origin Virginia. 

Tree thrifty, not large, spreading ; Twigs brownish, foli- 
age medium, rather whitish. Blossoms appear later than 
other sorts, and thus they sometimes escape a spring frost. 

Fruit medium, sometimes large when thinned, flattened, 

. ms 
\) : 

| ph \ 

Fig. 156. -RAWLE'S JANET. 

conic, regular; Surface smooth, mixed and striped crim- 
son on yellow and green; Dots numerous, small. 

Basin wide, regular; Eye small, closed; Segments re- 

Cavity acute, deep, regular, brown; Stem long curved. 

Core regular, heart-shaped, closed, clasping; Seeds nu- 
merous, plump; Flesh yellowish, crisp, breaking, fine 
grained, juicy ; Flavor sub-acid, vinous, refreshing; Qua- 
lity good to very good; Use, dessert, kitchen, market and 
cider; Season, February, March, and later. 


Red Winter Pearmain. 


This favorite southern apple is widely diffused through 
the South and West, and its good qualities have made it 
many admirers. Origin uncertain. 

Tree sufiiciently vigorous, upright, productive, annual 

Fruit medium to large, conic, regular; Surface smooth, 
deep red, almost purplish on yellow, stripes nearly lost in 
the depth of coloring, whitish shading exteriorly, not a 
bloom ; Dots numerous, minute. 

Basin regular, plaited or folded; Eye long or large, 

Cavity acute, regular, green; Stem medium length, 
thick, knobby. 

Core medium, closed, clasping ; Seeds numerous, large, 

Sic = 
plump; Flesh yellow, breaking, juicy; Flavor mild sub- 
acid, almost sweet, rich, satisfying; Quality good; Use, 
table and kitchen; Season, December and January. 

: ' min ‘N 

Fig. 157.—ROSY RED, 


Rosy Red. 

This is one of the valuable fruits which we owe to the 
indefatigable efforts of that earnest pomologist and thus 
philanthropist, Lewis Jones, of Cambridge, Indiana. Found 
in a seedling orchard. 

Fruit medium, conical, truncated, regular; Surface 
smooth, bright red, generally diffused, indistinctly striped ; 
Dots scattered, medium, yellow. 

Basin medium, shallow, regular or folded ; Eye medium, 

Cavity acute, narrow, deep, brown; Stem medium, slen- 
der, yellow. 

Core wide, indistinct, partly open, scarcely meeting the 
eye; Seeds few, plump and imperfect ; Flesh pale yellow, 
breaking, juicy; Flavor sub-acid; Quality good; Use, 
market and table; Season, December and January. 

Westfield Seehkeno-Further. 

This favorite Connecticut apple has been widely dis- 
seminated throughout the country, and is universally ad- 


mired by those who come from the Northern States; on 


lower parallels it is less known, and not so highly appre- 
ciated, nor is it so fine a fruit, being larger, but less com- 
pact, more spongy, less beautifully colored and sometimes 
almost a russet. 

Tree vigorous, thrifty, spreading, productive.* 

Fruit medium, roundish-conic ; Surface smooth dull red, 
mixed and striped on yellow, in the North clear bright 
red; Dots scattered, large, yellow; leather-cracked and 
russeted about the apex. 

Basin shallow, regular, leather-cracked; Eye small, 
closed or open. 

Cavity pointed, regular, brown; Stem long. 

Core medium, regular, closed, meeting and clasping the 
eye; Seeds numerous, small, pointed; Flesh yellowish- 
white, tender, breaking; Flavor very mild sub-acid, aro- 
matic, satisfying, not high flavored nor spicy; Quality 
only good in my estimation ; Use, table and market ; Sea- 
son, December. 



American Golden Russet. 

This delicious table apple isa universal favorite with all 
who can appreciate delicacy of flavor and fineness of 
flesh in an apple, and yet it is not a profitable variety for 
orchard planting, because the fruit is very apt to be imper- 
fect. The best I have seen were‘from the South, and sand- 
stone soils. 

Tree vigorous, upright, round-headed, small; Foliage 
large, healthy. 

Fruit small to medium, round-conic, regular when per- 
fect ; Surface smooth, yellow, covered with thin russet, 
sometimes faintly blushed; Dots minute. 

Basin shallow, regular; Eye small, closed. 


Cavity acute, regular; Stem long, slender. 
Core medium, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds numer- 
ous, pointed ; Flesh yellowish, very fine grained, tender, 


when fully ripe almost melting, like a pear, juicy, becom- 
ing dry when over ripe; Flavor sub-acid, rich, aromatic ; 
Quality very best ; Use, dessert ; Season, November and 


This is one of the largest and one of the poorest of the 
Russet apples, and unworthy of cultivation; on that ac- 
count put upon record to be avoided. 

Fruit large and fair, conical, regular; Surface dull green, 
overspread with thin russet, or more southward. 

Basin irregular, green; Eye large, closed. 

Cavity pointed, regular; Stem short. 

Core large, closed, clasping ; Seeds long, pointed, angu- 
lar; Flesh green, breaking, coarse, often dry; Flavor acid 
or sub-acid, not rich; Quality poor; Use, kitchen only ; 
Season, November and December. 



Egyptian Russet. 
This capital dessert fruit was found in Southern Illinois ° 

and introduced to his fellow pomologists of the State So- 
ciety by Jno, M. Hunter, nurseryman, of Ashley. Its ori- 


gin is unknown, but supposed, like the pioneers of the re- 
gion, to have come from Tennessee, or some other South- , 
ern State. 

Tree symmetrical, moderately vigorous, productive; 
Twigs slender. 

Fruit medium, regular, conical, truncated; Surface 
smooth, light yellow, covered with fine russet, obscurely 
striped gray. 

Basin wide, wavy, plaited, green; Eye medium to large, 

Cavity acute, wavy; Stem medium. | 

Core irregular, closed, scarcely meeting the eye; Seeds 
large, plump; Flesh very tender, fine grained, juicy; 


Flavor sub-acid, aromatic, rich, pear-like; Quality very 
best ; Use, dessert; Season, December and January, until 
March. Like other russets disposed to wilt if too much 
exposed to the air. 

Poughkeepsie Russet. 
Origin New York; Tree tender, vigorous, upright, pro- 
ductive ; Shoots brown, slender; Foliage healthy. 
Fruit medium, conical or globular-conical, regular ; Sur- 
face smooth, almost polished, dull yellowish-green, often 
bronzed near the base, more or less covered with fine russet. 


Basin shallow, regular; Eye large, closed. 

Cavity pointed, wavy ; Stem long. 

Core closed, not meeting the eye; Seeds imperfect ; 
Flesh greenish, firm, inclined to be tough; Flavor acid, 
poor; Quality third rate ; Use, market and cooking only, 
and valued because it keeps soundly for a long time; Sea- 
son, December until June. 

Ross’ Nonpareil. 

The delicious fruit about to be described is believed to 
be the celebrated Irish apple mentioned by Thompson, 


Lindley, and others; if not, we have found another choice 
fruit, which deserves to be better known. It is frequently 
found at the exhibitions in Ohio and Indiana, Often shown 
as Spice Russet, flatter and irregular: Vide conspectus. 

Fig. 162.—ross’ NONPAREIL. 

Fruit medium, regular, oblate-conical ; Surface smooth, 
yellowish, thin russet, rarely blushed dull carmine; Dots 
minute, gray. 

Basin wide, folded; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, wavy; Stem long, inclined. | 

Core regular, open, scarcely meeting the eye; Axis 
short; Seeds numerous, medium, plump; Flesh white, 
breaking, fine grained, tender; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic, 
rich; Quality almost best; for table; Season December. 

Spafford Russet. 

This apple is supposed to have originated near old Fort 
Miami, in Northern Ohio, and was introduced to the notice 
of the Ohio Pomological Society by its Vice-President, J. 
Austin Scott, of Toledo, who cultivates the variety on the 
banks of the Maumee, near the place of its supposed 

- Fruit medium, flattened-conical, regular; Surface 
smooth, greenish-yellow, lightly russeted, rarely bronzed ; 
Dots minute, green. 


Basin medium, abrupt, narrow, regular; Eye small, 

Cavity wide, wavy, green; Stem medium. 

Core small, open, regular, meeting the eye ; Axis short 


Seeds numerous, plump, angular; Flesh white, fine grain- 
ed, jui¢y ; Flavor sub-acid, rich, aromatic, agreeable ; Qual- 
ity good to very good; Use, table; Season, December 
until March. 


Belden Sweet. 

“Grown in Connecticut, very prolific; Frvit medium 
or below, conic, angular; Skin light yellow, with a warm 


cheek. Stem medium,in an acute deep cavity; Calyx 
closed, in a small basin; Flesh white, tender, juicy, sac- 
charine, with a pleasant aromatic flavor; December to 

Eyman’s Pumpkin Sweet. 

Origin, the orchard of 8. Lyman, Manchester, Connec- 
ticut. A very handsome, large, sweet apple, valued for 
baking and for stock-feeding. 

Tree vigorous, spreading, drooping, rather productive. 

Fruit large to very large, roundish-conical, angular; Sur- 
face very smooth, pale yellow ; Dots minute. 

Basin deep, abrupt, regular; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, regular, brown; Stem medium or 

Core large, closed ; Seeds angular, dark; Flesh yellow- 
ish, breaking, juicy, often water-cored and heavy; Flavor 
very sweet; Quality good; Use, baking and stock-feed- 
ing ; Season, October to December. 



Sweet Russett of Kentucky. 

This fruit was received from J. 5. Downer & Son, Elk. 
ton, Kentucky, 


Fruit small, conical, truncated, angular; Surface rough, 
dark russet ; Dots scattered, minute, white, prominent. 

OTK Wes. 

Basin shallow, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity very shallow, acute; Stem short, slender. 

Core large, regular, nearly closed, meeting the eye; 
Seeds numerous, angular, pale; Flesh yellowish-white, fine- 
grained, not tender; Flavor sweet ; Quality scarcely good; 
Season, December to February. 

Sweet Russet. 

Fruit medium, conical, uneven; Surface yellow, thin 
russet ; Dots numerous, small, prominent. 

Basin shallow, folded ; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, wavy; Stem short. 

Core oval, open, clasping the eye; Seeds plump; Flesh 
yellow, tender, fine grained, juicy; Flavor sweet; Quality 
good to very good; Use, baking; Season, August. 

S. B. Parsons of Flushing, Long Island, considers it the 
best baking apple. 





Fig. 165..-SWEET RUSSET. 




This beautiful apple is believed to be of Virginia origin, 
but was brought into public notice and notoriety in Bel- 
mont County, Ohio, whence its name. It is supposed to 
be the same as the Waaen of Coxe, which that author re- 
fers to Virginia. 

Tree vigorous, spreading, productive, not hardy; Twigs 
light olive. 



Fruit large, fair, oblate-conic, often angular; Surface 
very smooth, waxen-yellow, often faintly blushed orange, 
and spotted red; Dots minute, scattered. 

Basin regular or wavy, not deep; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, wavy, brown; Stem long. 

Core wide, regular, somewhat open, clasping; Axis 
short; Seeds numerous, large, flat; Flesh yellow, tender, 

Fig. 166.—BELMONT. 

fine-grained, juicy; Flavor mild sub-acid, refreshing, very 
agreeable; Quality nearly best; Use, table, kitchen, mar- 
ket ; Season, October to December. 


This fine amateur fruit, which appears destined to take 
the place of the Dyer, being more handsome, is a seedling 

iach Sk hs 


from the Stillwater Sweet, and was produced by L. 8. Mote, 
of Miami County, Ohio. 

Fruit large, conical, truncated, angular; Surface some- 
what uneven, smooth, waxen-yellow ; Dots scattered, dis- 
tinct, gray, with green bases. 

Basin narrow, folded; Eye small, long, closed. 

Cavity wide, shallow, angular; Stem long or medium, 
sometimes knobby. 

Core small, oval, open, clasping ; Seeds numerous, long, 

angular; Flesh yellow, very fine grained, very tender, 

Fig. 167.—cELESTIA. 

juicy; Flavor sub-acid, very sprightly, and spicy, aroma- 
tic; Quality very best ; Use, table and kitchen ; Season, 

This is essentially an amateur’s fruit, as its texture and 


color disqualify it for market, while its delicious flavor 
renders it very attractive. 
Detroit Black. 

Supposed to be of Canadian origin, in the neighborhood 
of Detroit, Michigan. I have put these two names to- 
gether, because the fruits presented as Black and as Red 
Detroit are so very much alike in all respects that it is not 
worth while to consider them distinct. 

Fruit large to very large, conic, angular; Surface very 
smooth, shining, deep red shaded, almost black in some 
specimens, no striping ; Dots, numerous, minute, indented, 

Basin deep, abrupt, folded; Eye small, open. 

Cavity wide, wavy; stem very short. 

Core wide, closed or open, clisping the. eye; Seeds nu- 

merous, angular, brown; Flesh whitish, tender, breaking, 


juicy ; Flavor acid, poor; Quality second to third rate; 
Use, kitchen and drying ; Season, September and October. 
The Red variety may be distinct, as it keeps later. 

Fall Geneting. 

Elliott says this is an old Connecticut variety. Tree 
vigorous and productive. 

Fruit. large, flattened-conic, angular; Surface smooth, 
greenish-yellow, blushed; Dots rare, minute. 

Basin shallow, plaited; Eye small, closed; Calyx re- 

Cavity deep, wide, regular, brown; Stem short. 


Core small, regular, closed, clasping ; Seeds numerous, 
plump or imperfect, brown; Flesh yellow, fine grained, 
juicy, crisp; Flavor sub-acid, not very rich; Quality 
good ;. Use, table, kitchen; Season, October. 


I procured my trees from Virginia, where it originated. 
Tree vigorous, upright. 


Fruit large, flatténed-conic, irregular; Surface smooth, 
pale green or yellow. 

Basin shallow; Eye medium, open. 

Cavity medium; Stem stout. 

Flesh yellow, tender; Flavor sub-acid; Quality good ; 
Season, ‘November to March,” according to Mr. Sum- 
mer, South Carolina. 


This famous Jersey cider apple, from Essex County in 
that State, has been carried westward over a great extent 
of territory, where it succeeds admirably well, and where 

WP: : 
Wy! } \ 

Fig. 170.—HARRISON. 

the necessities of the people have brought to light its good 
properties for the kitchen as well as for the cider mill. 
Tree vigorous, large, spreading, productive. 
Fruit smail, round-conical, somewhat angular and irreg- 
ular; Surface not smooth, yellow, rarely blushed; _fre- 


quent rose-colored spots, and marks radiating from the ca- 
vity over the base of the fruit ; Dots small, distinct, gray. 

Basin none, or very shallow, plaited ; Eye small, closed ; 
Segments long. 

Cavity medium, regular, brown ; Stem long, red, knobby. 

Core regular, heart-shaped, closed, scarcely meeting the 
eye; Seeds numerous, small ; Flesh yellow, compact, dry 
till ripe, then juicy; flavor acid to sub-acid, very rich, sac- 
charine ; Quality good; Use, especially for cider, also for 
cooking and for dessert in April. Keeps well. 

Pound Royale. 
This fine summer apple, received from H. N. Gillett, of 

Lawrence County, Ohio, has long been considered one of 
the very best summer apples along the Ohio River. 

Z- ja! SSS 

a Z/ SSS es. 

Fig. 171.—PoUND ROYALE. 

Tree a pretty good crower, an early and constant bear- 
er, very productive ; Shoots dark, foliage dark. 


Fruit large, conical, slightly angular; Surface smooth, 
glossy, greenish ; Dots small, green, indented. 

Basin medium, folded; Eye medium, closed; Segments 
long, reflexed. 

Cavity acute, wavy, brown; Stem medium, sometimes 

Core small, closed or slightly open, meeting the eye; 
Seeds numerous, pointed, dark; Flesh white, very tender, 
juicy ; Flavor very mild sub-acid, delicious ; Quality very 
good to best ; Use, table, kitchen; Season, August. 

Different from Pound Royaét of Downing, which is a 
winter-keeping fruit. 

Ridge Pippin. 

This fruit appears to be quite a favorite market apple in 
the neighborhood of Philadelphia, where it originated. 

Fruit rather large, round-conic, very irregular, ribbed ; 
Surface yellow, lightly shaded and blushed with red, 
and sprinkled with russet and crimson spots. 

Basin abrupt, furrowed and folded; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular; Stem short. 

Flesh yellow, crisp, juicy; Flavor mild sub-acid, rich. 

Season, until March and April. 

Whe Cook’s Favorite. 

This nice autumn apple comes to me from Oliver Albert- 
son, a prominent and intelligent cultivator in Washington 
County, Indiana, marked “Best.” Origin unknown. 

Fruit medium, flattish-conical, angular; Surface smooth, 
whitish-yellow; Dots minute. 

Basin deep, folded, ribbed ; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity wide, wavy, brown; Stem long, slender. 

Core medium, roundish, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds 
numerous, dark; Flesh yellow, breaking, tender; Flavor 
sub-acid; Quality quite good; Use, kitchen especially— 
“cooks very well; Season, September. 

Trenton Early. 

This fine autumn apple has been thought to be the Hng- 
lish Codling. Of its origin and history we know little, 


except that it was one of Silas Wharton’s varieties, and 
that it has been a great favorite wherever known. It was 
introduced to the notice of the Ohio Pomological Society, 
1852, by R. W. Steele, Esq., of Dayton, Ohio, with the 
following notes: ‘‘ A large, white apple, of excellent flav- 
or, and is highly esteemed both for eating and cooking. 
It ripens in August. The tree is a vigorous grower and 
an abundant bearer. It was introduced here many years 
ago by Silas Wharton, of Warren County, to whom this 
portion of the Miami Valley is largely indebted for the in- 
troduction of many excellent varieties of apples and pears.” 

Fruit large, conical, angular; Surface smooth, very pale 
yellow or white; Dots rare, minute. 

Basin narrow, folded; Eye medium or small, closed. 

Cavity wide, recular, brown; Stem medium. 

Core large, rather open; Seeds numerous, angular ; 
Flesh white, very tender, juicy ; Flavor sub-acid, pleasant ; 
Quality very good; Use, dessert and kitchen; Season, 
August, September. 

——$ $s 




BYER’S RED—FALL QUEEN (of some)—BLACKBURN (erroneously. ) 

This favorite southern apple, from Louisa County, Vir- 
ginia, has worked its way northward into public favor at 
rapid rate, under the influence of railways and Pomologi- 
eal Societies. It was first presented to the American So- 
ciety at the Philadelphia meeting, in 1860, when it was 
figured and reported on by the Committee on Native 
Fruits, to some of whom, as to thousands of others in the 
West, it was familiar as household words. This fruit was 
brought by settlers to Southern Ilinois, and thence dis- 
tributed, by taking up the sprouts that formed about the 
hase of the stocks, and setting them out for an orchard. 
I have some of these growing, and they make nice plants. 



Tree vigorous, upright, compact while young, spread- 
ing with the weight of fruit, never large; the shoots 
rather slender, red, dark; Leaves medium, rather narrow, 
wider towards the end, dark, footstalks red. The stems 
of these trees are characterized by curious enlargements 
of an irregular, mammellar form, and reddish color, and 
appear to be like the knaurs of the olive tree. 

When this apple was first brought to the notice of the 
Cincinnati Horticultural Society, twenty years ago, it was 

Fig. 172.—BUCKINGHAM. 

thought to resemble the Winter Queen of Kentucky so 
closely that it was considered only a variety or sport, and 
called the Striped Fall Queen, but it has since been deem- 
ed a distinct sort. 

Fruit large to very large, variable in form, but gener- 
ally conical, or oblate-conic, truncated, angular; Surface 


smooth, greenish-yellow, mixed and striped pale purplish- 
red; Dots scattered, prominent, yellow. 

Basin deep, abrupt, wavy; Eye large, long, open. 

Cavity wide, wavy, brown; Stem short. 

Core large, regular, closed; Axis very short; Seeds nu- 
merous, long, pointed; Flesh yellow, tender, fine-grained, 
juicy ; Flavor mild sub-acid, rich, agreeable ; Quality best, 
or nearly so; Use, table, kitchen, drying ; Season, October 
to December. 

Esopus Spitzenberg. 

Origin New York, on the Hudson. This fruit has 
changed its character in progressing westward and south- 
ward, becoming larger and more irregular, less brilliantly 
colored, less highly flavored, and less productive. 


Tree vigorous, upright, thrifty, but in some regions sub- 
ject to blight and unprofitable; Shoots slender. 


Fruit medium to large, conical, ribbed, irregular ; Sur- 
face smooth, yellow, covered with bright red, marbled 
and mixed, striped more or less distinctly ; Dots numerous, 
large, irregular, gray, always elongated near the base. 

Basin deep, ribbed or folded, often leather-cracked ; Eye 
small, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, regular, or wavy; Stem long. 

Core large, closed; Seeds long, pointed ; Flesh rich, yel- 
low, breaking, juicy at the North, more fibrous than crisp 
at the South; Flavor quite acid till ripe, when it is rich, 
saccharine, highly aromatic, giving the idea of the Spitz- 
enberg flavor : Quality best : Use, dessert and kitchen; 
Season, December to February. 


The origin of this long-keeper has not been traced. It 
has been common about Cincinnati, and along the Ohio 
River, for many years. 

Tree upright, vigorous, brushy and thorny, looking like 
a wilding. 

Fruit medium, conical, angular, oblique, often unequal ; 
Surface smooth, green and yellow, bronzed and blushed, 
becoming very rich yellow and carmine—an indistinct 
gray-striping makes the ripe fruit appear to be striped 
yellow; Dots minute, indented, gray, with green bases. 

Basin deep, plaited or folded ; ; Eye small, “closed. 

Cavity acute, irregular, rough with brown; Stem short. 

Core small, oval, closed; Seeds numerous, large; Flesh 
firm, compact; Flavor mild sub-acid, negative; Quality 
scarcely g good; Use, market, ornamental, cooking ; Season 
in the kitchen all winter—ornamental and eatable March to 
May, or later. 

Late Strawberry. 

The origin of this choice fruit appears to be unknown. 

ree upright, productive, thrifty, leaves serrate. 

Fruit medium, roundish, conical, angular, furrowed ; 
Surface smooth, waxen- yellow, mixed and striped scarlet ; 
Dots minute, indented, 

Basin folded, irregular; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity acute, wavy, ir regular; Stem ‘slender, long. 



Core medium, regular, closed , Seeds large ; Flesh yel- 
low, very tender, fine-grained, very juicy ; Flavor sub-acid, 
aromatic, refreshing, vinous ; Quality best ; Use, dessert es- 
pecially ; Season, August and September. 

There is another similar fruit—the Drank or Chenango 
Strawberry, which is by some preferred to this. 

Northern Spy. 

Origin near Rochester, New York. ‘Tree very vigor- 
ous, large, upright, spreading, when older ; shoots reddish, 

Fig. 174. —NORTHERN SPY. 

leaves healthy, large, dark. Tree productive when old, 
but not an early bearer; needs trimming to admit light and 
air to the fruit. 

Fruit large, flattened-conical, angular; Surface smooth, 
yellow, mixed, and splashed, scarlet, or crimson ; Dots 
scattered, small. 



Basin abrupt, regular, or folded; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular or wavy, brown; Stem medium to 

Core large, irregular, open; Seeds numerous, small, 
pointed, pale; Flesh yellowish-white, breaking, granular, 
juicy ; Flavor acid, becoming sub-acid, aromatic, rich, with 
the spiciness of a Spitzenberg ; Quality considered best, 
but rather coarse in texture; Use, table, kitchen and mar- 
ket ; Season, December until May, and in the North longer. 

Red Canada, 


Origin New England. ‘Tree thrifty, healthy, but slen- 
der, twiggy, productive. 

Fruit medium, globular-conic, indistinctly angular ; Sur- 
face smooth, yellow, covered with mixed and striped 
bright red ; Dots numerous, gray, indented, elongated near 
the stem, as in Esopus. 

Basin shallow, folded ; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, acute, wavy ; Stem long, inclined. 

Core regular, closed, large; Seeds imperfect; Flesh yel- 
lowish-white, breaking, crisp, fine-grained, tender, juicy ; 
Flavor sub-acid, aromatic, delicious; Quality best, for ta- 
ble; Season, December to February. 

Red Stripe. 


This handsome,and productive early apple has been ex- 
tensively propagated in parts of Indiana, under the names 
above presented. It was introduced at Fort Wayne by 
Mr. Rockhill, who is reported to have “ made more money 
from the trees of this variety than from twice as many of 
any other early apple.” Recommended for general cul- 
tivation in that State. 

Tree hardy in nursey and orchard, productive ; Shoots 
very downy. 

Fruit medium to small, long, conical, furrowed or rib- 
bed; Surface polished, pale yellow, mixed and splashed 


Basin very shallow, plaited; Eye very small, closed. 

Cavity acute, regular, browned ; Stem medium, 

Core long, oval, embracing the eye; Flesh whitish, ten- 
der, fine-grained, juicy; Flavor acid; Quality good ; Table 
or kitchen; Season, July and August. 

Scalloped Gillifiower 

This is supposed to be an old European variety. Its 
peculiarly irregular form makes it quite a remarkabie fruit. 
It is sometimes called Red Gilliflower ; but that name is 
also very commonly applied to quite another fruit—the 
Red Winter Pearmain, described on a previous page, in 
Class IT., Order I., Section 2., Sub-section 2. 

Fruit large, round-conic, very irregular, furrowed and 
ribbed; Surface yellow, marbled and splashed scarlet. 

Basin abrupt, deep, folded or ribbed; Eye medium, 

Cavity deep, acute, irregular, wavy ; Stem medium. 

Core regular, round, very open, meeting the eye; Seeds 
numerous, plump; Flesh yellow, breaking, tender; Flavor 
sub-acid, aromatic; Quality scarcely good; Use, table, 
kitchen ; Season, November, December. Chiefly grown 


This large, handsome fruit was exhibited at the Ameri- 
can Pomological Society’s meeting at Philadelphia, in 
1860, by Chas. P. Davis, of Phillipsburgh, New Jersey. 
The Committee reported it “ Good.” 

Fruit large, roundish-conic, irregular; Surface smooth, 
yellow, striped, splashed and mixed carmine; Dots scat- 
tered, yellow. 

Basin abrupt, narrow, folded, plaited; Eye medium, 
large, closed. 

Cavity wide, wavy, brown and yellow; Stem medium, 

Core roundish, open, clasping ; Seeds angular, imperfect ; 
Flesh yellowish-white, breaking, fine-grained, juicy; Flavor 
sub-acid, aromatic ; Quality good to very good; Use, ta- 
ble, kitchen; Season, September. 



From Erie County, New York, this fruit has made its 
way westward, by the Lakes, having been distributed by 
Col. Hodge, of Buffalo, and brought to the notice of his 
western friends by Hon. M. L. Dunlap, of Champaign, 
Illinois, who esteems it very highly. I quote from his ac- 
count of it: 

“This proves one of our most profitable winter apples ; 
the tree bears young and constantly, but fuller on alter- 

Fig. 175,—sTANARD, 

nate years; fruit large and showy, shoots large and 
downy; buds prominent, fruit buds large, and the earliest 
in the orchard to swell; but they do not open as soon as 
others. Tree spreading, trunk generally crooked.” Very 

Fruit large, roundish, conical, ribbed, angular ; Surface 
smooth, yellowish-green, somewhat red, mixed and striped 
indistinetly ; Dots numerous, minute, white. 


, / 

Basin medium, folded and plaited; Eye large, closed ; 
Segments long. 

Cavity wide, acute, wavy, green; Sten medium to long. 

Core small, globular, regular, closed or open; Seeds 
numerous, brown, angular; Flesh yellow, breaking, rather 
coarse, tender; Flavor acid to sub-acid, rich; Quality good ; 
Use, market and table; Season, November to February. 

Summer Queen, 

American. Tree vigorous, large, spreading, productive. 
Fruit medium, round-conic, angular; Surface yellow, 

Fig. 176.—sUMMER QUEEN. 

covered mixed red, striped, splashed scarlet ; Dots minute, 
yellow. . 

Basin none or very shallow, folded or plaited ; Eye me- 
dium, closed. 


Cavity wide, regular, brown; Stem long, slender, 

Core medium, regular, open; Seeds numerous, pointed, 
brown; Flesh firm, yellow, breaking ; Flavor acid, very 
aromatic, spicy ; Quality first rate; Use, kitchen; Season, 
July, August. 

W inesap.—| Core. | 

» Tree vigorous, healthy, hardy, productive, early bearer ; 
Branches open, straggling; Shoots strong, dark reddish- 
brown; Foliage curled, glaucous, sparse. 

Fruit medium, conical, often obscurely angular, or 
slightly ribbed; Surface rather smooth, bright or dark red, 

Fig. 177.—WINESAP. 

mixed and obscurely striped on yellow, which is mostly 
covered, often veined russet ; Dots few, minute, indented. 
Basin narrow, shallow, plaited ; Eye small, closed. 
Cavity wide, reddish brown; Stem medium. 
Core regular, somewhat open; Seeds large, rather light ; 
Flesh firm, yellow ; Flavor rich, acid to sub-acid ; Use, mar- 
ket, kitchen, cider ; Season, January to March. 



Fort Miami. 

This is another of the seedling russets of the Maumee, 
brought to the notice of the State Society by its Vice- 
President, J. Austin Scott, of Toledo. Mr. Elliott de- 
scribes it from notes taken in 1846, when he received 
specimens from A. Spafford, Esq., Perrysburgh, Ohio. 

Tree upright and spreading, healthy, thrifty ; Shoots 
dark; not an early bearer, but productive when older. 

Fig. 178.—FORT MIAMI. 

Fruit medium, roundish or oblong-conic, truncated, an- 
gular, often unequal; Surface rich yellow russet, often 
bronzed; Dots scattered, netted russeting. 

Basin medium or shallow, folded ; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity acute, wavy, green; Stem medium. 


Core oval, clasping the eye, regular, closed ; Seeds often 
imperfect ; Flesh greenish-yellow, firm; Flavor acid, rich ; 
quality nearly best; Use, dessert; Season, February to 


Biutf Sweet. 

This apple was found by G. M. Beeler on the banks of 
the White river, upon a farm devoted to pomology. 

Fig. 179.—BLUFF SWEET. 

Fruit medium to small, regular, round ; Surface smooth, 

green; Dots minute. 
Basin shallow; Eye small, closed. 
Cavity shallow, regular; Stem long. 


Core small, oval, pointed; Seeds plump, brown; Flesh 
greenish-white; Flavor sweet; Quality good; Use, market ; 
Season, July. Rather too small. 


This delicious winter sweet apple originated near Cin- 
cinnati, Ohio. Tree thrifty, vigorous, spreading, pro- 

Fruit large, varies from globular toward oblate, regu- 
lar; Surface smooth, pale yellow or whitish, thinly blushed 
with carmine, often bronzed ; Dots scattered, minute, dark. 

Lf 4 4 ~ 
ZZ iii Ne 

Fig. 180.—BROADWELL. 

Basin abrupt, rarely folded or plaited ; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular brown; Stem short. 

Core round, regular, closed, clasping the eye; Seeds 
short, plump; Flesh yellowish, fine-grained, very tender, 
juicy; Flavor very sweet, agreeable ; Quality best winter 
sweet; Use, table, kitchen; Season, December. 


“ A Pennsylvania fruit. Tree vigorous and productive ; 
Fruit medium, roundish, flattened, skin yellow; Flesh 


rather fine, very sweet, excellent for cooking. Last of 
August and first of September ”.—[ Downing. ] 

Danvers’ Winter Sweet. 

Origin Danvers, Massachusetts. Tree very thrifty, very 

Fruit large, globular, truncate, sometimes globular-ob- 
late, regular; Surface smooth, uneven, greenish-yellow ; 
Dots numerous, medium, prominent, with white and green 
bases. . 

Basin abrupt, deep, regular ; Eye small, closed; Seg- 
ments long. 

Cavity wide, deep, brown ; Stem long, slender, knobby. 


Core round, regular, closed; Seeds numerous, long, 
brown, pointed ; Flesh yellow, breaking, fine-grained, juicy; 
Flavor very sweet; Quality good to very good; Use, bak- 

ing; Season, December and January. 

This new fruit was obtained from Mr. Thomson, at the 
State Fair at Zanesville, Ohio. Origin unkown. Not 
identified nor recognized. 


Fruit large to very large, globular, regular; Surface 
smooth, yellow, blushed; Dots minute, scattered. 

Basin shallow, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity acute, regular, green; Stem long, inclined. 

Core wide, round, open, meeting the eye; Seeds numer- 
ous, plump, brown; Flesh white, fine-grained, breaking, 
juicy; Flavor very sweet; Quality good to very good ; 
Use, baking ; Season, September and October. 

Golden Sweet. 


From Connecticut. Tree very robust, vigorous, spread- 

Fig. 182.—GOLDEN SWEET, 

ing, round-head, early — productive ; Shoots stout, dark, 
foliage large, dark. 

Fruit large, globular, regular; Surface very smooth, 
waxen to rich yellow; Dots scattered, indented, green. 


Basin shallow, wide regular; Eye medium, closed ; Calyx 

Cavity wide, regular; Stem long, slender, yellow. 

Core medium, regular, closed; Seeds numerous, small, 
pointed, light brown; Flesh yellow, breaking, fine-grained, 
juicy ; Flavor very sweet, aromatic, like sassafrass ; Quali- 
ty good to very good; Use, baking and market; Season, 

Higby Sweet. 

Origin Trumbull County, Ohio; introduced. by Dr. 

Fruit large, round, truncated, regular; Surface smooth, 
greenish-yellow, blushed; Dots scattered, Gistinct, white 
and dark. 

Basin abrupt, wavy, dee); Kye medium, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, regular, brown; Stem medium. 

oor tt, 


Fig. 183.—HIGBY SWEET. 

Core small, regular, heart-shaped, closed, clasping the 
eye; Seeds plump; Flesh yellowish-white, tender, fine- 
grained, juicy; Flavor very sweet; Quality good; Use, 
baking ; Season, October. 


Hichtop Sweet. 


From Plymouth, Massachusetts. 

Tree vigorous, very upright, exceedingly productive and 

Fruit small to medium, round, regular ; Surface smooth, 
greenish-yellow ; Dots minute, black. 

Basin medium, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, narrow; Stem medium. 

Core very small, oval, separate from the eye; Seeds 
numerous, angular, yellow; Flesh white, or greenish- 
white, fine-grained, tender, juicy; Flavor sweet; Quality 
good; Use, table and kitchen ; Season, June and July. 

Hiolstom Sweet. 

Origin unknown. Not identified as any other variety ; 
received from my brother, J. T. Warder, Springfield, Ohio 

Fruit medium to large, round, regular; Surface smooth 
greenish-yellow, bronzy ; Dots scattered. 

Basin regular, small; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity shallow, wide ; Stem long to medium. 

Core small, oval, regular, closed, clasping ; Seeds short, 
plump, brown; Flesh whitish-yellow, very fine-grained, 
tender, juicy ; Flavor very sweet, aromatic, rich ; Quality 
best; Use, table, baking; Season, December to February. 

One of the best sweet table apples—better than Wigby 


MAY (of Myers)—RHENISH MAY (of Illinois.) 

This long-keeping apple has been widely disseminated 
throughout the West, and yet I do not find its history nor 
origin. It has been exhibited at all our winter meetings, 
and finds favor on account of its productiveness and its 
long-keeping properties. Tree healthy, vigorous and pre- 
ductive—believed to be hardy. Its reputed foreign origin 
is discredited. 

Fruit medium, round, inclined to conical, regular; Sur- 
face smooth, often shining, pale greenish-yellow, often 
faintly blushed, or bronzed. 



Basin shallow, generally regular ; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, narrow, regular, br own: Stem long, rather 

Core large, regular, heart-shaped, reaching the eye ; Seeds 

Fig. 184.—MaAyY. 

numerous, pointed, plump, brown; Flesh yellow, com- 
pact, fine, sufficiently juicy 5 Quality fair; Use market and 
kitchen ; ‘Season spring and into summer. 


This undescribed fruit appears to have originated in 
Clermont County, Ohio. My specimens and trees came 
from my worthy friend, Wm. E. Mears, of Milford, Ohio. 

Tree vigorous, healthy, round top, spreading, produe: 
tive ; Shoots rather slender; Leaves rich green, abundant. 

Fruit large, round, reenlar ; Surface smooth, ereen, be- 
coming yellow, with a dull br onzy blush; Dots gr gk and 



Basin shallow, or deep and abrupt, regular or plaited; 
Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity acute, regular, brown ; Stem rather slender, often 

Core very small, regular, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds 

Fig. 185.—MORTON. 

not numerous, flat, angular; Flesh white, tender, juicy; 
Flavor rather sweet, rich, agreeable; Season December to 
January. Worthy of cultivation. 

Paradise Summer Sweet. 

Origin Eastern Pennsylvania. Tree upright, vigorous, 

Fruit large, oblate-globular. regular ; Surface greenish- 
yellow; Dots numerous, large, white. 

Basin shallow, wide, folded; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, regular, acute, green; Stem long, inclined, 


gk AS 



Flesh yellow, melting, juicy ; Flavor rich, sweet; Quality 
best; Use table and kitchen; Season August, September. 

Paradise Winter Sweet. 

Origin believed to be similar to its predecessor—Laneas- 
ter County, Pennsylvania. 

Fruit large, globular, often unequal; Surface smooth, 
yellowish-white ; Dots scattered, minute. 

Basin abrupt, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, brown; Stem long, slender. 

Core large, wide, open, clasping; Seeds plump and 
dark; Flesh white, tender, breaking, juicy; Flavor very 
sweet ; Quality good ; Use, baking and stock ; Season, De- 
cember to March. : 




WTallman’s Sweet. 

This favorite baking apple of New England has trav- 
eled from Rhode Island wherever her hardy sons have 
gone westward. 

Tree hardy, very productive. 

Fruit medium to large, nearly round, somewhat flatten- 
ed, regular ; Surface smooth, yellow; Dots minute, dark ; 
frequently a distinct line on one side from stem to eye. 

Basin’ wide, regular, leather-cracked; Eye small, 

Cavity rather wide, regular; Stem medium size, long. 

Core heart-shaped, regular, closed, clasping ; Seeds nu- 
merous, plump, pointed, dark; Flesh yellow, breaking, 
firm; Flavor very sweet, rich; Quality good ; Use, baking : 
and stock; Season, December and January. 





Bentley Sweet. 

This long-keeping sweet apple was received in Eastern 
Ohio from some part of Virginia, where it is supposed to 
have originated. 

Tree quite vigorous, upright while young, spreading, 
productive—an early bearer. 

Fruit medium to large, globular, truncated, slightly 
flattened, regular; Surface smooth, yellow, or greenish, 
covered, mixed, blotched, striped and splashed dull red, 
becoming brighter when ripe ; Dots minute. 

Basin medium, abrupt, regular; Eye medium, open; 
Calyx reflexed. 


Cavity deep, acute, regular; Stem slender, long. 

Core round, flattened, regular, closed ; Seeds numerous, 
plump, long; Flesh yellowish-white, firm, breaking, fine- 
grained ; Flavor sweet; Quality good to very good; Sea- 
son spring and all summer until September. Keeps sound. 

Bowling Sweet. 

From Spottsylvania County, Virginia. Tree vigorous, 
very productive. 
Fruit medium roundish, dull red on yellow ; Flesh rich, 

juicy, sweet; Entirely free from acid; October to Janu- 
ary.—|H. R. Robey, in Downing. ] 


Origin Macon County, North Carolina. Good grower ; 
a standard winter fruit for the South. 

Fruit medium or large, roundish, inclining to oval, flat- 
tened at base and crown, skin yellowish, mostly shaded 
and striped with dark crimson, and sprinkled with whitish 
dots; Stem small and short, inserted in a deep cavity, 
surrounded by russet; Calyx open, set in a shallow, corru- 
gated basin; Flesh yellow, tender, juicy, with a very 
mild, rich, almost saccharine flavor. January to April. 
—[Downing. | 



This valuable Virginia apple was cultivated and distri- 
buted by Coxe, and has found its way into the orchards 
and into favor all. over the country, on account of its pro- 
ductiveness and early bearing. 

Tree remarkably vigorous, strongly branched, spread- 
ing, open, round head, very productive; shoots stout, 
dark ; foliage rather sparse, somewhat curled and glaucous. 

Fruit medium, small on old trees, round, truncated at 
the ends, making it look cylindrical, mostly symmetrical, 
but large specimens often somewhat irregular; Surface 
very smooth, often polished, deep red all over, stripes in- 
distinct ; Dots minute, indented. 


Basin wide, regular, or folded; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, regular, brown; Stem very short. 

Core medium, round, regular, closed; Seeds few, large, 
plump ; Flesh greenish-yellow, firm, juicy ; Flavor sweet, 
rich; Quality poor for dessert, though it is eatable in the 

S \ of /| 


Fig. 189.--GILPIN. 

spring—valuable for its cider from the richness of the must. 
Keeps sound until May—bruises do not rot as in other ap- 
ples. Valuable also for stock. 

Its early bearing makes it very desirable in a new coun- 

try, and in the prairies it has received the soubriquet of 
© Dollars and Cents.” 



From Franklin County, North Carolina, and now being 

spread throughout the Western States as a fruit of great 


Tree medium size, sufficiently thrifty, upright, hardy, 
very productive; Shoots long, rather slender, reddish, 
wood firm. Introduced into the West by the venerable 
R. Ragan, of Fillmore, Indiana. The specimens from 
which the following description was made were sent by 
J.S. Downer, of Eikton, Kentucky, from whom also m 

trees were obtained. Mr. J. P. Wilson, of Olney, IIL, 

Fig. 190.—HALL. 

says, it originated in Saline County, of that State, with 
Jonathan Hall, about forty years ago. [?] 

Fruit small, round, slightly conical, regular; Surface 
smooth, yellow, covered with bright red, mixed and strip- 
ed; Dots numerous, large, yellow. 

Basin shallow, wavy or plaited, leather-cracked ; Eye 
small, closed. | 

Cavity wide, regular, brown; Stem long, slender. 

Core pyriform, regular, slightly open, clasping ; Seeds 
large, plump; Flesh yellow, tender, fine-grained, juicy ; 
Flavor sub-acid, rich, agreeable; Quality almost best; Use, 
table; Season, December to April. 

Ladies’ Sweeting. 

This prime favorite of Chas. Downing originated near 
Newburgh, New York. Though having many admirers, 


it finds strong competitors in the Broadwell, Paradise 
Winter, and some others of the same season. 

Tree thrifty, productive. 

Fruit large, round, somewhat conic, occasionally angu- 
lar; Surface smooth, light yellow, striped and splashed 
with bright red; Dots distinct, large, gray. 


Basin medium, often abrupt, folded; Eye very small, 

Cavity medium or wide, regular, brown; Stem short, 
or long and slender. 

Core medium, round, closed or open, clasping ; Seeds 
numerous (16), angular; Flesh white, crisp, fine-grained, 
juicy; Flavor sweet, agreeable; Quality only good (tomy 
taste) ; Use, table, baking and stock feeding; Season, De- ~ 

Scarlet Sweet. 

This delicate fruit was received from my good friend 
Jas. Edgerton, of Barnesville, Ohio, who had exhibited 


it at the State Pomological Society at different times. 

Fruit medium, round, somewhat flattened, regular ; Sur- 
face smooth, yellow, striped and blushed scarlet; Dots 

Basin wide, abrupt, regular; Kye medium, open; seg- 
ments short. 

Cavity deep, acute, regular, brown; Stem medium, 

Core rather wide, regular, closed, clasping the eye ; 
Seeds numerous, plump, angular; Flesh yellow, fine-grain- 

ee Mes 

Fig. 192.—scARLET SWEET. 

ed, juicy; Flavor sweet ; Quality good to very good; Uses, 
table, baking and market ; Season, October to December. 

This is different from the Scarlet Sweeting of Sigler, 
of Morgan County, Ohio—more like Hampton’s Scarlet 
Sweet, of M.S. notes. 

Sweet Jamet. 

This is another of the fine fruits originated by Reuben 
Ragan, of Indiana, from seed of Rawle’s Janet. Tree 
large, healthy, vigorous, spreading; Shoots rather stout, 
brown; foliage rich green. Annually productive of fine, 
fair fruits, which are well distributed and hold well. 


Fruit large, round, somewhat conical, regular; Surface 
smooth, covered with mch red or crimson, mixed and 
striped ; Dots numerous, rather large, yellow, indented. 

Basin regular or plaited; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity rather deep, very narrow, wavy; Stem quite 

Core medium, turbinate, regular, slightly open, clasp- 
ing; Seeds numerous, angular, pointed; Flesh yellow, 

wy | ESS 
4) IS , 

Fig. 198.—SWEET JANET. 

breaking, juicy; Flavor very sweet; Quality good to very 
good; Use, baking, market; Season, December and Janu- 
ary. Very profitable. 

Sweet Romanite. 

Origin unknown. Grown in Illinois; introduced at the 
State Society by the lamented Cyrus R. Overman, Presi- 
dent—much esteemed by him. 


Fruit medium, round, sometimes flattened or truncate, 
regular; Surface smooth, greenish-yellow, blushed, mixed 
bright red and dull red, stripes indistinct ; Dots scattered, 
irregular, brown or fawn on the deeper colors. 

Fig. 194.—SwEET ROMANITE. 

Basin medium, or deep and abrupt, folded, plaited ; Eye 
small, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, wavy, brown; Stem medium to long, 
green. ’ 

Core roundish, closed, clasping ; Seeds numerous, plump, 
angular; Flesh yellow, fine-grained, breaking, juicy; 
Flavor very sweet; Quality good to very good; Use, ba- 
king, cider, table and stock; Season, December to April. 




Orange Sweeting or Russet. 

An eastern variety—not much cultivated. 

Fruit large, very round, regular; Surface greenish-yel- 
low, bronzy-orange, russeted ; Dots numerous, white, green 

Basin shallow, regular, or plaited; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity acute, lipped, wavy ; Stem short, green. 

Core very large, turbinate, open, clasping ; Seeds numer- 
ous, pointed, pale; Flesh green, rather tough, fine-grained, 
juicy ; Flavor sweet ; Quality good—for baking especially ; 
Season, December. 

Pampkin Russet. 

Fruit large, globular, regular; Surface covered with 
coarse russeting; Flesh spongy, light,very sweet ; Used for 
baking and apple butter ; Season, autumn. Not valuable, 
except for stock. 




The origin of this fine dessert fruit is not known. 
Though not commonly cultivated, it is considerably scat- 
tered, and has come to me from several points in the West 
with different local names. 

Tree vigorous, upright, with long parallel branches that 


become spreading. Shoots rather slender, foliage rich 

Fruit rather large, handsome, round, frequently flatten- 
ed, regular, rarely angular; Surface smooth, polished, very 
light waxen yellow, almost wholly covered with brilliant 
lively carmine, very rarely an indistinct stripe ; Dots min- 
ute, gray, indented. 

Basin medium, often wavy or even folded; Eye small, 
closed ; Segments reflexed. 

Cavity narrow, acute, regular or wavy ; Stem medium 
to short. : 

Core indistinct, closed ; Seeds plump; Flesh yellowish- 
white, crisp, tender, very fine-grained, juicy ; Flavor sub- 


FP Cery 
ae “en 

“See ewer” 

acid, very agreeable ; Quality best, though not rich; Uses, 
table, kitchen and market; Season, September and Octo- 
ber; May be kept into winter. 

There is also a Striped Ashmore, resembling this in 
every respect, except in the distinct stripe. It is supposed 
to be a sport from the above.’ Both varieties have been 
propagated to some extent by suckers or sprouts. 



From Carroll County, Kentucky ; Sent to Ohio by Lewis 
Sanders. Tree moderately vigorous, spreading, productive. 

Fruit large, round, somewhat conical, flattened at the 
base, regular; Surface greenish-yellow. 

Basin sometimess folded; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity deep, brown; Stem short. 

Flesh white, fine-grained, crisp, juicy ; Flavor mild sub- 
acid, agreeable; Quality good—Kentucky Horticultural 
Society say “very good ;” Season, September to April. 


Received from W. G. Waring, Tyrone, Pennsylvania. 
Supposed to bea seedling of Centre County. ‘ Tree vigor- 

Fig. 196.—3BusH. 

ous, hardy, thrifty, regularly productive. ””—[W. G. W.] 


Fruit large, fair, round, regular; Surface smooth, waxy 
yellow, occasionally a faint blush; Dots minute, rare. 

Basin wavy ; Eye medium to small, closed. 

Cavity deep, wavy, brownish; Stem long, slender, 

Core medium, round, rather open, meeting the eye; 
Seeds few, plump, dark ; Flesh whitish, tender, fine-grained, 
juicy ; Flavor mild sub-acid, agreeable; Quality very good ; 
Season August and September. 

Mr. Waring considers it one of the best of the season, 
in which opinion I unite. 

Cornish Aromatic. 

This foreign variety was imported and tested at Louis- 
ville, Kentucky, by Mr. George Heinsohn, to whom I am 
indebted for specimens of other European varieties. 


Fruit medium to large, roundish, a little flattened, regu- 
lar; Surface smooth, yellow, washed rich red; Dots and 
spots yellow russet. 


Basin medium, abrupt, regular or furrowed; Eye medi- 
um, closed. 
Cavity medium depth, narrow; Stem medium to long, 

Core medium, somewhat open, clasping; Seeds large, 
plump, angular; Flesh yellow, breaking, juicy; Flavor 
sub-acid, aromatic, spicy ; Season November to February. 

Duffield Pippin. 

Specimens from my friend T. T. Lyon, of Michigan, 
who says it is a seedling that originated in Pennsylvania, 

at the beginning of the present century, with the ances- 
tors of Geo. Duffield, D.D., for whom it was named, when 
it received a first premium at the Michigan State Fair, 
as a valuable winter variety. 

Fruit large, handsome, round, sometimes conic, regular ; 


Surface smooth, yellowish-green, blushed ; Dots scattered, 
minute, indented. 
Basin abrupt, narrow, folded; Eye small, closed. 
Cavity deep, narrow, acute; Stem medium to long. 
Core closed, clasping ; Seeds plump, brown; Flesh yel- 
low, breaking, juicy ; Flavor sub-acid ; Quality good; Uses 
table, kitchen and market; Season January to April. 

Fall Pippin. 

It is unfortunate that since the days of Coxe there 
should have been a confounding of this noble and delicious 

Fig. 199.—FALL PIPPIN. 

American apple with the inferior foreign kitchen variety : 
the Holland Pippin. 


Tree exceedingly vigorous, large, wide-branching, open 
head, not early bearer, moderately productive when old; 
Shoots stout, dark ; Leaves large, broad. 

Fruit large to very large, handsome, globular, truneat- 
ed, making it cylindrical, regular; Suriace smooth, rich 
yellow, rarely blushed South, frequently so North, with 
skin finer; Dots minute, gray. 

Basin deep, abrupt, regular, marked with concentric 
rings which often crack open in ‘large southern specimens ; 
Eye large, open; Segments short. 

Cavity wide, recular, or narrow, deep; Stem long. 

Core large, regular, “closed, meeting the eye; “Seeds 
pointed, often imperfect ; I lesh yellow, breaking, compact, 
very fine-grained ; Flavor acid, becoming sub- acid, aroma- 
tac. delicious : Quality best. for dessert, kitchen, menses 
and drying ; Season September to December. 

Ball Swaaz—|[Or THE WEST. |] 

The origin of this apple is unknown. Like many others 
of our Western fr uits, which have been received from vari- 

Fig. 200.—FALL SWAAR. 

ous sources, and often from unreliable persons, and with 
wrong names, we have been obliged to re-christen this. 


ROUND APPLES.—I. Il. I. 573 


Fruit full medium to large, round, somewhat flattened, 
regular, handsonte ; Surface smooth, yellowish-green, with 
a bronzy blush; Dots numerous, large, gray. 

Basin medium, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity medium, acute, regular, green; Stem medium to 
long, knobbed. 

Core rather small, closed, clasping; Seeds numerous, 
large, plump; Flesh yellow, breaking, juicy; Flavor mild 
sub-acid, agreeable ; Quality good ; Uses table and kitchen ; 
Season September. 

Gloucester White. 

This Virginia apple was highly prized by Coxe for its 
qualities as a cider fruit. Not having seen it, his descrip- 
tion is quoted: 

“This apple is of middling size, of a shape not very uni- 
form, varying from oblong to flat; the color when ripe is 
a bright yellow, with clouds of black spots; the flesh is 
yellow, rich, breaking, and juicy; of a fine flavor as a ta- 
ble apple, and producing cider of an exquisite taste. The 
stalk is of the ordinary length, inserted in a cavity of 
medium depth ; the crown is moderately deep. The time 
of ripening is about the first of October, after which the 
fruit soon falls and is fit for cider. It doesnot keep long, 
but while in season is a delicious table apple. The tree is 
very thrifty, hardy and vigorous, of a regular and beauti- 
ful form, and very productive. It is much cultivated in 
the lower counties of Virginia, from whence I procured it, 
as in apple of high reputation.” 


Another southern favorite, much liked by its western 
cultivators, especially as a useful family apple. 

Fruit large, round, somewhat conical, truncated, un- 
even; Surface yellow; Dots scattered, indented, large, 
-gray and greenish. 

Basin abrupt, fol'ed; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, wavy, brown; Stem medium to long. 

Core large, somewhat open, clasping ; Seeds numerous, 
medium, plump, brown; Flesh yellow, breaking, fine, juicy ; 


Fig. 201.—HoRSE. 

Flavor sub-acid ; Quality good; Use, kitchen, market and 
drying ; Season, August, September. 


This southern apple was received from Mr. 8. W. West- 
brooke, Greensboro’, North Carolina. 

Fruit large, round, somewhat flattened, regular; Sur- 
face smooth, greenish-yellow, blushed; Dots scattered, 

Basin regular, abrupt; Eye small, closed, very long; 
Calyx reflexed. 

Cavity wide, wavy ; Stem short, slender. 

Core large, wide, irregular, open, clasping; Seeds num- 
erous, angular, plump; Flesh white, fine-grained, tender, 
juicy ; Flavor sub-acid, mild; Quality pretty good; Use, 
table, kitchen, drying ; Season, September. 


Fig. 202.—HUNGE. 


Specimens from W. 8. Carpenter, New York. 

Fruit above medium, roundish, conic, unequal; Surface 
smooth, greenish-yellow ; Dots numerous, minute, distinct, 
whitish, indented. 

Basin abrupt, wavy, folded; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity wide, wavy, brown; Stem long, slender, green. 

Core very wide, closed, clasping the eye; Axis short ; 
Seeds angular, pale; Flesh greenish-yellow, tender, fine- 
grained, juicy ; Flavor sub-acid, rich, very agreeable; Qua- 
lity best; Use, table, kitchen; Season, October. 

Long Island Pippin. 

Origin unknown. Specimens received from T. T. Lyon, 
Plymouth, Michigan. 

Fruit large, roundish, flattened, regular; Surface smooth 
yellowish-green ; Dots minute, scattered. 

Basin abrupt, deep, regular; Eye medium, closed. 


Cavity medium, regular, green; Stem medium to long. 

Core large, oval, “closed, clasping ; Seeds numerous, 
pointed, angular, pale ; Flesh greenish-yellow, breaking, 
fine-grained juicy ; Flavor sub-acid ; Quality almost best ; 
Use, : table ; Season, January. 


Origin unknown. 

Tree vigorous, healthy, round-headed; Foliage yellow- 

ish green. : 

Fruit large, round, slightly conic, truncated, regular ; 
Surface smooth, waxy yellow, not blushed or bronzed, 
becoming greasy when kept indoors; Dots numerous, 

Basin deep, abrupt, regular; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity medium, regular, green ; Stem long, slender. 

Core medium, oval, closed, clasping ; Seeds numerous, 
angular, pointed, pale ; : Flesh yellow, tender, fine- -orained, 
juicy; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic; Quality very good; 
Use, table, cooking, drying, market ; Season, August, Sep- 

McAdow’s BSume.—[Local Name. ] 

Specimens received from Chillicothe, Ohio. Thought 
at one time to be Tetofski, but the descriptions do not 

Fruit medium to small, globular, slightly conical, regu- 
lar; Surface smooth, greenish, yellow, ‘blushed ; Dots 
numerous, large, white. 

Basin medium, wavy; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity rather wide, regular; Stem long, stout. 

Core small, round, closed, not meeting the eye; Seeds 
numerous, brown; Flesh yellow, tender, fine-grained, juicy; 
Flavor sub-acid; Use, kitchen, table; Quality good; Sca- 
son, June, July; one of the earliest. 

Pomologists have been in doubt whether this may not 
be the Tetofski, Comparison should be made of the tree 

Michigan Golden. 

This beautiful apple was received from the accurate 
pomologist, T. 'T. Lyon, of Plymouth. 


CLASS Il.—ROUND APPLES.—I, IL. 1. se tg 

Fruit large, globular, slightly conic, truncated and some- 
what angular; Surface smooth, becoming greasy, green- 
ish yellow ; Dots minute, prominent. 

Basin abrupt, folded; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, wavy ; Stem long, inclined. 

Core medium, closed, clasping; Seeds numerous, long, 


pointed ; Flesh yellow, breaking, juicy; Flavor sub-acid ; 
Quality nearly best; Use, table, kitchen; Season, Septem- 
ber to November. 

Monmouth Pippin. 

Fruit rather large, handsome, roundish or flattened, reg- 

ular; Surface smooth, greenish yellow, blushed and 
marbled; Dots minute, green. 



Basin shallow, regular; Eye large, closed. 
' Cavity wide, regular or wavy, brown; Stem short, thick. 
Core medium, closed, clasping ; Seeds numerous, point- 





ed, brown; Flesh white, breaking, fine-grained, juicy ; 
Flavor acid; Quality good for cooking only ; Season, De- 
cember to February. 

Newtown Pippin. 


This is probably the original Newtown Pippin, but by 
no means the more common, which is the } ellow Newtown 
Pippin, to be described in another place. 

Fruit medium to large, globular, flattened, sometimes 
obscurely ribbed; Surface smooth, green, becoming yel- 
lowish green when fully ripe, sometimes bronzy, and al- 
ways showing white irregular striz near the base when 
first gathered ; Dots scattered, minute, dark. 

Basin shallow, folded ; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, wavy, brown; Stem long, slender. 



Core round, regular, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds 
pointed, plump, dark; Flesh greenish white, crisp, tender, 
Juicy; Flavor acid, aromatic, rich, very agreeable; Quali- 
ty best; Use, dessert, cooking; Season, December to March. 

Romam Stem. 

Origin Burlington, New Jersey. Tree moderatel y vig- 
orous, very productive. 

Fruit medium, globular, regular; Surface smooth, yel- 
low, often blushed; Dots minute, dark. 

Fig. 205—RoMAN STEM. 

Basin shallow, regular, or wavy, russet; Eye small, 

Cavity acuté, lipped; Stem long. 

Core rather large, heart-shaped, regular, clasping ; Seeds 


numerous, plump;* Flesh yellowish white, fine-grained, 
juicy ; Flavor mild sub-acid, rich; Quality good to very 
good; Use, table; Season, December, January. 

Royal Pearmain, 

We have two different apples bearing this name, both 
very promising and desirable sorts. I shall, in this place, 
attempt to describe the one mentioned by Coxe, as my 
specimens are traced back to his nursery, though coming 
to the West by way of Georgia. 

Fruit full medium to large, globular, rather flattened, 
regular; Surface not smooth, of a rich yellow, finely 
blushed, with carmine more or less diffused over the fruit, 
and overspread with a very thin russet; Dots medium, 
prominent, brown. 

Basin medium, folded ; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity acute, brown; Stem medium to long. 

Flesh rich yellow, firm, juicy ; Flavor acid, sprightly ; 
Quality very good; Use, table ; Season, October to Feb- 

Virginia Quaker. 

This very fine little appie was obtained from H. N. 
Gillett, Lawrence County, Ohio. Origin not known. 

Fruit quite small, globular, flattened, slightly conic, 
regular; Surface smooth, greenish yellow ; Dots scattered, 
minute, black. 

Basin shallow, plaited ; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide; "Stem medium. 

Core ovate, closed; Seeds medium; Flesh yellowish 
white, firm, breaking ; Flavor sub-acid : Quality good, 
Mr. Gillett says, best ; : ’ Season, mid-summer, 

Voss’ Winter. 

Southern. The specimens were obtained from Mr. 
Westbrooke, of North Carolina. 

Fruit medium to large, globular, unequal; Surface 
smooth, white, with leather-cr acking, and a heavy bloom ; 
Dots minute, irregular, brown. 

Basin abr upt, deep, wavy ; : Eye small, closed. 

SOW eE < 



Cavity deep, wavy, brown; Stem long, curved, 
Core small, regular, closed, clasping; Seeds irregular; 

Fig. 206.—Vvoss’ WINTER. 

Ilesh whitish yellow, firm, juicy; Flavor sub-acid ; Quality 
good; Use, table and kitchen; Season, December. 

White Pippin—(0Of Kentucky.] 

Fruit large, globular, somewhat oblate, regular; Sur- 
face smooth, green, becoming pale yellow, sometimes 
faintly blushed; Dots numerous, white, rather large. 

Basin small, abrupt, regular; Eye very small, long, 
slender, closed. 

Cavity acute, regular, green; Stem medium, recular, 

Core round, regular, closed, clasping ; Seeds numerous, 
long, pointed, angular, brown ; Flesh white, breaking, fine- 
grained, juicy; Flavor acid; Quality good; Use, market 
and kitchen ; Season, December, J anuary, : 

Wilsom—([Of Michigan. | 

Fruit large, round, slightly conic, regular; Surface 
smooth, golden yellow; Dots scattered, dark. 

Basin small, folded; Eye long, closed. 

Cavity wide, very deep, wavy, green; Stem medium or 
short, crooked. ; 

Core small, globular, open, clasping; Axis short; Seeds 
numerous, plump, short; Flesh very yellow, breaking, 
fine-grained, juicy; Flavor sub-acid, rich ; Quality best ; 
Use, the dessert; Season, January and February. 

Wellow Ingestrie. 

This old English variety has been propagated pretty 
extensively in the Northwest, and though too small for a 
profitable market fruit, it has been tound desirable on ac- 
count of its early and abundant productiveness. 

Fruit small, globular, truncated, regular; Surface 
smooth, lemon yellow; Dots minute. 

Basin wide, shallow, folded; Eye medium, open; Seg: 
ments reflexed. 

Cavity acute, brown; Stem long, slender. 

Core medium, oval, regular, closed, clasping ; Seeds few, 
large, pale; Flesh whitish yellow, breaking, juicy; Fla- 
vor sub-acid ; Quality barely good ; Use, cooking ; Season, 
September, October. 



American Summer Pearmain. 

This delicious apple is supposed to be of American 
origin. It is essentially a fruit for the amateur; being of 
slender and slow growth in the nursery, it is not a favorite 
with the propagators, and though making a large and pro- 
ductive tree in the orchard, it is not profitable as a market 

variety. , 



Fruit medium, variable in form, being oblong, round, 
conic and even oblate, regular or unequal ; Surface smooth, 
greenish yellow, more or less covered with dull purplish 
red, marbled, and made up of very short splashes, with 
distinct stripes and splashes of brighter red ; Dots minute. 

Basin medium, regular; Eye rather large, nearly closed ; 
Segments recurved. 

Cavity rather deep, acute, regular; Stem medium to long. 

Core small, roundish, closed; Seeds small, pointed; 
Flesh yellow, exceedingly tender, almost melting, crisp 
fine-grained, juicy; Flavor very mild sub-acid, aromatic, 
deliciously refreshing; Quality best; Use, the dessert ; 
Season, August and September. 



Fruited by J. H. Crain, Pulaski County, Tlinois, on 
trées nine years old, which produced ten bushels apiece, 
showing its productiveness. 


This valuable Southern keeper Lids fair to become a 
great favorite. 

Tree thrifty, very productive; Fruit small, globular, 
truncated, regular, handsome; Surtace smooth, mixed 
bright red, and 
splashed crimson on 
pale yellow; Dots 
few, minute. 

Basin shallow, 
wide, regular; Eye 
small but long, 
closed; Calyx re- 

Cavity deep, reg- 
ular, brown; Stem 

ye medium to long, 
LEzWKRS slender. 

Fig. 208.—BaccaLINus. Core medium, reg- 
ular, closed, or slightly open, clasping ; Seeds numerous, 
angular, dark; Flesh yellow, firm, fine-grained, juicy ; 
Flavor sub- acid, agreeable; Use, dessert : Season, Decem- 
ber till March or longer; Quality very oood. 

Beauty of Kent. 

A large English apple, well adapted to the kitchen. 
Tree upright, vigorous, rather productive. 

-Fruit large to very large, roundish, flattened, somewhat 
conic, regular; Surface greenish yellow, more or less cov- 
ered with bright red mixed, and splashed with a darker 
hue; Dots small. 

Basin quite shallow, regular; Eye very small closed. 

Cavity medium, acute, wavy, green; Stem medium to 

Core regular, medium, ovate, pene open, clasping 
the eye; Seeds angular, impertect : Flesh whitish yellow, 
breaking, juicy; Flavor acid; Quality only good; Use, 
cooking and market, for which it is well adapted by its 
size and appearance ; Season, September and October. 


Een Davis. 


This handsome Southern apple has attamed a wonderful 
notoriety within a few years, and its culture has been 
greatly extended, not on account of its superlative excel- 
lence, but because of its many good qualities as an orchard 
tree or market fruit. It was long cultivated by Verry 

iN {| | 


: | ty 

Fig, 209.—BEN DAVIS. 

Aldrich, in Bureau County, Illinois, and exhibited as 
New York Pippin, which name gave an idea of its eastern 
origin, but in other localities its relations point clearly to 
its source in the South. To Mr. J. 8. Downer we are in- 
debted for a knowledge of its present name, and for con- 
firmation of its identity under its several synonyms. 
This apple may be said to have succeeded as well in the 
25* ; 



northern parts of Indiana and [Mnois as in their southern 
borders, where it has long been planted; though the 
northern orchards are still young, they are very promising. 
The fruit is modified somewhat by a cooler climate, and 
will keep later than that grown in the South. 

Tree remarkably healthy and vigorous, an upright, 
rapid grower in the nursery, and has numerous short spur- 
branches along the stem. In the orchard the limbs are set 
very strongly, and the stems are marked by little mam- 
millar projections or knobs, that are very characteristic. 
Tree large, spreading, productive, bearsearly ; Shoots 
long, reddish brown, smooth; Foliage large, dark green. 

Fruit large, variable in form, round, often apparently 
oblong, tapering to the eye, truncated, regular, sometimes 
inclined, generally very true, as though turned in a lathe; 
Surface smooth, often polished, yellow covered with mixed 
red, splashed bright red ; Dots minute, scattered. 

Basin generally shallow, in large developed specimens 
deep, abrupt, always regular; Eye large, open; Segments 

Cavity deep, acute, wavy, brown; Stem medium to long. 

Core medium, regular, clasping the eye; Seeds large, 
plump; Flesh whitish, breaking, tender, juicy; Flavor 
sub-acid, not rich; Quality only good; Use, market, 
kitchen ; Season, December, January and longer. 


Found in the markets at Louisville, Kentucky ; not much 
seen elsewhere. Origin unknown, probably Southern. 

Fruit large, round, somewhat flattened; Surface dull 
looking, dull green and gray, with broken stripes of dark 
dull red; Dots large, gray about the apex. 

Basin narrow, regular; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity rather deep, acute, brown; Stem medium, 
curved, rather stout. 

Core flattened, open, clasping ; Flesh white, crisp, juicy; 
Flavor sub-acid, with a peculiar spicy, wild, rather 
astringent taste, that diminishes with the maturity of the 
fruit; Quality considered good; Use, family and market ; 
Season September, November. Blackburn is sometimes 
used as a synonym of Fall Queen, a different fruit. 


A seedling of Z. 8. Ragan, Clayton, Indiana, 

Fruit small, globular, truncate at the ends, regular ; Sur- 
face smooth, deep red on greenish yellow; Stripes and 
Dots indistinct. 

Basin wide, deep; Eye medium, open, elongated. 

Cavity wide, acute, regular; Stem medium. 

Core round, open, clasping ; Seeds numerous, pointed ; 

owes ee 


Fig. 210.—CAPITAL. 

Flesh yellow, breaking, juicy; Flavor sub-acid, rich ; 
Quality good; Use, the dessert ; Season, December and 

Carter.—[Of Massachusetts. ] 

Specimens from Luke Lincoln, of Leominster, Mass. 

Fruit medium, round, flattened, slightly angular; Sur- 
face smooth, yellow, mixed and splashed scarlet; Dots 
rare, minute. 

Basin shallow, folded ; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, wavy; Stem long. 

Core rather large, regular, closed, clasping ; Seeds plump 


and imperfect, pointed; Flesh yellowish white, breaking, 



Fig. 211.—carTEr. 

juicy; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic; Quality good; Use, ta- 
ble; Season, December, January. : 

Cary’s Summer. 

This is probably an old variety, but it has not been 
identified. Specimens from C. C. Cary, near Louisville, 

Fruit large, round, flattened, regular; Surface smooth, 
rich yellow, mixed, splashed, carmine; Dots scattered, 
minute. , 

Basin wide, wavy; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, narrow, wavy brown; Stem short. 

Core medium, roundish, regular, open ; Seeds numerous, 
plump; Flesh yellow, tender, fine-grained, juicy ; Flavor 

sub-acid ; Quality very good ; Use, table, kitchen, market ; 
- Season, June to September. 

Cluster Pearmain. 

Introduced by R. Ragan, of Indiana. 

Fruit full medium, round, flattened, regular, inclined ; 
Surface yellowish green, mixed and striped light red 3 
Dots large, numerous, gray and yellow; white bloom. 

Basin deep, abrupt, regular; Kye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular, brown; Stem short. 

' Core medium, pyriform, nearly closed, clasping ; Seeds 
numerous, angular, dark; Flesh yellowish white, break- 


ing, tender, granular; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic; Quality 
xood to very good; Use, table; Season, September, Octo- 
ber. A most acceptable substitute for Rambo, as an ama- 
teur’s fruit. 

Origin near Norwich, Connecticut. Tree vigorous, up- 
right, productive on alternate years. 

Fruit large, uniform, fair, beautiful, round, flattened, 
regular; Surface smooth, striped red on yellow. 


Basin shallow, small; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, brown; Stem short. 

Flesh yellow, tender, fine-grained, juicy; Flavor mild 
sub-acid, aromatic, rich ; Quality best ; Use, table; Season, 
December to March. 

This fruit has been thought to resemble the Ohio 
Nonpariel, but I think it is different. 

Cropsey’s Favorite. 

Originated with D. W. Cropsey, Plainfield, Will County, 

Fruit full medium, globular, looking oblong, regular; 
Surface smooth, yellow, mixed, splashed carmine; Dots few. 
Basin medium, regular, russet ; Hye medium, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, wavy, green; Stem short to medium, 

Core roundish, heart-shaped, closed, meeting the eye; 
Seeds medium, angular; Fiesh yellow, breaking, fine- 
grained, juicy; Flavor sub-acid, rich; Quality good to 
very good; Use, table, kitchen; Season, December. 

SS a 

Fig, 218.—DAN PEARMAIN, 



This delightful autumn dessert apple is grown in Henry 
County, Indiana. 

Fruit medium to small, round, flattened, regular; Sur- 
face smooth, mixed scarlet on yellow, splashed carmine ; 
Dots minute. 

Basin shallow, regular; Eye medium, closed. 

Core wide, regular, open; Seeds numerous, plump ; 
Flesh yellow, very fine-grained, tender, juicy ; Flavor sub- 
acid, aromatic, delicious; Quality best; Use, the dessert ; 
Season, September. 

Dan Pearmain. 

This very beautiful seedling was procured by Reuben 
Ragan from near the battle-field of Tippecanoe, Indiana, 
where it was found in a seedling orchard. 

Fruit medium to small, round, flattened, regular, fair 
and handsome; Surface yellow, covered with bright red, 
mixed, striped and splashed ; Dots numerous, large, yel- 
low, prominent. 

Basin deep, regular or plaited ; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, regular, sometimes brown; Stem 
long, slender, red. 

Core small, turbinate, closed; Seeds humerous, small, 
plump; Flesh yellow, breaking, tender; Flavor very mild 
sub-acid, rich; Quality almost best; Use, table, kitchen, 
market ; on older trees too small for profit; Season, De- 
cember to March. 



From Reuben Ragan. Fruit large, round, somewhat 
conic, regular; Surface smooth, yellow, striped, splashed, 
mottled, carmine; Dots numerous, gray, large, 

Basin shallow, folded; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, green; Stem medium, clubbed. 

Core wide, pyriform, slightly open, clasping; Seeds 
numerous, pointed, angular, dark ; Flesh yellowish white, 
firm, breaking, granular; Flavor sub-acid ; Quality good ; 
Use, kitchen ; Season, January. Not destined to take a 
very high rank. 

Dector Fuleher. 

A Southern apple of some merit. Originated in Todd 
County, Kentucky. Tree thrifty, an early and abundant 
bearer; Shoots slender; Foliage bright green. Received 
from J. 8. Downer, of Elkton, Kentucky. 

Fruit medium, globular, truncated, regular; Surface 
smooth, yellow, marbled, splashed carmine; Dots minute. 



Fig. 214.—pbocToR FULCHER. 

Basin shallow, wavy, russeted, cracked; Eye small, 

Cavity sometimes wide, wavy, brown; Stem medium 
to long. 

Core large, turbinate, regular open, meeting the eye; 
Seeds large, plump; Flesh yellow, fine-grained, tender, 
melting, juicy; Flavor sub-acid, rich; Quality good, 
Downer says “best ;” Use, table; Season, December, 


Duteh Wignonne. 
REINETTE DOREE—And Several Others in Europe. 

A fine large apple from Holland. Tree vigorous, up- 
right, productive. 

Fruit large or very large, roundish, flattened, sometimes 
conical, truncated ; Surface rough, yellow, covered with 
red, splashed with bright red; Dots numerous, prominent, 

Basin wide, abrupt, regular; Kye short, wide, open; 
Segments short. 

Cavity medium, acute, regular; Stem medium to long. 


Core small, turbinate, regular, clasping ; Seeds few, an- 
gular imperfect; Flesh yellowish white, breaking, coarse- 
grained, juicy; Flavor acid to sub-acid, rich; Quality 
good to very good; Use, kitchen, market, drying ; Sea- 
son, September, October. 


Early Pennock. 


Origin unknown. Tree thrifty, upright, early bearer, 
productive, not long-lived. 

Fruit large, variable in form, being sometimes oval, and 
conical, averaging roundish—conic, regular, handsome, 
sometimes inclined in the axis; Surface smooth, yellow, 
partially covered with mixed and striped scarlet, splashed 
carmine—often the yellow prevails; Dots numerous, dark. 


. , 
‘ of 
re ri / 
~ - 


Basin shallow, plaited or regular ; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, regular, brown; Stem medium or short. 

Core long, tapering to both ends, partially open in some, 
clasping the eye; Seeds large, numerous, plump, dark; 
Flesh yellow, breaking, rather coarse; Flavor acid; 
Quality poor; Use, market and kitchen; Season, July 
and August. 



This is a favorite Northern fruit of great beauty. Origin 
uncertain—whether Canadian or French. It is greatly 
valued in the North and Northwest as an early winter 
apple. Tree vigorous, productive; Shoots red; Foliage 
dark, abundant. 

Fruit medium, round, regular; Surface pale waxen yel- 
low, almost wholly covered deep red, made up of stripes 
and splashes that are not always traceable in the depth 
of color—absent where a portion of the apple bas been 
shaded by a leaf; Dots minute. 

Basin medium, regular ; Eye very small, closed. 

Cavity wide, wavy, green; Stem short. 

Core medium, heart-shaped, closed, meeting the eye; 
Seeds numerous, pointed, rich brown; Flesh snowy white, 
very tender, fine-grained, juicy; Flavor sub-acid, mild, 
delicately perfumed, not rich; Quality good ; Use, dessert, 
kitchen, market ; Season, October to December. 

Farley Red. 

A native of Kentucky, already somewhat extended 
northward. Tree healthy, moderately thrifty, very pro- 
ductive, making it small. 


Fig. 217.—FARLEY RED. 


Fruit small, round or oblong, flattened or truncated at 
the ends, barrel shaped; Surface dull red stripes on yel- 
low; Dots minute, indented, purplish. 

Basin shallow, folded or plaited ; Hye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, wavy, brown : ; Stem medium. 

Core regular, turbinate, open, clasping the point of the 
eye; Seeds numerous, plump, angular; Flesh yellowish 
white, firm, juicy; Flavor sub-acid; Quality only good; 
Use, Mr. R. Ragan finds it one of his best market fruits ; 
Season, March and April, keeping sound and very salable. 


Believed to have originated near Giendale, Hamilton 
County, Ohio, where I obtained it from A. A. Mullet. 

Tree vigorous, thrifty, spreading, well formed head, 

Fruit large, roundish, somewhat conical; Surface 
smooth, bright yellow, striped and clouded with bright 
red; Dots small, russet. 

Basin , deep, abrupt; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity medium, wavy, green; Stem long. 

Core open; Seeds numerous, medium ; Flesh yellowish, 
tender, juicy; Flavor very mild ‘sub- acid, almost saccharine, 
rich ; Quality good; Use, table ; Season, September, Oc- 


This foreign variety has the general aspect of a Rus- 
sian apple both in tree and fruit. 

Excellent for cooking, highly esteemed by the market 
gardeners of New Jersey, where it is much grown. 

Tree healthy, vigorous, round headed, productive; 
Shoots stout, blunt; Foliage large, light green. 

Fruit medium to large, round, somewhat flattened ; Sur- 
face pale yellow, distinctly striped and splashed bright 
red or carmine, covered with white bloom. 

Basin small, regular ; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular; Stem short, thick. 

Flesh whitish, not fine-grained, breaking, juicy; Flavor 
acid ; Quality good; Use, kitchen and market only; Sea- 
son, August. 


AUNT’S, not AUNT HANNAH of Massachusetts. 

This large and rather handsome fruit is found in many 

parts of the country, but is not largely cultivated. Its 

occurrence among Southern emigrants would lead us to 
suspect that they might have brought it with them. 

Fig. 218.—HANNAH. 

Fruit large, showy, round, somewhat flattened, regular, 
sometimes unequal; Surface rather smooth, pale yellow, 
mixed, distinctly striped and splashed crimson and car- 
mine; Dots scattered, large, gray. 

Basin medium, abrupt, regular, often slightly russeted ; 
Eye medium but long, closed. 

Cavity wide, wavy, acute, deep, brown or green; Stem 
short ot very short. 

Core round, flattened or wide, regular, open; Axis very 
short ; Seeds numerous, short, plump; Flesh light, yel- 


lowish white, breaking, tender, juicy ; Flavor sub-acid, 
aromatic, peculiar, not agreeable to some palates; Quality 
only good; Use, kitchen, market, drying; Season, Octo- 
ber to December. 

Hierefordshire Pearmain. 

This is supposed to be an old English variety which has 
reached certain portions of the Western States from the 
Kast, though now rarely seen there, as its place has been 
taken by other Pearmains of American origin and more 


UY, i iy {i 
7 / yin 



vigor, such as the Long Island Pearmain, described on 
another page. Tree slender and slow grower, medium 
size, very productive. 

Fruit small to medium, roundish, slightly conic, trun- 
cated sharply ; Surface smooth, deep red, splashes dark or 
maroon on rich yellow, which only shows where the fruit 
has been shaded by a leat; Dots numerous, small, yellow. 

Basin wide, regular, abrupt; Eye medium,open, reflexed. 

Cavity medium, regular or wavy, green; Stem mostly 
short, stout, sometimes quite thick. 


Core wide, turbinate, closed, regular, clasping the eye ; 
Seeds numerous, small, pointed, dark, some imperfect ; 
Flesh deep yellow, firm, breaking, very fine-grained, juicy; 
Flavor rich, sub-acid, aromatic, vinous, spicy, very agree- 
able; Quality best; Use, dessert; Season, December to 

Especially adapted to amateur collections. 

Hiewes’ Crab. 

From Virginia. A famous cider apple, found in all exten- 
siveand good cider orchards. ‘Tree of slender growth, but 
makes a large, spreading top, immensely productive al- 
ternate years, long lived; Twigs slender; Foliage sparse. 

Fruit quite small, round, somewhat flattened, regular ; 
Surface mixed, striped, purplish red on yellow; Dots 
numerous, large, pale or fawn. 

Basin shallow; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, regular; Stem long, red. 

Core round, regular, open, clasping ; Seeds large, point- 
ed; Flesh firm, yellow- 
ish and greenish, juicy; 
Flavor acid, rich; the 
must is very heavy; 
Quality best for cider; 
Season, November to 
January. Also useful 
for cooking, except on 
account of its small 
size; the rich and piq- 
uant acid makes it a 
particularly desirable 
ingredient in mince- 


te pies. 
i eae *% oe In Kentucky there 
Pewee re is a variety.of this ap. 
Fig. 220.—HEWES’ CRAB. ple known as Beeler’s 

Crab, with fruit of similar characters, but the tree is a 
better grower. 




This fine apple originated in Hubbardston, Massachu- 
setts. Tree vigorous, healthy, productive, early bearer, 
round-leaved, branching. At one time this and the Bald- 
win were confounded and mixed in some Western collec- 

Fruit large, fair, handsome, round, somewhat ovate, ta- 
pering both ways from the middle, regular; Surface often 



uneven, yellow, covered with mixed red and broken stripes, 
presenting arich brownish appearance; Dots scattered, 
gray, prominent. 

Basin abrupt, wide, regular, leather-cracked, or russet- 
ed, or both; Eye medium or small, open. 


Cavity wide, regular, brown ; Stem medium or short. 

Core large, heart- shaped, reoular, sometimes partially 
open, clasping the eye ; Seeds few, pointed; Flesh yel- 
low, breaking, fine crained, juicy; Flavor acid, sub-acid, 
rich ; Quality very good; Use, cooking early, table when 
perfectly ripe; Season, November, December. 


Origin Berks County, Pennsylvania, where I found it 

very popular as a productive winter apple for all purposes. 

[ree vigorous, healthy, large, spreading, and very produc- 

Fruit medium to large, round, slightly conic, regular ; 
Surface rather smooth, pale yellow, nearly covered with 
red, and splashed carmine. 

Basin small, folded ; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity medium; Stem short to medium. 

Flesh whitish, tender, juicy ; Flavor mild sub-acid, rich, 
agreeable; Use, a good market fruit; Season, December 
to March. 

Large Striped Pearmain. 

This choice Western apple is supposed to have originat- 
ed in Kentucky—possibly further South. It is now to be 
found in Eastern Ohio, Southern Indiana and Illinois, and 
in Missouri. Much grown in Kentucky. Im all places it 
seems to be doing well, and giving entire satisfaction, ex- 
cepting that the bark bursts near the ground even in bear- 
ing trees, root-grafted. 

Tree vigorous, thrifty, spreading, productive; Shoots 
rather slender, dark; Foliage dark green, abundant on 
young trees. 

Fruit large, round, flattened, regular, fair, handsome, 
though not so beautifully colored as some others; Surface 
smooth, mixed, splashed and striped, pale purplish red on 
yellow, which shows through the shading; Dots minute, 
indented, gray, so that the fruit has a general gray appear- 

Basin medium, regular, sometimes cracked; Eye small, 

Cavity wide, wavy, rather deep, brown; Stem short, 
medium, or rather long. 



Core roundish, medium, regular, open; Seeds numeyous, 
large, angular, some imperfect; Flesh yellow, breaking, 
somewhat coarse-grained, juicy ; Flavor sub-acid ; Quality 




quite good; Use, market, kitchen, table; Season, Decem- 
ber to February. 

In the West it is more flattened than in Ohio, becom- 
ing in large specimens almost a flat or oblate apple. High- 
ly recommended for commercial orchards, whether for ship- 
ding North or South—particularly the latter. 

Hew is. 

This delicious apple originated in Decatur County, In- 
diana, near Greensburgh, and was introduced to my no- 

tice by one of the early pomologists of the region, a nur-- 

seryman by the name of Lewis, from whom I obtained my 
trees after he had introduced me to the original, which I 



found to be vigorous, healthy, upright, spreading and pro- 

The fruit was described in the Western Horticultural 
Lteview for 1852, before I was aware that my friend Reu- 
ben Ragan had an apple of the same name; nevertheless, 
this, by priority of publication, will stand, unless there 

Fig. 223.—LEwIs. 

should prove to be another Lewis that can claim seniority 
of publication. I distinguish the other apple by calling it 
Lewis of Ragan; it is in another class.—[See Downing, p. 

Fait medium to large, round, somewhat ovate, regular ; 
Surface smooth, yellow, striped and marbled scarlet ; Dots 
scattered, gray and yellow. 

Basin deep, abrupt, regular; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity acute, deep, regular; Stem long, slender. 

Core regular, oval, heart-shaped, closed, meeting the 
eye; Seeds numeroffs, plump, brown; Flesh yellow, very 
tender, crisp, juicy; Flavor acid to sub-acid, rich, deli- 


cious; Quality best; Use, table and kitchen; Season, Au- 
gust. Marked in my notes “One of the very best of the 
new apples.” 


This valuable market variety originated near Columbus, 
Ohio, where it was brought into notice by M. B. Bateham, 
the excellent Secretary of the Ohio Pomological Society, 
and founder of the Columbus Nurseries. 

Tree vigorous, healthy, large, spreading and productive; 
believed to be entirely hardy. 

Fruit full medium to large, globular, inclining to oblong 
in appearance, turbinated or flattened at the ends, regu- 

Fig, 224.—LIBERTY. 

lar; Surface not smooth, yellow, covered with dull red 
and scarlet, mixed and splashed, stripes indistinct; Dots 
minute, gray, prominent. 

Basin medium, quite shallow, reowar, indistinctly leath- 
er-cracked; Eye small, closed. 


Cavity medium, acute, wavy; Stem medium, inclined. 

Core small, oval, closed, meeting the eye; See ls numer- 
ous, pointed; Flesh yellow, breaking, rather coarse, juicy ; 
Flavor acid to sub-acid; Quality good; Use, market and 
kitchen or table; Season, January to March, or later. 


| Origin Massachusetts. This pleasant dessert apple is 
not generally known. 

Fruit large, roundish, flattened, regular; Surface smooth, 
yellowish, striped and splashed with red. 

Basin large, plaited; Eye large. 

Cavity deep, regular; Stem short. 

Flesh whitish, fine-grained, tender, juicy; Flavor mild 
sub-acid, agreeable ; Quality good; Use, table and kitchen ; 
Season, September to November. 


A famous old English dessert apple, rarely seen in this 
country, but much better adapted for the closing of a feast 
than many which are more pretentious in style and im- 

Fig, 225.—MARGIL. 

posing in size. Certainly much more economical to him 
who provides even at a higher price per bushel than those 
which are too large to be eaten, and are only cut to be left 


on the table and wasted. Tree of slender growth, but very 

Fruit quite small, round, somewhat conic, abruptly trun- 
cated, regular ; Surface smooth, red, mixed and striped ; 
Dots yellow, prominent. 

Basin wide, shallow, regular; Eye small, open; Calyx 

Cavity wide, not deep, regular, brown; Stem long. 

Core turbinate, regular, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds 
numerous, pointed, long; Flesh yellow, crisp, fine-grained, 
juicy; Flavor sub-acid, rich, aromatic, very agreeable ; 
Quality best ; Season, November to January. 


From Vermont; Fruit large, roundish, conic; Skin 
greenish-yellow, striped and mottled with light red, and 
sprinkled with brown dots; Stalk long, rather slender, set 
in a pretty large cavity ; Calyx closed in a corrugated ba- 
sin; Flesh yellowish, rather fine, juicy, rich, mild, sub- 
acid, aromatic; October and November.—[Downing. ] 

Fig. 226.—m’KINLEY. 


Highly esteemed by Reuben Ragan, of Indiana, who 
finds it profitable. 


Fruit medium, roundish, flattened, slightly conie, regu- 
lar; Surface smooth, dull red on oreenish-yellow, stripes 
indistinct ; Dots scattered, large, gray. 

Basin recular, shallow ; "Eye laree, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, reoular, brown; Stem slender, me- 
dium to short. 

Core medium, ovate, regular, closed, meeting the eye; 
Seeds numerous, plump, brown; Flesh breaking, very fine- 
grained, very juicy; Flavor sub-acid, good; Quality good 
to very good; Use, table; Season, December and Jan- 


Origin Canterbury, Connecticut. Tree hardy, produc- 
tive. Not much known in the West. 

Fruit—obtained from E. Newburg, Brooklyn, Connecti- 
cut—medium, round, regular ; Surface bright crimson-red, 
striped darker; Dots numerous, yellow-green. 

Basin shallow, regular; Kye medium, ‘closed. 

Cavity acute, reoular ; Stem long or medium, slender. 

Core large, open, meeting the eye; Seeds numerous, 
angular, pointed ; Flesh white, tender, fine-grained, juicy ; 
Flavor sub-acid; Quality best; Use, table; Season, Au- 
gust and September. 

Monk’s Favorite. 

This large, showy apple originated in Delaware County, 
Indiana, and was introduced to the public by Dr. J. C. 
Helme, of the State Horticultural Society. 

It was described in the Western Horticultural Review, 
some years ago, as a promising fruit, and was favorably 
noticed at the time of its introduction, "put has not yet been 
sufficiently known for general recommendation. 

Tree vigorous, upright, spreading, productive. 

Fruit large, 2 elobular, flattened, regular ; Surface smooth, 
yellow, pretty “well covered with stripes and splashes of 
bright red; Dots medium, ragged, gray, scattering. 

Basin medium, reoular ; Eye medium, open. 

Cavity wide, wavy; Stem medium to long, stout. 

Core wide, heart-shaped, open, clasping ; Seeds pointed ; 
Flesh whitish, breaking, juicy; Flavor sub- acid ; Quality 
good; Use, kitchen, table, and promising for market ; Sea- 
son, November to J anuary. 





Not having had an opportunity of examining this fruit, 
I quote the ad interim report of the Pennsylvania Horti- 
cultural Society : 

“ Origin Berks County, Pennsylvania. 

“ Fruit large, roundish, exterior of an exceedingly beau- 
tiful waxen orange-yellow color, with a few russet dots, 
and a delicately striped and richly mottled carmine cheek ; 
Stem very short and rather stout, cavity narrow, acumi- 
nate, shallow; Calyx large, basin deep, rather wide, fur- 
rowed; Flesh yellowish, somewhat tough, owing to the 
fact of its being shriveled ; Flavor approaches to that of a 
pineapple; Quality very good; December to April.” 

Newark Eing. 

An old apple, supposed to have come from New Jersey; 
found in the oldest orchards of grafted fruits in South- 
western Ohio, seldom elsewhere in the West that I have 


Tree thrifty, upright, spreading, productivé; Foliage 

Fruit full medium to large, roundish, flattened or trun- 
cated conic, mostly regular, sometimes ribbed; Surface 
not very smooth, rich yellow, nearly covered with dull 


== < ea = 
Fig. 228.—NEWARK KING. 

red mixed, and darker stripes, giving the fruit almost a 
mahogany color; Dots numerous, gray, elongated at the 
extremities, and coalescing into russet about the blossom 

Basin deep, abrupt, folded or plaited, covered with fine 
russet ; Kye small, closed. 

Cavity acute, often lipped; Stem rather long, slender. 

Core small, oval, closed, not clasping but meeting the 
eye;Seeds numerous, angular; Flesh rich yellow, breaking, 
fine grained, juicy; Flavor acid, rich, sprightly, high-fla- 
vored; Quality very good; Use, kitchen, table and cider; 
Season, December, January, or longer. 



This is a great favorite in the South, and deservedly so, 
on account of its good qualities. Specimens from Dr. Jas, 
S. Blair, Limestone County, North Alabama, afford me data 
for the following description. I have preferred the name 
Patton because of the other Carters: 

Fruit large, roundish, somewhat flattened; Surface 
smooth, mixed, marbled and splashed carmine on yellow ; 
Dots scattered, distinct, yellow. 

Basin deep, abrupt, folded; Eye medium, open. 

Cavity deep, acute; Stem long to medium, inclined, red. 

Core small, regular, closed, half clasping; Seeds plump 
and impertect ; Flesh yellow, firm, breaking, juicy; Fla- 
vor acid, agreeable ; Quality good; Season, November to 

Pomme Water. 

An apple by this name is found in Northern Illinois ; lit- 
tle is known of its origin or history. 

Fruit full medium, globular truncate, slightly conic, re- 
gular; Surface mixed, splashed scarlet on yellow ; Dots 
minute, numerous, brown. 

yy I SS === 
J) SSS — 

Fig, 229.— POMME WATER. 

nA VA 


Basin wavy, medium; Eye large, closed. 

Cavity medium, regular; Stem short, thick, green. 

Core medium, round, closed, scarcely meeting the eye; 
Seeds numerous, angular, imperfect ; Flesh yellow, break- 
ing, fine grained, juicy; Flavor sub-acid ; Quality good 
to very good; Use, table; Season, September and October. 

Specimens obtained from Henry Kimball, of Rockford, 
Winnebago County, Illinois. 

Ragan’s Red. 

Origin Putnam County, Indiana, by R. Ragan. Tree 

vigorous, productive. 
Fruit large, round, slightly conic, regular; Surface 

Fig. 280.—RAGAN’S RED. 

smooth, bright red, splashed darker; Dots numerous, 


Basin abrupt, deep, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, regular; Stem long. 

Core small, pyriform, regular, nearly closed; Seeds nu- 
merous, plump; Flesh yellow, breaking, fine grained ; 
Flavor sub-acid, aromatic; Quality good; Use, table and 
market ; Season, October and November, 

Ribston Pippin. 

This famous English apple does not seem to have many 
admirers among our orchardists, but on some accounts it 
merits a place in the amateur’s collection. 

Tree productive, early bearer. 

Fruit medium to large, round, truncated, regular; Sur- 
face rough, splashed and mixed dull red on yellow; Dots 
numerous, minute, prominent, russet. 

Basin abrupt, plaited or regular, russeted; Eye small, 
~ Cavity acute, wide, regular, brown; Stem long, slender. 

Core regular, closed; Seeds numerous, angular, imper- 
fect; Flesh yellow, crisp, firm, juicy; Flavor acid, rich, 
aromatic ; Use, kitchen—searcely for table; Season, Octo- 
ber and later, but apt to wilt. 

Sigler’s Red. 

This very handsome apple, from near McConnellsville, 
Morgan County, Ohio, was shown before the Ohio Pomo- 
logical Society, at different times, by Jos. Sigler, for whom 
it was named, because it was not identified as any known 

Fruit medium, globular, slightly flattened, regular; Sur- 
face smooth, mixed and splashed bright red; Dots minute, 

Basin shallow, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity acute, wavy; Stem short to medium, knobby. 

Core wide, indistinct, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds 
pointed, plump; Flesh yellow, fine-grained, juicy; Flavor 
sub-acid, aromatic, rich ; Quality almost best; Use, table; 
Season, September. 

A beautiful dessert fruit. Elliott gives it as synonym 
to Autumn Pearmain. 

er. * 


Small Black. 


This useful little apple is found -in many collections 
where the Jersey Black is cultivated, but it seems to be 
quite distinct. Origin unknown. 

Fruit medium to small, globular, sometimes nearly ob- 

Fig. 231.—SMALL BLACK. 

late, regular; Surface smooth, deep red, sometimes pur- 
plish, striping indistinct ; Dots numerous, indented, minute, 
pink or purple. 

Basin shallow, abrupt, regular or folded; Eye small to 
medium, closed ; Segments reflexed. | 

Cavity acute, sometimes lipped, brown ; Stem long, in- 
clined, red or green. 

Core regular, round, slightly open, clasping the eye; 
Seeds numerous, plump and angular; Flesh yellowish, 
often pink, tender, fine grained; Flavor sub-acid, agree- 
able; Quality good; Use, dessert; Season, November to 



Origin Bucks County, Pennsylvania, where it still con- 
tinues a favorite variety. Its cultivation has extended 
widely to the westward, giving great satisfaction as a 
market fruit, for culinary purposes, but cannot be recom- 
mended for table. 

Tree vigorous, hardy, productive, an early bearer; 
Limbs straggling, shoots rather slender, light olive; Foli- 
age large, light green. 

Fruit medium to large, round, varying from flattened to 
elongated, mostly regular, sometimes lop-sided ; Surface 

ZI Nine 

Fig. 252.—sMITH’S. 

smooth, pale yellow, covered with mixed light red, splash- 
ed indistinctly with bright carmine, beautiful; Dots dis- 
tinct, rather large, light gray. : 


Basin shallow, wide, or more often plaited; Eye small, 
closed. | 

Cavity acute, regular, brown; Stem medium to long, 

Core wide, pyriform, open, clasping ; Seeds numerous, 
plump, pointed; Flesh white, breaking, juicy; Flavor 
acid, sub-acid, aromatic, not rich, peculiar, not agreeable ; 
Quality good for cooking only, making very fine apple 
sauce—-makes much cider, but thin and watery ; Season, 
December, January and later. 

This is essentially a market fruit, and is one of the most 
profitable apples planted in Southwestern Ohio and adja- 
cent counties of Indiana. 




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Fig. 233.—soPs OF WINE. 
Sops of Wine. 

European. ‘Tree vigorous, spreading, productive. 

Fruit small to medium, round, slightly conic; regular ; 
Surface smooth, mixed red, shaded dark red throughout ; 
Dots small, scattered, yellow. 

Basin shallow, plaited; Eye small, closed. 


Cavity medium, wavy, somewhat browned; Stem long, 

Core distinctly marked with a red line, wide, oval, clos- 
ed, meeting the eye; Seeds numerous, pointed, brown ; 
Flesh yellow, fine grained, tender, juicy; Flavor acid to 
sub-acid, agreeable; Quality good to very good; Use, 
dessert : Season, August and September. 

Sumamer Samet. 

Specimens received fom Mr. Johnson, Louisville. Ky. 

Fruit medium, round, truncated, recular; ; Surface 
smooth, pale yellow, mixed red, str iped darker red; Dots 
scattered, eray. 

Basin deep, abrupt, regular; Hye small, open. 

Cavity shallow, regular, yellow ; Stem medium to long, 

Core pyriform, indistinct, closed, clasping ; Seeds point- 
ed, imperfect ; Flesh yellow, tender, fine gr nined ; Flavor 
sub-acid, aromatic; Quality good; Use, market; Season, 

Summer Rose. 

Origin New Jersey. Tree vigorous, healthy, spreading, 
productive, early bearer; Shoots stout; Foliage large, 

Fruit small, roundish, flattened, regular; Surface smooth 
polished, very pale yellow, striped and splashed distinctly 
bright red and carmine; Dots minute. 

Basin abrupt, wide, regular ; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity acute, reg ular; : ‘Stem medium. 

Core large, regular, “closed, meeting the eye; Seeds 
numerous, short, plump; I lesh white, crisp, fine orained, 
juicy ; Flavor sub- acid, agreeable, not rich; Quality, one 
of the best early apples; Use, family, t table and kitchen ; 
Season, June to Aug cust—riper ung gradually. 

Sutton Beauty. 

An old_ Massachusetts apple, occasionally found in the 
West, where it attains increased size and beauty. My 
specimens were from W. Hampton, with many other sorts 
of interest grown by him in Northwestern Ohio. 


Fruit large, handsome, globular, regular; Surface 
smooth, yellow, mottled and splashed carmine,; Dots seat- 
tered, brown, vein-reflexed. 

Basin wide, regular, russety; Eye large, open; Seg- 
ments reflexed. 

Cavity wide, acute, wavy, brown; Stem long, inclined. 

Core medium to large, closed, clasping ; Seeds numer- 
ous, pointed, angular, dark; Flesh whitish, tender, break: 


ing, juicy; Flavors acid, sub-acid, agreeable; Qual‘t; 
eo0d; Use, table, kitchen and market; Season, December 

to March. 
Thought by Mr. Hampton to be a seedling brought from 

Southern Ohio. 

Introduced by Dr. Ware Sylvester, of Lyons, New 
York. . 


Fruit small to medium, round, regular; Surface smooth, 
white, blushed and striped bright carmine; Dots scatter- 
ed, minute. 

Basin very shallow, plaited; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, wavy ; Stem medium. 

Core indistinct, slightly open; Seeds numerous, plump, 

S \ 
ail Tow 

Fig. 235.—SYLVESTER. 

angular, long; Flesh white, tender, fine grained, juicy; 
Flavor sub-acid; Quality very good; Use, table and cook- 
ing; Season, September. 

Williams’ Favorite. 

Origin Roxbury, Massachusetts. . 6 

Fruit small to medium, round, regular; Surface smooth, 
dark purplish red, indistinctly striped; Dots none. 

Basin abrupt, folded; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity wide, shallow; Stem long, slender. 

Core large, round, closed ; Seeds pointed, brown ; Flesh 
whitish-yellow, streaked red, breaking, not juicy ; Flavor 
sub-acid, peculiar; Quality scarcely good; Season, July 
and August. 

ROUND APPLES.—I. Il. Il. 619 


’ Willow. 


This Virginia fruit has obtained a wide spread notoriety 
as a valuable market apple throughout the West. 

Tree very vigorous, healthy, productive, branching, 
twiggy, thorny while young ; Shoots slender, olive brown. 

Fig. 236.—wILLow. 

Fruit globular, truncated, looking oblong from its eyl- 
indrical sides; Surface smooth, dull greenish-yellow, mar- 
pled and striped dull red; Dots minute, gray. 

Basin wide, abrupt, plaited; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity wide or acute, regular ; Stem long, slender, in- 

Core medium, round, regular, closed, meeting, not clasp- 

ing the eye; Seeds numerous, plump, brown; Flesh green- 


ish-yellow, breaking, juicy; Flavor acid; Quality only 
good, but valuable for market and culinary uses; Season, 
December to April. Excellent for shipping South, 

Wilsom’s WVolumteer. 

Origin believed to be a seedling or “ Volunteer” on the 
banks of the Ohio River. Received from George Sibbald. 

Fruit large, globular, truncated or flattened, regular; 
Surface yellow, mostly covered with mixed red, striped 
darker; Dots large, gray and yellow. 

Basin deep, regular, leather-cracked; Kye medium, 

Cavity deep, acute, regular; Stem long, slender. 

Core small, round, regular, closed, clasping; Seeds nu- 
merous, pointed; Flesh greenish-yellow, tender, juicy ; 
Flavor sub-acid; Quality only: good; Use, kitchen ; Sea- 
son, December to February. 


Fig. 287.—wRIGHT’S JANET. 

Wright’s Janet. 

This fine keeping apple, received from N. J. Colman 
and other zealous pomologists of St. Louis, Missouri, is 


supposed to have originated in that region with Mr. W. 
G. Wright. 

Fruit medium to large, round, sometimes flat, regular; 
Surface smooth, waxen yellow, mixed, striped and splash- 
ed carmine; Dots minute, prominent, scattering. 

Basin medium, regular ; Eye small, acute, closed. 

Cavity deep, wavy, browm; Stem long, short, or very 

Core medium, regular, somewhat open, clasping; Seeds 
numerous, small, plump; Flesh deep yellow, breaking, 
very fine grained, Juicy ; Flavor sub-acid, rich, very agree- 
able; Quality good to very good; Use, table, kitchen and 
market ; Season, January to June and keeps until August. 


Southern. Received from 8. W. Westbrooke, of Greens- 
boro’, North Carolina. 

Fruit large, round, regular; Surface red, striped dark 
red; Dots large, scattered, distinct, gray. 

Basin abrupt, deep, regular; Eye small, open. 

Cavity acute, regular, brown; Stem medium, brown. 

Core. small, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds small, point- 
ed, brown; Flesh white, breaking, dry; Flavor sub-acid ; 
Quality only good; Season, August—and on that account 
scarcely worth carrying to the North. 




Beeler’s Russet. 

Origin not known. Found in an old orchard on the 
banks of White River, in Marion County, Indiana, by my 
‘lamented young friend, Geo. M. Beeler. y 
Fruit medium to small, round, truncated or cylindri- 
cal, inclined; Surface russeted; Dots minute, prominent. 


Basin abrupt, uneven, green; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity regular; Stem long. 

Core large, wide, heart-shaped, closed, clasping ; Seeds 
numerous, angular; Flesh yellow, crisp, fine-grained, ten- 


der, juicy; Flavor sub-acid to acid, aromatic, spicy, very 

agreeable; Quality best; Use, table, kitchen; Season, 

November, December. 
A choice dessert apple. 

Columbian Russet. 

The origin of this fine, long-keeping russet is uot known. 
Specimens were received from H. N. Gillett, Lawrence 
County, Ohio. If the tree be healthy and productive, this 
variety will be a valuable addition to our orchards. 

Fruit. medium to small, round, truncated, lop-sided ; 
Surface smooth, russeted; Dots minute, scattered, prom- 

Basin medium, regular; Eye large, open. 

Cavity acute, regular; Stem, long, slender. 

Core medium, closed, pyriform, meeting the eye; Seeds 
numerous, slender, angular, dark; Flesh very yellow, 


breaking, fine-grained, juicy; Flavor acid to sub-acid, rich, 
aromatic ; Quality best; Use, table; Season, February to 
April, ° 

Very like the Golden Pearmain, from J. 8. Downer, 
which see; they may prove to be the same variety. 

Court of Wyck. 

This spicy English apple, which has so many synonyms 
as evidences of its popularity, has not been a favorite in this 
country, but occasionally succeeds well; it has little to 
recommend it in its looks. 

Fruit very small, round, truncated abruptly, much flat- 
tened, regular; Surface yellow, covered russet. 

Basin wide, very shallow; Eye small, open; Segments 

Cavity rather wide; Stem long, slender. * 

Core small, ovate, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds 
numerous, large, brown; Flesh rich yellow, firm, juicy ; 
Flavor acid, aromatic, rich, spicy, sharp; Quality good in 
its way; Use, “dessert ;” Season, December, January. 

Fig. 239,—CROWNEST. 



Originated at Kelley’s Island, Ohio, in the orchard of 
Chas. Carpenter. : 

Tree vigorous, thrifty, brushy, productive. 

Fruit full medium, round, truneated or flattened, often 
unequal and inclined; Surtace greenish yellow, thinly 
covered with russet. 

Basin regular, wide; Eye large, open. 

Cavity irregular, lipped; Stem short, curved, fleshy. 

Core round, regular, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds 
long, pointed, angular; Flesh green, tender, breaking ; 
Flavor sub-acid; Quality only good for culinary uses ; 
Season, November to January. 

English Golden. 
Among the russets there has been much confusion, 
which it is very difficult to clear up. The apple about to 


be described came to the West from the nurseries about 
Rochester; a very superior variety to many others that 


resemble it, and may be distinguished by the palate, or by 
the character of the twigs. 

Tree thrifty, vigorous, spreading, productive, a rather 
early bearer; Shoots slender, olive, speckled. 

Fruit medium, round, large ones are oblate, often cylin- 
drical, sometimes inclined, regular; Surface greenish yel- 
low, covered with thick russet ; Dots minute, white, scat- 

Basin regular, deep, leather-cracked ; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular, rough; Stem short. 

Core wide, regular, closed, clasping ; Seeds small, flat ; 
Flesh greenish yellow, breaking, granular, juicy ; Flavor 
sub-acid, rich; Quality good to best ; Use, table, kitchen ; 
Season, January, February. 

A choice dessert fruit. Succeeds well in parts of Ken- 

English Russet. 

Origin unknown. Procured from Mr. C, C. Cary, near 
Louisville, Kentucky. 

Fruit large, globular, flattened, somewhat one-sided ; 
Surface uneven, green; Dots minute, russety and russet 

Basin medium, uneven; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity acute, wavy, russeted ; Stem medium, green. 

Core medium, heart-shaped, closed, clasping; Seeds 
numerous, plump and angular, some imperfect; Flesh 
yellow, firm, breaking, juicy; Flavor acid; Quality good; 
Use, kitchen; Season, December, January. 

Golden Pearmain—([Of Kentucky. ] 

This is another very promising Southern variety, re- 
ceived from J.S. Downer, of Kentucky ; Origin unknown ; 
he procured it from Tennessee. 

Tree vigorous, but tardy and shy in bearing ; Shoots 
stout, dark; Foliage medium. 

Fruit small to medium, globular, rather conical, trunca- 
ted, lop-sided ; Surface yellow, blushed and russeted. 

Basin abrupt, wide, regular; Eye large, open. 

Cavity acute, regular; Stem short to medium, slender. 

Core somewhat open, meeting the eye; Seeds plump 
and imperfect; Flesh yellow, breaking, fine-grained ; 



Flavor acid, aromatic, sprightly ; Quality very good, al- 
most best; Use, dessert; Season, December, February. 
—See Columbian [usset. 

Green Russet.—[N. C.] 

Specimens from Reuben Ragan. 

Fruit quite large, globular, slightly oblate, regular; 
Surface yellow, blushed dull red; Dots green, indented, 
russet veined. 

Basin medium, regular; Eye medium, open. 

Cavity deep, acute, regular, brown; Stem medium, thick. 

Core regular, wide, closed, clasping; Axis short; Seeds 
numerous, plump, dark; Flesh yellowish white, breaking, 
granular; Flavor sub-acid; Quality only good, for culin- 
ary use; Season, December, January. 

Hiampton’s Eiusset. 

Fruit small, globular-truncate, to flat; Surface yellow 
russet, bronzed, broken russet stripes; Dots scattered, 
large, yellow. 

Basin wide, regular; Eye large, open, green. 

Cavity medium, regular, brown; Stem long, inclined. 

Core medium, round, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds 

. j\ 
numerous, pointed, brown; Flesh yellow, tender, break- 
ing, fine-grained; Flavor sub-acid, rich; Quality good; 
Use, table; Season, December. 

Knox Russet. 

A very nice little apple, found in the orchard of J. 
Knox, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; trees obtained from 
near Greensburgh, Pennsylvania. Tree spreading, very 
productive ; Shoots slender. 

Fruit small to medium, globular, somewhat conic, reg- 
ular; Surface smooth, yellow green, blushed, covered with 
light russet. 

Basin shallow, regular; Eye medium, open; Segments 

Cavity deep, acute, regular ; Stem long, red. 

Core round, regular, slightly open, clasping the eye; 

MB Bytes 


Seeds numerous, short, plump; Flesh yellow, very fine- 

Fig. 241.—kKNoxX RUSSET. 

grained; Flavor mild sub-acid, aromatic ; Quality good to 
very good; Use, dessert; Season, December, January. 

Pryor’s Red. 

This southern apple, probably from Virginia, has been 
carried through all the Western States, where it isa great 
favorite, though there are some objectors, on account of 
its having shown signs of failure in certain situations, 
The fruit is singularly affected by change of soil and 
climate ; thus, on the Ohio River, it is seen quite flat and 
regular, with a dull green russeted skin, becoming yellow 
and ruddy ; in one part of the State of Indiana, on lime- 
stone, it 1s gibbous, round, often very large, and covered 
with a rich cinnamon russet, while on the coal measures, 
west of the center of the State, it is smaller, regular, and 
distinctly striped deep red on red, with very little russet. 
Specimens from Rochester, New York, have been shown 
with scarcely a trace of russet, and having the stripes as 
distinct and almost as beautiful as those of a Duchess of 
Oldenburgh, so that no southern or western man would 
have recognized it for his home favorite. The distinctive 
leather-cracking about the eye was present, however, in all. 


Tree thrifty, growth upright, twiggy, attaining large 
size, productive when old; Shoots slender, reddish olive, 
speckled ; ; Foliage’ scattering, folded, erayish green; Sub- 
ject to leaf-blight. 

Fruit large, globular-oblate, often unequal; Surface 
ereenish, or dull red, striped, russeted ; Dots numerous, 
large, gray. 

Basin shallow, regular or plaited, leather-cracked; Hye 
small, closed. 

Cavity shallow, acute, often lipped ; Stem medium. 

8 eee 

Fig. 242.—PRYOR’S RED. 

Core round, regular, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds 
numerous, angular, pointed ; Flesh yellow, tender, melt- 
ing, fine- -crained, juicy ; Flavor sub- acid, rich ; Quality 
best ; Use, table, kitchen; Season, December, February. 

Red Russet. 

Origin Hampton Falls, New Hampshire. 
Tree ver y vigorous and productive ; resembling Bald- 
win in almost every particular. 


“Fruit large, roundish, conic; Skin yellow, shaded with 
dull red and deep carmine in the sun, and thickly covered 
with gray dots, and an appearance of rough russet on 
most of the surface; Stalk rather short and thick, insert- 
ed in a medium cavity, surrounded with thin russet ; Calyx 
nearly closed; Segments long, recurved, in a narrow, un- 
even basin; Flesh yellow, solid, crisp, tender, with an ex- 
cellent, rich, sub-acid flavor, somewhat resembling Bald- 
win; Season, January to April.”—Downing. 

This fruit is rarely seen in the West. It has been 
thought by some to have originated as a sport from the 

Rolen’s Keeper. 

Received from H. N. Gillett, Lawrence County, Ohio. 
Origin not given. 

Fruit medium, round, regular; Surface rough, splashed 
red on russet ; Dots scattered, small, white. 


Fig. 248.—ROLEN’S KEEPER. 

Basin shallow, regular, leather-cracked; Eye small, 
Cavity deep, acute, regular; Stem long, slender. 


Core roundish-ovate, regular, closed, clasping ; Seeds 
very numerous, short, plump; Flesh greenish yellow, fine- 
grained; Flavor acid, rich; Quality good to very good; 
Use, table; Season, March, April. 

Very promising as a keeper. 

Rustycoat Milam. 

Fruit medium, globular, conic, regular ; Surface russet- 
ed; Dots minute, prominent. 

Basin narrow, abrupt, shallow; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity acute, regular; Stem medium to long. 

Core medium, regular, closed, clasping; Seeds numer- 


ous, pointed, plump; Flesh greenish yellow, breaking, 
fine-grained, tender; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic; Quality 
good ; Use, table; Season, December to February. 


Miote’s Sweet. 

This seedling from the Stillwater Sweet, grown by L.8. 
Mote, of Miami County, Ohio, is quite an improvement 
upon its parent, which has obtained a high reputation as _ 




Fig. 245,—MOTE’S SWEET. 

a choice autumnal sweet apple. Tree round, spreading, 
vigorous; Shoots pale; Foliage large, wide, finely ser- 
rated, and rather pale. 

Fruit large, globular, somewhat flattened, or conic-trun- 
eated, rather angular; Surface very smooth, greenish yel- 
low to whitish, with a rare faint blush; Dots scattered, 
gray, often rosy, whitish bases. . 


Basin medium, abrupt, wavy ; Eye medium, long, closed. 

Cavity deep, wide, wavy; Stem long, yellow, curved. 

Core medium, open, clasping ; Seeds numerous, angu- 
lar, pale; Flesh yellow, very fine-grained, almost melting, 
juicy; Flavor very sweet, pleasant ; Use, table and 
kitchen; Quality best ; Season, September. One of the 
most delicious sweet apples. 

Northern Sweet. 

Origin unknown ; supposed to be Vermont. Tree suf- 
ficiently healthy and productive. Not generally nor ex- 
tensively cultivated. 

Fruit large, globular, somewhat flattened, angular or 
regular ; ‘Sur face smooth, very pale yellow, rar ely blushed ; 
Dots minute, with white bases. 

Basin deep, abrupt, regular; Eye long, closed. 

Cavity rather wide, resular, oTeen $ Stem medium. 

Core very small, closed, almost clasping ; Seeds numer- 
ous, short; Flesh "whitish, breaking, juicy ; ; Flavor very 
sweet ; Quality pretty cood ; Use, ‘baking ; Season, Sep- 
tember, in Northern Indiana and Illinois, Downing says 
“rich and excellent ; September and October.” 

Swaar. dj, 

Origin on the banks of the Hudson, in New York State. 
Tree vigorous, spreading, productive; Shoots stout, dark 
colored ; Foliage large, “curled. 

. Fruit ‘large, form variable, being sometimes flat, where 
unusually developed, generally roundish, somewhat flat- 
tened, more or less angular or flattened on the sides, but 
not ribbed ; Surface not smooth, often rough, oreenish 
yellow, bronzed, becoming a dead golden yellow when 
ripe; Dots large, numerous. 

Basin medium, wide, regular; Eye small, not long, 

Cavity wide, regular or wavy, green; Stem long, curved, 
pretty stout. 

Core medium, regular, heart-shaped, closed, clasping ; 
Seeds numerous, angular , pale ; ; ‘flesh very heavy, yellow, 
fine-grained ; Flavor very mild sub: acid, or sweet, very 
rich ; Quality best.; Use, table and kitchen ; Season, March, 


Fig. 246.—swaAar. 



Bailey Sweet. 

From Wyoming County, New York. Tree vigorous, 

Fruit large, round, sometimes flattened, sometimes an- 
gular or ribbed; Surface smooth, mottled, mixed and 
striped deep red; Dots numerous, large, gray. 

Basin narrow, abrupt, regular or folded; Eye small, 



Cavity regular, acute green; Stem long. _ 
Core rather large, turbinate, open, clasping; Seeds 
numerous, angular, dark; Flesh yellow, tender, fine- 


Fig. 247.—BAILEY SWEET. 

grained, juicy; Flavor very sweet, rich; Quality good to 
very good; Use, kitchen, table; Season, October. 
A very valuable variety also for stock. 

Brittle Sweet. 

“ Origin unknown; good grower, and very productive. 
“Fruit above medium, roundish, approaching conic, 
sometimes elongated, angular; Skin greenish yellow, 
shaded and splashed with crimson, sprinkled with gray 
dots; Stem short, inserted in a broad, shallow cavity ; 
Calyx closed, set in a small corrugated basin; Flesh yel- 


lowish, crisp, tender, juicy, sweet, and excellent; Season, 
September, October.”—Downing. 

Hiauli Blossom. 

This is an Eastern or European variety, which I have 
not seen in the West. Specimens from Massachusetts. 

Fruit small, roundish-truncate, or flattened, uneven ; 
Surface smooth, yellow, mixed and striped, carmine ; Dots 
large, yellow. 

Basin shallow, folded; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, wavy; Stem short. 

Core small, closed, roundish, meeting the eye; Seeds 
large, pale; Flesh yellow, fine-grained; Flavor sweet; 
Quality good to very good; Use, table, kitchen; Season, 

Sweet Pearmain. 

“This variety, according to Downing and Thomas, is 
the English Sweeting ; but, according to Manning, the 
English Sweeting is the Ramsdell’s Sweeting of Downing. 
This fruit is extensively grown in Central Ohio, and 
further West, suiting well the rich soils; keeping finely 
all winter; highly valued for baking or eating.” 

“Fruit medium size or often above; Form roundish, 
slightly angular; Color dull red, rough russet dots, and 
blueish bloom; Stem long, slender; Cavity deep, wide, 
open; Calyx woolly; Basin medium; Flesh yellowish, 
tender, moderately juicy, sweet ; Core medium, with outer 
or concentric lines; Seeds ovate, pyriform, dark brown ; 
Season, December to March.”—Ellhiott. 

I am not familiar with the above, but find a very strong 
resemblance in the characters to those of my Red Winter 
Pearmain, Class I, I, 2, 2, from which, however, Elliott’s 
outline would exclude it. 

Willis Sweet. 

This apple is supposed to have originated on Long 
Island, where it is highly valued for baking. 

Tree vigorous, productive; Fruit medium, round, some- 
what angular, striped red, very sweet and rich; Use, bak- 
ing and stock. 






American Golden Pippin. 

Having mislaid my notes of this apple, I am obliged to 
quote Mr. Downing’s description of this fine fruit, which 


is believed to be American; cultivated in parts of New 
York, and found to be profitable. 


“Growth strong, similar to that of Rhode Island Green- 
ing, but less drooping, making a round, spreading head ; 
does not bear young, but very productive when a little 
advanced, and a popular fruit where known.” 

“Form variable, oblate, globular or conic, angular or 
ribbed; Stem stout, short, inserted in a deep cavity ; 
Calyx closed, set in an irregular basin; Skin fine golden 
yellow, thinly sprinkled with dots, sometimes slightly 
netted with thin russet; Flesh yellowish, tender, juicy, 
nearly melting, with a rich, refreshing, almost vinous, 
aromatic flavor; Core rather large; November to Feb- 

Brooke’s Pippin. 

“Origin, Essex County, Virginia. The original tree is 
very large, bears regular and large crops of fruit, which - 
is always fair, of the’ largest size, keeps well till May; 
- Flesh fine, yellow, juicy and rich, and of the finest flavor ; 
young trees grow very thriftily."—[H. R. Robey, Freder- 
icksburgh, Va. | 

Fruit large, roundish, inclining to conical, obscurely 
ribbed, greenish yellow, faintly blushed. 

Basin small, shallow, wavy, sometimes furrowed; Eye 
medium, closed. 

Cavity deep, wavy, brown; Stem short, thick. 

Flesh yellow, crisp, juicy, fine-grained; Flavor acid, 
spicy, rich; Quality very good; Season, November to 

As grown in Indiana, both tree and fruit resemble the 
Newtown Pippin in appearance, and may prove identical. 
after further trial. 

Champlain.—[Downing. | 


This very delicate fiuit was exhibited before the Ohio 
Pomological Society by A. L. Benedict, of Morrow Coun- 
ty, as the Paper apple. He obtained the cions from the 
celebrated apple region, Grand Isle, Vermont, where it is 
sometimes called Champlain, and where it had been intro- 
duced from Rhode Island, without a name, by his friend 
Macomber. _ My friend Benedict, informs me that “the 
growth of the tree is strong and stocky, and that the fruit 


never scabs nor rots on the tree. It is increasing in es- 
teem as it becomes better known, and is preferred to the 
Red Astrachan, ripening with it. When sent to J. J. 
Thomas, he thought it synonymous with the Primate, but 
Jos. Newcomber, having both varieties growing side by 
side, assured me they were quite unlike, and that the Pa- 
per was much the better apple of the two.” 

Tree medium size, vigorous, stocky. 

Fruit full medium, globular, rather conical, angular ; 
Surface smooth, yellowish green, slightly blushed; Dots 
minute, indented. 

Basin small, abrupt, folded ; Eye small, long, closed. 

Cavity acute, wavy, green; Stem long, slender. 

Core medium, round, slightly open, clasping; Seeds 
numerous, angular, dark; Flesh white, tender, fine-grained, 
juicy ; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic, delicate; Quality best ; 
Use, the dessert especially ; Season, August, September. 

Fig. 249.—pRAP D’OR, 
Drap d@’Or. 
VRAI DRAP D’oR.—[Dahamel. } 

This is an old French variety, respecting which there is 
some uncertainty among cultivators. 


Fruit large, globular, but variable, being conical-trun- 
cate to oblate; Surface smooth, pale waxen yellow, rarely 

Basin wide, plaited; Eye small, closed. ; 

Cavity wide, wavy, brown; Stem long, inclined, yellow 
or red, angular. 

Core large, regular, closed, clasping ; Seeds numerous, 
angular, long; Flesh pale yellow, breaking, fine-grained, 
juicy ; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic ; Quality good to best ; 
Use, market, kitchen, table; Season, August, September. 

For the table its place is supplanted by the Primate, 
Dyer and others. 

Dyer, or Pomme Royale. 
POMMEWATER, in Illinois. 

Believed to be a French apple, but named Dyer by the 
Massachusetts Horticultural Society, in the belief that it 
was a seedling of Rhode Island. 


Tree of moderate vigor, spreading, not very productive. 



Fruit medium to large, globular, uneven, somewhat an- 
gular; Surface not smooth, pale yellow, vein-russeted ; 
Dots numerous, minute, dark. 

Basin medium, shallow, folded or plaited; Eye small, 

Cavity deep, acute, lipped, brown; Stem long, slender. 

Core regular, round, open or closed, clasping ; Seeds 
numerous, ~ plump, short ; Flesh yellowish, very tender, 
very fine-grained, very juicy ; Flavor sub-acid, ‘aromatic, 
rich, delicate; Quality best; Use, the dessert ; Season, 
September, October. 

Not attractive in appearance, but very fine for the 


Origin Pennsylvania. Introduced by Dr. Brinckle in 
his ad-interim - veports to the Pennsylvania Horticultural 
Society. Mr. Waring considers it a valuable winter ap- 
ple. Tree vigorous, “handsome grower in the nursery ; 
Shoots erect, dark colored; an early, regular bearer. , 

Fruit large, very handsome, roundish, rather angular ; 
Surface smooth, yellow, with clear bright red in the sun, 
not striped ; Dots numerous about the base, greenish. 

Basin medium, narrow, plaited; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity medium, acute; Stem short. 

Flesh tender, fine-grained; Flavor acid, becoming mild, 
aromatic, sprightly ; Quality very good ; Season, Febru- 
ary to April. 

Golden Ball. 

A favorite Maine apple. Tree vigorous, productive, 

Frut large, round, ribbed; Surface smooth, greenish 
yellow; Dots few, distinct, white bases. 

Basin deep, abrupt, folded; Eye large, closed. 

Cavity narrow; Stem medium. 

Core indistinct, open, clasping ; Seeds defective; Flesh 
yellowish, tender, j juicy; Flavor sub-acid, rich; Quality 
good; Use, table, kitchen, market ; Season, December to 
March in the North. 



Morgan White. 

Origin unknown. Sent from Morgan County, Illinois, 
by Professor J. B. Turner, of Jacksonville. 

Fruit large, globular, somewhat flattened, irregular, 
ribbed, uneven; Surface smooth, greenish, marked with 
gray striz, rarely a faint blush; Dots white, large. 

; y i iN 

Fig. 251.—MORGAN WHITE. 

Basin abrupt, ribbed ; Eye small but long, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, wavy ; Stem short to medium. 

Core small, very wide, open, clasping; Axis short; 
Seeds numerous, plump, short; Flesh greenish white, 
breaking, tender, fine-grained, juicy ; Flavor acid to sub- 
acid, agreeable ; Quality good; Use, kitchen and table; 
Season, September to January. 

Peek’s Pleasant. 

This fine fruit is credited to Rhode Island. The tree is 
healthy, spreading, moderately vigorous, but productive, 
and a regular bearer. This apple is said to resemble the 
Newtown Pippin, but I have never been able to trace any 


resemblance, except that both are green; at any rate there 
is no danger of the merest tyro in pomology confounding 
the two varieties. There is, however, a remarkable diver- 
sity in the fruit arising from the different soils and climates 
in which it is cultivated, North and South, and while, like 
many other varieties, its size is greatly developed, its 
texture and flavor are depreciated in the migrations 

Fruit large, flattened, globular, somewhat angular, or 
flattened, sometimes having a shallow sulcus or furrow on 



one side; Surface smooth, yellow or orange, being some- 
times faintly blushed; Dots gray, with white bases. 
Basin rather shallow and folded; Eye small and open, 
calycinal segments being short. 
Cavity wide, but often lipped, brown; Stem short, very 
thick, clubbed or knobby. 

tas “ieae? Wrenereue 


Core large, closed, clasping the eye; Seeds numerous, 
angular; Flesh yellow, tender, breaking, fine-grained ; 
Flavor sub-acid and somewhat aromatic; of first quality 
in the North; Use, table, kitchen or market ; Season, De- 
cember to January, or later. 


This delicious table apple has strong claims upon our 
admiration, on account of its good qualities as a dessert 
fruit, for the extreme delicacy of its skin and flesh render 
it unfit for market; it is therefore not profitable for the 
commercial orchard. 

Treéthrifty, stocky, vigorous, strongly branched, pro- 

Fig. 253.—PRIMATE. 

ductive ; Shoots stout, short, light olive; Buds prominent, 
foliage pale green. 

Fruit full medium, globular, angular, irregular ; Surface 
smooth, greenish-yellow, becoming almost white, some- 
times faintly blushed; Dots minute. 

Basin abrupt, folded ; Eye small but long, closed; Seg- 
ments reflexed. 


Cavity acute, wavy, green; Stem medium to long, 

Core medium, round, closed, clasping ; Seeds numerous, 
angular, long, dark; Flesh oreenish- white, very. tender, 

fine-orained ; “Flavor mild sub- acid, very agreeable; Qual- 

ity best ; Use, the dessert ; Season, July and August. 

Not having had the good fortune to study this apple, I 
quote the description ¢ given by Downing: 

“ A native of Middletown, Connecticut. Tree a moder- 
ate grower and forms a handsome head, bears early and 
very y productive. bd 

**Size above medium, rather globular, inclining to conie, 

sometimes oblate, somewhat angular ; Stem short, insert- 

ed into a round cavity, surrounded by russet ; ; Calyx large, 
partially closed, set in a shallow, open basin ; Skin smooth, 
yellow, with a sunny cheek, sometimes a few scattered, 
oray dots ; Flesh solid, tender, crisp, Juicy, with a ver 
refreshing, vinous flavor. Ripe October until April.” 

Fig. 254.—QUINCE. 





This does not appear to be exactly the same as that de- 
scribed by Coxe, and later by Downing. This fruit is not 
very extensively cultivated. The specimens described are 
from that precise pomologist T. T. Lyon, of Michigan. 

Fruit full medium, globular, angular, ribbed; Surface 
smooth, greenish-yellow, pale. 

Basin narrow, folded, plaited; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity acute, wavy ; Stem medium, yellow. 

Core oval, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds numerous, 
angular, plump, brown; Flesh yellowish-white, tender, 
fine-grained, juicy; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic; Quality 
good for cooking; Season, November to January. 


This apple is highly esteemed by Mr. W. G. Waring, 
of Center County, Pennsylvania, where it originated. 

Tree hardy and vigorous, a good and regular bearer. 

“Fruit large, globular, somewhat depressed, slightly 
conic, angular; Skin yellow, slightly shaded and thinly 
sprinkled with brown dots; Stalk short, inserted in a deep, 
abrupt cavity, surrounded by thin russet ; Calyx partially 
closed, set in an open basin; Flesh yellowish, tender, 
juicy, with a very agreeable sub-acid flavor ; October.”— 
| Downing. | 

Sheepnose—of Ikars. 

This substantial little apple was presented by Wm. 
E. Mears, a zealous horticulturist of Clermont County, 
Ohio, where it is considerably cultivated. Origin un- 

Fruit medium, round, slightly conic, irregular; Surface 
smooth, greenish yellow, white striz about the base, like 
White Winter Pearmain, which it resembles in some other 
respects ; Dots minute. 

Basin shallow, wavy; Eye long, closed. 

Cavity acute, narrow, bronzed ; Stem medium, knobbed. 

Core roundish oval, irregular, open, clasping ; Seeds nu- 
merous, plump, dark; Flesh yellowish-white, breaking, 
tender, juicy; Flavor sub-acid; Quality good; Use, table 
and kitchen ; Season, December to February. 

Summer Pippin. i 

A favorite apple about New York—not known exten- 
sively. Tree vigorous, forming a beautiful head, a regular 
and good bearer. 

Fruit medium to large, variable in form, sometimes ob- 
long-oval, or inclining to conic, angular and irregular; Skin 
pale waxen yellow, shaded with a delicate crimson blush, 


} ( AY, 


and sprinkled with green and grayish dots; Stalk varies 
in length and thickness, inserted ina deep, abrupt cavity ; 
Calyx closed, set in a deep, abrupt, corrugated basin; 
Flesh white, tender, moderately juicy, with a pleasant, re- 
freshing sub-acid flavor; Valuable for culinary uses; Rip- 
ens in August and continues a month or more.—[ Downing. | 

a ie ee ee ee ee 



Another of Reuben Ragan’s Indiana seedlings. Tree 
poor in the nursery—good in the orchard. Very produc- 

Fruit large, globular, flattened, angular; Surface 
smooth, pale yellow, blushed carmine; Dots scattered, 

Mite ul MV 

Fig. 256.—TRANSPORT. 

green, with white bases, becoming purple where exposed ; 
Bloom white. 

Basin medium, plaited ; Eye small, closed. | 

Cavity deep, acute, brown; Stem medium to long. 

Core irregular, closed, clasping ; Axis short ; Seeds dark, 
pointed, imperfect; Flesh, yellowish-white, tender, melt- 
ing, fine-grained, juicy; Flavor mild sub-acid, rich; Qual- 
ity good to very good; Use, table, kitchen, market; Sea- 
son, December to February. Not very profitable. 

White Pippin. 

The origin of this valuable fruit is entirely unknown, 
and its history can only be traced to the nursery of Silas 


Wharton, who may nave brought it with him from the 
East. For a time some of our leading pomologists 
thought it was the Canada Reinette, but this idea has 
long since been relinquished, and all agree that it is swé 
generis, though it may havehad a different name. In 
some of its external characters it more nearly resembles 

i \ 

Fig. 257.—WHITE PIPPIN. 

the Yellow Newtown Pippin than any other fruit; but, 
while it lacks the high, spicy flavor of that apple, it 1s 
found to be much more profitable j in the orchard. 

The tree is remarkably thrifty, vigorous and produc- 
tive, upright, with very dark shoots, covered with down, 
bearing large leaves that are quite downy beneath, and 
deep green above. 

Fruit large, variable in form, angular, sometimes lop- 
sided, generally fair, free from scab ; Surface smooth, green 
or ereenish- white to very pale yellow when ripe; the 
skin toward the base is often marked on the unripe apple 
with indistinct wavy stripes of white, the interspaces are 
sometimes colored by exposure, and assume a pink or pur- 

Nba Waser ipa asec es ee ayer eee ae Ge we One RE ie errs bak eee 


plish.hue, making the fruit appear to be striped; Dots 
very minute, and surrounded by green bases that are 
most distinct before the fruit is perfectly ripe; these and 
the white stripes are very characteristic. 

Basin deep, abrupt, regular, wavy or folded; Eye small, 

Cavity wide, deep, wavy, brown and green: Stem short, 
sometimes thick. 

Core small, pyriform, closed, clasping ; Seeds numerous, 
angular, pale brown, pointed; Flesh white or yellowish- 
white, breaking, granular, juicy; Flavor acid to sub-acid, 
not spicy ; Quality good; Use, kitchen rather than table, 
cooks very well; Season, December and January; not a 
very good keeper; may be preserved until March. 

Wellow Newtown. 

The origin of this variety of the Newtown Pippin, whica 
has obtained such a world-wide notoriety as the ‘ Ameri- 


can Apple,” is very uncertain. The distinction between 
this and the Green Newtown, as described under Class III, 
I, 2, 1, was well known to Coxe. 



Tree resembling that of the Green variety, slow grow- 
er in the nursery, having rough bark when old, not an 
early bearer, but large, spreading, and productive, and in 
suitable soils profitable. From some cause, however, the 
orchards of both these apples are much less satisfactory in 
their results than formerly in many parts of the country. 
Still it is often seen in great perfection, and [ am compil- 
ing this description from outlines and notes of a large 
number that were very fine. 

Fruit large, round, more or less modified by being cyl- 
indrical, truncated, lop-sided, ribbed, and irregular, some- 
times even conic; Surface smooth, yellowish-green, some- 
times bronzy, becoming yellow when ripe, like the White 
Pippin, it is marked with gray striz near the base while 
green; Dots minute, scattered, whitish bases. 

Basin large, folded, ribbed or plaited; Eye medium, 
rather open. 

Cavity deep, acute, brown; Stem medium or short, rarely 

Core medium, oval, regular, closed, meeting or clasping 
the eye; Seeds pointed, brown, sometimes imperfect ; Flesh 
yellow, firm, breaking, juicy, not crisp like the Green va- 
riety ; Flavor acid, aromatic, rich, very agreeable; Quality 
best ; Use, table, kitchen, market and cider ; Season, March. 





This handsome and delicious early apple is a native of 
Dedham, Massachusetts. Its good qualities have caused 
its culture to be widely extended, and it appears to give 
very general satisfaction; though not so early as some 
other kinds, for the dessert especially, it is indispensable to 
the amateur. 

ae Home (6 went 


Tree small, upright, close, productive, early bearer; 
Shoots slender, brown, leaves thin, long. 

Fruit small to medium, round, truncated, somewhat an- 
gular, irregular; Surface smooth, yellow, covered mixed 
red, striped scarlet and carmine; Dots minute. 

Basin wide, abrupt; Eye large, open or closed. 

Fig. 259.—BENONI. 

Cavity acute, wavy, brown; Stem medium, green, often 
stout. . 

Core small, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds angular, 
dark; Flesh yellow, fine-grained, juicy; Flavor rich, sub- 
acid, spicy ; Quality best; Use, dessert, kitchen and mar- 
ket; Season, July and August. Delicious and profitable. 


This fine apple, from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 
was reported on by the ad interim Committee of the 
Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, and was brought to 
my notice by Dr. J. K. Eshleman, of Downingtown, in 
whose beautiful orchard I had an opportunity of studying 
the variety. 

Tree large, spreading, vigorous, productive, said to be 


Fruit medium to large, round, somewhat angular; Sur- 
face smooth, yellow, nearly covered with stripes of bright 
rich red. 

Basin deep, wavy; Eye closed. 

Cavity large, brown; Stem short to medium. 

Flesh whitish, breaking, fine-grained, juicy; Flavor 
sub-acid, agreeable; Quality good, especially for culinary 
use and market ; Season, August and September. 


This is a famous long keeper of Indiana origin. The 
honors of its discovery are divided between the Sigersons 
and R, Ragan. 

Tree vigorous, healthy, productive, said to be hardy. 

Fruit full medium to large, globular, truncated, cylin- 
drical, irregular, flattened at the sides or angular ; Axis 

Fig. 260.—CHRONICLE. 

inclined in some; Surface yellowish-green to yellow, mix- 
ed and striped dull red; Dots large, scattered, yellow, in- 


Basin, wide, deep, regular or wavy; Eye small to me- 
dium, closed. 

Cavity wide, wavy or acute, sometimes lipped, brown; 
Stem medium to long, sometimes thick. 

Core small, closed, meeting; Seeds numerous, pointed, 
plump; Flesh greenish to yellow, firm; Flavor sub-acid, not 
spicy ; Quality scarcely good, except for culinary Use and 
for market; Season, March to May. Keeps sound even 
when bruised. 


“From Massachusetts. Tree moderately vigorous, 
spreading, productive.”—|[Downing.]_. 

Fruit medium to large, round, flattened at the ends, an- 
gular or uneven; Surface yellowish-green, mixed red, 
splashed deep red; Dots minute, indented. 

Basin wide, abrupt, folded; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, wavy, green; Stem short or me- 

Core large, wide, open, clasping ; Seeds numerous, small, 
pointed ; Flesh white, tender, fine-grained, juicy; Flavor 
sub-acid, aromatic; Quality good; Use, table; Season, 

Specimens obtained from Mr. Warren. 

Bersey Black. 
BLACK APPLE of Coxe ? 

This admirable but unpretending fruit has extended its 
way quietly through the country, along the parallels 40° 
to 42°, without ever having had any extra puffing, such 
as has given notoriety to some of its competitors for places 
in the orchard. Nobody speaks about this apple, nor 
writes about it, and yet it is everywhere to be found. This 
cannot be the Black Apple of Coxe and Downing, being 
quite different in some of its strong characters. Origin 
unknown , supposed to have been introduced into the West 
by Silas Wharton, of Warren County, Ohio, as it is found 
with the White Pippin and other favorite sorts of his in- 
troduction, and is in his published list. 

Tree sufficiently vigorous, but does not grow large, 
spreading, often drooping when old, branches open, always 
fruitful, either well distributed in a light crop, or crowded 
in a full one. 


Fruit full medium, round, angular and irregular, some- 
times ribbed; Surface smooth, completely covered with 
deep red, striped darker, giving a purple, almost black 
hue to the fr uit, often covered with a thin bloom ; one va- 
riety is always lighter, stripes more distinct, and the flesh 
more stained ; Dots numcrous, minute, indented, purple. 

Basin mostly shallow, folded and plaited; Eye small to 
medium, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, brown, often wavy or folded; Stem 
short, medium or long, usually stout, sometimes knobbed. 

Fig, 261. —JERSEY BLACK. 

Core medium, eu generally closed, clasping the 
eye; Seeds numerous, short, plump, pointed, dark; Flesh 
yellow, crisp, fine-grained, juicy, often stained pink or red- 
dish; Flavor rich, mild sub-acid, aromatic, not spicy, sat- 
isfyng; Quality good; Use, table, kitchen, cider and for 
stock ; ‘Season, December, January ; keeps sound, A good 
market apple. 



This splendid apple, which has attracted so much atten- 
tion of recent years, had its origin, as is supposed, in 
Tompkins County, New York, where it has been much 

Tree vigorous, healthy, large and spreading, an abund- 
ant annual bearer. 

Fruit large, handsome, globular, irregular, somewhat 

Fig. 262.—KING. 

conic, angular; Surface smooth, yellow, covered deep red, 
marbled and striped; Dots numerous, gray, large. 

Basin shallow, folded; Eye large, short, closed. 

Cavity wide, shallow, wavy; Stem short or long, thick 
or slender, red. 

Core very large, turbinate, regular, closed; Seeds im- 
perfect, angular; Flesh yellowish-white, tender, breaking ; 
Flavor sub-acid, aromatic; Quality best; Use, table, 
kitchen and market; Season, December and longer. 


Missouri Keeper. 

Specimens from Norman J. Colman, Esq., Editor of the 
Rural World, St. Louis, Missouri. Origin unknown. 

Fruit medium to small, round, irregular; Surface 
smooth, shaded, mixed, striped red ; Dots numerous, large, 
white, distinct. 

Basin abrupt, regular; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity narrow, regular ; Stem medium to short, knobby, 
thick. :, 

. Core regular, closed; Seeds numerous, long, plump, an- 
gular; Flesh yellow, breaking, tender, fine-grained, juicy ; 
Flavor sub-acid ; Quality good to very good; Use, table, 
market and kitchen; Season, January to July. 

Specimens cut and described on the 25th of June were 
in perfect condition. 




Fig. 263.—NONPAREIL, 

The history and origin of this nice autumn fruit have 
not been ascertained, and it may prove to be an old va- 


riety with a changed name—considerably grown in Nor- 
thern Illinois. Specimens from Dr. Geo, Haskell, of Rock- 
ford, are here described. 

Fruit medium to large, round, somewhat conic, angu- 
lar, ribbed; Surface smooth, waxy-yellow, splashed crim- 
son; Dots minute. 

Basin shallow, folded and plaited; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, wavy, sometimes lipped ; Stem long 
to medium, thick, green. 

Core wide, regular, open, meeting the eye; Seeds nu- 
merous, angular, brown; Flesh white, tender, fine-grained, 
juicy; Flavor acid, aromatic; Quality quite good; Use, 
table; Season, September and October. 

Stewart’s Nonpareil—Local Name. 

This early apple is quite a favorite in Clarke County, 
Ohio, and may prove to be the Tetofski, or some other 
known variety, when it comes to be more thoroughly ex- 
amined. Fruits received from my brother, J. T. Warder. 

Fruit medium, roundish, conical, irregular, angular ; Sur- 
face smooth, yellowish-green, splashed carmine ; Dots mi- 
nute, scattered, indented. 

- Basin small, abrupt, folded ; Eye very small, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, narrow; Stem long, slender. 

Core large, oval, open, clasping the eye; Seeds numer- 
ous, brown; FJesh white, tender, fine-grained, juicy ; Fla- 
vor sub-acid; Quality good to best; Use, table and kitch- 
en; Season, July and August, in latitude 40°. 


This little foreigner was brought from Russia, and seems 
as well adapted to our climate and tastes as are its com- 
panions from the same region. 

Tree vigorous, hardy, productive, upright, leaves broad, 
pale or light green. 

Fruit small to medium, round, flattened, somewhat conic, 
angular; Surface smooth, yellow, striped, splashed, car- 
mine, white bloom. 

Basin shallow, folded; Eye large, closed. 

Cavity wide, wavy, or deep, acute; Stem short, yellow. 



Core large, closed, clasping ; Seeds numerous, plump, 
brown ; Flesh yellowish- -white, breaking, fine grained, 
juicy ; Flavor acid; Quality ood; Use, market, kitchen ; 
Season, June, J uly—before Early Harvest. 



Golden Harvey. 

This highly flavored English apple is often referred to, 
but is rarely seen in American collections; but as it may 
be interesting to some, I quote Downing’s brief descrip- 
“ Fruit small, irregularly round; Skin rather rough, dull 
russet overa yellow ground, with a russety red cheek; 
Flesh yellow, of fine texture, with a rich sub-acid flavor. 
The fruit is apt to shrivel.” 

Tree of slender growth. 




Downing’s Paragon. 

Originated at Canton, Illinois. Tree upright, bears an- 
nualiy, productive. 

Fruit large, round, but appearing oblong, regular; Sur- 
face smooth, yellow to golden, slightly bronzed or blushed 
when fully ripe; this and the dots can scarcely be seen 
while the fruit is immature. 

ithedindaeimeni ae eererwesce 


Basin deep, abrupt, plaited ; Eye medium, closed. 
Cavity deep, acute, irregular; Stem long. 
Core very small, oval, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds 

y } 
Y H}/1 


numerous, plump; Flesh very tender; Flavor sweet, rich, 
aromatic; Quality good; Use, table; September to De- 


Native of Pennsylvania. Tree very erect and an excel- 
lent bearer. Fruit rather small, oblong or oblong-conical, 
greenish; Flesh tender, juicy. If this apple ripened in 
October (apple butter season) it would be more valuable. 

—[W. G. Waring’s MS. ] 
Pennsylvania Sweeting. 

Found in Southern Illinois. Origin and history un- 
known. . 


Fruit large. oblone, regular: Surface dull greenish-yel- 
fh) 59 S 5) S y 

low; Dots numerous, dark, discnct. 
Basin deep, abrupt, regular; Eye large, closed. 
Cavity deep, acute, irregular ; Stem medium. 

Core irregular, large, open, clasping; Seeds numerous, 



small; Flesh tender, melting, fine-grained ; Flavor very 
sweet; Quality good; Use, baking and stock; Season, 

early winter. ‘ 

ys Jee ake 


Wells’ Sweeting. 

Origin and history unknown. 

Fruit medium, round or oblong, regular; Surface 
smooth, white, some blush; Dots scattered, prominent. 

Basin wide, regular, leather-cracked ; Eye large, closed. 


Cavity medium, regular, green ; Stem medium. 

Core pyriform, closed ; Seeds numerous, angular, plump ; 
Flesh white, firm, juicy; Flavor sweet ; Use, baking and 
stock; Season, October and December. 




Black Gilliflower. 

‘An old variety, which cannot be very highly praised, 
for it is but an indifferent fruit, and yet, on account of its 
productiveness and keeping properties, it is considered 
profitable for orchard planting. 

Fruit rather large, oblong-ovate, regular; Surface near- 


y WI WX \ 


ly covered with stripes of very deep red that make it look 
nearly black. 
Basin very shallow, often plaited; Eye small, closed. 
Cavity deep, acute, brown; Stem long, slender. 


Core very large, oval, regular, meeting the eye; Seeds 
numerous, plump or imperfect ; Flesh whitish, dry ; Flavor 
only sweet; Use, essentially market, may be valuable for 
stock ; Season, November to March. 


Origin Bolton, Massachusetts. Tree rather slender, but 
Fruit medium to full medium, oblong, regular ; Surface 

s y 

Fig. 268.—MOTHEh. 

smooth, shaded red on yellow, with close, fine stripes of 
red; Dots minute. 

Basin medium, regular or plaited; Eye long, small, 

Cavity acute, regular or wavy; Stem long, slender. 

Core medium, turbinate, regular, closed, clasping ; Seeds 
numerous; Flesh yellow, crisp, very fine-grained, juicy ; 


Flavor sweet, very rich, vinous, aromatic; Quality best; 
Use, dessert; Season, October to January. 

Ramsdell’s Red. 

Origin Connecticut. Tree vigorous, upright, many 
branches, productive, early bearer; Shoots slender, red- 
dish ; Foliage rather light green. 

Fruit medium to large, oblong, regular, truncated ; Sur- 

Fig. 269.—RAMSDELL’S RED. 

face smooth, yellow, hidden by bright red, mixed and 
striped ; Dots numerous, yellow, distinct. 

Basin rather deep, abrupt, wavy ; Eye small to medium, 

eo a+ Spee we eee 


Cavity deep, acute, wavy ; Stem medium to long, often 
red. ° 

Core large, oval, closed, clasping the eye; Seeds large ; 
Flesh yellow, breaking, juicy; Flavor very sweet, rich; 
Quality very good; Use, baking and stock; Season, Sep- 
tember to December. 




Viamsfieid Russet. 

“ Brought into notice by Dr. Joseph Mansfield, of Gro- 
ton, Massachsetts. Tree vigorous and very productive. 
Fruit small, oblong, inclining to conic; Skin cinnamon 
russet; Stem long, inserted in a deep, furrowed cavity ; 
Calyx partially closed, set in an open basin; Flesh not 
very juicy, rich, aromatic, saccharine, vinous; Keeps un- 
til April and May.”—[ Downing. | 




Bailey’s Golden. 

“ Origin Kennebec County,-Maine. Tree productive; 
Fruit large, oblong, flattened at base and crown; Skin 
yellowish, slightly russeted, with a warm cheek; Stem 
short, surrounded by russet, in a broad, deep cavity ; Calyx 
large and*open, basin shallow; Flesh white, with a pleas- 
ant sub-acid flavor; January to March.”—[ Downing. | 


Carclina Red June. 

Origin southern, though long extensively grown in the 
North, and everywhere in the West a favorite early fruit. 

Tree hardy, vigorous, healthy, upright, early bearer, 
productive ; Shoots slender, dark; Foliage dark. 


Fruit small to medium, form variable, but generally ob- 
long-ovate, regular; Surface smooth, deep red on white, 
nearly universal; Dots minute. 

Basin shallow, folded, plaited ; Eye small, closed; Seg- 
ments reflexed. 

Cavity narrow, acute; Stem medium or short. 

Core oval, open, meeting the eye; Seeds numerous, 
small, plump; Flesh white, very tender, fine-grained, juicy ; 
Flavor sub-acid, not rich; Quality good; Use, table and 
market ; Season, June and July—one of the earliest. 


There is a striped variety, the Striped June, from Vir- 
ginia, similar in every respect except the external mark- 
ings. It is, of course, quite different from the Virginia 
JSune.—(Q. vide p. 500.) 

Crawford Keeper. 

This fruit was received from H. N. Gillett, Lawrence 
County, Ohio. 

Fruit large, cylindrical, oblong, lop-sided; Surface 
_ smooth, purplish red; Dots numerous, fawn colored. 

Basin wide, shallow, wavy ; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity acute, regular, rough, brown; Stem medium. 

Core regular, open; Seeds numerous, brown; Flesh yel- 
low, breaking, tender, fine-grained, juicy ; Flavor sub-acid, 
_ rich; Quality good to very good; Use, table;.Season, 
February to April. Very desirable. 


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a oe 

= Fig. 271.—cUMBERLAND SPICE. 


Cumberland Spice. 

Origin New Jersey; not very extensively cultivated, 
for, though sometimes excellent, it is not found to bea 
profitable sort. 

Fruit rather oblong, contracted toward the eye, or 
ovate, regular; sometimes the Axis is inclined ; Surface 
pale yellow ; Dots large, brown, scattered. 

Basin shallow, regular or folded; Eye large, partially 

Cavity deep, acute ; Stem generally long. 

Core large, round, very open, not touching the eye; 
Seeds numerous, large, pointed; Flesh yellow, tender, 
breaking, juicy; Flavor acid to sub-acid, rich, aromatic ; 
Quality good to best, but uncertain; Use, table, kitchen, 
not profitable; Season, October to December. 

Curtis Greening. 

This fruit was found in Illinois; origin uncertain. 


Fruit medium to large, cylindrical, oblong, truncated ; 


Axis inclined; Surface yellow, bronzy; Dots numerous, 
dark, indented. 

Basin abrupt, wide, regular; Eye large, open. 

Cavity deep, acute, regular; Stem short. 

Core small, fig-shaped, closed, clasping ; Seeds numer- 
ous, small, plump; Flesh yellow, breaking ; Flavor sub- 
acid, rich ; Quality good; Use, table and kitchen; Season, 
_ January and February. . 

Dawson’s Cluster. 

_ From Clark County, Ohio. 
Fruit full medium, oblong-truncate or ovate, regular ; 

pa deaf 

Surface smooth, pale yellow, blushed lightly with brown; 
Dots scattered, gray. 

Basin abrupt, regular; Eye large, closed. 

Cavity very acute, wavy ; Stem long, witha knob. 

Core medium, heart-shaped, regular, closed, clasping ; 
Seeds numerous, plump, large ; Flesh yellowish-white, fine- 


grained, tender, juicy; Flavor sub-acid ; Quality good; 
~ Use, kitchen, but chiefly recommended for cider; Season, 
November. An enormous bearer. 

Franklin Golden.* 

Tree thrifty, upright, moderately productive; Fruit ob- 
long, ¢ylindrical; Surface smooth, yellow ; Dots distinct, 
gray, not humerous, 

Basin wide, shallow, finely plaited; Eye long, closed. 

Cavity medium, oreenish ; Stem long. 

Core small, pyriform, regular, closed, clasping ; Seeds 
plump, pointed ; Flesh yellow, tender, fine-grained, juicy ; 
Flavor acid, rich; Quality very good; Use, table; Sea- 
son, mid-winter. 

A choice dessert fruit. 

Garimes’ Golden. 

Another apple of similar and equally high character. 
Origin, Brooke County, Virginia. Introduced to _ the 
State Pomological Society by our zealous fellow member 

Fig. 274.—GRIMES’ GOLDEN. 
* Fall Butter, on page 677, belongs here, 


S. B. Marshall, Massillon, Ohio, who obtained it from N. 
Wood, of Belmont County. 

Tree vigorous, healthy, spreading, productive, bears 
early; Shoots stout, dark; Foliage abundant, dark green. 

Fruit full medium, cylindrical, regular; Surface yellow, 
vein-russeted ; Dots numerous, minute. 

Basin abrupt, folded; Eye large, closed. 

Cavity wide, regular, green; Stem long, curvea, 

Core small, pyriform, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds 
numerous, plump, brown; Flesh yelloW, firm, breaking, 
very fine-grained, juicy; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic, spicy, 
rich, refreshing; Quality very best; Use, dessert, too 
good for aught else; those who have tried it say that it is 
excellent for cooking ; Season, January to March. 

KMirkbridge White. 

This fruit has been pretty extensively cultivated in 
some parts of the Western States, and sometimes mistaken 

for the Yellow June. Tree of moderate growth, bears 
early, productive. 


Fruit small, oblong-conic, regular; Surface smooth, 
pale yellow or white; Dots minute, gray, scattered. 

Basin small, shallow or abrupt, narrow, regular; Eye 
small, closed; Segments reflexed. 

Cavity deep, acute, regular, brown ; Stem long, slender, 

Core medium, pyriform, regular, open, meeting the eye ; 
Seeds numerous, plump, pointed, brown; I*lesh white, 
fine-grained, tender, juicy; Flavor sub-acid; Quality very 
good; Use, table, market; Season, July, August, after 
Early Harvest. 



Fig. 276.—ORTLEY. 



This excellent New J ersey apple bas been cultivated 
very satisfactorily over a great extent of our country, and 
is still seen in some Western collections, exhibiting ‘all its 
peculiar beauty, but in many places where it was a great 
favorite but a few years since, it has become so defective 
from scab and bitter-rot that it is rapidly disappearing 
from the nurseries and orchards, 

Tree vigorous, healthy, upright, becoming large and 
spreading, very productive; Shoots stout, dark, bearing 
limbs brittle, and often broken by the fruit. 

Fruit large, oblong, conic, truncated, regular; Surface 
smooth, pale yellow, rarely blushed light carmine, and 
red spots ; Dots minute, indented, white bases seen only 
in the unripe fruit. 

Basin medium, regular, plaited ; Eye small, very long, 

Cavity deep, acute, regular, brown; Stem long, slender. 

Core medium, oval, regular, open, meeting the very long 
eye; Seeds numerous, short, plump, pointed, dark, easil 
loosened, when they rattle in the large open capsules; Flesh 
yellowish, tender, breaking, juicy; Flavor acid to sub- 
acid, sprightly, refreshing; Quality best ; Use, table, 
kitchen ; Season, November to January. 

The threatened failure of this fine fruit is much to be 
regretted. Its tissue is so fine as to suit even the invalid 
or convalescent, who could not safely partake of a more 
solid apple. 


Native of Sherburne, Massachusetts. Tree vigorous, 
healthy, productive. 

Fruit rather large, oblong, somewhat conic, often trun- 
cated; Surface smooth, yellow, often faintly blushed ; 
Dots few, sunken. 

Basin abrupt, folded; Eye large, closed. 

Cavity acute, wavy, brown ; Stem medium, 

Core medium, oval, regular, closed, meeting the eye; 
Seeds numerous, plump; Flesh yellowish white, breaking, 
tender, juicy; Flavor acid to sub-acid; Quality good to 
very good; Use, kitchen, table, market ; Season, August 
to October. 




Fig. 277.—PORTER. 



Fruited by Jas. H. Crain, of Undulation, Pulaski County, 
Illinois, on trees received from J. W. Felt & Co., Crystal 
Springs, Mississippi. « 

Special origin unknown, but believed to be southern. 
Tree vigorous, upright and productive ; Shoots stout. 

Fruit full medium to large, oblong, conic, regular, hand- 
some; Surface greenish-yellow; Dots numerous, rather 
large, gray and rough. 

Basin shallow, small, regular; Eye very small, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, regular, green; Stem medium to 

Core medium, oval, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds nu- 
merous, plump; Flesh yellow, breaking, fine-grained, 
juicy ; Flavor sub-acid, rich, very aromatic; Use, dessert 
especially ; Season, December and January; Quality best. 


Fig. 278.—sPARK’S. 



‘A seedling of Center County, Pennsylvania. Large, 
oblong, inclining to conical, delicately mottled, and striped 
with red on yellow ground; Stem short, thick, inserted in 
a deep, acuminate, russeted cavity; Basin deep, moder- 
ately wide; Flesh yellow, juicy, sprightly, refreshing; 
Very good; February.”—| Ad interim Reports. | 


Mr. Waring, of Tyrone, Pe:.nsylvania, writes me that 
the Boalsburg has not proved to be productive, and that 
he has discontinued its propagation. 

Cannon Pearmain., 

A southern apple; probably from North Carolina. 
Grown to some extent in parts of the West, where it 
proves a substitute for the Ben Davis, keeping longer. 


Tree vigorous, healthy, productive when old; Fruit 
medium, round, oblong or ovate, regular; Surface smooth, 
yellow, shaded red, faintly striped; Dots large, yellow, 

Basin deep, abrupt, regular, rarely wavy ; Eye small, 

Cavity acute, often lipped ; Stem long, slender, red. 

Core medium, regular, oval, closed, clasping; Seeds 
numerous, long, pointed; Flesh yellow, firm, breaking; 


Flavor mild sub-acid; Quality only good; Use, market, 
kitchen, table; Season, January to April. 

Cooper’s Market. 

“Tree vigorous, upright, with long, slender branches ; 
productive and a late keeper. 

“Fruit medium, oblong, conic; Skin yellowish, shaded 
with red, striped crimson; Stem short; Cavity deep, nar- 
row; Calyx closed; Basin small; Flesh white, tender, 
with a brisk, sub-acid flavor; December to May.”— 
| Downing. | 

Fall Butter.—[L. Jones.] * 

There are many apples with this name, but my good 
friend Lewis Jones thinks this is the only genuine kind, 
and deserving the name from its adaptation to the making 
of apple butter. Found in a seedling orchard of Eastern 
Indiana, and a distinct sort. 

Fruit large, handsome, globular; Surface smooth, green- 
ish-yellow ; Dots minute, prominent. 

Basin regular, abrupt, brown ; Eye mediun, closed. 

Cavity deep, narrow, green; Stem short. 

Core medium, round, open, clasping ; Seeds numerous, 
short, plump, dark; Flesh yellowish-white, breaking, fine- 
grained, juicy; Flavor sweet ; Quality best for table, bak- 
ing and apple butter ; Season, December and January. 


Introduced by Lewis Jones, Wayne County, Indiana. 
Believed to be a seedling. 

Fruit large, roundish, oblong, cylindrical, truncate ; 
Surface smooth, greenish yellow, shaded more or less 
with red, striped and splashed deep red ; Dots numerous 
or scattered, large, distinct, yellow. 

Basin medium, regular; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, regular, brown; Stem short to me- 
dium, curved. 

Core large, heart-shaped, regular, closed or open, clasp- 
ing ; Seeds numerous, short, pointed, plump; Flesh yel- 
low, tender, fine-grained, juicy; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic, 
rich; Quality very good to best; Use, table, market ; 
Season, December to February. Worthy of attention. 

* See page 670. 



San ear Ce 



“From Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. Tree vigor- | 
ous, spreading, quite prolific. 

Fruit medium, oblong, conic; fine red, striped on green , 
Flesh greenish white, tender, juicy, sub-acid, and high 
flavor ; November to April.”—|Saml. Miller, in Downing. | 

Indiana Beauty. 

This beautiful Indiana seedling always attracts attention 
by its external appearance, but it is not destined to be- 
come a general favorite. 

Fruit large, cylindrical, oblong, unequal; Axis in- 
clined ; Surface very smooth yellow, partially covered 
mixed scarlet, splashed carmine ; Dots numerous, smalk 


Basin deep, abrupt, folded ; Eye medium to large, closed. 
Cavity acute, wavy; Stem medium. 
Core small, oval, closed, clasping the eye; Seeds nu- 



merous, long, pointed, imperfect; Flesh yellowish, breaking, 
juicy; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic; Quality only good; 
Use, market, kitchen ; Season, September, November. 


Origin, Kingston, New York. Described by Judge 
Buell. A very superior dessert fruit; good for all pur- 
poses, and seems to do well everywhere. Its excellence has 
eaused it to be called, particularly, a gentleman’s apple, 
though quite acceptable to the farmers’ boys. 

Tree of rather slender growth; hence top-grafted in 
the orchard and stock-grafted in the nurs sery to produce - 


early results; Spreading, rather drooping, productive ; 
Shoots slender, light brown, buds small; Foliage rather 
sparse, grayish. 

Fruit medium, round or oblong, conic, truncated, regu- 
lar; Surface very smooth, waxy yellow, wholly covered 

Fig. 282.—JONATHAN. 

brilliant dark red, mixed and striped; Dots minute, rus- 

Basin deep, regular, russet-veined ; Eye small, closed, 
green. } 

Cavity acute, deep, regular, reddish brown ; Stem long, 

Core medium, roundish—oval, regular, closed, scarcely 
clasping the eye; Seeds numerous, large, angular; Flesh 
whitish yellow, tender, breaking, very juicy; Flavor sub- 
acid, aromatic, equal to Spitzenberg ; Quality best; Use, 
dessert, cooking, &c.; December, January. 

Should be in every orchard. 


Kaighn’s Spitzenberg.—[Core.] 

From Gloucester County, New Jersey. Tree spread- 
ing, very productive; Shoots slender. 

Fruit large, handsome, oblong, slightly conic, truncated, 
regular; Surface smooth, yellow, striped crimson; Dots 

Basin deep, abrupt, folded or regular; Eye medium, 
closed; Segments reflexed. 

Cavity deep, acute, regular, brown; Stem long, slender, 
red. . 

Core large, pyriform, regular, clasping, generally open; 
Seeds numerous, plump, angular, loose; Flesh yellow, 

F ik \ 
, IN 
j HIN \ 


breaking, juicy; Flavor acid to sub-acid, rather rich; 
Quality good for culinary use; Market and drying; Sea- 
son, November, December. 



Knowles’ Early. 

A favorite early apple about Philadelphia. Origin sup- 
posed to be Bucks County, Pennsylvania. 
Tree medium, thrifty, very productive, early bearer. 
Fruit small, conical, oblong, striped dull red on yellow. 
Basin shallow, plaited; Eye small, closed. ° | 
Cavity acute, regular; Stem medium to long. 
Flesh yellowish, very tender, juicy ; Flavor mild sub- 
acid, aromatic, agreeable; Quality good; Use, table, 
kitchen; Season, July and Ausust. 

Long Island Pearmain.—|[ Cove. | 

AUTUMN PEARMAIN, Thompson, according to Downing.—WINTER PEAR- 
MAIN, Western markets. 

An old variety found in all the early orchards of Ohio 
and Indiana, that were within the influence of Silas Whar- 
ton’s nursery. <A good, profitable variety that has been 
overlooked in the rage for novelties. 

Tree large, spreading, very productive; Fruit full me- 
dium, round, elongated, tapering slightly from the base, 
always truncated at the apex, regular; Surface smooth, 
yellowish green, covered with dull red, and striped maroon ; 
Dots numerous, minute, gray; russet-veined towards the 

Basin regular, wide, rather deep, slightly leather- 
cracked; Eye medium, open; Segments long. 

Cavity rather wide; Stem long. 

Core medium, heart-shaped, regular, closed, not clasp- 
ing ; Seeds numerous, large, plump, brown; Flesh yellow, 
breaking, firm, not very juicy; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic, 
rich, agreeable ; Quality good ; Use, family and market; 
Season, November till March. 

Miarston’s Red Winter. 

As I have never seen this fruit, I again quote from 
Downing : 

““T received this beautiful apple from Nathan Norton, 
of Greenland, New Hampshire, who said the original tree 
was more than a hundred years old, and still standing. 

“Tree hardy, of moderate growth, great bearer, and 
keeps as well as Baldwin, and by many preferred to that 
variety, and is a popular fruit in the neighborhood. 


“Fruit above medium size, oblong, oval, inclining to 
ovate; Stem three-quarters of an inch long, rather slen- 
der, in a narrow, deep, compressed, slightly russeted 
cavity, sometimes with a lip; Calyx partially closed ; 
Segments long, in a deep, corrugated basin; Color 
whitish yellow, shaded and striped with bright green and 
crimson, thickly sprinkled with minute dots ; Flesh whitish 
yellow, very juicy, tender, sprightly, sub-acid flavor; De- 
cember to March. 

Miffiim King. 

Origin Mifflin County, Pennsylvania. Fruit small, 
color of Rambo, perhaps a trifle more red, oblong ; Flesh 
remarkably tender, juicy and pleasant; First rate— 
| American Pomological Society’s Report. | 







Sweet Bellflower. 

This apple is supposed to have originated in the neigh- 
borhood of Dayton, Ohio, and is cultivated chiefly in the 
adjacent regions, and when found elsewhere is traceable 
to this source. 


Fruit large, roundish oblong, angula | ineven, 
greenish yellow, becoming creamy y ry rarel 
blushed or bronzed; Dots minute, moonied | 
by green in the unripe fruit. 

Basin medium, folded; Eye small, closed; Segments 
long, reflexed. 

Cavity acute, wavy, green; Stem long, slender. 

Core regular, roundish, open, meeting the eye; Seeds 



/ a : 


= : 




numerous, plump, angular, imperfect ; Flesh white, fine- 

grained, breaking, juicy; Flavor very sweet; Quality 

good to very good; Use, baking, table ; Season, December. 
Not equal to Broadwell. 




“From Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Fruit medium, 
oblong, oval, slightly angular; Skin mostly shaded with 
dark red, and sprinkled” with grayish dots; Flesh com- 
pact, tender, not juicy, almost sweet, pleasant; Septem- 
ber to October. ”—| Downing. | 

Illinois Pumpkin Sweet. 

This apple was found in Illinois. From the orchard of 
Mr. Montagu, who esteemed it very highly. 

Fruit medium, oblong, ovate, angular; Surface mixed, 
splashed and str ‘iped with dull red ; Dots scattered, dis- 
tinct, yellow. 


Basin abrupt, folded ; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity acute, folded; Stem medium, inclined. 

Core medium, pyriform, regular, closed, clasping ; Seeds 
numerous, angular, plump ; Flesh yellow, rather tough in 
winter, but “becomes melting in June”; Flavor very 
sweet; Quality good, Montagu says best; Use, kitchen, 

table; ’ Season; January till June. 






Genesee Chief, 

Fruit large to very large, roundish oblong, ribbed or 
angular ; Surface smooth, pale yellow, sometimes bronzed ; 
Dots scatter ed, minute. 

Basin shallow, medium ; Eye small, but very long, closed. 

Cavity narrow, pointed, green ; Stem medium, knobby. 

Core very large, round, clasping, very open; Seeds 
numerous, defective, angular, brown; Flesh white, tender, 
breaking, juicy ; Flavor acid, thin ; Quality second rate— 
good only for cooking - Season, August. 






Mu —— 


A seedling of Indiana. Brought into notice by Lewis 
Jones, of Wayne County, who has frequently exhibited 
the fruit, and distributed grafts of this excellent apple, 
which may compensate for the failure of its reputed parent, 
the Ortley. 

Fruit large, oblong, conic or ovate, often angular or 
ribbéd ; Surface smooth, pale yellow, rarely blushed; 
Dots scattered, dark. 

Basin shallow, often abrupt, folded or plaited; Eye 
small, closed. 


Cavity deep, acute, wavy; Stem long, slender. 
Core rather small, round, regular, open, meeting the 
eye; Seeds numerous, long, angular; Flesh yellow, ten- 

TR att 
i} MAN AW 
f \ 
\\ NY 
HI Uiss = 

Fig. 287.—HENWOOD. 

der, fine-grained, juicy; Flavor acid to sub-acid, rich; 
Quality very good to best ; Season, December to February. 

Keswick Codling. 

An old English variety, which has greatly pleased the 
people of our country, who find it a valuable market and 
family fruit, particularly desirable in the North -and 

Tree vigorous, hardy, productive, an early bearer; 
Shoots branching in a peculiar manner, dark. 


Fruit medium, oblong, conical, truncated, ribbed; Sur- 
face smooth, pale yellow; Dots scattered, minute. 

Basin medium, folded; Eye medium to large, closed. 

Cavity acute, regular, browned ; Stem long, yellow, 

Core large, open, clasping ; Seeds numerous, angular ; 
Flesh greenish yellow, fine-grained, tender, juicy ; Flavor 


acid ; Quality good to very good for its use—cooking ; 
Season, August to October. 
The fruit may be cooked in June. 


Newark Pippin. 

Origin, New Jersey. Tree not large, orushy, limbs 
crooked, twiggy, drooping, not very productive or satis- 

Fruit above medium, oblong, cylindrical, truncated very 
abruptly, slightly angular; Surface smooth, rich yellow 
when ripe; Dots minute. 

Basin wide, regular ; Eye large, open. 

Cavity wide, regular; Stem long, slender. 

Core large, oval or pyriform, regular, closed, clasping ; 
Seeds numerous, angular, plump; Flesh deep yellow, 
breaking, ‘fine-grained, juicy ; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic, 

Fig. 289,.—NEWARK PIPPIN. 

rich, sprightly ; Quality best; Use, dessert, cooking ; Sea- 
son, December to February. 


A delicious fruit for amateurs, but its place is supplant- 
ed by Grimes’ Golden, which is a much better tree, with 
fruit of similar good qualities, and better. 

Reck Pippin. 

This admirable long-keeper has claims upon the atten- 
tion of the commercial orchardist, on account of its 

Fig. 290.—RocK PIPPIN. 

soundness and beauty in the spring. Tree very thrifty, 
large, productive; Branches open, spreading; Shoots 
stout, dark; Foliage large, scattered. 

Fruit full medium, oblong, ovate, angular, often ribbed, 
truncate at the apex, sometimes unequal; Surface very 
smooth, very rich yellow, blushed bright carmine when 
ripe; Dots few, small, dark. 


Basin shallow, plaited or folded ; Eye small, short, closed. 

Cavity acute, often lipped; Stem medium. 

Core medium, pyriform, open, somewhat clasping ; 
Seeds numerous, long, brown; Flesh yellow, breaking, 
rather dry; Flavor acid to sub-acid, rich; Quality only 
good; Use, market and kitchen; Season, December to 
May; of most value to sell at the latter period. 

Cooks well all winter. 

Wellow Bellflower. 

This noble and valuable constituent of our orchards came 
from Burlington County, New Jersey, where it was first 


described by Coxe. This apple has succeeded in almost 
all parts of the country, North and South, and has proved 
remarkably hardy. The quality of the fruit varies with 
the soil, being best and most highly flavored and colored 


on exposed ridges of rather thin soil, while those on rich 
low bottoms or prairies are slow in bearing, and then pro- 
duce very large fruit. The crops, however, are not al- 
ways satisfactory in such situations, though the trees be- 
come very large; the blossoms are often destroyed by 
spring frosts. 

Tree vigorous, thrifty, hardy, large, spreading, droopin eo: 
Twigs slender, brown; Foliage abundant, long, wavy; 
Blossoms very large, on long stems, exposed to the weath- 
er and not protected by the leaves. . 

Fruit large to very large, oblong, ovate, angular, ribbed ; 
Surface smooth, rich yellow, sometimes blushed; Dots 
scattered, gray. 

Basin shallow or moderately deep, plaited or folded ; 
Eye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute or wide, wavy ; Stem long, curved. 

Core large, oval, open, clasping ; Seeds dark, large, an- 
gular, imperfect; Flesh yellow, breaking, fine-grained, 
juicy ; Flavor acid to sub-acid, aromatic, very rich and 
satisfying; Quality best; Use, table, kitchen, market; 
Season, December. 

One of the finest culinary apples in the catalogue. 

York Imperial. 

From the neighborhood of York, Pennsylvania, Ex- 
hibited before the State Society at the meeting in Lebanon, 
1855. Tree said to be healthy and productive. 

Fruit large, rather oblong, somewhat angular; Surface 
smooth, mixed bright red on greenish yellow. 

Basin wide, plaited ; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity deep, wide ; Stem short. 

Flesh yellowish, tender, juicy ; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic; 
Quality quite good; Use, market, kitchen; Season, Jan- 
uary, February. SC 3 




Clyde Beauty. 
“Origin, Wayne County, New York. Tree vigorous, 

upright, very productive. 
“Fruit large, roundish, conic, angular; Skin greenish, 



Fig. 292.—cLYDE BEAUTY. 

oily, sprinkled and mottled with dull red, and bright red 
in the sun: Stem short, slender, inserted in an acute cavi- 


ty ; Calyx closed, set in a small corrugated basin; Flesh 
white, tender, juicy, with a brisk sub-acid flavor ; October 
to January.”—[Downing. | 

Frank or Chenango. 

This beautiful apple has been called also the Late 
Strawberry. So, to avoid confusion, perhaps, it were bet- 
ter to adopt its local name Frank. It is a native of New 

Fruit medium to large oblong, tapering, irregular; Sur- 
face smooth, beautifully striped on waxen yellow. 

Basin folded and plaited, abrupt; Eye medium, closed. 

Cavity acuminate; Stem medium. 

Flesh tender, juicy ; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic; Quality 
very good; Use, dessert; Season, autumn. ~ 


This New England apple was introduced by Mr. Man- 
ning; when he brought it before the American Pomologi- 
cal Society, it met with so much favor from the members 
of that body that it was adopted and recommended. In 
the Western States it has failed to give satisfaction and is 
generally discarded, but further North it may do as well 
as in New England. In Ohio it becomes an autumn apple, 
and is only used for cooking, when we have plenty of 
others that are preferred. 

Tree healthy, vigorous, early bearer, and constantly 

Fruit full medium to large, oblong, tapering to the eye, 
ribbed, irregular; Surface smooth, yellow, covered bright 
red mixed, splashed carmine, often handsome; Dots minute. 

Basin very narrow, folded, plaited; Eye small, closed. 

Cavity deep, acute, sometimes brown; Stem long, 

Flesh yellowish, breaking, juicy ; Flavor acid; Quality 
only good; Use, kitchen; Season, September and later; 
not a winter fruit in latitude forty. 


Striped Gilliflower. 

Fruit quite large, oblong, conical, truncated, ribbed ; 
Surface smooth, yellowish white, mixed red, splashed car- 
mine; Dots rare, gray. 

Basin abrupt, folded; Eye large, closed. 

Cavity wide, wavy, brown; Stem short, curved. 

Core large, round, very open, meeting the eye; Seeds 

small, plump, black; Flesh yellowish white, breaking; 
Flavor sub-acid; Quality scarcely good; Use, market 
only ; Season, September. 

Less ribbed than the Scalloped Gillifiower. 



“From Toccoa Falls, Habersham County, Georgia. 

“Fruit rather large, conical, irregular or oblong; Skin 
whitish yellow, considerably shaded with carmine, and 
sprinkled with a few brown dots; Stem short, inserted in 
a deep cavity; Calyx partially closed, set in a rather large 
basin; Flesh whitish, juicy, tender, pleasant, mild sub- 
acid ; November to February.”—[ Downing. |] 

Perhaps not an early bearer; my trees, set six years, 
have not yet fruited. 




Foreign. Said to do well in the North; have seen it 
handsome at Detroit. 

Fruit medium, oblong, ovate, somewhat angular and 
ribbed; Surface yellow, covered lightly with a rich red 
russet, giving it an orange hue. 

Basin small; Eye small, closed; Segments very long. 

Cavity deep, acute, wavy; Stem long. 

Flesh white, or stained, tender; Flavor acid, spicy, aro- 
matic; Quality pretty good, but apt to be tough and 
wilted; Season, November to December. 

Not worth trying in the South. 


CP ACP SH Bac) XcNr dae 



Every orchard planter who examines the extended va- 
riety of fruits presented to him in the books, and by the 
nurserymen, must feel greatly embarrassed when he comes 
to select the varieties for his own orchards. Almost 
every one of the long lists is recommended for some good 
quality, and the number of dest, which he is apt to con- 
clude means indispensable for him, is wonderfully large. 
Some persons are bewildered by the array presented in 
the catalogue, and fall back upon their own slender stock 
of information, selecting only one well known variety; 
but most persons commit a far greater fault by attempt- 
ing to grasp all the varieties that are offered and com- 
mended, which is very well for some one person in every 
region to do. It is a labor of love for the benefit of his 

fellow townsmen ; but it is far better fur him who is about 


to plant an orchard, either large or small, to determine 
which varieties are best adapted for his purposes. For 
the small planter, who is providing for the wants of his 
family, a number of varieties that will igpen in succession 
will be best, and the sorts should be selected with regard 
to their qualities for household uses. The planter of exten- 
sive commercial orchards, on the contrary, will need but 
a limited number of varieties, which should be selected 
with a view to the wants of the markets he intends to 
supply, as well as to the productiveness of the fruit, and 
its ability to bear transportation. While it is desirable 
to have but a few well selected varieties in such an orch- 
ard, it must be recollected that even when there is a gen- 
eral failure of the crop, there are always some sorts that 
bear fruit, and this is an argument against making the 
list too small. 

All attempts to make out lists of fruits for general cul- 
tivation over the great extent of our country have been 
abortive. State and regional lists are made by the Pomo- 
logical and other societies, which are useful in rendering 
approximate information; but, at last, every planter 
should observe the fruits that succeed in his own neigh- 
borhood, and upon soil similar to his own, and select his 
varieties for planting accordingly. 

In making up our judgment of the excellence of a fruit, 
there are many elements that enter into the question of 
what constitutes a good apple, and’so much depends upon 
the tastes of the individuals who have the question to de- 
cide, that at last every one is left to make up his own 
mind as to what will be best for his particular case. 

The American Pomological Society, many years ago, 


attempted to make out lists that would be applicable to 
the whole country, but it was very soon discovered that 
their recommendations were by no means of universal 
application, and gbat what was valuable in one section 
was worthless in another. The State and local societies 
took up the work, and the result of their labors has been 
of great value to persons similarly situated. In some 
States, regions, with peculiar soils and different under- 
lying rocks, were found to be more or less fitted for the 
production of different varieties, and partial or local lists 
have been made out upon this principle. The greater 
value of the data thus obtained commended itself to the 
National Society, which has since collated these lists so 
far as possible in a tabular form, which shows the relative 
appreciation in which many varieties are held in the sev- 
eral regions that have reported ; to these the reader is re- 
ferred.* At present I propose to present a few lists which 
have been given by eminent pomologists, in different parts 
of the country, as the result of their extended observa- 
tions, and applicable in their several districts. 

Henry Little and others recommend for Maine: 

Baldwin, Northern Spy, 

Blue Pearmain, Porter, 

Bough, Red Astrachan, 
Danvers, Rhode Island: Greening, 

Fameuse, Roxbury Russet, 
Golden Ball, Sops of Wine, 

Duchess of Oldenburgh, | Ribstone Pippin, 
Golden Sweet, Tallman Sweet, 


Gravenstein, Vandervere (Newtown Spitzenberg), 
Hubbardston, Vermont, 

Jewett’s Fine Red, Williams’ Favorite, 

Minister, Winthrop. 


* See Reports of American Pomological Society. 

tite Sy 


The following list was maraished by C. Goodrich for 




Duchess of Oldenburgh, 
Early Harvest, 

Esopus Spitzenberg, 

Newtown Pippin, 
Northern Spy, 


Red Astrachan, 

Rhode Island Greening, 
Roxbury Russet. 

Recommended by Thomas Hancock for New Jersey : 

American Golden Russet, 

Early Harvest, 

Fall Pippin, 



Maiden’s Blush, 

Monmouth Pippin, 

Newtown Pippin, 

Rhode Island pear 
Summer Rose, 

Striped Harvest, 

Tewksbury Blush, . 
White Seek-no-further. 

Wm. Parry, of Burlington County, New Jersey, an 
excellent judge of market qualities, recommends, after 
thorough trial, the following for profit : 

Bachelor’s Blush, 

Maiden’s Blush, 

Jno. Diehl gave this list as desirable for Delaware: 

American Summer Pearmain, 




Danvers’ Winter, 
Early Harvest, 
Early Red Margaret, 
Early Red Streak, 
English Russet, 

Fall Pippin, 


Herefordshire Pearmain, 

Maiden’s Blush, 
Newtown Pippin, 

Roman Stem, 

Summer Golden Pippin, 
Summer Queen, 

White Juneating, 

Yellow Bellflower. 

Mr. Robey, of Fredericksburgh, recommends for that 

part of Virginia: 

Baltimore Pippin, 
Bowling Sweet, 
Brooke’s Pippin, 


Gloucester White, 

Greefl Newtown Pippin, 

Ladies’ Favorite, 
Leather Coat, 


Pryor’s Red, 
Rawle’s Janet, 
Red Cathead, 
Roberson’s White, 


Russet (?), 

Spice (Va.), 

Strawn’s Seedling, 
Summer Cheese, 
Summer Golden Pippin, 

Waugh’s Crab, 
Winter Cheese, 
Winter Queen. 

Daniel K. Underwood, Michigan, gives the 

extended catalogue: 


Early Harvest, 
Early Joe, 

Early Strawberry, 
Golden Sweet, 
Maiden’s Blush, 
Red Astrachan, 
Sweet Bough, 
Summer Queen, 
Summer Rose. 




Duchess of Oldenburgh, 

Fall Pippin, 

Jersey Sweet, 
Keswick Codling, 
Late Strawberry, 


Cayuga Red Streak, 
Fall Wine. 




Black Detroit, 
“Blue Pearmain, 


Cornish Gilliflower, 


English Russet, 


Green Newtown, 

Golden Russet, 




Ladies’ Sweeting, 


Northern Spy, 

Peck’s Pleasant, 

Red Canada, 

Rawle’s Janet, 




Twenty Ounce Pippin, 

Rhode Island Greening, 


Vandervere (Newtown Spitzenberg), 

Yellow Bellflower. 

J. D. G. Nelson, President of the Indiana State Society, 
an extensive orchardist at Fort Wayne, presented the 
following list as the result of long experience in Northern 

Red Astrachan, less profitable. Maiden’s Blush, 
Early Harvest, less profitable. Porter, 
Duchess of Oldenburgh, more profita- Rambo, 
ble. Trenton Early, 
Keswick Codling, more profitable. Dyer, 

Sweet Bough. Lowell, >. 
High-top Sweet, for profit. Hawley, 


Golden Sweet. 

DARK.—Ben Davis, 500 trees. 
Smith’s Cider, 300 trees. 
Jersey Black, 200 trees. 
LIGHT.—Belmont, need careful handling 
Wagener, 3 a 
Yellow Bellflower, “ 


SWEET.—Bentley Sweet, keeps well. 
London Sweet, ee 
Talman Sweet, re 

American Summer Pearmain, 
American Golden Russet, 
Evening Party, 

King of Tompkins County, 
Newtown Pippin. 

Dr. Cornett, of Versailles, Indiana, advised to plant 

American Summer Pearmain, 

Carolina Red June, 


Early Harvest, 

Fall Pippin, 

Fall Wine, 

Golden Russet (American ?), 
Newtown Pippin, 

Pryor’s Red, 


Rawle’s Janet, 


Yellow Bellflower. 

Messrs. Lawyer, of South Pass, Union County, Illinois, 
recommends of 1,000 trees for profit : 

250 Ben Davis, 
100 Early Harvest, 
50 Nickajack, 
50 Pryor’s Red, 
150 Rawle’s Janet, 

150 Red Astrachan, 
50 Rome Beauty, 
50 Smith’s Cider, 
50 White Pippin, 

100 Winesap. 

Parker Earle, President of the Illinois State Horticul- 
tural Society, an intelligent fruit cultivator in the South- 
ern portion of that State (called Egypt), recommends the 
following list as being well adapted for profit : 

Ben Davis, 
Carolina Red June, 
Early Harvest, 
Golden Sweet, 
Keswick Codling, 
_Newtown Pippin, 


Rawle’s Janet, 

Red Astrachan, 

White Pippin, 

White Winter Pearmain, 

Yellow Bellflower. 

Wm. C. Hampton, Hardin County, Ohio, recommends 
for a select list of winter apples: 

Michael Henry, 

Rome Beauty, 

Seedling Jersey Sweet, 
Yellow Bellflower, 
Yellow Newtown Pippin. 


H. B. Spencer, of Rockport, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, 

recommends the following : 




Esopus Spitzenberg, 

Peck’s Pleasant, 
Red Canada, 
Roxbury Russet. 

Mr. G. W. Dean, of Welshfield, Geauga County, Ohio, 

gives the following list of ten: 

Canada Red, 
Ladies’ Sweeting, 

Peck’s Pleasant, 


Rhode Island Greening, 

Westfield Seek-no-further. 

Recommended by M. B. Bateham, Secretary Ohio Po- 
mological Society, for the Central and Southern portion 

of the State: 


American Summer Pearmain, 
Early Harvest, 
Early Pennock. 
Early Strawberry, 
Golden Sweeting, 
High-top Sweet, 
Keswick Codling, 
Red Astrachan, 
Summer Queen, 

Fall Pippin, 
Jersey Sweet, 
Maiden’s Blush, 
Ohio Nonpariel, 
Orange Sweet, 

Bullock’s Pippin, 
London Sweet, 
Mount Pleasant Sweet, 
Newtown Spitzenberg, 
Pryor’s Red, 
Rawle’s Janet, 
Rome Beauty, 
Smith’s Cider, 
Western Spy, 
White Pippin, 
Yellow Bellflower. 

Select lists from H. N. Gillett for Southern Ohio, West- 

ern Virginia and Kentucky: 

Early Harvest, 
Early Chandler, 
Pound Royal, 

Red Astrachan, 

Summer Rose, 

Summer Queen, ~ 
Summer Seek-no-further, 


FALL VARIETIES. Buckingham [Autumn], 
Bullock’s Pippin, 

eee eure, Carolina Red [Nickajack ?], 

oe Defiance, 

ene Harrison 

Fall Pippin, eel 

Fall Wine, Hewes’ Crab, 

Maiden’s Blush, 

Pryor’s Red, 
Rawle’s Janet, 

King of Pippins, Red cae 
Porter. Rolen’s Keeper, 
Rome Beauty, 
WINTER VARIETIES, | Roxbury Russet, 
Ben Davis, Smith’s Cider, 
Black Coal, | Winesap, 
Broadwell, Yellow Bellflower. 

By Henry Hefflebower, an extensive orchardist at Mont- 
clovia, Lucas County, Ohio: 

American Golden Russet, Porter, 
Baldwin, Primate, 
Bellflower, Rambo, 
Belmont, Rawle’s Janet, 
Bongh, — Red Astrachan, 
Early Harvest, Seek-no-further, 
Fallawater, Smokehouse, 
Fall Pippin, Summer Queen, 
King of Tompkins, Summer Rose, 
Maiden’s Blush, Swaar, 
Newtown Pippin, Sweet Bellflower, 
Newtown Spitzenberg, Tallow Pippin, 
None Such, Twenty Ounce. 


After the sad experiences in many portions of the 
Northwest, where in some severe winters whole orchards 
of trees and extensive nurseries were ruined by the cold, 
it has become a most important question for planters to 
ask whether the varieties recommended are hardy. The 
testimony of some of our best observers has been col- 
lected, and will be of value, though it may be observed 
that there is some discrepancy as to certain sorts. 

The following list of hardy and tender varieties was 
prepared by Reuben Ragan, Putnam County, Indiana, and 
has since been carefully revised. Soil a rich argillaceous 
loam on lime stone: 


TENDER. Fall Queen. 
Baldwin, Fall Wine, 
Bullock’s Pippin, Farley Red, 
Early Harvest, Hannah, 
Esopus, | Hoops, 
Fall Pippin, Horse, 
Gravenstein, Lewis (of Ragan), 
Michael Henry, McAffee, 
*Newtown Spitzenberg, Newtown Pippin, 
Ortley, Northern Spy, 
Pryor’s Red, Pennock, 
Rambo, Pottinger, 
Rawle’s Janet, President, 
Rhode Island Greening, Priestley, 
*Roxbury Russet, Ragan’s Red, 
*Summer Queen. Red Astrachan, 
Red Streak, 
ee Rome Beauty, 
American Summer Pearmain. Sine-qua-non, 
Carolina June (Red), Transport, 
Carolina June (Striped), Vandervere Pippin, 
Chronicle, Winesap, 
Danvers’ Winter Sweet, Yellow Bellflower, 
Early Strawberry, Yellow Juneating. 

y A. L. Benedict, of Monroe County, has taken great 
pains in making out lists of those that were entirely 
destroyed, partially injured, and slightly affected by the 
terribly severe winter of 1855-6: 

Baldwin Sweet, Bough, 
Blue Pearmain, Butter, 
Cheeseboro Russet, Colvert, 
Egg Top, Detroit Black, 
English Russett, Early Harvest, 

Fall Wine, 

Golden Sweet, 

Gray Vandervere, 

Kaighn’s Spitzenberg, 
London Winter Sweet, 
Newtown Pippin, 

Esopus Spitzenberg, 
Fall Pippin, 

French Pippin, 

Lowre Queen, 

Newtown Spitzenberg, 

Red Juneating, 

Rhode Island Greening, 

Robinson, Ortley, 
Romanite, Peck’s Pleasant, 
Spice Sweeting, Pennock, 
Wing Sweet, Eme, 
Yellow Vandervere. ene 
Raritan Sweet, 

American Golden Russet, Scallop Gilliflower, 
Belmont, Streaked Vandervere, 

* These suffered in the nursery especially. 


Swaar, : Molasses, 
Sweet Gilliflower, Pennsylvania Red Streak, 
Tift’s Sweet, Pound Pippin, 
Tulpehocken, Pumpkin Sweet, 
White Pippin, Red Winter Sweet, 
Winesap, Roman Stem, 
Yellow Bellflower. Saint Lawrence, 

Saner’s Early Sweet, 

Summer Queen, 

Bethlemite, Summer Rose, 
Black Gilliflower, Sweet Vandervere 

r a ; 
eee ; z Tallman Sweet. 
G orla und, Westfield Seek-no-further, 
Grindstone, White Rambo 
Harrison (Newark King), Whitmore’s Sweeting, 
Jersey King, Yellow Newtown Pippin. 

Maiden’s Blush, 
M. L. Comstock, of Iowa, gives the following list of 
apples that are found to be tender in that region : 

Baldwin, | Ladies’ Sweet, 

Esopus Spitzenberg, Newtown Spitzenberg, 
Fall Pippin, Peck’s Pleasant, 
Fameuse, Pomme Grise, 
Gravenstein, Rawle’s Janet, 

Golden Russet, Red Canada, 
Hubbardston, Rhode Island Greening, 
Jonathan, White Winter Pearmain. 

F. W. Landon, Janesville, Wisconsin, thinking the. 
hardy list would be too long, gives the following as tender : 

Autumn Strawberry, Lady, 

Baldwin, Newtown Spitzenberg, 
Cloth of Gold, Northern Spy, 

Early Strawberry, Norton’s Melon, 

Esopus Spitzenberg, Westfield Seek-no-further. 

J. C. Brayton, Azatlan, Wisconsin, gives the following 
list of hardy and valuable fruits for the rich lands in the 
western part of the State: 

SUMMER. Fall Orange, 
American Summer Pearmain, Fall Winesap, 
Benoni, Fameuse, 
Early Harvest, Late Strawberry, 
Early Pennock, Red Streak, 
Early Red, Roseau, 
Fall Stripe, Saint Lawrence, 
High-top Sweet. Sweet Pear, 
AUTUMN. Trenton Early, 

Bailey Sweet, Utter’s Large, 


AUTUMN. White Winter Pearmain, 
White Gilliflower. Winesap. 
WINTER. Yellow Bellflower. 

Flushing Spitzenberg, 
Golden Russet, 

Autumn Swaar, 

Hoops ? English Russet, 
Limbertwig, Fulton, 

Northern Spy, Golden Sweet. 

Perry Russet, Herefordshire Pearmain, 
Rawle’s Janet, Jonathan, 

Red Spitzenberg, Lowell, 

Tallman’s Sweet, Maiden’s Blush, 
Wagener, Red June, 

Westfield Seek-no-further, Sops of Wine. 


With many persons the consumption of sweet apples 
becomes an important item of household economy ; for 
the feeding and fattening of stock sweet apples have 
deservedly attracted the attention of intelligent farmers, 
and they may yet be much more extensively planted in 
many places where the land is not well adapted to the 
production of grain and other staple crops for the support 
of man and the animals under his care. 

With a view to aid the planter the following lists have 
been collated : 

Sweet apples to be planted for stock feeding. Recom- 
mended by T. S. Humrickhouse, of Coshocton, ae in 
Ohio Cultivator, vol. v1, page 283: 

SUMMER. Ramesdell’s, 
*Duling Sweet, Spice Sweet, 
Golden Sweet, *Superb Sweet. 
*Jersey Sweet, ernie! 

Pumpkin Sweet, 

Red and Green Sweet, 
Summer Sweet, 

*Summer Sweet Paradise, 
*Sweet Bough. 

Baldwin Sweet, 

Butter Sweet, 
*Danvers’ Winter, 
Honey Sweeting, 

ee eared 

AUTUMN. *Ladies’ Sweeting, 
*Haskell Sweet, Late Pound Sweet, 
*Kinsey’s Sweet, May, 
Lyman’s Pumpkin, McKay’s Favorite, 


*Phillips’ Sweeting, 
*Tallman’s Sweeting, 
Wells’ Sweeting, 
Winter Sweeting. 

Acid Sweet, 
Akeson’s Sweet, 
Beauty of the West, 
Cash Sweet, 

Charlotte Sweet, 
Climb Sweet, 

Ling Sweet, 
London Sweet, 
Merritt’s Sweet, 
Mt. Pleasant Sweet, 
Morgan’s Favorite, 
Red Sweet Pippin, 
Stone Sweet. 

Planted by A. L. Benedict, Morrow County, Ohio, in a 
The numbers of each might 

lot to be devoted to hogs. 
be varied: 

2 Bough, 

3 Golden Sweet,* 

6 Jersey Sweet,* 

16 May of Myers, 

10 Moore’s Sweeting, 

32 Pumpkin Sweet, 

8 Raritan Sweet, 
17 Spice Sweet, 

1 Tift’s Sweet, 

19 Tallman Sweet, 
30 Whitmore Sweet, 
14 Wing Sweet. 

L. Hampton’s list} for a succession through the year: 

Bentley Sweet, 

Fall Sweet, 
Federal Sweet, 
Golden Sweet, 
Hightop Sweet, 
Honey Greening, 


Kentucky Sweet, 
Paradise Winter, 
Scarlet Sweet, 
Smith’s Sweet, 
Sweet Favorite, 
Winter Sweet. 

For Illinois, by W. Cutter, in Prairie Farmer : 

Golden Sweet, 
Paradise Winter, 


Ramsdell Sweet, 
Sweet June, 
Sweet Nonesuch. 

Sweet apples arranged in succession for stock. Those 
marked 7? are also fine for the dessert ; those marked B. 

are superior for baking : 

Hightop, B. 

Bough, 7. 

Golden Sweeting, B. 
Victuals and Drink, -B. 7. 
Jersey Sweet. 

Lyman’s Pumpkin, B. 
Bailey Sweet, B. 7. 
Ramsdell’s, B. 

Mote’s Sweet, B. 7),. 

* My friends write that they would have 
they planted such trees as were at hand at th 

+ Ohio Cultivator, vol. vr, page 269, 


Stillwater Sweeting, B. 
Higby Sweet, B. 

Dr. Watson, 7’. 

Fall Queen, B. 7. 


Michael Henry, 

preferred more of these sorts, and that 
at time. 


Broadwell, 7. B. 

Sweet Bellflower, 

Sweet Janet, B. 

London Sweet, B. 

Winter Sweet Paradise, 7. B. 
Jersey Black, 

Ladies’ Sweeting, 7. B. 
Tallman’s, B. 


Moore’s Sweeting, 


Sweet Vandervere, 
Red Winter Pearmain, 

Black Gilliflower, 

In giving selections of Cider Apples I will begin with 

the veteran Cowe’s list: 

American Pippin, 

Cooper’s Russeting, 
Gloucester White, 
Golden Reinette, 
Hagloe Crab, 

A select list of Cider Apples that may be found in many 

collections, all good bearers : 



Hewes’ Crab, 
Newtown Pippin, 

Hewes’ Crab, 

House, or Gray-House, 

Red Streak, 

Roane’s White Crab, 

Ruckman’s Pearmain, 

Styre, 1 

Rawle’s Janet, 
Waugh’s Crab 


—— 6 o——— 


The first column presents the name of the apple, next its size, then its 
origin; or, if in brackets, the place where the variety is cultivated and 
was found. The Roman numerals indicate the Class and Order to which 
it is referred, and the Arabics, the Section and Swb-section, according to 
the classification adopted in this work. After this comes the season of 
maturity, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring, and- the estimate of qual- 
ity, from very best, best, very good, good; good ? meaning almost good 5 
poor? meaning rather so, and last plainly poor, when considered decid- 
edly inferior. The names of varieties described in this volume are given 
in full faced type, with reference to the pages, while synonyms 
are printed in Jtalics. Abbreviations will explain themselves. 

Name. Séze. | Orég. Class. Season. | Quality.| P. 
PU GWEC Uen tig cote eee large |N. H. II. 1.1.2.  |Winter |good 
2 Co 8 | SR fi ee ae Se ismall |Va. ? ont - Es RS Spring good 419 
PRB AEIS'. | 22.02 soe ead ete large /Penn I. 1.2.2. |L.Wint.'good 
BATIO Sy ree 8 ieee tec eioie asia ae small |Penn I. 1.2.2. |Autumn zood 
MNO BE cya. Lian lay asener shea ence avaantons - large. |Penn. I. 1.2.2. |L.Wint. good 
Akeson’s Winter Sweet ......)...... DOUGH toes. trate ees WV TeR kn Serere ee 
hares. WW MEGOT. oc So. sl ac ele oee DA Sie SNE eo Sans ts Warrter™ fi. ote aa 
PID CRRATIO To ares ang ateg ia ewe large |Va. Ill. 1. 2.1. |Winter ‘good 
We Xue as. 3250s cine = large |Russ. Il. I. 2. 2. -|Summ’ r good 510 
IN erie ea saoaoadneneeoe oan Enna 2 Til. If. 2.2. |Autumn good 
Alentssbip pits a cece tele oer med. |Ga. II.- I. 2.2. - |Autumn good 
Allen's! Sweewne. :.. ces... med. |Mass.| ID. J.1.1 Winter good 
AP SUMPTIVET Aer open setae sities. WAS < ounlltea a tee 1 ee | Summ tS caeee 
All Summer Sweeting........ \Fers tee sate Poeee iste SUMINT |: eens 
DAMUL TINE Sh isis are a"are ors she erates Aste med. |N. C. TL. IL. 2. 2 Spring oer 
ANSE ACR aR amen adele ea Se i a Rt Sk tee ice DTT Qielte ~ ladies ee ce ees 
IN Der) Craps 2222 she cet ese cies small Eur. TaD, 224 Autumn good 
American Beauty.....:......: large /Mass.| III. 1.2.2. {Winter zood 
PAITVEMTCHNE DAC Karis.) sen rela = small| ? De oes) \Warrtien2 good 
PMINCEICAT DIA CIS AAs Satie wisn loless med. ? Le Winter good 
Am, Golden Pippin.... med. |Am. Pi ME 21 Winter yv. good 636 
Am. Golden Russet.... med. |Am. Il. 1.2.3. |E.Wint. best 521 
American Marygold.......... cored [bss Berar Peder i5 >t Autom se sete 
American Pippin....... small /Am. I. I. 2.2. |Spring poor 420 
Am, Sum, Pearmain.. med. \N. J. dt S e : i Summ’r best 582 
Angle Sweet............ med. ? I. 11.1.2. |Winter ‘good /4%6 
AmolO-AMEeTICAM.: |. S.)5k. ste lee med. |Can. ; i 7 i ; Autumn v. good 
J SUOS HC Dak Salis tome an eee small |Va. I. 1.2.2. Winter v. good 
JN) 096) (ey 15403 His) Ral ae an ee small ? het 2) Attomn good 
ATHOUEE | OIG Se, SBA aCe OE REET MAC?) :| SOuUtH: |e EU | se eee ee eee rel | eater aes 
PATOL sais oie e aclole esse hake large |Car. I, 1.2.2. \Summ’r good 
JAE ORT 00 eS ee eae large 2 I. Il. 2.2 |Winter good 
PPIWBOKE. - 20.2505. ees med. |Am. I. 1.2.1. |Autumn good 566 
Ashmore Striped: ’......5.-... med, |Am. Ul. 1.2.2. |Autumn good 
SEEN TERT Tyo, 6 Oe SCR ERS ORONO IPTC ObTOM Mi metsase ern cer Summ ’r good 
Augustine Bee citrate Tecan large |Am 106 GO laa! Summ’r poor 


Name. Size. | Orig. Class. Season. | Quality.| P. 
AUCOSt Stripe eesecu. hoes ‘med. 2 II. 1.2.2. (Summ’r|good ? 
August Tart............. med. ? IM 12a. Summa: sood 504 
August Vandervere.......... large |(Ind.) Ht. 1.2.2. |Summ’r/poor 
Nant Amma ence eee oee soos med., JOHLO I. 1.2.2. |jAutumn|good ? 
Aunt ann anlant seco ocean. llarve |Mass.} III. I.2.1. |Winter |cood ? 
ATMA SEA DLEl rs certo en seme ares large ? L-2.2:2. |BHiWint:|sood'? 
Autumnal Boueh yes... tace cee med. Am. Til. I.1.1. |Autumn|good 
AutummalParadiise y-cece = ence elieeeite I. L.1.1. |Autumnigood 

Autumn Seek-no-further, Synonym of Dr. Watson. 
Autumn Swaar, see Fall Swaar of the West 

AnItTMMaAlsSWeette ates eas sae large ? I 7.1.1. |{Autumn]good 

Autumnal Sw. Swaar large ? I. 01.1.1. jAutumn]good {471 é 
ATIEUMMN GR eATMalN sae ee nerse 7 med. ? IV. 1.2.2. |Winter {good 

ANTCUMMMN SWeCbseee cece o ce [enters y Eee I. I.1.1. |Autumn]zood 

ANCTIUL Sst ah Sse ee oe large ;Conn.; II. TI. 2.2. {Spring |good 
Bacealinus............... small |South ay y 5 mF t L.Wint.jgood = |583 

Bachelor is Equineteley. 

Bachelors Blusheees. esses large |N. J. I. 1.2.1. |Summ’r good 

Badger’s Bellflower........... large |Ohio?} IV. I.2.2. |Winter good 

Baer AG Cet ea tes oe ee small /Penn.| III. I. 2.2 Spring j‘‘v. gd.” 

Bagby Russet, Synonym of Egyptian Russet. 

Bailey’s Goiden......... large |Maine; IV. 1.2.1. |L.Wint.'good 665 

DAU CVeSAOMICS sane tre tasem Soe med. |N. Y. Il. 1.2.1. |Autumn good 

Bailey’s Sweet.......... large |N. Y. | UH a i: a t Winter good 633 

ipake SAppleyee seis eee small |(N.Y.)| Ill. I. 2.2.  |Autumn good? 4 
TSAI ate Re a MEIN, ere all ete a (enim? | a 12s eae). coe ch encre eee : 
BAERS we Cina. once eee med. |Conn.| Ill. 1.1.1. |E.Wint. good 
Baldwin.................. large Mass. da a = t Winter good [421 > 
Bald wan Nt Catok cok eee von large |N. C. 5 GP ee TN iouninermecfexoroyal 

Baldwin weet lennon. ces Jarce shea WW. 1.1.2. |Winter good 

Baltimore, Synonym of Mammoth Pippin. ) 
Baltimore, (Elliott)...... ‘med. | 2. ; ae i en x t Winter ‘good 391 Ks : 
BUN EAE W ne ei aes eesoe ORR ie ni aD oie Cetera Tea Sala eae [eens 3 4 
Bar DOU eek ace See emis es cles med. Penn. Nes oD oa ena era good 

IBALPE UL oN cee roe eC aoe ee Conn.| IL 1.2.2. |Winter good 

IBAS Gon. cee Ree tee ee at eis ae large IR. 1. DE 2, 25 iSsummer zood 

Bartlett, Synonym of Priestley. 

BALCONY. Sar cee eae eee PONT hc msc poles mekic! l| Gees meet eee 

BAS DI, 3 WiCCGro: Woes <i cor wens aan ny es 1 ee Oa Ln Me (re Naas ry 

IDASSELIS Weise er ene eee small |Ohio. Il. 1.1.1. ‘!Autumn|good 

Bastard Geneton, Synonym of Wright’s Janet. 

Batilenelde pete 5 eee | aie South reel sls tysinc comer eee eee ; 
Beard’s Seedling............2 med. /Ohio | IIL. Il. 2.2. |Winter |2ood a 
Beaufin Norfolk.......... ... med. |Engl. I, 1. 2.2. | Winters poor ; 
Beauty of Kent......... large |Engl.| Il. I. 2.2. jAutumnoonly ed. |584 4 
Beauty of the West.......... large |Am. UI. 1.1.2. ° |K.Wint./poor | 
Bedfordshire Foundling...... large |Engl.| IV.1I.2.4. |Winter jgood? al 
Beetstenk 30 Ne ue ay a med. |Mass. I. 1.2.2. [Winter [poor E | 
Beeler’s Russet......... med. |(nd.)} I. I. 2.3. |Winter |best 621 Es 
Hos JAMIN soe sco asec large |Conn.; IV. 1.2.1. |E.Wint.'good ? > 
Belden Sweet.......... small |Conn?} Ti. 11.1.1. |Winter |good [526 , 
Belitiower sein pines. seas large Ind. TI. I.2.1. |Autumn'good z 
Belmont. ....:2....000.55. large |Va. , ue ie = : t E.Wint. best 529 8 
Ben Of aatia te e teas te large /Mass.| IV. 1.2.2. |E.Wint.|good? 8 
Ben Davis................ large Ky. dW. eR | Winter good [585 

Ben. Barrsiit ox..i% ua caceceeal eee e South LS SLO nese a MAmben se scicnee 

Benbnt’ 298 ee small |Mass. ; ee ey t Summ’rbest [650 


Name. Size. | Orég. | Class. | Season. | Quality. Vee 
= | cio ee eh aed ee 
Bentley Sweet........... pazee /Va.? see 11.2. a Spring good 558 
IBenkelivmive tien oo sta eecre ects a ete South eM Oe OES ©. \cvepeatetareis tots aes ears 
13 Ty i oh £2 ore ee ee large /Va.? | I. 11: 2.2. |E.Wint. good (486 
Bethlemnite............... med. Ohio 4 a i 2 . | Winter vy. 200d 423 
Betsey’s Fancy............... med.| ? | I. 1.2.2. |Winter ‘good 
Better than Good...... med. Penn. | ipl eal E.Wint. good 400 
Bevan s MavOribes. 425.645 -ee- med. IN. J. | 1 ey eae Summ’r good 
1 ERM idal teh ig 2G) ee ob ein LE ek es ERE Rates aekren bate aes Se 
Big Hill, Synonym of Pryor’s Red. 

Big Rambo, Synonym of Western Beauty. 
Big Red ScCRMee ee ee ae Soubhtw: WHE Ugo shea eee ioe ayer 
Bigger’s are eedes ss. ae ce lees OUD ie aay creere mrcape eee | oeeincyer et | Se oss 
Biemineharn Meter CROP SID med. |Penn? ees Autumn good 
Black, Synonym of Jersey Black. 
Black seAnmettes + jose... 2.2 med. ‘(Ky.) Te De, Oe Summ’r|v. good 
Blackburn............... large Ky.? mr = eae Autumn good ? [586 
Blacks Canad amneniaceminca acts lmed. Cane? Mules ome E.Wint. good ? 
Black; Coals) t 9a. soce large ? Ill. 1.2.2. /Winter |good ? 
Black@Detroitis: osscccce coe ce Jarge Can.?| Il. 1.2.1. ‘Autumn poor 
Black Eyes, Synonym of Cheese. 
Black Gilliflower...... large ? IV. 1.1.2. |Spring |poor {662 
AGRA C ker ore aac. gare cata ae, Acts small |Ohio dL dl eh be Winter |poor 
Back lady Apples... 2. - ;--|Small | Eur. Ieee Vi Wanters poor 
Black of Michigan........... med. |Can. ? led Laer Winter |poor 
Bldcksheary cap ecc. cas ean eae South ) Ae Eee att RA ies ORE OS Soe 
Ibldeke Silsane Oo Wweel ase sates a cren| |e AS OED GID |r wer ers, oe pare (NVelmtie TS aera 
Leb Yel Gld Woy cnn omeeneeecen cite at med. |Md. a ieee eal Autumn| poor 
IBIDIRCLE Va )e cies os nt asters aes large |Vt. __._¥, 2.712 >| Winter: |zood 
Wled soe... 255:.003t5e2 jmed. |Ky. {ur : 2: + t Winter |good ? |568 
Blenheim Orange,... ....<..: large |Eng. Til. 1.1.2. |Autumn|good 
Belocliley.: «42588 02-205.45 large |Penn. / ‘fe * a . Winter |v. good|478 
Blockley Pippin, Synonym of Blockley. 
Blondins.: 0555... 28s: jlarge |Ind. ) ee y z 5 { E.Wint.|cooa 424 
Elooming Orange...... large |Eng. eri . . Hf t Autumn|y. good |424 
BIGOMINCTON ane ccr ee ee sc med. Ils. TV. 1.1.2. |Winter |z0od 
SIE a OOMy args la ee 2 ‘med. ? II. I. 2.2. ‘|Autumnjgood ? 
15-1 0 gd Gx S20 0 00421110 ec ee large Sache wells eyo ee Autumn|zood ? 
Bluff Sweet.............. med. |Ind. 100 res ale al Winter |good = |548 
Boalsburgh..............| large |Penn.| IV. 1.2.2. |Autumn|good (6% 
HS OASTOMMMCIEEL 2 te des « vefa.s src oan | Penn. ees Deter. Remap esters casters 
Bohanon................ imed. | Va. ? 1 aes a Autumn|y. good 400 
132) Sener ear ‘med. IN. C. I. 1.2.2. |Autumn|v. good )\424 
POMP Ticats irs des syhicls orc-srere s-dae med. |Russ.| III. II. 2. 2 Summ’r poor 
ORS OMe Ree weer nigh ee ots avec ‘small Germ. I. 1. 2.1. (Winter jgood 
Boston Russet, Synonym of Roxbury. 
Repu eS 2c swt large Am. } i z : i t Summ’riv. good 494 
BWourrassa................ large |Hur. ?|} IV. Il. 2. 3. Winter poor 697 
Bowback WiC Clemens siatm essai ne Jr snes joe TT eet tetera Phyo tom | en bartels 
IS OWISe Me ert ties. ie a,c oss fas 6 eau Irae 1. 10.2.1. Autumn good 
Bowling Sweet...... ‘med. |Va WS eos Water, ‘good 559 
Brabant Bellflower..........- ‘large Holl. TE, I. 2:2. *E.Wint. ‘good 3 ? 
Brace’s Scek-noSurther, Synonym of White Seek-no-further. 
MSTA CIRO NE ae Goole tc 262 8 small Ky. J. 11.2.1. (Summ/’rjv. good|4%8 
JEN IGUROIC Kis) 11S ncn otter eRMeO eel enecee Neeser Coigttatpes | Ae oe INS ONE Sct 

Brandywine............. Be Del. |} ee * 2 2. t Winter good? |425 
Brennaman.............. large |Penn.! III. Il: 2. 2. beatae v. good 651 


Name. Size. | Orig. Class Season. som. | Quality. wes 

BTL Ors PAM MEM sec arecs ane ferro med. Me 1 ee Autumn v. good 
Brittle Sweet............ med ? TS TE. 1. 2... Alton ty: Zood 634 
Broadwell................ Jarce= | Ohios) Pills a eas Winter best 549 
Brooke’s Pippin........ large Va. nH 25, ae Wamber iv. good 637 
BLOWN IS SUP EMO. pe ie hes large Ohio?} JU. IL. 2.2. |Winter !good 
Brucepnes ae: eee eso. nua large ? 10 ale Se isirhomecaise ood ? 
Buchanan’s.............. med. Ohio Ile 2528) spre good ? (426 
Buckingham............ larce Ga. ale on. Autumn vy. good 537 
Buck Meadow. 28 02%. k'.2. ee large Conn, UL. 1.2.2. |Winter good 
BiuckesiCountye ew. heck sean Lange enn am le wlie sole 2 ‘good 
ER res ee ei eee v. lar. N: C. | L. 11.2.2. |E.Wint. good ? |486 ; 
Buffington’s Harly............ small Penn. | ook. 2.5", ,|Sunmum a eeteeet p 
EB USUN Cer ee eRGae ss Aa es large Penn.) III. 1.2.1. |Autumnv. good|568 . 
‘Bushs Beaver ee. med. Ohio?) IL 1.2.2. {Autumn poor 
Bullock's Pippin, Synonym of American Golden Russet. 
Buttered ct hea ee ‘small |Ohio ie 1.2. |Autumn|good — [392 
ISN Oe Ge ewan Se oae cute OF large |Ind. Ii. Hes — | Naltoanrere lzood 
BUCCI eh tees oe eee fete med. |Penn.) UWI. I.1.1. ‘Autumn good 
Buttencso eee tee oe ase large | ? IV. 1.2.1. |Autumn' good ? 
Butter Sweets. sess ee. [2 ce wie | oBeicnetlld'd sta adie ae «0s rel a ae eee 
IB Ut OM cc tees cee era orale lit chars \owaaen | pm Un et an es ey a Se 
Button Coresene eccrine ees med. |Mass.! III. I. 2.1. (Winter |good ? 
Byers, Synonym of Equinetelee. 
Cabashbed arc -matcue uk ee of lange | ey I. If. 2.2. |Winter |poor 
CADMAS Seas ea ees jmed. |ouhea| sil. Eset. W inter poor 
Cache ce san teen miter creaeiee med. |(Ills.) | | II. II. 2.1. |L.Wint./good 
Calze titrate meme ee. Soest med. |Conn.| I. 1.2.2. |Winter |cood ? 
GCalepies. oneness anderstedes med. |Penn.| ii I.1.t. Summ’r|good 549 . 
Calville White Winter......../med. |Fr. Til. I. 2.1. |Winter |poor : 
Camack Sweet........... med. |N. C. I. 1.1.1. |Spring |good? {581 , 
Campfield ................ med. 'N. J. | I, T.1-4. ‘|Spring |poor 382 3 
Camedia asec ke ear cr. sneer iors large |Can.?, III. 1.2.1. |[E.Wint.|poor 
CAATAS VET eens base Nee lances ek i ee 99)" S| Wanters|best 5 
Canada Reimette........jlarze Eur. ? I. II. 2.1. |Winter |v. good|479 , 
Cane Creek Sweeting... ....|...... pom 1 EN /aaeei (SE tr Neacenes ee ae al Rc a 4 
Came. hs fate css oes MTR | If. I.1.1. [Winter |good ? : 
CATION friars ene sees ces ote med. South Ie alee elvstinubconmpe 5 3 ee cf 
Canon Pearmain........ med. |Va. | Vis 22s se SpPLuIes | TOO s aa Onb ¥ 
Wap iGalier sleet sce koe med. |Ind...| III. I. 2.1... |Winter jgood [587 a 
Capron sePleasanitic- ess ac smaveX Loe | I. I.2.1. |{Autumn|good 7 
Warbaes ween. sis) ea allapeets| bP. oy eels erD doen ee ae oor 
Carey2se Pippi seseee -ascetae llaree Ohio | IM. I..1.1. {Winter |v. good 
CarmelliS weet cece seems ieee, Nevers Tea ee Ee Aaa |e . 
Carnahan’s Favorite.......... la¥ge (ONO! | AG A... | ete ee eee 
Carnauilonn nec serecteee ade ce med. South I. 1.2.2. |Autumn|‘ best’’}) ° é 
Carolina Baldwin..... large South I, 1.2.2. |Winter |jgood  /|427 

Carolina Greenimocee: feces oleaeeee South es Ded" ices ake: occharel arate tenant 
(CarOlimasHOrsens oe. a ceeec ae. large South’ Til. 1.2.1. |Autumn/good 
Carolina sBippinis. soe ce aa Hanoe! SS OUb He, WM, seen 52. | Sal erstch emer 
Carolina Red Jume....|small N. C. | ne = . 7 | Summ’r good 666 
Carolina RUBRET yey nu Meee cee med. N.C. 4 ue z . {| L.Wint. v. good 
Carolina Striped June ....... small N. C.? | a = 5 | Summ’r good 
Carolintexncatantetecccest ike med. N.d. | IL. IL. 2.1. |Winter |good 
Caroline Watson eee aan-e naires Hessnetee YW pe ah? eal Weer ee seal lene eno 

Carpenter siNol lee oe teceenic = med. Ohio ; Il. 1.2.1. |Winter |good 

Onrtera oe ae med. ‘Mass. | | mt. a 3 : | Winter good {587 

Carter, Synonym of Patton. 

Cantere tink eutieoie aicch ees [eres Da a CFE RieSei sn Sas oooe WATER Sin... sciecapug 

arters BBS ocx ab atest RAE Somta | Tee lies cn tleahce oem 
Garvienseiiitetedodcin es 40 se aca eee lhaBteve sets herttieieeuntg’ aake levetetnue ters (rmecas ree 

Cary’s Summer.......... large | ? | Dl. 1.2.2. Summ’rgood — [588 


a eS ee ee 
Name. i Size. Orig. | Class. 
CASE Sweeties liiccsccsccnanee., imed..-| ? JUSS ie eae 
OE ce ao, ee ae a 1D om eye 
Cathead Sweet............... large | ? its oleae 
WAINO kin) heed esac ale small Md. 1a eo 
Car sshead 51 Ne etock wae. se ce 1aTee: eee. dO ame (2d 
CAC R Erie ee emg Smal tOHIG: bi chee sy koe 
Cattell. Synonym of Ohio Nonpareil. 
Cayuga Redstreak..... jlarge |Conn iE dO 
Caywood ROSES Ose Meek meas med, |N. Y,. ale. Dante 
@elestta. . 060 t. 2. doe le large |Ohio 1) i Pa 
erie a Ne ee | eae IM Meee |B eee = ue eee 
Challenge................. med. |Ohio Dole bede 
Champlain............... large |(Vt.) | TIL. I: 2. 1. 
CREE ORR cs. Sect heh large |Conn.| IIT. II. 2. 2. 
PE sarlome Sweok iss... Se eet Mh sate Gl, 
Chattahoochie Greening...... cies. cre Ga. 1B esl 
r 1 
OMCCHO i oct 5 med. | Va. L 12.9. 
Citeeseied Meee sa si sit large |(Ind.) jee en 
Cheeseboro............... large Ws 28: 
GheMembamrs3 isa oe. : cb blah, ee ah Le ON ay 
Ghergkee: Hediesf: 5... ache. sic 1.0) ap ee ee ea 
Gherry sora sss. ns 5) oe small ? JDO peste 
Chestetee., ain ar: «fs as eke eke, South | eal, os te 
Whegsleri trie ka els ese med. |Penn. Ke 12. 
Presper edi 7 2) roe stale... SOUR Toes alas 
ChidlieGthe 2S. od. es large |Ohio ling pea L- 
Chillicothe Redstreak........ large |Onio 1G ay 
mis inaa.. 35 te00'.. 3, Lee 2: med. |Del 1000 oe 
Chroniele................. med. |Ind JU OSU poy: 
Churcbhill Greening......... large Liaw so 
CSTE Siac ey se Mae Wits “a Ed Nea Seal Cred em VEE rete 
Clarkes Greemine’ * 22 0 Va. pee ale 
Clark’s Pearmain....__ med, |N. € Te Die 
CVD issn wane sack a aeee med. |Ohio 1 te) ee Le 
CAR YUOR Roe ised os sks large \Ind BENE 25/2: 
Chineb Sweebcksades |. c <5 4 Alb ir SN eee 
Close Set, (Lindsley).......... med. |(O.) MAE Oe 9 
Gotht orenidee o... aye large |Kur. De Sart 
Gloutiss Seer as. beds ssh es South 1 past oss 
Oster ranches ane: coer ee small| ? dp alae 
Cluster Pearmain...... med. |Ind. / su i: ss : 
Clyde Beauty............ large IN. Y.| IV. IL. 2. 2. 
Codling Keswick, Synonym of Keswick. 
OE ee Teens cise ae <ecs Le woe pag RO 
[aoe beret staat Re ont pes large ee i a Oo 
Ole ee his ac owe Skee large |Engl. | III. II. 2. 2. 
Cole's (Quine ss. ce: 2.cels sce jmed Mass? HY ce x a 
SRR MMe octets ne ov dota ete |e wm cc ace Se 
Columbian Russet..... jsmall Sou.? | IIL. I. 2.3. 
Wommbus Hed... .02. 2. 3.5008. 4 AMC Mea IE Secs IGOR de Pe. 
WON WONG oe ows ass large |N. Y.? Ts Ty oso; 
OWUP MIM ON Els hers oa ke lo ccd South Tele rele 
Conant’s Red............ imed ? 1 prope a IP 
(IMSS SS ae eee ee See eects eee s, 
Connett Sweet........... ‘med. |Ind. ? i sg fae ERO 
Gonradis Mating pos... cell. ? LIT ee 
(0, Ree a med. ? eet 1 em es b 
Cookis Havoritie:.. ..c2s<0... med. |Ind A fe Yak 
Cook’s Greening... 2.2.26)... laree |e ise... Tes Le Salk 
ETE E23 Sa Re nas Aly | SE (Sig IEEE Ooale 
LL ee, ie large ? el aos 
Cooper’s Early White....... small| ? YT 20k: 


Autumn good 

Season. | Quality. | P. 

Autumn ‘poor 
Seiten poor 
E.Wint. good 
‘Autumn cood ? ? 
‘Autumn zood 

‘Autumn 'good 510 
Spring ‘good ? 
Autumn, Dest 530 

face iV. good|472 
‘Autumn'good 637 
Pies: v. good 

. E.Wint.'zood ? [427 

Winter good 
[K. Wint. jpEE 522 

ava) woe! eye,e\\] 01,0) Sila, «ral wie 

Winter good 
Winter |zood 
Autumn f 
Spring |good? /652 
Winter good 

cee ecee fo cee acon 

Winter good 511 
Autumn Vv. good 
Winter good [511 
Autumn good 
Autumn good 

<lalele ‘ele tie a) alas altaya 

Winter |good 
Autumn v. good|589 
Autumn good |694 

Autumn v. good/589 
Summ’r poor 

Winter |v. good|622 
L. Wint.'good 
Autumn good? |427 

Winter |good 
‘Summ’r good 
Winter |good ? 

es i i ee) 

Autumn best 428 
Summ’r good 




rai atrals 


ese pe us ein. wip 

Name. | Séze. | Orég. 
Cooper's Market........ med. ? 
Cooper's Redling, Synonym of Cooper's Mar 
Cooper’ SeRossetine-7 hice. ismall |N. Y. 
Cope’s*Red Sweet..-..:....: small ‘Ohio 
Wopelstsweetasa.s--2 satin s ee small Ohio 
Wome les PH ANCY se a ar =. <1 ere med. |Penn. 
WOnmtield sen seca. .eaatenate locas ‘South 
Corner eases. tose med. |Ohio 
Cornish Aromatiec...... med. |Engl. 
Cornish Gilliflower.... |Engl. 
Corse’ sWaVOLILe. 5 see cei beer ores © 
GOSi oe aes aoe rae woe large |N. Y. 
Court of Wyck.......... small | (Engl. 
Court PendusPlaitres- nese med, ‘Eur. 
CO er Kel IS eS BE ea ole 56. lange Ohio 
Cranberry Pippin...... ‘large |N. Y. 
Cranberry Russet...... med. Ohio 
Crawford’s Keeper..... med. |Sou. ? 
CrelohHtonircnicmce c meioncan ciie small |Ohio 
ci pey vio ane nn Bee ismall (Ohio 
Crooked Limb, Synonym of Watson’s Dumpling. 
Cropsey’s Favorite..... med. |Ills. 
CROW SERS. .neeic ees cee med. |Ind. 
Crow’s Hee bce eine ra angen Wace, 8 South 
CFOWMNESE. 25.2462 05505525. large |Ohio 
CullasaQe chs. tees.) med. |S. C. 
CMA WINGO Later Wore. «cSt sea aenetctes South 
CuOnen sere a mckie sce tee ocilletatet |South 
(Oi 71) ) Osan aiiens dia Meee, Se crc large |Ohio 
Cumberlaud Spice...... large |N. J 
Curtis Greening......... med. |Ills. 
Cunwis Pippin wera cae ese med. |Ills. 
Gnriibe Sweet wc cts ees ore large ? 
Dahlomer a...) c cee ce emetalieeeee South 
DP A NGOM EE PEA oe erecta seme Ga. 
MD TeMN a e e ies ese 2 ee small ? 
MAMIE | oii eee = se ae med. ? 
Ban. Pearmain......... med. |Ind. 
Danvers Wint. Sweet large |Mass. 
Darpy sep Pils asc seer «evil large |Penn. 
Darlin Otome ores Seo eacicell ay seats Penn? 
DENIS ste. sos eek eters cee | SHANE VET 
Davis vOrtle yc aa erase large |Ind. 
DNAS bes ye eeeedercgens Aastice eter sie toe Miss. 
Dawsou’s foplsteg ese S: med. |Ohio 
| Eh Meee bare, Sacer s oO Or large |Ind. 
Deacon's PYYORIm ites eee large |Ky. 
TG EFI Mason cat eerie poe med. |(Ind.) 
Dean’s Sweeting ......./...-- med. |(Ind.) 
TD ETANG ES ee Sort pte eaeicieieee stele large |Ga. 
Deeriehyist es keeeeaeeeeaiiscreetic South 
NElASUBE ie tiac eet acamoee te oeeee South 
MGIC RG. eek eee med. |Ohio 
Democrat........:........ med. |(O.) 
ID CMUREY see neisck Selec oh fe os Own 
Derry Nonsuchie. sc ee see large |N. H. 
Detroit Black.......... large |Can. ? 
DELO MCUs. ee eee eet oe large Can. ? 

i small 'Engl. 

| | 

leal-anlsallanl- onl onlanl-ael anion! 



10 lie 2 
EV ese Oe 

IWS Bale 
10 Beata fe il 
TOW ~ Le 
| free | Re 
IO eee 
IG ed Bey 
eat 2: 
WAR 1 os 
isn 2: 
Tes Ts. Ds 
(jee: 2: 
7) LEA: 
ea Leh 2: 
Thy IE Ge 
5 ie Lae 
£5] eae 




29 29 




wr Hw 


J | 


Se > 


| Season. | Quality. P.. 






-| Winter | 






Winter | 


t Summ’r|g 



Winter \¢ 
Winter |g 
Winter jg 


Winter |* 


Winter |g 

E. Wint.|¢ 
Winter |g 

Winter |g 
Winter |g 

Winter |g 

L.Wint. ig 


‘200d ? 9 

iv. good 

be gd.” 



ood § ? 


good ? 
ood 3 ? 
good ? 



v. good|d 





4 ii \wddieal 


Name. Class. 
RWC OB eieyer0 eraicreg (abn eon eS med. 'Ind. Hie 252: 
Dewitt, Synonym of Doctor Dewitt. 
Mick’ si Seedlings Ms 25 2/22. te lec = % MTs Ts 2532: 
DTT OAS eect eae: faust clone oreersl| eects COLO) tegereese eae 
Dillingham med, |Onio [JUL 1.1.1. 
NIN ANG. 2 o3h5 senses is ify eee 
DISHATOOM es assesoet je sels oe med Ga. a i. 5 : 
WOochorsWewilin css = anes large |Penn Toe Te 2. (2% 
Doct. Fulcher............ med, |Ky. Pes Te 2-2: 
Boct. Watsom............ med. |Penn? ee Ee 22 
Dodge's Crimson, Synonym of Ashmore ? : 
Dodce's Marly Merasss 22s. eane ‘med. TTT 1G 259: 
Doles. Bed,s icon ket med. Onio 100 Ce ad a 
MROMIMC.. |b coe eke sane large |N. Y. ra 22) 
Downine’s Paragon... large Ills. TiVieee TS Sols 
DOW Mtoe Elo pM. sar vs err smal! Engl OO Ness abe 
iif 10, ale 
Drap @Or................- large |Eur / Titiaod 
d DVR UOCOKOI RES SRS OOS cat Gee + erate | aeres (moue cS artes 
: bye a oe ay 
Duchess of Oldenburg large Eur \Il. 1.2.2 
| . + Ole Cte 
Duckettctey. sees t ide atece large South, USS ied ale 
Duffield Pippin......... large |Penn.| IIL. I. 2: 1. 
TD ATATTOS SW CE bese sarastteer oie ava.crsi cba cell eRe |e ae toll ow esd arenes ciakye 
| Dee ON eae Lee o reeds ee large |Engl Ue 2s de 
Dumpling, Synonym of Watson’s Dumpling. 
A EMLC Vay es ener tote ots iain acts: (Os)Bel. Eines ase ee 
Durable’ Meeperanca... css larce: /(@md:) |) Til; 1. 2.2: 
Durham Winter Pearmain.. .|..... |...... 10 pl tan Wp 
Dutch Codline sss... 1th eis large |EKur Le 
Dutch Mig momme....... large Eur 0 aed ep eas 
VON sie oysc bay She cae eae large |Fr. ERT 2s a 
Marly Chandler: ot 28... oss. ees = small} ? fal (eS 
Marly: Grdert ce cewses + scelermels med. | ? IGS EE Oi 2s 
FHarly George, Synonym of George. 
Karly Harvesi........... jarge N.Y.) LL 12.1. 
Early Joe:....20.. 0.2.25 med. IN. x. | 4 F 5 e 
Barly onesteml.... 0... 2 small | ? dD YA Ge 
Early Wonsich S45. ..2k. So small} ? iT. <L.225 2. 
Early Pennock.......... ee |Am. atk : a 
Mary Greenimo ye fo. be. ss med Penn. | KE. D202: 
{ | fey ACE DUES 
Early Red Margaret.......... ‘med. |Engl. IL 11.2.2 
Early Redstreak, Synonym of Harve at Redstreak. 
Early Red Stripe, Synonym of Red Stripe. 
DEED yee ERI) Cia ans Nicks abet oes 0's fovea acaveze Rennie|s a ecmereccea 
Harly Strawberry...... med. |N. Y 10 
REAL GON Karten Goa ioecs ai oie |'atornaee sills. See ei a2 
Master se ipplMians. 2.2. see e: med. |Engl ee 225: ae 
1 DUTY encich Ges tel eat ee a med: |INetY:)|) ceVinwls 2203! 
HP NO De ams cctane wists Sabie os med. ? DV UIE 22: 
Esypt Red UMIMNRET os. ec aisrats med. |(ills.) | Tih 1.12; 2! 
EHeypt Red Winter............ med. |(Ills.) Tere 252: 
Egyptian BRusset........ med. |(Ills.) ee nos 
EH TEPIRG Cpr c Secctelc eisiate\s corse sillaraidee South), We T2541. 
PELOT UG ere tees ae suove: tvaaierama| sansa South ues le 
| 1c ah old Cl 0) OFT pees eee eee large |Miss. Ree 25.2: 
MEK CISM WILE: oo ve... < oterere med. |Penn. Tek vls2: 
TONS Ss aa ee small |Conn.| III. I. 2. 2. 
METIS MELO es seekers. «0 = ae aise ailiais Giese’ OWE! Paes era crater 
Hmersine Sweet.............. med, |Ohio? eed, Ae 

Hmperor, see Alexander, 



| Season. | Quality.| P. 
E. Wint.'good ? 

t Spring |good Stars) 

t E.Wint.|good 
Winter |good —_|592 
E.Wint.|v. good)429 
Winter |good ? 
Winter |v. good 430 
Winter |good 658 
Autumn good 

t Autumn v. good 638 

; Summ’r good = 431 
Autumn good 
Winter |v. good|570 
Winter good 
Storasae Wateins ale ers 
Spring (oe 
peel good? 
Autumn good? [593 
Autumn best 639 
Summ’r good 
Summ’r good mr 
|Summ’r best 403 

t egg ol 513 
Summ’r good ? 
Summ’r good 

' Summ’r good? (594 

SURAT orn oe 

f Summ’r good 
. i} 
UMN eee 

Summ’ rv. good 

SUMMIT a5 Saas 
Spring good? 
Winter ‘good 

E. Wint.'poor ? 
Summ’r good ? 
Winter good ? 
Winter v. good 

PO Se Cs ae ee ee ae 

Winter |v. good 
Winter good ? 
Spring good ? 
Winter 'g 




Name Size. 
Mp erOrincsckleee nti sine eee large 
Hmperors(Dieksouts)).:;<! sass 
Ene’s Winter Sweet... med. 
1 DU EDULE GO a yor BoA OES ES heen 
Hntield Bearmmaimy fo. 5. <2 small 
1dioved bisioy Cros Uinayee She bane oo oe large 
English Golden Pippin....... ...... 
Enel. Golden Russet.. med. 
ne lish Pearm ainieecl.. c.f. large 
Hnelish Redstreak. ......2..0 large 
Bnelish® Redstreakee? 2.22 22-< large 
Hnelish RedUsweetinor.. nc6 
English Busset......... med. 
FMeliSh sweetest es: om. cect. see 
Einse Sweeting, Synonym of Danvers. 
EEDBY 3 cee ASR h Cowen Balch ‘small 
Equinetelee.............. iNeegecs 



Engl. | 
Engl. | 
(ind.) | 
Enel. | 
Engl. | 

Ga. ? 

Ernst’s Pippin, Synonym of Ohio Pippin. 

Esopus Spitzenberg... med, 
HISHEM.. ce eine detain Seley eee oes large 
Hustis, Synonym of Ben. 
Evening Party.......... med 
Wiwwalllt..: = .520 52...) oo large 
FUR GSI och eye hele SP ete large 
1 Spe | URN SI Ce ape eet ah eke Cie small 
AGO AMIKG Woes crak ieee ose med. 
AVAL T MEATY fo te fart ne lay ate all oka 
TEDL NVALUE sp vests c ahahoiant ateteys 2 acts ceees 
alder seer ae eet Sart ts: Soe, lat eyes 
Fallawater............... large 
Mall Birtter.20232 25-2. large 
HallaGhandien ss seer aaah ee 
Fall Geneting............ large 
HAIG Reem eee incede ceo etal ee ees 
Fall Hlarvey............. large 
Mallh@O ranger Raye wee ne 6 snr! large 
HMallPeeariirai mss eek ose large 
Fall Pippim.............. large 
Hall Rippin cerscericentee coat. large 
alli QUGeN case sera ee) See large 
Fall Seek-no-further.......... large 
Fall Swaar of West... jlarge 
MalllsVarn deny ene meee einer large 
Mall wine. on Poe: med 
Ean Wame sain on. caNeiise eae med 
IW AMICMS Ee i antecn ee med 
Kiamalyie os. 2aseee se eee 
Mamemerr.. Soe te. ee large 
Farley Red............... small 
MArrer2s  SUMIMAET ese on sea ee alles 
FathemAbrahamic, senses. ds med. 
IASC 2357 abate acces small 
Favorite: sseg ARH small 
Mavis IRUSSCET scare eecienice ck small 

Ne Ye AGE 
1 cee) Pe es AVE 
Penn. : i 
i'Penn.} III. 
Conn. IIs 
ms. |} 
Me. ) ae 
Penn Ti; 
Eee 100t 
Penn.}| IV. 
Penn II. 
Ind Ve 
seer II 
Conn 10K 
? If 
Mass. Ms 
Mass.}] III. 
Conn. 10 
Am. II. 
(&y.) nr 
South : a 
(Con.) I. 

? ; I. 
©.) \t nr 
Am. aie 
? ; 
Can. 3 UGE, 
South II. 
South| IIT. 
Ky. iW. 
7, Sane TT: 
r Mies Lt 
V a. i Tl. 

N. ©. |} aur 
Ky. IIl. 
Vt. Il. 

lol onl allele! 

ea a Pa a a aI 




7 WN PVP wrw~wwewwrwowy 




(ERS) SSIES OH STi SERGI SI SIE SECS) ha 2) as ee et dC CN EI I IS oat ID a) 




S—erneee—orn =e 

- Winter best 


Season. Quality.| P. 

Winter good 

Winter good 
;Autumn good 
\Winter good 
‘Winter v. good/624 
Autumn good 
Winter v. good 
Winter good ? 
|rsrdnars sete en) ernceantantts 


E. Wint. 



\Winter |good ? 
Winter |good 

Autumn|y. good 


Winters | Sanne 
Winter |poor? 
AUG ere 
AUCUMOT |S. ye ee 


Autumn|yv. good 

Autumnigood — |572 


Autumn|good ? 
Autumnjv. goo 

Winter |good 
SpLUvdW G00 3d | Pes ae 
Spring |good 

Spring |v. good|404 

IE. Wint.|20o0d 
Spring {good 


Name. Size. | Orig Class. | Season. Quality.| P. 
AVES IW COL cs crctoetteh rasta. Sele oe ee oe Tey se be Ibs sii | pee | Se Se 
Metleraliee syste = aeiels c-fos ste large Ohio?) III. 1.2.2. Winter good § ? 
Feltis Strawherrys.2/.:..°.. vi. <: large |N. Y. I. FE, 2. 2... |Summ’r)|" v.ed.” 
EMI OY. eee acusiedeatess large |Ky. | I. 1.2.1. Summ’r good 405 
Fenouillet Rouge............. med. |\Fr.? | ID.. 1.2.1. [Automall .s.°.: 
Fenton Sweet, Synonym of Trumbull Sweet. 
Ferdinand............... large |Va. Il. 1.2.1. {Winter !good? [533 
WER Nes ors eee yeti Set ee small Ohio I. 1.2.1. ‘Spring ‘good? /406 
ARES IS Siren eye re ets Picga Forel 6 Sia meds IN. H: Peps lk 2: 7 good 
Hl aN WACO! tees sssivcl: Gs sks Seale eke (SO mui Pe TS ACO PARE Caer eee eee 
Mine Street cee oo aeses swe oe large |Am. Ee eeto lS Wanier eobid 
GIMENO oe recs ess vale Sasi es large |Eur. IV. I.2.1. |Summ’r poor 
ICE GEE AC EES Ste camt seks | Gere Slory! Tos 25.25, \| Summers eee 
LOWE Of INCU ban, srerera-tts tee large jEngl.| III. Il. 2.2. /Winter |good? 
Flushing Spitzenberg.'med. |L.Isd| IL. I.2.2. |Winter good 515 
OCH Aco Racisstenicrer- Me ee Larees (Penn: I. 11.2.1. |E.Wint.|good 
ONO certs Ma tre eects) faa LAT OC’ ING DY). |e Mie tate Oe cI Se au AWAITS ‘good 
HONEST WECL series oy0.)5/<'ol med. Ohio ie Winter good? 
Hori Melosnrtcn 4 -easo ncn se med. |Ohio I. 1.2.2. |Winter |good 
Fort Miami.............. med. Ohio |} py" 4y 33° | Winter |v. good|547 
OSUCE RAR ee ere eee aceon med. Ohio Terese 1: Autumn good 
Foundling................ large Mass. ; nee a = a t ‘Autumn!good = |653 
Fourth of July, supposed Synonym of Tetofski. 
IHOSaILCW anges ate ee as large Nad )| Til. 7.2.1. |Autumn'good? 
Frank or Chenango.. - large INGE Y. Ee HL 2.2. |Autumngood (695 
y dds 2: 
remade tears eae = = ne, pth ancl eal «ete ; iV 1.5. t tlhe Satoalie ee as 
Franklin eviaes nS benae! large Am. i. £. 2:1.  |Winter |good . \670 
Nreezemnde haw. gscaes tale tee ce Penny ee, is 2h25 07 | Wier | seer a 
ipemtier 220 foc fen wees ays Peas. ck Gea ya SES Mies Tea tee renal a cateecee 
HEENCH PtP DNs. 4 sche ee large (Pa.?)| IV. II. 2.1. |Winter good 
PTreNCheR ip pines vec, | sie. Ses large N. J. I, 1.2.1. |E.Wint.!good 
ren CH Aen Utlss err. toate hc cach large (O.) J. II. 2.1. |E.Wint.\v. good 
NEMCOVA vccse icicle eee med ? IV. 1.2.1. |Winter |poor 
AEGNCIAS IS Wels acer large Mass.} III. I.1.1. |Autumn good 
Mrenclings..2. Pa: cece tts eed meds. Penna SE Esashi eS good 
TLS es ere alti clone ee oe Sou. ? 1 et (os | ne Sera ee 
SCOR. esr oe ey ne oe large Ils. I, 1.2.1... |Winter jgood (406 
Hulton Strawberry. ....:..:-- imed. Ills. Til. 1.2.2. |E.Wint.)good 
Gabriel... 2ie.. 5 2 2.-imed ? WI. 1.2.2. |Autumnjv. good|515 
Oh 2) Aa Sa eran ine 8 Soe Sout <oais Po Sa easels: sce. Se toes 
GallupiscRussetesgs fc. jlarge (O.) Il. 1.2.3. |Winter [poor 
(STINE eRe Sa a Aen ‘med. (flis.)) II. 1.2.1. |/Winter |zood ? 
Garden....... “oes Geet larg we (Qe) I. 1.2.2. |Autumniv. good|435 
Garck ne ET Oy alli tars foysis,< 5 5 shee. small Mass | Ill. I. 2.2. |Autumn'good 
Garretson’s Early......small N.J. | yp 7p 3 1, | Summ’r'good 482 
OrirO tts Asaa bers Ses ae Ree |med Ohio II. I. 2.2. |Winter |good? 
eee Chief.. ...jlarge N. Y.| IV. IL.:2.1:-° |Summ/’r)poor 686 
ae, Bae Oe ee |med. Ohio I. 1.2.1. |Summ’r|good 
Germanite, Synonym of Jarminite. 
GCewisGone 2559.8 oe med. |Penn. 4 ao 4s 5 | Winter good 
(Gn o3\s Soa oo Gabo Oe aCe eee med. iConn.!| II. 1.2.2. |Autumn ‘” 
Lee UES MISE OLUSLOMs fs! 2 2 apes, fea] s feuayeC COIN |e oa cer atve creete ns eelltareneanee ious evens taiereeate 
Gillett’s Sweet Bellflower.....).,....! Ohi0,|\ oH ec cee aa oeen eels eee 
Gillett’s Wimesap........c2.. 0222! 34s. \OIO; | Be sae os bel SR ea eee 
CRT OTT ae oe ee as era med. |Va. 10 ie plies 4 ‘Spring ‘good ? 559 
Gilpine Seedling sys 5: .2. 2 med. Ills. Tee 222 ‘Spring good? 
(SrA Sie. eee Gem EIS med ? I. 1.2.2. |Autumn good 
G@imyined.!. 3402... ynalsa) Soruthal TEL Ba som inte ee 
Glendale.................. large |Ohio?| TI. 1.2.2. |Autumn good 596 

Gloria Mundi, Synonym of MAGanGUT Pippin. 


Name. Stze. | Ora. | Class. Season. | Quality.| P. 
Gloucester Whiite...... med. Va. i eel Atma lgood 573 
GOR Nias mere acess large Ohio | DI. I.2.2. |Ammmnigood 
Golay...... Sco ck Se SRO IEE med. Ind. 4 : a - t ‘Winter |jgood = |436 
Golden Ball.............. large Conn. Baits a Ss i Winter good 640 
Golden Drop, Synonym of Court of Wyck. 

FOLGE SOTOMh eee ce eee stage Sout: 722 lench acek wleeecece cl 
Golden Harvey.......... ismall |Engl.| JI. II. 2.3. |Winter |good? (658 
Golden Pearmzin. .jsmall |? Ill. I. 2.3. |Winter |good 
Golden Pearmain...... ‘small (Ky.) /IIL. I. 2. 1. or 3.;Winter |v. good 6% 
Goldén QPippinesesse ese e ae ‘small |Eng. ?) “II. I. 2. 1. Winter zood ? 
Golden Pippin—American....)...... Am. | ; = a4 o: * t ‘Winter |good 

9 9 

Goldengkheinetteeeeeen- ace: small Eur. ; rae Ay ry ( Winter |good? 

FO] CEN AROSE Na cee Ser ec erent alice es WS OULS 2h ce eecre Bee vcccoedey fl lhedeeeee: cee eres eee 
Goldengkusseteeseern.s-foaer hoayevals ag UT, 1.2.3. |Winter |good? 
Golden Russet of Mass.......!med. ;Mass.| ID. I. 2.3. |Winter |good 
Golden Seedling........ large. (Moy |) 1. °1.2. 1. +) Winter jgoodiy i200 
Golden Sweet........... large |Conn.) II. 1.1.1. |Summ/’rjgood’ 551 
Golden Winter Sweet........]...... I(N.Y.)| eee | Winters |S seecee 
Good IRusset... 20.5.0 4. see med. (O.) Ill. I. 2.8. |Winter |poor ? 
Gordonis Seedlimoscr sconce | med. |N. C. Ul. 1. 2.2.- |Winter jgood 
GOV ERNONS aan me lcjsaieis Oeie eas large |Vt. WI. 1.2.1. |E.Wint.|/good 
Gove Morroweesemnies «rs oes med. |Ohio J. I. 2.2. |Winter jgood 
Grandfather: S52 a eeGe ae wee: large \N Ee. { ie a 5 3 t Autumn'|good ? 
Grand Sachem. Synonym of Black Detroit. 

Granite Beantyaeee. a. e eee. large |Mass.; IV. I. 2.2. |Winter |good 
Granniwinkle........... med. |N. J. I. 1.1.2. |E.Wint./good {394 
Gravensteim......... ... large |Germ. I. 1.2.2. |Summ/’rjv. good 487 
Greate Del. mee rinc oe here cll see ? Tt ell 3220 35.“ od fon a eee 
Green) Cheesesnccc 25005 See med. /Tenn.| I. J. 2.1. |Winter |cood? 
Greengsi@holcensen-cem. a. ee med. |Penn.| ITIL. I.2.2. |Summ’rjgood 

Green Crank............. large South Ce Sa t Winter good —|408 

Green Domine caoces- mock - med: (Pen. 2)" IT. 1.1. 2. Winter good? 
Green HMverlasting, Synonym of American Pippin. 

Green mlater er mere ss os Seal aenee [siesta Teo, Qt. ie. 30 Paw e ee 
Greene lo wi cers. to ula eteeltncce ee Penn hfe) Oko roel Conner eee ee oon: 
Green Gillitlowerse:. 22.0. a. 4c. ae Pops Bt ne Drea ae a I o, 
GreenPbtorse. ewer sh ete oe a aR | SA OAL NL Ps acc eral diem oc cka. 8. 2 Sc eke ts etl eee 
Green Mountain Pippin...... med. Ga. 4 a 4 . i t Winter good 
Green Newtown Pippin...... large 'L.Ig.| I. 1.2.1. |Winter jv. good 
Greent Bearman arty ste creases Sou. ? h(E Cs ed ait iGo ca Bos = 
GreenuPippinves- -eeececee large (Ind.)| DU. I.2.1. |Winter good 
Green Husset............ larcesiINs Ca) Wiles. 2.3: — — | Wamters|hteeece 626 
Green Seek-no-further........ large |L. Is.| UL. J. 2.1. j|Autumn good 
Green Sic s apenas eae cee jmed. (IN. C. Loi.2,1. |HaWiniseood! : 
Green Sweet.............. med. Mass? Ie ESAS ALS Pape youniaunes ood 385 
Green gWalnter oe er er eebe eee large (O.) II. I.1.1. ‘Winter lv. good 
Gregson, Synonym of Catlin. 

Greyhouse siais ER RR aes med. Q DI. 1.2.2. |Winter |poor ? 
Griesi’s Mavoariier., i: ste le. oso (Penis: | ll ease oes cetsces | ae eee 
Griffith, Synonym of Clay Bank. 

Grimes’ Golden........ med, Va. DV AL 2c. Winter jbest 670 
GOSH OS enh ns Boat eed seabed ens Penn. | pce OLD ian ee. no Sa tc 
Grosserbrdbeertie es... .2..08 med (Kur. al 2 2. imm/’r good ? 
Guillet ne oa a ae Eee ol beens gaia esi oe | ia sierra aaah 
Gill yea eee ees oe Nee ereerenee WY (Ce Seas arte [\sna.s oP eons seagate 
Gully, Synonym of Manguin. ; 
Gaillliyseee emer rere ore treater ‘amalleiPemmne ese se ste ee lly e tedereter good 
BP aglo erect cee vasean: large |N. J I. 1.2.2. |Summ/‘r/good [596 


Name. Size. | Oréeq. | 
Hiamloewtrabyict: tiect «od ees small |/Engl. | 
] 2 SCS eo ee ee ee large |Ind. 
ERIN WEIN Sh tarts oie isi ss ate oro. 0i large oe 
HiabecktsMAVOTes 22 3. o.. see med. (Oz); 4} 
[BEAL CCN ie ae acta pearoeahers Sirese Va. 
Se Be wee Sti) Ss small NSC: 
Elma OMesee owen eis st... 2 Petals ee South 
RSMIONN Ss... sles. cease reas (Ind.) 
Hamptons Honey... ..<. os med. |Ohio | 
Hampton’s Red Winter Sweet med. |Ohio | 
Hampton’s Russet..... ‘small |Ohio 
MRNAS 252 ss oe ie Se large ? 
Miaraishi. 254 3. 06s: ‘med. Penn. 
Harpergoweetec. 2. ..c.83. med. Ills. 
U6 Ng ao eon Se eer pe ees large IN. C. 
PRAPrisOM) +2088... 625 sce: med. N.d. 
Hartford: Sweet. oio.h 5.06... med. Conn. 
Harvest Hedstreak.... large Penn. 
Haskell Sweet........... large Mass. 
7 (GA ig Ces ee ee large N. Y.| 
Hawthornden.......... Jarge Scotl 
Hayboys................... large (O.) 
Hays, Synonym of Wine. 

Foe ae a ee \large |Penn 
PROMS ag chr) <5 ysis «5 TS: A Nair 8 Penn 
Helen’s Favorite.......: Bo. Ses | med. |Ohio 
Eemmp illite tr kts fos oe es Imed.?)N. C 
EVER Gye Vee se NEAR. wc et ela Sou. ? 
Hennrick SWeet.. 2... 006.228. .% medsh|E cs. 
| 129 Th pe eo eh aa ara large |Vt. 
Henwood................. large {Ind 
ree eet St ov. nae ce med. |Penn 
Wiaretoxdshixe Pearm. med. |Engl 
PERCE AMS «a .5210'ie 5 osc ecee med. Penn 
Hersey Keeper pest raat sana eee com ee ae 
lBIGSE Sone Gale e eee ear: med. |Penn 
Hewes? Crab............ ‘small |Va. 
PANG Sa poet SEE obec seh iaieiapate Penn 
Higby Sweet............. med, Ohio 
Elmsblsmder.. asters «ace 08s ‘med. |Vt. 
Hightop, (ONES)... ..2 5.2% large Ind 
Hichtop Sweet.......... small \Con. ? 
PIECES se eee ee RS 2 eva sb med. Ky. 
Petes THAVOLIGE. ©. .5...0'scn'es. Faed Mass 
BADOP POSER ivciics sss dod< jlarge |N. Y. 
LRITCSIGS Soh Se einen ae Se large |(Ind.) 
Hoary Morming,.............. large \Ene!. 
Hackett Sweet:...2..........|...2..| South 
1S EE) Pe 9 er Harge 
Hodze’s Limbertwig SNH ion med. West? 
Hog Island Sweet............ med.” IN. Y. 
Hog Snout....... tg eer ea med. N.C 
Holland Pippin......... large Eur. ? 
Holland’s Red Winter........ rose. 0.) 
Holland’s Sweet.............. THE Cy |e steps 

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t Summ’r best 410 

t Autumn'good? 506 

t Winter |good 678 

Season. | un: P. 


Wint. ? good? 
Winter good /|677 

Winter ‘good 

Autumn good ? 
Miinters Reena. = 
Winter best? 560 
‘Winter good 
Winter good 
/Winter |good ? 

\Winter |good? (626 

\Winter |good 597 

Autumn'good?  |685 
[Autumn | eood 
EK. Wint. | ‘good 482 
Winter |good [534 

Winter |good 

Summ’ r good ? |436 
Summ’r) ‘sood \) 385 

Autumn good (410 
Summ’r|good [385 

Winter |‘ v.¢d.” 
|Winter |*‘ v.g¢d.” 
Winter |good 

Winter |v. good 687 
Winter jgood ? 
Winter |best? (598 


Winter |best — ‘599 

Autumn|good 552 

Winter |good 
Summ’r|jgood 553 
‘Spring |good 
Autumn good 
Winter |poor 
E.Wint.|good ? 
Summ'r'good? 438 
Winter |good 
Winter |good ? 

Winter | csseee 




Name. Size. | Orig. Class. Season. ‘Quality. P. 
oWowsCrowlieres.. cece med ? Lis Lede IE. Wint. good 
ELOY esate Cee tee South), TM. gl. 1.2." | sachs eee 
Ttolman, ? Synonym of Nickajack. 
Holston Sweet... ...... med ? Ill. I.1.1. |Winter |good — 5538 
LOMA CHET gaye ae ene large |Penn.| III. I.2.1. |Winter good 
| 9 9 
ELON Onley eee eect large South ; oo = 3. 5 t Summ’r good 
BION GES ert ate Ba Aas RR [sae aise ? JE, AE Oe eeiceencre Sa one eee 
ROU Firetree oo cote eter eee Remmi as IW) IL. detils — ile cerarketen | Seaeeee 659 
Honey Greening. ..........:: large |West.} IV. If. 1.1. |Winter |good 
Honey Pippiniv;.222 2 chee lates Al cainee i 0 een Oh ar ee eee 
JakonaVeny IS\WPOEs coadakossdccosde large |(O.) iit. 11.1. |Winter,|cood 
onvker ys eee sche. Biaehe SPR eelh ca Perms gre oc cs ll cece et eee 
| Coe) cc) ee ee rs Beco med. |Conn.) II. 1.2.2. |Winter |good? 
Hoopbole ease. ers eek es small (O.) fens - . = t Winter |good 
OOPS. teen eee a ae eee med. |Penn. Lal 2) | Sprineaipeor 
THOOSIOR esters sae era med. |Ind. IV. 1.2.2. {Winter good 
FLOGHICI MRE SOc eiccs ok See med. |Ind. Il. I.2.1. |Winter |good? 
LOUNGE Etosha sew large |S. C. ‘air: x Be + t Winter |good ? 
Hopkin’s Red Cheek, Synonym of Monmouth See. in. 
FLOP D Crt aes OM cscs SE Seo ete South Ws Te 22. =. ln aeecirced oats 
VOR: Cwerrotteccteeieete cise eee med. |Ga. : t. . i | Winter good ? 
ELOTINGL Qite ss eee, te ec lange y Penn’), ste wnssen foe ‘Autumn|good 
Eorse. 6. el ee large |N. C, dW: ae es e | Autumn good [573 chee Bee ery | 80) hla ain eenc ee ece eee. Meee cas So 
12 (Oyoispubaoy) EO RE SAAR one ace large |Penn. ; ae 2 a 3. | E.Wint My ods 
Howe siRusseisn dh. cincidee ae leeek be Mass. PD Qs oN contarete cial title Ree 
Hoyle ssNionpareilyss.. scan 5 ete - Sou. ? HS BB sl a A Et ce 
Hubbardston............ large |Mass / ae a a = E. Wint.|v. good|600 
EMbbardtoneacess acm. cele large |N.H.?} IU. 1.2.2. |Winter |good 
MRA or Nes Sad, Sees Oe large |Penn.| III. 1.2.1. |Spring jgood 
Hughes’ Am. Golden Pippin.. large |Am. Tl. £.2.1. [Winter |v. good 
Hiull Blossom........... small |N. E TH. IJ. 1.2. |E.Wint |good 635 
PRU Seo oon jesse sation large |N.C. | OL. 1.2.1. |Autumnjgoed ? |574 
DEG a ee cs dee tece ‘med. Ind. I. 1.2.2. |Winter jgood  /|438 
UML ORS eager epeelo. saan eee med. |Penn.| UT. 1.2.2. |Autumn/good 
UN LET SE OWe Claes... nomena (Og) ON) Same inecistee/—. [aot =e herere || peepee 
lumi Sma ORUSSe hae... comes settee caamee 10 Oe co aan een eee ic 
Eni] SARMSSC beatae famall |Mass.| IL. 1.2.3. {Winter )good 
9 9 
1S obo appl eiieaeeee Conse eh Oh ae aie on Pp med. \Conn. i. a 5 ry E. Wint.|good 
Hutchings Seedling, Synonym of Sugar Loaf Pippin. 
Hyaitis Wondertiur: (.2 hace ad eo. \Sou. ? bE he te ace cas jeote se 2 
ECE" Cream eee out med. |Ky. I. 7.2.1. {Autumn/|good ? 
Nitimoist Cire Smt eee eee med. /Iils. TI. 1.2.1. |Winter jgood ? 
Whines Pip pues ees = med. |Ills. Ill. I. 2.1. |Winter jgood ? 
Elis. Pumpkin Sweet../med. Ills. TV. 11.1.2. [l.Wint.igood 685 
Imperial Russet, Synonym of Spice Russet. 
Endiana Beauty......... large jixd. IV. 1.2.2. |E.Wint.]poor 678 
Endiana Favorite....... med. |Ind. I, 1.2.2. /Winter [good /488 
Indian: Prime ees 2 Sec teciceee ce med. |Am. DY. £.2.1. (|Autummn eood ? 
nici i Wamteeiiee ... -tee cote [citer ac Southall © We Lal a. Se ate eee 
Tne R COS, eee oe os ca ele ean Tee TBs Be FA Sac cS ee eee 
lola, Synonym of Equinetelee. 
Trish IPC Ch ese peette wis pie med. JEur. } III. If. 2.2. |Summ/’r|good ? 
MER GIY = Ans cote sf clara, teers. Sra couaronatle her [las araeade South) TMS We Sadek ee sccec!|hee sree 
Tron, (Momma. 2. .5 cae see med. |Mo., TT. 1.2.1. |Winter |good 
Tron Pippinerren sce. eae med. |Ky. Tl. I. 2.2. |Wisnter |poor 
BOM Gotisc ca oee eo eee> s sleepmamleieaas ? ee TQS Tle Aaehtale olleoermtaters 



Name. | Séze. Orig. | 
VA DOA. Aesth ioce eo ik oes med. Conn. | 
Jackman’s Sweet............. [EE ‘Penn. | 
PUCK OM sagt aes ee aa ee Ga. 
ACERS OM ae the ree ciarsc rae ae med. |Penn:| 
ROK SOMUAN tena. star Seta eek) pape ON oa ooh os 
Jarminite .... 52.22)... 4. med. Ohio 
Jefferies............... ...{med.° |Penn.| 
OLE TS OBS hers evel ois. sees ase tars Koya | 
Jefferson County.......-. toes Meds a) Neey. | 
Jemkinees deme I... kote e small |Penn.| 
Jersey Black............ med. |N. Ji.?| 
Jersey Greening... 0.58.2. large |N. J. | 
POUSOy WN en ales A Yet med. \(O.) | 
Jersey Pippin Seth eaters eae ae med. |Hur..- | 
Jersey Sweet............. med. |N. J. | 
Jewett aest: cade. <8 2. .- large |Vt._ | 
Jewett’s Fine Red............ med. |N. H. | 
aonune Carters fea eaccet ts: ‘large \(Con.)! 
John Sneppy’ s, Synonym of Snepps. 
JOMDIS US Wel. 2 <5 5.< Sones sass med. N. H. 
OMNSOM aes sams eee large Conn. 
Johbnsomrs Sweet;......-.22.-- med. Ohio 
Jonatha: ..05.0> ... Fin at. med. N.Y: 
MLCTISA ie comet ya scl fh. med. N.C 
CUM. peters xen cameras, ot med. (O.) 
JumaliskKa................ large N.C 
AW ee, Geen nee amen ees cer med. Va. 
KMaighn’s Spitzenberg larze N. J. 
EGAMC¥. 5 20 38 Mac et. Sees on med. Del. 
Reepwells sce) fate small (O.) 
FRCUM  Hlen Ses ety leis sss aks ele med. Penn. 
BRCAS OR 3eC eet otan sce ae med. Ohio 
WEIS Gye casera ees sea tens med. Penn 
HeliersOnm DOSE 5.4 amass Se «clack ays Penn 
RRenNedygawttevage ict Gy ek large Ga. | 
Kenrick’s Autumn............ Lares . 
Kentish Millbasket........... large Engl 
UX SEC, Se ee ee ae ee large Ky. 
Kepntueky Creamy... 2.32... med. Ky. 
Kentueky HKing............... Key. 
Wem Ckoye ULC UKs.\4c% a= 5 nines 2 -ctee (Ark) 
Kentucky Sweet........ med. Ky. ? 
3 EGG fa Eel 0 0 1 ee a med. Irel’d 
Keswick Codling....... large Engl 
Ketchum’s Favorite.......... med. Vit. 7! 
Pil amps: Seas fe. 2 sf. large Mass 
LES a ee large (Ind.) 
Kino—Newark............... large N. J. 
King Oleiglp PLUS oes. fs koe: med. Engl 
King of FompkKins.... large N. 
King Rplomranid hoe 1 ces. 8.. South 
Kingsley en ec. Pen eee med. N. Y. 
King’s CEP Meee opps oS apts 
King MIWA Nara are tersns fos cor ete sale med. Mo. 
Kinsey's RCC lA. ak Sea | SASS. of) yet 
Kirkbridge White..... small ? 
Kirke's Lord Nelson.......... large Engl 
EGUICH eat Miawssane 2 .).kas oe med. (O.) 
Kitchmor’s Favorite.......... med. Ohio 

18005 wd ele ale 
IE dle Bh, ak 
li Ae 
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ea i Ct Ce 
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WIG Ghee 
100 eT (oA 
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ieee eos 
10 Gai apes 
Tees Te, 
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eit. 950: 
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ag eee one 
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Ved Ee 
bee 22/9) 
Lilo eo: 
EE: deeSsshe 
Ve ple orale 
10 0 ea ae 
"FO ae 


| Season. 

Winter | 

E. Wint. 

|Winter |g 
L. Wint.|"° 

| Winter 

t Summ’r 




* Winter 

L. Wint. 








Winter \* 





| Quality. 




izood 653 
‘ood 2 
‘good ? 

iv. good: 

good ? 

good ? 





Vv. good 

Vv. cood 

v. good 




good ? 



good ? 



Name. Size. | Orig. | Class. _ Season. Quality. P. 
IKI ibAM EROS CH pear teeta ea lte es [ree ees) SONU dU) Cee ioe nae Sse 
Klaproth.................;med. |Penn.| I. 1.2.2. |Summ/’rgood — (442 
Knickerbocker ......... med. |N. Y. ; oe i = j t Autumn y. good 5% 
Keni ohits edi UMeN. « f<le)--/ei-- jmed. Ky. | ..2..sscewsis Summ’r good 575 
Knowles’ Early......... ismall Penn. , ne - e : ; Summ’rgood 682 
Knox’s Russet..........small Penn.) III 1.2.38. |Winter good 626 
Kolb SaWiamber we soeas cs ceetn es lets s SOM?) alten Neer Winter |a05-o: 
TAA: «aN ay Re ay a ee IPenms | -iideye.c o/spetee ee |sste ess | Bee 
WO NOW SOR os occ. woos med. Penn. 4 te = 2: 2 { Winter good 601 
Lacker.......0............. ‘med. Penn. | I. 1.2.2. |Winter |good 443 * 
Ladies’ Ear Drop gue ON hoe lmed. |N. Y. ae II. 2.1. |Winter good? 
Dit Dye ts os ee small Fr. I.2.1. {Winter jgood  |411 
Lady Blnshtesiereaaccciccten meee South: ir TT 2) dnt oo bas eee 
Lady Finger Pippin, Synonym of Red Winter Pippin. 
Lady Healy’s Nonsuch........ Imed. |Engl. | 1 ies Wit | Autumn|good ? 
Lady Washington............ jlarge ? | IL. 1.2.1. {Winter |good 
Ladies’ Favorite, a ee of Fall Queen. 
Ladies? Sweeting. ....--. large |N. ¥.| UI. 1.1.2. |Winter |v. good|561 
iaKGXS eee vee rere sick atte small Ohio I. I. 2.1. {Autumn good ? 
lng es ee weer oe a tees med. ‘Ohio 1 1¥. ss 2 < ' Autumn good 
aneanter.2e. Semte.; tese cae lhesetcud hue 1 Das fs Ns Veen (Pee ere 
TleAster ts Fan tee ee EE. (Va 2 VS eta. oh Pe en eee 
Lancaster Greening........... med. |Penn.| J. 1.2.1. |L.Wint. good? 
Lancaster Sweet........ med. Ind. I. 1.1.1. |Autumn'good — [386 
DEW eh a SA Arte gnc med. |Vt. TS L222. ee Want: ‘cood 
TESA GUGULTN Sseacsctas oss pelstale otevs med. Ga. ie a et Anim, ood ? ? 
Lane’s Redstreak............. large Lls. Tk 2. 2. >| Automen food ? ? 
WAM CISas WSC laca a eieie scence cree med. ‘Mass. I, I.1.1. |Winter |poor 
Lancendoriler tances os..0<ma: Veal ees (Eur. LT: Te 201s aie eRe Rede ee 
Lansingburgh.......... med. |N.Y.? Il. 11. 2.2. |Spring -|poor 540 
Lar. Striped Pearmain large |Ky. | II. I.2.2. |Winter |good? {601 
Large Bough............ large |Am. Il. [.1.1. /Summ/’rigood [494 

9) ¢€ 

Iyarker Camden sys cvsrele oie ate = ‘med. ? ; ap a“ 5 SS Winter |poor 
Wate, Golden sweet... ...ueea- ‘med. 2 U1. £1.1.  |Autumn'v. good 
Late Pound Sweet............. eens ee eee en ae Ey Peeters ls Son os. 
Late Strawberry........ med. |N. ¥. II. If. 2.2. |Autumn best 540 
YVIIRENCOulancmtseccnsnc cc Oa eh ares) | Ohio | gasses oe ca Winter |poor ? 
Mawrens!Greenings.. . ase. 4): | nee ‘South Tig Solae 5454 .Ale oes Ree ee 
Heder Sweets cacti eee Jarge IN. ae | ot 5 a t Spring |good ? 
Leland Spice es 2 Rn Ie large |Mass.| HI. 1.2.2. !Autumn good 
eemine Sweet cue se + aero large Ohio I. 11.1. |Summ’r good 
Lemon, Synonym of Rock Pippin. 
Lemon Pip Pils s5seee oa oe jmed. Engl. er BOF Winter ‘poor 
ester Sweet... 0... Sees | large Mass. 1 fed (EPH LE Winter v. good 
ever jacies epee CO se ao me ee lc ae ae Es Ds 20:2. le SH aes eee eae 
LG Vents ees SaRae sarees fl eac ene Kegel nie Peecte eget? |e someiaeeeeteepe 
WVONW IS ie ce son eee oe tee med. Ind. | HI. I, 2..2., |Summ’r best 62 
Lewis, (Ragan’s),.......... med. Ind. don = 5 . t Winter Vv. goo. 443 
Lewis Jones’ Seedling....... large Ind. I. 1.2.2. |Winter |poor 
Dexa oO TOM a cogs toon ex we eas laelttoag P. oe | ALi 22 0 eee aes [Sets 
LGR OY as Uece wed See large Ohio | III. 1.2.2. [Spring good {604 
Iimiber Wimp ee maa see ae large (O.) Til. 1.2.1. |Winter good 
Limbertwig.. ........... med. South Ir. 1.2.2. (Spring good [516 
Limbertwig—Summer ns ery med. South I. 1.2.2. |Summ’ry. good 
Ling So a ae tates’ sc ig |e RED Se hee ee tel ee ee lots 
Linsley’ SHMAVONITG?:. o oaes aks .. Ohio a a OED aie koe tees le cesmeste 
dansley's Wweet!,.... fp ieee Ohio 1.1, £.2. - ¢|Sprime>|..cahe 

Lippencott’s Harly, Synonym of Summer Rose. 


Name. Size. | Orig. 
3 Si Dswenjaernd olbisis( lion cognmeeaaaen med. |Chio | 
tie -eeaTMaAlMigeer. - 125 sele ts small |Ohio 
OGY) Aen eke Sistas wis oes he aes med. ? 
TROCANISDCIIY rei cie ens: iclo tne s large |N. C. 
London Sweet........... large |Ohio 
Long Island Pearmain)med. |L. Isl. 
Long Island Pippin....jlarge N. Y. 
Hons Tsland Russet. 5/....5 2. med. |L Isl. 
L. I. SeeK=no-further..|larce |L. Isl. 
Wome lami es Ae large |Ohio 
Hati@ Stems. <..ce 8 6. eh otek © med. |Ky. 
Long Stem, (L. Jones)... .... med. |Ind. 
Lonestem SAMO tes R eae Ie Oe med. |Mass. 
Longstem SOON at os eee ek EN \small |Penn. 
Longville’ A Kermelk . 2% on ot. small |Engl. 
Lopside ONE cotta ete Stet eget ated. med. |Ohio 
WOT ke sa Clustelre <c)..s ek aaa ee. Va. 
WMowMGIS SweetiiAe: is. se aees: med. |Mass. 
Eovdomouis..... 24. large |Va. 
Loudon Pippin,Synonym of Loudon. 
boure Qoeeis..0s'). «ses. ys large Ohio? 
HovetRs. Sweetin ass .j0c..5. 2 med. Mass. 
We wWel ne. 23.0% js en ese. large Am. 
Lucombe’s Seedling.......... large Engl. 
Lyman’s P’pkin Swe. vy. lar. Conn. |- 
MYA Aerie axe eieten tole <fcne siete med. (Ky.) 
TY SCOM... S528 soc neko laryze Mass. 
WIACOMMIERM cee oe se Sere med. Me 
IMadISOn REG. pectges. ct wap hE ES | ce 
Maxon ON at cies Shireen. 2 leraietes med. Mass. 
Magnum Bonum, Synonym of Bonum. 
Maiden’s Blush......._.| large N. J. 
Maiden’ sHavorite.. > a2. .55. ‘med. 'N. Y. 
IVE) OT aires Soe s o Oee | large Penn. 
MVEA AMUSKEEE. ssa oeieystsa sete large South 
Male Carlet ieee. cyst eee large Eur. 
Mamm OGD (SUNes: . ca. eh see eee a South 
Mammoth Pippimtece. sso. 6. oe ¥. lar ‘Am. 
TTA RST 7) eee ee er ‘med. ‘Ala. 
MN OMe te wee eee 5 ae Soros ‘med. Mass. 
Mansfield Russet...... smal) |Mass. 
Td (Cire) ee ee eee smal] Engl 
Maria Gueh...% cos... .-.. large |Penn., 
IMAGE. cic concn Ae tosh ides es seaney 3 Va. 
olla LE SoHo Hed otic Seo nee med. oes 

Marv OWE RET ate. och Risse Peete ‘South 
MatywMloyeres os... 6s... i boats - South 
May OMACKs 2s. otasen set ‘med. |Ky. 
Massey's Winter::...:.....-2.).<.0-- |South 
Matthew Stripe, Synonym of Lyscom., 
Maverick Sweet........ large |S. C. 
Eat, (Ol Myers)... ec. .5.2t med. |Va 
May berry SCCGlINO.. .2.< 2 cieic 2. | .nyeirs Va. ? 
Minar Se NOs diss i.'55 ict oh atelier Ky. 
RA GNICEN ccc c ote te ceft'a o> acca small \(O.) 
MeAdow’s June......... small |(O.) 
NUNS orks Saereeeitron pea ote. cor large |South 

Vee -1 2: 
ie D2: 

1 ase 

f fen (Ie 
Ve" Be 28 
i ese) 
Vee a De 
iON Ie OF 
Tere 2 
f <: 2: 
1019 (ees Oe 
ffi A LMOP 
Was tee 2: 
le L2: 
Te Ys a: 
ib De 
105 MB aby 
UE) 6 (ea 
ile Te, 
Oa Oy 
00 Do el 
ABO Ileal 
ee “9: 
100 ae ey 

1 (aS eed 

3 [a Ieee 
A ag) GF 
dei 9: 
dhe es Op 
IPOS hee 
119 0 & Se ea 
Ne. de 1: 
PRES VE; 2: 
TH. -E.-2. 
Tike i: 
WES Eo: 
den lg 0 
BVSeE 2} 
Pe Te 2: 
138 ee 
Ti Teatk 
1h OO (asa bp 
ee bo: 

| (TEE -E.-2. 
eee neon 
1b Las 


TRS ES Ran ae 


=~ =~ 

| Season. Quality.| -. 

|Winter jv. ood | 
(Winter |v. Zood| 
Winter |good? 
Autumn cood 
Winter good 38% 
Winter ‘cood i682 
Winter cood ‘DTD 
Winter ‘cood 
Autumn vy. good 517 
Winter |poor 
Autumn good 
‘Autumn good 
Winter |v. good 
Autumn poor 
Winter |good 
Winter |good 
Winter |v. good 483 

Winter good 
Winter good? 

Autumn v. good 576 
Autumn good? 
E.Wint. good = [527 

,Winter good 
Autumn good — {605 
Winter good? 

Autumn good? 

|Autumnv. good 412 
Winter good 
Winter lgood ? 
E.Wint. good? 

(SS UMMLEO GE fee eee 
E.Wint. poor | 
Winter v. good 488 
Autumn good 
L.Wint. good? ‘665 
Winter good 605 
Autumn good 
\L.Wint. Ls good) 
Winter |......-..| 
Winter ieeed \682 

Autumn good? 
Winter: |S see 

‘Winter | good /|4%3 
Spring \soud 553 

eee ee eee www eee 

‘Summ’r good 
Summ’r good —_|5%6 
Winter good? 





Name. | Séze. Orig. Class 
| - 
McCloud’s Family............ et ae. South, (SiGe. 
ic CormGkaaer ener «1 ant large Ohio M2 al 
WicDaniel................. med, Ohio Tipe Sey 
McDowelltsaredacc a. .--rcs2cs ieee Wich veal “taeeesktconem ica 
McDowelles Sweets. <iwone ses. aes SOM) ewe ie 2 
McHenry: Gentine.) sees et. se oes med. Ohio altine2 
McHenry s Wihite.... 2202.2 med. Ohio igre ph ak 
IMICKIRY SiS WSU GS... 5%. c te orets\|\icterbscuee.< sherete |: Reet ns die eter 
NicK imley.:42. 50-2 2.2.45! large Ind .ooy|- SRE Eee aes 
NINE) Wee WO AAs ecko Cascceichot yan al Racine ieee ON ses 
MiciLel ang 22h een ates Gnceeee med. Penn. / a : : Py 
WEE Wel ee ate tear large Vt. LOU ie 1G Gare 
Mead stKieep Grice: iss date mardi at ee cue eiarre | ene kik tote 
Mears Scedlinoeccna. Seni ce small Ohio 1B eee 
Meister. cee etl eh eierstetoe small Penn-| Il. IF: 2:2. 
9 9 
NR CLOW sta3 setae ae ORs Se large N. Y. ) ae 7 ey by 
Melt ami avouibie = caeechwereere med, Penn. | ore te 
Melville Sweet... -2. 26.2 <ee med. Mass.) “ILD. 2T. 1. 2. 
Menacerenss... ch shee ste ee v. lar. Eur li eta be 
Merritt's Sweet...............| meds jai TUTE elt: 
IRV AIVOVW Nas Ga eos Som stieare cet med: ‘Conns|) aLVe alas: 
WEORAGO oo) arcs Se eee med: (Conn! |) Slik 252: 
Wichael Henry Pippim med. N. J. Tee ees 1e 
Michenor’s Red Sweet........ med) Ohio?) SinG, i152: 
Michigan Golden...... large Mich?| ; ae a eS H 
| . + Owe . 
Michigan Winter Pippin......)large Mich? Tey Ti92, Ae 
a) ICs 0 een immed: IN; Wel + TD E21. 
WHifflin Wime.............. small Penn.| EV. 1.2: 2: 
VED Aa eee ee ss se small South; II. I. 1. 2. 
IMGT Wer eer Oe teote Asha. tte ate NE.e Sa oe large Penn.| III. I. 2. 2. 
IMillersvAp plow cman stot eects lance Ne Ya) “Vira: 2.72. 
Miller's, Synonym of Powers. 
Milliken’s Sweet.............. large |Ohio?| III. If. 1.1 
MailwwoodsGreenarecs *, 25 6s MoS cea chery. || Cera Wee enen ee Ree 
WHISTO Rn. cc. ste 2 ot large |Mass.| IV. II. 2. 2. 
Minkler....... PISS te eee med. |Lls. ees Te. 2. 
Minkler’s Molasses.........../med. |Ills. 3 Eg) ee ace 
Wiissouri Keeper........ small |Mo. IW, IL. 2.2. 
IMMOIASRES ese tne an Seatac small |(O.) 110 Ess pe eae 
MIOTASSEB hic iets. coe sone cotta tm med. |N. C. AE ab. <2. 
Wi Covet LO) ert eee Soe ONS ea med. |(W.) ; of eh = x 
Monk’s Favorite........ large |Ind. TE. 1-232; 
Monmouth Pippin..... large |N. J. | -I0. 1:2. 1: 
IMONTOC YAS tle Nears Sareercten | amen. ¢ (OR) Ealliitne cs ceccknseite 
Monstrous Pippin, Synonym of Mammoth Pippin. 
Moore'siGreenines 227 st. large Conn.| IIL. I. 2.1. 
Moore’s Seedling. x G8 ats ie ates Jarge jOhio |} Ill. I. 2.2. 
WMoore’s Sweeting...... large ? dr, 2 i 3. 
Morgan White.......... med. Tlls.? 1 Oe) Oa 
Morgan’ SOM AV OLLIE. ce chess eS eect cit eee RM PE BONN ios teas 
Morriat. ¥o0trthnkn oes large ‘iis DVS EL si: 
Mori Son aRedint: aria < che ye es ‘med. Mass. ey 2. 2. 
NE GMEOM ie. seesee Se ee large (Ohion |) Tlie T. de. 
Moscley-Sweetttsres., sentir aemae a BH i De Ac2: 
Moses 2 Wood eee eee onc tn sete med Me. 15 Gees er ee 
Mote Sweet............... large Ohio A zh ; . 
NEOGHEE TAs aucocnr setae med. Mass.) IV. 1.1.2. 
ay Copal Ceuvay el Broil Lees hh Oo Soc polo onon South! ITI. 1.2. 2 

Mountaineer. Synonym of Mount Pleasant Sweet, 

Mountain Pippin, Synonym of 



a ~~ 





‘Summ’r/ good 


‘Winter good 

ee ee er ey 

Winter good 

| Season. Quek. ros 

sane v. good 443 

Autumn good 
E.Wint. good ? 

Winter v. good 

Winter good 

‘Autumn good? 
Winter “aes eree 


Autumn v. good 

Autumn good 
Winter good? 
Winter ‘good ?. 
Summ’r good 
‘Autumn ood 3 ? 

Autumn y. 




‘Autumn v. good 6 
Winter |good? 
Winter good? 


Winter |v. good|5 
Winter iv. 2000 6 
Winter good 
Autumn zood 
Autumn cood 

Winter |good 

Autumn good ? 
Winter |good ? 
Winter |good? 
Spring jgood 
Winter |zood? 

Autumn good 


Spring good 


Winter |g 
Winter |good 





Autumn good 
Autumnjv. good 
Autumn Vv. eng 

see twee 

a a OT ROU H) Rott eo ML) 

or Weaver Sweet. 





Name. Size. | Orig Class 
Mountsin Spront. ......2. f.0. large |N. C i sale 
Mountain Sweet........ large |Penn de ee ea ie 
Mount Pleasant Sweet........ large |Ohio 1 Dt als ake 
Mount Swaager.............. med. |Mass?) III. I. 2: 1. 
1S Sloe ee ee Sa ca Se large: (Ns¥s4 FV 3, 9.9, 
MravDev@aradetie... 2... £8 le... South 1 PERE 
Modd@s*Market se: 3.2.82 eo lad. ac | Cheat i le 
MGM SO. 20 Ys ane ccs large Ills JW Teal 
Tey Tes 1 18 
Munson Sweet........... med. |Mass. ; ate ee ee 
Murph ytived- Batis: se, 662.55. large |Mass. } eee : : . 
Musgrave’s Cooper, Synonym of Western Beauty. 
Muskingum Keeper.......... med. |Ohio | Teele eos 
Di: WT ht pee oe med. |Ind. DET 29s 
Myer’s Nonpareil, Synonym of Ohio Nonpareil. 
Plantalalee. 2.2.6 se. bocce ces large Ala, ee sale 
NGAipVASSet ae nt a ae ee ‘small (W.) Jif Va Oe SE 
Dee. Mee ees es es ee ee Rema s) xian ie nee 
Ne, Pine Oiltras i. Yo ..c9. 4. v. Jar. Ga. eT 25 te 
Negquicuatnicis 00 2.51.24 large |N. C. Meee Tes 
Neverfail (of Tenn.).......... ees ae Tee E39, 
Neverfail, Synonym of Rawle’s Janct. 
Wevrersiilir 2.02.60. 022 32. large |Penn.| III. I. 2. 2. 
Newark King............ large IN. J. | Ils I. 2.2. 
Newark Pippin.......... large iN. J: | IV. IL. 2.1. 
Meweomen G2 5 96: st Mt ayes i(Va.) ets A OSaT. 
New England Red............ large |(Ky.) | IIL. I. 2. 2. 
Newtown Pippin Gr. large |L. Isl.) Il. I. 2. 1. 
Newtown Pippin Yell. large |L. Is] at i. = : 
Newtown Spitzenberg large |L. Isl 1 ey 
NicKajack ................ large |N. C t - 2 a 
Nix’s Green Winter......:... lbetaerke, Be Ga. Teagtis 1: 
Hable Po eae es oe Be Se (O.) Titeey 125 2: 
Nonpareil....::../...° <-..'s: small |(W.) : or a 2. 
Nonpareil—Old..........0.... small |Engl.| II. I. 2. 3. 
Nonpareil—Scarlet............ med. 2 GOT, Vie Oy 
2 CUNSI 9 ee, eae a a med. |/Engl 1 iy. 
Norfolk Beaufin........ ..... large |Engl 1 SD) 
Northern Spy............ Hleirgre’ INS Ves|~ oslo. O69) 
Northern Sweet......... famed N.Y.) Bide hie tf, 
Norton's Melon, Synonym of Melon. 
N ee) ge bee bh 
AUEINC Ry tetvets hee is soe, small (ind.) STKE Ufo 
Nyack Pippin............ large IN.-¥.| — T. T.2; 9; 
Oats Harvest 2.2. .c08. ete e.! small /Ohio | III. I. 2. 1. 
Oconee Greening............. v. lar.|South ; ae I. ry : 
Oelely re we. ons cs vy PERM e: Va. TS Se 
Ohio Beauty, Synonym of Western Beauty. 
Ohio Nonpareil......... large |Ohio Te i 259! 
Ohio Pippin............../large Ohio nS 25 te 
Ota Redsiresk = 7... 0. .25.2; v. lar. Ohio Pe PS On: 
GUVOTWH GETS o2 089 os. ko 3 ake med; i@lss) | TI.) i. 2,9 
ve LEE a ee fable e Penis, aU ae le Ohl 
IG Da pple ccc 2. sates. (med. | 7 TS F.. 2e 
Old English Codling.......... large |Engl.| IV. IT. 2. 1. 
GCI 55 as 6 igh vs as med. Conn. 1 te 
RE PURE oles aro! ls evden med. |Penn Ji SEAS Ie 
OneidaeeCuiefe ool. ed Iota (eas a eens 

Season. | Quality. 

|Winter |o 

cee tees 

E. Wint. 


good? /388 

Autumn) good? 

S—- ~~ 


good 489 

| Winter 



igood ? 

v. good 608 
v. good 608 
v. good 690 




ste eee ee 


‘Winter |good ? 
Spring ly. 
Autumn'y. g¢ 


i ‘Autumniy. good 

| Winter 

ce ele'es «el ee siaies oe 

v. good|447 
i" 484 

Hew 6 6 2 0 0] 6 ca,0 0 ae 8 

iL. Wint. | 

eee ee ewe 



Name Size. | Oréq. | 
OTrane eens 2 deciles cele eerste date large |N. J. 
OTAN GEIS. ota atetotstovels)siers sneeeereaiti| Oeakeys Penn. 
OTAN Geb a cee atiige se pare ers th large |Conn. 

Orange Sweet, Synonym of Golden Sweet. 
‘large (Mas.) 

OrnGOriione berate aye ees a med. Ohio 
Opmens MA eae cesals aay <raoreh ieee large Eur. 
Ontleyscne eee eras as Sea large |N. J. 
OSHORN SAMO RN wee je ecce iee med. Ind. 
OSDULMISWECE...., cee aceon eee 
Osceola See he lees med. |Ind. 
Oslin- 22.2 oe Sr ne ee small |Scotl. | 
Overman’s Sweeting.......... med |Ils. 
Paper, Synonym of Champlain. 
Paradise Summer...... large |Penn. 
Paradise Winter........ large |Penn. 
Parrot emettess se. aes -rer large |Eur. 
Patterson Sweet, Synonym of Bailey’s Sweet. 
Patton. cree cee... see ommed=, Alas 
PawpawWes-.- ashe os eceee arce: Mache 
Peach Pond Sweet..... med. |N. Y. 
Pearman (usset.cmetn: . ocr = small ? 
Pearson) SUelaern seer aise se ae small |Ene1. 
Peck’s Pleasant........ llarge 'R. I. 
Penninetonky. sc aeeree eee ae med. |Eng]. 
Mennoeke oa ieee oe ees large |Penn. 

Pennsylvania Redstreak, Synonym of Wine. 

Pennsylvania Sweetg.|!arge |Pen. ? 
Penn. Vandervere...... med. |Pen. ? 
Penn. Winesap......... med,..|Penn. 
People) si Choices. 2 case te med. |Penn. | - 
BCUOS 523) cs ean tac aide ae small |South 
Perry FWousset...0.......<. med. |(Ills.) 
PEUCIS Gap. tire na vat 5.2 she aerskoloat med. |(Mas.) 
Petit ApisNoiwey, ota. janeeaee small |Eur. 
IPE ORE se, eee las Theis « Semtese small |Penn. 
PHU Desay ee cele nee ee large |Penn. 
Phillip’sSweet.......... large {Ohio 
Pickard’s BReserve..... large |Ind. 
PICkMaMe! Virose ke esc ee ee med. |Mass 
PCN oy cite iit camera Soares large |(O.) 
Pigeon Hill 22. cente sa sr: eo eee Eur. 
Pigeon ROUGE tees seeeieel: small |Kur 
Pine Apple: aes etectsaneeeek small |(O.) 
Pine-Apple Russet... ......« med. |EKur.? 
PineiStraw Derrye- 2 le cle cids Late dete South 
Pink (SwWectine ccente epost -e smalls. aes 
Pittsbureh Pippin’s......-..-- large |Penn 
Polly Bright............. large |Va. 
Pomme Grise............ small |Fr.? 
Pomme Royale......... large |Fr’ch 
Pomme Water.......... med ? 
Poplar, (Bib ctctys erties «sic ia dete eu ea 
Poppy/Quampn-eactikl- -6 eae large |(O.) 
Porter ented s ee aoe large |Mass 
Porter Spitzenberg..2 +... 7.2: large |Conn? 
POUIN@eR.« .. cts: se large |South 

Poughkeepsie Russet. |med. |N. Y. 


Class. Season. | Quality.| P- 
I. I.2.1. |Autumn good 
KeEE. 2.01... (eps Ssen5-.5 eee 
Til. 1.2.1. |E.Wint.:good 
Ill. I.1.3. |Winter |good? | |566 
TH. 1.2.2. |Autumn}v. good 
Ill, 11.2.1. |Auttimn|gocd 
IV. 1.2.1. |Winter lv. good 673 
JON Ue 1 BOO) Autumn jv, good 
i £6 Serer al Ut] Lee Regia eee Zara 
ae 3: : i | Winter v. good 448 
I. 1.2.1.  Summ’r good 
MW. 10.. 2... |Winter good 
TW. I.1.1. )Summ/’r|good 555 
IJ. 1.1.1. |Winter |good 556 
I. II. 2.2. |Winter !good? 
Til. 1.2.2. |/Winter Jv. good/610 
Til. I. 2.2. |Winter |good? 
1. 11.1. 2. ‘Autumn|v. good|476 

) EU, IT. 1:95 § ee é 
iI. 1.2.3. |Winter jv. good 

J, JL. 1.1.. |Winter?iv. sood? 
III. II. 2.1. /Winter jv. good|641 
J. If. 2.1. |Winter |good ? 

; a a a o t ‘Winter |poor 449 
IV. I.1.1.  |Winter |poor 659 
- JT. 1.2.2. |Winter |good [449 

I. I. 2.2. |Winter jgood [490 
= . : t Winter |good 
IJ. If. 2.1. |Winter |good ? 
J. I. 2.3. |Winter |Jgood  |468 
IV. 1.2.1. |Summ’r|poor 
Ill. I. 2.2. |Winter |good? 
Tie. 2:2. Summer ? 
ko. 2) 1. | Winters |v. ood 
I. I. 1.2. |Winter |good? |47% 
25 a : : t Winter |v. good|413 
I. I. 2.1. |Winter |good ? 
IV. I. 2.2. |Autumn|poor 
TTS lS 2.25 7 22s eae 
II. I. 2.2. {|Autumn|good ? 
Il. 1.2.3. |Winter !good 
Il. I. 2.3. jAutumn/}good ? 
Il. 1.1.2. |Autumn)good 
I, 1.2.1. | Winter |good 
tke Syd oa; 8 
II. 1.2.2. |{Autumnjgood [517 
T. L2.3. [Winter [best {469 
en Ul. zB a t Autumn}|v. good |639 
Ill. 1.2.2. |Autumnjgood — {610 
0 ee Uap ee ain ene ener Pa, se 
Ul. I.1.1. |Autumn|poor 
IV. 1.2.1. |JAutumn|yv. good |6%73 
II. II. 2.2. |Winter |yood 
I. 1.2.2. |E.Wint.|good? {450 
II. 1.2.38. [Winter [poor 524 


Name. | Séze. | Orég. | Class. | Season. | Quality.| P. 

Pound Royal......... .. large (W.) | IL IL.2.1. E. Aut.v. good 53 
decoybue¥ol Maton‘, ee ee en pee ee Ste large ? If. [.2.1. (Winter ‘good 
Fp GNG SWEETS. ot soit teow large Mich?}; III. 1.1.1. |Winter good 
IPOMMNOES Weel oaks ss cin bance larve ‘\nd.)| Il. 1.2. 2. Winter Vv. good} 
POW CESO Salis = osha large Ohio I. 1.2.2. ‘Autumnv. good 452 
Pownai Spitzenberge.......... Med Wieeien i 28h Winter good 
Prema... 5. 36.6 ihe med. |Ohio i sess Ati Mn cood 1497 
PSMA teat ttte Saud ovennct overs sage PANS cides ete tcices® DULL reel sae cee cc 
IPPESTMGH esse ES seek od large |And.)| IML. I. 2.2 Ww inter’ poor 
ORIG Ciitisaeciacmssiicr.: sae tater large (Wises. |) ane le 2a Autumn good ? 
FAB SULCIU ans Maigoatatds ved ater large MACHA SVE, 2oclees a Watniten good 
LOSS Roel ee areas siereis sb yr Ne large Penn. Be 1s:2..2 L.Wint. good? | 
= rons Ewingt..........,.. ‘med. Ky. 1s Bea Winter Iv. good 451 

FerICCLEES wae oy AS hs Oe Es eye ey Ss SP a ae eet Se Ree cad Regn se Bal tae As | 
BMestly nike ods. ves- =~ -.on/ed. |Peum.| LY. U2. 2 = (Springs (poor | 
PETESTS SWeeb.testsitee« oo sleet med. |Mass.| JIT. I. 2.2. ‘Spring |good? 
BEV aAle ean ccrshe 3 2 sees med. |N. Y se = = i t Summ’r best 643 
IEnmee seal Met p pie eceee oe large ? III. Il. 2.1. |Autumn!good 

UN CGMS Lota sciclcte . ewe omer large |Eur IV. 11.2.2. |Autumnigood ? 
PMC eliyMee es eee aes heats te ata. See ‘Penn | a fl eer aera! (occur 

| ' NY ig Us et ae 
RELI Zee AMCs ne wee, es celts. eee Penn IV. 11.2.2, ff nadie 
PrOomRESS 30 i208. aed. os large |Con.?; ILI. 11.2.1. |Winter |good /|644 
Prolifie Beauty.......... large |Ohio | a I e = t Winter |poor 454 
ProuifickSwiceti wea scdeccen aes ‘med. |Conn.| IL 1.1.1. {Winter good ? 
Epoiher sOWiamnter.< see aaj. 2.2 leer res QDI] 21) beaten bl ovat Gey NS Reo SM Verio ier 
Pryor s§ed | 2... 5.-55: large |Va. | ae a ei S; ‘ Winter jv. good|627 
| . ~~. O. 3 

Pumpkin Russet........ large |N.E.| TI. 1.1.3, |Autumn|good? |566 
Pumpkin Sweet......... large ? F e : : rf t Autumn)good? |504 
Purple Siberian Crab......... ismall | Eur. TI. 1.2.1. |Autumn}/good 
PutiameKMeéeperta: | reece large |Ohio i, 142.2. |Spring |poor 
Putnam Russet, Synonym of Roxbury Russet. 
Putnam Sweet......... large |Ohio I. 1.1.2. ‘Winter |good? [397 
Quaker Wet: tert a ont onl Me ‘Penn. 1 2 bee a Coorg ec ear 
Quakenbarvestinces o... ct esas small |(O.) I. 1.2.1. |Summ’rjgood 
Quaker-Pippin.2. 275... 02 2: med. |Am. IV. J.1.1.  |Autumn|poor ? 
Quaker==Vireiniay.v.. ssc. [cease Va. DDG ays] Apres Cae iletect teor 
Quarrenden—Red, Synonym of Devonshire Quarrenden. 
GEMS, ..55.0. 8 ges sins ‘med. ? ; a a e : t Autumn|good = |645 
CVI C C= CONES acer rol=-<toe s er NtVeU Se | reese de Ill. 1.2.1.  |Autumniy. good 
TE) OVD 00 tee Pee cee ene eae ee Wh diets [South WUE e ie 2 Oe ee aoe el teeta ee 
Ragan’s Bed............. Jarge Ind. It. 1.2.2. |Autumnjv. good|611 
RASA SHO eed INO L225, <coe anaes « Ind. 1 3 ter? eae Am Res eae come Re [ts Sou cathe 
TEES UID Ue ielot tO Obie Os eR eicane, enc eae keene Peas oe les ee oe LEAP te epee 
FE DIN MOR PS i. ose imed. |Penn. I. 1.2.2. |E.Wint./v. good|454 
IRATHDOUL RTADC LS) o222 . .<s.esle's med. Eur. I. IL. 2.2... |Summ’r|good ? 
Ramsdell Red........... Jarge |Con.?} IV. 1.1.2. |Autumn good 664 
amd all SeBest. wis evel .iaclos 2s lmed. |Ohio?} III. 1.1.2. |Winter ‘good 
ATA AS WECUS tec. 2-202 = large IN. J. Tene le ai Women: good 
VRC Ce eas eee ...|large |Mo. Weer od. Winter good 
Bawle’s Janet...........| med. |Va. Il, 1.2.2. |L.Wint.!v. good/51% 
IREDECCAlee. wos seehtseled oie s5 «ok large |Del. I. 1.2.1. (Summ/’r|good 
Red and Green Sweet........ large qe ; =. ae iN 2 ' Summ’r|good ? 
Red Astrachan.......... Jarge |Russ. I. 1.2.2. |Summ’rgood = {456 
Red Belinowerr eto... 6s 0. large |Fr. ? Met 2.2: . \Winter- (poor 
Red Camada.............. med. |Mass Ii. Tf: 2. 2. |Winter-|best 542 
Red Catheads: feist ees 2 large |Va. TIL. If. 2.1. |Autumn|good? 
io BD Eee ae lmed. |Ohio?! III. I. 2.2. [Spring |good 

Red Cheek Pippin, Sakon of Monmouth Pippin. 



Name. Size. | Orig. | Ciass. | Season. | Quality. B 
| anf 
Red Detroiteyeyas-c- eee large |Can:?, II. I1..2 2. 2, ‘Autumn poor 

99 | 
Red Gilat owenteere rer veer large |South. | a an 5.9. Winter good? z 
eC aIMeeSURLC see re ey ese ae smal] |Engl.| IV. I. 2. 2. ‘Summ’ rjgood ? 
RLEa SUN: ee eres ee. Fee small !Car. IV. 12.1. |Summ/’rjgood 

Red Juneating, Synonym of Early Red Margaret. 

Red Ladyfinger, Synonym of Red Winter Pearmain. 
Ve OR a eabee ene Boe cise | |Penn. | bl dctthneatsise Mileee meek ele 
Red ee Onndens we einen banner LVapleps lita Il. 1.1.2. |Autumn|good ? 
Red Quarrenden, Synonym of Devonshire Quarrenden. 
ReGuRanGGss: seis amen sc cee small ? IV. I. 2.2. |Winter |zood 
TROL ARs) OL VNICLINS Ag Guoohopone large Penn. I. 1.2.2. |E.Wint.|poor 
ARECARGHINSONA set Lees Meee loner | ea na Til. D:D) cnih 26 Bel eer eas 
Hed Russet......... .... large IN. H.| III. I. 2.3. . [Winter jgood?  |628 
Red*seediwmip esate. seer large |Ohio I. 1.2.2. jAutumn/poor 
Red Streaks) ser ae oe Pang ia eye Sh TW 1122), “ Wilate ra ee ee 
Red Streak—English......... large |Eur. ?} III. 1.2.2. {Winter |good? 
| Oo) 4 

Red Stripe ...c.-.. 038 fa med. |(Ind.) 1a ut S St t Summ/’r/good 542 
Redes wietace cea ons seen med. [Ohio el 2 |Winter good ? 
IREGAES WEI e eee eee eros oe wie med. |Ohio | III. 1.1.2 E. Wint./v. good 
Red Sweet Spice.......-...2.. small (O.) 18 ea Ie Autumn good 
REC eWiaTlOret ser esc tee NSOUGn | + sesh oar oe eee oo 
IRCA WiAnesap meer ce ete med. (Penill piace _ Winter |good 
Red Wint. Pearmain med. South ; at : 2 : | Winter good {519 
Reine des Reinettes.......... med. leur. II. 1.2.2. |Winter |good 

\ Reinette du Canada, Synonym of Canada Reinette. 
Reinette Triomphante........ jlarge Germ.| IV. 1.2.1. |E.Wint.}good? 
Reinette’ Van Mons... .s....... small Eur. J. U1. 2. 8. |}Winter |poor ? 
Republican Pippin........... large Penn. IL. 11.2.2. |Autumn|good 
Rhode Isl. Greening... large |R_Isl. J. 1.2.1. |E.Wint./v. good/414 
Ribston Pippin...... .. jmed. |Engl.| III. 1.2.2. |E.Wint.|/good? {612 
Richard’s Graft.,......., large |N.Y.? I. I.2.2. jAutumn]/good  |45% 
IICHArGdSOn nies seer. Jarge |Mass.; HI. 1.2.3. |Summ’r|good 
michandson! Wamter..-o-2 se. emai ‘Mass. IT. 2.12 9|Winter:|coods? 
Richmond................ large |Ohio I. 11.2. jAutumn|v. good|397% 
uC HIMON GS aN Orel aera sere ‘med. |Ohio | III. 1.1.2. /Winter jgood 
Richmond sNOws eee ee he ate Ohio |} II. 11.2.2. |jAutumn|good 
michmondes Nomen feet Ohio | Ty 1.2.1. |Winter |cood 
hichmiondisaNioy Ones. eee | ee iOhio | III. I. 2.2. |Autumn}|good 
RichmondseRedeeereqse eee: large |Ohio | Il. 1.2.1. |Autumn/good 
Rich Pippin, Synonym of ‘Rock Pippin. 
Ridge Pippin... ... .... large Penn. i ae i. z - t Winter good {5386 
BRULO SE arn ofr ea eeett dtetote as oe large |Penn.| III. 11.2.1. © Summ’riy. good 
RIV CT SHS ea aC pete gone meen ee med. ;Mass.; IV. 10.2.2. Summ’r/good ? 
Roadstown Pippin.......... large IN. J. | Lak Sprang cood 
Robertsoms sheds. .)..555.0 2. meds Ky. yh VEL 2a 2a. I MVAMET POO 
Robertson is Wiles eee ae med. [Vaz (|) ¢EVOUL Oy Ewan Boone 
TROD EY. Seas itras Sepa ea eae acer large |Va. Tis 0262.2" Bwanitave cod! 
Robinson Stripe Leine Ga oe eae med. (O.) Il. 1.2.2. Autumn poor 
ROCK AD DIC nde h Meeps large |N. H. Te 2:12.) Wanter sfood 
Bock Pippim......... ... large 2 Ve 2. 1, Spoke ‘poor 691 
ROCK SWE tnes srsecinee ees med. ‘Mass. | I. 1.1.2. Autumn:good? 
Rockhill Summer, Synonym of Red Stripe. 
Rockport Sweet..... ......... a Mass. Pe Ld) ke Wints|2ood 
Rolems Keeper........ hed |Ohiow | eee ho. Spins good 629 
OIE Seem ee treet eee aed INeCs I. 1.2.2. jE.Wint.jv. good 
Romaniéte, Synonym of Gilpin and of Pennock. 
Homan Stem............. med. N.J.| Il. 1.2.1. |Winter |good 579 
Rome Heauty............ Jarge |Ohio era d ne y t Winter good? /458 
Ross" Greene yaseewer oka Le Cait (Va.) Tee Tce ts. Stwccnn El es hei 
Ross’ Nonpareil........ ‘small |Irld ? Ty Ts 253. 

Winter |v. good|524 



Name. Size. | Orig. | Class. \ Season. Quality. Te 
BROS YTEGEG 0055.5 252 0054 255. med. ndge | yb 22. 9 w inter good 520 
Roxbury BRusset........ large |Mass. ; a a ze - \ Winter |good? |491 
Royal Pearmain........ ‘large | arate I. J.2.1. |Winter-|good _|580 
Royal Pearman 2). ss8 ce wh. large }(O.) -| ID. U1.2.1. |Winter |v. good 
Royal Pippin, Synonym of Day. 
ROW al UIE, Ws eas cee ore large | Va. Ill. I.1.1.- ‘Spring {good 
T7115 20 Eee a med. Ts. | I. I. 2.2... |Autumn good? 
Ruckman’s Pearmain......... med. Ee Akin aces ee |Winter \poor 
EUWCK MAM Sos). saree ess + Oe ee meds (INC... Ee Ti2e2. aWint.cood 
RUMI CAPS series <5 es tan med. Vite | I. 1.2.2. {Winter |good ? 
Russet Pearmain......... .... med. |< 263) HE, 1.2. 3.. {Winter good ? * 
Rusticoat Milam........small;_? {| Il. 1.2.3. (Winter good ? 630 
Ten D0UKET RS cose er oe Ae i large ‘Eur. | T. 1..2:.2 Winter |pocr ? 
Sarlly Amine yee... cast. ok med. IN. Y.} Peso 'Autumn good 
Saint Lawremee......... large (Can, ?| 2h Acutiuman good? 
Sty LouisvOrvleye? e+ oo8 25. ot large |Mo. IV. 1..2:-1. . |Winter good 
ALOT See CI ete eye hie Meyers 8 | eye lla arog ace © Wea Desa, Ses bebe he lle meres Oc 
Samy VOuness.c neae ac «cee eas small Be I. 1.2.3 Winter |good? 
Dab Mey. seyret ee eine oobi ermeeer South, UVES os I Oe tee gamete 
SAnisMebee cay WSs... Sh. d. | o2hs «.: South) “ied. ~ | .8 2 .cee renee 
Sassafrass Sweet.... ....... eee MES a eaieaset eee ae SoneTMTO en Aa Se 
DAWVEC LS WC tases nea as Renee. Sala AAT Sy awe || Te 2a et ences pale |e Eten oes | aeeeee 
Scalloped Gilliflower.. med. Eur. IT. I. 2. 2.. |E.Wint.!poor 543 
Nearlet Monupareil....50...50.. small (O.) i ote u 5 = | Summ'r poor ? 
ScarlefRearmainea: ss 28.2-x% med. |Enegl. Il. 1.2.2. 'Summ’r/good 
Scarlet Sweet............ med. [Ohio | II. 1.1.2... |E.Wint.lgood {562 
LEC tt 2) a ab ee med. |Mass.} II. II. 2.2. |Autumn! good 543 
Senveriisn.. csi ee ees med. Ohio | III. 1.2.2. [Autumn good 
DOCS Gis. cist... 72. woe (laege: | ind: i T.1.1.- .|Wanter, |vz ‘Sood: 
Seedling danet..issec0te i. d: med. |Ind. Il. II. 2.2. {Winter /poor 
Seedling Gi PIneh Wea. cee oe med. |Ills.?} IIL. 1.2.2. |L.Wint.|poor 
Seedling Nie Verialta ns se kee med. |Ind. I. 1.2.1. |Winter.jgood 
Seedling Parilers tee cs er © |e spear DA ab D2... ‘ll erc'2 oa xleeaeistarcte 
Seck-no- Further —Autumn, Synonym of Dr. Watson. 
Seek-no-further—Summert . large | ? I. 1.1.2. \Summ/’r)good 
Seek-no-further —Westchester| large ? II.. I. 2.2. |Autumnigood 
Seek-no-further—Westtfield..../med. Conn.) II. 1.2.2. |Winter good 
Seek-no-further—White...... large /L. Isl.| TIL 11.2.1. |Autumn/good 
Seek-no-further—W duitie BG large 2 JT. I.2.1. /Autumn|v. good 
Selby Bellflower...*.......... large a il. 1.2.1. |Winter |good 
Selma...... AMEE SOIR med. |Ohio Poin de. BowWint: |v. 
SCOR Ege quesagen eee eae ene large |Ala. Vea 252... 2 Winter Na gd.” 
PMC CAN HeUMOLU LC etre a ia) eerie ae ieee ele LINAS | ASSES crete aan al acs Re rb se 
September large |Penn.| 4 21. U. 2. 1. t ‘Autumn good 645 
PUCIMDEM..............-% g = ) TV ose | 
Shaker, Synonym of Early Pennock. 
Shaker Redstreaks. ... 2.4.0. large | ? | IL 1.2.2. |Autumn|good 
Shannon, Synonym of Ohio Pippin. 
Sharke’s Greeminiory 2.'s $5062 V3(c8eb a US ee Na (a I ee bh ‘ 
Sheepnose, (Sigerson)... .... | eee Mo 10 Pee ee ake "Winter Saves iareyett 
H | 9 | 
Sheepnose, (Mears)........ med. Ohio? ae i 2. “ Winter good 645 
Sheepnose, (Ohio)............ small Ohio? -Il. 1.2.1. |Winter good | 
Sheppard Sweet.............. med. Conn. IV. II.1.2. Autumn geod 
Shiawassee Beauty... med. Mich. I. 1.2,2. ‘Autumny. good 459 
Shipleys- Greens: nic: 5.5.4: med. (Va..4 DG E21. Winter poor?) } 
Shockley......... ..:..... med. Gat .-|..II, I. 1.1. Spring) sood.- 7495 
LS Tb ote ee aN ee a ren Pes Bonny tn 1G, De. Steers Mites ts sf oer | 

Shreeve, Synonym of Hannah. 
Siberian Crabs: | ] | 

CREED eee. ent: eae. Ss small }.....: | WT, 1.-2.4 @ehamm shag 
Double Flowering....... small lie sate] Leo te poor 
shady Crabeaseel. cde ods small ii aie 1g eo eo * good 


Name. | Séze. Orig. Class. | Season. Quality.| P. 
Siberian Crabs: | | | 
lich deceme Gell lo} Ape ace Sri Le ee Il. 1.2.1. jAutumn good 
Montreal IBCAULY. faisss eee smaller ess. 2H he ol a Wt se a 
POWCMS Heeb ie aiacsteaiorte ole Sun Ses Ses Tete: ali. > Fe 
Mellow tetas faces. see oe Sone) ever te IO A li, Pail 2 te 
SITETSOMIS ORG CV ese ese oe large Mo. LY, E251. 4) Winter ood 
Sigler’s Pound............... vy. lar. Ohio I. 11.2.1. |E.Wint.'good ? 
Sigler’s Let iS ameee aoood med. Ohio | III. I.2.2. ‘Autumn good (612 
rely cL hey ll sang ORE OFS Laas Penn. ; ‘ i i + t Hees hte Poe 
Sine GUamMONeaa eee eee Jaroe Ii Isls)” TE. 1. 20) Summ 1 ivescood 
Skuttikyrs.eciecee ses. csa -on--darce IN. ds. I. Uf. 2.1. |Autumn poor 
SleathesMvOnyercs see aeerne small Ohio ie 22> | Wanterscoode 
Slingerland Pippin........... large N. Y. I. I. 2.2. _|Winter jgzood 
Sluo Sweetinesie wa. 2: a. ote med), eke I. 1.1.1. |Autumn cood 
Small Black.............. small! 7? Ill. 1.2.2. |Winter jgood? |613 
Suddlley sere hasee cant esc 8 med. Conn. I. 1.2.2. |Autumn good 
SMS Pippi sas: ones ae ack small ? IV. I. 2.2. |Winter ‘poor 
Simith’s\) (e442 th. as Jarge Penn. J Pe = z t Winter good? (614 
SMOKENOUSC Hesse 2. te oe ier large Penn. I. 1.2.2. |Autumn good? 
SM OK ivy owes eernece ac. wile ip appice Key. o| eee. kee eee [aces eel omer 
SNEPP! Shs cee voce cce sees large Ind. | Weal pa Wa Winter v. good 389 
Somerton Sweet......... Os Nee (On| 1; Lia Ante: F 
Sops-of-Wine............ med. Eur. i S22. | Summer good 615 
SOUNMMANMD OA sete ok cee rece Pte NOM T a where hE ee ee Rap Fa Merc sear ier 
Southern Golden Pippin...... es eee South, Hie Te 2s: sewed. 
Southern Greening........... ‘med. Ga. I. 1.2.1. |Winter good 
SoOpih. Mowmiaiyy ke «ies we sa tiecics.s adc} Ve Pe ar Winter (}o. je. sae 
Spafford Russet........ med. Ohio Tl. 1.2.3. (Winter ‘good (525 
ln 6 is ashe. N58 ok gn 2 Jarge South) IV. 1.2.1.  |E.Wint.v. good)674 
SPECk] Cd Oe yarc ere reeks terse iv sees Perma te wien. 2. ull aeceeraae aca teins 
SPICGss Mare tee crate. eo Shye eh med. (O.) 190 10 Phi Winter aa 
SDPICSs Pea Rte hei ee ses ce aes Ne cena VB AN RR cas c4 Yel avg ob [LS rene oa ee gear 
SpIGe IeippIiMess anode eee large (O.) 100 Een eye Winter eee 
PLCC mRUISSeb errs. seteete ein med. (O.) EAE, 2.3 Winter v. good 
Splcetsweebanncseees: -colcue.: med. | ? ed Autumn good ? 
SPlCerSWieeliMewe ss: cone. ols aee, (Gian GS) GIGI Te tiple ae er a bietocecr 
Spice Sweeting........ ..imed. East. , oe _ ai 5 | Autumn good ? 474 
Spiceland Sweet............../med. Ind. Delo 2) Winter good 
Spitzenberg—Flushing....... med. ‘L. Isl.; Il. I.1.2.. |Winter |good 
Spitzenberg—Red........ .... imed. (llls.) 113 Fh ie) Winter poor 
SPOM@er eae THEY icles =, Se oa large |? Ill. I. 2.2. {Autumn poor 
Spotted J Bpl) 0) ONS 4 5 Sena eects eS larce s(niSh) a) = tl ak ose Winter v. good 
re) O24 1) ee ee ices atc 2m small ee? Vi, aE 25 Autumn ‘good 3 ? 
Spring Pippi sso. esa. oo. eee eee TT. F..2. 1,: [Springs seas 
Springer’s Sec Mun hy acer en Ohio 1 ae Oe Spring poor 
Stacia. foc apes sh ie es med. Ind. | Il. 1.2.2. |Winter ‘good 
Stannmard..................: larees INE, a i 2.2. |Winter ‘good 544 
: eae | 
Stamey ssp pcceenseide emcee | Syeda South ; Tae on ' Soe 2 | pees | 
Stansill). ta. 5. eee eee eee PSXOM O01 AR 0 Eb BR a ES epee ee age 
Slapk sc cede Seth Ree large Ohio | III. 1.2.2. |Winter good 
ucele Seeders mentees med. Mass?! wild. 2.2 Winter good 
leeletsESWeGtercerseci weeps med. Conn. lone oe aa Winter food ? 
Stehileya nu sceet tet ont tae large Penn. J. If. 2.2.  |L.Wint. good 
Stevenson s) Winter... 5.0... med. Miss. | Telos a L.Wint.|..... 20% 
SUCWARE gins Sar iat ae heat a eee oe eee Ble Te Qe Pee ee eee 
Stewart’s Nonpareil... small (O.) IL. Il. 2.2 Summ’r Seoul 657 
Stillman’ s Marly cies = 2 xfs oe small N.Y.) ei” ia Summ’r good | 
Sill Wale l SWC ieee clase ister large (Ohio |) “Ui, 1.1 Autumn goo 
StockadeéxSweebsiccccese acai aaktoters oe ee Spring’ 52 .cesce | 
Stole Sweets 4 cca lpacovaltowra- (Oo tarcuckackre: eee lea | 
PONG tis eertae-e 6 Tye? eran eat IMAGR 25 citi ee cscs Winter {. .: sced 


Name. Size. | Orig. Class. 
SLONE MSWECt ene e cce ose ae ais pee Cee 
Bhomemmnil, em h. s h ee ape (Alasiti4 IV. EE. .2. 
Lo) Gira l| Re Dis cee at tte a Te Ge, || Neg eels clea. 
DALAM tawape-cieesitiss wae eo ance imed. |Penn 4 i: 2. 
Simavunes Seedlings -. 5.4. Sasi ge. so. iSouth| III. I. 2. 
PUD OS a eratmasse pee wie) Lacie a ecoregideyfe Ios Tey 
Miriped AGhmMOre.... .se 4. sek large |\(O.) VU Ai 
Striped Bellfiower..:......... large !Ohio?| IV. IT. 2. 
Striped Gilliflower..... large (Bur. EVE ORES: 
Simined dunes 8 FF 52 oe ‘small | Va. Ve TO: 
DirEPECuOWeelc: a. <a oome tiers imed. |(O.) ee 
Strode’s Birmingham......... small |Penn.| IV. I. 2. 
NarOLMI Ghee gs aac 22 wo eek Ups, eo eh Kee nt atercrore ae 
SHUTIMeT Pappinies 2.) saste ee small |Enel. | gata ba 
RU VELCR ci acptt a oases See Oe med. Engl, ODI Ae 
Sudbury Sweetine............ large |(Mas.)| IL. II. 1. 
MUL OUKa Se MUlEV ese + care ae, ote|L. Isl. 1 ey a 
SUGADH cra mictars atin ace small ? ter Tee. 
Sugar ands Winters 5: . ou. Spek med. |(O.) TNT eal 
Sugarloaf ROP eee Sod se eee: Leterme, TUNE 
Sugarloaf Pippen ces ose.,tu." med: Hing]: Vin UE. 32: 
Sugar Swee@len jp os oat large |Mass.|_ II. IL. 1. 
; 10 ee 
Summer Bellflower........... med. |N. Y. ; TE & 
Summer Bellflower........... large |Penn. } a a = 
Summer, Cheesew.=.. 2.0... 0... med. |(Va.) pea 2! 
Summer Golden Pippin....... small |Engl. | IV. I. 2. 
BUMIMET GLCOM nics zs skew cle ole ne med. (Penn. TS 2 
Summer Hagloe, Synonym of Hagloe: 
Summer Janet..... .... med. Ind. EE, Al, 3: 
Summer Limbertwig.. med. Va. ) Saal a 
Summer Pippin. ....... med. N. Y ; ae es r3 
Summer Queen........ med. Nese? |e) beste: 
Summer Rambo..... =a ana uae ae ae Sou. ? | ed 
Summer Reda. c.c oss ake ae vee SOuihy|y some eee 
Summer Rose........... small N. J. NGI. Vee 
Srimmer Russet. 6... ..4..5e | small ? 1G td ee 
Summer Seek-no-further...... large (O.) ie nN, A 
NUMMeLSWeetins. a6 hea ae large Ga. DR es 
Sum’r Sweet Paradise large Penn.| III. I. 1. 
Sumnum Bonum, Synonym of Bonum. 
SILC EAS 22 ee aniaS geen sae oer large ‘(Uls.) 1 a) (raga US 
re dae 21) Re Ae one eee see f. med N. C. Teed 2: 
Superb Sweet............ large |Mass. } = = r 
SU DII Sua asi ky Matinee oe sae Secs small Eur. 1G end eet 
USAR SP LCR ei aki. case sphere ale « «eas LQ tills tere ersett gee 
ERO: Peers waren cise wah sata Jarge |Conm.? |= Like 1.2: 
Sutton Beaut large Mass.|} HL I. 2. 
y ee fo} | abioe | Et. Ii Br 
SUTOMssN SCONE. 6c ss e allo - o- ofOpeidah| ool U Gh edi Oe 
aAr {UOC SE 
SSE Webiotatiee to oes ceenee large N.- Y. oat oe a 
Sweetand Sour......... laroe) 2 ide 
Sweet Beilflower....... ‘large Ohio VE re 
Sweet Bough, Synonym of Bough. 
Sweettall Pippin. ....)..22-. arge N. Y. traps ea 
MWVcet. Galen ais. 2 cin Sam fein med. (O.) 1 Fea lat 
Sweet Gilliflower............. med ? 4 A Baal a [2 
Swedt Gilluflowers. .2.i59s 3° -6 med. Mich. it Bora oa le 
Sweet Janet.............. large Ind. ; es - : 

Sweet June, Synonym of Hightop Sweet. 




OP PAP wr 

PPE Pe enwwwyw 

—~ S—- S~> 

— > 

-| Autumn 

- | Winter 

- Winter 


good? | 
v. good 





E. Wint.|g 
Winter |e 


Summ ’r}v. 


Summ’r|good ? 

Summ’r good 
Summ’r) leaod 
Summ’ ry 

: good ? 
Summ/’riv. good 


Quality. P. 



v. good 545 

E. Sum. v. good 616 

Summ’r good 

Summ’r cood ? 

Summ’r good 
E. Wint. 

Winter |good 




E.Wint. poor 
Winter good 

Autumn |good 

Autumn 200d 3 ? 

Autumn! zood 
Winter |poor 

Winter | good 

we ew wae 

v. good 









Name. Size. | Orig. Class. | Season.' Quality.| P. 
Sweet—Kentucky BEE este eee esis med. (Ky. It. I.1.2. “Winter good ig 
DAMALSHUONEPRIS SS G5 o55bop5a sen small |Ind. | II. 11.1.3. Winter good 
SweetiPeart 7.5 .05.55..;. med. |Ohio II. I.1.1. Winter. good {498 
Sweet Pearmain........ med. |(O.) ae ab a: zs t Winter good? |635 
Sweet Rambo.......... Phat med. |Penn. I. 1.1..2. B.Wint. goodt? 
Siwweet Romanite....... med. |West III. 1.1.2. Winter good 564 
Sweet FRusset............ small Ky. c - oe n 3. } Winter v. good|527 

| Tite MS ale Si - | 
Sweet Russet........-:... med ? , Tet t Winter good 528 
Syeet Spomge............ med. (O.) | i 7 : t Summ’r good 475 
Sweet Vandervere...... med. (W.) , at a e : t Winter good 398 
Sweet: WiMeree eee cs atemeneisr small Ohio III. I. 1.2. Autumn good 
SWeEGb WamMes Diese creepers med. |Pen. ? } a I: ‘ = ' E.Wint. good 
Sweet Winter Pennock....... large |(O.) DY. 1.1.2. . Winter<poor? 
Sy] Wester aiwsriee: Cs ac5 ket med. |N Ill, 1.2.2. ‘Autumn good — |617 
Symmes" Warvesbes. s2ss.n- ce/-eiltsee ae Ja rr of 2) 25. Summ rt eeeere 
Pallman’s Sweet........ med. |Ra i. i 2. i 0. 1:2 Winter fcoo0ds se bp% 
Mart Bought ssiwe.: sanestoienl large Ohio? I. 1.2.1. Summ’r good 
AWIGOMS ere cre Flee eae, Ionia “AUD IIG Oe eet et te chtea kee 
Ea OR FIVEG Mat erie eet cier ated: imed. Ohio? Tih: 2.2: -) Winterssoodi 
Tender Skimi2...2-c.40.2-- Small S:Car: Til. 1.2: 25. swantersive seaod: 
‘Menmessee WEG ses sseeciccee < med. |Tenn. II. J.1.2. Autumn good 
‘Pennessee Waldines. 2. asa8 i med. /Tenn.' IV. Il. 2.2. - Winter good? 
MerralilesUsie ssa. sere large [South IV. I.2.2. Winter good 
MWetomskh sc. c sees ess small | Eur. { ite a . #4 t Summ’rgood — |657 
Tewksbury W. Blush small IN. J. Ae HS S : ; Spring eood 416 
Whe Cook's Favorite..'med. |(Ind.) I. 11.2.1. Autumn good 5386 
MNOS AG abe MG sees see cer fee ee ess med. Ohio I. 1.2: 2. Summ/’r poor 
‘nom ais Waite memes ieee: ce ere ae South Le 222... Wamternk|. eres 
Thurmond, Synonym of Julien. 
Mitts ISWeCh NO... ser eessae oar ‘med. Mass.! ; atl: 4 " i: t Autumn |good 
Minmowih- seuss, «cst eke large (Vt. | I. 11.1.  |Winter [poor ? 
MDAtuSabip pirleshasers. Grace sei large Ohio?} IV. 1.2.1. |E.Wint.|good ? 
EO COCOA 2s teh siacne a sels jlarge Ga. ; oe iz Es > | Summ’r good 697 
Mopalencanrrn Sahat ues Rete ier Pee oe (Va.) At, A Oe go) | ass aye as a 
Townsend................ med Penn. I. I. 2.2. |Summ/’r'good {460 
Traders Fancy......... ‘med. Penn. Tee soe Wamter ‘good 461 
TUR Senay Tinie 98s pa. Sec cae olay whet ak wel iste OUREIN = Fy epee cece a els cee daue all epee ene 
Mranisp arent. erates ciate sl eles ererae [peeves Ba Car 0 Sete eae ir, ie 
Transport ..........0.5.-: med. Ind. yt fee : t Winter good = |647 
Trenton Early.... + .... large log II. II.2.1.. |Autumn best [536 
Trenton aie PRS fel el ets Cee Ohio Seid ave ule oeeetege ora epee eee 
"Eri ppPes sHOLrse &.. = 4c. asec ees South ; a = 2 i t Shee is eee (bese at. 
Trippes Reakrodd <. ..iatcb-atanees Sowth|.: Ti. OO. eee ee ae 
Trumbull Sweet........ med. Ohio | I. J.1.1. |Autumn'good 300 
TPnGee an ant OM con. AOI eR rie. tee cin) a fod: WL, dot» ber ce aemee 
Tudor Sweeting seers sete tae ae Penn: |) hit) Gis, aie jes Saba e 
Tit Sebald wile seetse eee er Jarge Mass? I. If. 2.2. Autumn good? 
Tulpehocken, Synonym of Fallawater. 
Turkey Greemimei.2..2-2. 25. large ,Conn. I, I. 2.1. |Winter. poor 
TurnerscGreeness.2..522 << med. | Boerae II. 1.2.1. |Winter |poor 
Tnrn-Of same: sishk 68 lade anc ‘med, |N. J. I. 1.2.2. |L.Wint.|good 
MUSCAlQORAr 6 ce ech ao Base Seas ‘Ala. 1S Sr oie ee ae eters: 
Twenty oz. Pippin.... large |(W.) I. 1.2.2. (Winter poor /461 


Name. Size. | Orég. | Class Season. Quality. Iz. 
Mwitchell: Sweets...) 2... << med. | Naeet. | ie Ma 2: EW Wint. ‘good 
Minions ses 5a Hi pae fewer t a. med. | Ohio J. I. 2.2. |Summ’r/poor 
eerie Mictmiliv7yatsare t0-1-:- 5 as 215. s\n med: |\(MUS:) | TL, 1.2.1. |W inter |v. good) 
Gini) SAUURCL AO EE Boy on Bee Se large |Ga. ? Tit, 1.2.1. |Winter jgood? 
Vanee’s Harvest........ small |Ills.? Eo isee22 Summ’ ae good 462 
Vandervere, Synonym of Newtown Spitzenberg. 
Vandervere—August.. .......|large |(Ind.) . 1.2.2. {Summ’r|poor 
Vandervere—Fall............. med. |(O.) TI. 1.2.2. |Autumn/}good 
Vandervere—Pennswivania..../med. |Del. - fk. 1.2.2. |Wintér |z00d 
Wandervere Pippin....|large |Penn. I. I. 2.2. |Winter |good (462 
‘Viandyner sees ot ese ase chose large | ? Ill. 1.2.1. |Autumn}good 
Vaughn?’s Winter...... med. Ky. E Ae S & ; Winter |jgood 463 
Vieineal Russetici. a. is si.- small (Iils.)| III. 1.2.3. |Autumn]|poor | 
Vestal, Synonym of Maiden’s Scan | 
Victuals and Drink....| large |N. J. If. 1.1.1. |Autumn|good (499 
WMineent Sweeta-.-. 225" ee cts med. \(O.) TJ. J.1.1. |Autumn|poor 
Virginia Greening..... ‘large |Va. I. 1.2.1. |L.Wint.|poor 416 
Virginia HUME )..5.52 24% med. |Va.? II. I.1.1. |Autumnjgood [500 
Virginia June......... See med. |(ind.))| oUt, 1.2.52. | | Summgr ieee 
Viircinias Mayers .....9. 8255. small | Va. TI. I. 2.1. _|E. Sum.|good 
Virginia Quaker........ small |/Va. Ti. 1.2.1. |Summ/’r/good? {580 
Voss? Winter............ large |(Va.) | III. 1.2.1. |Winter jgood {580 
Waddel Halse 25. ees bealhotes Soul) DVes TOs esi oe el reer 
Wagoner.............. =. (laree” Ne tY: I. 11.2.2. |Winter |good (490 
Walker's; Greenino. t.8 2 2-2. South I, 12). |Wanters e-smee 
Walken Sein plie. 6.2 2eciises|oe-0 ee South) Mii Ted. | Wantern iene. 
Wialkensa Yellows2. 2222... large |Ga. Il. 1.2.1. [Winter |good 
Wall, Synonym of Berry. 
Wallace’s Green Pippin.£.024jnt Vice labo Se8 ve artorcers OWantery [le jeteus «100 
ManIDOle ses onrtate ak «yeaa med. |Mass.} III. I. 2.2.  |Summ/’r|/good 
Wal waonthe. a ste, stead (etter: BN ec eae (orp Sa a a Peers (Seer se ncn 
Wierd exter ces sa ane a Annee. v. lar.|Ohio | IV. 1.2.2. |E.Wint./good 
Washington Royal........... large |Mass I. 1.2.2. |Spring |good 
VV citer ee ante eno ete aaa leopeen acess | aera DAES ads So eects ci oral eeteracnete 
WiSteree@h i yomeesh o .re-. olan, Aerts [fereacets South 1a ig a eel emrette a eig oo cm 
Watson’s Dumpling.......... large |Eng]. | III. II. 2.2. /Winter |good 
Waele si@rapry.: -shiacetee nex. small | Va. Ill. I. 2.2. |Winter jgood 
Waxen, Synonym of Belmont. 
Weaver Sweet... ...... £-alarce (Ona) I.U.1.1. |Winter good 
WiebbiseWainiten 2. sec ccvk Ons. sae ae ‘South )° 1, E52) 2. Winter [eves eee 
Wellford’s Yellow............ small |Va. ; an y 2 = | Spring good 
VGN AR Ss Se Otome acer tars adcce med. ‘Md. | III. 1.2.2. ‘(Winter good 
Wells, Synonym of Domine. 
Wells’ Sweeting......../small IN. ¥.|}"P 7 fy, | E-Wint./good — (661 
Wiest brooke s.s5.52.... kos ciseein | Be Se ae SV. Baan rete setyararteictera | Winter: |-aaates 
Westchester Seek-no-further../large [N. Y.| II. I. 2.2. |Autumn|good 
Western Beauty........ large Ohio I. 1.2.2. |E.Wint./v. good)464 
Western Spy.... ........ large Ohio L a Es : t Winter |poor 485 
Westfield Seek-no-fur. med. Conn TI. I. 2.2. ./Winter |jgood [520 
NESTON Sect rcs con daerherns lmed. /Mass.| ITI. II. 2.2. |Autumn/good 
WWietherillis Waites 3. scee <8: large IN. J. | UD. T.1.1.. {Autumn zood ? ? 
STAGE 0001 Sekt c: Parr a are large |Ohio?} Ill. 1.2.2. |E.Wint./good 
Wharton’s Favorite.......... large ? 1S Ee De NDE Tour good ? 
Wiheecler S Sweeny ...5.).'0 se, 2a|sto cm call eer eerere TVs Mh. 2d. \).a ee tes ae ee 
DWT RR sips telecast etch aes |locia cae South| ae, Tee.) | coxysate lee oer 
White Alexander............. /med. ? I. 1.2.1. |Summ/’r/good ? 
WVDTEPAIp PIG es certs ees cio 8 ee small |Ky. PV. Ladd... |Wanterst.csens 
WihiterAstrachants... 5.6. sacs med. |Russ.| III. I.2.1.  |Summ’r)|poor 
WihitesBaldwitt. 22.5.0. < large |(O.) II. 1.2.1. ;Autumn)poor 
Wihiter Bearers ono seeesete Swill as lll eters er - 4 ale he 

‘ el Tae sak 

NV OCLON? os,si0 oretej at 0s nis large |Penn. da 19,4, § Autumn good ? 


Name. | Size. | Orig. Class. | Season. | Quality.| P. 

White Fall Pippin..... large (Ky.) I. 1.2.1. |Autumn!good? 417 
» | | 

White Juneating.......\small Engl. ie : = 3 t /‘Summ’r good 417 
White Paradise be... .5 0.4.5 small Ky. IV. 1.2.1. |E.Wint.|poor 
White Pippin large » |JEL M21. | Winter |v. gooa/418 

DE ie sine sas one eee biG ietiy eon veel - OOD gay 


White Pippin........... large \(Ky.) er : 5. : ; Winter good? 581 
White Rambow ee 3 5.0. med. Ohio? . 12.1. 4E.Wint.!good ? 
White’s Lang Keeper......... large Ind. Ill. 1.2.2. (Spring |good ? 
White Seek-no-further........ large |L. I. Hil. 11.2.1. |Autumn)good 
White Spitzenberg.2. <2... ss med, Penn. oa E = y L Winter good 
White Sweet oil t. et med. Me. I. 1.1.1. |Autumn'good 
WWnielS wee tinea cms cee cme eee IN. J. RL Talal 0 eee eee eee 
Whitewater Sweet............ med. |Ohio | III. 1.2.1. |Autumn good 
Mini ie Winter ererecenee eece small (Penn. TIT. 1.2.1. |L.Wint.!good ? 
Wh. Wint, Pearmain med. Am. II. 1.2.1. |Winter |v. good|508 
Wihitmores: citctacen cms e med. IN. Y.. IL. 1.1.1. |Autumn good 
Whitney Russet........ small Mls. ? I. Il. 2.3. |Winter |v. good )493 
Wileyer eee ee Pe ee large | ? II. II. 2.2. |Winter |poor 
AWA yc athe HES ae large |Ind. TI. 11.1.2. |Summ’r good ? 
NVilliam er emi ieee 2s a5 anewls large |Penn? Fle 5 25) | Wiliter S| evealee 
William 2 ent)s.(5.-ceonme teas large (Vt. | II.11.2.1. |Winter jv. good 
Williams’ Favorite.... med. Mass. II. I. 2.2.  |Summ’r good 618 
Willis Russet........... small Mass. } yy 3° 3° |/Winter good [470 
Willis Sweet....... ..... large |L. I. Til. 1.1.2. jAutumn good {685 
Wall oly Healt eee cok Mee ee large (O.) J. 1.2.2. |Winter jgood? 
WHE ee Pie cic large |Va._ | III. 1.2.2. |L.Wint.igood (619 
WUT SO ea Re ie oe ce small W.Va I. I. 2.2. (Winter |v. good 465 
EIS Oe sce cineenens large |Mich.| III. 1.2.1. |Winter jgood [582 
WalsonUeip pincer score eek med ind.) I. 1.2.1. |Winter |good 
Wilson’s Volunteer... large Ohio | "Pp 3 3 | E.Wint. good? 620 
Winchell Seedling....... .... large |(O.) I. 1.2.2. |Autumniy. good 
Wine, or Hays.............. large |Del. | ; a L pe x t E. Wint. eau 466 
Wane=—Mallie. a ers ee ‘med. ? I. 1.2.2. |Autumn best 
WWitES AP oie eee wl med. |N. J. F Ue Me 2. = t Winter good 546 
WY BCU oo ise a wierd Boeke he oe ee ot My 0 Eas OS oe PARA OR gn ee 
Wing Sweet.............. med. N.Y. Jaap "yy: 3) ¢ Autumn good? |4z7 
Winn’ s anenet oer tk oe large |Me. | III. 1.2.38" (Spring jgood 
Wanslowwaccastigesctcnic Sec bewriee large |Va. III. 1.2.2. |Winter |good ? 
Winter Bone les. 72 hak hae large IN. Y.| IL. 1.1.1. {Winter jgood 
WanteriBbro0 keene? peek een ole ete South Tee 32 lees | Mainters eae 
Winter’ @heese. 0) dh utank large |Va. I. I.2.2. /Winter ‘good 
Winter Green sie Goes se large '(O.) II. I.1.1. (& Wint. v. good 
Winter Grixon, Synonym of Catline. 
Winter EIAIVGY: waa cat sees eee wee oma es a2 eA Wa ter alg neese sre 
Winters daniels eset. eee med. ? I. [.2.2. |Winter |good ? 
Winter Maiden! Blush, <2 2355-42. cee ISTE 2 cele — a) Walter. eaten 
WainteraNionsu@hic. -. large |(Ils.) I. 1.2.2. |Winter |good 
Winter Pearmain......2. 2... med. /|(Ills.) Il. I. 2.2. |Winter |poor 
Winte rabippimeeimniinn see large |N. Y. I. II. 2.1. |Winter |good 
Waniter IPs pineeeemen: spe ee large |Ind. TIT. II. 2.1. |Winter |zood 
Wintec Pippin of Mich.. large ? I. I.2.1. |Winter |jgood (418 
Witniteribip pines sess. ae VaslaratVite Ill. 1.2.1. |Winter |good 
Winter Queen........ .. large | Va. I. 1.2.2. |Autumn|good — /46% 
Winter Ram bomnnna- eon. MCW.) | eens Ill. 1.2.2. |Winter |v. good 
NAV WoW Ree eto Dok) korea ee oe med. |(S.Il])} III. 1. 2.2. (Winter |poor 
Waiter Strawbetky...s2:' aia. la seealaee oak TMs Lx232: ‘Winter BAR ie | 
Winter Sweet—Danvers’...... large Mass.! III. 1.1.1. /Winter ‘good 


Name. Size. | Orig. 
Winter Sweet—Golden.......)...... (N. Y) 
Winter Sweet—(Milwads)....). 0° 0 || Nea 
Winter Sweet Paradise....... large |Penn. 
Winger Sweetiio-....j.¢.. s.2-\:2 0. lege hE 
Winthrop Greening......... large |Me. 
Winthrop Pearmain..... .... large |Me. 
Wigtilert bea! mete eee South 
Woodburn Spitzenberg.......).. | ..1(Va.) 
Wiooitiand. icc, Nace eee Imed. |N. C. | 
Woodside’ Cider? .. 2.3 med. |Ohio 
Woods Greening)... med. |N. J. 
Widod?s Swebttescacshe.. 3.5% large | Vt. 
Woolfolks...... ........ med. |Ky. 
Worle Wonders... 5s.) South 
WWormely Finnie es. lek med. |Enel 
Wreston’s Prolite. .7. 5 Ky. 
Woecht s Apple one en cies oe med. |Vt. 
Wright’s Janet.......... med. |Mo. 
2.11231 ee A aia 0 ae a large |Penn. 
A | C8 a ee ee large |South 
ATES LLU TIG Tepper yl ai South 
Wanlkee WRiresetys <2 sone. = hee (O.) 
UT penal Rent Coe gta SO Se ae Bh South 
Yellow Bellflower..... large |N. J. 
Yellow Crank, Synonym of Green Crank. 
Yellow English Crab......... loners: os \Enel. 
Yellow Foster........... med. |(O.) 
MEU OW HOLEC. tc my eve acces e large South 
Yellow LEngestrie....... small Engl. | 
Welty JeBere: Meee N.dsts. small ? 
Yellow Meadow. 05. wc..¢2<; large South 
Wellow Newtown....... large |L. I. 
Wellow, Pearmain. 3.2.00... med. South) 
Yellow Siberian Crab........./small |Eur. 
Yellow Vandervere........... ‘med. \(O.) 
Wigg om Dis coed xen coe large |South 
Yopp’s Favorite.:....:......; large |Ga. 
York Imperial.......... large ‘Penn. 
York Russet, Synonym of Pumpkin Russet. 
DECC DASE NCIS Rem Bane Mieneens Dice |med. Penn.! 
PRCDER ey Bie ces ee hee small Am. 
ZAesler prSweet: 2 o:ids2. Sok ho, Penn 

By ees Ohio 

~e S 


Class. Season. | Quality.| P- 
Pied” Winters. sete 
sie Re ha te Winter’ | S50 tee 
I. 1.1.1. |Winter :good 
iieeae |Mutamalzood 
Rte Pare Winter good 
IV. 12.9. [Winter j7122727 
Ill. 1.2.2. |Winter ‘good ? 
Il. I. 2.2. |Winter |good ? 
I. 1.2.1. |Winter jgood ? 
I. 11.1.2. |Autumn|good | 
II. 1.2.1. |Winter |good? '509 
TI. 12.1. |Autumn'poor 
“1 12.1, |Autumn'good ”’ | 
ah y: i : t Winter |good [620 
Il. I. 2.2.  |Winter |good 
i. I.2.2. |Autumn/|poor 621 
rai ME Re lel hens ecicig|l eee 
ek es ay ere Ale We 
IV. II. 2.1. . |E.Wint.|best 692 
L1G a OR a ees ere re ey 
I. 1.2.1. |Autumn'good /418 
I. 1.2.1. |Autumn'good 
TH. 1.2.1. Summ’rgood? |582 
L121, ¢ Summ’rgooa 
I. 1.2.1.  |E.Wint.!good 
III. II. 2.1. ./Winter |best 649 
II. 1.2.1. |Wint r |good: 
I. 1.2.1. {Autumn good 
Til. If. 2.1. [Winter \good 
I. 1.2.2. |Summ’r good? 
alee Aa) | 
it I 2.1. (tect " good 
AS a iy 
Ill. 1.2.2. | Winter good 693 
I. I. 2.2. |Winter jgood 468 
3 UB Rcd ar Dea eet poor 
el le 



ee EO 

For Index to the Varieties of Apples see page 711. The names, 
civen below in small caps, refer to headings of chapters. 

Animalsan| the Orchard esces. aca ses Seen ae eee eee ee Cee ieers 248 
Apex, Dp efimittomiots sais sn. oe ch ststes spae bie ore ete Soleictes aia Seehal eta let =) ttre eens 359 
Apple: Botanical! Chara CherO bei scise ae eisinele reo easeveies eae aeae tee ett tere 29 
Gb e OBfyMMOlOp yy, OL jas si wks <-cin) o'er cere eadem cine: sjaje,e lnwieies Pipi alelereb re oan ame Siete ere 27 
EURO Oling snaHes pace sae ma can hoe Ona do aes oUbS naoddomeMou sats 3gO0K 26 
Lah PIN EL on Yer OOuuoting oy (poems aaeeasna oonoancsosdo Duss oot a Cocnons cote: 30 
‘©”* Original Sorts of Great Britain ..22 i. .c)0.cim-ce vie bia ectictve 50 lene eine ee 30 
Apples, As 1 00d dor StOCk m5 2.2006 os arches emieregein tes ois A re megareteesyniaralt eset se eel eye 18 
rs GerardisiList. of Seven ge .o.tras ere tien ciel stasaeae see iniseree emia sere 33 
ee. “Tow -lntro duce dis nP ete ctat eevee avc.g Sha aaah eet s 2s cis Se eee ee 

OP hensive uhi Gl toi Shee ogaansnt oAsoegdo sond00 sbos dann pa choo ovégcnc Ue a 
sl The Putmamewsist. es cecens cee ess eee hse eerie ence 25 
Jak SMUT TCINO EL eGadcdacme senot cess Ae pe pinye ors. astiesa eletalelstohstarnte mise tert gene tela 362 
arix | Geatne :. sit At.-inloleg. 2 aes. « sare os aitopers oe ea Sialaie eens ante Oe aaa ie eee 84 
Bae, Detinitiontor 3 0 Jue «os eeing s.n-belentigaiawieledale teas cited ee 359 
Budding: Advantaces Of 4.2845. .22-csnosnscmeetieey somes tae wees ge 102 
4 JATIVOTT CAT, .3, ek ee cicte ciek Arar Sine dn gre ets ae elects eR ep eee RSre eta eee 111 
ee Conditions Requistte -21.) v.neo5 {eee -#sp soca ta Sees mae hee emer 107 
ts Manner of sOperating, ji. 222 seca beh Me oe peels ets aren Sener eae 110 
Je Jed Ao Moh Ole Sheps dans ococweass dansoaco Hono gocsooon occu Dso0 adult 108 
= TRAE Bo Sais wea ete ated eee costae onota loin o's s ainte Beste wtelals spe teins et le 114 
“i Sus .oackconesWethOtleenr saci come cei ici hate eerie emer 112 
re Seasom for veer cic since ee eae aici eee ices miee ne ieee eae 106 
Buds cAtter Mreatmient? epee eercare hi eeiociiteeisiciee eet eeieer anki 116 
Growth tromipces seek ce eee Se eee is eieien ous ets cates Cem eesti 53 
es Individuality Of;-csse- NSE os Satie hie Gee aah he COE nL Cee eee 53 
Bese FROTI OVA Ove sta topsyere mae miciee ic rss EC oie oi etere ote aTonwtela oho aie iete ereretcs iSeaek eee areas 113 
eel Di bi ec eerie ergy So ie rete Smcetn Se aD ore BOON SooS CGO GD yas. 9ho3 Sc 114 
OF TN th ae ne eee Ee Ae Ct pare e Gm SOOO OOC OU HOI. Os otig.2 tc 58 
Calyx, Describedoti uss ccxten wrens waeeese ns SS ASMA Voce sais ote apesarehbsee oeeroks ote 360 
Cavity. Described iz acc sce 2 cn ciodeusatseeine oie eis oe Meee er raceienes- eit ire ee 361 
Cell: Grow ties oc aise ccise csie soe oe see eerie et anieie tiers eres) eco eee ie 52 
CHARACTERS (OF WRUITSE cones cree cha ce cicin) sc arhieeiee ristomteleteleipleeSltelec ice ile .350 
CLASSIFICATION OR UR UMTS ie accra erie ie cee siersrcie ite) ales eee toile eiarereie toledo achat ieeets 366 
Cleft) Grattan Gs ta.55 so. 2)s cavierele wa os cists cieng icgels Wh edohe roti aneuete lei pebo patos oleate Car tnipes tat =) fen 49 
Clover im: Orchard’ 2, cc iewe<.creisles were ieee Ce taea one ie teeta niet oleate ohne tele eae ee 228 







Cordony Era minors sss eoa Te eee Se AAS Fae ed alae A Sane emo Sameer .149 
CULBMURES ORE ORCHARD: 5 v5 Aapae jako motes on Sao Naeem nae otras a atsiehet aorenry NAR ee ORE 242 
Cuttin eh rench Methods a.s aaaas cece «tee cei he doals oe oe eet eerie eeisioln oleae 61 
e WieONCeHVOR Snes oe co How Cea See a eee oe ae tect eee 62 

oF VAM GTAN EO te eee tice ayers Anh «tess ee Fe sae wie a eteneve reine siete Ah Sale eienoore 131 

rg PLE DAAtlOMs Ole Sere < saes Sask Bees raee ot et 3, nd elere r O ce on ace eae 57 
DACRE TION ORVMPPENS 23.02.50 ls Se toate ate eee hee nt Oe ans LER ee Ol 
DIE A Classi CabrOnsg ys actinic occa aero Was ety Aa AACA AT Reet ee a OOO 
Dic on gvTOLeS ys acta a asvqs enclose aehe nat ot SinyevPsya gh «\-o-garay a caveeer ays map eagehenek ayers ee era Te rence Siar ars 221 
PiEreNULSENV eC Cs) snc a. ote nye cet vies sees ROR en Se Os Hie eee A neecners 125 

vie PUB SY ok AR oe NTS aor on Ie INE Has RA TOIS oo Crees ies eee 233 
Distance to Plant........ I ch eee RO Tm Bee PETS he eS ae cee 237 
IDISHASHS ae means samen aioe racers Saeie cites 29 BO TOR OC ooe TERE ne ee sansa erstere 160 
Disease: Applesbliant..2 2. ces geste cigs ooaie eee Caer OTe OEE Ee Eee Wire 
re 1S VGK S71 8X0) Re cere, Aine aah tte tt beneben Ar hide Re Hirai ye nites ag 4 178 

a ‘Black Katoteus 7s fant Sessile as ve eee oaks Soe riaeeee See ee 188 

SS Crack eda Hruitys ers sre conn ek Pea eae sod tyes 1S eos ace EP eee Rie 179 

f DpyKartlam dis cVilGNwis ic se wavaevess-icea oc) soa whe: vetoes alaavees enon ee eae ne pee 179 

= ETS CUSt OL HO Sbis cans cto cores a Oe AS Tei oe ees Eee 166 

a ATE GES OL MOUS tO Secs cecrsratie niererceree.sicuslonasaere sot ne ae ee ee 164 

ss Induced: Dy.-ENSCCtS ie. qecacs.bacaenad soca s ns 3a. ho. daisccrhe eens eto eee 185 

“ Tr AUC CED yudWiO WINS aacerareu chose von orator cretote’ everorh oko hNeteves teesteitere ere ee ere 185 

oe 5 «PERN UCR EE OG. SOINS sea ncits daub aaindalont Anand ee en ee ere 167 

a iankester’s: Classifications... ascseass ee een ak este ee cee oe eae 163 

*s Mid E Wiss Ju xodannatset 4 notes Reade trad kaso me oo oa eT 179 

- PaArapiti Gielamis aid AM OMe seat cit yeenctetoe ere araaeiaterette sire see 173 

re Pear BUG ..02 453.05: 4 oreo Seve se ccvdesoesaciva var ed eee eae dsaes seem eee: 174 

re IROISONOUS;| Gases canayooksen me ostwleec meet eu ak wale Cae Re eran aie 171 

‘Ss Rot-andeMiildew- ons Gra ped aicrareicctneten tint dace Soe eee re eince 195 

oe Sunshine in-Winter......:........ gg civinislevtlaln we sietnie nice wigeiwie us ie,e diets « bieie 171 
DochnalsiClag sit CH lO Mya aevy ters crstoks aeekspecays eta tet okceer ov aetow erence ler avetere aerate SC 374 
PRUNE co arene sate requtons spon EAS sere TORR SP HRTEM a arene eae, Re a Ne 214 
NUS WAASER REIN Gh ossak cckeinay Uno cere Nrclieh eter corae mC bacera ce ape PE ee Rencs fees ye he erect eee an eae 144 
ID vaetin o they Arp ple =n cksecas leases vottran cPoteernio ao ata ISITE eT ore a ee 156 
Ss IBy- Pin Chin eo acoicor saa the © oekasine VaR eee rete ee OR Re ore ae nN ee tee 152 

ss By. ROOtPruniNon 5 cr7..e unin eee eR eR NYRR c rehash lo tapaisheleem eraieh ne 156 

? By. Uncongenial Stocksts,..c-2ec. crea ck ener rrne eect in aromiaverchoa oes 150 
DWarline-SlOCKS Sic %4)bp dian oes eo nr tS tee nS ene SE ee ea ele ate See eens ae 145 
ESS e015 Ya ee ea eM Core Gs fd a er er Rute acca 148 
HV SoM HUIS s i ww sc hk oe Ne we EE ele ore ereeie ain Sit S © em cieia ye eile Ome oNe . 860 
HEUPEVIONY 5 tcvses:ste aisiarerb%e ateicra aiete ctaratetetas alaieie® lalete’e fatelerelomareteteiete telat eee SANS a ens olee BE MOOS 
Flesh, Character of...... ne ele Aaals os Beran S eh eee SGESN vin dha G be mrahndee geen Grit COU 
MGems-of Bruits 20a sei Ss a eden Ran be sakes A MR Re ones oan lowe ye MOOR 
FEAST: AL ECE Slaven ss a eacsioreP a teraraia inte (w tas ace ln sSrare abe etn o eepalatota re tele te vm ell ae elnte ate tene aye etek 284 
Brit, Ininence on Wealthy... 226.4 stains sloeernt winnie ap tiene wie dieteee ane) eras 16 
ot sp HOSTS AtLON CONCEFMING, 5.x... such Bis wots oro s+ ks Gis ere whe erate wereiticle se ete eee 15 
MUR OOM ss s0lds ae sictiele Gare Cas Foes Gee oe eae DUS ak wa Be Cima ero notes 290 
Gathering Hrs 2p .0 cece eek os nee eee 3S ROR AA SEAA TUTE BAAR EARS eee eee 282 
Giradin, Side: Gratien .o0s.25.caeosinceen sea ek os oe we S42 ke Erm wasn eee oat 82 
GanGie dy TLeeSieeas esse lass sch elete VR eee ebrek soe eee sees dlniss BwRMe cunts Selare eee es 85 
GUAPO greens taeda bac bel eee Rake owas SER ETELS TORS ED a ara ee eee er 74 
“é By Approach ioe kine idee teers oe Rae ares side Re MO eRe ie Ae 83 

ween) DARK Aiea g ise dates eden Wd Saw a haere Saat EE TRS Sods Cae ie ae eee eee 84 


Grating: Charlatans) cee sewsy ys sion, spose oreleteneraa cers eyes ctebonet ssayeraj oleate teretatet ett 31 
. (0) 1-5) a ey ene ee me ME ye eR meng cor Momo son Saseeee gn cc "9 
se INGE aye 3.3 Taco ar ya sanortyasaget Bt iss epateeats aCe Clon siole Sole eee a7 
‘5 Tn Gh) INUrS ery: 5.5, sere: easscs, bie dhe poie epotenarcierenae oe Sater ael< sets ee ee EES 87 
ce Physiological Thimits 5 4) eecct ce wae assis aolsiracer sioner 75 
a MUU OY 5985 ae pages cs ain pepatsnapesete Tame ese: taal eyoatievel n= Rusiate ouaceicven ete eles) area ae ee eee 84 
es R00 Ga Rae eR Peet eS Nae OR OIE TOC Ce OES. wet Ors 88 
$8 ade is sec ccs! eremkes wae ooo SIR elie ek oie alsleteols = SR Eee ee 83 
s SO See REO OE TaL tes SINS 4 Series on Bemtaing = abominn in cece om enc ci 81 
ee fo) OUI ena eeee Be en any OS OCLs o OOS OR AO OS Cont TOOndcod DoD ace Oar 18 
ee Warenits VA Gia CesOM. camera toes asia -fachl erage paaatasacieaa cit ee et 34 
et 41 chibi aie renin eer obo: Eo eash esa cuen thee oie veriece Neel inee oye ose SEO oe ee 78 

[Griphinvavem\ ibe amareapoea ce role ae oto ca Bebo ad omeoc DSU DEO Cres Com enone oOo O70 - 97 

Grasses/and Grains imiOrchardes arctosrs isoaiets acres se aiaayelel sia ciel ta etl eee 243 

(ETLOD ANC URO)COhd ol eHEOnn Ber toiadeg Beco s ane ce eee aaah pean cbarioo obo ocnoS: 53 

Meadine Room Gratis: herr. <pevrscpe cssee lpi stsioes iol sletstorcisisie%s SOME or eer ee BORA 94 

1 i (jalnialer 7) ean omnia Bt Goon ion more Apa See ue e CoO OeT OOO SDB D Ano A soc ops. 235 

1H GUSH AOy es ACO) Us OVEN NO Geet oo Pees ons cone SUS DCO ON donno o IS Oo0Da sooo: 26 

Hoed CropstiniOrchard 20225 atta saa ona eee RECEP eeC rere 243 

HOME ANULRENV shat Beat ere eee eee oe ee Gee oak eee ReDeD eer ere 136 

Eivbridsyandi@rossese.a-eeenscmercis-eol taser: eerie bie hee cee een 38 

Dikin OS TEx pPeLIM CNUs Heys eee uclexstek peat me aeecusieys ciclo einoeieiste sie teeta te ral Seon aerate 4-4 

Aniarc hin oe ee De asi festa sioays ete ees vipuciaew Sakae le ee Pits swptoainne & bea eee Eee 83 

Hndian OFCHAASs5.2:5 uiceraeeed eee esas clerera nse oes OR Ue eee ee Ieee oe 20 

PMO CUVEE O's Se cvs Nees Bess ear ois hea am eee exe selec Seuss ches ae Rola 102 

MINS OTS: See crs a's ea ee Wise eRckl CUT arte HEREP Re SNS ile Stel R a ree eta 294 

PAO COT AMS eile hk alae eo IE Bark-lie) ocss.. ccieeeence ee eree ole 

VAC CTIA Ee XUUOSA: .). . 2 skropeds eiatocis eee 841 Beautiful Wood-Nymph............ 332 

poiisteformis..............344 BGCtle scsi wits cdeace ye seingeeneneeaee 29% 
Ee PYLE... pond ceicee se gaseweseee. > blisber-Wies 9.5 uate eee 305 
¥ tip uliformMise pena ce ren oes Bostrichus bicaudatus.............. 300 

AlypiaiS-maculaber deca aves sees 341 Bound Mree-Buey. caesar 321 

IATHETICAM WES MOM yey clears ere aieistecie et 318 Brachytcenia melamias.- 2 cic ueees 338 

American Currant Borer....: ..... 299 Buffalo Tree-Hopper............-.-. 321 

ATHETICAN JHOLLEStCT Agen) etic ae 341 IBUCS 00, erases Dee we eee ee eee 309 

Amomala IUCiCOla Sass yeisierses 25 on = 304 Calosoma)sScrutatons: oe ote cee 307 

UX} OL O00 e eR IBC OUD SA aoe coe 312 Canker=WOnms tiviosjeeenceeae 336 

IAhiip | Cerasiy .oaginiae sgacicee tates 316 Carpocapsa pomonella... ......... 338 

O° Janigerasca i. ockanies seen 318 Cecidomyia grossularie......... 2. 349 
uti) 117) eee eS Serio once coe 314 Cecropia Emperor Moth............ 829 
£6, * MENSCH yi, (iraiy: sein teeters cio eeias Sli > iCeresa bubballs: 3. easss5 ieee 321 
Bee GEMM OM ce cet penta: ease 316 ete. TAULIDA: 5.5, 00 ies HS teeter 
Sehr STUDIS:. ase seeee ee he eee 318 Cheetochilus pometellus ........... 340 
Bas TVA eG ics yuetelone eee eee 317 Cherry Weat-Louse:s..)4.4ss9seseee 316 

Applesbark-Deetlen canireee . seciler a 301 Cherry-Tree Borer® j2scne<ioneme sie 299 

‘Apple Bark-lOuSe pis, eieeierecieicit= ie 310 Chrysobothris femorata............ 299 

‘Apple Leaf-louse ee .cieaiemacerees 314 Cicada septendecim ....... <i 820 

Apple-root Bhioht.3. cae. ssc se aes 28 319 - -Clisocampa decipiens. 35 nae a. ncce 327 

Apple-tree -Borer.e..svie6.o sees see: 298 COCCIGIANS, |<. .2p0) as eek costae see 310 see tesa O00 GCoccinelidse, six. cascscee se oweetnaee 367 

JAnctia phalenaiay +. 4). 6) oeeee eeeeeo Codlino=Moth Renmei cakes 338 

ATMA IMOMEeRTAKS S asin scene eres 321 Coleoptetains. sc cele aati Mecih coors 29% 

Aspidotus conchiformis sae Uae 810 Conotrachelus Nenuphar........... 301 

_- 9 


MuTTANt OLEH An. a acco ee ve eee 344 
Currin WOUln aca jeeiice see cele: 337 
CO UNVOLINS eer artot eset coca: 334 
AAA MMIMISH ees cess ee oe eee 332 
Melta=WMOERS hrc. ete aaa ee OO 
DESMA PMAGHIAM Sas 10. cccceo eee: 338 
DICCTCA: CivyaALiGala, 5-4. oo ste ce 299 
MI CELA neces cies cero eee ee OAD 
Eight-Spotted Forrester............ 341 
Hrythroneura tricincta..... 2.052... 322 
SF VALLI Nee. mace otra terete 322 

LUGS coer Satine 322 

‘ Villive rail e te eet eee 323 

Pil Opra: TiDeAnide vaiceke oot coe aeOok 
MOMMA be aseste cscs coe eee mene 332 
sf UML Oe eco tases amos 
HUryOMiyEn MMMAe SS oreo oe Secon B02 
aU Wiel=W Ollie ses oo eetae eee B25 
Gartered Grape Vine Plume........340 
Gastrophaca Americana............ 329 
ME COIMCTCES anaes aoe ie tee eee OOO 
Gooseberry Midoe 22252. s00 ea 049 
crape! Ville DsONelyw ces <2 sca cee 344 
iGrapesVanle) Heeders. ja-a-c20s0 se O40 
Grape Vine Flea-Beetle............803 
STARS MOPPELARoemase ea or ce te tee 308 
icreenwinee- bier selene 2 ene 321 
Ea Th Cah Aly Oa cece ce cere ste 303 
Hand-wMaid Motn sameness ae. 332 
Harnessed: Moth: occas cc ..cos 5 cee rOeD 
HOrmerMlies:..: /aheceaset eee ore 809 
PV CTUEPULCLA ne eens ene cao aee 309 
HT OrnMBCClle caesar nas cee ee TOD) 
Mybemia tilliaria.-.*.-.-+s. cess se oo0 
VIN ENOMLCT As. saccisine cae ce 345 
Ey PNAMUETAILe LOL ae \crnernce tee ici 325 
Lachnosterna fusca............ 2232302 
Mad yaBITUS ces avec Aes cece oe ee 307 
GAD OIT-CAterplucul... ce «Cele ate < es 329 
Wont IOEDS ss.age: sfat setae s cesta 337 
NECA PETSIClee sss heme sy ke: 
ne DVL Meee cs nas cccstere on OL 

ee Wit ss nace ee ele 

RE DIGOMLETA joe a ks corse le toe 324 
Leptostylus aculiforus....... Stes 301 
Loxoteenia cerasivorana............ 3335 
ue TOSACEANA. seein et sere 838 
TIGRIS: CAMA cryaysin itis a stetee nee er 
Macrodactylus subspinosus........ 364 
MUAMESEIA, ALCHICA. oo. ee sacs ee 335 
MAVIBECHE cane re renee mee rote 303 
WVU OR A Mess ce aarti aac cack setter ne ete tote 825 

Nest—Caterpillar .......06....5..0: 827 
NeEurOpteraizas cam cod. abe eee 345 
IN@CHUE $5.2 Satdest sx be Seen ce ee 334 
OHiSHMyTONss S225 ..32ee55se4 Cate Ie 340 
Oryeiaentiqua: 9. aes eeeees« Be acca B25 
Ss SAleUucOstlomap nee ear eee 324 
Orthopterdiass-c eee eee 363 
Otiocerus Coquebertii..............328 
OwletMothy+o3 sc meeieen Js cnn peeood 
Paleothrips mali: - esses so. senses 320 
iPalmer=W-OrmM tie sy te eee on aoe 340 
Peach Bark-Louses 2 ss:it-satiaee st 2 COLL 
Peach: Pree-Borerinises en . ee 341 
‘Peach Pree=bouser. soyeces oie eee 
Pear: Bark-Lousels ssotsse at) eee 311 
Pear-Blight Beetle...... rar vatacbare ree 300 
Pear Blister-Wlyes ce Scone scneton 302 
‘Pear Slugy.2: <3 Hoe fiattlavttdlan atin Rabies 347 
Pearl Wiood-Nymphies. oo.2aac. ee 332 
Philampelus satellita..............341 
é AChenlOlere iano 341 
Pelidnota punctatass seca eee 303 
Pemphious pytieecaccse as os eke oe 319 
Pentatomakioata.;..s/ 5.200 ss oe oc cook 
iPenthiatoculana:.<< 2/527 section eee 338 
Plan tnices a 25's ss ees soe ee 312 
Platysamia cecropia............... .829 
Pham ent ouse.ts-essee eee ee 316 
PlumeWicevilt Sete eee, eee 301 
Pomphopwea Say =<.) : se2ese- ose. 302 
ProcrisAmeriCanae.i02- eee oto ee 341 
Prenocerus supernotatus...........299 
‘Psyllaspyri sis var: ) ae eee 319 
Pterophorus periscelidactylus...... 340 
Raphigaster sarpinus.............. 321 
Reduvius trinotatus..02.0.... 0257. 323 
oSse-Chaferiennn)..dacedenwansceeee 304 
Rustic Vaporer-Moth.....:........ 325 
Saperdea- bivitiata.s 22. ees 298 
Scolyhusypyelerw sence su yw oe 300 
Selandriacerasi.d... .ccunce ooo 347 
Ks VIULUS; ASS: eevee erase 348 
Seventeen Year Locust ............ 320 
SPAN-WiGTEMS <5 5. asns schenian toes. scOue 
Spi‘osoma Virginica............... 825 
Spotted-Winged Sable.............338 
Single-Striped Tree-Hopper........ 321 
‘Vent-Caterpillar.....chasaovescceee 327 
Pholia aM ivittata.. News tieeskrerneee 321 
Thick-legged Bupestris............. 299 
Three-banded Leaf-Hopper........ 322 
POM CUS) Mali:.).1.2 fhe - sede ee ne 301 
PPOVivices <2 .ceee eee ee eee 837 


MreesHopperss. -.)..:. soitsdeee sweets 320° VinetDresserz. is... 0. t\.. bise indent 840 
Pree CUMe ra is) apes inirieh eacis eis 304 Vine Leaf-Hopper?.. 2 ..-- sasaeeaners 322 
Waporer Mio thee veicats saad assent iets 224. White Grub scciccies as. ch seeeee ee 802 
Willie CADIS Ee captains Neste acarieteecielata 317 White: Moth: as.e.s.04% csi eee 
Wine PBATeWOUSE sa... )25. -cayeisisreteuere tris 312 Wioolly:Aphiss.. ssc « ssh eee 318 
Vine-Destroying Leaf-Hopper...... 322 Wounded Tree-Hopper............ 823 
TN TROD UCTION «sco a isteeus io! -uatvreiotnie ie epesap tee clots he ahs cnet /o- nickel ih ease cl ee ear if) 
PONMMY PAW PLESCCH ee epee wi chapctere cette veteyapauedersye tei orslesalexecey sl osetensieyeetsuererstaatats ete <¥aiet ae eee ae 20 
Martlan d7s: Biaxperina ents 4 i.a.;00 ecencectarsetstevcio: sheets won: ¥oietous  atohcoie Mihcke taewe ey oa eel eae 40 
IDEN reat oa WAVE E nuh eRe aH nbd Som ano sdo eat bode pudds dedabucocoamcopanaaa Cones 67 
of Phe: QuinGer. Mace ae ceeatincite me cies Labtec ices See ae ce eeeeeee 67 
IDEN ee Tene Hee OMe an ee aon Coa reCOeton eBrodIe soo mnOGt sos oom boo Qedcoc 66 
VEN Ie been Ee Rano man Anon: Stato. ds Sie cop onmaD DA peoeoC Oba de; oo GasyooaC 219 
Manrinine- thre SNS e ayer elses eee aide sees ieetgete coer cial Sieke adi ova Sesdepaeiareeieees sin hate 127 
IMCKini ohit) SeHiep enim er US ae see ee eee pcre rte aici velele gis icieleie selectins 36 
i) Gb (CLIVE Salah erin onoumoaddsen boos saad boadn bana gD oo sdodE IoNnGGdo Se 2msc 2. 227 
cc Fn ste Orchard sarocc. octave ako oa seeteiatels ais'o-a (oleic s.sivies sa soles tore lero ares 246 
BINTESOLYaye teveserers ne eieiomicre is cre oh terete Sec tore dela leis os esters eee area ean ee ayaa 120 
Bey ob Chive Nees Wi sxooan soo oce qoadasde pia) Sod b's 6 Bfarsuele WSkb a a herataeee 140 
an er OU ADE O} IeMiantine Be oo See AC asad aaacon cA aaEmTOOObAdAobsrm {345 S05. 130 
Gees (Gaia lunes eagaauaneesaetaso aoeO aco oda a soAadsesadou :n0G sbooa 87 
et RhevHOmie! in 8 ieee o nee eee ae eee suas Paiaiar ave wragere sae ie  pltersie pe EERE 136 
Jind PE abi MO lire oRaHe eS Mee ATA EME Baca O So Donoouas dod s8 FCC 128 
Woh Cyne baler yee res TAOS oats I Ar eines Gh ogobocaGuEcdotoosin ooo ao be oils gOS 127 
Oia. (ORCI b go en ete Ee neat int a Agency Aad SA MU OMOOM UD GaRIGO SnD SoG oc6 5 138 
Co eereparatlon Ol SOc esc te ein 1 eee ee Oe VEINS Born aS Gch 128 
Ke Sibeand Soll LORkss cer <n kis ws case ae Moma oieits Ae cn eee ce 123 
Gey abvabrraiboveathWas a5 (Soe erAos sseboradauas MmocmobeccogrHoDoeasaooBRe oC 184 
es WV stiratre rs cc rn OTN Seis pape ates rege ies tcl clerotcietehata aletclsiere lets oie eta Nicte Reet rene amae 1388 
Nyee’s Fruit, Preserving Ons? 25.26 os 26 tiheeaaitae cise se 22 eute teicher 291 
(OVA BIRO NEN o 5 Sy Goo oad cpouadac DANO UOdoD oUnOOndeOnoONdO ona dGMp Adams ass 20: 22 
Onehsird oNSpeCCh OF six suqu Sit! icroisiaane oie va wale sae Pe mew oes Skee ete ReRetgee 203 
ee ‘Belts and Scneens Love /jcseacieiee te stares cee elerrer oy sfoe ere ei ieeieree ea 205 
ee Old miReorattine: seme neeetiee ee ieee ile eee air ae eet bawese 85 
ee PREP ArAtlomsOL AS Ollscoil eels eo eletelelo ale neler eee eae erate tele 2138 
ee SilestOMs cas seahorses. 2 OSIM Ds ose epete ghana lenis acre feaereleeh ah rae ena 198 
ts SOWETO Mes AS aaa Ga cosas ubocodeatine aan De kOe. augoC sales eieisecasieey teers 208 
PAclane MenE Uric sorties ke Se ethene a tomes soem aatereeeNe aide Somes 288 
PHILOSOPHY? ORE RUNENG sari cles catia = cleo sistele Selsekst lee seme ee Oates cretatels (ote lore 251 
Pinching Root Gravts: -....Avcnss tac seesb oop aesoe eee Ores esr n eee hee he eee ee 94 
J eA Hale Oe eo areata eas pubic lS foicolays tne cake ieee leisi ce eee mre ea oe Ce eatin 223 
of UNetey Castel WReY2\=| 500) o4 AeA DOGS GEAE 85h roca coucocs Grea daumo 22s l4c5n: 135 
te GUMS es astern crept ne eet ee eral ehesel shepaeeelers Sake Se SOY eshte See 131 
£3 DI SCAMGCE ras, los oper ensiciny re at eheke eco eo ere deve ier stelle a aa tevcistay i altesesefonefshel ete tee tee 237 
tt Mixed cee tees a2 hn. Svea ae Te NU chae loletaNave.ejrteeiode aynic lemraya teres lalla fey ata aw cveR nea ES 238 

of QU Ua Ky. Seen da ack aasiclok one skpebey axe ie fovereyelo ls sieieiel > eiesne een sNegetny Teas be ter eke 240 - 
re D eeYopes 6 hi) it ene een tre ERMAN ESN SAM Setar Men cise Gatco omad Crk co 93 
af S@ASOMMOR cathe oops eis tetateecsscre coke oleic etale eayeietepstointals Ere terete feet oe ete 226-236 
ned oh, 100 MA aM aM eer So amass aod) cosas oy od DOOneOOe do Soc 216 
* A bole d Xen O Fe) 00:40 legs AeCINER as Dae eo dono ont UdeeooocHbaariosoucn sedbi. 245 
ot OldjOrchands: Fake yi eiscee-r ss ofa layaytate eS) speteraerale etexe Toke = abereketokal te betey = tetatene 250 
TP OMEN apres big = sialetev os sesialetes ois cara Neate ews Se a bolots ola MEO Stace tere earners dleeadrdic roe 34 


PREPARATION OF SOIL WOR-AN ORCHARD. M2... 0: 6... o. oss os... aoe 213 
memo peruney Wreck LOMPtan te. Ae sca el onl Pes cinta o, dave wanda cae 224 
Be HAE AU AERO a te) tel srk eh pa rege ee so Re eu ks acl. ok «Owned ae 131 
nese CENMAL EG STEUER) Mc wt UR ese dat hon ict ah weeenonhwiieciye, Sa Se 52 
PROPAGATION, SwOU- I GRAWEENG.: 2. 0.1. ecu ew. coin eckcecddeue cccueelee ve! 
PROPAGATION, SECT. LE =—BUDDENG. ......220. coco edaaecoed don leeee ast Sasa 102 
PROBAGATION, SED, LV -— Tam INUBSEBY soc ccic ca Pian sootentlegds sede ak 120 
eon Wy Cumin tere o- 5 otra sistas spate ave Eerste se ers Oe 57 
gee DUCKCIS tre aera sas mereeen ct went Walehegstesie eee ee eee ae 63 

re gg) (2 5 ene ae ie ee eR ee < eee ee 66 

ue rol SCCOUSs zat sacar ore ee ee ener ee pat 70 

eGR Een OSCE OE 0m 5 Sesion in Chancel Seay aie ii oeco casera Ase Sal ae 252 
ed SESS F005 ih so 38h eae odes Sate Re Pe eee 260 

es UI oe a mee er. ae ee 259 

* SUN Sy RPE Sie font a se Se homes a sd caries vin a ee 256 
APOE NER te IC rs Set ne Svs need nici lo woven how Raeee ke a 233 
Rpelreume PHAN. 6 oats osc cece ats sotes tenioan ged eee ee eee 240 
Regratting Old Or yeleurelyaaprer aan) fuss cat a alee eee el, ei 85 
Meichard SiGe Grabs \ oh cies545.s basen eae saosin oy ee RR eee 82 
Brule VR se oo Sc sic ts Hyioet aos sere x 23 Neveu re qn ro ae ee ee 114 
SESE ASU RALOY = VE So 4 cissal seta otra Seam 2 x's Se Isa weded og re 84 
REP RNING ANDO RESERVING! BUTTS SS. oa.) see duet uikic Uae st 275 
HOO ts ABeCCeO Dy Said aes 2 Sa 40 1 CO ake. ndeeeeeoe ea hes spiel bine alraperts oe dads 123 
: BUDEORS: MESIEADICS Soe net sla eCe espe Sam eee acts ee 124 
ROOST AINEE visas ho eke < oceans «08 cob, Zan. aie e ey Cs oe Snot evans, Rn ce ee 58 
ENCES IL RSA otain ste vhchs nists CEOS ida rae SA es ee a 88 
MRK ep Een ty EL RINNE hpalercin id arn arte asa Sew ie oe A EE Ee 93 
“€ Stee AER CN Aes Sens onic Se ee BEE on Lica Ee ee 94 
MUO UE PULLIN chee rete Mie aa aah Lon Olh < eagle Sakae ons Racha eee 124-147 
BEGG GEASS <5 shir ace ci re wae eae Roe EA TP real Glee 83 
LO rr ee: ee wd A Gal: A ne eee ee, eS 100 
Boe rile bo Caters 32en Gs oot aie. 6 eee =. Sl. 2 Sys heey ee 100 

fee ERGRCEVAILON Of) 550. cs at's.c0 27a at ae ee ee dandsite. wie a ane 100 
pease for Planting + cain hcs-mae ge digds oe Wee eae DE ee, ee 236 
meedlings, "Treatment OF nat seactwn 2x0 eauncehnee aoe ek RE ak ee te el 42 
UCHR: MOBI GR Es oii. s os ces hana ck re aS ee ee era ee 364 
: Pregeryanagy aos 5 cies satis cee ye ae EE a ee ee 70 

PE on OWL av lhiws ,0.5 acta a apie nines. Hee rennet e einem Ct: aL ane ena A at 
SEURCTION AND PLANTING. 2: ; ..si2 ogee ar matnamecind ora an a a 229 
plirtyelied Wreekes .'. 5/002 sivcccee ok aa eee ee ee ees Sele 236 
po LE | 2: a RRS Sg cs Sane a Ge ye arc A oS 81 
PSUR VVAVECOR i655. wc nase Sicseie, 2 sap Pe Oe ce att es ie ao 24. 
PrEEL POR AN GRCHABD. ¢).: cdticatias see eeei week. Oe, ee ee 198 
ANOLE MULESS S27 aca sind uind s CART es cask vote ERT ae od ae 356 
ee TN fs ses x wore Se ore w aN SS oe Diet aes 230 
Pear Ol Brats. Charactersigl. +0. c.cagesscc ce eee oe a ee 356 
Ermey Mees ih LCR ALE s:.0. Gs55,.aokon be Ho Cee ee oe el aera ae ee 238 
Splice Grarfting........ catia esorsvareral arate Sim esi Seaee eh aa) st cits aiaickeve Cia spa Ee ee 78 
REM CM A Wet Movants 6s Shes Cee ae eke oe ey OER a ig ME des ae ee 221 
arREN STURT OL 3. So, 5 of lah .et Poo Bea ahead al ace h eee ae ea eR eae = Cae 362 
REDO G Lets DIM EEL 5.5 0 a retains ay SM av Haiel a, dorian ak ole DEMME REA 145 
SHEE GS CU (ES el a oe See A So oe: ane eam a patie eer ey |< 95 


Storifig: Hrait. yao... osvnss i ss ceeistys URLs oats ee es os SME ee eee, ata eee 286 
SUDSOMING. cc ces ceithn ken su ohne en> ce Waskeen be’ oooh ye ire dotdhe alle d wale ccie ts Wretavel een 218 
SuCkKers wissen ie iwc aks sch Wee KN ENDS EEK 'o[s ae EER UNE REReE ieee EEE eee 63 
SwinesmnctheOrehards ssce-cal:t cece wane ccenuin ee mae heme eeiae Sore e ee yee ner 248 
IPTENONIING cis os 63 626 5 2402 2 Bh biwh tre Seki emis ab Na weal elie Drea ote Mee Aes ree 263 
Mhomas?. Clagsiication, 0 c<:.) Aoaewes wae tee ee eee Lue avdis RRs eke Seer ce 367 
MreesyAa@e TorsPlantinG...-tn 2 cnn enema et Le oats Seed tues Seidel eee 135 
Mree Digeer WHarkness? x :iie ancora tse Ho bla d SAS ANS OR ee ee eee enon 126 
WIRY SN CTTM Oise d caer ye, cc Ae 1 eae HOMIE Meret MOEN ay ENC ime SaTeA ND Nev avon rere ree terrae tee ert oe 216 
Mrimmin esn Nursery... cases eee eee Cee ee ch cto hue RteRe Me nto Oa Renee 134 
. Ko HOLLING Se DUI Rea enn SS eR AAS Se NEN tar AGT Gt D4 
DVIS 6 50s edb dence lene n Paes Sos tes Ue Sete bd 0 TERR Sone eee eee 79 
Value orOrchard Products cctncetrrenciooeh stores nk oer ieee ateee epee 10 
Van Mons heonys, acececere cae ceaeee Ghee ulna Sete Asie Whar ctptanay Netanar evereta Maat 40 
VarictiesRanmenerOuticsacssc. co: canned cahion ec fee. 4 cose Secret eae eerie 47 
Warder? siClassei Cation rnc. re cotati veces asl nats COM aaien Be ER ORS eee 19 
Wax Gratthie soci. os Gecac bu tints c sien cic ahs aretarenete ate eae cen atic ein cine ene eee 97 
Whi pe Grea Glia Oe ies ois isin ea Wieeies Dee we Seenmiey ato ei nosis SESE ai Spe Sree Sa ae Cee a ee) 
Wain be ran ge aslawocr sae steht SAS emee Aline woe. b a vers view mine SIO Ee ete 206 
be BVINUIES C1, Sra ggu ose avec ororotatoiers oo. ars ores cieiais Sieisiatals oer ele penne dees 188 


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